Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 14, 1868, Image 2

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Si.Tfr.iuT Mor.xi.vo, Nov. 14, 1SGS.
The Lost of the Platform.
Democracy seems bound to disaster,
On the third, their paper platform wa
mattered to the four winds of Ilcavun,
never to be seen again; but not content
with the general smash up of Democ
racy, spiteful old Boreas mised the
wind on Tuesday night and turned
their platform in this town topsy-tnrv-cv.
Like the arches of Irish oak that
once rang with the eloquence of Burke
and Sheridan, the old forum of De-
.... .... ....., ...- -. .- -. -..
mocracy here has echoed with stirring
words. In the rickety old concern, the
mocracv here has echoed with stirriutr
spavined and wind-broken war-hoiscs
of the party have pawed and champed
and snortcd-there Lincoln and Grant
.,,.,, i 1 . ttt 1 1
and all the lesser lights of Republican-
- -
im have been tortured and dissected,
and laid open to the admiring gaze of
the unwashed who were wont to sath-
. ' ....... ' .
1 IT.. ... .1.-.. 1,J ..In.
.v..... w. ..v....,... - e
.i hni intiti.lnjf ttltli Inn r-rntld
words, "liberty V and "Constitution", 'jMirity nfrcusoning it is supposed that ( part. Let our people show a corros
lrom the months of then who had no he co'uld buy .the right to disregard 1 ponding zoal and they will have a
regard for either. How often the that instrument altogether. And il a naA tiirt.e ycarb'nre over.
-.. e -rw. 1 1 (YtimwKiH. lor a ince can override . -
. ." ? . . "... l . .
their puces irom that 01a lorum anuu
-.V .n.1 AnmoA thnt tl.or -r
,r,i,, rin.nK- ;n th fnnt'tnn nf
-Wobste'r and ilenrv. Well the old
oA im 5,,,s5 d'ou-,, ...mni
;i : .i.:., .,.t ;i t:-i..
and nobodv seems to care.
Voti.no ox Piuncu'X.s. An incident
iuin,auu imvu aunu mr vrraui ana
Colfar. Seven of them stated that
ther had voted for Andrew Jncbson
forty years since, aud considered that
in npnortinrr tho Konublican ticket
ni.- tlii-u'.,rvnlni.f,.i-ii(Ufi- .
nw-i aiivi m v. i vaat'ai vi v i VI irttal -
ciple ot the old Democracy that deserv -
" a-
od to be perpetuated. We rosret that
wc arc unable to give the names oi
thect eicht veteran, but the L'uion
men of Crescent Cit
patriotism by votin
vTux Election ik Oreco.v. As was
cxpectod, the Democrats have carried
this State by from 150 to 200 majority.
Had the Republicans not boon utterly
.disheartened wc would have carried
it eron against the rear guard of Pri
cvV army that i still dodging among
the mountains in Eastern Oregon, and
the borders of Idaho. Their victory
is equivalent to a datftat, and their
June majority of l,eoO-thus whittled
down, shows them that their doctrines
aro doomed
We havo not neanl
whether Stout,
contv have instructed vou to resijrn.
Dovouhearr Conni'tencv snrs, "Be-
'eisn !" Decenev navs, Heaign !" ,
.lour rccoru savs, "itesicn:" .ua ,
..- . - .- ... -. '
Aim ,
i meet ,
;rnion ,
the countenance of every man you
on tuo streets preactics you n sermon
ou the dutv of resigning. You have
voursclves'nrescribed the medicine for i
bucu cases as tlito. a lie right up then ,
uu lime a udu uuso ui ruur (in cat.
ebrnted rcfgnatLn bitters.- Ortgoul
Da. Xoute Coi-ntv. Democrats iu
Crescent, City say they have swept the
lirri.. riit.tt-"n "ii-i V.M..1. 1... i..-..
'majority for Seymour It is all t.!?,
ona.ugb-.tUat County gave Seymour
eleven majoritv, which is seventeen I
.less than it gave forllnight a year ago. j
A IJuiilkhqve. One of tho most
-plendid burlesques in the world is to j
aA rktmn-rnftn n-nrnr. tlnliv-nrint, nil.
took place at the ik11s in Smith Ktver " oh OMs''1 nrtt Xo overran place, introduces a peeuntarv elomont '""S't " '" inc """ v,"- moui:g i' :. ann i. iiioh '' n
nrecinct Del Vnrte CaBntr which is ' 'T ''ffislath enactment, his nrgu- into political contents, xrV,A i tulcw-' vation a tho .MownwJn HoMe (2,231 cx.tn.ol gmiauui.tit i. J.. ,U
., ' ,. t.. ,, .' . .. et tliat onr Lonstttiitiow. in mis re- Uted to wurp rean, kind c pn-judlce f.) a4 t,e iuUical or starttue point, I ol " " " Iipom Imm
worth recording, tight persons, the IM.ct $ in contfect with the law.i of the and bt irruption. And its eQVeU !j ", : V nt r tXs Ibifa ' "w 'hMP'd Wto ! ('jMl .'J
youngest of whom was sixty-five and states ; ha: while that may 1 trnc, as Uk:i individual. i are in U-w caws other ,Wl n,a Bp , r. ,. . ',., i ! jrwrur 6,9S. Ortut'.prmot ma-
the oldest over seventy-fne years ol long a il r-mai iu.y-rattre, it ran- ihan disastrous, rarndoxienl ns the ,n a sonth-ninttirlv iltruetint:. Jj rl:y U :, a alight gain ever vcrtrr
age, rode up to the poll's in a waeou dKtwrb the hamonvot thelUpnb-, aM.rtion mav seem, the locs ot Wt- turning in a north-easterly dirvction 'day ol n. The eoatitie vet t be
.:.t. .i.-c. ....i c. .:..... it: . .. lie: while on the other hand, an otHrer ter-are much more than their irains. i continue the tirt-v ammi.l the I brarJ '.ruu Jt-fiuiulu-lv ari- iluuibolili.
Chapman A Co. hae yet handed m . er country to the otl.er of any persons' , w , u rtujdvctl into lMb hwi'' a wh,leuhttyt.ubstaiHse,e.
their resizmuions or not. It is cor-, without their ooiimiu. "" ""'"' ' " " f j . k . fa . .
tainlr time ther were doing it. Come,, Aw. 0. "The inhabitants of 1, , treaeury dnnng that year wa- -",- J Htt , to hlr hJ.dr Zl
gentlemen put vour own principles iu- oonntrj- bhall cnj.y ii. the other nil the -30 4. The aeMbie projrerty of ' s.rw,"l to lour huiidreti eet.
to uraetice. Th'c noonle oi -tlultnomah rishu of travel and ieidoicc ac.rded Jaokson ooantv w fcl .&! fi? ou ! u ,s "ttr 0l,,,,loa lDftt l li the liern
dresses on the Constitution from under
"tho shadow of tho American flag.
Democracy is now much in the con
, dition of a man who has had a severe
f pounding black and blue they have
v the blues iu the North and the blacks
in' the South.
.6rd.im.iN-a 1 Just as the Lufavetlo ,
Courier went to press, "Jasper WJJW jd"s of Constitutional law, and it is
""heard a rumor that some of tho Nortn?soraewhal surprising that men who
-iern States went ItadicaL Wonder if
-Jui nerves wore startled much V
!Poor Illair once remarked that he
.s vould rather bleep with a nigger than
t a iDemocrat. It KeeuiB he lias lain
-idown with both to no purpose.
1.A11 Oretron exulianiretavs: "Demoe-
ricy Is inarching on." A great mis- i
tabe, they did'nt march this time, they
went by water.
Oov. "NVood- Veto of the "Iron Clad
Chinese Bill"
t'nder the date of October 13th
Governor Woods returned the bill to
regulate Cliininicn in lhi iitntc with
hi objections-. The Governor cites
calik'i 1Mb tf tin CuiiMittitlon of
Orocon. which forbids Chinese from
coming into this State, and then argues
as follows
"Thc Constitution .s al-o that,
"No money shall be drawn from the
will nnv one contend that "any rulia-i-
ous or theological institution could
be licensed to draw money from the
- . , ,
lwa"ni?" ,or " T ": t . , IlJi
ailV isimila....... van uv ir;.ii vn-vu
tn own or work nnv nunins ciaim.
- 1
when th? Constitution expresslyro
hibit him. by the same syxtem of ar-
gumentation, any religious or theolog -
leal institution can be licensed to draw
'"' ".'... .t... t- ..,.. . n.,.i .. ,. ;,t.
lUKIIt III' II HIV i 1 . ,.......- ......
.,,.. n,i,P hWp urovision ot the Consti -
tution. The proposition bears the im
pn ot altsunlity iiiion us mce.
chnse the rlsrht to violate the
WIIU IIIUIll-l . Jill Vlllil"""! .."
fnfinn in niin rpSJMH't Ur HIP S.1I11D
the Constitution. I sniipose it will be 1
aiira;ao,f i,r tie ir;t.mis of the "Act"
.a .U Or' U the r.e: iniendeU t uon -
lor m wW jWriMw upon the CAihth
'" Al r " A I
K0AUI,,"!ri",:n. ?:.!", .."J!:1
T' aiJZS r:S: ' : . r "
.-. '..tu.vo.1 mt viol:i Wlintlmr
, wise or unwise, a proriskm prohibit ins
M I A .1.. -!. -A ..Uiu
Chiimiucn lrom the ex rclse ot certain
i rights is a part ot m .onuiiuiion,
ivlin Una ianrti tA kHniafirf tk Piiaiatt.
ut,ou f tj MU, OMMtHit
mains part of the supreme
to the violation."
' One ot hit- must
weighty objections
I it contravenes the
l0 ln l,,, ' tnnt
i Constitution ot the L nitttl btatos. and
I constitution oi tnc l iiikhi atatos, mm
a- . 1 t - - H.
. . . ,. .
a . . . ! a-ll -. .
' violate a treaty wun cnina, matie un-
' "or " on which subject the Governor
'..Min. i.twlti-tna. f i.il.,i- u
S .' -" ..w y .....w. v v.
imrauaiice tkenro and
r- n. .......,;.. .!.:. uc ktnauiuiion 01 me unutrtt cr.jw : , -; "-." ,. ,, ' ' tne mile 7: 1 P leet.
v aiiiirueiate their ., .. . ....,,. ............. . tlniiiuiwU u-ko u-il .t.o n-5ti. Wtr -... i """' '"-,p '"'
S them a haud.-onie ,'i,, iB.s - ,i.. i,t-l ?.-- i.Lth smt tlio banl ennnns of weeks nwlP?0" ",M"W
W shall lie made iu l.uwnai.oo thereof and : th-moi.ey w hieh i. neesled by I for the moat part
.11 I..U...V, ,.!... vt.i.1, .1..11 iiMitneir wivet and oiiiutrcu
,n,i.. ,,ar i b HHtl.nritr oi thu rnl.
ted state. M.-UI be tbe snirreme law
... .... .
ot the laud, ud the juJsei iu cverv
Male thall be bound ttiere.hr, anythiu;.
iu th Constitution or law- of any Mate
to the oontrary nutwuhxtandiiig.
Iu the mouth or Ju'y ot the present!
vetuc, au important treatr bvtwirvu the!
United dtntee ot America' and the Ta
IVing Empire, commonly known a the ,
Chines., treaty, was negotiated and rat-,
itibd by the Senate of the I niwd Status..
In that treaty yon will find the follow
ing laugnage : Art. A. The right of em-1
igration from one ouuntn-to the other." an oxceUtnt condition. For the
b ruoosniae!. I.as aUU he na.ed war 1W57 the total taxable nronoriv ol
by uauhpunUhingtbetraualvrtromeith-
to tlie moat favored citii or u!j
of an other State. But notliing hePI;
m ooutuiued shall be held tocuntur nSt-
? .. . .1 . -.; ...
uraiwauou uiou tne cituons n tne
uraiiauiion upou mc cuiiit'ii.s in iiif
Uuited States in Cl.iim, nor iion the
biibjeoU ot China in the L'niluil States."
Ihe Goioruoreoitoludos lit- rentons
lor!not signing tho bill thus:
I nat tne act in quewion is uuiireot
, iiumuuii in iiie aiiimwuiiia vi uic uw
'tv, as appear, in Articles i and 6, mat!
referred to no one can question. The !
.States, under the Constitution. hne no
riuht to iuteriere with, or in nnv wav I
to embarrass treaties made by the L'ni-1
,ted States. Their relation is stxbordi-!
-"?)"- - ---..., -. .... . ,. .. - .
- -
rwiuir0mont: ol the .uurema law- if the
land. I cannot consent that Oregon I
ha" be stiirmatizea ns a uolaiero! the
national faith, in a recklces disregard
of the Constitution and treatit-s made
' pursuance thereof. The act in que-
"l " 'V lUllfiniClll, l KTOICIOU 111
every sense it is in violation ot tho
Constitution ot the State, nnd in viola
tion ot the Constitution nnd treaties of
the United States, and if allowed to be
come a law would inaugurate a syatum
of legalized robbery."
We should think that the common
sense reasoning of his Excellency would
be a severe rebuke to the members of
the late Legislature. It npsots all their
pretend to so much knowledge of the
Constitution, and to much reverence
for it, as our Democratic legi-lators,
bhould attempt to violate it so palpa- J
Sued Wheat. Those iu want of seed
ll'lidfll llOfl l.nllAi. n a..l . 1 1... 1! 1t7
......... ....v. uutbvi Mj'i'ij ouuh lu.m. ii ,
- uecsou oi i agner L,reek; lie lias only
a limited supply, and it is the, choicest
article ever offend iu this valley.
The Railroad Survey.
In another column will be found a
report of a survey through soniu ol the
pnes of the "Cascades," for which the
public aro indebted to the enterprising
citizens of Ahlai.d. Although the
the passes examined are much lower
titti tliit nvnt- tli mlrivnll tlinrn I '
anot,or whi0i, the surveyors had not
" - '- - .-""J - -
limn to roach. At Grnbb's house 011
Dead Indian Prairie, the water is 400
of 500 fMl ,owcr than tlC mat of UlC
mountain West of it the water Hows
into little Butte Creek, and it is with
m 10 feet a high as any part of the
iaut-j 0tftveen there and the Klamath
' countrv-hence we conclude that there
. . . . . ,
j aitill n mitnli lAttn ttntu timii fltnn
"iwwi .v..... ,...- -v
ttr,raled by Messrs. llockfollow and
Mvcrs. If this he the case it should
1 iw"kl)0WU t0 a cc.rtailltv and it would
1 , r 1 " .1 . .
1 be well for the citizens in that vicinity
i to hae itsurveved nbo.
" '" "" "v "' " v..v.i.
Bkttino on Election". Wo
the lollowiii" sonsible remarks on
1 subJt " the San FrancNco MrHin9
! ChmnMt, which we heartily
Hl.ot any comment:
Amlnow, while bettor on
.UU anxions and uiert..la
' uwy b a good tune to read a homily
uinm the foolishness and wickednes .
.. .! ..I..l. I
ol vonturine nione
pr uiron the results of
.'iMitx, in the first
eivetioiu. Mich a i
cpuimiinre eonseaitent
on the cxt-itvuient, while it is provor-
,,wl ll1 monex made in thU way gH
Ilk Hflwlll- Hat ir rniHAai lir I TliM.li
,.,-... , ... . :,. ....
IIMIa nni IlirillM lif U'llal IH1 lllim 1 TIaaTVi Tfi 1
-- . aaataiav aw a .. .w VIIIMH1 (a-t1 v
i llu, motK.v llipr rik
Let thv eltff -
tiougon.it will, there aic many in
! . ... .1 . 1 .1 t- 1 . 1 1 . t !. .. i li"ivlisitiuiiy ui uiv iiu'inim 1 vvi,
ucreearuanaiironauirougii uu- hmi imviuuii, mm lre ' -r-im' l accept it uilliontlenr. it 1 can
il , valley as a certainty, should Mr. Mai- nronchua. Its elevation we fonml, by ,ae the me buwort that ha? been
. lUrv S Hill a?3 5 illHI II It lll iU l'3 itKiniiiiiw 'w ni'uui. iiv .-i4.. . . until nil' unto iui iui.iiimohiiiiu
I1 ' ..-..'. 111 ..-- 1 ii It i..!l- a. ..nrf I.i.si;r l.rt nliAlll li rtflttWhtlllt-. .-t..t ...v thiij . T ll.ntil- s ntwl
f M-ill liit fis,f Innl nt nhf(ff ittl lft 1 lt!lflC ft t IT f lit lllfimr lllflll lilt lflll liHUtl itlt tHIIVf? "IIP ll'illlUV iULVUIVi lit IMi-s
' It is true that what one man loses an- WUH. ij- i .-. ,1M,Mtin otrlMklt.-' ' v,,:th tjave 5T maht'rhy h Oorham.
it'lji.n it r. ,l... .:... i !.. -:.... .t... s i .l I " " " " " ...-.... --.-, - w r.. . i w .. t: 1....1. . ,.
law.coasent winner must bv stt the 1 ol time ; ,,?rtj,,1 "Uht " . , "''V4,'-"0 forllaight. Il tKw nu. ,X mI.I. 4
a I I'll M l llultt tM raual.l. . Ilfjiil lliiili a
aiuiinunu-uiexiiuiMiitureontqti8iit ' -.-, v... avrM , to the t..:nl we set a
this state who will bo absolutely rwln-' of thirty miles from fUtrtinsr point, and
edbythehs of their bets. litutdredMst ni, ..Wntinn nt j sm f-.t - Ju t
. ...in t... ' 1.. 1 . i.
! w. -tvi.i. - "J
!' fo them. I'or onr jiart, we
. -""' '"""" T" ..cawnr. ?M
a. I. L, at. ..-. m. ..- .. I- a.. n..at.dlt II . I
wn wror, ww w iw wonra w
.. Tj,.-.. .. T
w iii.-.a .ui rniipt jM aw uruu-
Hut any man irotn oting at au eh-ction
a. a Mk.au.. el.aa.aa 1IM.I.I.. i.aa.u. A a.a.1.
in wtJien Be ha a pewwiary italie.
SKuntTilTTiir" 7ta1tV." Ubpuw.-
We are indebted to Mr. Gaull lor .
vnpv ol the biwiinlial report ot our able
j-ftrv of State, Hon. S. E. .Mar.
;, .k-.J' .l.. - k. ..i :.... I..
7evnf mv v - nuiUHVin IU
wealth and population, and its nnanor
tUv &ial wa about S0oo0iki I.,j
1:h.ii Wkathisil On Tuesday nisht
aud Wednesday morning the Mind blew
. i ......,,., -. , .....I... ii..i. .. t
a porfeet gale in this section. The I toropect,thinkditVrontly,and whaH
htreuts of tho town were very dusty ( be but too happy if the they shall sue
aud clouds of it were driven iutohous-tceud in finding anything inure Uniting
es almost sunovating jKfOple. Alter the
nle, n eopiou, xhower of niiu fell, hn-tin
. . .1..... .... .n- ...... 11.. l . i '
!"' 1,e J' ",ost, cll'-,!t".v l'1
,US bul '""' good otherwise.
.. ,. ..? " ... " .. .. .. j
1 wtav llIV kj'iWM WVaaSa 1 IdVt
"Oct ix the Wuiilu!" Mr. P. D.
. .UCT lx TllK. " 0,:L,, Mr' J " .
ar 1 a aa a
... a . . .
iiu,' mrmerly I- ort-muii 111 this ofiice,
ntarts for San I'rauciaoo to-morrow to
l"r0' r- "m ." a S00i lr,1,u'0
steady and reliable, nnd deserve the
oourtiv of the crait. Good hick to
Ciiangi: or 15lbi.vi.6b. Messrs. Mul
ler & Brentnuo have sold their busi
ness aud largo stock of goods to Daum
at Wohlgenant. The business will be
continued at tho old stand by the lat
ter gentlemen.
ClIAhUE AT AbllLAM). Mr. I 15.
Applegate has bought tho goods and
".... "r. 'Vf ii . t.i.t... .1
, , .. T "' , ;"",a,m-
no asKn tor a lair snare oi puuiiu nat-
aonao aud there is no
doubt but he
1 will secure it.
The Library and IJeading Uooui
started by Sutton tt Stearns is a suc
cess. It is one of the most cosv ulaces
in town to spend an evening in.
I'isiiKii&Ur.o. -This lirm has recov-
t - red from the effects of tho late lire and
....Z.. M..t .. . . ... .1 ... .1 . .1
iirc uuiii (cinnvuiuti iii mo oiii corner.
They are opening a splendid stock of
goods and im ite the poor le to rail and
learn their U w prices.
TTTT7 '" '''-" ' "
Sentinel : Having
EtuToi: Sentinel: Having spent
ten days in the Siskiyou Mountains,
East aiid South-East of Ashland, exam -
iiiSiik it h'i..m ntul anrl'hvini' n rnlltP
c.i..! i''i .rtl,rroo.cUllv
.v. ................. - , '
submit the following report.
Altitude being one ot the oiyeets ot
! the expedition, we obtained of Judge
Tolman. enrouto lor the field of explo-
ration, the height of the Toll Road'
I Pn,, anil nl0 tnat of the Mountain
I House at the loot of the mountain, la-
- 1 ken, pcrhap, from the Surveys of Lieut.
. Y llliamson in 185 or 19o0. ilicele
! vation ol the former we found to bo
' -t.sno feet, and that of the latter 2,2.11
Hat in? determined in our own mmd . lJon tp b,(utt w,iom hM jIcn t,u.
through the representation of litimep ?Tvftl l,0nr olndministmting theGfu
011s individuals, that the Emigrant t-rumciil lor the nuit four enrs. I
lload Pass., was th Pa.ut we deter-
mined first to make its ascent. ctnh
1'ass, while the approach wore rug -
, , . . . ' , , .1 . 1.
gedand uninviting, though wc think
not by any means. insurmountable. Il
was now the opinion of .Judge Tolman
who had accompanied us thus far,
. ....
as also that ot oursehes, tnut tue
herd's pluw., at the lower oroiMg of
Lmigrant Cres , on the i.migmt
u, .
l' "'
I two miles below th Soda
Pais, a distance of twenty-Jive mHo,
'. and an elevation ol 4,000 f.-et ; Grade
. .. - ... a
m:o leet to the mile.
Then uoutina-
' " '" n ,,orlH rth-westerly direction,
c reach Cond-y s l'as t a ilit.iiiee
' ' e
M.Ma.. tk. ik.u.k
n tai. tA. kill tt t.
" i -t " - -
i -aa,fj i,t liuU l Miiatui- ui tl
' ade. exwut in the timUrwl imrtions,
, l.taU. I a.-l , -I -
LL. . ..
' nUIDH t'l'f llfTIF V. 1RJI alalTIM. aaVMRImV OI1I
; . --
' fourth oi tbe dMauee. iu regard to
eitrraturfl we would repntaeut- that it
" ,WUHl whUJr coa,lfl- .
I t Aewaw rf wMrl,, hoaerer, .r-ed
not uaru a rauius oi lew man live or
six hundred feet. In regitrd to limber
for ties and tmel work, and Hone
i .1 ...n t . .
" r '""-""T. wm o .onnn iu M
",". ,," r-'i"" w,w''"
! ."" In. C,u,',' ' 1 U-v tU co "
n of a tunnel a Iinlf mile iu Itmgth
I route to 1m found tor the exit ui a roil
i road from this vallov. Other iienous.
i however, whose opinions are untithil
to the eutorpming Batlroad builders
making this survev, after itrteriiit.
i .- 11 i .t ......
what is called the cove, on Walker'.
Creek, wo diseovored to the souih-cat
a dooti cut tbroiti'b tlio i-m.t nrvl.n ,i
ti... -v i..-.it.. i.-.t- .. 1 .1... t.-.
iiiw wviin luiiiinik uuun luiimu nit' i.mu
igrant Pass, nnd through whiuh the
ro.id could doubtless be rnsilv em.M.
iioorod to the saidpas; and Mr. Song-1
. - .. - i
ci iiiiiiiuin iii iliui juai livvuiui III1S ia8
through the Cove crest, near the ht-ad
of wRat is called Samson Creek, there
is another pass through tliu main
mountain, that is much lower thnu anv
of the others. Il that be true this fs
tho jHtrti-nlar jtot we ought to have
seen, and the eery plwt the road ou;ht
to go. While Mr. Colver eoutends
that to the south ot the Kmigr.mt Pass
is a lower one than any yet examined,
with Invorable npproaelics. So while
we have two that we know to be emi
nently practicable, fortune has lavorcd
us with n goodly number of I'acses
from whiuh to choose. Hut besides all
these, thero is still another one some
what obscured from us Hear Creek peo
ple, that comes in for its share of mer
it. It is claimed by some that bv fol
lowing up some one of the Hutte Creek
tributaries, Antelope for instance, the
summit ot the Dead Indian country
be reached without amending no high
by several hundred feet, ns on nuy "of
the other routes. We hope this is true,
for what wc want is a naas suflielentlv
low, not only to attract attention, but'
to comricmrit ; and wo hope the pec-!
pie of that country will looso no time '
in making the nurvey, andVeport upon
the route.
A profile of the route surveved ill '
1 be mnde out iu due time. " '
v ! -- i ivite ........ -.--- .- t,-
lipmi Tiwiinii l'nna trpfi mnrc nr.io , . 4. . .. rV -f4u'rt ti niirtim am! Lriirun.rrri.,
eilUOrPP I l l ) . -.w " iin.vy;ai -,-. ' ." . . "'" W lb vtStlM
t i-.- .... .. - ...- -..-., .. lfl tl'liWki I into lillliil'm Hit .( CA r..i i. a . b . . :. T .""
jtieaoie, ami tniuier wc oirrcteu our ,moh , ,,,, u.iriug the laM, few , Vm,t., -V;;,',' ,174.. ,i!J.
.tin. lw.lt. r t.lnn u- In ant-ipc ln. ' B ... I'.,... :.... Wr mil, cti-tt Sitailt h- hsc ni.c.f uffcrlnral.Lkii.'.a.lfr1
'it'-- " '- :. ' ,m ,, ;.t- " ?vV. , , '-""M'i'kM"im ,--".-.
. nin' na u-a u-.i.it ? f.iL-in. ?l.o. i I lit' liillrlut nr I Ittli lal ailil l-lllll- I .
( EctArmujius,
' 1.' . nti.in nf tvlilliM-nlit ni-nf.1.- l.tia .V-tOO
j ' ' ,i:pM.'.iiB,n...is-.. i.,.". i nn
()( con,jry . 4500
1 ol Sheplu'id's tonig. C 1'jis -,2S1
nisinm-i' Irnm NieiilicrtN to liruuu
1V miles; grade 04:70 hit to the
1 mile. IItnnco from lu plmrds to
Con.JrvVlW 3 mile-: irrnde 7S:lt
1 ft.yl t t,t. mil
shlniid, Ogn., Nov. 11th, 1S0S.
Cmatflo Nov. th.
In response to a sarunailc nt Galena,
1 lat night, Grant made the following
pceoh :
"Friends and fellow eitin-ns o! Gale
na: I thank you for thin additional
mark ot kindness. SiitHcient I suppose
snpKte it i no egotism in me to my
- )t,,a l! I011"8 Mlailcn ".
resitonsioimy 01 me i)omon 1
' iiwi a we;t ' ' " " "
1 tercsted petonallv ns much and more
,mn j ', nW iko ,)m,!l-1011 t0 U(,
Vt, ud.,yi, as I hwvo to-morrow for
I Va-hinglon, and lmll probably see
but low of you for some years to come,
I lf hmi.li If t .ihLI wlt'it tnii miiMt tilfmi.
" ".,. ' v.
llJw ',,"? fl"B1. " W"""
j ,v , Tuv hbo
Demoeratir; lo- in rxci'ss of gains
M?r.;nt of 3T!
' (AntgreWiao!
l.'itum-. f.ir the tlirx:
UwftgreMMiiil Uistrktn inekntbg .r0
to art-onnt oi IlnntUiMt I tt yi a'r, the
tieuree loot mh leui lor (inint iind
1-15 for Seymour, sho wing u mnjuttiy
: l6 (or oni. 'ji,e" xol f,;r
C'tmn-samait i 1mi than thvac fi'un-,
and it nill d.i-littul uln-tl.nr Ium.
I .. .....'
Will or .l..tli..U IS elected. Niollia
II naai l.d.l.Ia -.1. . . ... lU.-I .1.. m.m.m ...
."""'' -uw-Hiiiiih Mien-
llarfmn may cl eountesT in by a bare
nitij'irajr jtrulwbiy mi oWelal rmt:i
iiuy Ih ni-innaiT iu dclcriiiii o the rv
auit. The tulloaiiig ia the oflkul vote o
. "'
i a a
; ,JK1(tM V.OUntV
Vice flMshlewt :
Mr Frenient and
iir in imiiaTO nnniiur nnirninnn in iiim . . ....... - . rrnn:n ens i
T'allotl Dt Wk
'fr'infr 4... 9
t'l.hni Tm . 12
Appb-gitte 11 SI
Kor-i Cr.aj.fc ...,.... 7
Jm-kanr rttlf .:u
Klamath t. 94 f
Flownee Koek 9 4
Table Hock i... IM
BntfeC'rwk. 54 80
MniiMiiita. S4 si
"en. .............. 09 ,.....
Aahlanil ?. . ...... fit
Uueic Point 02
OmnPa 17 18
Inland If IS
fW tn-4t If 17
Willow Spring . . . . i 47
Evaua Crock 0 33
Total 57 US
M llll 1 III.IWM1MW IMMM ..MM.
CUaI'IN-Od IU bib ItMl.. tu (U l.c of II.
Chufiln. of r.Aek I'wlnt, awn.
Lt'V In Jiwjkt.mr!l. on III tb lil to tlic
wife t K. bay n duoghtw.
tVALI.ACB On Ibe lOlli lot.. nrer Keek
I'olm. lo IU wli of Jlr. Wallace a mw.
m:...,'.,. .Tw'M AI? na . ,Vf..'"' 'it?
. Of;
fi ...ii.. vunitm, Tituuziii ciiiiu ! ii.
i o t . ..-.-. " . . ---
and ."wrea A. Kwunor. twl
io ar.
iniiutlii ai.il one (lav
Wlicontta papers pleaiccopjr,
LINVIU.B Oil Ibo 12t!t mt nar flutlc
Crevk. Mary Jmc LItivllIe, gd two jar.
WTotico to Delinquents.
WE I hereby cWe nolle to J who orn Id
dctiletl on necoiinlt now In onr bands for
collection, that the saro ir.mi U tetlltd imim
dlately . or they will 1 med upon and collect
cd ly law. AIo Ihote ImlehUd lo Ihe r..NTI
Kii. mil do ITclt to letlle th.-ir ...n.lnl. ...ui.
,U.M V. l?xe sr0Kn "r,rd of dunning, but ttill
....-..v aV aa. at. wM( .)
TUE nnderalgnetl litis for tale nt his ranch
A on Viugaertri-ek. otinaatily or .plendid
-ed Vbeal. of Ihc white variety' It fa., to
cleaned with ecUl care, and rnltrd on nw
ground 03 purpoie for ed . V IJUKSON.
neek Nor lltb 18C8. Unon,
THE 0,11m of the County Tfcaurcr Li nt
John 0rlh', on Oregon Slroni.
r t. ... .. Coouly Trcaaurer.
Jackionvllle.Koy.Htb, 16C8 Hoo3
Empire; t'Hj, Coos County, Oei
Tito tnrll lwoitl ofiAntM Ati4 lVT.ilU.Ct. t." . "
--- - rfwua dbt
". ,
HtTTKRt'.' 4
I'J'Il-K l'k !' jmM'wi 1I,w.l1 u .
Iy,rt.h Ll. lUd llrraih.rs.lluw CfuSnfJ',n.
to ninl b iiht( lurriox iimni , '
ThU U tli incut occ.ful tonle of ih t..
mll.llM;f.l and eld, r U.llghli-J with in ta "l
Tlir llrtl lrll ly h a marVxl j. t
Xort.l(ofdietlnmi7. Ut.lly,,,, rfl.
Ut ih1 Bit Dutrlllou. fl. 4'v"'.ll
II l lh Krmtr-I turt rw kwiwn f Mmwi-ui.
di.llrwr.1 tNnuch, lildi Irlk.n a f,w iJ4
kinw Hint t lm ll.f I-.I r.n.l m-t wmU.V j
Wn In Ihr wutld. W ar it if.-.IJ tj ,jJ JCiat'
cmnfl of. "
l'niiirns hi txxrruth to ircqvitii n
CtU-lTi Hl h lin rWrtrtrl ff n-rt.,1..
.Irrrt ti, and nu mIJ limine tL IfljD o( Uan Iti
Ktnt f I num. f r llir rtrt-niun. jitlca ,( Jt, (,, "LJj
Inillior. It U rtbunlU for l7ll''. I mi ii
li4, 0"mtl(alln, 4c. "
Cl'cmu.1 Illtl. 1 CUttlifa,tVille,laduj
Ihf tinaiarli an.! 1-1. "
lntmc lot Inflitnitku nf lln ljtn i u r
CmaMMIU riin. ror tnr.ll.l di'f eillot. '
Liwuia finwlti Aronuillr, tlmuUal tad W
lilbtr lurlfimtliii: in litrroui deWllir,
llmiMUCirw Srufull, libtunuHUn, at.
Aiui An aromatic rarnlnatlirt ctmllnt ,aa
ct an 1 mtU. i mtrb tiiM I y inntl.r x nrttiini
Al. clnir-badt, orn: Cjr&war cittiJ. .
root, 4c '"
lavt&rc riaHaJJ tt th. l,it.Mi .-1.1.-.. .
tkw dtwraillrflI.ri.luc.ai,in.mtJIi.uMiT;
iSThiirrlKi"' '"JI,,,' 'PTCMt, T'Ulj Ji
im-j Any im r" n I'oc tr .!i riwttit. i.
trr. H. isrik . if tlrt tAh ,wtMHaS S2ri
yM afc inllatlwi plctrrln. ttuff fr ..kh eI
fa m inWia tn y,m . tht tf r Uilt'i Ui
n' I nil-1 Mat.4 awmp . .r lfc ruil, Lrjiiutllf j ,j
l I.J maictakx daattit t.r Uul tk UUitV.
P. II. DliAKE, I m.. .tr UiK. Jdthoj'H.
KCM6 D & in. San rrcEdifa.
.tlIK,T& PUK TALI l01t. I ANU M1V1DJ,
nXIf.lX Mt'NTA.Ml I.:.MSIKT.
Ta atarttt f tbl IJstewat ar well kni a. Ilttla-i
ar. bMMataft-au., .aii.. awl ..ndtrlul
tHU. bralKi, taratu aud . tlm,,,, ar (, hi
nai tiwwlnt'rTfintHT. thnt a l-tll. if VitU
taakttt It th lot hntuiaitt tLal ran I luott.
Ilk Mnrv eartalH tUn lie 1U.1.1-I1 um trk
1 maM far Ut aWtB.li clMtt tLtn il.. a l. .u
mab tiic -oiaowio
MUtuaCaT... t-a.M-.M ind.,--lU"iu!;
- - kaaalM-a - -1 aa 1 .it. . m. n .
. f aA. aM. u nM.ta.uu. .i.. ..t ...
rn:,Mi-7L."T,'jT: "-'.". v'."" "ir'
hatr ana R Iw llarat. Iwnl.at. f tr. l.h.ntu.r.., t.
aadall- It Mt Maa av." J im,
rWaaaaa ar Janiawi. Mellj. I up., aud IUtWi
Da .
Tk arnlaaf aiyaVtactil..'. ai.kl. eritti W
aaa aiatar, . ntltrlv tuiM m vat aNk t.-j
U' w-mawii' d Mta( .rf'ln-d Mu.UncUsanl
Uluacwtar, 31ml. Auautt 1 1U . luit
0u k aad aw It aartaialjr U
A II ftnafna Ii vraffd
M aia-VkUta aafratiaa. UatHi- ll.r i.tnaiurt if b w
i.tuaiurt if b w
I t. map if I
i-ii nail. w-aaH, aaa la i-ital.
Mvasai a fX Mar Ma- to
an ii aw ...a aaaat i
kaaavaaaaala t. mnalarWi itllatliv
laaal. faai dat.lt.
aU av aB BraggM. tad H"t.i. at T . M tl". iti K
i.vu.v. ii.nA rou nun.
It l rM knew that Im- fl.rultt ljati- Ntat
m aattwlijr aanreji .tcrrtMn; In ih ik. af Uv,
!, L-dam, Kavb., lLl II It itrtui ...a u
IU laX wftw, bat aarlnly aain.Irt. U tat Lauua-
. Aala. HiMca t. tlc ar. la tt Law Td
tt h) UHr uattawl d-otb It tbotild UlmitfJ-f-
! Jaat I. Ilatit. Ia S.4niM.i,i nf tl.V. T.ik
CMT ItanaKawi a . .t i.tL.onl; iontl.it
aaa. .tar iH-d."
JUa luax Hmil l-Mruttau nj -U Ut
I fcar murataatnia lattalt aad ttiinlu, .ill. tautatav
Gcu-mun &. rKrnox. Ailor Iloait.
S. T. Co&KMi. Auirleitti liutrl.
AeK.u; k Tnr.iiwci.i. Si Niclolu Hu!.
S. LU5ii &. Co.. Mi-troj-ol.ua lloltl."
TaaliaiMT af tbJ cUraaitr mlcht U adM a n
kacta. WVaattar It U awl It adiartlMaliatU,
Tlit s-aatua Ut lb tlciMtur uf t. Uit. ui
riiat ata af I'tan l.rM I Co. Ac;Xlltl
u! lUt ktad an iuHtalkw nr rmiritrWt. tW'"t
tWt -in ivcuic Ih. f.nuh) tf ou lout ;e alllU'i
a MlaK.
Said tit ail : dnifcditt and (tetnl itarttMr" r'
id intoziorctapaM ina i'i
I loioiloj uip eo tha lacltc CitiV-
i uaow Sjni.cii Jacicsox lo.
e iintlersleiit-d liereer "
nouncft to ihe clureus of H illow ijiwr.
ana '
.j . . ....... .. . :. i-ii
Icluliy, that he hat opened a (tor m tj
Be, nnd ofler lor ial hU large m i
tclecUd siotk of
and all klndi of peueral 'rn'rchandlti. Tt'1
tale are iacau don. .mm
Call around allow youtacUe la -c coariw
Goodu can ,bc sold
Jusl as Cheap as in Jacksonv1'
,Wow SprlBgt. Qcl. 9. lac fii
x IIKI1EHV clvo notice that ruj noUf w' 'fj
1 aecoitnwhaveheeii placed In the b""0'
I .ih IM"F .ilt-rful nrrvillat . it .. ,-t