,J" &&zzz2Gastmtmzrz: jmmmf feS j awawi ft AMERICAN SAW COMTANY, xixrrACTCntru or EMERSON'S PATENT kovablo-Tooth nnd Perforated Circular Sayrs- psrforated Mulay, Mill and Cron-Cut Saws, wtlli Adjustable Sockets. SAW-QUMMERS, SWAGES, CANT DOGS, ETC., have ettabllfhcd an office (or tho rale of the above articles, at No. 605 Frenl Slrret, Snn rrantiito. 0-Descriptive I'amplileti will 1 forward til to any one giving 11 their addrc. angl5-3m. FHANCO-AAIEUICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, orrosiTE Tim Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Traveler and resident boarders will line MADAME D" ROBOAM'S BEDS AXfD BEDDING I'lsccd In flrt cUm order, nnd In every Way superior to any In thl section, nnd itiri&ul by nny In the Slate. her boobs Ann .nwiv fi'iimsiicd, And a plentiful supply of the lt nfeti-ry thing the nurki-t affords will lie ob- talnrd for II ER TABLE. No troubled will be spared to deserve Ibe pat ronage of ll.p traveling us tll a the erraa ncnt community. Jacksonville, March 31, IMS. Sl'KOIAL XOTICKS. If TAKOFTIIEISIOS! ';3T0If1AGH BITTERS! CCESrUTED .wl.NUlr.rmm."-Mt.u!i fryliurW; TRY Ar JUDGE i rcn i YOUR J SELF! i THEM! TRY THtMI 5 .tlfcUI. !''it ii-fui. A '.aM 1 . and ft luot J ;m.u diu ti.t..M.Mi,mni.l! Ltitllln I M t.llttttfl T.i !. .i.-t U .-a " J' cnilUer ut-tcstrnSMIs u 1 n i lit $-r.ahL-. r lu.irlbljr Kt.1 i.iJ I V ' l-f i I UcUi0mii w. luarli, f.ioi,. j.,1 It i r : J J ()xw,, ruli 7-iw. lcr. IHr !.. iLoMdf Aw-ll-. '- lrtrv;Tit., . A. lTSKIUl'Sl X. Koix Jfrr -int. I ror iii'ir.e A- J In. VM I r.i ! r m m oftillrtmciic nibrrsliii; ojfc 'A' CEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SUflOERY. SflSlON fur lCf-tl will commence on the lonrth day of Novrii.ber, nnd continue i .f iixmihi. The Medical Di-p-inmi-nt l i w estubllh'-d m u permanent institution. T.iineiuis of illustration In emh department a-e ample end the courn of Instruction thor o-igii ond complete. Matcrinl for pructlral Anatomy will bs supplied. Studititt on arrlv. Ii C In the city are nqnuted to call on the Dean, wiu will give any lufurmatlon desired. Let ter of Inquiry addressed In the D.on will re rehe prompt attention. Medical books can be procured la thli city. II. OAUTKXTLU. M. I). Dean of tie Medical Faculty, Salem, Oregon. BOUND TO" DO IT! D. C. MILLER IS BOUND TO WORK ACCORDING TO THE TIMES. (T HORSE SHOEING JJ) At reduced prices for cash, discount will bo made on all where cath li paid. March 20th, 18C8. Ten per cent, kind of work mcb2ltf Hk Fowncirymen AND BLACKSMITHS. OimUrUnd and UUtU COAL and I'lO IKON 1,000 Tonf la Slot and Afloat, for Ml t7 J. It. DOYIE, ill aad'tlS J'idfio 81. Bo TnclKO. 1 rtHy lOLDXU'B BOUMTXM. T HAVE RECEIVED FROM THE U. 8. X Treasury draft for the bounty of the follow ing named gentlemen : Ucorpe W. Atbley, Charles S. Jialrd, 0. 0. Ilally, Qbarlei V. Ohappell, Garrett Crocket, lamea M. Ilozle, Wn. A, A. Hamilton, Jo-t-'ph Moran, Daid A. Taylor and Jaoea Weater. Thew gentlemo will pleaM call and get their pay. B. F. DO WELL JaekwDTille, 8ept. 1st, 1868. ttgm VOL. XIII. nUSINESS XOTICKS. Peter Britt, " Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OllEGOX. Ambro ty po s, Photographs, Cartos do Vislto nose i.v the ri.sr srri,R or Anr. Pictured Itrtluccil 0 rS't.AI!GD TO LIFE SIZE. DR.A.B.OVERBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ofllcc at hit roldence, In the Old Vrerbeck Hospital, on Oregon Street. DR. E. H. GREENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SUHGKON, OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. He will practlco In Jackfon nud adjacent coiintUf, and attend promptly to prufim-Uiaal cnll. fcWtf DR, A. B. OVERBECK'S BATH ROOMS, ' la tho Ovorbcck Hospital, WARM, COLD & 6IIOWEK DAT1IS, SUHCAYS AIjTD WEDNESDAY r. Giiriii:, 31. i)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE refuoved to California Street, 6onth side. J.ck'Mitlllc. Die. '.'1.1. UCT. ce-.'ltf l)!t. M1WIS (iAXl'.NC, PJIVSICIAX SURGEON AX I) Wfll.L attend to any who uny reoulrc ld Miilee. Offlco at II I'. lii'U' oCice. on He Uu Ide s.1 A'ru-i. Jui.kontl!l.nbr.tf u. v. twwkm c. n. WA1S0N. DOWELL & WATSON, ATTOHKEYG AT LAW, Jurbaomlllr, (liruu. Varrcn Lodw Kf, 10. A. F. & A. M a. )l"I,i iln'r r-irUr oWMiuulcatkH 5f "ii i)i luliiy Kiviluy iirprwvsl- 'iik the full moon, in jai'.jmh.i.. u- i.ux. A. MAirUN, W. 11. 0. W. SAVAiit.Sec'y. Slotico. rpllE lH.kii tnd aooounts of the Sb.tixm. nr X li the hnd ol .Mr. E. II. Wiiton. Thow llidbtd :t rKuw call urn) y their uc uuiti. JJ. F. HOWELL. Toams Wanted for Camp Warner. ON. and after the firit day of October, IBCS. the miderliriud have detfrinlned to e for cah eAclufllj CAcrpt upon tpeelal con tract. Thofe Indtbttd to the llrm mut posi tively pay up. at all account wilt to cloted Oc tober M? GLESNIJUUM&CO. npWtr. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICE. -Having deponed of our Fac ir.n- ui ntn low urenured to nlve our shule attention to our Leather mid Finding bunliien. y... 1 J .!!..'.. Ipnni Ppunf. ITllir .V Kill un uniin, iiinv,. num i w-.. -.-j-i Domektlo Leather, Iloqt Legi. etc. Joun O. Hkis, I L.1avkk. I Jons Biuy, New York. I'arl. flan I-ranelsco, AdJress, IIEIN .t IUIAV, 5au Francisco, -tie ntlcry Street EL DORADO, a.K.Cur.CI.J.OBii.SU,JckMnllle,0. S. M. FARREN. ATTENTION FARMERS! Gang Plows. IIMVE purchased the pateut right of Jck (on and JoeDhlneceuntIe. for the celebra ted l'flel GANG PLOW, and am now prepared to fill orders, and will guarantee that this plow will do better work with 1cm power, and glvu more t atltfactloo than any yet offered to Ihe farmers of houthcrn Oregon. I'lows warranted in ever respect, and all kinds of bluckunlthlng done at ten per cent. dUcouut forcnh. octlOmS P.DONEOAN. DisMlatiea of 7artMrskip. rpUE partnerhlp heretofore existing btteen J. E.-H. and Wm. 0. Greenm-n is dhvolvcd this day. The acsouots of Ur. Greenman have been disposed of to W. 0. Greenman, and an tamedlat. settlement isulred. W. 0. GREENUAK. Anf th, 16C8. g8tf JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1808. riJ ! OREGON Mi,TI:i:i, l'UBUSHED Ercry Satunlav Morntng by B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, CORNER 'O If TIURD STREETS. TEiiMa of st'ittcmrTiuxt ftuliffiS'ifi &5FJSS, not twin wiinin me llrl U rnnutlK or tho rrar. fire dollar : ir not paid until the expiration of tho year, lx dollars. TKUHS UP ADVUnTlSISd I One ninare (10 lines or lew), flirt Insertion, three dollars ; each subrequenl Inicrtlon. oue dollar, A dlfconnt of Oily per cent, will I HI made (o those who adrerllse 17 Ihii jcar. TCLegal Tenders received at carrent rates. Faded Leaves A tiliiblnp roe tho care to me, With wonls of pntUo and loro ; I thought the narer fnl.-o could be That rhe would constant prove. .linn I the roe ihe gave to me Did fadennltc roon and die : I found the lorclr thin; to be. Like her a withering lie. Letter From Washington. rnoM out: 8ii:ci.vt. coittiusro.vuKNT. Wasiiixhtox, 3Ionday, J October 10th, 18U8 J lilt: OCTIUIKi: KTATK IXKLTtOXH. The founds of rejoicing over the M.V..V -... I.IIW.1II lllillll I UWiUlllUlt III fAflt I F.il.iililiMnn !, ... ....Mlm.il f.t I Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana nnd Xo- braskii, lust Tuesday have hardly died away Tlie Democrat have lost all 1 hope of miocws and virtually givo uji I the eoutett. They concede that their I defeat in Xovetnbcr U not only inevi I table, but that it will be complete nud I overwhelming. Tho Wvrhl and the ! 2uttfoiwl Intxlligmcer have called up 1 on Seymour and lllairto withdraw and I give place to more available candidates, 1 Many of the leaders of the party tnl.c :lhc tame new of tho f-ituutinu boldly jdeclaiiug that the Tammany ticket U nlrvady badly be.ttcn, and thai un less some ma.tetlv stroke of poller can be devised to retrieve tho fortunes of Democracy, the party will j)as out of ! u.itciicu before the close of the lie- 1 publican Administration. ISiitthema I jurity nl the.lenili'M stiy it h too late to put new cmidiihilc in the field now, and they give up the oonte.t in des pair. IiKVuCUATIC MlT.DKttti A.VI) (intiAliltri, The iHair letter is bearing fruit in the South ulmoiit daily. Since it" pub lication hundreds of Union men have been acsuj-siimU'il, and the rebuilt luive been in n Mate ol open icbellioii in iiiuiiy parts ol tho South. They (lis pewe tho Courts nnd County ollicors in Arknnt-as, droe the Union men to the woodf, nud killed scores of iinio cent people; they besieged a United States fort in Texas ; killed and woun ded over fifty Union men nud women iu one day at Coruill:i,commilted whole sale t-laughter at Opelousas ; and have 1 carried 011 a war of extermination all I over the South. Last Saturday night they ntsasMiiated tho Sherill' nud Par ish Judge of St. Mary's Parish, at Pr-njn J.oilUhllKl, ' ' The day befoie the captured a steamboat loaded with Government Mores, a few miles below Memphis, and destroyed 3,3(0 muskets, being shipped to Arkansas. I'KXSIOXS. The Commissioner of Pensions is prcpaiing an estimato of tho amount to bo appropriated by Congress at tho coming session for his bureau for the fiscal year ending Juno aoth, 1870. Ho estimates that he will need $23,072 028, a decrease from the amount ask ed for the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1809. Tho whole amount of money paid for pensions from tho foundation of the Government until Juno 30th, 1808, has been $101,048,252 10. Tho 30th of Juuo last there were 100,043 names on the pension rolls, divided as follows: Army invalids 74,782; wid ows and others included In army pen sions, 02,243; Navy invalids, 1,175; widows and others included in navy pensions, 1,443. THE I'UESIDKST'S OltDEH. The President has issued an order citing certain acts of Congress and clauses of tho Constitution, with a view it is supposed, of encouraging tho people of tho unreconstructed States of Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas to distegard tho electoral college bill and yPJvll'4'JHl'JvJl' hold elections for President and Vice President. This order was falsely is sued over tho signature of Gen. Grant, and cent out to the nrtny as his order, when in fact he never xav tho order, never signed it, and knew notning about it. Till: AtUOl'IINMUNT Of COXOUKSS Last Priday .Mr. Wade, President of tho Senate, nnd Sneaker Colfax, an- !" n their res,,eetivo dmaiben it. tho Capitol, according to law, and went through the form of calling tho two houses to order, and adjourning them until the 10th day of November. Three Senators and seven members werp present. It is not expected now that there will bo a session before the usual timo of meeting in December. A CIIANUK COMUS OVKlt THE Rt'lIIIT Of TIIKtlt DltKAM. Tho moral inlluenee of nit election is sometimes truly wonderlttl. 'A leo pard cannot chango his spots," but a Copperhead can change his politics when tho Republicans carry tho elec tions. Half tho rlerks in tho Depart ments here were brawling Copperheads a week ago, and every boarding house in Washington resounded with their nbusc of tho "Radical Con gress'' and the "Radical" candidates for President and Vice President. Ratio laud behold, tho elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Ne braska, caused a "change to come over the b r t jf their dreams; and the dav alter the election not a Democrat could be found all "Radical.," Grant nnd Colfax men, nnd nlwnys had been. IC. A Question. Some ten miles away from this city, says an exchange, H a primitive sort of a t illage called Tai ry town. Here not long since tho rustic youth of the vi cinity congregated for a dance nud dance tlicv did with an unction un known lo our city belles and beaux. One interesting young man, having imbibed rather freely of the critter, be came n little balmy in the course of the evening, ami wisely concluded to ictitefora shoit rest. A door ajar near the dancing hall, lovenlud, iut it iugly, a glimpse of a comfortable bed, of which he took possession with the prospect of a quiet snooze. It so hap pened, howbeit, that this was tho la dU'A drawing 100111, and no sooner had ho cleared his eyes than a pair ol hlo'iuiug daniftolfi came in from the dancing room, and began adjusting their disordered ringlets, etc., the dim light not dielo!ng the tonant of the bed. The girls had tongues (like moat of their sex) which ran on iu this wise: "What a nice dance wo nre having! Have you nearu anyiiouy sayauyiiun about mo, Sarah ?" . . "Lit, yuhl Sam Jones says ho never seen you look bo handsome, as you do tonight. Hnvo you heard anybody say anything about ino'jf" "About you? why, saitiu. I heard John Smith tell Polo Lee that you was tho prettiest dressed gill iu the room." Wiiercupoii the dear things chuckl ed, fixed up a little more, and made oil toward tho ballroom. They had hardly reached tho door, when our half conscious friend raised himself up on his elbow, nud quite intelligibly in quired : "Hnvo you heard anything about irie, gnlB ?" Discovnitv or aOavkat Hiliaiiali: Wyomi.m.. Somo soldiers stationed at Riihhnell, 63 miles east of Choyeune, have discovered a cavo of huge diiucn. hions, but as yet unexplored. I'etiill cd fossils of mastodons and other ani mals unknown to the inhabitants fit these later centuries, aio uinong the wonders found thereabouts, and all that prevented our "boys in bluo" from making further investigations was the ditcovcry of tti'o traok of an immenso L"snake." From their description of his snakoship, he must bo two or thrco hundred nnd fifty feet long, and tho aparturo to tho cave, which is about tho size of a barn door, is worn smooth by making his way iu and out of tho cave. O110 ol the mammoth bones spoken of can be seen, in a petrified state, at Mr. Egborts' office, opposite the passenger depot, in this city. j Cheyenne Uibjer. NO. -18 ,'t w JfSxp m Keep it Seforo tho People. That tho Republican party has re duced tho national debt over live hun dred millions ol dollars since the close of the war account. That tho Republican patty havoligh tfld tho burden of taxation more than two hundred millions of dollars sinco tho closo of the war. That tho Republican party has re duced tho rate of taxation about one half what it was during tho war. That the Republican parly saved the Union from tho result of Demo cratic treason. That tho Republican party is the only party pledged to tho support of all rights for all tho poor as well as tho rich, the ignorant as well as tho learned. That thu Democratic parly, through open nud covet t rebellion, has cost the country over three thousand millions of dollors and the antial interest there on. That Democratic icbels took tho lives ol three hundred thottsnnd ol thu bravest patriots tho world has over known. That Democratic rebels crip pled for lifu three hundred ttiouHund as pure patriots im tho woild has ocr known. That the Democratic party gave to the North a million wcejiing widows nud mourning orphans, our friends, our neighbors and relatives. That the Republican parly will re store peace and ptosperity to the coun try. How Robinson bccuinoUwnor of n Pino blump. Not many years sinco Farmer Jones und Neighbor Smith hecamejolul own ers of a field of uras. Farm hands weiu scarce that season, and Jones and Smith haviutrn ureal deal of woik to neiform just then determined to cngngo the servi ces 01 ono Koriitnsou to cut the grass ami maito 1110 nay. Accordingly. Kobln son was engaged to do the woi k ntated, Mini wiu niipuiauoii mai no siiouiil have one-third of tho hay lor making tho wholo quantity. Robinson (110 don t in high glee) commenced to make tho hay. Now, iutitith he was not to lie trusted with other men's prop erly, being noted for his "shaving" propensities, which ho evinced 011 this niisjiicloiis occasion. A thought occur red to him that by a trick, we man aged, ho could ticeitro a larger amount ol hay than his employers dreamt of. No foouer had this thought entered his mind than sought to put it into execu tion. Tho hay was all made and ready to go into tho three respective stacks. Robinson noted thu situation of tthugo pine stump an thu site of the stacks, and accordingly It was thereon built. Htiforo tho three stacks had been com pleted, and before each patty had cho sen his own stack according to previous agieement, Messrs. Jones and Smith became nwaru of tho prospective "sell." 111 omer to leinuueiato JCobiiiHon his trnublo of iiuUinir thn Murk where he did, determined to Jet him nave tlio said stack and pino stump rather than ho should loso any thing by such an ingenious ruse. Tho hour ol letribution was fast dawning, for Rob inson, oblivious of Messrs. Jones nud Smith's knowledge ol tho Immovable stump, was silently, nnd with bsatlng liuait, watching tho approach of the latter paity to select their respective stack. Farmer Smith and Neighbor Jones arrived simultaneously 011 the field, ami pointing nt their lespectivo chosen stacks, each exclaimed, ulmost iu thu same breath, "PJI take this 0110 1" leaving our friend Krobiuson tho un disputed owner oftho discarded stack, under which was the pine stump I Tis uieleis to aid that our friend Robinson left forborne a sadder and 110 (loui)t a wiser man, while Farmer Smith and Neighbor Jones "laughed iu their sleeves" at tho thought of the "joked," and Ibis was "how Robinson becamo owner o1 a pine stump," An old lady onco triumphantly point ed to tho "Eplstlo of tho Jtomam," and asked whoro ono coaln bo found addressed to thu I'tothtants? This was equaled by an old negro Raptlst at the South, who said to his master, a Methodist: "Vou read tho Uiblo. I s'nosot" im$ "' (iyt.ii "Well, you've read In It of John tho Uaptfst hasn't you?", "Yes." "Well, you uovor saw nothing about no John tho Methodist, did you ?" "No." "Well? don, you sco dero's Rantist in tho Iliblo, but doro nin't noMctued ist; and de JHblo's on my side," Ooow Lake Coiatry. Wo tako the following lottor from tho Corvatlis timtUc : Mn. EntTOtt: Asn friend, I would advise every young man who has no laud, to go to somo of those valleys in the south-eastern comer of Oregon nnd get them a farm. It is as good soil and lino grass land ns thcro is in tho world. It has many advantages over any coutn try 1 ever saw. Water ii nbmidant und handy, The wholo couulry abounds iu springs and small streams of pure water, homo of tho land has sago brush on it nnd of course is not valuable. The hills are well ttmbeicd and are easy of access. Tho timber is mostly pine; in somo places thoro is tdenty of cedar nnd somo suruce. There are plenty of mill privileges, with tho best ol water-power, In the largo totests of excellent timber. I should hnvo staled bclorc, thpro can any amount, of liny bo cut on nny of the small streams, so that n person could keep stock through tho winter with but little labor, l-rom tho best infor mation I could get lrom tho Indians, and judging from appearances, titer is not much more snow or cold weather iu tho Goose Lake, than in tho Will amette valley. Drew's valley It aotno colder, nnd 1 think Spraguo's valloy is also. This is the Ural -valley, of Impor tance, that weriku in going out. It is from tluoo to seven mile, wido nud perhaps lty miles long. Drew's val ley is next and i about two miles wido nud twenty long. We then come to Goosu Like Valley ; It is about eigh teen miles wide, but ns to length, I eannc-t say but, it is a long valloy some of which Is iu California, but t supporo they would not object to Web feet settling thuie. Thu road leading to thisglouinis country, is very good for a mountain road. Thu Military road company deserve credit for tho 1 ond they have made across tho Cas cades. I have crossed iu thrco differ ent passes, but 110110 will compare with the Middle Fork route. A good span of horses will dmw fifteen or twenty hundred over this road. Tho camps are generally good for wood und wn ter, nud of convenient distance Now, young men, cut yourself looso from ma's nprou-striug, nud liko your fath or'rf )iao done, goon thu frontier, get you a much, ami grow rich iu stock. ,J.T. Jkwmtt. Ktigcno City, Oct. 21, 1808. Tho Harpers employ over ahundrod women. Victor Hugo predicts a revolution Iu France II Napoleon lives two yean longer. An author has an easy timo in tho world ; when ho gets out of money alt ho hat to do Is to rcWfo or more. Thete is J wo directly opposlto reas ons why a man sometimes cannot get credit; ono tenson is because ho is riol known, nud tho other becauso bo it If you nnd your sweetheart voto up on tho mnrriago question, yon for it and shu against it, don't flatter your self as to its being a tie. A Western editor, In n rcspouso to a subset iber w ho grumbles that his morn ing paper ifjpUolcrably damp, says "that it is because there is so muob duo on it." "Ilavo I not offered you every d vautago? said a doting father to his son. "Oh, yes," replied tho youth,; "bill I could mil think of taking ad vantage ol my father." . " The Catholics are laboring among thu freed men iu Ilnltlmoro; in their schools und churches white und blaek sit together; thu priests openly declare tho doctrine that "God makes no dia. Unction, und tlie Church cannot," An old picture represents a king sit ting In state, with the label, "I govern all ;" a bishop with a legend, "I pray for nil ;" n soldier with a motto, "I fight for all;" und a farmer drawing foith reluctantly n purse, with tho inscrip tion, "I pay for all." "Doctor exclaimed a waggish Son ol Temperanro to n well known doctor, who was passing out of tho Post Offlco; "Row long will It tako hanging to produco death V" "Twenty, ornt mod thlity minutes," replied thu doctor, pausing; "hut why do you akr" Olt because last night I saw a man hang ing for two mortal hours, and ho isn't dead yet." ''Vou did," oxoUiiaod tho doctor emphatically, ''I haven't heard a word ol this yet. Whore did tit mail hang ?" "Ho was hanging around an nlo-shop on Pearl street," replied tho wag. 1 ho doctor gave utterance to something that sounded very muok like a blasphemous expression and paat- I Peoplo who aro resolved alwaya to pleaso, at all events, frequently over shoot tho mail. A lady of this sort, going to n friond's houso one morning, ran to tuc cranio as soon as she mm in to sco tho fine "boy." Unfortunate ly tho cat was occupying tba baby'a niacu ; uut ueiore sue oouta discover hor mistuko, sho oxolaimed, with up lifted oyes aud hauda, "Oh, what sweet child the very picture of ltd fat bar?" ill 1 HI