Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 07, 1868, Image 1

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f ywrisi rM ivjvVIfise, jj,
, CT-fefciKlW--.
Movable-Tooth .and Perforated Circular
Perforated Malay, Milt and Cros Cat Sawi,
with Adjustable Sockets.
kirerMnblMicil an oIUjc fur the rale of the
abort article", nt
No. GM Franl Street, Snn Tranchco.
pf Descriptive I'umptilHs will be forward
ad to any one giving in their addre.
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon,
Traveler and re-Id out hoarders will fine
Placed In fir' ln eriVr and In every
War euprrlor (. any In llils cnllini, and
rurpuai il by liny in lli .State.
her noons Aitc .ewly rrRMsio.
And a ploti tlful supply f the lsi nfevfry
thing the marl.fl nITurds trill In) ob-
talni'd Tor
II E H T A B L, E.
No trout.Ii-d will lw spins to il.-ttrm thf pat
rmmpi or Hit- traveling ai nrll n tin- rma
psut community,
Jacksonville March SI. IEG6. tf
T " d?" ' ". t " T .1 ' i " il UnJjr
THEM! -Ssr F3 I
! THIM! 1 K i SELF!
!"ul Inr-fUnni. A v'r I nl .;! a "
8tmv.w tf'mlf. T im rt ' l B ' J rl'h
i .iU"iiMi4i!rMiii -.ttutlin' l. i . m i!f ,
)f.omlliuin-Ciil at'Uilm r l-'iwiia.liiri tf
irilh-rb. - a '.luinU) aUb.ii iu I! "iivi. J
(n liflA.il n Ul U.li HI. luwU. J.ii li. r,Ul ai.i'
liMt.. h 1 )i-. '. I i, I" " 'm,.
.Ijof AmH'tlli", lie 1 1 i n v.if (
; A.1LKIAI'.. 'A i r. j
5 r .r rni. n" A .i i I . I ' I
igillnincttc 38nibcrsitn;
SKS310N fur lHr.b-O Aiilcon.mciice on il
lonrili lUy (if Nmwnber, uml eoiifimi.
I'Hir inoiilli". TiO MnllCril P. iwrlinlll i
now fMablMiid ua n iH'niiani-nl iiiatltuliiu .
TU mt-Binnr illii-lriiiiiin In imvIi -l'nr u-
arc uiuple olid l lit cnurrc of liiti uciion !
ouirli and complvlc. MiiKrlnl fur priiciirn
Anatomy will bu iipllcd, .Snuli-nti "n mrlv
Intr in ibi) city arc rtqnttid lo call on lh Dcun.
ho will c've uny iiiTormntlnn ififirtd. I-i
trra nf inquiry urlilrwiicd in tlw Pran will ri
ceivr jirntnpt nilcnlinn. Metl cal book cm
be procured in ii!nritr.
Dian of I be Mi ileal IViiillr,
' tSaUm.'Orrgoii.i
BOUND- to""DO " IT I "
At reduced prices for cash. Ten per cent,
f'coant will 1)9 made on all kludi of work
hrc each l pild.
March 20lb, 1808. rachJttf
'o I'oundrynaoxi.
O.mUrUud and UlilgU COAL ud PIO IKON
X.OOO VCoximt,
la I tort and Afloa, Kr ut by
11 J and 116 i-acinc 1, a Frnucltca.
aufi . rw-i
HO,. 1H, MarVrl ftltrtet. Ban Praiicllco Cl
Pr. MoAtliler. of too Abovo named firm, will
w m Jackaonvllle in a fliorl lime, ana reinMi.
lor a turn Aw Tn n iwiium who IM bwl a I
Ml el wth tUt'ther eot use. I will m.ke
Jhm a aet on tV'r leav ni the amount of my
'HI with an, Uor.tlbl,r firm In town, lh
-. .. -" . -j , .w.v ,. --- - 1 1
amount or tenth to haient to me within a tiw-c-1 """' - " .,.. QltEENJIAN
IMVma. Teth flll6d and rwtorcd to tbtlr , W O GREENMAN.
nWralform with due gold, and inIe neful . w.u.uu -M
yean or no charge. 1 Aug. Ctb. I66S,
, -rt.T-ir -
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
JACKsnxriui:, orlvox.
Ph otographB,
Cartos do Vislto
Tjo.vzv ix wr Tixixr sm.R of art.
Picture Itcilnccil
Physician & Surgeon,
Office at Ms residence, In the Old Orerbcck
Hospital, nn Ori-gon .Street.
OFFICE-Coracr of California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
Ilr will prucllc" In Jerkion nnd -ndjuccnt
pnntiil-r. and nttrnd j'romplly lo prori-'ilonnl
i-illn fcb2tf
In tho OvorbccI; Hospital,
r. onunn, m. .,
OFFICE reaoved to California Street,
South cidc.
Jm bum III". Pic. .1-1. 1H 7. diaJMf
mi. Lr.wis oam'.vo,
7ILt.nitiiidto any bo mv rmlrn blc
'rUtt. omoe nt It. K. im. ir-im-. '
oulhe Ilait tide 2d Atrttt, Juck-iMU III. novSIf
i;. r. vow ixl, k. . watw.-j.
Jiikwiitlle, Uiryn.
V.'trrou Lodifo No, 10. A. F. S; A. M
A ll"M Uvifir iinr cnwMHiitaillunt
f V mi lb n l '-4iitnl Mittuirir)trrnl
N Ill2 lb fllll llllKU. Ill JAI'KITIIX, ll
mhii.. A. UAK1IN. W.X.
0. W. Savaiii-. Sto'y.
j MJK u.oki and mi -hiu r lUe ri. r (
1 In ibi landi nl Mr. K. It. WUu. 1jiu-
irncl.t.. ull pUA-t- CAII ami My lbr c-
Ml. t
I), r. DUVVUI.L.
Wanted for
OX. ami afirr tl e firt it.iv or OotnUr. ISf.R.
Ilif iindurnUiiHt hvu iHi-riniii'-d lo till
or ruth sclii'l tslv -crpl upon tpeelnl con
u net. Tbnu indotlrri lo Ihu linn rnml ."l
tiu'ly pay up, ul nil ccoiinl will l rlmwj Oc
lolwrUt. (JI.UNNUUUM&CO.
XOTICK.- U'l"i ditpomil of
mry, u um dim picpartii 10 Kive our niioie
attviiltoii to or l.iwilivr mul MudiiiK Im-r.icfi.
'in bund d'K-ut Iii.iii l-'runct'. Calf t Kip,
lionxxlic (icutlicr, Uool L.t.ftc.
JoiinG lli.iv. II.. Fakk. I Jmis HllAV,
New Vorle. I'url. fan Fmucltco.
Addruw. HKIN & HltAY, S'au I'laiiclrto.
-IIU UilUry micI
Gang Plows.
TH4VE purchased lh p.itent right of Jack
ton mid JoK'ublno eciuUIi'S. for the celebra
ted 1'flul GANG PLOW, and am now
pii'Piril iu till ordcrii, aud will guarantee that
Ihlspluw wilt do bttT work with lew power,
uiuiti lucro satltfucilou limn any yet offend
to ihv farmer of Muthc,ru OriKon. J'lqwn
iwirrunlt-il iu I'ver ropect, and alt klftda of
blackhinilliluirdniiuat ttn per cent. d!x:ouut
for cash. ocllOma V, OONEGAN,
DUsolatioa of Partaerwkip.
partDT-lilp berctoforu cxi-llng U-tHteii
I "' l1"' '";. r ,. - .. i- .11 -.1. ...1
"'$& accounts 0 I)r. Green.nau have
Ju' "f 'JJ, ,?,u 0 Oreenman and an
,"n T.'t " L 1,?. d '
ni 1 l'. f nr.tutitn it ts 1Uaiklt1
I'llH ftlllWlliY CRYTIYliM
UlU U111U.UA m I lAblf.
I'.vcit Satuntnv Morulas V
orrimi, CORXRR C ,- TlitRl) STRF.RTS.
Ti:it.u or sL'irscnii'Tioi
Kornnf vonr. In advance four dollar' t If
inn hm vtiiiim. iiu nrri MX mdnth or lh vcar
tlvo jl.tlliM ; If not ini.l until Un' tt.lnitlon
... .M. ,..,... ..V.....1.
Oneijunre(l0 llnt-i or lo0. flril Inicrlloft.
lliri'iMlofl r j fftfli uliwqiirnt ln-i.rl'rii. our
ilollnr. A illwnnnt l nny p.-r coil, will b
iiiml' lo tlnM who ndvrrliM ly lli)unr.
KCLcriJ Tundcri received nt cuirent latr.
DON. We, tho Republican Ueprenentativca
l ,. ... .- i r,
from the counties of Loose and Ciirrv,
it.... .I., i!.. . v i -ii ii I
IJuitglaf, Jleutoii, lamhill, Marion, i
w 'it , i i i .
W nMiiiiKluu and Clackamai. of the,
St, i n i.tM ,n .i.i'. i.
Stale of Oro-.,n, dnlnt to address the
ii.iv vi vMbVHiu Mksiui tv uiiuivaj .in-
........ . ' , . .
iilwihu uinui i hi; iL'iinuus uir me resiK- .
,.,' ', , '
nation ol our muiI. iii tlie llous-e ol,
i, ... .i , i -. .
ifcprcpv ilntivcs nu the 23th of Octo-1
',',,. , . .. .. . ,, ,
IJetoic asking attention to the outra-
,r ... .....
gcom proowdings of thu I.ogi ativc
". . ,, . . . , . , ?, . i
Assembly, we deiiie to sny thai lor
i . . i
our conduct wo have no apology to
. . ., .. ... ,. s ..
mako the action ol the Democratic
mnjnritv, in trifling awav the preohms
hour of ll.N 4m in -elcM dUouw
ion and buncombe speech,,, and the
eimetinuiil ol theuioM vxtravagantaud
l)iinkusoiim lobulation, atulllu'irtnaiiv
attempts to override the Cou'titutiou
nl iiarricr ilM-ll with their lnnjr and por-t!-t:nit
rclmml to pis tho Apiroprin
linn Dill, even after tho uxual term ol
furiv tlav-, i- a Miliicicut vindication
of our uour-e. That the reasons which
impcll u to t!iii conrpe may lie under
iitood by our eonuiiiuent.s and the peo
ple of entire Ofejon, wo proceed to
enter into n history ol the coiimu of
thin heuiikituiv, with tho nibitrary
" , . , ,, .
jected. We thvivforv iropoie to sub
mit a t.iteiucnl to the public, ol their
proeceiliugit.jiud alXera hvariugof tint
following facts, wo are oiinurod ol the
lieni!t' aiipport iu t!i loctitudv uloiir
The Democratic innjoriiy, in the
Siuato Chamber, inaujjunitrd tlieir ml
ininint Mtion by a imnr-e of proceed uro
uiiMtii)liifJ iu the history ol thctate,
a;id in p.tlp.ihlu viol.itnin ol tlio Lou
fcljiuliou, and in utter .ircgard of the
. ... . ,
rilim Ol Hepiioiieau iiieni'iera on uiu
floor. c ruler lo thuotiitcrol .iKaii-.
Dulph and Sulif, and the adinisMou nl
Mvcn. .Stout ami Dribblusby, Demo-crnt-s
to thuir kciiIh, not meuliouiug
their icvolutiouary orgaulatiou.
The Constitution nt the Slate pro
vide that 'ThoSuiiatnru ilect at thu
lirst seiioii of thu Luginl.itivo Asseiu
blv shiill bo dividwl by lot into two
equal clao as nearly .1 may be, and
ourFne-lthuhentb ol tho .Senators of the lirst
clis ahull be vacated at thu expira
tion ol two yoarc, and tlioe ol thoeo
oud cliinH at thu expiration of lour
years; o that one-half, m neSrly "
possible, shall bu chosen biennially lot
ever thereafter. Ami in can-, of tin
incrccmc of the tmiiiOcr tirmitort,
thty nhull l o itHHUul li ht to unv
or tlio other 0 tin tvo cUum"
Thu Statu Senate first consisted of
Bixtecn Sena tori. Six Scn.itor cre
subsequently elected, to wit: umi in
3Iulinom.ih, and five in thu counties
cast of thu d'Ciide MouiiUiim. In
180 i, the countici of Wasco and Ua
ker elected each a .Senator for the first
time, thus increasing tlio number to
.jglitecii. In IdOi), by legialalivo on
.ictmeut of 1801, Multnomah elected
an additional Senator, and Uinalilhi,
(Irani and Union coiintien each elected
one State Senator, who took their scatu
two years ago. Tho clatiso in tho
Constitution ubovu referred to wan not
ca 1 ricd out two year ago i u the caso
of tho Senators last elected, and tbu
consequence was that t)p our addi
tional ScnaLors were iidt divided into
.!,,. nvn claBKCS bv lot& COIltUinillatCfl
-.... . . -. .
. . ..' -1 .1.. . :... !..i
grOSS ViOlallOU Ol vuu wuumHii. '
and required Uy tno constitution, r.acn mo '9"' " -0 -- -- --
theieloro claimed a term of four year, amendment to tho Constitution of the
It will readily bo perceived that thoro 1 United plates. This proposed aiucud
n wiiiiv."j 1 iiTiii: ir ..,...i .niiuionii.
finna in east lots, in i ineiii n """""""" - w-
- jfc. wFiini ' y - -y-
V Jv I H' JH I'JH'
Foiion, the State Senate del
,y N,oU;. ti,.t D.dph.oi Muli
.1 lU'imliliortii Sonntor, slioulj lrav
with U UopuliUcnii collungjLO, in or
der to iMV.nto !i vnivinnv Inr Mr. Sloul
i J "' -"""i
Uctnncrnt of Multnoinnh. Mr. HoIh.
Uojiitlillcnn f-Vnntor from lirnul coun
ty, y; tlyctud to fill tho unc.Jioil
torn of Stonrnj, ll'itihl!cnn, who IimiI
lrpigncil, Hut till Pino wax not even
liipojcil ol Ity nllotiiK'Ut, it lii'lnjj do-
jrided hy n vote ol the Sennto, tlnit n
t. . . I , I ...
i' iiuiw.iui.- v-iiiii-iiiiii, iriiiiiUHI'V,
withont'ijny eertilicntv of election, wa-
cntidctl to the sent ol SoN.
Tliti while the Sennt obliged Mr.
Dolph to draw, it prolecteil (ho Dom
oeratie Senntnr fro'm linker and Uma
tilla eonntie (rofn dtiiuiii": lor the
j chort or loiip term, "and even Grain"
comity,' in tho eai) of Dribhlcjdiy.
iTliu to protect Deiuoe'ral'", tho Con-
itittitUin wa plainly iolatcd, and a
-milium im'- iii.iii iv hi il I'll, nun n
,, .. , .' ,' , ... ..
ncpiibliennvv to draw with i
,, .... ' . . . , , ,, ,
I'epunlican Pnlcajitie, iiNfend of beinir
... , . , ,, , Uc
IH-riiilttcil to draw with thctMinooi-.u,
. , . j i . 'r r t
iivlcrrcd trt.an I compptini: for a Innir
I . . , . .
or Mmrt term in dutemnlated in the
'. .. . , , , '
Contittuinnalprovi on.
.... .,.,, . . . , ,
i 11 urn iipm iiiui i nu j.ugiMr.iuio 10
ny that either of tho Senator from
,.' .. ., , , ., ,
Umatilla, Maker and (leant countieit
.... . . , , . , ,
t-ivcr entitled to the lortfj cim, be oie
j . . , V i i i A
drawing as provided by the Coustitu-
., tJ H .' . , , ' . .
tiou? or what right had the .Senate to
, , .. ... f. . ,,, ,.
'mn tM Mi'1 "
" n"' "? ,(1 " o
' , '" rJl SV".?!
! . ' . , . "
. , . , i
I J.ihiu liitU ln ImimTiI linun iIhiiiiiii ..
ruiMV iiirff itw tilltlt II ItU illilDII i
long term, and those Democrats now
upon the Senate llnor, olllclating Idr a
long term might Imvo bueu nllottnd
to thu short term 'i There wnn 110 law
kmutlioiiziug the Souato Clerk to draw.
The Constitution saw the member
aim 1 1 himself draw, mid by this nrbi
Mary pit oicdiut; xuiuinber was iorced
out of his scut. Any coiiisu in oppo
oiliuti to the plain language ol our
State Constitution in thi particular
is revolutionary nuil tho iufriugcmcni
of the iepreontntie rightii ol thu pen
Th rnnn tlii cmirU wfta not per
tuitted was ill tear that if-tin impnittnl
albitiunut should tnke jilacc, sumo or
nil ol thu Dumoettitiu Senators-, who
had not ytl heoif allotted, would have
ilrawn tiiu siiott ltrm. Thus were the
right ol the jHfople oiilragod merely
in order that a paitir.111 feeling miglit
be gratified. '
In the limine, the proccedingM, il
Mis,ible, weie lilliiliro extraordinary
IIi'iimiI, a iiii'inlii'i-fiion lieiitiiti eonutv
apponied at the commencement i (he
eslou with his ceitiliento of election,
nnd 011 a rcfertfiiuo to a commit toe, a
majority of whom weie Democrats,
tiiat committee reports! Hi'iiHl as du
ly entitled to a seal iu the l.eisl.itne
Assembly, which r( port was udupted
hy the Deiuoeracy. Soon uflcr; how
ever, a Mr. Itelliuger appealed and
coutVKted hit seat, 11ml illll'Ul'h 1 !
IJiiiou membciN ol thr committee sol
emnly .rntti'i that llellcner ha
liow'ii no milllcieiit ,re.iaou why he
rhould be eutlthd to Ileiisiil'it seat, ami
iHitkilhtniiding that tin- wllulu Dem-
ixT.ttio delegation had dedaied thai'
Iklisal (CM mi entitleifaiid yet in the
lace of (lie most solemn protect on tin
iart of every Union member ol the
llou-e, ISeiital'ii scat was ilcilared wt
cant, and IJi(llingcr was nwoni in to
occupy it.
Notwithstanding tho insult of the
L'nion members', they still determliieil
to proceed as rapidly an posiblo with
business, and adjourn within the short
e-t space of tiunj cousistmt with Jln
initri sis ol the Sjatc, Their wHi'h .i
to finish up tiiu necessary legislation
within tho time contemplated by the
Constitution, and the Statu will bear
witness that it was' their holiest en
deavor to push ahble politics, and
woik for tho good of tho whole. Hut
how were these endeavors met? Dur
ing thetJprcpaii 0 tiiu scssiui, a mem
ber fro'm Wasco introduced Senate
Joint Resolution No. 4, withdrawing
nl .Tnlv last, declared to bo n part of
1. .1 A.it n( fl.-.li.nn In t II II 1 Itll
sK -.
N,0. !!!
the Conthtution, Jiaving received the
assent, of the requisite number of! State.
Ol com suit was supposed that the De
mocracy, who have always no loudly
boasted of their fidelity to that instru
ment would not thus so unblushingly
vote to destroy it. Yet after tho most
criminal dulay ol other hii'ducs, this
joint revolution was passed exclusively
by Democratic votc, abrogating the
Con-ititulion ol thu United Slaty,?, ns
far ns the Democracy ol Oregon was
concerned. Had this amendment not
yd Imvo received a icquNilc niajniity
tb eiltitle it lo become n ji.irt of the
Constitution, then sonic uc!i c.xause
miglit llnVc been enteitnined; but it
has become thu lumlameiital lav., and
the Democracy of ("begun now stand
impcu'hed ofn delilnirnte attempt to
nulltl'y the instrument they profess so
ardently to ml mil 0.
Thu Democracy lindii.g thqinsclves
tints oapahle of carrying this treasona
ble resolution, nnd embnhlpiicd liy the
same spirit that animated their Demo
cratic brethren nl thu South, now
launched forth into thu mot monster
ous excesses. Thu not tuovcnient
was to hurl Dmitnrrntio thunder 011 tho
ni-ii'in in uur oeuaiors 111 I. ougreM, de
elating tiiat tliey vvcie neting iroin un
worthy "motives, ami puromptifiily de
manding their rSgnntiuH. Iu 'Xt-w
York and Ohio thu cuius Imvo been
parallel with Oregon, viz: the Senators
Union wllli a Democratic l.ugislatuie,
nnd yet it never oecured to thosu be
nighted Legislature; of New York mid
Ohio to require tho rusijjuatl' u ol their
Senators: we suppose that they vvei'e
so iinsoj histieateil im to havu some lit
tle regaid for the Coiis)itiitouiil pro
vMon Sietion III. Art. I which says:
"Tho Senate of thu United Stales
shall liu composed of twoSeiintorsfiom
I...-.I.. ..r .... ,t
ouuli Mate, chosen liv the I.cgNlatuic
uieiToi iur eur years. "
Tliis little impediment, however, did
iol cluck thu progressive Democracy
of (uir Stale, nnd although thu most
iinp'oilaut ineasiires were thrusl nsidu
lor the consideration ol these revolu
tionary measures, yet the Union iiieiu
.dentin tin. Lt't-daturo wore untiring
iu their e Hulls to tluitli the h'iliiniiin
business o legislntiuii, And we owe il
in ourselves and to our constituents to
say thai nmid this chaos and rjol ol
tint Democracy we have stood firm iu
eudeavoiiug to guard the Interests ol
thu Statu against the umustiniis iniqui
ty and expeiidiiuics of this longtulic.
I'fincmheiid Dem'" niliu LugMntiiie.
They had tho power to have hid an
economical sesi.m, mid toliaveiicipiir
ud ctedll lor their mmlcruliuii ; but
what aiu thu facts? Let us illumine
diielly into their iccoid.
Tho appi'opiintjiiim already ninde
by the House, and for, which no pro
vitioii ha been inailu bv thu general
.tppropii.tlioii bill, lout Up the fearlul
'Jio"'-'',l'''i ol fJiiM,uo(f, UcMiles this,
one bill alone had iassed thu neixnid
reading u the I1oum iiijiiopiiuting
?J0i,nOO 1110111 in gubl coin. Again,
iimther bill had already pasxed the
llnuse whirli would havu entailed
Slt,oo mine per annum upon the tax
payers ol the State. Thy pMii.ised np
piopiiiiliuu bill alone aks .iAi.".,.",rijt
(or the next two years, which, howev
.f, would not be silllieielil to Cuu rtlie
-Vtiaordinarv expeiisec t llin pli-edt
l.eyivliitive Assembly, and thu alfalis
il the State; and as it beeaine ueeesat)
y to 11:1s the general appropriation
"ill, the Union paity iUiderextiaoid)
i.irv uxerlious to have the same j..isi
viilimil delay. On Kihlay, the ''!il
)ctobei-, lou, F. Wnymiie, Chairman
Committee Ways and Mw.niutrodnc
d the general npiiropriatimi hjll Ihl
iia the loitielh day of the sesdon, iind
lie L moil ineii w,ei auxloiu to leave
(r their homes. Why this general
ippiopiialiou bill was nut bought
toiwaid. ami ims-imI within the time
allowed by the Constitution is mii;ic.
'hiii' which at piiseit Is Involved iff
ujhlry. IheCoiistitmioii ulOregi n,
nc. HU, arliele I, savs, "Tho uiciuIih
of the Legislalivu Assembly .pluill ur
eelve tor their services ,n sum tot c
ceeding three dollais per day, fiom tho
commcucemeiit of thu hss!ou,1iut such
pay shall not exceed iu thu aggregate
one hundred uild twenty dolhna fur
per iliitiu allnwaneo lur any 01111 humj
jou." vYe wcru allowed llueo dollars
per day, and the fortieth day expired
on c'liday. October SJUd. U was fully
expected that wo should bet daily to re
turn to our homes 011 Safinday, Oct,
t! ith, but being anxious lo assist in pass
ing the appropriation bill, we. conclud
ed t hold on diiriui,' Saturday, nnd en
deavor to jmss the most infpnitnnt bill
01 1110 scssi jii, vvs soon ns inu i.eL'iaia
ture li.id convened oit Katiudny nDcui
oorat offered
; thu most imHiltiiiii
resolution th
'be conceived, thu
substaiico of
that our pres-
A.1' i
ent Governor and Kx-Govomor Gi6b
nleritcd tlid cottttmpt and condemna
tion of nil honorable men. Tho discus
sion upon tliis resolution consumed a
largo part of the forenoon, nnd fiiully
passed byit strict Democratic vote. 01
course the indignation among tho Un
ion members was unbounded. That
whilo wo were generously serving the
State without any pay or emolument!
wlmt'jvcr, in order that tho scssiou
should luvvo a prosperous cloc, that
those honored standard bearers of our
paity should bo stigmatized by theso
political desperadoes ns meriting tho
contempt of nil hourablo men, was a
gratuitous insult to our Governors, our
paity, and to ourselves. Whilo wo
were willing to stay beyond our tltii
to enable the Democracy to end their
session with nu appearance of decunoy,
uu thought at least tho concession
would seiuie ns Iroin insult; but no
such generous feeling nnluiatcd tlio
In easts of oilr pcisfimtors; tho nppro
piiation bill must bu put oil, to oiiabU
thym to strike a cowardly blow at
ouds nud Gtbbs; many of our mem
bers Were inclined to n'slgn at once,
but concession still prevailed, as we be
lieved the npproprlatioii bill would b
paved that ilav 5 but after wrangling
over little trillfng bills until midui-ht
the House adjourned.
Iliiitun, Democratic Senator from
Lane county, resigned ids seat, loudly
condemning Ills own party for their
leekless exlutviigaiicu aud'durclcction
of their duties. Many of our members
resolved to return home oil Sunday,
the '.'.'.tli. The Constitution oT Oregon
iu thu 18th Aitielcol the Mill of IMu'hU,
makes the following declaration:
'l'i iv ate propel ty shall not bo taken
lor public use, nor tin particular itr
I'icr iij'ani twin lie dciiiaiitlcd ici'A
ontjiixt canipcn(tion." Then it was
nked,in the lnco ol all these iciioniln-
ics, what moral, legal, or iquitablo
light have these Democrats to hold us.
licit'? Wo wcru required to pay our
own expenses and servo thu State, wu
knew not how long, nud for what?
dimply to enable thu Democracy lo do
what their own ciimliial neglect ami
folly hud lelluiidoun; but again pa
tience tiiumphed, nud vvu resolved to
uo into the House on Monday morning,
October '.'(Ith, nud demand thu iiassaga
ol thu General Aiiproptiatiou Hill. On
entering the Hall, wu found that Grant
of l'olk, ami White ol Jackson, Demo
etuis, had Iclt and gouu home, but vr
determined to clear our skirts in caso
the Democracy refused to pass thu bill,
Mr. D.ivcnport'ol Minion, Union, mov
ed to take up the iipptopiiallou Hill.
II was pui to a vote, ami cuery union
nirmlivr nj'tlie mine voted tj take tip
the bill, but it icm voted doxen by tht
hiiKu filri,
Aynin Mr. Davenport moved totaku
up the nppropiialioti bill, ami tho mo
tion was not unlet lulucd.
Mi', (inzley (Hep.) then moved to
tike up thu nppmprialiou bill, Tim
motion was ruled out ol order, bccnuio
the bill was leferrcd to A coniniittco oi
the whole.
Mr. (iii.tey then moved that tho
House now go Into cmumittco of thu
whole 011 House Hill No. D'.' tho np;
iTopiialiuii hill. The motion was not
Mr. Ga.lty roo to a point ol order,
that the motion to tnke up Ilousu Hill
Ni , W2 wns I uiidiug. Thu motion wis
still not cutci Mined,
.Mr Minto (Itt p.) then moved totak
up the appropriation bill which was
I II le. out ol Older.
Mr.Gnirlt(Wcp.)alsn moved to tnk
up thu bill, but the motion was again
mini out ol order.
Thise ollbits weie made 011 Mondavi
.'tub October, nnd weie severally voted
down or declared out of order
Wo luither louiid that there vrer
still twenty bills undisposed ol, which,'
ut the aveingu lute, would take two
weil.s to pass. And heiu weask llany
iieei-deiil can be shown iu thu history
t this htuto wheiu iiiemhcrseither vol
um.iiily or iuvoliiniaiily have been'
lortv three days iu session, while gut
tiiU pay lur but forty Can its parallel
he louud Can a precedent bu shown
(I members can bo kept thrcu days,
mii they not bu kept tiireu weeks or
t'irco inoiiths Wu challougu an nn
sicr. It tuny bu urged that thu hous
es hid passed n joint resolution to ad
join 11 on .Monday, but 110 Impartial oh-,
server believed that they intended to,
lo so. Chapman, who appears to bo
tin r leader, uiodu u motion to icsoiiid,
the resolution, ami we iteituve tno
llnuo was only prevented from so do
i g ly the suggestion that at thu lima
the r 1 1 itiou was iu thu Senate; hut
1 lip hi a 0 did rescind tho icsolutiou,
and In lu.d ol adjourning on that day,
iu Dcmooiaiy holds on with n dying
grasp, I'.veu the shallow appears to
lend 11 charm ihi.imI hi nronortion
thu dillicu'tiisihev haveliud la its.uo-
ccsslul nttninmont. ,
Added to tins, wo have proof satjs
factmy tooursehes, tlmt, to heighten,
hu iudigiiilics, n pinnosed ioiut con-
vetitiou ol tho Senato nud House would
declare thu election of Governor Woods
void, mid put a usurper in Ids place.
YvMth these facts, btaiiug us in tht
face, "our duty to 0111 constituents, and .
our oWu Ipior, demanded our resigna
tion. We daicd to tuku thu ic.pousi
bili.Ly, and now, we dure maintain, it,
Salhu, October 27, 1868,
I.H K. (l.vZl.hV JUil.N A.TAYI.OU,
a xt, iiuitstnT.
V t