m iinm mmmi. VOk THE FRESIDKNCT IM 1608. Ur.YStK) . fill AST, , or tt cntin iTtttt. "Will .tat. IHnn rl sn.l Wll.fnt n.mnt " Tht pro fit hntf rw-ir,l for pttrloti punl.hmint fir trtltvri. FOR Tlir. V1CX fRKSItlKNCT, PcntnrT.r.n ror.rAX, tXtiiUl. -.r Trr - T-i-tvrsi O T nons nr Tonlon. WILSON" ROWT.TtY. of Washington. A. R. MKACftAM, of Union. SiTPnniT Morvivo, Oct. .11, IPOS. SDOik'ntrTo-Diy. Senator Williams i to nddrri tin peonl" herr tn-dnv. on the pending i ntie nf the campaign. Wp hope that tlip Tlonnrihlp Ssnntor will have n cool audience to hear hi0 vindication of hi nfliclrtl rnti'litnt. Then- are few nipn better able to present the qu" tlnn at isup in tins Presidential con test, fairlv to the ppoplo. Himself n leader in all tho rprimntrurtinn mea ure of Congress, no man can be more nltlp the exrliiin tlu'ir meaning and FT fprt, and no man In Congress ha rr better ri;jht to lip tlic champion nf it reconstruction pulley. Turn out, Re publican", ami show vnnr nldo repre sentative that von justify his course. ami that tlip ccusuro of the T.egis'n. tttre nf this St fe nor tint of tin people; lint of ft body of partisan. n mean ami pitiful as ever disgraced the Halls of u Legislature. Tun R.vt.t.v. Do imt forget that Monday evening next, t tin time hpi fur tlip gient Union demonstration To the pnbln; we will announce ii this place that the mot energetic and satisfactory matires Imve been taken br the Central t'ninn Committee, ami all that 1s now neeile.i to make i ' e affair a complete success in an eailv ami get) e ml turnout on Mnmlny evrn ing. The pood people of whatever (ex or political iailh are invited to come. Esoiv.h. The Oregon Iltrahl (den erratic) declare in ll issue of An "2Pih nlrV le lulion!" The Ifrrtihl will discover 01 the third nf next mouth that ihr peo pie nerept that interpretation ami Invi had quite enough nf revolution nud the Illair family. Any one who thinks that more "revolution" will briup peace and happiness to the country, will of eonse go to the polls and enst his vote for Seymour mid Rlnir. A CiiAt.i.KUt:. A Democratic frifin who hint lott somu inn'ie- l''iiinyl vauin and Ohio, hut who intend no to vote for Grant, nflers to hrt t-1,001 to (5,000 that Seymour and Itluir will carry the Five Point", the Dry Tortu pun, every Stnte Prison, a majority o! tin' Iimaue AbvIuiuh, every preeinct ir Hell and receive the majority of tin vote ot Orecoii I.epMatoro. The oirer i made specially to the Slgnul man, and as he hut not hoard liom the Oc tober fleet ion he will probably "bite." m Grs. .Iam'i.u ni the 'wirier hem's n nnieie: oic uur an nira,' Jie does not favor iik with a traiulation. but probably means that his parly to "go up" and "see tnn." Oreyoni an, Y-u are ripht Mr. rr-- nlnn, the traiiilatiou in correct. Tho Demorrat" haw a pood many maw on thu J.'lth, but on Tuesday they will Seymore, and then see him no more forever. Pooi: "Hixub." Tho Lcpi-lature having busted without piisin.' uuv appropriation bill,, luaves pmu' mem beri in n sorry plight. J. U. Whit aifd loepy Tom, ot this county, mr rich men, and able to pay their fun ; but poor .Louden U obliged to "hoof" it home hope his fuct won't get Wintered. AtJOur.i;i Tho Legislature hah tdjuumed to the 4th day of next March. 'i presume tlmt tho selei tiou ot th.it d iy is intended ns a set. ofT to the iiiitugimuinu of Grant ami Culf.ix; mii the tolom of "Weh.foot" will probably pari woinu terrible rsh lutions about thai time. J'he.'Legislatuio in cutting down the taxes with aiveugeanee. A lesoluiiun was olb.rud and passed to pay the Chief and Assistant Clerks of each House tit parVly extra. "We'll cut down thcee rVieul, tas;es." Unionist, Fou Tin. East. -Our friend Captain l.Jj, Sprague started from Fort Klam ftjh with jiis faiuily for the Atlantic Ejtsni-s Guod luck and prosperity at. uud bua. The Final Appeal On Tuesday next the people of the United Ststes will be called upon to Uncharge n duty, due to themselves and to their posterity. Tho issues to e decided are not ol an ordinary kind. The decision ol the people at tho bal lot box on Tuesday not only involves the character of the next four years' idminiitration of tho Government, but disposes of or reopens the ques tions that have so seriously agitated the country since the cessation of hostilities. On tlmt day the people will virtually deeide whether we have .1 government CRpalde of eontroling 'he restless and revolutionary element-" if society, and containing within itsi 'f the power ol self protection, or wheth er our government is to be at the mer- y of every ambitious demagogue who c n ni standar 1 n revolt. If tl e people deeide in favor ot Democracy, the justness ot therelu-llionisauknoul -dged the right of secession ee p lized. The government ot tho rebel ed State will be again made void a 'heir control again given over to tl evil spirits ot the rebellion. A servile war, perhnp, would be the iui vitnble result; and who can say how long the industrial progress of the nation will be retarded. Partial or wholesale re pudiation of the public debt is promN- d by (he Deainirutii' candidates, aid the Democratic candidate for the sec ond ufliee in the Republic openly de lare.s hN purposi- in make bitter and nnrelunting war ngainst 'In- icpn tatives of tho people. Thoe wh. know the viinlictivcnis of every inein ber ol the III dr family know how well (hat purpose will be fullltlled. On the other hand it the Iteptibli i'Mii candidates are elided tin mimi ill have pi-nee and ret. The fir" I'rnnieiits of the r-i'iu-t meted Slnte will be reeiignir-ed as valid, and the recognition u ill imply the power ami determination to sustain them. Tin bad and dan mu men who hojiu to gain by agitation and revoluiiuii will hope in vain. We need not siy what the result o' Tuesday's election will he. It is plmu Four Stales have ju-t declared thin their electoral vote will be given ti tirant nml C ollax, and have shown, in tho language ol the latter, "that nnlv t in..- win. oe the Hug shall rule tin c uiitry.'' "As Pennsylvania gups m thu Uiii-ni," has Inn me n proverb I'eiii.sylvania has just emu Republi can and Dcmneracy has nothing t hope for. It willMKi shamo if Ore gon, young a sheiieeding the nxin lance and care ol the General (invert! incut much as nlie does, casts her voti with a party whose defeat is ineveita- Idc and deserved. It U our hope, al most vain it is true, th.it her penpl will rally round tho standard of tin true Dcmneracy, and give her vote fir Grant and Colfax. It would le uel ami wise for this Statu if it were so. Ltt every Republican then come to t li polls, and let every honest Democrat who hopes for the future of his eountrj and is ashamed to bring disorder am disgrace upon it ponder well, before In casts his vote on the 3d ol Nnvembei for candidates pledged to further die- Hub and embarrass the peace and cred it of the iii'Wi, . "Sleepy Tom-" Breaking Up of tho Legislature. Several of the numbers of the Leg- On Monday last, the quorum in tin islaturo imm ntv have received l.werllousoof the Legislature was distinguished notice from us. Tin i broken by tho resignation of all tin gentleman from Ashland, who has well j Republican member but one. Thei ejmied tho title of "Sleepv Tom," re J reason for this extraordinary cnniljH" eelved honornble notice." His cotirsi U not yet known, and it is said that on the School tax bill met our appro ! they nill issue an address setting forth nation, and we gave him hastv credit , the cause of stopping legislation, ami Since that time "Tom" has gone back on the bill voted straight against it Mr. Crawford, voted against it, atict j thus piit themselves on record -na ojn I IEtUtlYeT. I . ..........ii-lnlt.ttl fll till preveiiinig an nir ijn ..... current expenses of the Uovernmeni and it beconui necessary to review tin situation. On the vote on the final passage of a certain bill Tom Smith In our opinion the action ol the Re publican members was unwise. J was revolutionary, and scarcely nn was exceecingly drowsy. His name course on tne pan oi me nnm..-.i wes called bv the cleik, but a snon ' majoiity would seem to junily it. 1 like that of a" liu Rerkshire iml' was tin was not enough that the majority Inn only response. Lnuder called the cleik, acted unwisely. It was not nsunicui.t fat. 4 n i f - ir-w . iios-dtifti free iichoiil system. Cnehrnii "c ''Pgislatlve AssemblvL. exhibited his need of informntinti by ' ' lisei t vvlth notoriety, i .,? coy saying tht.t ho did not hvlivvu tliPiiiim-1 "nntlaliipd any degree o gW h .us petitiom'rs lor the h.w had any f.,r,,V I'"?,?' "c AsTkiBblV. Vp1 knowledge nf the fact" tlmt there is now ' MitntionnUimll, fxjdred at IiiL?": in the State Treasury $240,000 of school ' '' "r days-last VtUfSf. tfiAT11 fiinil to bo distributed among the conn- ,(,,,ie'1 business wnn ypt uMtn l ? tris whenever the school superintend- ;' tnblc, nndn majority of dft'lT? nts should wake up and send in tli.ii 'M,;'7l " ;miniiB tl. nnU reports as required bv law! He , ,0 r?'"?. (l,,w) week. liOH thnught this amount added to the pies- (Mmiiiav) al the Union mem& nut tax would be ntuplv sunicicnt to " c. ll resigned, mid tl.eirar.VM M.ppoit the schools. ' resignations were handed lo(fc7s?J '- im WIH UMU'ri.M f.1,. i Gen. Ingalls nml Gen Grant. .r. the members who hd n-a..,IPlt ,y?? hat Ins iiiuiio has tieeii iinmien ninuiiu en. i . v I .... verv Ireelv in Oregon as mi anthonly. Hie reinainder ot iIm. J? '1 forLij. er (,,, "Jtll. ' in siiniiort the eiilumiiiotis attacks of went into seen t seiiin m,.1 II . . .. . . " ! mill i lip i but Tom's nostrils dilated wide ami ciittse tnnt uemnenuic muy nan nun..- lIl(l (.'(.ppei heads on Gen. Grant. The , cm dings have heen very faieiuhJV snored still ihe slimmer. The eaP i the legislature the laughing stnnk o i0loiug teh graphic. dNpati-h i-fl'ijet- cenle'liom tj.e public 'lutl.:n1' .. . .'.I -... T. .. .. .1 1.. ....lit- .I...I..I....I lll-U tllll lllll Ifllll.l' Hi till. tnlll till-Ill H-I. ' n't ..:...i ' went on, the b was i sposeil of ami uie ouiic n - n .. " ".- -r ...... V .- ,... 1... ... .,7.1 11. ' ""'"' H"1, "'un to , , ' , ' , ... Mitnnrliv wiim nnweiles Our incinbeis wW nml nther peryiiH liavu been public. . ' our drowsy member, overpowered will, minor 1 vvns pnwi I . ui r mil i.ei . SmMe is alive cares. .. ... r- , . , N ,....,v . .... ...... .n n jh ii.iiihh i wit nun .. i.n. ....... It appears tlmt Gen. Rnju IngalN parley, the door was omntil nil JiV"" is been made acquainted with the fact .signed members am) ouUiilif. ... i.f.. 1 1 I I... I 1 ..jI' . I,II?ML r .. - "SRStJsw rn." OIUIMIIli Editor Oiuihoman : lo correct " npproiiiat ions have bt en maJ false slatemeuts I vvih to say to those no final action has been taken u'iJ' who have known me in Oregon that I many jnnposed bills. Mutluim .T urn most poMiivi-lv in luvorol Geneial , made to take up sutidiy billo Imt , (train. I know him In be a pure put ri- were tint eiiti-rtiiined. The Awn-tniJI nt, of irreproachable moral habits, the lemaiiis in sesii u, Imt legislntiun'te 'rne-t nf Irieiids nml the best and gieat- uptiaieiitly at a deiid-lnek. s (d living men. He .bus saved, our Ve alempl nu eounueiit inmn tb Pnuiitry nt ; .should hf bi'ehrieil 'extianrdinary net ion today, Imt n,at niefliniit t noil!' lit anil Icl' appears m the record, excused by rea- , ihvy could not stay the mi-guided con son or being asleep! Pm r souuilli. duel of the Diinoeratic ineiiibeis, tln.v Smith ! We placed him in n false po- i'""''! avv alTordeil a eoutnist, and m r'iiin last week by showing that he tti'r what the inajmity migln havi did i eiedii u'tinu. S!,. , vToinis bme, the minority would not hav. ton much ot a statesman to change hi, heen held respnnsilile. mind so suddenly, and as he voted Fortwodays b-isiiies- wasat a stand- i . . f .. .. . i . I i l. tit ill nil rl mi itillindiltt i j vim i ii tr tin (iciui naiiMi iiiv tMiuraiion m in' ( - ,"" ' ......., .... -- , , ,. x . v. ; poor when he was wide awake, he House evtriented itsell by adjourning '- ";."'" ' ,' Jt '" 'V -iiiT..(i. must certainly have been ask-ep vrhen until the 4th day ol March, next. Ti.e I KUFUS INC. ALLS, j . ... ..; - hu fuvoiid the measure. Turn Smith people are awaiting nil explanation nf I5revciMninrGeucr.il. I . .... I .1 . .u.. .-v.. .... n... II .. ..... ..I. .1... ir... is not alwavs asleep. When the reso- mis singular course on tne pauM wu iui; .-iui ni ij.isi .im...i.ii m i- . luiinn providing for an increase nlp..v MTeeding members, and it .flM ''' l"'bl.sl.ed an i t.cle ... u ' ;'. . . . r .... . .i .. .i. :.. .. ., .....:ni . .JHT i allies o TSesmitn, Donlitlle, hlinr ninl and a longer job ., IcgMatinn was ,-. . Imt heir reasons will lu- lMM. W( n, ,,,' ( ',,,,, 0. ted upon, sleepy Tom waked up and L ntil we know the lull reason we shall tl.!t (-r.ml ,,, tieacherniis maii,"a roaied "ave," in a voice that did great , ivtrain Imm liirln'i-eriti.'imn. ' vhiiin nt I is inordinate love of inlnx- credit to liis head and his lungs, ami JTf TZ ', bating drii-ks and nt terly univliable in i,-,,,,,,,.., ,...,, .... -, Tho Lost UtVdfRoaJ. bisiimru elruineter." In thesainenrtiele I it is actually reported that he sanl i , ... ... ,. , , -, ,. ., i -. I 111 l.ill-l kl- III lit.. I Ifit'lllll 4!. Ill " l.llhlNl .! .! .1.1 . . . ..I..- III........ .1.. '" x " ..... , aye mice uiiici. j ne people oi mis - .... ,.,-, ,., , ,, . (ipl!s U!l. ,,h iranlV) earlie-.t and enmity should he gmtcltil to Tom. ' r"'"l wns surveyed and located In.;- ,,ng(-i lii.n.l ; ii win- m.' Iy ingiill-. When others weru wide awake ami tin' "lli;l la m t l.o-i- l.iver. I In gi-ueiotts iml in stiilling di'in llint In iS'li) ,-i'i Ingali- wa his i(iraiilV) earliest iitidi-.. ?....,.,,. , -rt,,U OVER . " , i ii i n ' W Mplfi.ii.v and Jslfniai tit. m nJ making aes of themselves our inein Ijor only drew hi- pav nml slept ! C, n.iMTATion urifcn. Ia l u liav pvac ,.."- S. firtint. idf "Those who love the tlag shall rule the count ry." .i7iiyr Vvljtif The above Christian and noble sen- ens was pr.i.ia'ilv not less thai was iiin.ii.ni.gni.iiuiH'.ii . ei i ..mi, ,,,.,.,, . .... 0no, and m! pa.iicu arheneli. to the, ;;'' ? ' '"'". f ' ?''" SSS " ' . ' ' All thesein.Mi vvhihiive-iii'-lliiin have iWl",n,,,) "'"u""4,1,,,,"'i. ';; '; " M .v"' n,r , i.hi hi... ....t ...,iv a ,... i.u. (.,,..,.. .JitxziS;:: W e l...ve in ..iip-clint. whatever t. jiur, tiviuhcr..u and bn.ipublc nt grat , n.f i.r.i irmui,u. i..,uV..i,ft. ibenullav n! inniiey for mnd pi-oihi r itmle or Iriiiidsldp." The iiad.ir will i , Nwrirtwrsi-MMi' .... .-y r.urM.u, jft, .... " . . . i ; ' i, i . .. . . I talit'nluwii Milrilliiif.l, l.ublie improvements, but unless ,,. ihiw see for bim-.lt h-'v i..,s ag,.-,.. , ,,, v,BRf r,fl(),Ww .I....I ill-.. IM.-..H III I li k I.U ...... tl.. "u." "" -''" i... ".. ."... i. .."........,.., i..ra i. r-iuf,ifc.MluM,.l "-I " ' '"- " ....11 ..... utl.lt... ..... . !( I '. . .. f tL " 1 IK I.!- HI ll.1t ll.l.V fit Im-.I M.I I M..l fc.- ..!.. . a . til. ir-.--..r'.ii.....i.v. ...... -.... .n ...... .. ................ ,.., ,. wlr wrm liu.cnts are from thu lips of the Re- 'pmni.ture will nave i.e.... an net n ,,lliv ,mtriot, man of imiri.-li...le SSSi-'Jrfr"4 """" """" '"" publican candidates for the two h"h- ""l.v" ''Viinvn niwavs argued aim mnral liai.its, the must ni lneuils mnl i,inii(iiiii(oriut.iiimniii, est ollicca ill the country. Who that ovei his country ami iluhv its ins -iili argue that e.iiuiiiuuii'tiiiou wilt i the best hud greatil ot liviiijj. nii'ii." hi Klam.it h li.i-.biii-.ui.nldl.- m i ' Oil the auth ol .luilliarv Insl the I d- .! i-.i... rr i.r i... . 1 1 ..i.. Cju-m a IUi i; li.i-Ih, rtlrl tt,l tj f...ria.k Iml . ir., ai.il .. ,, )iu h.-t i. i.l,n .. f j. mil if Irnni-i-. fir ll. -notui hi. iiii.( liitrtu F.t.i.1 ...... III. I M..IIIW ..If I'J.Ifl 1.4. l.l.ll.l.kl or U-inl,t1Cullt,uj4U.iw4 mallon nf Ikf Uliuulh ee the country ruled by those that mad tn mat pmnt. iNinie nl the p. - " vnui vvoiini inn vtmsdii in i. riux-mfif. rmis twrnr-tMnUcnikHi hate it ? I pie nl Link River valley are willing ' 'T' lfllt "lit i WtirX'Z$&lZrk"," Tl... , .. ,t . . ii-sisi by contributing means .,..! I ' 'vl ,." h. Mt T,,u . '""' ,,,u "' w.,M.M,-r ik,.ruh. iu,.ui. u (-" - ""- , , ,. . i nun ire. ill i-t iiiii. HUM' hum AMi-Anmii.llc.ri..ii.til.iti.nlMl.iS. , lull llltil HU -Vjilf.. j.tl....! I. 1.. .....' t 1 ai iif a. t i i . n. . . .. - .- " '." r.. ... ... i .ninuiiu , c.iiv iiilixl nl tit i;nrnt'- mini. ,h ii. ..-wwiisi imimi. u.nlj ne.itv will not cirnesllv endorse the '" '' 1""'I' "I Hi!- vl-.'V, rod ' '"' ".' ""' "'''V V '.' ' S s''' " l-.,,,. piuiv, win iiiii ...iriicsiiv eiiuorsu me - . i i . .' i "a private letter frnui an lutnifite ik i r-.nti. mimfui .list appeal? again urge step-mi the pact d our en ' M1,,-. f,j,... ..f (Jen. (ir,t,- tit win-1 --t.i-i. . .. Who thai lovi his flag, desires to , i!!,,, ,"1' l,l' tini-!ili-r nl a gnn.l wnC..i. , tl piuimi s p..Mii- h , . pressed ciArnXu."''" I""'1 ish words of a brave and imble muti- ihe second convey an idea of ti. j "llers f iO.I n-his Mfare nl a purse i nm inai lectin I'viiii nave eniiv ineiil all i d" ("rwni'f immilii mililsii'v liieinl-that he ei.n..l tint In , .leciiil il uiiiuiunled, ati-1 their iinuii iniiiiih l in-ii. liini nit I In- imt In In I a caii'lela'. ," 'l'l...ugli in. iniiin- mi i T-iHiin.Y u.vi i. iii en. inelii.il wiiu il.. pnv.iti i PJmL. JLLryU LJk.t l-tll'l" ulll.'ll till- .-.llll.l- ..1 1 1..- .''. . , . ... . . ! ' "'" " "'"Iui ll'KH'tl'"' "f St'fl'.h Ml,i pliilccil .i Imve seen (:) it wa- vv tl iiiini.-i.iii io n, .,.iin ,i, ati u.i'uw. i iv. iiii.li-i'-.li.inl In..-.- it.Mi I... ..,..,.,,, ... , ... I i"l'".j 'i"ki."oiil il.r r numi ,r tot i.iM.ul Illl.U'l-ll.nil IICII- llial lie llll-lllll III lull ,l.,r..,i. rniiim fir tl.i. hrrn-nl Ghall i,j..j xtuic Tau Country In a few days the people nfthisgreni Republic will bo called upon to deeiib il the ballot-box whether the contiiis nl lh Got eminent tbali bo given iuti the hands of rebels and ol those win sympathised with them. The ehctioi if Seymour and Ill.iir will show suel t determination. In the Southern States all Democrats are rebels nml al' i-ubcls support the Democratic ticket. In event of success Mr. Seymour wiM be bound by moral and eoiiveiuiniu 1 obligation to appoint hit partUai 'lieniU to ollices ot trust in every b liurtniciitol the Government. Are war Democrats who were willing n mo file and svvoid to check these men, now willing to see them occupy position if trust and honor under thu Govern ment they tried to wieck? We think not, and every war Democrat win easts a vote for Seymour will jirov. false to hiuii.elf and to his own record. War Demiierats by voting for these men will virtually acknowledge them selves to have been doing a wrong. ac tion when they took sides witfcjithe Government, and very many ofjj'beui will falter befuie they sun under tlTem- i-ulves to their old enemies. To tiik Ladikh. There is a general desiro that tho ladies should cuinu ami hear Smintor Willinuu to-day. We hoio they vill (onsldir this tiotico as feu iuv nation and lend their picbuueo. iroadest an I grandest patriotism, that ' ''""',, ' k .s i.n nth place no North, um A road from heie to the Kmimiil eolith, but only demaiuls bivu mnl ';wi would nut only tnvilii iieeinnii.i I'Valtv to the ll'.ig as tlieoualitiea.ious ' '''''"" with Fori Iv'iueiib, but w..u! .t an Amerieaii cili.en. ' open Spnigne River and Gome I..k Childruii nl the "Futheilaml," men ' Vi,l!',M. '""I '" " veiy short time th of Inieign birth -Americans, who wish . Jr,,m' "' '"ulseoti m will liu ol imiiit-n- iieaee and iirosi.erity mnl nernetuitv ' i",,,,ll""'' " i'"- We are nimble t- if the only asylum of the oppressed , "I'pfniini.ite the cost nt building .. uiug liigalN. name in ennui, ii. u with on tho" face ol thu earth ponder well r"a'' to '''"'' ' " hirt are iissiiic.l by j the ellnri to ilNpiruge liiain. may I! .. ..lore you go to the polls and vote ! ' ''l"'.l j'tdg-s that it will be v.t ; -' ""Miiitfthiiiahlo medilale .... igiiiist the .leu who uttet these cheer- i ""''" l'"' ""'y 'li'lh'.ilty i nv. r tin nig anJ noble woids. ' """"d""! between F.uiuniui . ,- k am They sfuiiti at the head of a oar i tlu' waters nf Klauiilh, a distance (.' ty, pledged that no human being , "."'' w a'w" "" O ie on UieL-i hull endure bundago beneath the ' ",i' "' l,U! "i ml the p,u..igi light ol Columbia's stars. Thcv aie ''ir wagons is through valleys m-.u-iv m 1... ....I ...I...I I ..I ! I , ll'll. I IK till, ilh'iuil. ..I ll.! 1 1 ... . ... iu ui.iMiiinii-.ii-ii i-iiiiiiiiinii in H-ufc - " 'in mi- ii ; ami is iiisn wot king in.seliict tn th tii-U iml liberty. Reineinber that your '''""f" "' over one hiiii,irc.l.iiilcs ip. ot on liifli his mime nppeais. ,Yoi .reedoin is the world's freedom, ami ""' Like valley is i.-.i,du-d. Wt-! probably have s.-eu it beloie, but it i- neliuvo that a ballot dropped in the bnpe to see enterpiisL- eu.mgli umouv ! un.ih n'.pi.,diieing. Unsaid : iiox against them is nnuther rivet in '""' citiw-ns to take lm, ot this Wiiv' lUii.iwts 1 i.m iviih vim heart tlie inaiiaeles Hint n false and trench-, neiore opinig sunn wcm-cii, runs Demoeracy would place upon Ltwhu.(Vn .ltlut. tour wrists. If vou claim to be friends ' ,. . .1 f.eedo.n and safe Government, ..' , ll',t',lullmvi"!: 'wl"W. items from to the polls and votelirGrant nml, wvwm '"P'-ndence ol ti. urt 'olfax. I- 4 hi Ulllkl li.1.1 L U4 'f In-Jtlivti IINI.I-U A.hi. fl'jt ImmI., oiAiicr. riui-aj. c-KriMtf, M.lr r.t. Ac vey Ihe impifMiiou that such a bttti hail been itceivetl trnm (i.u. Ing.ilb. llinse who have lieeu so iiidiihinnu in the lelegrniiliie tlliiiiteb PiibliMie above. Frank I'lcir nr.U tho iinm-puiu A speech iiinde by Frank I'-lairsom time since, in icr-punse tna i'ciii.111 mm uadent.St. I.u, ii In lii'i-ti icMii-r.-i-ttv Win. Sur 'i m: Ex.vvti'i.K ? The slam- ede of the Republican members nf the mi smil, mid In ni'iih i-.iv. 't.o.l hi.-, tl.f I iiiii.-g.iin.,' (. vofit'Fciiiai-, Gi-ni'iiil '1 p. ot w,.,t I .,, (-,i ubniii.nn.l Isuy Fiuuegitim. ri.uugbu. and eiinlusinn.J And Isuy that llinpe in see me caihe tl.miish mid pinsiim, rjonia,,, will be o. interest ... our ,d- and i, ,., UZR er: goviiiiud by Irisliuii'ii. In aec.uii , 1HK ino.v claii ciii.va iiii.i. i nlishing this laudable iiiid.-HuL.li..r I ,, tn l ii i r In the Senate, this l.MiriiiiiL'..lilli,i-.i' " '" no an i can inasMst you. I hi" it ... .-. . i .. i . - i. i.i. .1. ...i-,.ii . . .ntver iiiiu'C oi 1110 wregon t.eglMa- unsoii, iroiii tne touunittce on I(l ' ... ...-. n-, ,i, your iii.-in, line is not without a luiralel. Sever- T'1' i''J'lli""S leported back the i.nii-, ,")i',. ""'' '."" J" ,S,,,U" I1'!l,,l rr j:;!,ul',.'r,,'ii::,ri::'r:,i';Lr;'!;!:;; .le some years ago by abs,piatulating. J the ,i ,tllli , lhl, amendmeui heollei' 'V"1 " "" mUv 'Ji-Kr-'n-iiilH m ... c. o prevent the Election nf a United . ed yestenlay ; but lather ihaii nk il,,- I',J,l'sml lipts, wiiil.- ton, ,..!,',. Mntia Sunatnr. Tin. milt- .li in. ..... i ' lailiiie of the bill l.v uiin,.!,!,,., ,i... i,r,,r limn r lull headiviiv. .'nv t tn-i.iitt- ' l.at tho Republicans were smart ' "l!";,,,l,"!'m ',T 1'"'1 ",l""i"'l the bill lV.Tn l'' U,v ,':M' ! wU"lfff 1 81' iout decenlly and the X ..,.,nc.a..s were nn. 'Ihe former ie- .,()i,y, hlll ,. h" ' 0 , you lilt the Ibiti,!..!!..,, ot.t ,u i ,J Hl'lV ft 'Tl''''''.1 l,kV,1,,,iI' '" ftm.raveu.,,,,, ol ,1 e I nv ,. , - i i""1 '" ""'" his g,.,, , e enuSl Xl'IIIC litltlnl iinl . i...... I !...... -' ' f---. w,t.... HUM 1J.IYIIV ' . .. . " "M w ;lff tvi "::.jszs z. i "I'vM- bwnr ..I ii,.. bin,,,,, g,(,i,;iM;, '"""", vu,. iv , i STASi.i:v'bVAi:ii'.TvTiioui'i:,-.Inekl,)"llcy,.u'll,,"llt ',lu'"'l'"''g ' answei :,)Wm v"" ,jet ittu"U i"i(to,,t rv, , i , H-h, r , ,. mr fE.tHTis': 7 , ,,. bibted to Stanley's 'Ooiiiip tor two vote ..I thu iten m ..!,... ' ' ,; other d.iy. " e lube.-. iiidilu i-.-ii-.. ..iil.irtiiiiin.r.,,1 l.... .......:. .! . ' without .MiNllii-i' ll!.. .... 1 . . ".' '. ".....".... i wi riiiiiir 1111. tifi illl.l. MOlltiiir. nv . --...... ...,.,. , m. ii.ivf in. niuusing exhibition on the mag.., i Thu bill to alithniwe the lovv of., ""' ,"."" w''''"" mv vuif." I did (or good minstrelsy, they have no I tour mill school tax lor the hiiiukml . f ,IJ;1U.(,',,,,',, ,,".'t laliy The General rva.s iuiue?iaie uur own .atislat-. live ncbool, was wonteil tin, . U, x ' ' "" li '""""'op too uiueh, nml was tlon With tin ir nerrorniiiiifi.B l.ns l. II....- .1... . . .. " l- scarce v le.smnsii.. . 1... . -, . '. .---.....- ..,...,. .....,w i.ii,.,,,..,. u, 1- o 1 mi.-i iin 11 ,1 ,,, ., ,--.. .1 imm io- k;iu --.., b.f .-vvfiPiini 111 UIICKI I.1.1 'ivy. Villi, lllll rttl. kUi tl, r-,i.i...uiillf. t LlMf uf rlWt Mlrrlli,,; linn ,111 a ib-.. It r Mf.eH lL liatKe lin. r-umlxl u;m llir i rl I lull. JN nrri r.ii.tlv l,i,iiiroi-ri,f .ulTrrliii l,ull.l'Uil. tu llllttlt will nil, .o 1 1 uif . Tlifju." IMiiii.ii.'r,l hr Hi lil'li-'l iiIWhiVo II.-. ki.,1 ur w,.r.nnt-t t- iruturni.liiiiufUilrUf.l' tllrrt. Tl.-J r Crr.llli(l, (t.filli, . (rtl'.J t Ml.-I liitr..llr Nutici Am.v i...ii ,.' -iMIni: , oil I l.iif ' li. In l-tilk .,r ,t l,r ipilt ,11 I- K iji n 1 ..'. Il ...it.i.,iiil I.. .,ur I k ...1 111 Ulllr l.i..(n Irlillnl Mill. Ii.illntl.,.. (tn.trll, u n.R f , li ln'.l M-r.i. rf ..Itrwly In rlxHi Sf r tl.l o j U W ilr l'nllr-1 M il...lnu.i,'lrr II, r c k UUu.l.l.U,u uui il,;m.liir' .,1. n-l 'l-il ll'l. 1-iUI, S.'1'l It t. ritil.lt ll.tllll IliUUttlvlll I'.r Ulti'W-lltuU-. I". il.DK lhi:. i ro Xr w Vorl., .tlr ricp'r. I; Kill YO n nii.spiii'rtrfiw. AU:M'sroHAI.irt(M.V a.mimzvaua- Sll XUW )llHTAa UMMRST. Yl.r liirrll. iiriliU Mnlni.nl rr Ktllln, t. Ju&m l.rlu. nul.iin.il., Mi-llilM.-, nii-l K.r.i.l.lful. I UK, l.nil.o, IHIlllli lt'1,1 -rllil,., irK-.tWU""." nt.ili. Ii, .. ur Ii. rr. r f .wily, IUI Mln tt ! I 11.1r.il . tlm l.t lnrr.ii.irnl lint u U uI, II It llili- rrtUlll IIm II. il.cM-ll '! -ii.tii,.,-fir il,. ,l,l,-rl( U cl,jrtMntfc.i'',w,'4 l.oulil j.tvr L ili.f nitd iib, r.i:AD Tin; iollowi.noi "1 tililiirr In ir6inmrnrfinc ll.t Mlk Isnir l.luiliiu'iit a ialuaU ami IihIiwsM "" Srliw, Si.lrs, Scialclira, or Otlla ( II-iim. Of li..(r il (I lur Uiltlia, lliul..., fcuirf. IlliiaualSa,". inn u My 11 nxn ilka UMck-,'- J tl nn. lorrmaii for Amclu, Willi, lirp'i tml llr" K,irii, "Tim iirln lit tuy iUiijIiIi ' autU, uttttii' I.1.II111: Lki mIii, a inllri.r rut,l In wiiinl " ..It, ruhiliirliinl ll.lli Ji,urci.rl,lrl UluUU(Ul'S lll.mc.l.r, )lui, AhkiiiI I, MM. I- 1" 'CJ.il. k ami luir it rriMlnljf la. All inulm U '!!' Iniirrl ilalm-iiMlliiiriNillif ll.ii.MHin h Vtntliii.,1,, flinnl.l, nmi lliiill 1, t. uur''' mi Htm k Cu. ..ur llirli-j.. M An lT,,rl li Wen n.1'1 In euunlirfiU II !! lillir-lUl Ulwl. U.k Clu.il. 80IJ by all Dru.-gliM. nU Slum, l 2S. 50 ll. t- S V LVOK'S I'LKA fOWDKB. its here, and ask for them thu r mer- ljnjity ol the Democratic mimibeix and ed him ihut to a man jul'l'eiiuin.1- II II wrll known Ilia) Lynn'i CI nolp ! ..Ill- k.,..ilu .!.... -. .. .!,.. (n .... ahalW M VVV tirl.1, UJI.UKi, I.M.I.rl, A'-J II'' H ' "'" rJ!-. II, t. n..tl till. Iml rii'lnljr Urmli" In ltil'iM'r clia niMl.l,iinmtlcHlllli.i. . na. Ikrilliiie'. Vnt, llmirl.n., lc, irrin rirrj ,. I'.m.lM li II, fir lii.Ili.al ilfKll. llitU,ollii"'J''' t"inl... .. . . ....v..r.ltL JiihsIi llnxr. rM-Suprtliilcinlcni l " ,,.l Cll ll.Hlal, unl -lllill.tialji"""' Monair oirru-.q. .... art Mw VokX ll.mt I'aofriiion ji - JO UUi. "t" for rtefniliiilln loMif and .lenaliWI1 "f Cioti-si, ' ' ( in i,ji.i.n A ptstson. AHr llv"" S I". f- zzi.ss, Aimrlciiii II"'; ' , ,,,1, ai'kXmi a Tio'vtmrii ct .y,"1';" .,i. LVOV'-. MAfJNKIJOI ....-1 . .. T--.il iv viK.iv IIILII Lllll I'llllIM tl'ii a ....,.,,,,.,,,,,.. ii you want tun, mukutl by btout, I uston, UooIiiuh n ' - T,,,,m"1' M'01"'1 ha.tily ' be In K bsi.v.M. i i:.. Jlrmvuw" '"TV,,,, go to Veil Sl.utzs Hall to ftighl. ami 1'iovitt. it was ab!v sn n tc U,'.T Vlimi1 l,lllu '''V. , T-nfr ' Z.tZitfl ' witness their pe, forma.ic-e. , Ii is pe, alcss,N.Cu.nelius ami ll, 'n U tS. ., TV' "'' ,l ' A n'hisky &KW$$J $$2 naps the nt ebviiif bclnrc w inter w ill ' .wt -lrauli ol men tvere to ,, .- V ""'H. re, or t wuuldii't uv n iide ".rtTp' V?! w Df!J,8 .WawiKS M't in and cause the ,Iiy ftUoWJ l0 .. rlwid. , , J ' ' - sieh ., ,0 . ,lim, W&& fnE-" Aoh tip for tho year. , lull w.;S l05t. Wy DcmocS vZtua1"1 TMit' ttlld 1 ret "";"" - - 'PEtiS' i t", trautjuisiicdi i own na iainilin;WJl'Oii tlii Jiv j I l--7J e I