"adfcww-M' jj " THt --r2I2-iBESBaasi AMERICAN SAW COMPANY, BBJk'BBBBHSS viNuricrunitM or EMERSON'S PATENT lovable-Tooth and Perforated Circular Saws- ntforIel Mulsy, Mill and Cross-Cut Sawt, with Adjustable Sockcle. 8AW-QUMMERS, SWAGES, CANT DOGS, ETC., I klt,.iUbllshea'anorflcc'for "" ",e ' thl abort tttlcln, at Jo. 600 Frmt Slretl, San rrnnclsto. Descriptive Pamphlets wilt be forward ti to in; one giving u tholr address, auglfivlm. ttQtm tntiml VOL. XIII. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1808. NO. n FRANCO-AMERICAN .HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, orrosrrn tiic Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Trtvelers and resident biardcrt will fine II AZWD BID! BEDDING BUSINESS NOTIOKS, Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OR EGOS'. Ambr otypo s, Photographs, Cartes do Vislto D0XE IX THE FIXEST STYLE OF ART. Pictures Reduced 01! ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. 0 VERBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSON Ylt.LE, OREGON. Office at bis rcsldonco, In tbo Old Overbcck Hospital, on Oregon Street. DR. E. H. GREENMAN, K PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Wnmn THE OREGON SUTtt. ruuMsnnn Every Saturday .Morning 1r B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, OORXER C if THIRD STREETS. teiuh or suiiscmrnoxi For one year, In advance, fonr dollart ; If not paid within the first six month of the year, Arc dollars; IP not paid until the expiration of the year, six dollars. ' a TisnMs cr AnvnitTHtNui One sunnrc (10 Hnc or less), flrrt Insertion, three dollars ; each subsequent Insertion, one dollar. A discount ol (My per cent, will made to tlioo who ndvertle by tbo year. perLegal Tenders received at current rates. ,'i i ' ' K '--- m - ' ' I ' diets through the streets ol Wasking Tuo Great Tidal Wave- ton and around the Capitol ami Exec- -,. ,, iUUrT.Tvn W .PtUvor unvemaniiQnui.it ho delcndod with . -" . . . , V . hU life lor years in the long march, the tho Now York ltebel Convention anil .... ... , .. .?.. .'.. . ........ t.t i.i 1.1.1 wearsome siege, ami me norm oi uai- eatigni up wymour wmi sucu irrvsmtu tic, let Bitch man vote against Grant, -blu forco was' In reality nothing but lteiMBry T mmf rn!,ml I tl'o ebbing tido or tho rcbellion-tho would blot Irom the pace ol ourhlstory ,, , .... , .. . the story of thrso great achievements, expiring struggle ol tho trenchcrous lot him draw black lines around them Dcmooraoy to regain tho lost cause, by -... J ... . .1 in I . . . .... . i itiiu w rue across meir lace, -nave no regaining lost power: Tho conduct ot share in these great deeds, for I vol , t! t Convention, lu nlatfonn ami non.. against kraut.' Is there any man,. , , ',,,,,,, ,..., among you that would compel tlc ,nrcs has alarmed thofriems of peace, armies ot ute rotomac, ot the .lames, i' irecuoui uuu ui imuumu uuuui, mw No More Many years nco IUc wandered Where the mashlnc brooklets flow : PHYSICIAN OFFICE Pluced In first class order, and In crcry Wij superior tn any In this section, and urpaiscd by nny In thi State. nEB BONIS AM' SHYLY ITIINISIIED, Atd a plentiful supply nf the bet of every thing (lit market afford, will be b- tuliicd for HE ll TAB LIS. St troubled will be spared to deserve the pat rensje of the traveling at well as thejicnna aint community. tckmnrllle. March 31, lROfi. SIMiOIAI." NOTICKS. calhoied llowcrs and squandered cncntli the sunbcnm'i rIow. uly lloweri were n toKen nappy usys oi om, ol the Ohio, oi the Cumberland, of the caused tho awelling tide of patriotic Teniio!ce and ol the Gull to bo again 'devotion to the Government of Wash- gathered at the tap ol the drum and surrender as prisoners of war to l.eo and Johnson, Ucnuregard and Forrest, ana I'rcston, let him vote against .icn ingtou mid tho cause ol hitman rights, that is sweeping on with irroiUlahlc force, and its proud wave will not be cral Grant. If tiieto is any man among I staved until the Inst rebel nud nyiniw you that has forgotten that bright ti,isor wjti, treason shall bo tnado to bummer Sabbath day the ittlcMoni. k u , , d , 1Uircnie tor as she steamed out against the new ""'""" "" ' , ' sea monster, the Mcrrlmae and before ll ""t Irwwlom and justice is the law noon drove her, disabled, to port. If of tho land and tho only foundation up- there is any man who would havo re ,0u which Government can bo securely If ', TAlMiKTIIKIiNIOX j CELEBRATED ! ST0MACHBITTER3! Tlifwtl.llilmn tli.iiw.ll niter. iri fBllrtljf !v.(rull.-.iiiaiic fniinaUul-ultiiJ rryliurt-l TRY , A JUDGE JUDGE - FOR TRY TI1EM1 TRY I iM Y0UR ! THEM! rH . SELF! fit! Incinll'iiU A iil'snt Im.l , sml a limit jcr'ib: il-lul.-. Tin luJlL't U lliulul nllli 3 nlM.iiniiinimiii tliuiTUrkl'lUlrihniailr ) -vnill.tinn- I rttrrn la i.f a!u4l! imiK, lurl i.d h-rl. r.' silinlnlils silai.tril In tlir rurrol tllt!r.vthn4iiriUXtrni4li,j;iiliii)s,.lMrkiitl Corner of California and Fifth Streots, Jacksonville, Ogn. Ho will practice In Jackson and adjacent counties, and nllend promptly to professional call. TeWtf DR, A, B, OVERBECK'S BATI-I ROOMS, Zn tho Ovorbock Hospital, WARM, COLD &SIIOWEK HATI1S, SUNDAYSAND WEDNESDAYS. i oitriiE, i. i)., PHYSICIAN &SURCEON, OFFICE rcmovod to California Street, South sido. Jcksonllli'. Die. ,.'lst. lbl-7. deeil-lf DR. LEWIS GANUNG, PHYSICIAN it SUHGEOX AND Olastoti'lolau, 1X7IUi nllend to any bo miy rriiulrc his V services. Offlce til II. F. Hmu'll'ii oWco, oiijthc Uust side 3d ilnit, Jucksoiivlllo. novUtf II. r. POWI-.I.T., r, II. WAT80.V. DOWELL 8l WATSON, ATTOnNEY8 AT LAW, Jarl.iornlllr, Oiruii. niv ciooinv tolls were broken Iiy swee; piensiire's joyous loiu. Then ngxlii I stand In sorrow LMculns to the water's roar, WMiIng for those happy hours, Hut the sounds reply 'no more." Oh. what bright and joyful hours I What happy times mv heart then rc.ij I Where tlm'o pay aud fragrant flowers IIiiiii! In b'imly or my head. Tli'-ii I kni'WbiHjny and RltdncM, Then my heart m .ioiiiik nnd Unfit. II til Iho.u lime halo changed to fftilncM And the duy to dismal ulylit. Now I sit beneath the willow At I did In days nf yme, Wlthlnc Tor llioe happy tnomciil. Hut the wind rejily "no more V 'Tereyinrs hco, those houri o cheery, Crowned my heart with plfaurV croi tlut they've paised. and Ian weary While beside thli flowery mound. Thus It Is w Itli houi of cliililhoi d. llnpiiv I rs, to br!i;ht mid ny ; They, IlKu tluneri of the uildnucil, llloom uulillc, then pi" maj. And when ftoiiv, In itilevuusacctuti 1 heir return wo turn implnro ; Dut Time, nu Its pinions softly :chvback,"no more, no more I" joiced to bohobl a cannon ball shatter Farntcut. as ntlicd to hit mast no drove through the rebel licet aud dash cd litem to pieces, let that man vote based and made to stand the test of time nnd enlightened reason. "Coming events cast their shadows against Grant. If any man would i before." There is no longer any reas have Worden.niid I'aitaculaud Wins low, nnd all our great Admirals haul down the Star-Spangled llanner, never airaiu to brave tho battlo nnd tho crown. on to doubt that Grant and Colfax will bu tho next President and Vico l'resi dunt of the United States that tho breeze; if hu would soo them Mink in llatofttsiteoleetlousiorsiiHiunviiiorosuii, shame Irom their own quarter-decks, and that then will :oino a tiinool peace and give up their ships to .Maury, and i,ui prosperity to tho nation and pco lJucl.anan, and Sumtncs, and MolV.it, jc Bllcll nH iaV ol hitherto been known while the Confederate liars, emblems !',,,. . ,. , , . ol Slavery, flaunt on every sea, in every , " Y ny lio"- ,J" " State, let him vote against Grant. JA'itvyic.iec," is tho responso of every Vote earlv and vote often : foril Grant i patriotic nnd Chiistian heart, to that be elected, this globe shall disappear m ntternneo ol Grant, our great irim tins iiriiinwiMT itnmrn inn ikiiiiiit llltlll liv Himnm.ti mvwi ..v -.,.....-- ot tlie I'liilwd States shall Miller lam tish or thanio on the laud or on thu l deep. II there is any man nmoug you that would reverse llioorderol history; who would bring upon you shame and Captain and standard-benier. Ver mont, .Maine, lViiinylvauin, Ohio, In diana, Nebraska, New .Mexico, Colora do aud Dacota havo nil responded in iiIiimiiIit !iiu fur Grunt, nnd DtitCi". a reproach never before known among .. mXlm Myv u ljo im me nauous oi uic emu "" , . ,, have the commander ol the Unltvd oilmico of tlio iiron. States armies deliver up his sword, and Speech of Edwin M. Stanton. Iiniiililv bow before tho Hcbel coinuian der let that man vote against Grant, We give below an extract from an (but never agnin cull hiiiuelf an Amor- eloquent speech delivered on tho 2.Mh, , tcan citizen. II thero is any man wuose ec . . .i ... i... ir i.M.,-1.. M iii, evelia U would not bum to behold l.eo of beptember, by Hon. Liu in M. hhn-, 10 ,n 0, tll0 c.,,(Uo, will. ton, at nu immense Republican gather- n'caurocnnl, Preston and Forrest at llow.l.. ki ll si lijKiu.la, lVMr, I'Mt'Lirs,. t . . .. ...Allla Aid . t 1 nu .UIit ul ir 1A"II rtlT'ilie, ri' i A. Warren Loilco No. 10, A. F. & A. M lorA.irnii'.ei-.tic. l ersjiftnywl ,! i HOLD their repular cominunlcnllons ri.NKll.M KlK.H-.il. MAMTAiiinin, ' jy-(,ti,e Wcdncsduv KtunliiRs or precetl- rnr Mii.i.mnA Jfrl.11.11. Kill I m.iloe . TK 3T . ' ., r,ii -,.'1.1 hlmihiii f nr. ...w.. ...... ,...w... I r lug the full moon, in Jacksom u.i.r.. - A. .MAUll.-i, . 41. ing at Steubenville, Ohio: i lor side wiiu Conlederato army "Grant Maiuls this day before ii thu mpniul him, nnd as tho Government ,..,,..! iiiiliini'v iwimmniiclcr in tho'i tr.ltislenuil to tllUIII. listen to tllU IV. ..w. ............ -- -- - - I"-.'. ... . world, with peaiv lor his watchword. ;ndiel yell as it miuihIk on tho field of Wliv rhould he not be leclcd t What . b.ittio and in the New York Conveii iiMson has any lover ol country lor 11M lion. Let sueli a man vote against Wlillaiitrifc nib crr.it n; d:partment of medioinc and sunoEnY. OnsSIOX for 1BG6-9 will commence on the O fourth day of November, ami continue J"'ir monlln. The Meillcul Depsriment Is i."sr established ns a perninncnt institution, Thi mean pf Illustration in each departnitnl are ample mid the course of inatructlon thor firh jind complete. Muteriul for practical An-itnmy will be supplied. Studtntson nrrlv. Ii.u in the cily ore requested to call on the Dean, ho will (jive any information desired. Let I'lt of Inquiry addressed to tho Deun will re ceive prompt nttcntion. Medical bookt can be procured In this elty. U. OAltl'KN'TKR. M. 1). IKan of the Meilicul Kurulty, Bnlem, Oregon. bounFto'do iti d. c. miller IS BOUND TO WORK ACCORDING TO THE TIMES. c HORSE SHOEING J At reduced prices for, cash. Ten per cent, ibcount will be made ou all kinds of work Mhtu cash It paid. March 20th, 18. mch21tf T o roundrymen AND BLACKSMITHS. rniaUrUad ud Uhljh COAb nd WO IR0K 1,000 Voxmf la Elm. and Afloat, for ul hj 41J and 416 raeiOo SI, San Ir.ncl.ca. JTsbUjr DRS Uk S.BOfH &. MCALISTER DENTISTS, au. 704, Mrkt SttrMt,,8an Frnllco Cat Wr. MeAllater. of the above named Arm, will "at Jacksonville In a abort time, and remain ,r R, 'nw dayt. To any perton vbo baa ha a .'' I tooth that they ca-inot use, I will make ll '.m " t oa their leaving the amount of iny i Win any rctponalble firm In town, the w" " or leein to bo tent to me within a tpoo 1 "'"VjJvth filled and ictorcd to their rra with nn y"ft w do charge." luril form wllk n. 1J ...J' -.1. ...! Ik n. '" "l MliV.VU, U IliaUV U'VIUI l.OOS .IV . ... .. .. 1... voting for him? ly hin fide stands mrant and go to asiimgiou on mv Schuvler Collax, who, by his own cn-'llhol .March, Why then, I repeat, eiL'v. good character and industry, nil- should any lover ol his country to e vnnced Irom the piiutiiig omco to me ngninsi tiriiui, vniiiix .ui-i ii-" ii-iiLera Chair, and tor three success-1 ueau incmuori wougies. O. V. SiVAOK.Sec'y. Notice. 11113 Iiookt and accounts of theSr.vmn.nre r. i;. will pleiuu call m I in tl... Immlsof Mr. 13. II. Watson. TIiiim) Hnd pay their uc II, F. HOWELL. Camp indebted counts. Teams Wanted for Warnor. ON. and arter thu llrtt duy of October, 1SCS. thu uudemlgned have determined to sell for cash exclusively except upon special con tract. Those Indebted to the firm must posi tively pay up. at all account will be closed Oo toberlit: GLENN DttUM & CO. iwpl2tf. BOOTANDSHOE MAKEHS. KOTICK. Having disposed of our Fnc. torv, we nro uow piep.ued to Rive our whole attention to our Leather nud Finding butliiw. On hand, direct rrom France, tuu Mp. Domestic Leather, Boot Legs. etc. John O. Hkis, I L. Faviik, I Jonx lliuv, New York. I'arls, San t ranolsco. Address. IIEIN & IlltAV, 5an Francisco. 411! Uattery Street i . ' I ... J"Ml...l !... .Ilta.1. ivo terms nas nuru mi. uwu bniiiii- mid disiiiietioii. Hoiut upii"iit ineii have been noniiuatcd lor vow rcpretcntatives in Congress, i with nud .,b.,w.l to ttnud bv Grant and the ,.....- eountry; Tho Wasted Flowors. On the velvet banks of a rivulet, sat Her lap was filled with ..i.ii.t .. .".. ...1. .1. 1.111. ...r. ...... uiiv tnei . ncaiu. insK, biiouiu . . . . 1....1. r" . "f t , v .ot receive vour support V flowers, and agar.ai.u o.roseuuu- wu. v .... . j - - . .. 1 ' - - II -1 . .. . If.l 1.1.1.!.. '..in-mbtiinmi tn vnn I n-iiirrl nroilllll her IICCK. Iicmire n and to tho whole woild. Educated at nuHant as the tunthino that fell upon West Point, he served with distinction J. u. ni)(J j,er vojcu wa, M dear as that through the .Mexican war, and when . , wnrUwl nt icr bide. In the pursuits of civil lifts. Leaving with each gusli of It musio the child ....w.ll t.ni-sillts Ul II1U L(JIII-!i:i....l o Unu-i-r III US tllllllllCU liuiiu irtivv.,.. ! . ... . . . . iiitvv. w ..w.. EL U0KAD0, H. B. Cor. Cat. & Ogn. HU. Jaekaoiivllle, O. S. M. FARREN. ATTENTION FARMERS! Gang Plow. In AVE purchased the patent right of Jack sou and Joseohlue counties for tho celcbra ted Pile GANG PLOW, and am now Spired to fill ordewTind will guarantee V bat this plow will do better work with less power, and give more satisfaction than any yet offered to (be Itinera of southern Oregon. Plows warranted lu ever respect, and all kind or buSlhlngdoneat'ten per teat. dUcouul for catli. octlOmS P. PONIvOAW. PiS0ltie of rarUersWp. rpHE partnership heretofore " JfS I V' .11 and Wiu. O, Greenm n It dlwolviu tbl. d Tb5 account of Dr. Greeoman have Ki-spoortoW. C, Greenman, and an mediate settlement is m,u ed.REENJ(AN W.C.GKEENMAN. Ang.Cth.16C8. Ug8if TOBWork neatly Executed at the Swm J Offlce. 1.; ...;...nii.iit of tho lebellion, ho joined tho Aiiuv, anil hooi. udvnuced to the rank VI ilnjor-General, commanding an army. Alter varied and important services, he moved upon the er.i'inie works at Donelson, ami compelled their commander, Utickner, to surren der with 18,000 prisoners of war. Soon alter he grappled with Ueauregard on tho field ot Shiloh, and drove him and routed his army fiom the field. He solved to open the navigation ol tho Mississippi river he run it batteries nnd defeated General Johnston, chas ed the rebel General Peinbertoii into Vicksburs, and forced him to surren der with ao.000 prisoncis of war. Ad vanced to command all tho est lie fom'ht and defeated Hrugg at Chatta nooga, shattered his army, and deliv- ered mat vuv .... ,".:,.., tl... rbol. Advanced still higher ns I. with a merry laugh, thiow it upon its surface. In her glee, slio lorgot mat her treasures wcro growing less, and with tho swift motion ol childhood, she flung them upon the sparkling tide, untiT every bud and blossom had dis appeared. Then seeing her loss, she sprung upon her feet aud burst into tears, erring aloud to tho stream ..Bring back my 'lowers I" Hut U'O btreaui danced along regardless ol her tears; und as it boie the blossoming burden away, her woWs camo back in n taunting echo along its rccdy margin. Ami, long after, nmld tho walling ol the breeze, and tho fitful burst of child ish grief, was heard tho fiuitlcss cry "filing back my floworn I" Merry len I who art Idly wasting m" . .. .n I.A.i.il Willi v lioft. c ous modicum ' " - .ieutcnant-General, he changed liii d-ouarteis to the lotoniac. 1'oity. 1.1..-. .....I t in itinir 1 11 roller 11 r-- . . .. .1 1.. " "" ". . . - o - . ...1,0,. iiKi.ri-o 111 tins tii'inuiii. iowciiiipm'." - " Elli ll moment is a perfumed flower. Let its fr'muco bo dispensed in blessing all around thee, aitf ascend as sweet Uu . t its benevolent Giver. Else davriiiardiiug and fighting through II Lh! VrWlSSnd. ttHcd Vo Io!l chiid an emblem of thyself. evacuate, Lee was chased to Appomat tox Court House and forced to surren der hinisell, and bis arms and men as prisoners of war, which practically ErouV the rebellion to an end. And now I ask what reason has any man to oto a-ainst General Grant? lis. ca Jaoftyand integrity for civil adiniim fr Son was equally manifest 111 the SS territory hlwI.U ho operate -h & tbo boy themusU knar ek tluvt . . . .1 1 ..1 1 lit. 1JOI1UIUSUII, lim. burriponLookout.Moiintain, through out t'h" Wilderness, before ltichmond, S Five Fork-, at Appomattox Conn House and shouldering proudly, and mn ches with 800,000 ol -Ml fellow sol- in- when thou hast carelessly flung them from thee, and west them receding on the swiit waters oi Time, thou wilt cry in tones 11.010 W.ornl than those 0 the chiid-"Briug back iny flowers I ' And the only answer will be an echo from the shadowy Past-"Bring back my flowers l" In England "the Odd Fellow, num ber 4 17,1 22. resont struggle, which is nothing less than thu itsucs involved in tho Into rebellion -freodom, peace nud Union 011 thu one side, und disun ion, war nnd slavery on thu other. The Union Kopublican party pie bents ficedom, peace and L'uion. It was lor that it tjfet and conquered the Into DcmocHsTo rebellion. Hie Democratic patty represents disunion, war and slavery. It wns for that it re belled aud plunged the nation into civ il wat, aud now seeks to regain tho lost cause. The great contest between these parties lor power to control! the nation will be submitted to thu decis ion ol thu peoiilo on tho 3d day of No vember next. Wo cannot doubt the result. Wo have faith in the iittiu ami intelligence ol tho penplo to work out for Union, Irecdoui, justicu nud hu manity .1 decis'ivo victory iu tho elec tion of Grant and Colfax, and so bu- Hoving wo shall continuu to work for, that end until November's sun goes down on election day. Wo hope tho friends ol God and Ininyinhy will do likewise.--AViiM and iihljtc. Turkey-lng. Iu former days there dwelt in the bravo Corncraekur State, in close prox imity to each other, a young, buxom, n.1,1 u...:iltbv widow and a bachelor of scarcely more than her own age. JIolli had inherited their property, and were comparatively stranger to each other. Uut their plantations joined, aud many weie the acts of neighborly kindnesses that pasned between them. Well, a somebody sang to the witching widow Machrce, the time nnived when the "birds go in pairs," and the widow found that although she had plenty ol hen turkeys she had none of theotb or persuasion, thoy having mysterious y disappeared. II11I ho knew that her neighbor bad plenty of a rare breed, aud so sent Sambo over to bor row a couple. In duo time ho came back with a largo gobbler under each arm and a broad grin upon his face. "Well?" inked hi mistress. "Massa said," was tho answer, "tint ho send tlein turkeys, and dat if doy did'l4 answer he'd jest come obor and gobWhis own self." VdoBltolt and toll him to come," commanded tho widow with cheek, like peonies. Tho negro djd as ho was commanded -tho horeooftho bachelor wa. hitch. edtiiaUdghtmitUalatehour 0 Pp.t in front ou --.: thpro was a woumihj I months. Southern Railroad CoRMette. OtiAitt.r.sTO.H, Sepl'YtuVfeOS. Etmoiw or Hn.no.viv Hkcord, Gcnttamni Knowing tho interest which yotfr valuable- Journal has at ways takeu tn the tltti'o llltigo Uaftroad, I sont you, last week, the inessaga of Governor Scott to the Legislature in relation to it, and his recommendations ni to the early resumption, and final completion of tho work, A Dill is ready before that bddy ombotlylilfc 1 recommendation, and in early passagu is expected. While writing to you 1 will call your nttcntion to an article in tlio Hkcuru of tho 00th April last, w)tch dooi our city great injustice, and which It seems to mo that you should correct, tn tho nrlielo referred to, headed "Tlio South side Consolidated Act," tn giving the depths of water lu tho channels ol ap proach to tub principal ports of tho At' laltttonnd Gulf Cities, nf )dgh tide, Charleston Is put down at fiitcen (16) feet, wlterem tt is very common for vessels drawing sixteen and ahalf feet, to seventeen feet, to load at our docks, aud to cross our bar without difficulty. Indeed, tho llrittsh b.irrjtio Annie Kim ball, with railroad Iron, crossed our bar tn the summer of 18(17, drawing eigh teen feet nine aud a hall inches (1B.0J) unloading at her dock. She paid a pilotage, indeed, of 200, nnd went ont afterwards, bound to Hoston drawing MovtMilcou feet, nnd paying tr.'l) pilot nge. Good sometimes comes out of ovtl. The main ship channel, used al most exclusively by vessels of any si 10 boloro the war, you will remember was closed by the United States licet, by the sinking ol old vessels! and hulks. This channel has now so shallowed that It is no longer used by any but vessels of light draff, but tho channel imme diately uorth ol it, known as Pumpkin Hill, has been thereby neatly deep ened, nubrding a depth of water much greater than wo bnve over hnd before, or ol which there Ih any iccord. lu this connection it would bo rt great omission not to allude to Port Hoy- al, for although no elty or town now occupies its banks, yat railroads at no distant day will bo constructed to its magnificent li arbor, with its unusual depth ol twentj'-two leet (22) at lowr, nnd 2B feet nl high water, always ao ecssiblo' nud never blorkrd up with lee. Can it be ponslblo that when tho South ern Pacific Katlroadshnll bo construct ed, which It will be, and our own groat section shall pour Its growing wealth on our shores, requiring vessels nud steam ships ol the largest sire, to convey tho productions of so extended a country to thu distant markets of thu world, that this magnificent harbor shall not bu demanded Jur its accommodation? It seems to 1110 that a look at the map settles this question, and thu future, of these things is not to distant that Port Koyal should bo overlooked. I nm gentleman, very respectfully, Vour obedient servant! II. GOUKUIN. within three Heceipts of the Vvern Un!o Hnilroad Company lor tho week end ing September 7: IMt n.iiu tiT.no an '.uo'iifli . IJswl 04 1:1 1 1... a T.I i-'-tlOo mJi Sit Ul IK7 IM.UI 10 8.WJ tt Will sum Iw. ittin SJO) mvn T-Il HUM " "OS 4 IIU W !. Kcceipts from January 1, to Sept. 7 : IflilB UMM 30 IH07 -11,133 87 Increase WOS 30 Sleeping cais uow 11m U. rough (row Louisville to New Orleans, via Mem phis, Grenada, Canton, and Jackson. The lino from Louisville to Memphis, 377 miles long, Is operated by tbs IaiuIsvIIIu A Nashville Kailroad Corn party. Tlio time Irom Loulsvlllo to Memphis is tweutr-ono hours. Indiana divorces About ten thousand a year. A .Milanese is forming a company to irrigato the deiort of Sahara by artsei nn wells. Queen Isabella, of Spain, en 8tU occasions wear diamonds worth 3,' 000,000. The biographer "ol the "Wieksdsst Man" writes tho answers to corrwpeB dents in the New York Ltdgtr. An cocentrlo blackbird has altonUh ed tho good pcoplo ol Leyden, Mass., by becoming n domestio fowl and roost ing with tho chickens, Nutt anTsirs. Tola Thumb's sUtsr ako a match. Tliey nmvm DNwetw. nm to ma . .1 ..,-nf a. million inauu n " - 414 thesa. L'U it t- IE irs 'SrvPTstinfm r ISiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSiSlSBiHKiiraSSiaSXKU , . ....-. iSHHHIH