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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1868)
muffiaif uw "j-! vtHltfrSr C3BBK7! THE SATUUDAY MOUNIKO, Oct. 0, 1808. , p. Flltiur, 20 fc'.ai New Mcrcli in't's Exchange, Is our only authorized Kcut Id flan Francisco. For Eastern Advertising. Mil. Finiw represented bjr S. M I'kttunuill 4 Co. of New York una Motion. Hudson K.X Mciiot nro our only au ihArlzl AKUUli In till- Atlillltlo States. UlnoJS 41 Park Row. "Tlinw" llulldlng. New York City. All orders must come tbrouuti them. ORTON'S PREPARATION! ESTABLISHED 1800. THE APPETITE FOR TOBACCO DES TROYED!!! Leave off Chewing and Smoking the Poisonous Weed, Tobacco. yni-virtPs itl tie M. K. Church to morrow nt 1 1 o'clock, A. M., by Rev. M. A. Williams. Rev. Fntlior Blnnoliet will hold ser vices at tho Catholic Church to-mor-lrow at tho usual hour. Sad Acciiiknt. Oiio of those dis tressing acoidoutB that no frequently occur from allowing children access to poisonous drngrt, took placo in this 'county last week. A child of Mr. Pliipps about a year and a half old found Bomo opium lying carolcsssly about tho homo and eat a portion of It. A physician was Immediately call ed who promptly administered tho most fleotlvo romedics known, but too late: In less than two bonis af ter his arrival the little mtflvrer was a corpse. The afflicting ocnurnnco may poriiaps servo as a warning to parents. m Soiiikk. Thu .Taoksonvillo band will give another of their ph-nt.nnt soirees on Wednesday cvWuig, October 7th. This entertainment is lr thu benefit of Mr. James Lents, the leader of tho band. Mr. L. U deserving ol. much crdit for his efforts to improve the mim ical tintu of this plnco nud it is hoped that our young foikn will turn out and bavo a good time. Kvury nffort will bo Hindu to mako tho r.riy nn agree able ono and noiio but thosu purehas ing tickets will bo admitted. Sihkiyov Cou.ntv Faik. Wo no knowledge tho receipt ol a complimen tary ticket to tho Fair of tho Siskiyou County Agricultural Sooiety, from the Secretary, II. U. "Warren Ksq. Tho Fair commences on Tuesday next, and continues during tho week. Several ol our citizens arc going to attend ns n enmity Fiiirii Homut king not likely to occur soon in thN county. Wo aro just about twenty years behind every other community. G.vstt: CoMtxn Down. Tho fire tn thu mountains seem to wtir the game up considerably. Messrs. Tenlnook and Cf.iuo shot a large bear in the drove hut wi'iflt, and lyiues and loxes are seen very frequently about tho v.dlcv. On Sunday lnL a very huge hear "was lyi ig in thu (ene utter within a hundred yimN of the Grovo hchool house, while religious K-rvices weio being held there. On being dis covered lie walked leisuioly away. CiiitiiKcrioN. Wo published a mar jiugu notieu last week which pioves to bo incorrect. Wo had no inten tion to wound thu feelings ol any one and confess that we weru Imposed on, which will sometimes happen to the sharpest of mortals. It is duo to Mr. Woolen and Mrs. Colvcr to say that tlio announcement was probabla a hoax got up to annoy them. Kaimioad PitooiiKss. Tho head Chinaman lioru informs u that Hoi liday it Co. have sent hero for two hundred Chinamen to commence grad ing on tho O. O. R. R., Kuat-Siile, noar Eugcno City. This company eeoms dotormned "to jnish matters, and if the cash holds out there will soon he a railroad from Portland to Eugene. I Dmmd MinstiuiuJ! This troupe per formed here on Thursday evening to a fair houst. Their performnuco was ex cellent and wo must Hay that we never heard thric persons mako Mich good musio. Tlioy visit Yreka to play dur ing tho Fair next week, and no doubt our Siskiyou neighbors will patronize them liberally as tltoy deserve. Laygk.Salb of Cattle. Mr. Swin gle, of Butte Creek, sold his largo band ol cattle, about 800 head, to Mes srs. Dow and Whittiugton, of Honey (Lake last wook. Wo have not learned .tho prico but it is said to bovorygood. o Wouk Oxu.v vou HuiiuoLDT. About ten yoke of work cattle passed through town yostorday on thoir way to Hum toldt Bfty. Heavy FKiaur, Tho steamer Pa cifio tflfat arrived at Crescent 'City this week brought, ovor 400 tons of freight. Tfie bulkof it was for Jacksonville.' iToHcaiUnrPnmlllet. Art yourllttla ono" tub Mttuerounl Uio.Jon'tMl lo ma NKWULL'S I'M.. J0NAH.Y8YRUP. A fow let Riven In lima MAY JAVBTHK Mf Or A DAiai.Nd CHILD. Do nut wltaharail ooha4, If jrou would ba tafa anil ftto l aniltljr, "In Tlma nr.Panex Prepare fur 1Vwr.nSa filbl"'of DHB.C03PKIVS UNIVKUSAl UAONRl'. " uneii)illl preparation fjr tjrenttry, Plr' taonaaj Craiun, Tha Imtantaaooui ralltf pf Burn. BmliaaamUptalqa, Rleetro Hlllonti,Thli curlom ao-l ratuabla mh tanoaUeooM.ntlyclalaci.ltobollia BEST ARTI0LK !IV?,It.?a'rllii 1 polUhlne QM. Sllwr JMflaM I VVar.,,a.l all amootha inaullc aorlMoj, of r?JS!!,,cr,,,niirilieKiifhaiitBiUi or nn, rpr, brui.itttl ,t,' ' One box of Ortor.'a ted to destroy the nppc any person, no mailer may uo. J i( lam m refunded. It itptrtctly eattt. It Is almost I in tho use of Tobacco, by tbc Will. Something I tiro In oTcrcotnlng a With tho help of the not tho lost trouble, who uru willing to fact, that Orion' ly destroys thu uppe lcavrs tha person as Tor It. as before lie The Preparation acts glands und acorutlous und through these up ly cleunlng tlic poison system and thus ullny cravings for Tobacco. Tubaceoalir uring Or olid it u uarrantetl. Preparation la wtrrao tlto for Tobacco, In bow strong tbo bablt any cut tht monej uill b tare and harmltit in all possible lo brook off tnu mere exercise or Is needed to assist na bablt so firmly rooted, preparation, thero Is micWibsre used It bear witness to tbo Jl Preparation complete tlto lor Tobacco, and freo Troin any desire commenced Its use. directly upon tho same alTcoted by tobacco, on the blood, thorough or Tobacco from the lug tha unnatural Vo inort htmluriiu fa ton's Preparation. 7?e- ltECOMMHI-'DATIONS. Tiio follortlng aro a fow selected from the multitude of recommendations In our posses Ion. From V. P. lleald, lUrj., Dangor, Maine. Ilangor. Maine. April 14ib. 1RU8. I hereby certify, thut 1 fmve used Tobacco for thirty years pant, and lor tha last fifteen years 1 havo used Uo pounds pur mouth. I have m.ideattempli to leave off at different times. I have Irlt oil ono year at a time, but always continued to hanker for It till I usid Orton'it Preparation, which has completely cured mo or tho nppctltu for Tubncco. I would recommend ull who or fllioud wllb this ten Ible bablt, lo try the Preparation which wlllcerluln ly euro If tha directions arc followed. W. P. IIEALU From D. V. Atkins, ICanxiHIv, Tenn. Knoxvllle.Tcnn , August fltb, 1N07. Thts Is to certlly, Hut I bud used Tobacco to such nn extent, that my health bad become greatly Impitlrid.nud my whole system derang ed and hroKciidotvu In Juuu, 1HGT, I purchas ed one box ol Urtou't Prepurntlon, and after usulug It 1 found that 1 (us completely cured, I Iiavi) not had nny de'lru or huiikerlng for To bacco llucu using the Preparation. I believe It lu Ihi ull that It H recommended, and I would advise ull who with to iiuit tho uo uf Tobacco, of Orlon'n Prcimrntlnn. j;. W.ATKINJ. to try u:id box i From Johu Morrill, Ilangor, Maine. March Illit, 18C8. Tbli Is to certify, that I u.ed Tobacco for clcbtueu J cur a ; hnvu trkd many limes to break oil, but b.tvu sullurul u much Irons n il.zzlnu. In my bead and u gnawing In my stomach thut 1 liuvti ronn gheiiup thu trial. A short time since a rrlenil inductd ma to try Orion's Prep uratlon ( mid by you.) I Imvu dona so mid urn compUUly jiltid, Id.duotlu thu least ban ker allti Tubuccu, either lu uiukeur chew, after 1 begau tu uie Ibu Prepnrallon. JOHN MOIUUI.L. S,n.RcirtTt (Xunttrott and all articlu ur yurltd tn Uliktuui.itf tht mm naml or Mtruitt Tut grtat yvpularitii of OitunU Vruraion hat w duttJ unpriutiyltil ytrtom to ailvnjit palming uvvn tht puUit twnurfal and vf trior nrtitlu J'urthat ri udl pltattordtr dimtly Irom tf.t yrcpriihr, or hit dalij authorised Agtntt. Tha price of Orion's Preparation Is tl per box. forwarded to any part ol tho country, l paid, un receipt of price. Money scut by mail iilourrltk. Addrfii, 0. U CUT! ON, Proprietor. Ilox 17 Id, Portland. Me. r.ttxilK.NCni Wo, tbo undersigned, hereby certify that we have had personal dealings wllb 0. II. Cotton forseu-rnt yenr, and Imtu louud blm to bo au honorable and fair dealing uiiiu, mid one wor thy thu oiil!deiicc und patronage ol tbo public Dr. B. II. Uowcll, ltcv. J. d. Urt-ui, ti. 1). Itlcliordson, ICtq.. l'urllmid, Maine j Hon. B K. llnyle, Itullast, Maine; Alonzu Uunmnl, ln llungor Muine; Clius. II. Morrill, Ilidde ford, Maine; Mr. M. Qulmuy. St. Juhnsvlllc, N. V.J Wot. 0, Seet, Ej , West MsusDeld, Ma UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER HAS JUST RECEIVED AX INVOICE of goods from tbo East of ttc finest qoal ity of LADIES' AND GENTS' NEW PAT TER3 GOLD CHAINS, GENTS' SILVER VEST CHAINS. A fine choice lot of EN. AMELED BOSOM PINS, EAR KNOBS and DROPS, SLEEVE nd COLLAR BUT TONS, and BOSOM STUDS. A. choice lot of DIAMOND, OPEL and PEARL RINGS. Also solid rings of Ids own make on band all th time. Sollld Silver ware, uch as TABLE und TEASPOONS, DBS. SERT.SUGAR and SALT SPOONS, TEA und DINING FORKS, BUTTER and FRUIT KNIVES, WHOLE AND OPEN TOPTHIMIJLKS of oil sizes. Fine EAU L1SH LEVERS in solid Gold Huntlno; Cases. A beuutllul lot ol LADIES' WATCHES In solid Gold Hunting Enameled Cases. Tbeio have been selected with great care for reliable timekeepers. Alsojuit received an Invoice of tho AMERICAN LEVER WATOH, In heavy Hunting CaM, price from 35 to 75 dollars. These are THE BEST WATCHES For tlie money ever brought Into the market. They are Manufactured by the Natiopal Watch Company, at Elglu, III. An ussortmeut o! sS-VCTXaS vVA.TOEOBrX On hand nil tho lime. A new lot of tight day and thirty hour clock;, from the best fac tories. PLATED CASTERS, TABLE and TEASPOONS. KNIVES and FORKS, TOBACCO B0XE3, SPECS ol all klnds tbe London smoked, fr weak eyes. P0CK ET arid TABLE CUTLERY marked 1XL. AOCORDEO.VS, FLUT1NAS, MUSIO BOXES, fancy und breeding BIRD CAGES; large market, ladles' traveling, and children' IIASKETK, Boys' TIP-CARTS unk WHEEL MARROWS, DOLL-BABIES, Choicest TOY" DRUMS, Children'. CHAI CES. THE CELEBRATED HOWE AM) FLORENCE EWIWa.IVIACIIOTE. no has a large lot (if Toys on hand a targe tot of DoIIj. All kinds of lish hooks und lines. The best of Guitar and Fiddle Strings. A full assortment of PIPES, from the bast Mtr hautn to the cheapest UUy Pipes. Mouth Pieces und Stein nf nil kinds, Tobacco Pouch es, MATCH UOXKS.etc.utc, und u Urge uiiorlment or the bfdl CIGARS. AUo al ways tho most choice brandsof TOBACCO. soft and hard prcsstd. fine cut (or smoking aod chewing. All kind of WATCHES. CLOCKS. JCVCLRV AND SEWING-MACHINES Cleaned and rnpulied at the lowest prlc s. To those hIiii lite at a dislanco and send by Stoc;e driver nnd Express, the drivers' or ex preiuuee will !) paid by me. Be tare and send to J. NEUIJER. Wotch Clock nnd Jewelry Store, for clcuulug and rcimlrlni?. JOHN NEUBER. HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. SPECIALITIES. Plticn A.XU UUARAXTKK. The larees and rood varied atock of Gentle men's Clothing, Kurnlshlnc Goods, Trunks, I1k nnd Yallcs, on tho Pacific Coast. Uvcry article sold, being of our own mauufaclure, is guaranteed. Having contracts direct with Kit ropcan anj American Manufssturcrs of piece goods we thereby effect a avlnR of fully .10 per cent. In wbolcsalo dealers' prollts, and aro thus able to olfir superior Goods at less than second rat prices. Heuston, Hastings A Oo. ARB THK FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS OF SAN FRANCISCO. STYLES. Havlbft agents In Loudon and Pads, wo In troduce the new styles In San Francisco simul taneously with their appearance tn New York. GOODS MAOE TO OHDEU. For tho accomodation of such as may desire, wo bate secured thu services of a celebrated European cutler, und re prepared to mako up piece goods In a si) lu superior to nny other bouse on tbe coast, i'hlrts, Tics, Collars, etc., mad to order at short notice. COlXTRYJiKDEltS. Oonds forwarded by Lxprtri to any pttt of the Pacific Coast ou receipt ul orders and meas ures ; scud for directions tor tnruaurruicul. Hvuston, 0 Hastings &Oo. LICK IIOUSE BLOCK, SAN AugVmti ji FRANCISCO. GREAT EXCITEMENT! Majority of those who read newspapers never even give a hasty glance at a business ad vertisement, and if a MAN Actually has n choice variety or goods which be is soiling cheap, It hardly pays him lo publish tho foot , thernfora we bavo FOUND It best simply to Invite everybody to call and examine our stock or goods and list of prices before purobasing elsewhere, and say but little In regard to our ability and determination to mako It advantageous to tbose who are not DEAD rpo their own Interest to buy their DRY 1 GOODS, FANCY GOODS. CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SHOUS. NOTIONS. GUOCE RIES, LIQUORS, HARDWARE. CKOCKERl, TOIiACCO-lu fact, EVERYTHING Jixxg T. Gi.kkx, Joun 8. Dkcm AUXiNUKR MaRTlK. GLENN, DRUM & CO., GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. NEW FIRM, 1W GOODS ....AMU.... NEW PEiIOES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I v IN Tbelr line, at MULLER k. BREN TANO'S,iWuer of .Oregon , and Main Streets, Jli. JACKSONVILLE. May 29th, 18G8. hides: hides: THE HIGHEST OASH PRICES PAID FOR Hides or all kinds, delivered at tbo market of tbe undersigned, In Jacksonville. JOHN OBTH. Dcmberfth 16ff THE ABOVE NAMED FIRM take pleasure In notifying tbelr friends and tbe public generally, that they are now receiving and opening a very targe and ex tensive stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHUO, HATS AMD OAFS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS. BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. . BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', MIsms' and Children! Bhoei. 8& We have, also, lu connection with ifisj & the above, ft veiy large and -q l& extensive stock of choice Qt HSr Groceries, Hardware. - $Sf Queensware, fMl J0- Glass - 0r- wore, Gallery, "&$ tgf Polnts'uDd Oils; also. "&1 J9 Window Glass, Nails, Jronlftf 9 and Steel, Cast and Steel - fjp Plows, Wooden aod Willow wore, "& We are ready to sell any thing In our line at tbo LOWEST OASH PRICE. Persons wljhlug o buy goods, will And It greatly to tbelr ad vaulago to examlue our stock before purcbos Ing elsewhere, as we are determined not to be undersold by any bouse In Jackson county. Give us a call, and then judgo loryourwlf as to our capacity to furnish goods -os above. GLENN, DRUM, fc Co. soksonvllls, March 2, 187. ' L.LAOOUR & OO., MANUFACTURERS, Ban Fi'anolaioo. MANUFACTURE ALL THE LI riueurs und Cordials of modern times, and would especially call the ottt utlon of the t'ubllc to their XiAOOTTn'S Sarsapariphere BITTERS ! (UtrKIUIVtf iWiKPED AT I UK lattSUTK FllK.) Manufactured, as tbe name denotes, from Bar saparllla aud other healthy roots aud herbs, a CERTAIN BLOOD I'URIFJEH. "The Elegant!" Lately Introduced, and the most celebrated of modern apotlzers and jxmm cj, an undoubted remedy for Drsm-m and other orouicu Cox- riaiNTH, It being compoied of flue French Cog nac, auillku with Uotlde, I'eruvtao uarK auu other antl-dyspepllo Ingredients, leaving the breath sweet and balmy, LAOOUE'S r.utxct or Jamaica Ginger. An article equal to any Imported, and greatly superior to any other roauufactured to this State. Sold by every respectable Jobber and Drug gist on tbe 1'aclQo Coast. To guard against counterfeits, be certain that our trade mark (a Light Home) Is stamped ou every cave aud package. L. LACOUR & CO. AMERICAN WALTHAMWATCHES- PROOF OF THEIR SUPERIOmTV. PcanajrlTAaU Railrasl Ce. Orrtcx or thi Qx. ScrKBixrixDist, 1 ALT0.V, Pa., Dec. 18, 1867. f Gt.XTtv.MKX t The watches manufactured by you have been In use oa this Railroad for sev eral years by our englue-mco, to whom we far ntih watches ss part of out equipment. There are now soma Tnnsa HooaJD or rack camud ox era Ltxs, and wt consider them GOOD AND RELIABLE TIMEKEEPERS. Indeed, I have great ratlsfsctlon In laying YOUR WATCUC3 GIVE US LESS TROUDLE, aud have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than any watches we have ever had In ue on this road. As you are aware we for merly trusted to those of English roanulaclure, of acknowledged good reputation, toil as n class they never kept time as correctly, nor have they done a good service as joins. In there Matttuentk I am suilalard by my predecessor, Mr. Lenls, whose ciptrlcuce ox ttnriid over u series of yeare. EDWARD WILLIAMS, Gen. Superintend ent, American Watch Company, Walthara. N. Y.CEXTIIAL IIA1LKOAD. Locoxiottvi: Der'r., Wcstrnx Dtvtstox, I KocnKSTKK, Dec. 24, 1868. f Gextlkucx I have do hesitation tu saying that I believe that the great majority of loco motive engineers hare found by experience thai Waltiuu Watch ks aro the most satisfactory of any for their uses. They run with tho great est accuracy and steadiness, notwithstanding thorough riding of an enfine, aud, ai I have ntver known ono to wear out, tbty must be durable. I hope to sco the time when railway companies will generally adopt your walc'isi, aud rurnlih Ihem to all engtneets and conduc tors. In my opinion It would gte-itly tend tn promote regularity and safety. Yens respect fully. CHARLES WILSON, G. ChUf Engineer, Ilrothcrbood of Lo:oiiintle Engineers. American Walch Company, Wallham. IZrnr Watch I'nlty 'Wartantnl. For sale by til first-clan dialers In the Uulted States. KOBHIXS & ArrXKTOX, Xo. 182 liroadwoy, (Jeiierul Agents. H. U. GUAY i CO.. Sou 1'ranclico, Agents for California. NEW HARDWARE, TIN AND STOKE STORE. HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINQ, Cor. Oregon and Main Stt., ARE RECEIVING, AND WILL CON stanlly keep on band, a variety or Cooking Stoves, Parlor und Ilox Stoves Tinware or every dciulptlon. A nurlcd IlunlwareJ Vino Cutlery Airlcullural IwplcneBta; Uar Ires, Nlrfll, Nalla, ad riplkei) i'alHti, Oil aud Class', Tubs, Clothes Wringer, I'alls, and llaketi,Vc. Delng provided with the roo)t approvsd ma chinery, we are prepared to manufacture every defcrlpllon or Tin and Sheet-Iron ware at short notice. We respectfully solicit a sbia of tbe patronage of tb public. HOFFMAN A KLIPPEL. Jacksonville, Juue 191b, 1608. J20-tf $500 REWARD! SECRET OF BEAUTY USE GEO. W. LAIRD'S Renders the slcin soft, smooth, clear, and beautiful. Will remove Tun, Freckles, and all other discol oralions. Sold at all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers every where. March 26th, 1868. m'cb 28-ly. Fine Ridnc for Sal in Jackftonvill. fpnE house and lot occupied by Dr. Robin J. son Is for sale, cheap for cab. Zircons wlh Ing to purchase a borne In Jacksonville are In vited to examine tbe premises. For particu lars te JOHN S. DRUM. or JESSE ROBINSON, The undersigned would most respectfully call tbe attention or tbo public to bis new LIVERY UD FEED STABLE, OREGON 8TEET. I a bate One stock or IIUGGIES and TEAMS, aud excellent b'addlu Horns, always oa band, as vtcll as a good supply or feed. STOP THATG0U6HINQ SojasoPTotjcANT.AMnwn rirv fee. Yoa km trM crtrr remotjf I-ji tin OSU dntlntd, by lu iKtnnsia Merit, In surjrKh s I unt il' f r-rirauoh. Ik la hot tiTrHn ywi ti'wtl b ralacunl U Iry aomttbloa al- afl.r tin tnsaf tl frlraBU rov bar majo of tnnhjf eaoipriit'i kaaa4 0 IBS ptiblw Uacnuln curt) bit NEWELL'S Pulmoiiary Syrup is twit j Ilia VKIIT BtSTrftnMf ftfreimr-t'-l tor Ibaeurtor Conti ColiU, bt'i Ttirti, M' s WhpliixCcoh,nrHKlilttaamtCH-a,i-(irtiBn KdJi r ror4 la Calirutnla ac.1 VtfH hats i. alraadjr btatntlaj if tht surj-rUlD i t.nUrt (... NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup and with ena aeronl tn It Wt oni-t-.1.'1 - batlna Wa now ahlr-ta oumltr to a.i nhn ait ua ao'ilotnt Itttlt thu, (lis crraitaA fanatM rf tta t( tor lb hrallDiC tif all itlWKMtf vt U Tbpial kitj Lutna, aaturluf o Ibal NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup hu curt-t tbouunila anl It nil) raro VOV lr Jtw try This lattluaUa mnlklaaltpttiv-atit lallia tlj aonthles, h'aliej ana tutnithtiilng In lit e HrrU rk lirtl' rrr from all pnumu"'' orilaWrrMit (Iruf. acJ trfUr lurmltM ttbdtr all rlreumtaiKj. Ctnincatta from intnr I'icmln-til clUlthl bt tUt FraaciKO aai(aiijr attry IvtUt ef NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup KCOINOTUX li CO. Af tall, Pan rrtaeisca. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC BALM. A general Family Mcdlcluc. It Is a sow r rlgu remttly for Dipthoria, And kindred dlreairs of the THROAr, oh.1 iim-qualleil In curing Dysentery. DUrrhaiv Cholera, Colic, Cholera Morbui and Fcvor and Aguo, Ncuraliila, Rheumatluii, t'oJ, Touthacha, Hums, 5irntua, llrultei), ite, etc., nru n' one rslli'tel by lu tlmr ly uie, Trulv a Vcgotablo "Svr pur- ftiion. Nmin genuine wlthuut si . , tf R.aTltONO. REDI'OTON &C0.'8 . OKI DA WATER, fax ku ortti.M. Unexcelltd fur Toilet Use nnd for the Hath. REDINGTON & CO'S EdSENCi: OP Jamaica r;iW;Es:. This valiiabln preparation, containing In a highly concentrated Inrm all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, bus become mitt nf tha most popular dotueallo rt'imdles for oil dlanj of thu stomach aud dluealUo orgntis. As a tonic, II will Ui round ImatiiabU to nil persons recovering Irum diblllty, wbflhcr pr duced ly fever, br ulhtrwlmj for uhlla It Iru parts to tha syatrin nil Ibu glow an) vigor Dial can t produced by uluo or brandy, It It en tirely free from the reactionary cir.ota Ibal fol low the use of spirits of any kind It Is also an excellent remedy for feinalts who sulfer from dlnlcull meiitliualluii, giving almost Immediate rellif to the iiainu that so rrcousntly acconitiany that ptilod. It glvia liuuitdlata relief tu Nauicit. catiMit by riding In a railroad car, or by v sicklies, or olhcr causes. It Is also aluablets nn external application 'or Gout, Rheumatism. Ni-uraLtln.elo. REDINGTON A CO., 416 and 418 Front HI., Him Fraurlteo, Um ElcctroSlllcou, Or Magic Ilrllllant. And a lit log share of publlo patronage solicit' ed. Try me I try mot . PJAMALK, ,Preprletor. Jacksonville, Julj 4,1867. jy!3. Dissolutioa of rarUarsfcip. rpHE nartoerrblp bcrttoforo existing between L E.II. and W;n, 0, Greeora n U dissolved this day. Tbe accounts of Dr. Greenuan bavo been disposed or to W. G. Grcenman, and an Immediate settlement Is required. e:h. greenman. W. 0. GREENUAN. Aug. tb, 1868. augSIf JOB Work neatly executed at tbes SiciiTWit. Offloe REDINGTON &. CO.'S 1LOKIDA WATElt. FOR THK HANDKKU01I1KF. This article, poiaci'lug thu most dellcat fragrance of Flowers, Is iiotijualid as a per fume for tbe Handkerchief. FOR THE OATH. Used In balding, It Imparts energy and strength to the system, nnd gives that toftiifa and delicacy to tbe skin so much detlrid by all It remove Sunburn, Freckles & Plmplea. Diluted with water, It makes an cxcelltul Dtntrlflco, Imparling pearly whllem-ia to tha teeth, awectnem to the brtulh, and renders tb gum bard and or a lieaullful color. It should alwaya bo tiM after shaving, di luted with water, as It relletes all Intliiiullon HKDI.NGTON&CO., 416 st-d 418 Front Ht., Han Fruocdco. Use Elsetro-Slllcon, Or Maglo Drllllant BLEOTROSILICON, 00 MAGICBRILLIANT. DIRECT FROM NATURF.'d LAURATORY. The best arllclo ever dlicovercd for Cleans ing and Polishing Gold. Silver and iTaltd Ware, and all (month MeUllo Surfaces, of whatever description, Including Kitchen Uten sils or Tin, Copper, ilra,S'ci.l elo To Jewelers and Workers In Gold and Silver Plato, tho Electro-Silicon is or Inoillmable val ue t the llino i.t vi d, nnd the wxatlon prevent ed by Its use, will forever umlcir Us uamo to all who have bad evldi nop of Its merits. REDINGTON & 00.. Sole Agents, San Francisco. FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS, JUDINaTOK 4 CO.'S iBC TJ1E EtST. 6spt 6tb, 16CB ssptS'ly