LS T n ti tol.I ssssK ' MapMfellcan Nationtit l'lnffarm Adopted at Chlcngo, May Stint, 1808. lit. We congratulate the country on the as loredfraccct of the Reconstruction Policy of Concresa m evldcncd by the adoption In a ma jority of tho Stales lately In rcboillon, of Con stitutions securing cipnf, civil nnd political rights to nil, nnd we regard It n the duly of ,L. . . 1 t H...I..L ,1...... f',n UJU gOVl'millSI!. u IW'-IUIII tliv-u yuii-iiiiin'iir, and prcrcnt the people of such State from be (or remitted to a stale ol anarchy or military rule. Id. Tho Guarantee by Congress of equal stir rage to nil loyal men In the South, wa demand ed by every consideration of public stfolv, gratitude and justice nnd must be maintained j while tho question of tmllrgc lu nil loyal 8tl properly belong to thoo State. 3d. we denounce nil forms of repudiation a national crime, nnd national honor requires the payment nf the public Indebtedness In the utmost good f,i ili to our creditor nt homo nnd abroad, nut only accord In it to the letter, but iplrlt of the laws under which It was contract d. 4th. It Is due to the labor of the nation thai taxation should tie cnttall'.ed and reduced n the national faith "III permit. 5th. The national debt, contracted a It ha been for tho preservation of the tfttlon for nl time to com, should tie extended over a fair pe riod, and It I our duty to reduce the rale of Interest thereon whenever It can be honestly done. h. That the best Jjpltcy ,0 dlmlnNh nnr burden of debt l so lo tinitrovo our credit Ihnt capitalists will reck to lend money at Inwir rates... interest than we now piy and mutt Motions to pity so long n repudiation, p.ullnl or total, open or soven, is lurcaicncti or suspcci d. " "7th; The Government nf the rnltnl Stale ihould bo rulmliita'ro' with the strictest econ omy. Tho corruptions which bite been so narasfully tiured and foteretl by Andrew Johnson, call loudly for reform. Bib. We profoundly deplore me untimely, and I ranlc death nT Abraham Lincoln, nidi re-1 f;ret the succession of Andrew Johnson lo the 'residential Chnlr, who ht acted treacherously I lo the people who elected liltu mid the caue he j was plodded lo support ; who Im usurped high I legislative and mueiions, ri-rusci to czrcutu the law, has iltt hli high offlce to Induce other nierr lo ilnltle the laws. In mploynl his llv-cntlto power lo tender Inse cure the lives, pittperiy, pcac and lllietly of clllicns, hits abiisnl th- pardoning mwer, denonnccd the Nation tl l-ritl-l.ituri" n tmcon llllUtlonaL lita. pttsUU'UlW and InMluiilr n" silted by every mean In hi power, every at tempi nt the reconstruction of th Slid Itlely In rebellion, has peruiled public patronage Into an engine for wholesale- coriuptlnu, Im justly beeulmpeacheil for high crlni's and ml demeanors, aim nai isi-ii prnnnuuecu guiny thereof by the votes of 31 Senator. ' Jfh. The doctrine of Crcat llrllaln and other European power thai, when n insn Is once a subject he I always -o, must lie reslsii-d nt ev ery hsiard by tho Unlied .Vlatcs a n relic ol faudal timet not aullmrUed by the law of na tions, and al war with nnr national honor and Independence. Naturalised citizens nre enti tled lo lie prutcclcd In nil thtlr rights of clil tcaXtlp' as though they were nitlvo Imrn. No elllten of the Unltid Slate or naluralltcd must be liable to arrest or Imprisonment by any for eign power (or act done or wcrds sHiken In this country, nnd If so nrresttd uud luipilsoued It Is the duly of tho (lortrumciit tolntcrfiro to his imImII. 10th. Of all who were faithful In tho Irtal of tho lalu war. thvie were none morn faithful for spvclat honor than Ilia brnve uMI r mid teamen who endured hardship of camp and trulio and Imperiled their live In the sertlco of their country. Tho bounties nnd pension appropriated by law for these brave defender of the Union, are obligation ncier tu bo for gotten. The widow nnd orph.ui of the gal lant drad nro waul of the people, n sac nil legacy bsqucntlud to Ibo United Slate fur pro testing care, 1 1 lb. Foreign Immigration In the past ha added so much to thu wrntlli and lucres -nl re eourirsof IliU lutlou, the n-jlumof nil n ttoa. that It should bo fotnd by n liberal and just pulley. Uih. The Conreiillon dceUrr It sympathy wltb nil oppressed pvoplo who uro struggling for their lights. The following additional resolutions wcro Offered by Mr. Thompson, nnd sdupted : RtHlitil. That Ibo iiiljournmeut of this Con vention shall not work dissolution ol the same, but It shall remain as orpuized, mbject In bt Mlled logcthcr nt uuy time or placo that the Bfpublican Kxecutite Coiuiulttee shall dislg UU, lly Carl Khult ! l!ocJil, We highly commend iu a spirit of magnnirimlly and lorglveness the men who huvu aerved lu the relielllon and who are now frankly nnd honestly co-im rating with u lu msjorlng peace In the country und In ho reconslructluii of Ibo Southern Slates on tho basis of lniorllil Justice and equal rights, aud are receives! back Into thu communion ol loyal people, und thai wo nro in furor of the removal of tho ilUpmllilcailon ur restrictions Imposed on tho lato rvliels lu tho same incisure M the spirit of disloyally disappears, a may be cousistent with thu sitltty ol luyal H-oplo. XttolvtJ. That wo recoguUo tho great iirln Iples laid down In Ihv Ibclaratlon of lode pendence, m tho true foundation of Democratic government, uud wo hail with gladness every effort towanu making tiirso principiis Hie lit og reality on etery Inch of Americuu soil. SUMMONS. I K THK 0IHCU1T COUUT OP TIIK 8ttle of Orrgon, for thu county of Jojt- pome. Q. E. I)gaii & J. Thoinpton, partners do log business under the luiuui mid style of "I)- 6 an k 'riiouipsoii," Plaintiff', vs. H. 1). Colin, Icleiidant, ait la Equity to Foreclose Mortgage To K. I, L'lihu: You uro ri'ipilred lo uji ptar in laid Court, and nnawer thu coinphiiiit of laid plaintiff, Qltd aguliist "you, within ten days Irnin the time nl tho service of this nrnmoni on you, If nerved wllhlu tnid conn tjr, Or if served on you within unj other cuuu tv In this Slate, then within Iwuily duyi from too lima of ttits service, or, il servid on you oat or uie stale i uregon, men it is oniertil by the Court ihut publiculion bu inude lur tlx weeks In the Ohkoh.v Hkntinki. prior to Ibe fourth Monday in Oulober.'A, I)., 18CS. And yon uro iiolithd that, if yon rail to answer said cnuiplaiut as nliove n quired, the plaintiff will itpnly to the Court for the relief demanded therein, to wit: for n judgimw agolnt you fur the sum of five hundred und fortyieven dollurs, (3517 00 100) with Inter eat thereon ut the rale ot 10 per cent, per an omit, from tho ICth day of June, A. O. lfiC8, od the costs und disbursement ol ihl action to be taxed ; uud far u decree for the lorecloso ore nnd s,lo of tho morlgugii property do scribed in the complaint Qlvcn under my band this lOlh day cl Aw ful, A. 0., 1868. 0. JACOBS, Alfy lor Plalnlifl. Aag.10ih.18CB, nuglf, wfi. lMfjUtioa of rarUorship. THE partnership heretofore existing livtwren .u. S"'11' W,n- Grnm n is dlssolwd this day. Tbo accouuu of Or, Grecmnnn have been disposed of to W. 0. Orccimmu, ami an Immodlsu settlement is required. ti. II. tillKKNMAN. W. 0. QREENMAN. augStf Aug. 6th, 1841. OHEA FOR CASH. A. FISHER i. BROTHER, COHNKR or Cnllfornin and Oregon Strcrla- JACKSONVILLE, Hare on hand s A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE i DEY GOODS, CLOTHING, ISOOT.S AIM) SIIOE.S, . i GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CUTLERY, OROOKERY, Etc. All of wliieh will bo nohl AT REDUCED PRICES. A. I ISIICIt A I1RO. , June J.Mh, IhCtt. Junitf JacksonvllU DOWN I DOWN II DOWN II WITH HIGH PRICES. NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT THE fiWffiSlfUZ C'.r FA3" :j. SACHS BROS' Ann now RirmviNr, tiu: i.Aitniyr. Clu'.ipesl. nnd best selrelidSlockof .vprliu and Summer Uood mr oifrred lu the nutlet, CONSISTING Or I.adle. Misses, and Children' IIATrJ and CLOAKS, or the lli .1 shit. Also a Com plete BotlmcQl of DRY (iUUIM, STJCH A.S SHEETINGS, COTTON A DE. TAHI.IJLINEN.V. TOWLLINOS, PRINTS. OIIKCKS. III.CACIir.l) ANO UNIILi:.Clli:i) MU6' I.IN.V, UENIMd, POIM.INS, liELUNty, ALl'ACtJ.V.V. nOMIIAZINIS, GINGHAMS, LAWN.V, ciiAMtmnva. JEANS. PLAIN AND UOTTLI) SWISS, CAMIIRIO. ' NAINSOOK.V, And In fset everylhlng nsually kept In a First Dry Goods Store, AT PRICES WHICH DI1FV C0)IPKT1TI0.V. OUR ASSORTMENT OF ,mii tils JIHJ2,M",a"' rAniaoLs, IIIIIIIIINn; KMIIIlOUHiHH'J i.ttr.w. NII.KN, ' l'l..SI AMI KAM'V lUMIKKlU'lllKKl. IIIMIKIIV, Cloak Orimmeul anil Rotloiii, ARE OF THH CHOICEST SEhEQTIOS. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, ,10 '110s-. H.IT5 AND CAPS, have bren H-leeteil ttlih uioni thnn usual care, und wo nre pleund to say that no limine thl tide or Atn fruuclico can excell us In variety mid stylo. As usual, a supply or GROCERIE.V. PROVI.V. JON.f. MQUUIWCICU US, TOUHCCO Mil RORif and QUEIINSWaRK. which wo promU lo bell at very low price ror CASH. Call and examine, and learn our prlcen, as we are determined to accommodate tho most ccnnomlcul buyer. imtyotf SACHS BROS'. 60 TO THK CITY DRUG STORE and boy your HLUE STONE. r HELMBOLD'S BUCHU THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIAIJCTES inillTATION OF TI1K NECK Or Tlin Ilt.AI)- .I)ER, INFI.AMATION OK Till: KID- .N'HVS, CATARH OF THE IlliAD- rKR, STRANGURY OR TAIN- FUI. URINATING. IpOR these disease, It I truly n sovcrlgn rem . edy, nnd ton much cannot be said In Its iiralsc. A single ilosy lm Ix-en kuown to re ilctc the most urgent sumptoms. PIIYSICIAXS, AM) OTIIEHS I'l.L'ASK notici:. I mako no secret of Ingredients. llelrnboM'. Extract lluchii s conipo-nl or lluchu, t'ubel mill Junlpvr bellies, selected witli care. In ncuo nccirillng In tliu rules ur PHAflMAOY AND QHEMiaTnY, These Ingredients nre known as the most ral liable Diuretics ntlurdrd. i A DIURETIC I that which act upon the kidney. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Add (.tiSTI.V. Is ple.mii t In taste nnd nder, Injurious piopjllkf. uud-lm tionr FOR THE A'ATISKACl'iON OF AM. Se Meillcjl I'roprrile coutnlneil In PIsih-iim- I lory ollhe U. S., orvihlvh the lollihting is it coirs-el copy : "lU'CIIP. Itso-l'irjs strong. dIRVisJve, niid ' Miotiutic, i'is IiisIm Mtli-iish. nnd sli'- nlogiius to that ol mint. It I glxcu rlii'lly In I estitipl.iiiits nl the nrliMry organs, sm-h a (Srai i i'l. I liionic (.'.it.itili of I In- HI older. fiKiriiul ir- ! r.tnlion ul I lii! ItU.Mi r nml I'mtliM, iih-h sul lb., l'ro.liile. ninl lieteliticui nl Hit- lne-iilliiencv or Ibe' I'tnii'. flu li I tin- IdssoI tone in the mrts ciihcern-d In Its ciseiutlon. It bus also i.ien H-ioiueiiilul in Dyspi pW. t'liKiulo ItLi aiimliiiii, Cut.iiKous alfeiliuii-, uud Iirny. ' ' FOR FUR1UEU INFORMATION, Sen Professor Dewee' valuable woili on the Practice ol Pitt sic. Sri'inn.irk in id.- by the celebrated I If Physli. oi riiiiittivipiu.i. See any nud ull standard WoiL-s on Multcliie. Dr. Keyscr Is a physician ol our thirty yenr's v.trieuce, and it graduate of the Ji iltr sou Medical Colli go and wl lint I'mtirsily of Medicine and Surgery ul PhlljdilpliU Mu. II. T. IlKt.vmii.u ir ,v,n In regit nl to the iurttlou ul,il me n in my opinion ttbbul lluchu, I ttould sty that I h.tto iihM uiiU ssdil the in llclo in tttrious fntiiis fur the ul lltitt) yiurs. I tin nut think them ! ant Imni or pri'p.iltitlou urn I hilte l.ut ilml or Vnotttt lo lie um-I, lu Ihv .tlinu tli-iue liif su. ti iut'li;ali itg-lit Kiuiltl 1st iiidi-iilttl. iu urv iiHur-, us ttcll it. uiysill, thtl it has In'fii iitiisiity ciiiploti-il In ihv tirmiit. d s-i-asvs nf the bl.tlt l mill kidneys, uud the li pit lutlou It lu uriiilrid, lu my Judgment, Is wur rutitil by thu In 'Is. I butt- h-iii ninl "ed, u befcre stntnl, every form of lluchu- the portdirvil Kittes, ihv sim ple dicoctlnii, liucluiv lluld extract ; nud I uiu no I cognizant of any pieiarlluii nl ili.ii ill nil tiiiiiut. I.inhtuii Mm IS lllnri- elicoouubl, 1 think, to uitit mv I In; iljlit lu jiidgn ollls miilts, uud ttllhuut piijiiilce or pjrilitliiy, I gltu yuuis puxUeiicv uter all olliera. I value your lluchu for It effect on patient. I Imvucurtd ullli it.alid sten curtd ilh li. moru dirt use ol lht blaiMtraiitl kldliry lli.ui 1 lutovttr retli cunil wilts mil ollmr lluclni. or any uthvr propiktary coinpouud or wluilci er iiiime, ltciiieclfiilly yuuts, Ac, gko. ii. ki:ysi:r,m. i). 1 10 Wood fttnet, PltUbiTrg Peuu. August 1 1 tli, Ibbi. Ask for Holmbold's Fluid Extract Bucliu. From llic Lurgtil Muuufarturins flifiiiliU IN THE WORLD. I am aciialuttd ttllh II, T. Ilclmbolil. lie occupied thu Drug Store oppo.llo my residence, and was suicessliil In cumlurllng llm business tthero other had not been so bt-rori- him. I havu betu fiitornbly liuiit.ul with Ills acler nnd ciile.pi u. Wt,iuinijk.l (rtmiol Powers A Mauulitcliiiiug CIhiii is, Ninth ninl Hi own St., l'liiludvlphla. Ihitprnprlelur bus been Imlucid to nmke (hi stateiueut, fiom thu iuct thul his ri'liiulles, uiinuiijii uiittfiisvu, nru ticutiliic l'rt'iinrntton, and knowing Ihut the Intelligent refrain rrom iisvlng ituylhlug peitalulug to Quackery, oi Hit) puteul medlclnu order most oi which nro prepared by sell-sly led doctor, who nre loo lg. uunnt to read it physician's simplest prescrip tion, much lets tu prepuru PhiiiuuiuceulicJl preparations, Tlii'M) I'arllvsllcHort To various means of ifl'ictlng HWh, uch n copying piirls or adterllseinent nr reuiediea mid llnlrhlug with ctrllllcule.. The Science of Midlclne rluud hlinnle. nnr.. ,,.,.. jeslic, having fuel lur Us b:tsis, ludiicilun for us piiittr, unit i rum uiunu lur Us cupltal. A Woitl ur C'uutluii, Health Is most Important ; and tho nnilcted should not use an mlvertlsed iiittllclue, or any remedy, utiles Us contents or Ingredients nro known to othera besides tho umuulucturcr. lli:L,MHULI'N UK.MJINK 1HKIA1IA'1-0.z FLUID EXTRACT HUCI1U, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH, Establhjbd upwards or eighteen year. Prepared by II. T. HELMIIOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS: IIELMDOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE. """M 694 liroadway, New Vork. ANJ) HELMIIOLD'a MEDICAL DEPOT, u .WiS'iJiHiTenlli Slrcut. Phllodelphlu Pean. Prlcu t 6u per bottle, or C for f 6 60 Sold by ail Druggists. Jull8-ly JOHN BILGSB Cnlifornii Street (between Oregon ntul Tlilru) Jacksonville. DEALER AND WORKER IN WI.V SnEBMROS, OIPPBR, , miuin ..tun, LEAD AND BRASS, K1 KKVa I'ONSTANTf.Y OX HANI) nn nssorlinenl of the Im-I TiiuKheet-iroii nnd Copper wnre. Ilrn.M PtpM, lljilrnulic Nozzli. Force I'unip, (Miuin. I-nd Pipe, llosc.HAHnWAIlK.CUTLHUYsNAlLS of nil iilze.. Il.if, I'lnlcnml nsorlitl Iron; Points, ()., .Su:, atnl (Jlass; All qunIllieof Ponder; .Shot of nil numbcf; Itrulns or i-terv v.irielv, etc , clc ; Wooden nnd llhuv wurcj Hope, llniM nnd Iron Wire; H!ackmllli, Cirjittttcr and Miner's tooli nf crcry vanity. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS CoiHlstinj.' of Cut Iron end ftlrcl Plorr; SiHsbnipiiiiiu Itil Culler; (,'inildiiiiis jii I I um V.)i Kettle; Cultivnlurs, Wlirtlb.urotif, clc. Alnnr on hand n large lot of Parlor. Cooking, Ofllce und C.ibin Htntrs. of assorted 't, pluiii nnd f.uie.v. mnt(iirtnl on lnlei luel saving (ilaii. Hollers, Keith., Pols. Pun, ntul errthing ommcteil wllli thce stoves, warr.mteil iluiuble nnd (rrfsct. All nrilp'rd sold nr nmtiiilne'uiiil by li'in. WAItltAN I'KII. Ill ivo'k l mide id the brt mitiiml Hiid nf chnirrt iKdiiros, ,. .. f.Y (Inlr iiIIlluImI tn if tit. illit.nli li. uiul l9r ' ( In dinciloi.. lie is iletennin meillate m lis no- , ,, , i0U- PIUCI.S TOR CASH. Call t I examine his slick Im furr pnribil itif,' Wsenliiie. l'ept. I I, IKd. JOHN BILCER liiilioiit'i' ssf I'm in litiilcuuiitH AND MAOHINE8. UNION LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE. 2 Comntock $ Cowley, Priopriotorg. The proprietor htte recently the abotc well'kunwn stutiil, iliuatid pii the conur Cnlirnrnln ami llh NImik, Where the my best horse, end Impgle can I bad ut all times, nt ri.tsnR.itde rule. 'I heir sli-ck id roatlUtr c.tnnut U? eiiualcd In the .itate. IIOU.SI'S HOARDKI) On irasnimble terms, and Ihn Is-sl earn and nl- i.niion iiesinwtii iihiii diem while under their churge. Al"i IIOILSKS IIOUOIITANI) HOLD. IIMng sttlifl. d thai tin y can git e satisfaction, the proprietor solicit the patronage nfih pub lic. Jackiontllle, Noteml-er Slth, IHCfi. decOtf IIOWAICI) cVsSItHTH Mniiiilarturu to onler, DOORS,. SASH, BLINDS, DRESSED FLOORING &.C. 'IMIi: UNIIKRSH.NKU ARK MANU 1 hicluring nt their new steum pinning null tlieniKjti. named nml many intirt- articles it I gleally reduced ptleis. Snsli i. n hind or iinidtt to order-clihcr gluivd or itu- 3VEcT.xlc3LLriss, from nne-liair Inch to n ftte inch crown mould ".", , """'.""leii-s. mm nu work In i'a. puiterliig und. llitlldliig, dotiu with dispatch, ami In it wtiikinun-liko tnnnuer. Person wlm co.iti.upl,,,.. building, would do well Vuc"u in in bcluiu mitkliig contract risen here. wl'llur" ".nt nml "Pl'fprlato itmn'ncr. Shoo on t-aliroinliitteet. neur tho brldue lllc, Nov. .'Uih, 'i,7, 1,,,,-suir $500 REWARD! Tho tiiiderslgnril would most respcctrully cnll the uiiintlon or tlio,, t. i.l" "i cn" ntlon of tho public to hi new LIVERY .NO FEED STABLE, OREO ON STEET. I a havo fine slock or IIUOOIKS am TKMS nnd excellent Saddle Horses, a Ivnysou ' bund, well iw n good iupply or feed. ' ' Tiimiia- MMAUOVJkMXJB. And n living jharo of public patronage aallelsV- .W-VMALB; 1' Jacksonville, Jul, 4, mr. v J",r,; FRENCH MKDlCAt. OFFICi:. Dn. Jftltv Pi.niuri.T, Doctor or .Medicine of th" Faculty of Paris, Graduate nf the Univer sity Queen' Collfue, and Physician of the SI. Joint llaplisie .society or Fun I innclscn. Dn. Pi kiui i.t hn the ptensurr- tn Inform pv llenl" nnd oilier svikliii! confidential medlcnl advice, that lie can lie cniinlin d.illy nt his nfllce. Armory Hull Itultding, Noiltirn't corner Monlgiitnery and Viicraniento slre'l, San Frniiclseo. Konm Nu 0. In, It. first door, up st.tli. eiitrnnee on cllhir Moiilgnmcry or Sac ra nii'lilo stnels. Dn Pi.iihai i.T'd sludle have lieen almost c elusiti'ly detiilitl to the rure of thp tniioil forin of .Vrtiiit and Physical Dihilily, the ri mils of liijntlons Imblls nriiiiret In y tills. which iisunlly trrmlmt- in iinpntenci' nnd stir rillly. ntul p'Timneiillv Induce nil tin concomi tants nr old ngt Uhitf n sicret liillunily ex Ists liivnlvlug Ihv happlncM ol n life nnd that or ntliria, rnt'iui nod mutrtllly dictate tin- in cesily ol II removal, fur It I n f.tct that pri iimlnre tliellne nf I lie tlgnr or imtiihtHHl, mat rimoninl titititpplurss, compulsory single life, eh., lints llii'ir si'tiu-r lit causes, I he germ o which i phnlitl In tatly tiff, nnd the bitter fiiiltlaltd long allerwnrtl t ptlletiis, litlniring iitidrr Ibis rninpUiut, will coitiptitlti or one or tni-H- or thf fidlnwiiig symptoms : Neeiiinml Emis-Iuns, Pains In lln lck and Hind. Wink tn- of Msiimry ami Sight, Dlselmrgf from the t'n thru on gi'l'ig tn stiMil or mnkliig ttati r. the Intfllirtital I actillb alt. Wtks-aid; I.n's tf Jliiiaty-r(srr, nfrns nr eluodi'il. and Ihere is n tlNinelit ' tun tn nits ml In lnilues., nr el- o In rntilitikS. wi ling, nr sxli-iy nf lileMl., i ti. The ptiH nt will prnlirtlily cninjihlii or Ibui ins. V.itlgti. hhiI tint the Sight ami llettrlng .ir Wsakemd uikl sleep dMitrlied by drrnins in- hineh'tly. sighing, palpitations, '(iilnlings, coukIi. ami s,(w It-s.-r s wlnl.. s.nne Imte r.xier tml il:iumt c pil In. and liiiliibiit n the InmIv i Mc nf Dn- inivt eiiitiiuiHi syinplniii are pirn pl'' In the far, ninl aching In difTi mil eiii. n thf iHstly I'.ili. nl siitliiuig Irutil tills illietis,-. shoiiM IiiiuimIIuI, y in Do. I'n, imi t. I'llh.r In p I "on ur by letter, nnd he will gtmr nil. a cure of Seinmul Kmlloii mid Inipo- li-nrs" III sx In l-ltflit vtn ks. Patients suir'iliig li .tn vennlal dlsetue In nny slag.- (,iinoril.n, GIitI. Sirictiins, llulm I'lCMs.CllUtllOU Eruplloiis. lie.. Will bt.-:it rd sueees.ull.v. All fyphlllllr nnd Mercurial T.tiuls niliiely .emoted Irolil the svsteui. Dn Pi.itiitti.t'a diplomas nrv In hi ofllce. ith. r- tiaib nt- ice for ilirmschi. Hint iln-y ii..' und. r lln-euro of n tegular cduc-ttt-d prao liilniiir. The lis-t telircnci-glti'i II ti(iiaul 1'nlieiils sulfitlug miller chronic tll-ej.e, can call mid o inline ror iIhiiim lies. We Intll. Iut"tli;atl.iii j claim not lo know Hi ry tiling, nor to cure itrryhud., but tie do claim l hut In nil Cifes taken lunlrr llt.tlminl ttu llllllll our protnlse-. Wo Hirllcuhiily ritet tliu-e whit hitti- irlnl this bunsietl diK'tnr, ninl llml ml vt r llst.t iibysliUn. till uum out aud discouraged to cull upon ii. Low rut linn ! aMi.QttcK rimw. Utlli mtt'erlng rrom any complaint Inoldtn tul to I heir sit, run couiiilt the doctor with III niMiniin.c ut ulitf, i-toiam: aionthlv pills. Dk I'mntti.r li tln-ixily- agrnt In Cullfrrtila fur Da. Dior's ruimle Mnntlily Pil. Thtlr imtuitiso sab' ha t-stabli hetl tl'nlr it jiilutlon it. a fiHiale reuiitly. nuuppro.icl.rd. iiini far In ail runes. r en ry nilur ri uiedy rnr suppietoiis mid iiiiguUrllles. und other oli-liueliou In leinnle. On rict-lpl ol lln- ibdlars. these Pills win ii' in iiy in.tll or express lo any part ol li wm Id, sicuie from curiosity or nmiiuge. iVistius nt it ilNiiiuco can Im (und at home. Iiy ttddr-ssing it i id r lo D't. Psmuii.T, corner I Sin'ruiiiiiitii ninl Miiiiigiuniry streets, Himins lUHiid Ilu'.i7.l. P. ()., Sm Francisco, staling Um cunt minutely us po Ible, gttKrl habit of Ililiig.ucciipitUin, tic, itc. May 2.1. IMS. ,,,21,. 100.000 feet FHASONKI) I.U.MIIKIC, od. half of it a'ugnr I'id.', nn msy tains. ALSO Five nr sl.x yoke of cuttie u-id some liorsri on the puituMeniH. I utsn propo'ti to sell nt I'ublio Auction, u tun- im im iii titn.iia,coiiMJiiiig of OIjOTIXZIVOi nooTa, axzons, C3X71"TXj33aFl-V, into. Salea to conn nee on Saturday, the lAlh ol Augessi, und in cnniiiitie ivery Saturdav li. r.w. I(.i ....III .1 ...... 1 ... t I . ...mvuiiii, u.itii mu iiMjiirity is soiu, TERMS OF SALE. Under S'JO. CQili iIduii nrtr llml ...r,. m . -- - inm r is in vF duy tittiP (witlj note Tif npprovi.l ncmrllv. tviin oDit prr ci nt. Iiitinsi), will be .Sums our S7U0, four month time. glvin. ,.. . J ' s'ARKKR. siackfonvllle, Augtuu 7lh. 16GB, U. V. IIUKK. BLAKE J. It. llM.VUN. & HELMAN VyOL'I.D OAMi TIIR ATTKNTION OF vv builders, und all who have building in eoiiiiiiiplailiin, to u. Ucl that their splendid new iilHlnlng null Is In Micressrul operation, mid that they uronhlii tndo plaining ohiM kind, toiiglng mid gi out nig, nml uny thing In thu line on short nolice. in thu bei ( ,., mid at rttluced raits. Other vuptrior in.ichfnery. In conjuno. lion with the planer, enable us to furnish doore nml sasli, iloor mid window Inline, mid futiil Into nl lutv iniea ; lu uct tto aredetermln.d not lobeiiiiiUrsulilliy miy in n u Tnc lurir In our line, (ittu ikii UAI.L. III. t k'i:.t-iii.-im i Ashland, Oicgou, Uy iy,(i, 18UH. ' 'tr. BOUND TO DO IT! &D. C. MILLER IS BOUND TO WORK ACCOUDIA'U TO 'THE TIMES. C HOUSE SHOEING D At reduced prices for cash. dlKouui will bo mado on all whero cash U paid. March 20tb, 1SCS. Ten per kinds of cent, work sscbtllf Crover & Bak s-o lie STITCH FAMILY IG Aro tho bettlnUi. ..1nBr6ut0'i.',.J They -o more ,infe taj fc.." easiirkntinfi,.,,.w:TM t and mnre tls-llt il'i,!, it H morr bsaiillhl s --, n,J .'. I Tliersftvitir.',''l mm sp.Mil r. , ... r1 ... I !!.-. r..i. i..... . . .ill t .L- . 'l . . ... , r . ,. .. L y iier i'H'1 n. 'I S ,. till. I V 'tv firth . i I lit rip Thoy Stitclt, Htm, Fr.l r.. r j t. a . ' ww. v., uiiiu, .; i i,,,,. t i Liathtr, lirci-!, ,v F. broider. No oM- cliir.o Enb't'.:'-' .IS' SOWS pcrfe ) G rover & BairrVe. t:r S.T-.M , SIIOTTLE HUH For Manufaetur'nr, .". i rotiililnelhe tp.wtr,,,, ,,1 um iiiifru- pmt i. i no aiii-nunn M rennssM wl I Tailors. m,.,. ,,f tu, ,1 , anil Shoe. C.iniie.. Trips,. .1 I'lothlllg. and all iildt-fsfr-,,,-..! , mu ll-u Ul IUP II1U11 lUiTUI? Loci; .Slllclt Maclttnes Tit these New Sttle. n'lirs jy,l i ii'iiiiisi.iKuuii.-a'itaniijes.(it'rL,i pinner. . AtcsU wantal for th".'i!,oftil CnOVEH & DAKER sewihg mmssa in pit- i ut t i i mi riM . ,, i iw I n-s..iii .I fur Innis tli t.r-tlil spi'ir in i ti. u. Jii(iii, .ireall fl'!i'"r.ftll nt- y PACIFIC MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, POST STJQUBT. Ik'ttvccn ilotttgomcry A: Ktirnj, SAX J'KA.VCIsCO. The lm nrlane or a thrtoiul and pi. n! training tr thife'ttliut' strep tt enltritig tli" mitciiitite profits, on. Iitoostj known tn ri(iilre iiiinh cimmrct. Vtitli such kiiowlidge. the young mirrbsDttUU-coon-Invidttd lu iiisny iiiil'rfitrtntitJ might olhirwisr be nrnldid. Hr tiutl'sii pliant will (!mi h.nwli utrout,'liJ ljltr- riil'le dllllcullffs. Ix.tlt In setVliigiitciUt mnl lu tliotllicliiirgetif Itsdutlfi afltf rrj'lii tnent I nlitnliiid, ToliavcrCr.vid It.tiiftKl at u mercantile college, rndnrsed tytkskil ing nii'ichmils or tins city I nursfiuiii w lulling the tatnr and coulldi'iii-e of a Ufv llrm, than ull tho litt.ti ur luttoducUoniUi Iriends canglte. Tho PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE maintain a reputation for iLotoottctMul sysliinatle training, lar uratsiog list of :? other similar Inslliullon on lh Iel6c tt Mo.. of thu leading imrctaiit of Ibis ritj ti' employ til grudiiale Irom this Collrft, ,d bear ti-stlniiuiy to the piactlcsl tfllclrucy cf u coursu here priscribeil. Tee si.Uia ol Mtiu practice tmbrace all the tsrftd opcritioaitf real biislmss. A laiuw' DirmuuT u lately U-en nddeil to this pojmlir institaU. Thl spirit ormterprlse csnuut fail W er forth the well-wblu of the public. Addrcsa for all Infoimatlon, YIXSOXIIAJ.BI. IULAC0.VA. A CARD. tf, Um amtrnlinrJ, msnbsntt sal l"".-', " ? rianrimt, CiVifurpL. sis it It r"w1,"1u",j5 ...)lnfe turn lio list. runtfUtrJ II fl"11 JJT studtr 1 tli lulHc Jlu.ltifM rtll';,l,1!,.,fJi mclnslslln lltut l.. rsioJlb'S; lJ? arruuLnUlilii sixl Hit ciinl i-rinslr' ,v!; sliowli thill I Iiowltig ruiiiluslirlf It. I lUjrl'"' l ".f.J.ii kviiuidi ttilll In llii ltii. iisdI itisitsis, l; 'l'" riSM HIHI IVIIIWIH1 IO.IIUCU1.. . ...I.Mf M.rlitrilullyimiiiiiirii.1 IL CV-tlft uWI" 1'i.luldit, ull lustltutluii ul lulrlnsk- until, tsJsli"s el II, ttuttiui'Coll el llit tvamsauf. A. Kovus A Co, I.KVI STIUVbiI A k-i J. II. Cixiiuu. A Co-. J. K. 1'noitt, . COXTINKlsTil. Li I-'"-'-' Wm. II. Ccoks i to., I'sa, 1's.CK .t TlKNM, I, S. Vax iVimu. March 2 1 it, 'ti. To situates T. Defgett. ft Umf trwsl Settler. YOU AHK IIKKKDY Mlilhdlbil th davits of W. liurk and Thorass CHw have been Hied in this office tllrglo tbst F biooonea Sec. 6, T. SO, B. R. 2 W nd Ibst October 2d, 13C8, has been set ror beurlng the tvUcncierj allegeil abandonment at Ihli 0Iy unless you appear und deny lh ef,'Vj said BffldaTlts, they will be lk Mtf1 your entry cancelled. A--i Land oflke, Rostbar:, OrtfWi. 28lb,il868. JOHN KELLY. IteMsT. ADDISON U. FLI Sept. fttb, 1868. Ti swi.- Vpi''- hate (or more than two years s llouirairail Knlry. No. CO. on h. h w : JT i, and N. W. H of N K. )( of B 'J 3li. S 11. :t W.. anil N. V. U of 1. h w o. vt. J. V' ?' eA. r .ttattmi Wvv,.- JfKH.H-M, -Vl- .'.... fc.f. 'ttolmpV,lrtttW, .ilrwlii.1, f, tNA'- II. . ! gagartsaffiiigas MpWf..