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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1868)
;ggtfW"a ' 1T1IK eHGtX SBNIIM'X. Satlmipay MonxiNci, Sqil. IP, ltC8. fc H tfl.tinr. Qfl V JI Vi.V .Mft't'll- nn't'f Ilxch.iiijii", in our only tvillmr ed ic nl In Elian Krnclci. lor ht'Wrn rtuvinnmc. .Mit. FKiKiiKtt It rcprcnrented by S M I'r.tTKMin.t. t !Co. ot New lorn ntm iio:.iu, r Vl..!.... it !fnft.,t nr.t nttr mill nil f thortitol A'oiili In the All mllo Stall". OTle-a 141 Park How. "Tlmo'' HiHding, New Yoik J.CIty AII"oricr mui C'mfl tiirnuan uif til. gcHfliou.fl ijtoticM. There will 1o volitions service ot riiimix on Siimlay, .7th itnt., hy llev. t C. Alilewon. Services na iitial to morrow fit Urn CnllioUc Cliurcli, by Hcv. Kntlicrlll.T.. elicit. Kuumius. TI10 following :ire I lie ni.poiittiiiciiH m:ulo at tlia Conlereiico ol tliu M. K. Church South at Ue- S "burg, Sept. 'J.I, lor this District : .Tncksoiivillc I)ilnet,.lni. w.Mnlil, P. K.; .Iai'koiiilli circuit, l. C. Ocleaby; WiHiiuimbtirg iiiIksIoh, 1). 2il. Kicc; Coast Fork inMoti to bo fliipplictl .John V. Chile,; Kugono City circuit, N. .M. Klkton ; Knti'liiiru circuit ainl Oaklnml niisxioti, 1). C. AlcKiirlntnl nml John Wood. Aivmr.vr. week, the wlfool Wiley V.irkcr, on J'ooniumV rwck, met with 11 nin'gular nml ii-if-ly fatal neelilent. She wn about to cor rect one of her ehihlren, a girl of nboutthlitccn, ulio hail n large pock ot knife in her haml. The i-liil.l nun rally threw up her haml to warl oil' tho blow, ami the point ol the knilc entered her mother' nrm, cutting the arlery bully. Somu awkward Attempt were made- to MopMii? hem orrage, nn 1 wlion I he jdiyieiau ar rived the pior worn in had nearly blwl to death. She vn ntlcinled by Dr. Overbrck, who now report 1i'i' out of danger. Laiuii: Sir.ciMi. Smiiluy. a miner named Win. Harriott, Ibuo I a chunk of -j.ild .mi"utv - -k, City, tint! - ',, mince, mid i irt!i itl.i.n' .. I iii 11 1.-. it on' . 1 tin- '.' 1 ,uig hoiw "I t ('. II kmin Ai."tlo 1 l.'lliuX HI' Oil" . 11 m ..t.inliiy, but It 1 .- iivf lien liV-i-lor lb- L Tl- ,.... ' l below the ii " bciorf ! I, nnd iceiii ti ii' li" ! 'I' ' ' '''''' Ur ll'l Jll " i" 'I 1' I'i: hi !' 'iii Ki.w " '!' '"', .111 1 Dr. ib-lden, -l IVi KI.1-1 nth, i-lt.-d ii- diitliitftlic wvek. .lohi' has inadu in envinblc nunc n a hmvc young olllcer and mi rwn.lnl Indian lighter, and tho " knlu'lit ol ihelanect " is a very ngieeablo mid plnnuwit gen tlciuaii. Knit tjIk CoAsr.-.Mr. S. M. IIol tfrcdgo, Agent 'of the "New Knglaiid Mutual;" leaves on Monday for Cre .cent Cily. Ho i an encrgetio agent, nnd will convince mi)' candid man that his is tho only decirablo company to insure with. Xi:w Papuii. Thu Albany Ji-U' tor, published by Van Clceve, is re ceived. It 'w a good looking paper, well filled with original nnd selected matter, and Mipport Grant and Cob fax. Tho people of Linn county hhould support it. DihTiucr School Commence. nes( Monday. iTho Director huvo decided to separate, tho hoxch. and have en gaged Mis Wall, a graduate ol tho State Normal School of Michigan, to tako chnrgo of tin: female department. Xi:v Saw Mm.l Tho machinery of tho saw mill on Jnoksoncrcok has been purchased by Mesurn. Drew, Dillon it Salmon. They intend to build a now mill to bo driven by tho engine of thu Occidental Quartz Mill. Daktaiihly. Wo hoar that Mr. Delictus, of Uock Point, discharged 11 teamster last week, nnd tho fellow poi soned throo of his late, employer' horses to got even. Tow.v Ki.kotio.v. Ltttlu interest was taken in tho election for Trusted 'on Monday last. Only about 70 votes were polled. John Dick, of Oregon Street, was elected. Fuuit. Plonty of delicious grapes and every kind of fruit in this market. To lit ! or Pmtilllrc.-Ar rr Utile oiim '-J'etta-riuit lf..i,a.iu'l Mil., unci NBWHIXV I'UI'' MOVAIIVHVIIUI'. A few -m itlltn I llwj HAY HAVE TUN LlfK OK A HAIIMM1 CII1M'. '' ,"" fill to ht It onhuiil, irii woulU U f '"' from nuuijr, "In Tlmn of Per Prrymrt for Wiir."-o Kl Mll.of BB.K. OOOPKIl'S UNIVKIISAI. HAONI.T- 10 IIAI.M,u uuequdlia rtrlkii t" W."l,,I'rl1'".T rharn. Tli intiitnnu rllf ur UUflH, HrulMu4 HpnliK. Klfrlrn Mllleon.Ttilcuriui ciM '"'"".Vlf.."."!! rr ll.c.iMrl fur tletuliiK il )llilin lliW. Slmr anai'ltlxl .Ul, tail ll iniuullm uifUlfc .uitn.. "I I nhtMrdtKrliliin, IdcIuiIIii Kitchen mnHl l,, vpir, IriM.iltrl, tic. UP, WITH fHB TIMES. J. NEUBER HAS JUST ltKOIllVKI) AX INVOICI-J nf pooiU from the Kst of tl.c rinojt qnab ily of I.ADIKS' A.VDUK.NTS'MIW I'AT THUS (JOLI) CHAINS, UUNT8 M bVKIt VK3T CHAINS. A fine cliolre lot of UN A.MHI.KIl IIOSOM I'IN.S. HAIt KNOIIS nn.1 IIUOl'S, SI.KKVK nml COM.AIt HUT TONS, ami HOHOM STUDS. A. elmlce lot of DIA.MONII, OIT.b nnd I'KAllti ItlNHS. Abo solid ring f lii own make on li.iml nil tlic time. Hollid Silver n.irr, filch BTAIU.Kni;i1Ti:AHt,U0NS, Ill SUHT.isl'MAIl un.l SAf.I'dl'UON.S.TliA nml 1IININC l-'UUKS, IIU'I TF.U n ntui r knivi-s, wiioi.k ani opkn TOI'THIMIIbKS 11! nil rixes. Kino V.SV I.ISII I.KVKIlSiiiFoliiHInlil llunllne U.ics. A beautiful lot ol LAWKS1 WATCIIKS In noliil WoM llniitlng Ktmtnp'rd V.itff, Thttc liove h'cti filictcil with yn-nt circ fr icliablc tlm? kttprr. Alnjut tccclvrd nil lii-oiw ol Ilia AMERICAN LCVGR WATCH, lu liravr Hunting Cn. price from 35 to TA dollar. TIimc utc THE BEST WATCHES Pr tlic ni'inoi- evi'f lirnulit Into IIip mntkrt. 'I'liry nrp laiiHiic'iiml by Hie Nutiuiml WhIcIi fmnpiny. at Kljj"m. Ill An n'Miflni' lit of DfflfaR lill tl'ir I'm.. A" i.';1 tar "" lLt 1I1T and iliity li-ir rlcl(, ffin iw i"t lac t..rV I'l.ATKII J'ASTKIf.1 AIII.Ki.ihI TKA.SrotlNS. KMVI'hS nnd t-DIIKS. TUIIACCO HONKS. SPKCSolull kli.tbr ilic liid'ii -ni'ik-l dr "iruk .VM. I'OrK 1-rrniw! TAlll.K 111 1 i:iV nurKfl ll ACCOItDIMNS. rid") ISAM. Ml'Mlf IIOXKS, fancy nnd lir.olititf III ICI CAtJKS; Urq iintkti. lull.V trntidlntr, iiim! It XSICK1S. Ilor' TIl'-CAltl'S nnk viii:ki.ii.iiiu)vs. l)Olil.-HAniJ5H, CI.ol.vM TO V KIM'. MS. ClilMri-iiN CIIAI CICS. THE CELCDRATCD H0W1-; AM) FI.OKKXCK SEV7IPJa.IACIIiriES. II' Iii n '. l'-t 'f T"V -n i..n.--n lnur .it 0' H n .:1K..' .fl-.!c nnd' n-. I'll.- Ii HI ' (i'l'ir nil I'-.l-'i.- Mull.'. A lull !! nl or J'i !'!.- ""in Hi' I ' M I ilntuiii in Ik.. ilit ('' I'.ih. Mi.miI. r.iV.i'l i.wnf i .k ., ?-, Tli..i.i I'.Mirl.. , MAIVM UDXIS mI u ''U nHr"i"rl ot l li t'Ht V US. AM i wy. it.- pit ?hr l.'-.J -f TOIi.l'l'lj. fi ml Lifl ! d. fliy en' ' t wtiwic fluJ r Ikh iiw. A I' kimUof UVTUIW. flOTV. JfvW.tKV AXD SEWING-MACHINES i'.kf U-iln'J H-JI U !' ' 'I' l 1" aIi ' 'Hi .1 ' aii.l -mI !- Iio.r 0 .1 I !. 'I- ' ' '" ' jin... w ' ).. . i. if 1 . I' iff n- .1 i... I. M.flli-i:. I' ' ' ' "l ' "tor-. f-ir rli-iih mf . I ti.,.i 1 .lOIINNKl'UHII. JlXKI T. tll.KVX, JltllS H. ItlUM Aux4Mir.ii MtMiN. GLENN, DRUM & CO., ClKtl.KB IN'C GENERAL MERCHANDISE OAMFORNIA STItf.UT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. KRW FIRJI, NEW MOB t K !' 3STE"W PRIOJCS! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I rnllK AIIOVIJ NAMBI ? lako pjewtire In uoilfjInB tlulr H'"d nnd ilia imiViIIo piiH-rnlly. thai they ro now n-ci'lvlnis and ouviiliiit T largu and 01 tcuilru "tock of 8TAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING. HAT8 AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladiei', MImm' nnd Children'! Bhoei. 19- We liavf. bIo, In connection with "D & the uliare, a very InrRo mid ySi 8- cxtrnslTP Block of choice iS Groceries Hardware, -iS j&r (Jmriiswurc, 1i &' Oli- -XiX mgr ware, Cutlery, "H art- I'alnt mid Oil; lo, ifiit " .... . .... .11 VT..11. I,....-K2ia ur inniiw iiii .1 ".'"i i'-m w lt- und rfiH'l, Cut nml Steel X8 - liiw, Wooden tid Willow wmc. S t- iia Vt r ready to eTI njlhliR In our linn at IhJ I.OWUST&ASII 1-mCB. rVro..Mv.jhli.r in will find It jrriiilly, t their ad- li k elwwh.-r.' Hwenr ileterinlned nut to be inilerwld by any hou.o In Jakoii county. flvoiujic..ll.ui.d tliriiJuilM loryourwll m. u, 4Kuipucliy to furiiii-li tJO"J OLBNNjDRUMtfcO.. ;aekWBTlll, March , 18T. tr NKW ADVKHTSI'.Mr.Nr. " ELASTIC SPONGE,' bli Miukut ilucl, oaii l-'ranclKO. Vnv STANDAUI) SOAP COMPANY'S WuhIiIiik I'ow.lcf. bold i.y nil (Jroocrf. Geo. P. Howell & Co.'.s UAVKHT1S1. AGKXGY. "Tliuy lime rcilnced niUrrtiJlnrf to n mro prlcct fiylem tlmn In.liocn known hereto lore." - Uueftvn ('a.) Stntimi , Oel. 31. 1867. " Vlmt''i-r In prompt, mvlliudietl. nnd flrnlchtrorward, they praetleo In tli'lrdmllnKi. nnd only iml"lMm OmmKimtlth, Nov. 3U, I8I.7. "They now prolrtMy do llio hfutfl ndver li'intf fiuMnrr In the rounlr.''- MmtSttUr i.. ) )i,i I Wfi.Jnn. .1, lens. Tin ir ettnlillflnii'Mit x'rlnp Hm mut cxtinIr.' in Ihe Unltul Slate." (A.ln Ad nrliur. (intirtf, .tiWl. Ttii. Ur tn U now tho lnut fiili'tiuillnl h-tl- nhoiielorndi'rtlilni In lliu country." .1-wn.wii V.fnHj ln,let I.V. 1'.) A pill 2 l18. " With llirlr reitul-lllim Ihev fun anil ill. : J..I nn- iow ii nmi iii.i-i aiivani.iic-'oui ivini-. .tffAflrrnJlil I tnJ 1 y'rffrt. V nir lit Urdu nil. rill. rnirnla fur nil IiiiiiI.nii in t, ipii.wri. nl tiilrri . In.v l till, lit IiIiIkIii.iI nl I liv nllUtaiir lilllilU otllf.n. 411:0 iMiuwni.i.tVio. it f III'lHU ,(tlil. Illl'arU,. V. IIIIANl'IIOl-lTCK. Slitl Moiitsmnci'V SI. Sun Fruncl -i I'nl. .1. r. PijA('i-:.v.'o; Amii. ir vi.i- imvk M.i:n iHi.ii tiiik I'.KMrui tnv tr pomps r.XTKAirr of ii.i. Air.Linoit vr.onrAHLi: pain DKSTItoYlMt. Alnay prntnplly ri-licv.-t nnd nftrn prrma netilly i-uie llurn, tM-itd'. '"ill ltrubef"oie nwft. 'l.nininc'i. irnlii. "Itir'uiimtbin.". AJJi-f-rn iiidSuif. luml. ite Aim. Tooth ache. tlm.lelu. Suraltfi.v. auru TUr.Ml, llimr-f-ti"-. Colli. ! julir.t f',d nil llemi.rr luk' id '.!. IIik uii.litiii prfiMraltnu l III" pr.i.iiel u 1 iiiiii flir.ili, I he lUm-tnwtu r.ryftif.r Wii.h tli.fl. ibl.ili.f.t -y 11 ecullir pro" if .li'tlllntiuii, lij ttlilt-ti llti- iihuIIcIikI pioHrllri. (if l'i plii I ri- nbxlnnl, nn.1 I be Mnillti aii'l coloring iiifiHer n-btlwl. MiiuliieiiYnl by llninphr"y llmiKepnthlo Muliclne ' A ..! ir tl.f I'l.ellte ml, IIUHTICTTCII. .'Jll 111 A Co, Vliu4ilo liiiiKjbl'.Snit I'mi-nifW. o vt 11 nii r,ni t-u nn mkvikiiv nir n AI5KNTH wne'.il lr lViirrM HdumIhiIiI l'hrlnn N"n luttilly Vlild llWmH Hi efOtxiii. n.'l 14 ...f .t. ... .-. AJIti-'.ie; S!f ItJllHf 1 1( , .NtN t'fitmtttu ivi.iliH im. y : 111 n is , WINES & LIQUORS. , AHo . I Mi i.UiIi.i-i iiwl 1'ii'inl Mr i' the imiimrni m uiit.ks. ilJt .IiicKmmi -il.tMiu I'liuiciDiio. I!ti.l'i' ill!iiiliill!tHl. n mi: METflOPOLI TAf-J GIF T CO. Cah 01ft' to tho Amount of $390,000. EViTJlY TICKKTfllUWi A I'KIEK. ,'.c..iiO." ) H . SI) in ' " n(i i:. lil.HK. :. n'l 1 1 in ft. I.H. -100 . " . I'n ... . . urn . . . 2i M Ciyi Ho- . '4 1 ..1. .. KuU f 1i ! V'O 81 - v . -1 ... in n- 1 .i .? v. loir y.. in t !" v. M.i- f.l iini. . : 1 . 1 :iiii 1 1 tlnlii i it 1,. ., . ; ....11 ii r Mil. r w e' an ! :.o I'm.' lid I't'iiHii.x I "in.fl KaenVlnij. Hilr 1 ( it'.' ri.ilof..ih AliNinifi Mild .1 l,ri' atwtirl- iii.-nl iifl-'lmi i.ld'liy, In all alirdat 1100,000 A ('liinit'c (11 Draw any of llic llllOVO Prll'.C''y illiehallU n .Millut llt-k' it fot 'Hi ct, Tirki l.erlliii wish I'rlw iiit- u,iM in i;.ivi'iuf nnd llinroiiuhly inlxt.l. Oiirtcilnt or 2.1 rtt 11 Htll Trill will It ilt.iMIl nithmit cholrx mid dellierol nt ii'ir of fice, or ent by nmil to any aildrtfit. Tho price naniid upou II will to delivered to Iho ticket Lnldtr nn p.i)ni(iil nf one dollar, l'rlzi-4 will IfO IminvdlJli'ly enl In any uddrem, a iv picited, by exprt'j or return mall, You will know what your prize la before you pay for It. Any n; niy U aih vi'jtjor nmthtr ' ww 111ic. V o lilnukM. Cd- Our pitront tun depend upon fair deal Iiik Hefeli'iiCCS Wf wlecl the rnllmtlni; fiw liiiiiie fruin thu many who halo lately drawn Valuable l'rlA' and kindly permitted in. to pabll'li them ; 8. T. Vilklii. II11IDI0, N. V, $1,000; lll. A1111I0 Monroe. Chlciso, III. t'latio, valucl al $MOi lioht. Jitckwiu, l)nbinur, Iowa, (inlil Watch. SWO i I'lilllp McCarthy. LohIkvIIIc, Ky., Dlant'ind Clutter lllnu. JCOO j It. A. I'm-ten-oil, New lliilford. Han , .Slim Tea Set, $17.1 1 Mlii Kmini W'alnnrlh, MilwuuUie, Win., PlJnn, $1(10 1 Hire. T. W. I'M. Cleuland, Old.., MeliMleon, 12.1. f? Wo pulilbh no iiainei without permit lon. . Oplliloiu Of lll Prcaa ' They are dnliiK tho liiri!l bioliiemi tho Unit U rellalilf, and titer dc-ervii Ihelr iiccm." Mity 7Vi hunt, 'ii. Hill, 1M1H. Wo have eMimlned their ylcin, mid Know Ihem to be 11 fair lUallni? llrm " .V 1'. lltralJ, VA. 28th, 1M8. Lnrt wwh 11 friend of nni drew a $.101) iirle. which wu promptly received " Unity tSui, M.irth 3.1, lS. fend for eliruUr Hiring many more releren. d and favorable noliceo Ironi the prein.. Idle eral Jiidnccinenti to AKC'it"- .V-itli-factlon minr anteid Kvry package, of Sealed Envelope eontaln. OS cimi uiit. Hlx Ticket, lor $1 1 1U for $2 I 33 for ft i 110 for SIS. All letter fhoi.M ' iarciiK-jl to I'.MIK KH, MOOKF. t: 7 llronil wny Now Vork. WILSON & 3RO., W-1I0IXI.AI.K AMI HRTAII. HMI.tR IN DOOMS, WINDOWS & HLINDH. Wo liavu Iii Horo a roiiiplel naaort went In our Hue, which wu offer at He diiceil Prices. i' 1'iuclum rn would do well to call and examine our ",ocl iK'fore purchasing (.Ifowbero. N. K. cor. California nml Druiiiiia Sin., Sun I'raiiil'DO. DBiuimufMii SXllFIl 1 11111:8 i)ikam:s of tiik J II HAD liurtTIIUOAT-tliP wor-t im in. nl CATAltltll I A li will bHfeiil pre- miiI by mall or tnrriv cetii", o lour tor uim -" .... . . . . . - J F loliar. oy 11111 priipriciurirf, nuii.ii, .iu. ', , ()., New York Clly. 1 TT'OT'C Our New CiilnlojiiK or IM IMxIiijiu PKOVEU HTKNUIL dtOA OIKS. Moru thaiL 11 iiloulh In fmXjyJ In-iiig mdo wild Ibeiu, ti. M. St'ENOBU 4 CO., Dretlleboru, Vb rpK.VVCI.INO PALHSMKN W'ANTT.I) for n X Mnuufueturlnit flirf chftnee for inoiltable luini'i. A.l3rc 1-. Di.wimi A Co , i?n rranclrcn. 'paper and STATIONERY "" WAREHOUSE .1011N0 lionot'fcco, liiiimrlrr nml in....rrl..rl..K lllonrr( Keep lllnlik Hook;, School llnoK" Wrnppintf I'nper. Ledpi-r I'npfr. I'lnyliiir Cnr.l. l'rlntiri Card, line Cullcrvry,ctc. Tho trade Kiipplicd nl the lower I cnih rale, JOHN (5. 1101)01-: A CO.. 329 SJI Sanomu and ill" mid 20V Sncrnmenlo I;., S5..H I raiicl.'Co, 4 VkXTS W A NTHI)-o"r """ M KS "ol-" JY OUH'DAV," or the livtuof Uruul. Colfax nnd nil ihc leading tnen ol the na tion (ner Mi), in one voluno. fi.'O j.npffi 4'J Steit I'niltulij. H. ml lor c,rtu!i.t!i to .KIO l.l'.U. McCfllDY Sc CO., I'lillndtlplilft '.'iiiiuylvflii'a. Anici iciin Wtitir Cnckinirl All Mela'! Mllilll(li;c.l N"ii 1'iwr.iiii;! AlMtfyn In I'll 111 Oid.r! Si-tut for n circular to the IVifie Pump MTfj Co., Ill 'J Callfornln Mifci'i, .un l-rniuiico. Moore Palu Tnlnt l n lmiuile Hipml llini ! uvi mi in nl nor flnln, Mop pain ! Iii'lintlv. nnd ctin tile- re of every name t i.nd I the Annilidatnr li n hii1)- curt? for cntatrnh j and cdd lu thu head, bold by Hrnnwlt. All pain liiMtnlly ruiered I roe or co.l nl .Moore 1 oiuo.'. mi Mantel Mreel. near Keniny. ! 1 1 KUSTOX, HASTINGS & CO. 1 HciiHtou, HatingB & Oo. aim: Tin: FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS OP SAN FRANCISCO. Sri-TIAMTIES. IMIICi; AM) ULMtlAVlKi:. Tht Urvfi and tnl u'.-U Miiek of Onollr ujn.'f rliilhluic I uriifliinc OohIi. 1 runV. JU- .. 1 Vi.lliHr n I lie 1'iifllliC C-t. Ilvfiv ii'jrl-- 'i it. in r nl our i..ii mi'iitUL-iiirf. ( ,tunraairtl. Italian otinltwot illrul with Ivi p. 1 1 .uil Aftiiik'a. V;.,'iilef of piree (i..i.t. 'if littfit'by eiftat 11 ciiiiie l lully Ml wl etnt in' iliMbn' Hol. .uiJ are lliil u!r in oV'l npfilor liwli ul Um lhau foud ,t'- pr' 1 '.STYLUS. Il.vltt?iii In lifitti ainl Carl, .re In toMtne nw-nrwitytwrin'! t l-'rj'.eUen iMnnil ;ituuly ih Ihi..!- apM'aiut lu N- n Vutk. 1 .. .1.. n.,,-,. ti.,ii ,r .n.'h a laiv deilre ..,. tiirl ibe itrk" 01 a iflrbtalMl inioii miUr. ! nrr pnn..''d to ."Mko up nwj. cowl In a rl)l iprlor In any Wer n..i.f nn ike imvI. i'hlrli". Tiff, Colk'i. ).' . .IT ..,' '.""- - . 1 w Ul t mt'le lu oidtr nt rburt notice. COUMilY OKDEKS. Oiwd.f.'rwardwl by i:tpre to any pirt of Iho i'aclllo Court on rectlpl ol order ani meal urm ; ivud fur direction' loin, lur lucu.umncul. Heuston. Hastings &Oo. LICK 1I01SK BLOCK, SAN FItANOISOO. AuRfmO L.LACOUR & OO., MANUKACTUItKUS, Y Mau rrnnotaoo, MAiM'FAOTI'llE ALL TI1K LI; iiiciirc ami'iirinoilrrn timet, and wnii Iii opecinlly call tUoutteullonof thu I'lilillo to fioir IjAOOtTIl' Sarsapariphere BITTI3RS ! (IltrilKMIVM AWAUU1.I) AT TUB lateSTATK FaIK ) .Maiiiifitctiireil, ii Iho name, denote", from Sr eap.nilla and other healthy roots nnd berhi, a CKItrAIN III.OOI) I'UIUPlKlt. The Elegant V I .lalu lnlvn.1.,M...I nn.1 it. A ...n.l f.,.l.1krftlp,l 111 .WI-.IJ IHIIiqiUVlMlHlli, ,W IM..P. tb v.. - imuleru nH.'tizernaiidui otft, an undouhtid remedy for Dvarri-au nnd other ijtomacii Com ruiNTii, it living compou'rt of lino Krench Cog. ,.! ,II.HII.i,l will, f!,.m., l,.ri.t'liin llurk and other aiitl-dyrprplia Ingri-ilieuU, lejvlujr Ibe brcnlh tweet und balmy. LAOOUE'S KfSt'.SCK Of Jamaica Ginger. An article equal to any Imported, and Krontly uprlor to any other mauufactund In thai State. Hold by ovcry reapectatlo Jobber aud Drug pbt on tho rnclfl-a Coait. ' To Huard uKaiiint couutirfell-i, bo certain that our triidu mink (a Light iloue) ulamped ou every cau and package. L. LACOUR 8c CO. iCAN AMEK TCHES. WALTHAM Wit 1RITY. PflOOF OF THEIR SUPERIi Peiui.ylvniila Italltoait Co. Ornccoi tiik Or.v. Frn.RiNTiNi.KNT, I Ai.toa, I'i., Di-c. 1.1, Im;7. f (r.NTLRMr.N! The walche mauufachirrd by you have been In urc on llili Itallroad for cv cral year by our cnglnc-mco, to whom c fur nish watches a part of our equipment. Thcte arc now- tome, llinai-. Hi Mmr.n or tiikii cinniKu o.n ofii I.1M-, nnd wo conrldfr them 0001) AND ItKMAM.i: TI.Mr.KEKI-KI5S. Indeed. I hire Rrtat -.ntlffaclloii In fayliiR OUIt WATCH li CJIVi: t'S I.V.SS TltOUIII.C. and ! .ire wurn aud do wear much In.iRrr wilhoul ripitra lhau miy watch. wo Imid enr had in U'o on this road. As you ate aw arc w-e for mrrly lri0l.1l In tho'e of Kngllth inaiiu'iietiire, or ncVnowlrdK.d Kd trputatlon, but n n ela thry never kept llmu nfi correctly, nor havo they dou n. gowl Mrilcunn joiili". lu tlicw atalementi. I am iu(atui-d by my pred.ceifur, Mr. I.cwl. whoo experience cx lendeil over a Miles, of yearf. -, lUlWAltl) WILLIAMS, (lea. Superintend ent, Am"ilenn Wnlcll Company, Wnllhim. N. V.dKXTUAL UAILUOAI). l.noovoTtn: l)ir"r . Wi.rtnix Dui.inv. I l!i'iic;iri,it, Dec. 21, leC. Oi'.nti.kvikn-i I haie nn limitation jn 'aylnir Itjat I delicto that Ihc prcat majority nf loco inntttv ticlno- ra lull v found by rxpeilrnce that Wjtl.riltM Watiiim are the tinxt r-.iti-fnctory if all) lor their ue. Thei run with Iho Rrrnl ut accuracy nnd rlradlnfi.. nultvllli'lamltnir iti. rough rldloR of auiuMltifinml.n i hail' tiftir known one to wear nut, they mint tie durable. I hope to stc the time when rat I nay coinpatile. will K'icrally nlopt your wuIc'im, aul fiirni'h llieniln nil enlneera and conduc lor. In my oplulou II would greatly tend to plii'n t lCiilarll nod fafely. Yuuit rerpect fnlly. CIIAIII.IS WILSitN, (3. Chief IlnRlneer, llrollifihm.l of l.tteoninilve Knglucir'. American W'Mcfi Company, Wallham. i:fr- IVhKIi I'iiII)- l'or rile by ill lirit-ilan deal, ra lu the Cnllf.l Stale. ItOIIIIINS A- APi'r.Kro.v, No. IS'-' llroadway, llrlii-rat Aitentl. It. II. OKAY A- CO. S'nn Amenta lor Califufnl.i. N13W lrAUDWAUi:, Tlii M STOVE STORE. imri'iiu & ki,iiti:i ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, Cor. Oregon ntnl Muiu Sti., Am: m:ci:iviN'n, and will con liinllv keen on h.tnd. a variety of Cookluu ti.c. I'nrlor nml Hot filoie Tlnwaie of ier .letcripnon. s-ioftcil Hardware, rinr.CiillcryJ Ah-rlculliJial liuplciuenla; JJar Irou, Hlcel, Nail, anil Splkca ; Palula, OU ami (ilims; Tul!, Clothe AViiiiKera, Pnlln, ami llat-Ueta,4r. n..t.. hM.'l..i..l .III. Il.d ,.n,l mn. IIIIU HIJtlilii. f.l.i. ..'w wvn .',-w.v.. ...- chlnery, we are prepared to mainil Jduro every ilencripllon of Tin and Sheet-Iron waro ntfhort notice. .Worcpeclfully Millclt a rhato of iho patronage of the public. lluri'JiA.i a r.i.ii i r.n. JacliMiivllla, Juno 19th, 1HCR. je20-tf SECRET OF BEAUTY USK GEO. W. LAIRD'S fiffi&. Render the skin eoft, smooth, char, and Ixauliful. Will remove Tan, Freckles, and all other aiscot oratiom. Sold at all Drngghta and Fancy Qooda dealers every where. March 26th, 18C8. ra'cli 28-ly. Team Wasted for Oaatp Waraer. ON, anil after the i1r day of October. 18C8, the uadcrilgni'.l bavu delerinlued to ell for caih I'xolu.lvely exeept upon ipiolal con tract. Those Indebted'tn the firm mud posi tively pay up, at all account, will bo clot il Oc tober lit; GLKNNDUUMACO. K'pi2tr. Notice. . Notice iaberebvuh en that my wlfo hai left my bed and board without lurt caute or pr,uvni'atlon, and every body is hereby forbioT den lo trim ner nn my account, ior i win pay no bill of ber contracting, ISAAC 8KEETKRS. Aiif. 17th, 1868. !ugiMl29thw4 bk'iJ THAT COUGHING CI?)K " VOU C N'T, A.M WR PIT V Is .i Yo.ibirtlil,lMerytOTif)1j,lriilli0tS di-f ib'tl, It ii lutnii'ie tmril. In MiitrnAle i!l m'a' i .-1 fT-in.t.rfi. It in mt nitTil.ln j-i'l ihr.ll i.nt la try f-ii-llilii Im nCirr lha nirn .. m, at r. tutu tntdt) nf Im-lir rOT.(vftl luuU'J tu tbpuUKksa(cru.a curr, bii NEWBLL'S J. LK.liSl. !T rmtljr rrrr t,tn'tn ' l at, ton Tlmwl. Aiihi .l rtillr lt Vr.llY Pi IVafinHn. 1 r.r iucrerio'ih,i ' Onv". ) k Mrtf-iMtCoijliliMi.rh." ry 'ri. raiHtfif ifrVoln Cllfbruit .ih. Irt.J NutSltnl blb rarjInIBi NEWELL'S Pulmoiifu'y Syrup flTith ra a'errJ cIt II llr ni'iM TT' UIH-tt tti'imi..!rrfiwifKltrWll wln r uu. , r-rit'nlMttllh lb , Hi Rtmlivtl l'jrurtiMUi. H, r ,r Ih. I,lin if tl diwun or lb Tkrml uj NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup Lu roril IhOMttSi! to I II wl',1 (art YOU If joj try IdtiCiIiM rnMKInn l.rl'.Mfitlolbt UXtj -rt'nnc. hrt.ipj tii. nmitlirnic lu lt rCrrtt, ti titur Im tMrn til i-Htoaout or lUl.urinui litvf, tk 1 iwtfif Ily liinilt un-lrr til clrcvim.umH. liitlUAOt frr.ii Intor trnnntil iiumu of Sta rin.v-.:uou.ttijf ti UiUlf cf ' NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup iirois'oros a co. Artu, Ru rnaofM. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVIIIISAL MAGNETIC BALM. A general l-'atnlly Medicine. It ! a tuvtr 'Ign remrdy for Diptheria, And kindred dleucit of the TIIItOAT, aaU uuiriiiallift In curing Dyteutcry. IMUrkwa Cholera. Colic, Cholera Mibu and rovor aad Agae, Neuralgia, Ithruniatl.m, C14t, Toottachr lliirut, ."I'lir.lin. Itrultc., do., etc., are at ou relb'ir-l by lu llmtly uc. TrnN a Vcgetablo 7iy aar alon. Nona gcnulii. without ! i ur H It.STIlONO. REDrGTON&CO.'S ' OHIDA WATER, OK .10 OTIIIIt. Cuoxcellrd for Toilet le and for the Dalit, REDINGTON & CO'S JWSWCK OK JAMAICA OIIVGKK. Tlili valuable preparation, contain!))? la a hlchly cmiceiilratrd torm all Ihe properilei of Jamnlca Olllcer, hat bt-roine one of the moet popular dimiollo remrdli't for alldliearMOf thu Homach and dliteMlve ursant, A a tonic, It will be found Invaluable to all penont rccnv.'ilni: Irom il.lilllly, whether pre duced by fever, or otbrrwlre ; lor while It Im part to tho pyiitem all the glow and visor that can be produced by wlno or brandy, II If en tirely free Irom the reactionary effect tbatfol' low the ue of plrltt of any kind It I alM an cvcellent remedy for femalei who rufler from dlfflcult nientlruatlon, flit lag almost linmrdlate relief to Ihe ipaame that to frequently accompany that period. It itlve lininedlalo .relief to Name. canMd by riding lu a railroad ear, or by Ka-ilckneti, or other cauitc. It I aNo valuable a an eiUiroal appllcaUon or Gout, niieumatlim, Neuralgia, eto. KKUINOTONACO,, 418 and 418 l'ront 81., San Krenelwo. Uee KlcctroSlllcoo, Or Maglo Rrillltnt. REDINGTON & CO.'S FLORIDA WATER. vFOR TIIK ITANDKKR0H1EF. Thin nrllelo. poweming the tnoet dellcaU fragrance of Flower. I unequaled u a ,pfr fumo for llitf Handkerchief, FOR THE BATH. Upc.1 In bathlne, It Impart energy aotj treniith In the lyitem, and Klvrs that Mftneaa aud delicacy to the rklu to much deilred by alL It removei Sunburn, Frecklee Pittple. Diluted with water, It make an excelleM Dentrillcn, Irapartlni; pearly wbiteneu to lh teeth, tweet ucm to the breath, and render! tb! gum hard and of a beautiful color. It thould nlwayH bo lifted after brlng, di luted with water, a It relieve all loflamatlon. HKDINGTON CO., 410 at-d 118 Front St., Sao Fraocleoo. Use Kleclro-Slllcon, Or Maglo Brilliant. BLEOTRO-SILiaOlf, OR MAGIC BRILLIANT. DIUF.CT FROM NATlnE'8 LABKATOBT." The bent article .ever dlacorcred for Clean Inir aud rollihlnt; Gold. Silver and PUUd Waro, and all moolh Melallo Surface, of whatover inscription, lnclndln KllcbM UtJ ill of Tin, Copper, Uraa, Sleet, ele. To Jowilera am Worker In Gold aad Silver Plate, tho Klectio-Slllcon I of loeillmable val ue t thu lime aaved, aud the vUloa prevtttt ed by It use, will forever e6dcar It aaait to all who have had evidence of Iti mrlt REDINGTON OOC Solo Agent, Sao JTiraMiMov FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS, llVtXQV, t CO.'! AR1 TRB RMT. Fept, 31b, 1. MfUhly. n 111 B l l