Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 19, 1868, Image 2

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Bli a mii wi i rnm in n''TTn-" tt" - rr - tz
mm nii'imv ouvmiYHl pace.
111!1; mi MUM rtun mm;.
roit ihk pnssiDENcr is 180",
or tit emus mtt.
Wall in; thon irfi 1'1 ttlllifol tMtanl." Ttit p
fU httt rtittrJt for itftoti-uiuMimrot for traltort.
' f OK TIIK VICn I'KUSttM'.N'Or,
For Pi(MiilUI Klftlorat
0. JACOBS, of Jackson.
WILSON HOWLIJY, of Washington.
A. 1). MEACIIAM, ol Union. .
r. -tzsj.
.. - r, -. "- r
- - - mm iJiiipi ili . i 1 1
Satuiuiay Mot.sijmi, Sept. If, 1 808.
Demoeratlo Reaction 1 1 1
Twenty Tlioiitmul Hamtllcnu Majority
Wy Down In .Mnlntt"
Chicago, Sept. 10. Nothing Inter
from Maine. Estimates agree thai the
Union majority will bo iiO.OOO. Tlio
voto stands neatly thus: Chamberlain
78,000, I'illnbtiry 65,000. The Hcptib
"Means throughout the country aie ie
jolcing over tho result.
Dlair says "revolution never go baek
wards." It is only Democratic "reac
tions" that haven backward tendency.
Stiiawh. A little voto wns taken
in Maine on Monday to sec which way
tho political straw was blowing it
proved n irv"traw for Democracy.
Pendleton is playing oven on Sey
mour. Ills services in Maine were nn
eminent success. for tho Republican
The McMinvllle fWiVr lini vol
utninous article on editors and ln'ii;.
Night, Jasper Wt Always speak of
yourself in tho second person.
r A Stiiaw. A vote was taken in tho
Green Mountains the other day, to'seo
how Grant ami Seymour stood, and the
icsult was over .10,000 for Grant.
Yt'tka Journal.
The New York ArifoV cnmpaics tho
result of tho Maine election to a po
litical earthquake. Wo expect the
Copperheads quake more than any
thing else.
Democrats claim that many of the
"boys in blue" are going to support
Jlort thai ticket will lib blue "enough
in November.
.Several Copperheads in Hi-kivou
county wcro silly enough to bet even
on tho Maine election, Soino of them
may he foolish enough to bvl that
Seymour will be next 1'iesident.
Lafayette, in this State, must be im
proving. A Democratio paper came,
hear starving to death (hero ami had
to move. Tho town must now look
llko nu urchin with a clean washed
When Grant said "let there bo
peace," ho touched a repoiuivo chord
in tho hearts of tho Anieiican people.
Thoy wero grand word", coming ns
they did from one whoso trade was
war, and who knows what war means.
The country needs peace nboltito
final. It wants order, not anarchy or
revolution ; and the chrislain and tin
selfish wolds of tho brave soldier aro
going Irom mouth to mouth, through
out the republic ns the true sentiment
of thu people. Vermont caught them
up, and her gallant people, who flinch
ed not when tho cry was war, icspon
ded in n voice not to be mistaken. "No
more revolution I' lint six days since,
Maine heard tho echo, nud from tho
depths of her forests, from her hamlets
and her cities, her sturdy yeomen went
to the polling places and proclaimed:
"Lei theio be peace P in ii oico that
has made Democracy tremble, een to
the shores of tho Pacific. There is no
mistaking the temper l tho people
now. They are determined that an
archy shall end. Thoy nrcdctnt mined
that Seymour and lllair, "pledged to
revolution and disorder, -hall not con
trol the government. The peoplo are
as eimost for peace ns they were for
war and eery election In Id, o lar,
proclaims that they will ami must
haw it.
"Tho Great Reaction.'"
Democrats have been .iving a great
deal Intel v about a ticiiMidcou lenc
tiou that was taking place In public
sentiment. If the reaction was iippnr
antly in iheir favor, it seems to havu
culminated about tla-timo the Demo
cratic Convention nl New Voik nomi
nated nu upi-ii friend of the lebelliun,
ami n chronic ollico beggar for the two
first olfc'ce in the country. Since then
two Stales, Vermont ami Maine, Imvc
held elections nud the great icaclion
has gone baekwaid ng,dn. In Ver
mont there was a Nepublieau gain ol
over six thousand; in Maine it is over
ten thousand. The quiet, sober sec
ond thought of the people has mailo
them turn in disgust from the doc
trine and protcMs ol Democracy, and
that patty will surely learn in Novem
ber that there is in truth a tearlul and
tnctr limps' to'VoWo!" ' (lftfhtr,l1FA"ill
a government they tned their best to
JMit' rial CoUcspondoiice.
a i kit i:it rnoM it. r. novv'i:t.r.
S.u.im, Onx., 1-tlli Sept., 1808.
A few things tlint have transpired
in the Supreme Court, the United
Slates mails, condition of tho roads,
and the Hohemia quart, mines may all
be of interest to the readers of thoSKN
iiNri. So allow mo to sketch them
for their benefit.
Tin: sui'itinn: out
Has been in session hero during the
past week. All the Judges aro pres
ent. Tin: vii-ikkv c.vst:
Against Major rtinchatt, for the arrest
nud the impisoii of Mulkey nbout three
months, at Eugene City and Vancou
ver, W. T., for disloynl conduct in
IP0, has been argued by Stuart ,-uid
Walton for Mulkey, nud by Gcorgo
Don is for Major llitichart. Tho court
below dismissed the case because the
State couits have no jurisdiction in
such cncs.
Mr Stuart contended the case shoiiuf
be revised because the case was not sub
mitted to the jury, but he did not ar
gue the merits of tho action. Mr. Dor
ris contended that the court had no
jurisdiction ol the subject matter.
That an action cannot do mnintniucd
against a naval or military officer (or
an act done in the Execution of hi
olllcc, ami "within the purview of his
general authority ami that he U jiro
tectcd by the order of IU riiperior; it
not appearing conclusively- from the
pleadings that Major Itrhi'linrl was in
the Military kcrvice ol alio United
States it was pioper for the couil to
dismiss the chv as soon as the proof
was made that ho was in the military
service of the geneial Government ;
Elk Cicek is no better, and several
others aro impassible. Wo hope the
supervisors will at an early day
nut them in good order, or if they fail
the Grand Jury should do its duty in
Siivr.itt: AtTttiK.vT. Wo regret to
say that Mr. Jako lloudebush met
with quite a severe accident on
Thursday. lie wns diiviug a spirited
young colt in a sitlkey when one of tho
October, and have such negligence foot straps broke and he was thrown
seveiely punished.
lioiin.MiA (ji-Amr.
Pour hundred pounds of rocf: from
the Uohemia mines in Douglas county
has recently been assayed in Portland
which vieldcd &70 23 to the ton. This
rock was of an average, quality, am
no gold wns visible in it.
ptpw m ' n m it u wtii.ll
The Democrats have a great deal to
say about Mrs. Snrralt, but do not
state that the persons responsible for
her death arc now prominent members
ol the Democratic party,
John A. Hingliaui, of Ohio,
the matter in a stong light. While
speaking at a Hopubliean meeting in
llangor, Maine, ho was intuited by a
Copperhead, who cried out, "How
about Mrs. Snrralt V" Mr. IJinghaui
instantly responded: "How about her?
Go and consult tho record ol tho Court
that tried and convicted her. Go an
out, receiving :i very severe cut above
tlic knee, Ill-ill which ho bled piofue
ly. He was attended by Dr. Green
man and Is now doing well.
AcciiiKXT.-On last Monday some, Th, m .,, t. of ,.,,,,,.,, A Jr.PV R
j young men weie riding last out on i "" l"
Hear Creek, when ono or them, .Mr. ""' l"" "tti:hs.
I'elix Johnson, had his collar bono r.VVXSZJl 'u
broken bv the violent falling of both I ''J."""? i''i immm" " '' '
man and horse together into n ditch. lnlliv'i'i"'i-i."r-.ifiiiii,iMwiii,in,jKI,s
T'" ftr" lilllJloii imiUI...i.A..
I NiiflnHCf nt.llri Ii hn-aarr. I M I'l I,,., .v ., .
II l (hr Rtnlr.1 tntr tut kiwkhdr
s nw,
. Tho Hon. , H. Yd -On lm 12lli led. ntsr Uk Point. ".r ' J"'-W "'l.it i;ii,. hifc-V,"
o, has plac,! I A(iW5S ? ?."" K,,t" ' 2SPrV-- Z
MCKIINV.IK In Jnck-onvll !.."( .i Rlli. Uj, .
ng.,1 I ,mr, I months ,! U.jrs. , &';;VrJ'f?::
lnlljr It I. rrnnikuM. rr l'-ili, r.innii
Pntsidtst At M-iftiUD to tr.mn
skw Atvi:itTisninsT.
,i3iij bbI
. ; ll. tWtl.tl.., Jlr
i rurnit.li Itiii I... M...I.M r.ji..i.
tlifitABiwhm.mtl.. "'-"
Homimv-IM Iifltnii1lti f lli Lxunnlltu.
j L'tKNtstU IV)mlr..rfnf..llH t,u
!' nosiM iMiiVtc, pllniUtiMiita.
l.li kit lhtlb.llll.a l a.. .. .I.lllil.
I . i . .. I "i." ihm"iiiiiiiii inii'Tiiiiriiiiir
i i-. i ti i i i .i A niimmr nu pwoiu onTin.1 rrtiur? inn inr ,,..., i, .h.i. i.,.' ., ,
nsk Gcneiiil Haneoek. who usued the lo tei, noilir tflnBing OUm? 1 Mill i hiw ,... .VI TJZ uu '
order for her execution in sidte ol n in nit lhn t lb.. M Ii. Church nt VtAiX"11
.... it i i i i iifs-liT Tcnlti, iJI nl ,nl scvon ana n hull i i.. ,urtUvi oti,-r Mr.... ..,..i
writ ol f.tjt..tsr'U which had been -clclt. to Uke ')p. for It- nrginitalloi. ' K , nA.ii. ' r """"
served upon him; ami, if you are still' ttr!isi fofrw r. Jsm. I.enronilluVe ihe'
i "i mr ircnfir.aini 'ir. iimrKMiu inu
..,.,.. i .i. .i i ir"
President Andrew Johnson whv he i thtimiili with ilrtoilu nil ituy tnj nMe t. J ' tr.m.f "T
..... rew , uuiison, w ny lit mtlc (y nnPi nf(,r (i(, , ,v.,.,0ll,h l-l iifl I - Y
rcluv.it to iitrdou alter a petition had th. on-. ainl ih rrrmoi frn,!. of muvr !. 'P K-JlJL JUU V
.. i:- ...u .-. ..f i.-...i.. .i.i "
!wi ent i m hignrw liyeverv inemlKr; ,f,y "" " ' . ..' . , .Ti
' -, ' ! in i t in not rrilfi-wijr knuwli-il I" Anil
but one ol tho Court who tried her. i tb Kmrll-ti l.snnnuirc. It nlti ultlhtf nriniidi hhi
auddniwnupin the handwriting of, ?Ste
Mil mnti yoti uok to itmtlt I M i u th it nctiiM n cotnpi 1iul it. t rifu imtut!t thn
'ihsrnrt.rf.i1 ih(rMinf .f M,i, (l v
mlfvl U l Mhkhi'W t-Mr f tr IM tftUtMCW
iw profit!
If n .il.k.i rt I lu r.tk1 tiiitm laatfin l.li lift (ft ftrttl f 4ttal.l lviii lit. t . ImI - .
riio Jack-onville A'cvWr wants ml wk.f..r ih-ilr-tun .. will is- Kltr... ;fl?SlX.w!twl,itoMM',,u,,ta,,,
know who will ttiko tho following oil". ' ''; nifW r..riil.hl lth lh- i.'d-vr
nM ,,, ,. ..? , . . hooki II nisllnlrly on lt. or.-lil.il on. Tliy
er: "Tho". (.havener, r.q., will bet' ' (j mtoiiKS I '"
tin' raeuiinl raneli, fitiiMtfl on Hear1 -Cuek,
it or seven miles east ol Jack-
that the juilsdiiioii is it matter ol Ian', soiivillc, and which cost him uenri
and should be determined at onv lmipi,"00' n PlT:,",,l',m t,,(' '.,'l!'.r,," !
bv the coil
Walton e
diction ol the subject matter, and he is money in Portland to wager that
procceileil to make the olt icpt'dtod 'njniwiii n-i iiecMciii 01 ""MQPEAT EXCITEMENT 1
SI tMmM"ll.. If ll.f 1, 1. 1... I k..lu.i .-l
l.nl r 1T4IIIIHII Im tJ)lrft.i.iul.i.l..j..
rd.;l Tkr nr r.o.ir(l; ji.'i iHi,M
att.1 ! in !
111 g g 4 it VMf-r.m-r.1 JIMI lll1,iMIi
. II. sm If. Jm ? iM.liil.ulVirlil. t.u- ii ..,ihi tKiitw,
"" llMtll"l7MIwl.l4ll.tll. n..'.ll.B.
I rwwi nun unuu"fli i.rv . .ii.ii fiiiihlNr
HI lie ivtoriiiiuwl at any time. ""."" ' , "I'l , '" "'"'" M"' V , ', ' A ''" I'Jtonl' liltlt'K HTdlli: TO IIUST ih..i,.iii, ,!- ! .V.mV.-"mu
nirt and not l.v th lure Mi- i nlf",,,',, ?.", tlmt .N-yiiioiir ami Itlair A mi immnlir turn.. .p.i lo .r I'ww si.i.. .n,,...,, u. , ,, MhiM,i
jurlnninotl.vtl.e.lurv. 3 i. ) M (Miiornia, in the Prciden-i .,pt3.v P. J. It VAN. t '"'" "tM
.outetided the court had juris- ti:il t-l-ft irtti iiixt November." There1 Jcl'oi.III...Orro.. M.pt liui, isfls L JJ' '' "inU 'ii." r ,& u. ton
I'liited Malfs. II von will bet, talk
of money, ami not ol worn out hcp
niiu-iies, i our ?',iimi win jimi mKi IS
Domoeuitiu stump siecch, that there
was no war, and that the delimlaiits
were guilty of false iniprisoniiunt, and ! in-re.r- ir,-unuiu.
that tho plalutiir might to recover. -
In our Itiili'iiii.oi Mi- w,.i ...wJ KvuiiuAh M. runts. A uicuioiial
Pendleton's few weeks stumping in
Miiiuo hni increased tha Hepublican
majority there about ten thousand.
His iwrmancnt residence in Ohio will
roll it up to about fifty thousand nt
next election,
Tho grent Democratio champion,
Pendleton, has bucu "away dcown in
Maine" stumping for his party. It ap
pears from Inst Monday's wo"rk that
the boys who hnvo been "stumping"
tho State with their axes'tmvo repudi
ated him badly.
Tub Qiikat IluAtiioN. Tho elec
tion in Now Mexico has resulted in
groat Hepublican victory. Tho elec
tion in Colorado resulted in the elec
tion of Allan A, llradl'ord, Kcpubliuati
delegate to Congress, by an ineicased
majority and tho Legislature is largely
Rliurui.oi'8. V. Trevitt, of Wasuo
county, has given notico that ho will,
nt an early day, introduce, a bill into
the Legislature, to icpeal tho resolu
tiou by which tho 1 Itli amendment to
tho Constitution wns adopted. Inas
much ui Mr. Soward has olllcinlly nro-
Claimed that nrtiolo to bo part of tho
Constitution of tho United States, Mr.
Trevitt and tho Stato of Oregon will
cut a very ridiculous figure, should tho
bill pass,
Tho Yrekn Union observes, "that
Democrats In and out of Congress
wero and are opposed to tho policy of
enfranchising tho negroes." Then, we
ask, why did tvery Democrat in Con
gress voto for tho amendment to Sen
alor William's military reconstruction
bill, which contnjuod the negro suff
rage clause, ii thoy were honestly op
posed to enfranchiscing the Heroes?
Tho record shows that they all "voted
for it and made thoir party rcsponsi-bio.
SiMii.r.n at Lam. The financial
question has pun.lud some ol tho clear
est minds in the country, and still ah
sorbs attention. Wo have been per
plexed to know whether the bonds
should bo paid in greenbacks ami
new bonds bo issued to pay the green
backs with, or whether it would be
better to let the Intter naturally wear
out and cancel themselves; but the
othcrday wo heard the question settled
to our entire satisfaction. Wo hnvo n
ourbstono politician hero a Teu
ton whoso jaws como n little nearer
perpetual motion than anything we ov
er saw and a few days sinco he set
tled tle greenback problem ns ellect
ually as if a doen eggs had been bro
ken In it. It was on a street corner
and soveral of his country men weiu
listening to him with unbounded ad
miration. We btopped and listened,
for any ono could see that grnvo ques
tions were being discussed. Whiiliug
his linger round in n circle liko a cook
trimming the edge of a pie, he exclaim
ed, "Gcltlt under fniArniiiojren.
Greenback wulec sunlit nsniken! iuir
uiein Golf, (er turn Jlejtujtlieans hues
jrffii)nicfct iolit antl layer! Gooui,
hts peer hahtn .'" Tho wholo thing
broke on us clear as a shovel of mud ;
we uudcrstood it nil and we wondered
nt the bad streak of luck that kept our
curb-stone liunucicr from being Secre
tary of tho Treasury. Wo turned on
our heel profoundly impressed with
the clearness of his views, but a littlo
puxzlod to know whether ho got thorn
from the Demoeratlo jiapers or wheth
er they derived all their lucid ideas
from "Shon."
has been intioducctl iu the J.i Matuie
asking CougK's jo aid in the coim ruc
tion ol a Kuitroml from Poitluml iu
!-' S- Wlul-..U-. l...iL 1 1. VV'il
Inimtte, Umpqua and IJoguo Uivtr
viillies, and intersecting the Central
Pacific on tin Humboldt river.
to the (acts nud law. The iftict wns
made immediately alter thu assns.-inn-tiou-ol
Mr. Lincoln. This was ono ol
It was a gi ns-, violation of the laws
ol nations mid the laws of war; yet
this man .Mulkey rejoiced over it. and
. i i ..... .. . . .
-...,, o ..nu iMv.snua the boutli- , a 1 ,,., ,,,,. & (V
-iii uoiueucriii'V'. I.,., a.a i.i -, . ,
.... f. ... linn- 'IIM-' I III- IMIllir.ll'l Ol i, ,i,
'';t"uri gave no Intimation as t (.-lk A. cv (,f ,llllMrlI1.lilIK , ,-..
"''"""n uo""1 ,n, wn ,0,,"", uii Cenlral (Kasi Si.b.v. mllr.,,,,! '.,..r
hiiiidu-d Cliiniiiinn are to u bMiight J
lrm I aliloruia and -et at work imuie-niHliatelv.
been looking round for a "bloated bond
holder," just to seo what he looked
like. Wo hnvo found ono tho only
one iu Jackson county, He is n blunt
ant, frothy Copporhead who left here
iu 1800 with about $30,000 in Oregon
war scrip which ho turned into Gov
ernment securities, tho interest on which
supported him lor several years. lie
is a Bhlomlid specimen of tho bloated
bondholder, and his blowing for Sey
mour nud lllair reminds us of a dog
snajf ing at tho hand that ted him.
A cross old bachelor suggosta that
nntlis should bo announced under tho
brad of now musio.
to get any damages the lacts are plain
'I'l I II! . . . .' .. .
ui.- leneiiioii was not emled, ami Mul
key acted moif like a crazy Copper
head than n loyal man, and the act-, of
-ongress prohibits any Stato couil
from taking juiisdiction iu such eases.
This ought, and per adventure, il will
be held to be conclusive against, him.
The following gentlemen were v
nniiutd nud admitted to practice law
in this State: James W. Parker, Ly
curgiis Vinegard, James II. Turner,
Innis P. H,W Charles W. Kahler,
John M. Thomson, Charles W. Pitch,
Daniel I,. Watson, Kd ward II. Watson,
Nehemiah L. Hutler, James McCain,
John II. Myer, Win. W. Iloone, Win.
M. ltnui say, H. Moor, . Hurloy and
.ioirj.ii iiannon. Alio Win. P. Liml
and Killison Smith wero admitted to
practico in law iu tilt's Stato on certifi
cate ol their being practicing attorneys
Irom other States.
Tho Court adopted tho followhiL'
new rules Iu relation to the admission
oi auorneys:
Hru: i7. llule'JIis amended, and
the last clause made to rend as fob
lows: "That each applicant must pro
duco the affidavit ol somo attorney of
good standing in this court that such
applicant, if n graduato of a literary
institution, has read law at least two
vcars. II not such graduate, then at
least three years, and has been ciitio
ally examined in the books prescribed
in Hute 27.
Rptu 28. An applicant producing
proper ovidencci ol uraduution at a Inu-
school, by tho lavVs and (iiistoms o the
Stato iu which such school is situated,
entitling him to admission in its courts
ol equal jurisdiction with this court,
limy be admitted without Innlmi- .-.
are at present making better timofrou'i
San Francisco to this plaoe than was
ever known before; they might still bo
improved. Six and eight hours of
time nro lost nt Sacramento and Ma
rysvllle. Tho roads nro generally iu
good ordor. Tho only placo I noticed
thoy wero in bad repair Is through
Douglas county. Tho bridge across
Canyon Crook, oven in tho town of
Canyonvillo, is impassible, and tho
driver informed me it had been out of
repair all hummer. Tho bridge across
TnJri'j "f ibof itIih rriil nrsp'r ucvr
l I i tnn git it hl; k'tmic ul UiolMf !
rllHinulv". I If a
AcUtntl bus n choice vnrlAy of cmU which
li l s-lllBi; rlivup. II Irtt.lly ii.ii Iilm to
pnt4Ni lb fust ; tli'rttiTtf c ht
It lot .Implj In IntlliM'iiijlioilr In rail nml
I t'Mimlii mir Uk ol c 'il mul'lid nf prlei-n
P. II. IlIMhi:, & ni c iori. Mr rref'n.
To Ihflr nun lnlont In Imy their PKY
COOUS. I'ANUY lIOfiDS. Cl.nTin'i!
ANIl SHOIS. NOTION'S, hihii'i:.
-". MUCOUS. IlAlMlWAlti.Mmnnk'Pijv
It 1 1
1- rA.X)'S, corner of Oregon nml Ms!
M Cil.,
lh-Ti-ivi-ilAli. r' V I.'.. I I - l....! ',tutv l".'"h,,lK rlinhni'. nti.l my lnit littlo
m.n ii.M.i.. .Mr. (.. W Kahler has J ,vw, l(, ,,r nt.ij .,ilt ,kkrinliiihni m
reiiirneit Irom aleni, a full Hedged j "U'B " ",iiinisiou to iiioe wl.o arc not
lawyer. He is a thorough ntudeut and
will make n carelul and cnrncrl udvo-l DEAD
cate. o wlsli Iilm micccsk hi the pro
frssion he has chosen, and do not
ibmbt but what ho will achcive It.
Kighteen applicants have been ad
mitted to practico law, by ihoSuprenie
Court of this State. Among them are
C W. Kahler and D. M. U. Gaitlt, of
this county.
Lkoiki viriti:. This body was or-
ganizeil on 'luesilay by the election of
Ilnrcli, of Polk coun'ty, President of
thu Senate, and Kx-Gov. Whitaker, of
Lane, Speaker of tho House.
Uomi: I.Ni.twitv.-Gleu.i, Dn.n, tt I J LlZ'JZt.
Co. havo a sample ol tho splendid su-1
X;r piuo pails made at Shasta lb.tit-,! NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I
oisKiyou county.
Piiom C.vi.noitMA. Dr. Itobiusnn
hns just returned from San Francisco.
Ho saj-H everybody is going for Grant
and Col fax.
t . .... T" " " ' 'T,,U, ""derslKBctl hrrrbr mi-
AsiiLANii. ho hist of tho freight I l, "10''", " thu cRlrfni or Willow Sprlniri,
r th iMU'tory, including the hu, ,Wi ffcffl"1 fcW firS "S!
H'iccini nock or
ml ll klmls or gcnorsl merchndl(. Tcrmi
lo sre ei.jr-cath down.
lb t or0l,n', ,low y'ulve to bo convinced
Goods crtn bo sold
Just os Cheap as in JacJi-fxmvilk.
Tl. lnrrlurilil Uhliiifhlirf .lkv.n liulim
l h)Mkliilis iIMi. l ..J.if.l
iVta Walw. nMk.M).nllq..,.wMMl
MlUHtfoiKrat lBtij lt.4i luiti. ii, i,u
lui'Ml . tlw U.I llio.lwrl.l lUl rtn it K K
II K wf miUIm Dim. il. ..i-ii him irm
MiliBe f n-A.i.r-O i. fi.r iw.u . M
iImwU ifr U.i. ti,.i u
" I tV 4nt.iir In iir.wiw.it l.hr u Mowtt Y
Uni UM4lHrlM ill.. mi ik.i.i.ati,tii'il.
Sl. str., N-nUl..., . Iltl.., ..f, is,,
l.tir l II f. tlirw. HoiIm. s l.h.iciii.K. I
UtolaJlMI II Clt lltr IMrlr - i . nt
IV40W1H b AHifiKtu. Wflli, ti('i tkl lltfWMl
"ll .riiii.f n.) .ttuttl. ai. ..ii.I.Ui
lhi la.l Klnlrr. . .ntli.l, riirH li-M k xi
tlir cimmnr-- win j.itr'UUn4 Ji,tiilj'u"
lllwi.f.i.r. )l.., Au.-vo 1. 14 It fii.1
tjni. V an I wi tl omliiljl. ,t!,t. Mii.tiM
III Onl 4.l Mxittliii. I1t ll.f .1111 m f I.
W..II t.. I, CI..WI.I. I l, (liui, I t cittifl
mi llimu A Oi ..1, r 1 1,, up
Ah rDrflt Ui l4rnjut.lt Iu tMKttlf.lt II llklii
tlunr-l I.I. ttt.l. I. k il...lj.
S.M I.jr all lUujtUi., m, I nc.s ) a, M tu. lUH
I'lll.MIS tf.l'KliOJ
M'M nirnm. .... ' Wtl l'lllrnliU inJ Billrtltwiil"f
VV.Vl. IIILGKH PKOPIMKTOH . Iennl miming WBipiw lUI'vitcCouf.
I.VO.'1 I-1.KA roWIIFH.
II i ell known tbtt l.)r.n't(lfni.lp.)Iirill'rW
will cf-) Jf.lroj .irrjll.lnc In IKr ifctp U (.
tick., Iwvjl.ii.rt, paili.t, Irj IKtl II It irMI H
lli InMl lilU, Imt rntlrrljr I.wiuIim lo Hit kJ'r
clra n. Juoiniif .nimtli.
lllUii., Autvlluitlirt, lf, ilnirjkM I"
v.lr( It tlirlr imIukI dnitu. II tlniilJ Ulli'MJT
Join U Itoxt, i:., f iiilnlf n.l.nt f Ik.VoT'l
Ctl) llisi'lltl. Mt. - MlUtfciKitnitvl'M
lilp flfrilir.l.'
Nis Von Haiti roriiti!i mi "ir km t-l
fcr dttermliwclnjlnxvlt mi. tirtnlo, vltb ttilrtt
CoiMMiN A fiTCTSON, Aslor Ilo.
S. T. Cowknh, AmrrfAn Hotel.
Ack.nkh .V TiiKAimKi.uSt, Nlcbolu llolfl.
K. Lkumi A Co., MctropollUa Hotel."
Ti-.tlinmir p( Ihlt rh.rwIM mlll I "4J "
IfOKtli, VllitttTi-rltit UM.IIt.liillftltlt
Tli itniiln ht ll.t .Untlurt ( K. Iron. 4
piltm lanin r litxu llttiii A Co. Ai)lkli
i.f tl.lt klhil It an luillatlon or ruinttrfrlt. tjv
gilt will I'rtvur Ilia grnuloa If ;il lutltl ft l '
110 in iter.
gono forvvnril to Ashland.
D.vnyi:. Don't lorget the jiarty to
be given by the dacksouvillo Hand on
im way evening. Tickets only ono
Sutton & Stearns aro nutting up
Seidletz powders said to bo suporior to
those made iu San Francisco.
Si.voi.no Si'moou ltemf tho cnnl of
Mr, E. 0. llrooks iu reference ton
singing school. '
n.unts.-Tho fall raco7"vvill eom.
inonee on the llyheo track next Thuw
tlay and coutmiio three days.
A largo assortnieTt of Improved an
pie parers at HolVman tt Kllppoiv r
every variety nt, Uiigcrs.
eiVloir.1,. I..I ...... . VYIUUIAM BlUUEri
...iw, iMiiow Hpr iil'. OrL ir.T
. --W ' "--. -, vw. ,
TUB Jsckwnvlllc Siring IlsnJ hinty
notincM tbt llicy will ntl;!n '
rrli'iult with munlo ror social dwcefromnun
until ono o'clock on
September ilAth., I68f
A cordlsl InflUtloo l oxleoded lo 1L
M. Mcnsor, Deiler.ln Gsocnl MtrciipJ'
lias rtnioTed hi ilore to bis WSJ"1"
log, coriwr or Mln nd OkfonButcu.W
site corner from Odd Fellows II.U. .
AuBMt29tb,1868. HM,,
Subscribers lo tho Hnilroml. lll.,.n '
will meet In Jacksonville next jfiZ$ ' JOBJ
ork neslly executi'd at tho 'Skktiski,
-VHK took! Md McoanU of .P'U'
L IntbobsndorMr, I'.D.lutl. TWJi
bted will plesio call auj py MfgS '
Sntii. 0rnc t tl pefU;
U" nm buy ywr BLUE TOJi
. Ii
A .
mil 7w;&isMs
v -iyto,iAk-
I IM 1 r 1 1 I 1 I ' '