issm .. U ? BS AMERICAN V COMPANY, MlMTJCTCMMlS or EMERSON'S PATENT Movablo Tooth and Perforated Circular Bawi- Perforated Malty Mill ami CrosCnt Saws, with Adjustable Socket. 8AW-QUMMERS, SWAQES, CANT DOQS, ETC., bare crdablUhcd in oittce (or tbe mI ol tbe above article, nt No. GOi Front Mrttl, Snn Frnnciuo. jner I)i!sf iptlre IMtripMctt-wlll lx forward ed to any on J (jlrlng us their n'MrcM. ougl3-3tn. FHANCO-AMKItlUAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OlMWITK TUB Odd Fellow's Hall, JncUsom lllc, Oregon. Trnvelcri mid rr'ld'iit loanlcr will One w U IIUUUIIB. mbbm AND BEDDOTO Placed In frit elM order, and In every oaVay ni.rlir toa.y In llil nation, nnd uiiMid liy m.y In tho Stale. DCR ROOMS ARK .NEWLY ITRXISIO, And a plentiful nipjdy "I" "l0 '"'I nf every tiling the iintiki'l ulfnnli will Imj ob tained lor HE It TAUL.K. No troubled will lu pwcd to df-ivc tin- pat ronage of lie trawling n wll i lb p-rwv milt CJinniiinlty. Jiackronvltk'. Mtrcli HI. lfi(J. If P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, IS NOW IN 1'OWr.SSIOS OF the kstiui; I itock.ur and tool rtriii-rly !- loncm V '""vn -''"1"' ': "V11" bavins ttlllidiattn. 1' II. l..Rln will continue tbi' huliirii. and rui ! found t hl "l. Corner of C ami Tlnlrt Sln-rla, prrpucd In do wmk In a workmanlike maimer nndut rirttimiMc iiiltc. Jckoinllie,ict. 13. IfiOT, ccllOlf LIME ! LIME ! BuiLUKita. and othbiw who iiraim: limn, will llnd a cnwdniil Hipply, n tin bet ritiAlklr. In ni.itillllf to mil, at my 'Imp on Muln street, Udwu'n Oregon mid Third, op pocltn Mullrr A llreiilanoV lre. I" ny "'" Jenee, Mr. Alex. Martin will watt upon cuitom era. A STONE "GUTTING r AMI Stone Miuiiii Work douo on terms I" mil " 'n,w' "f'e" from tlu country will JM''i'viioOK. Jacksonville, AprTw.'lSoY. " op27 SUMMONS. fNTHB OIKOUIT 1 Btalo of OnrKou, COUNT OF TUB lor tliu county ol James T. Jones, Plalutlir, vs. Win. II. Pee bier, Defendant. Suit in Equity to quiet Title To William II. IVeblcr : You are required to appear in mid Court, nnd answer tun coin, plaint of raid plaint iff tiled against you, with in tin day trow tho limn of Ho service o this uimiiinns mi you. II served wlthlii mH coutuy.or II served on you within uny otliir county In this Slate, then wilhlu twenty dnjs from the time of service, or II served on yon out of I he Slate of Oreiroii, then I It ordered 'by thi! Court that publication bo made lor eight wcvk in the Oiucous HKNTlijiti. prior to the 2d Monday in November, A. U. louo. And you ore notified tit If 7" M ,'" " -swer said complaint us obovc required, the plalntilT will opply f'T tho ridlel demanded therein, to wit : for advert to, quiet the ' to the picin'se docnbed In taid com plaint, and costa und diibuwnicoti of tbli Ction to bo taxed. ...., i Given under my hand tbli 24th day ol Au- guit, A. 1).. 1BG8. . .., ,. . .- o. jauuusi ahj, i -: AuBUrt VM, 1868. aug-wO. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. NOTlCB.-irvlDg aiwoied ofourFM, tory. wo aru now prepared to give our wlolfl ttcntlpn to our Uatber and Klodlog bu.1""" On hand, direct Trow Franco. Calf 'P Dorueitlo Leather, Dool Lcgt, ato. JounO.IUin, IIi.FAVH. "1illo Maw York. 1 Pari, 8m FraoLo. A44m..HBlN BRAY, M fm 418 Batlwy Streat, EL DORADO, I 1,R.rr.CltOgii.a.Jflioii'lllr,U'B S. M. FARREN. ! VOL. XIII. 1IU8INKS3 NOTICKS. - Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACh'SOXVll.i.K OIUXSOX. Ambro typos, Photog r aph 8, Oartes do Vislto DOS'K IS TIM I'lXKST STY1X OF MIT. I'lcturca Itfiliicnl oil r.s'i.Miav.n to mfrsixk DR. A. B. OVErtBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSnyVtl.t.K, ORKflOV. Oftlcc at hl rwlilenci. In the Old Ovcrbcck Hoplln1, on Orvmiu .Street. DR. E. H. 6REENNAN, PHYSICIAN' AND Sl'UCKON, OFFICE-Corncr or California nnd Fifth Btrccts, Jacksonville, Ogn. He will practice In JnckKm and aitjacenl cnniitlrK, and iitloiid promptly to profc'lunal cMi. fd.iir DR, A. B. OVERBECK'S BATHROOMS, Zn tho Ovorbock Hospital, WAHM.COM) AS1I0WKU MATHS, J3UNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. cuciii:, m. i)., PHYSICIAN St SURGEON, OFFICE removed to California Street, South lido. Jacksonville, Die. 2M. lbC7. dccJl-tf I)H. M'.WIS GAM'.VC, piivsiciAjrarsuHGKox and C31stotvloifaat, Wll.l. attend to nn? K'10 rony feqiilre hU V Mrvlcea. OOlce adjolnliiij N. LincIV .hoo hp. oil north iMc Callfurnln Street. Jnckfoiullle. "oiilf ALPHA I.OI)0i:, NO. 1. 1. O. (J T.. HOLD. Iln irnnlir nii-vt.iu on 1'iiodn nen'mr nf web nrcl. at Hi" )ltriOl S?c!mnl tIon-. In Jiirki)iivllli. I.OIIlii: ii'ii nt 7, n'cliH'k iii:(;iii:i:mi:i:tin(;.s iho i.ut rru.i; or i-aci. month. All niemN'rii of the Order In cnod Maudlin: arucorilliilly lnvlt.. in prr.ciit. 0 W. KAHI.i:it. W. C. T. J. II. Vm, Src'y. Jackni.nillle, I'bIi. 81b, lng. MH If "warren ioiiBV"No7io. A. Y. & A. M a HOLD (heir regular conuuuiilcntluni VV-"" ,lu' Weilcenlay KventuK or pn-ceil Ar Iiil the full moon, In nncunwiu.i:. oh- r,,v. . MAIITIN. W. M. 0. W. fijiVAOK.Sco'y. SOLDIER'S XOUKTXEff. T H.W'K ItlVKIVKl) FltOM Till: t'. 8 I TiraMiry draft fr the bounty of the fidlow Inc naiufd Kcniliiin'ii : . ..,,., ii w .l,l.v f'l.rlr R. Hu rd. 0. 0 lUily, flniile K Chuppell, thrrelt (Jrockei. JaniiK M. lloMo, Win. A. A. Ilumllinn, Jo- tit-fih Mnrun, David A. Jayior aim jauun WenviT. , Tbeo gentlemen will plear-o call and pit ,hfir VJ' . F. DOWBI.L. Jacksonville, Sepl. lit. 1RC8. HIDES1JIIIDI.&! Tin: iiifiiiFTOASii l'Ricna iaid foh llldui of all klnd, delivered at tin market of tho uuderfluned, In JiickioiivlUe. Diwrolicr 8th I8fi. r T HI'KOIAL NOTICKS. STAR OF THE UNION S F F STOMACH BITTER8! Ti,M.illlrlon lnmili Wltf r r niMrtiy 7JiUti:!. iuJ ill. frvm alwtol k'",1'1,'nriL1:,U TRY ' JUUIIE THEM! TRY THEM! FOR YOUR SELF! fill lnrul!rl A l.leaiant lonlf. and " ' A.) .. .t, l rt ..-li.l llb iiricubie ililnl; rt4tle ilimv. via " J,.;,,:.., 'm,j. ;SUfNuVbl.iirta.tartfi all.irWa.MW"R-,i:,BUnlo; K?.'Jf AiiMlte. '" ric ";.r r.l eT.l ..f, A. NuiiAv.f. n- " rv. rv; . i; mo jnounciryB-- AND BLACKSMITH. Cmbarlana a4 WH- WAU aa WO IH 1,000 ' la hlPf. aaJ Aloal, "fe bVa DOYIE, JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1J, "1S08. the oreIi'on m;,tim:l .in. a at k m . m Duuiinim, runusiiED Every Snttmlny Morning by B. F. DOWELL, OFFW, COIlXKlt 'C lc Tlltlil) ST11EETS, TP.UMS Ol' MUllVt-IUPTIOV I Tnr nno In ftilrance. four dollara : If nol iKiM wllhtn tin. Ilrnt lx mnntli of the yrar. Ilrr ilnllnrii ; If nnl paid until tho expiration i oi mo year, "IT uouari. I Tr.ltMl OI-' AIlVKHTISIMUl j I Oneffinare(IO line or im). (lrt lnerllon. three dnllur ; cneli nberiicnt ln'Crllnn, one I doliar. A difenimt til (Illy xr cent, will be made to tlinao ulm odicrlliv lir Ihe iir. ,S" Trndcr recelted at current ralc. Don't Marry a Unit if ho Drinki. Young ladle pray Jltteii to me, And kerp lust a quiet an mice, While I .Ins you n t one -It Is not very long WMeli rnulaln a tdrce of advice 1 No milter what pvopt may my, Nn mailer what fomdyody Ihlnk ; If you lli tu liuluppy the ret of yo'irdy Pon't mirty n tniu If lie drtnk ; Dun'l in my it man II ho drink, He lm hi haiid'ome and gay, t.i.l ..a.... kilal. .. I..u. l,tl(..l .... Ii... in,l,.,UiM..n Ml f.,-1 In I tour hrait r V ' v r ..,..., j, j .v. ,. That h mutt m ih man nf your choice ir lil' aeeenu nre tender and Ion-, And rntt'ler than rnc nnd pink'. And hi lire.itli quite a dlrTereiit thing, yoi may know, . Vour pxq'iMle pentlrmin drlukt, Your cvpilnlle genlleaiu drink. Jii't Iblnk of Ihr icnrnw. and carer Tim hrart-rendlng kIcIih and fi-aia; Of tin1 wind and Ibo lilmvi mid the ciuclo.l Will'", And lhn think of tliu nein of 1mm ; Think nf TutHlle. the drunkvnrnt of men, Hl at.lludi', hl coii:h. mid vtlnki. And then think what a dlnlflvd pair you vltlmko If you iinrry a itnn that drink. v joiins li.Uf-, look well In your hfa'ri, Dun'l throw thrin away oa a ol Or a nun Mini I kIvi-ii to trrntln;: bli filcnd WhalVr t hi nation or lot, Though hl pride uny uphold him anl.lle, Yet roonrr or lilrr he tluk ; Tbtn If you would bo happy the reit of your dj, Don't ina'ry a nia-i If I e drinki I Lotter From Wathington. ntosi outfirKctAt. ri:ui:st'oi)K.T. W'AhittsoTo.v, Ato. 2llh, lfloe. Uiin'I'.IIIIIMtl fJtOl'U,TU. Tin' Coiierlii'iiil8 aro niakliiB a Kood leal of ituWo to keep up their ciiitnijjf, hut, nt the name time, accounts trout various part of tho country imlicsito that the parly i l.wlly ilcmorulued. They fori now aliont n they ilhl when Giant jjot lifter their forces lit Teiine Hec.MUourl ami Virjin!u tint IIjiiiUcmI along tliu whole line anil tho lemli'tH aro liejinini? to fkeilaiMle. Cliiuf Jus ileo IVaon, of North Carolina, a lead, in;; .lohiifou Democrat, is out for Grant mil Collax in a Htroiif,' letter. Mr. Stilu'f II, our Minister to Veiieruela, an other Jolitiaon Demoeral, haa returned homo and in Munipinj,' tor Grant and O.illax. General Swilt, another John Honltf, U doing tho wuno thing. Kv Senator Carlile, a leading Democrat of Vet Virginia, haa pulilished a letter undoralng (Jraut timl Collax, and is giving them hl hearty support. Judgo Linilsov. nominated ly the Deinoerats oi tho 8th CongreKsional District of Iowa, (or IVosiduntial hleetor, lian not ted tho ticket, and i now Htuinping for Grant and Colfax. Hon. G. M. Wen- ton, of Maino it regular wheel-horno of Democracy up to tho nomination ot Soymournnd Ulair is now atumping lor tho Hepuliltcan candidates, and giving it to Ulair right and left. Hon. Denis McCarthy and Gen. D. S. Wil son, of Iowa, both lifelong Democrat?, have bolted Seymour mm aro Humping r... RHI,i Tn Indiana there haa been iui viiiiiivi - lBT.ik.. Wopolta mndu nrranccments sometimo ago for tho Campaign, and taking it for grant- cd that tho leading J olinsonites ot ittoo would tako tho stump (or Seymour and Ulair, assigned them to certain districts nud mado appointments for them to upoiikVUhout consulting them. Hut tho officious Copperheads were at once overwhelmed with luttera from tho ti. .....:.,,. Snillirnnutlv docliuiuir to rtUIIUPUMVV, "",',,.. ...l" . aupiiort Heymour auu unnr. mm li nearly every one oj ol them is out for Grattt awl tvOtwx. aiuquk " entiitel liavc coino over since tho nomination wl Soymour ami Hlair, nru Mnj. Oott. Gorilon, David and Allred Kelgore, Hudson. Grote. Huudv. LI I. Ptirdttp. Col Wilaon, Col. Tulli, and, in lact every prominent Johumtiilu in the State, except Dave Goodiut;, Marshal oi the DNtricl of Columbia, nnd a ilrmiL'ou Irishman named U. J. Kynti. Tho Hepubliean.i now feel confident ol carrying Indiana for Grant nud Colfav, by a handsome maioritv. and thev .. ... . - count on being ablo to carry ten ol the eleven Congressional DMiicti In Oo- tober. An orgaulr.atioii of Maryland conservative.., who liavo Biipporlcd Swnu and Andy heretofore, have held a meeting and rcolvcd to support Grant and Collax. Thurlow Weed denounced the Democratic candidates as soon ni tho iiomiuatioui were made. Gen. Steadmau aud.otherAofthat stripe liavo followed, nnd ineu repudiated the ticket. It ia even rumored that Collector Smythe, of New York, as badly spoiled nud tinctured with cop pcrhradism as he was, is prepaiiug to repudiate Seymour and came out lor Grant, Admitting thnt none ot these men hnvo any reuard for tuiiiciiile. nilll II fO .ll't IKlteil Sllll'lv llV Sl'llllll IIIO -j - iive., nun ii is uiru n lavorauie omen, Indicating eleatly that they regard the overthrow of Democracy as certain. It is evident that the contest is narrow ing down to lirst principles, with a prospect that the aupportera oi Sey mour ami Illalr will dooii bo reduced to the rebel peace Deinociaoy of 1804 the same malignant, ttc.isotiablo Cop. perhead faction that voted for McClel. Ian nud Pendleton. Tin: It was tienerallv admitted seven! weeks ago that .Seward, Scofield, and Kvaits lepudiated the Democratic can- .bard, nud iero outspoken in their sup. port of Grant ami Colfax. Ami it is now aserted by Republicans that not a single member of the Cabinet sup- ports Seymour and Illalr, Nol lo men lion Randall, they say that eten Me Culloeli, Drowning and old Wells won't go the figure. This may be on cxag oration, for wlmt wouldn't some of these men do, judging from their past record-but they ate evidently disgus ted, ilomorolieil, and doing nothing for tho Copperhead ticket of any o a si-qucneo. Tlio Piesideul took nueli a huge dUgust, at his own defeat by Seymour, that hu is not likely to get oei it in time to be of ninth service to the Copperheads. True, he has pub liely announced his determination to "fight tho Radicals till h II Irccies over, ami then tight them on tliu ice;" hut at the ame time li feels very ug ly tnwaids Seymour, and don't care much how bad he gets brat.. Ilia Ex cellency endorses tho revolutionary loi'tiiue of the New Yoik platform and the Klair letter, but the candidates don't suit him at all. Indeed it is ipiito likely that of all' the good DeuiO' erats in the United States, only one could have been nominated who would have tecelved tho hearty support ot his Excellency, nuil hia name is Audiow Johnson, i:i:m:i.s putting on aiks. A "grand ball" is advertised to tako place at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, on the 27th inst., iu which neatly all tho leading rebels ot the "Confederacy" are to figure. Tho rail road companies have out large posters announcing that they will carry pass engers from Haltimore and Washing, ton at reduced rates to the springs, and nsHuriiiL' tho public that it will be altogether the "grandest ball ot the (cason." Among the managers, in llaniiug letters, thoy announco tbe name of "Gen. Robt. E. I.ce, of Va.,'" ', "IS- 0" "Gov. .,-..l,.r, l V.., nun llllliJoi mnj mhvi .vmi..b .w- (rout various parts of tho "Confedora cy." Lee, and most of thcuo worthies mo riiHtieatiui at the splines uow. l-'or awhilo after tho war they wero too poor to indulgo in such idlo luxur ies, but ns fast as tho negroes raiso cot ton enough to set tho "owners ol the soil" up n littlo they fall into their old hnbitH ami commoneo putting ou, airs. .it- nillllTIKVTtf. At lenst half of the clerks In tho De At lenst half of the clerks lit tno e "".'.,,, Klamath Indian Acen Ipartmonta aro said to be Copperheads, Fort Klamath, KUmatn Incuan Agen NO. 35 Alter the (allure oi tho iniiicndiincr.t tliov wero lilntant with their nbuso of tho "Hatlieals" ami tho "Hump Con- irres." iou could not ateii into a ' boarding huuso without being insulted with their indolence. IJttt a "ehaligo Monies over tho Mpli it of their dream," !aiid now thev will not oiicu their deads. - . .. ... .. Kvcrytliitig iuilicatca tho election ol Grant nnd Collax, and that is what has broucht about such a chanuo in these foul mouthed copperheads. They aro preparing to chnnge, ns they have dono many times before, pud hold on under the new administration. Mauy hnvc been iu the Department twenty, thirty and KJino of them ns long as sixty-odd. yens, and nearly one half of them nro the old Democratic stock that Lincoln found iu there and failed to turn out. If Grant don't clean out thesu Aue-can stables ho will fall far short of his du ty. K. ' m t i (tVmmtiiilcatt'l. Tho Lako Country-Tho llranoh Rail road. As many inquiries have been made Iu regard to the South-eastern part ol our .Statu iu order to determine its fit ues.s for settlement, or tho practicabili ty ot building a railroad through it, may not be inailuiimllilo for me to give my vie we on the subject, a I have some experience in that recion. -In summer 1 have roamed its broad grassy plains, in hcarcu ol the fleet-looted nil I elope, hunted the antlend buck iu its beautifully timbered hills, or have an gled for the gohleu trout lu Its pellu cid waters. Roaming theso lovely plains, with a verdant carpet beneath, evergreen trees around, clear streams How ing in silent majesty, wild fruits iu ''lti-elou glory petulant," ami a bright blue sky above, one's ideas ol i)H'KWWAkJn.,Vil..,"J.uv)iii,iinniier experience ia not all. In winter I hav looked lor mouths on Gelds of ico nud snow, iu the colder part of that re gion. Tho discussion nf tho Humboldt rail road idea has brought forth some cur. ions representations, some of them ap- juieully not well consisting with each other, and of course calculated to pro duce sorry imtmioiie. Some would convey the idea that the Lake country I a paradise, and other extremists would represent that it is a vast aagv plain, almost entirely destitute of wa let and timber, and hence that hun dred a ot miles of tho railroad route would lie through a region approxima ting in features and condition to the desert ol Sahara, een having nomadio Snakes drilling around amid the sands, like wandering Arabs. There is a very disposition to eulargo upon the truth, and from this comes flying" into t'ltruntee of which so many arc guilty ; and iu this way the imagina tion may be so distorted aa to make u sago plain appear to spread out and envelope many a bcautilul valley or a little valley lo become immense by gobbling up eome hugh sago plain. Now fellow citixens if the pen's point has driven these false impressions into your minds, allow me to ruako an hum bio effort to disabuse them from some of theso halluciations. Being ourself n & romantic, fierce nud fiery nature, we may allow our imagination to soar a little, before we bring our pen to tho last period, but we will try to keep the wanderings within tho bounds of truth and reason. Opposite the Southern part of Roguo River valley, the Cascado chain is bro ken down to a broad summit plateau, not of great altitude, with gradual de scent on either side. This bench is eucd me ocuu i"' -.....v. South ol this tho country is roughor lint not usually as hich, admitting ol a route across the mountains to a fine pastoral and agricultural region, lying on lower Klamath, Wrett nnd Wright lakes, nud stretching off to the South ern extremity of Gooso Lako, and bo yond. This is tho routo of tho old om igrnnt road, established in 1840, by fifteen pioneers then living in tho Wil lamette vnlloy. Tho Dead Indian plateau admits ot a spleudld rauto from ABhland, via Grubbonia in Dead Indian, Lako ol tho Woods, Northern xtremltv of Midillo liiamain , cy, Willinmson River, lo Spragae Bit er Valley, thence intersecting tht Cm tral Military Road Irotn Kagene City. Ticn passing the central road ia aV most a direct lino from Ashland, ( Gooso Lako Valley. Wo wilt mnka M our peculiar urovince to describe tkU route, as by this wo may illustrate, m wo proceed, tho characteristics of ft country, nlmost every foot oi which wo nrc familiar with. Leaving Ashland wo ascend tha Eastern rim of tho basin in which Hoguo Htvcr valley Is contaiucd, by a good wagon road, nnd at the rud ol about sixteen miles find outclvcs at Grubbonia in Dead Indian. Around us for miles is a splendid pastoral re gion, now extensively used (or grating tiurnoscn every summer. This plateau is hero near twenty miles wide, is well j' watered nnd magnificently timbered, nud has niauv beautiful prairies. Al though on tho summit oi tho Cascade mountains, the altitude of 'this region is not so great, but that in caso a con struction of n railroad through it, it it would be extensively settled, in fact wo think this will occur at no distant day even if tha railroad Bhould pass sumo other way. Leaving Grubbouia wo pass on through noble forests of pine, cedar, fir nud vow. tho tall suaar piuo standing among them like n mon arch, until after having crossed the plateau, wo find ourselves ready to de scend the Eastern side of tho moun tains. This wo find an easy task, About a mile nud a half down n grad ual descent, wo find ourselves on the first bench of tho Cascades. Here sur rounded by evergreen forests, coining down at many places to tho water's edge, reclines placidly tho clear beau tiful Lake of tho oods, which is near three miles loner. North and East is e beautiful prairie about halfa mile wide, and covered with fiuo medow grass. Passing along on tho Southern border of tho Lake, if tho day should be eicar, wo can heo Inr bolow us in the clear water, n long extent of tho Cascade chain, reflected from tho smooth tar face. Among tho lesser summits and pinnacles wc can sco Mt. Pitt's basal tie spire piercing tho clouds, and olad b garments of everlasting white. Irn ub rnv'i'irA ...... Ashland, Sept, 2d., 1808. m Taxing Govbiinmknt UoNW.-TIe State Democratic Convention of New York, recently assembled at Albany, reaffirmed tho National Democrat! platform, established at New York Cltv in July. Atnonir the planks ie one favoring the taxation of Govern ment bonds. Thus the policy of tbs) party is fully decided, eo far as tbe question ol taxing bonds is concerned. The Northern State most likely to go forSevmour. Is. out lor repudiation; lor when a Government fails to keep faith with ite creditor, it ytrtnaily amounts to repudiation. The nation' promised not to tax tho bonds, nor al low them to bo taxed. Ou the strengtk of this promiso five or six hundrei millions of bonds were sold in Europe, and laboring men and women all over the country invested their hard earn ings in Government securities. The Democratic party proposes to break faith with theso creditors, and enter upon the first stage of repudiation. If anything can damago rotton eggs, tbe Democratic party will be damaged by this plank in tho plntform. The labor ing classes, who hold bonds, will- net support a party who would lead their Government to do an act of bad faith) and tho Gormans, the country over, would be undmindful ol our uationsJ icputatlon, and untrue to thsir coun trymen in Europe, if they contrlbnte to tho success of a party that proposes to cheat if thoy can get an opportuni ty. S. F, Timet. A DKuairrruL CouNTY.--Flori4 may bo the "land of promise," but Texas is the land of ,varmlnte., I clearing tho ground to pitch my tent, I killed a water moccasin abeut thraf, o'clock in tho morning I was wftkedoft - by the barking ol a dog; he h,4 j run ft rattlesnake cut of my-neighbora,' tent, when tho rattlclng and barking ' i n..,n mtiUa oantureo. aroused mo, ....... , - I ogain lay down, aud when day broke, a ytllow lixahl was cocking IU eye, U me from the ridgo pol .of my ! snrutiK up. ed my boot t dispatch hffvvheoloutoWbeotdrjJ;: ped n tnrtautulal Exhausted ires fright and fatigue, I sank back inU chair : but no sooner done, then. i.waj, compelled rapidly to abandon .tbe Jjjr sltlon, having been stung in", by n scorpiaul Beeldee the am E7 The 'lis nitf .US board ftom to follow "JMfgT to tho shore, wnen tn wi.w ster caught him. ! !