1 ll! ) it' If i 1 ( ! 1 1 ! ' 4; I N Republicnn Xntlnnnl Ptntfoim adopted nt Cliicngis, Mny gist. 180S. I lit. Wo congratulate the country on llic n- . srirrd micccs of the Ilecoii.tructlnn I'ollcy of Conprcn n cvidencd liy the adoption In n ma jorlty of the States lately In roliolllmi. of Con stitution securing ciii f civil nud political rights to nil. nml we renin! It n the duly or Ihu government to xil'tnln lhee CoitlUiltinnn, mid prevent the people or such Slate' from be ing remitted to a Jtutc ol mmrcby or military rule , 2d. The guarantee by Congress or cqiinl suT rage to nil loyal men In thu South. vn demand ed by every cniilderiillnn or public surety, srnlltuiln nml Jifllcu nml mut lw innlnlnlnvd : while I lie niiesllnn or sulTmgu In nil loynl States properly Isjltma In Ihoic Stair. 3.1. we iliMiniiiicc nil furni' of rcpiuHtttnn ns national crime, nml nntlonnl honor requires the payinont or tin' public Imleliiediif In the tttmo.t good ralili to our creditor nl home nml broad, not only ncrtinliiiir to the letter, but Hplrlt or the laws under which It v.n contact ed. -ith. It l tlno to the Inbnr of Hie nation that tnxallun should bo equalized and reduced at the national faith will permit. 5th. The national debt, cimtrnelrd ns It has been for the preen atlnn or the Union for nil lime In cmnt should Iw extended nvem Tnlr pe riod, nml It I- our duty in reduce Ihe rule ol Interest thereon whenever It can be honestly dono. tith. That the l)Ct policy to dlmtnl-h nnr bunion of debt I so to Improve our credit thai capitalists will reel: In lend money nt lower rates interel than wu now pay nml must conllnno to pay so lung a repudiation, pailhi! or total, open or cuvirt, is threatened or suspect ed. 7th. The Government of the Lulled blnlrs ttiould Ik ndmlulsti-re with the utricle! cenn omy. The corruption' which havu tieen so shnm'fulry nursed nml fntercd by Andrew Johii'Oii. rnll luiidly for reform. 8th. Wo pr'.fnuiidly deplore Ihn iinllmfly and tragic death ul Abraham l.lncoln. nml rr crel the uciflim or Andrew Jnhuton to I lt rre'ldenllal Chair, who hiiuctiiltreiichernulj to the p"ople vhn el"Ctd him nml lhi'Ctni' he wu pledged In support ; who ha usurped MpH legislative nnd Judicial function, hint refit'cd to c.v:citi the 1 1. Int ll"il lil' hluh olllef In Induce other officer' to violate Ihu lawn li.tr. emploved hi' l.tecutivu power to tender luse cur tfiu live'. prniiTty. pcitc nml liberty nf cltlz-n. Iin nbn-itl lh pardoning power, ha demmnciil the Niillnit.il I.egMuturons miriiti stltutlnuul. ha per-Mciitly nml lnbiina'ly re llslsd by every m 'Mi In hi puw.fi, rveiy nt tempt nl Ihe rVc'iii.iriictlmi of Ih blute lately In reliullloii. ha pvrvi-rieil pn'illc p.ttmuugc lulu an engine for wlinlenlo coriuptloli.hu Justly Iteeu Impeached lor high crlni' nml tnlri dein'tini'i. nud Iiiih len pr uiicvd guilty thereof It) Ihe voles of 'JS Seiiulnrs Ut It. Tlie iliictrlue nl (in-nt llrllnln nml niher European porter that, when n man In once u ulijict he I itltvny n. mut I rt.lnl nl ev ery hazard by Ihe Uii'lul Stales o u relic ol feudal Mil'-nut million' d by the law of nn tlnnsuiid ut unr wilh our lialloua! Iiimor nml InilfpciideiiCe. Nrilur.ill7.i-d cllli u ur Mill tied to If protect) d Hi nil their thlils or clil Z'li'lilp n tlinituli llo-v were iiutlii' Imrn. No citizen of th" United Stale or unttiralizi tl mut Itc liable lo iinenl or Imprl'imm-nt by nuy lor cl (III power lor ncl ilnitfl or Miril"piil:ii In till country, nml If so nt rested nml Imprl-nti'd. It l the duly of tho Gnmumvol lo httvifcic In hi' bohall. inih Or nil who ni-ro faithful In the trial of Ihu late wur. thein were iiouu mure fitllhriil for fpeclnl honor than the bmve nuldlt-r und Kumvli who eiidtin-tl hnrd'hlp or camp and eriilzt nud Imperiled their In ihen-rvlce of their country. The hnuuilen nml p-'iilou pproprlaltd by law lor lln-u brave defemlfr of Ihe Union, nre olill:itlon never to be lor cntteu. The wid" unit orphan of the unl Inut dead me wards of th leople. n neitil lepucy li'iiieatlivdto Ihv Ulilkd Stale fur piu ttctluK caiu. 1 1 tit. t-nrtilcn lmnil:ratlnn In Iho pnt lin rddid to much to llei wutllli nml Inert iim-iI r-our-1 n or Ihiit iiaihui, th" aylmn of nil nn tliinn. ilint It Mniiild Lhi fusluud by n llberul mil Juit policy. lvih. i lie t, (invention dechrw lltympnlhy with nil opprt ed people who uro tnn-'y'liK for their tight. The followiiiL' mlilllloiinl rrtoluliomi were oflV'tnl by .Mr, lluimp'oo. nml tiloptid : jladifl. Tlmt the inlJMiiriunenl or Ihli Con Tenllou 'linll not ""lk tboliitlnu o the mine, but It 'hall remain n' immirui-d, mlj'Cl In Ih called together ut nuy time or place that the nepublli-aii ftci-cullM Cuinmltteu ihall ilvtly nate. Ily Carl Shuiz ! ?rwiW. We lilphly cnminend In a rplrit ol iniipi.aiilinlly nml lorifitt'iie' the men who liitvo aervnl In Ihu reU'lliou nml who ore. now IrnuMy nml honelly cn-nf lallni; Willi ii In rv'torlni; peace In tlie country nml In the rrcnU'lriiulinu or Ihe Southern Hlate on the buh- of liukirllal Jictlcu nml trpial rluht. and ure ricehid buck lulu Ihu communion ol IothI iH-onle. mid thai uu lire In littorol tin- remnvtil nl the ili-(ii:illlic.itlciii or ivtrlcllim iuipuei o'i tin la'u rtb-'lii In l lit. miiiiu mtu-ure a the 'plrll or ili-lnyuly tllapH-iri, u nu.y be couiili'lil wilh ihu aluly nl ln.Mil people. lletJcnl, That wo ucoxiilzu Ihu great jirln Clplen laid tlouii In Ihu U duration of liide pemleuce, a the Iruu limiidatiun or lleimicrutic government, mid we hall with plrnlne.- eiriy effort liiwaril innklni: ilnw pilncipbtt the llv lug reality on every he'll or Amerlrun toll. sumivxons. IN THE CIRCUIT COUUT OF TUK Statu of Ortyim, lur thu iounl of Jojc phlne. 0, K. Logan St J. Thompson, partner tin tap; bmine8 under the imitif und ciylo of "Lu pin & Tliompauii," I'laliitiiri, v. L' I). Colin, ilelemlatlt. Suit in Equity to Foreclose Mortgage. Tit K. I). Oitliii: Von ure retpiiruil in up pear in buiiI ('ourt, nud nnswer tint compluiiil of said plaliiufld. fllrtl upitiiiat you, within ten iluyii lnmi Ihu time nl the service of llof iuminoin no you, if ervi-il wiihiu naitl conn ty. nr if 8"rved on you wiihln nuy other cuiin ty in I liia Siiiie. then wiihiu iwt-nly ilny lioin the limn of the Service, nr ll ferwtl on y uu out of tlie State of O'efiui, then it U oiileretl by the (,'iuirl ilntt piililieiiiioit lie imnle lor lix week in the Ohkgu.s Skminki. trior to the four lb .Muml.iy in Uolnbt-r, A. I)., lbG8. Ainljoii uro uoiillitl thu', if you fail in answtr nuid couiplulul in ubove rtquiritl, tin pluinlitrt will apply In the Court for ihe rebel demaniltil Herein, tn wilt for u jmlpmerl guiit't you f.tr the uui of five IuiiiiIhiI nml (uriy B'Vuii ilulhirn, (8517 (III 1(1(1) with nittr Ml tli-renn h Ih rule ol 111 per c nt, er uu. Bum, from tlie lUth day of June, A. I). lfiCb, and the costs nml dUbumeineuts ol this action to be taxed ; und for u decree for the lort-clone-ore and tain of the mortgaged property de icribed in the complaint Given under my liuod this lOlli day tl Au coat, A. I)., I8C8. 0. J A CODS, AU'y lor I'lolniifk Aog. lfiilt, 18C8. aiml.twG. M. Menior, Deuler in Uenerul Merchandise, baf rt moved hi iloto to Ids new brick build bur, corner of Main and Oregon Streets, oppo site corner from Odd Fellows Hall. August 291b, 18C8. ang29w3, ron CASH. A. FISHER & BROTHER, conxnn or Cnllfornia nml Oregon Street) JACKSONVILLE, Have on band a A LARGE STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, Etc. All of wliiuh will bo sold. AT REDUCED PRICES. - A. I'lSIIKU .t nun. Jacksonville. June SAili. IM'H. juiiT If G rover & BaJcor'cli CLASTIC STITCH FA3IILY ,Mm mmwx Aro tlio lie:. In U:o, ran tmc rouur- sa 303Nai 4 They nro mnra t 'njtle 6l Our iM.- S V cntr lupt In or 1. r. nuthf n 'trmii-w (J n i.a iituro tla t. t.-i.Jt. n fr-i r ut1 h I mttrc Irsutlfttl pitim Hinii any i.tlier n U TWtftrw ol fi'i-li. foi twi r A H mini fiwol. ur,nlr- t re w.t.lii.u of n t il.rv.ot!. fjien Lu h rt-U of tlut .nt ft R hr th' r urn o; .-atrtii. itml IHnuej R trwy Huh itildt iu-ut IU rv.u will V ) not r'jt. " .- ' - I I H W They Stitch, I Ism, FolV , Cord, Bind, Tutk, Quilt,1 v Gsthcr, Braid, and Em-1 i . ... :i T, bro.ccr. !-:d c trior r.j-c , ohino tirtibroicjrs as . til A V. as .r.va porfoctly. f, C rover & 32t:cr'3'l KEtt""rii.U i UTTWT .1? T.7 A TITTIJ 7Q S unujLiua i'iua.iiiu for fianufaCitrlnrji rnnib'nn t!io nmt nioi'.oni mitt cucu- tll Impru' omti.ti. Tint ntlnnllnn l r..nil,itt.1 lif I I Tallum. Munuliic'iirein of limit ' I unit K11111NI l?.iri-.-r.,i Ttimnilnr ' tUntliliiR. tinil nil ti'her n-iii,ring ' .'. -"" Y. 1110 110 01 1110 moil eneci;o Lok: Stitch ..Iaeltlnis, I To llitvn lr Ptrle. which tiofii ' !..... . . ..' iininfiuuauiouavuuugeituvvruii 1 oilier. 1 Areata wnctod for tbo Kilo of the 1 CROVER U DAKER .srwinr MAnmuns WiJlli.Alt.1 HJlUUHlilU, liirvervt'lly nnil Tnwn not newr-- lirvteuietl, I ut Ktuu nil tlrcuur 1 .... .1. In I ll It. 0. IHMMV.V. Awnl I 114 rtnilt tnt-i V. -."..! rr-.rlnto. . , ,..y ....... C. I IJUKE. J. R. nr:i.U4N. BLAKE & HELMAN wrovi.n cam. Tin; attention ok liiiililer, nml nil uho lime Imihliug lu Ciiiiteliiihilliiu. In Hie luct Ihul their pleiitlld new iihtliilui: mill U In Micceioful nieriitlou, nud I tut t they iileiililetoiliiihiinii; til till klmln ttiutiluK nml KKiovlii(;. nud itiiythlui; lu I lie line on hurl notice, In Ihu l-l ntvle, nml nl reiluctd lull. Oilu-r riiierlur iiinclitiiery. In ciuijuno linn with Ihe pinner, euulilef u liifnriilth duiir mid mh. ilunr mid wliitlnw l-tiinti, nml furul line at lw r.ilev ; In Inci itenrfiluleiinlutd uol lit Ik' iiiiiUrnihl ly nuy iiinuuliicluri-r In unr Unit. fJivi. ii n (JAM,. Ill, KK A UULMAN A'hlaiul. Oregon. Mny l'.llh. lfel.8. tf. Dutclii'i'H LiehtninR Fly-Killer. -THAT l'i:ST OK M'MAIUt. Iiiiku hhick mnrni" nr Hic'K cull he (j"1 lhi nf chenply mn t-iinlly hy thu uu- of tlie ulmttt nipuhir itrllele, which Ima tin uiinrinnu mle nt Ihu Unit, mid In HOW lur title tiy llunleri' even where. iiosrinrKit. smith &. dean, IttilUNGTO.VtV CU.. Wholeiulo Agents, Sail FrancUco. July 11-2111. HIDES! HIDES! THK HIGHEST CASH I'lUCKS PAID FOR lllUuK uf all kliidf, tlollvered ut the uiurlel of the uuderaluued, lo Jacksonville. JOHN ORTH. Deccmlwr 8th Iflfili, if NEW SHEEP WASH A targe eupply of thla neceoary medicine for nheep. limy now bo hml nt MULLEUfc IIUKNTANOS'. Jullfiraoi HELMBOLD'S BUCHUI THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR r, DIADETC3 IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD DER, INFLAMAT10N OF THE KID NEYS, CATAIUI OF THE BLAD DER, STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. FOR thee tllfeiwcs, It It truly n rovcrlgn rem edy, mid too much c.iuiiul he rnld in He iirnlfc. A IiikI due luii been known to re lievo thu must indent (iiinplumii. PHYSICIANS, AM) OTHEIIS PLEASE NOTICE. I make tin ,ecret of liiRredlcnlf. llelmboUtV Exltnct lluchu li compo'eil til' llucliu. t'uhehn mid Juniper berries, t-eleclid with yreitt c.tre, prcpnnd lu vucuu necordliit,' to the lulea of PHARMAOY AND OHEMISTRY There Ingredient ure known as the raont val uable Diuretlcn allurdid. A DIURETIC la tlut which nets upon the kidneys. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY. In plcTiinl III tntc und odor, free from nil lujuriuiis piupiiliet', und Imiutdlute lu Its uc liun. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL .See Mitllcut Properllen coutitlned In Dlfpenm tnry ol tiio U, :s., ufublt.li iliu lullunlin; Is it em net cup) : "IIUCHU. ItsoditrU ftroiiR, dluiifiie, nml puiin.'hiil iiriiiuiiiie, Its tut bittfii-h. uiiil uu iiluHnll III tliitl of lllllil. It l Khenelllelly In cuiupht.iit nf thu uruiury orumip. nich ut Umt tl, Cliiiiiuc t'ui.irrli uf ihe lliiiihkr. luiirb.d ll- lilnliiili nl lliu liiutlJer una uiviurii, tiiwus.niii tliu I'lti-liite, itml llelcutiuli nl the liicuunuviae nt Ihe Uline. Iltiiil llie ItirSol louu III Ihu puilp eoiicerned In It-eviieiuilluii. 1 1 hit iiImi Lveu rutuiiieuditl lu DyrpcpMit.Chrouiu Itheuuiiitinii, Cutbiieuusulliiiiuitp, ui.d lirnpry.'' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, rieti I'rofen-ur Duweu'it vuluublu works on the 1'iuuiicuur 1'hypic. eiiuiuuiiiiki tiiittluliy the celcbrrtttd Dr. I'hjrU, of l'l.il.tdelplilii. Seu uuy uud nil standard uiks on Midiclue. Dr. Keyrt-r Is n pliysivlmi ol out thirty )vtirVu.xpt.livucu, uml u i;rmlu.iltt nl tlie JvtUr i.un Mrdiuttl CnlleKu mill uf tlet Uuiveisliy ol .tlediciiiu itiidsuriry ul l'lnUilelplim. Mil. II. T. Ih.i.MCul.lt Ihir Sir : lu regard In the tuetiiill nKvit luu lis In Uiy ujunluii nlmiil lluchu, 1 uuiilil .iy tlmt 1 havu incJ unit ml. I liiv ii 1 1 ale lu Miriwin lurius lur Ihe mi Unity yvuif. 1 Uu nut Hunk ttieru I uuy luiiit ur pii-piiiiilluli nf ll 1 hue lint tid nr Kiiuhii In iw iimiI, in lliu ttrlui.K iliBvarv win. re tueli iuetliCutu ueiil utiitlil Iw iiiUiculid. You ihu ttnure, tt well u my m-II. tit n t It hu beeu 'Meii.ii-ly eiuiuityid lu luu titriuus d.M i-tt'es of the bla'liler unit kl.luey. unit lite lepu lutiuu ll Ii4 aeipilicd, tu my JuUjtiicul, u wn luuletl by Hie liittH 1 haw seen null ored. ns belcrc btntttl, eveiy lurni ul IJuiliu the puutlervd le.tvt, lliu llu plu dtcuulinii, llnciiiie lliiul eAiiuels ; uml I tun mil ciiJJIHX'tlil ulmiy plepaiulltni ul Umt plulil ul till etpi.tl tuyuuip. Li;litveu ye.tiN tApiti viicu tiulil. I think, lo givu luu thu rii;lil tu jiiilgu ul It lueiltt. uud Ulhuul piejiiil.ee m p.trimlity, 1 yiiu yuuif pr.vidcucu uur ml ulUiia. 1 vulueyour lluchu for its elfects on patients. I huu cuud nillt ll,niid men ciiliU With It, lliuru illnup-t.it ut lite bladder und kidneys than I huv uv erreen cm id Willi uuy utlitr lliiehu, nruuy other piuprielaiy cumpuuud of whutut er inline. Kctpictlully Jours, Ac, UHi. 11 KEYSER.M I). Ill) U'oi.d a ihU, Piitrbur I't-uii. Auguit 11 in, J oi. J. Ask for Ilolmbold's Fluid Extract lluchu. l'rom tlie Largest 31auufccturliis Climiisls IN THE WORLD. I nin (icipmlnted with II. T. Helmbold. He occupied the Dill;; rfluru opposite my ivsldeuce. und ttUf naei-wlul in cuiiUtirtltin thu lunier uhetu ultti'li- hail nut b.-eiieipiullj u Iwliiru It 1 ill. I huvu been luwirubly iiuiiierfitl with hi chut- uclur mid enterptUu u. Uimuiitu in, (firm ul I'liwerstV U'elliluiiiu.) .Miinuliicliiiiui; Chviu sly, Nuilli uud lliuwu bts., Pitiluilulphiu, The piupiiulor bus bveii IihIiiclU tu make this stitieiueiit, fiuiu thu luct that his remedies, ullhuliyh LdiutllMd, ttru Uviiuluc l'reitarntluus, nud knowing thul Ihu lutulUccut refrnlu from tisulUK uuylliiuj; njiliitnluir to Quackery, ul lliu pitteui mediuluu older uiukl ul ttlilcli ure prepuHii uy M.-11-tiyieil Uucioih, uno uiu luo ly nurtiil tn lend u pliysivhiti's iliup1ert prvM-rip-linn, much les lu ptepure 1'barumuci.ulu.ul preputnliuiis. These Parlies lleitort To various means of clltcliug sales, luch as cupylii purls ul udvertlreuieiils of Mjpuui remedies und liuUhllii; with vertillcules, 'I lie ticleur.u nt .Mtdiciiiu siuud simple, pure, luu jvrltc. hitiiKlul lur Its busis, indiicliuu lur lis pi lur. auu iruinttiouu tur its cupitui. A Word of Cuutiuu. Health Is most linporlanl ; and the ndllcted should nut lire uu advertised uied.cliie, or uuy teiuedy, unlets iUcuuteiiU or iiiKredleuti are known tu others besides Ihu niuuuluclurcr. 11KI.MXK)L.U'U GENUINE PIUSI'jUIATIOAZ FLUID EXTRACT UUCHU, FLUID EXTUAOT SA'WAPARILLA AND IMl'UOVED ROSE WASH, EalivUsjkl upwards ul elghU't-u ycure. Wrcparedby H.T. HELMUOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS : IlELMDOLD'ti DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREUOUSE. 59-1 Ilrciulwiiy. New York. AND HKLMUOLD'e. MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Street. Phlloilulphia Peuu Price $1 60 per bottle, r G for ti 60 Sold by all DrURjuiU. Jull8-Iy JOHN BILGER California Street (between Oregon nml Third) Jacksonville. DEALER AND WORKER IN TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, KKKPS CONSTANTLY ON HANI) nn Hinoritneiil of the bcl Tin.Sherl-lron hihI Cupper ware. Uthsi I'ipts. I Ijtlrnnlic Nuzzle. I'ttrrt' I'limp. Clmln. 1'nd Pipe. Il.e-e. IIAUUWAUK, CUTLHHY j NAILS ol nil izf. Unr, I'lHlennd norlrt1 Iron; I'hIiiIh. Oils SlMiniiil Utuss; All qiiiililli ol Pundci; Shoi of nil nnmbrrit; Ilriiiditii of t'vt ry vnrlcly. etc., etc.; Wooden nml Vlllow VVurvj Hope, Ilruss und Iron Wire; Illncl.pnillh, Carpenter nml Miner's tools of every variety. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Consisting of Cusi-lrtiu und Sircl Plows; Hi H-slinrpeiiliiL' Feed Cutters; CmihliiiiiH j tut Iron Wusli Kettles; Culllvutors, Wheelbarrows, etc. Stoves. Alwnys on liniul n larcre lot of Prlnr. ('niikinif, Office) riiel Culiin Stoves, of itssnrli-il s'Z'. pliiln uud fitlicy. ctuistriii'liil on lii'rsl luel siivln pltin. 'llullerf, Kettles, Puts. Puns, und evrrylliiiipr colrliednl wlltl these stiitcs, wiirrmileil diiruble uud H'rfect. All urtlf'e snhl or nimiiifiiclurid bv lilm, WAItltANTKD. Ill nuik is mnde of the best tnnti-rinl nml of flKiIresl pntliru. C'OT" Outers ittleiuhtl tit Willi di-pnlch, nml fill-tl uceiirdini; In ditfcil'tus. lip is tlelermlu til i.t sell ut LOW PItlCKS POIt CASH. Cull nud txiiMilne Ins stork litfnre purelms lug ilsewlurc. St pt. 1-1, JbCC. JOHwTlLGER Iitiporti't' or I'm in Iiuitlciitciil! AND MAOHINEO. UNION LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Comsioch $ Cawlcy, Proprietors. Tho proprietors lmve recently pmrhitsril the abotu tvll kltuwu slttlid, sllt'.nlid on the cunur Cnliroiiiln nml -Ills bti.rts, U'here tlie wry bet liui" mid luicpes can le hml ut nil time, itt rettitninhle rule-. Th'lr IimI.uI ruuthtirs ciiituut bu tipialid lu Ihe .State. noitsi-s noAiti)i:u On rrnsntinltltf ttrin", nnd Ihu l'l cnr und nt leiiiliiii lnHiiMtd upon thttu while undtr their charge. Al-o HOItSliS ItOL'OUTAM) SOLI). Rein;: snlMl'd tlmt they can rUt satlsritcttoii. tho pruprieluissulicll lliu palruuuxu oflhe)ub lie. Jitcktouvllle, Nu, ember 2llh, IECO. decMf HOWARD & SilIITBl Manufacture to order, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, DRESSED FLOORING &C rfWlK IWDKUSIUNKD AHK MANU JL lucturiii nl iht-ir new sltmii pluiiiui; mill thu uUivo iiimu-d and many murti articles nl Kieally reduced prices. Knh of ull sltson hand or luude to older either glazed or uo- cutzeii. 3MCOTJU.cXl2as, from ono-hhlf Inrli Id a flvn Inch crown mould. Orders lur Ihese hrileles. ami ull work In Car peiiltrliiK mttl llui1ilii)r, dttno wilh dispatch, rtiul In a uorkmiiu-llKe inniiiier. IVroiu uliu ciiuliiupliile bulldluc would tin will to cull ou us Ik-Ioiu luaklug contract elsewhere. XJxiclrta.2s.ii3.K tlnnu lu a ntut uud appropriate innmier. Shop uu Cullloiiiiu street, near the liriilp. , , , IIOWAKU& SMITH. Jacksonville. Nov. VOIh. '07. not i!i)f. $500 REWARD! The undersigned would most respectfully call the Bttvutlou or the public to bit uew LIVERY IND FEED STABLE, OREGON STEET. Iftliajotluestoekof DUGGIESand TEAMS, aud excrlleut Saddle Horses, ulwaya ou baud, as well as a good eupply of feed? v And a living share of publlo patronage bollclt- cd. Try we! ry uiol 8. PJL.YMALK, Pj-oiuititdr. Jacksonville, July i, 1867, 13. sBPtfTi!'BiHWN FRENCH MEDICAL. OFFICE. Dn. JctlJix runtufi.T. Doctor of Mitllcl.ieof th Fncultv of Purl", Orndimtc nf tho Univer sity Quern's College, nnd Physician of the St. John llnpll.lo Society or Smi'l'innd'on. Pit. PhitnAVi.T has iho pleasure lo Inrurm p llenls nnd others seeklnp confidential meillcnl advice, that he Can lie consulled dully at III ofllce. Atmory Hall Ittillilliijr, Nortln-asi corner Mnnlpiimcry mid .fiicrntneuln streets, fan Francisco. Koom No 9. H. II. first door, up stairs, entrance on either Montgomery or Sac rameiiln slreets. Pit. Pkiihai'I.t'h studies have liccn nlmot ex clii'lvely devnleil to the ruru or the vnrlou form or Nervous nnd I'hyslral Debility, the results or Injutlous habits acquired In y nth. which utuiilly terminal!- In lmnitencc mid Her Hilly, and permanently Induce nil the cnncotnl tnnls of old nice. Where a ncret Inllrtnlly ex Iris Iniolvlup th happlne- nl n life mid tlmt or other, rea.oii and mnralliy 11101010 the ne cessity of Its removal, lor ll Is it fact Ihat pie mature ilt clltifor thu vljrur or mixnhontl. mat rimoulitl uiihiippluess, compul'nry simile Hie. etc.. have their soiiivfS In rane. the perm o which I planted In t-.uly lire, nud the blller Irult t.isi-1 Jfmir afienrun!; pttleuts. IhImmImc uiidirlhls complaliii. will complain or one tu more or Iho lolluuliis symptom": Nocturnal Amission. I'iilns tn Ihe ll.tct. uml Iteitd. U'eiik nefs of Meninrv nnd tfiplii. PNclmrpu Irmn the Urelliiii on (.'ofup to stool or iii'tklnirwultr, tlie Inli'lltctuitl IVcillllep ate U'l'itkentd, l.o nl Memnty eii'iits. Itlrrt nre clmulftl, and there is n dblncllunilnii lo nllend to bu-lnes, or even In reaillut;, wrillni:, or society or Irlend', etc The patient wilt protmbly entnplalii nt' DI77J ness, Vvrllirn. nnd Ilntt Ihe flphl nud llenrluc nre Wt-akeuid mid steep ill-linUd by tin am, melancholy, slphliip, iiilpilullous, lulullug. coiidi uud lmv lever : while Mime li.ive t xb r lint il.euniitlc pain, mid iiumbiiiss ol Ihu iHtdy. S"ima or thu mti-t coiiiuum symptniu me plot pie lu thu fitcc. nud iiehlup in tlilo-mit p.nu of thu body pHlieul Millerins limn lhi ilsene, hmilil apply liuuiiillutily to I'll. I'm.iiai'i.t. elth-rln p rwin or by leller, nml he will uuur autre n cure or Setnluiil KuiHsIous nnd linpo lelice In six to eltfhl Wt-tks, t'tillenls i-titl.-i Inu I111111 vrntrlnl tllseii'u lu any slap', noinrilu-n, (Jlc t, Stridor'-. Ilulst Ulcers. CulHiituus KitiplloiK. etc.. will Im trial rd sueces'fiilly. All .-yphlllllc nud .Merciillul Taints riillrely reuinveil Irmn (he ivrtem. Uu. Pt.nitAi i.t'u d plmnis uro In his ofllce. where p.illent- can lee lur tin m-tlve Hint they art under the cue or 11 te.ubir (duciittil prac titioner. Tlie best ttftreiici'cheii irtirpilnd. ratleiiis nilI'itliiK' iiudir chnnilc iIIm-mm1. cun rnll and ex ml lie Inr llulii-i lte. Wit Invite luvirtltfattnn ; ela in tint In know t'titylhiiip nor lo cine every 1st I , but wetlu clilm that lu all case taken under IMitiiu nt we liillill our promises. Wu purllculntly mpiisl thn-t.' whu haio trletl thi Umslctl tlctlor. and that niher Usui iiiiypli'iitu, tilt worn out and discounted to call upuu lis. Low uiiiii:n ami (ji'ics triir.H. Lull's siileiln froiu any complaint Inciden tal lo their sex. cun consul! the duclurwlih ihu usHiruucc uf nllvf. FE.IIAI.i: illO.NTIILV PILLS. Dn lYnuu'i.T I the oitlr ngnit In Ctilirornla fur Pit. IIiiit's IVimilo Miiulhly I'llN. 1 tn-Ir Immi-iHH) nilf ha i.iuMl.l.iil tin Ir t'lt iiaibui us n Iviualu reinvtly. liiiuppttntched. nlni far in ndtiiuee nl" iivery iitlur reiintly loi'suppti'.sious ami liieyiil.irille-. winl niher t!i-1 1 iicllnii In lemiilt-s. Ou noi'lpl ol lliu ihilkit. those I'llls will In-uni ,y imtll or t.pii lo any pm 1 ol Ihe win lil, si cun- lnmi cuiioily or tiiiuuipe. I'eisoli nt 11 ill-liieC" r.111 Ii" ciilttl at Intuit. by nihlrfsiim 11 Ii Her In Pit. l'i niiifl.r. cointr nl Siicnimeiiln and Mouliitimery Uriels, Ituom Hi uud II. or llnx 37.1, I'. (J.,'8jii l-rmiebcn, slating Iho chu mlituti ly n pus Ihle, gt-uerul hublls nf IIiIiik, occiipatluu, etc, itc. .May id. IftLS. m v. CLAIMS! CLAIMS!! AT WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. MY Ul78.Xr.SS IS SUCH THAT I will ntit-pr.irily lieileluilietl In WurhiliK toil City 1111I1I next b'prlnu ; hence. I will Is eimbletl In iittend tn ull cnlhclluus i-iiliiiltd lo my care iiUlii them my personal ulieii lion. All whu huiu claims for C'lllicltnu, in uuy olhvr Ii-kuI luislners In Iho Atlantic r-lales ttt'iilrlui: alleiilimi, i.i.j sollelled tn lurwuiil llu-iii liiuueiliately in me. Cllenls In JacKmui cuiiuly can yet utsl.lunco lu preparlns their paper., by iipplylui; t0 D. XI. 0. Uuull, ut toy uttice. In Jucksouilllc. Addre. B. F. DOWEL!-., Wublilnuluu City, D. C. SECRET OF BEAUTY. USE GEO. W. LAIRD'S JiemJera (he skin bof, smooth, clear, and beautiful. Will remove Tan, Freckles, and all other diwU orations. Sold at all Drngghta and Fancy Gooda dealers every where. March 28tb, 18C8. m'ci, 28.ly, Sfetice. Notfce Is hereby Pven (hat my wife 'lias left my bed und !n,.i,l .m,,,., t..f. ' . provoeulioq uml every body is hereby forbid. tZmZl ',er n "''". for I will pay no bills of her conlrucilnp. Any, nih. 18f8. uuust29ibw4 G 0 TO THK mrv i.ttr. oA,w. and buy your UMJK NTONR. NEW ENGLAND AlMtnnt ljlfc Insurance Compaay OF BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. INCORPORATED, 1833. Cash As-ctts, Ort-h Distribution.; of I9t;?; Total Sill plus divided, Los.rs p.id In lMi7, Total Loc paid, tC ,000.000 oo Ail! Mi Si 2.7J6J73 4J its I, nun oi) 2.7 U Ik UU 00 'i,Wi bus 00 Income lor Ibiw, (iovcrntii by the Xon-rorfrltiirt Law of J1js. rlmsttli, All Policies NON-FOUFKlTAilLH. Ities tiuid proniplly. The Compsiiv t ture ly MUTUAL. All net euriilin.''. divided n uiiuily rtiiiim;,' ilu-' Insiireil. No SiorkhulJiri lu draw dividelidf. Dividends Dcclnrcd and Pald'anhually- Firat Dividend Available at tho pay ment of the Second Annnal Premium. Xo fnrftlturr.-. but rill polices' remnfn fa force mi long us tiler's mny Iw mir tirrrndrr value. Thus u p.irly liiurir,s at the uee of llnriy live, uu life plan. I'ruuium ull cih : tlttti Antiitnt Plililllllll Mill roiitlitut Pal It)' In lurcv !J )!itr. null .111)., Two 4 i 14 .1 Till re ' 1 " XT 11 Kir., I'.lr., Kit. TI1I1 Compiiny lieinL puiily mutual Iniurti ut the lowist pur.tibte 1.1I1S. There nre no slncltholdei" In thi: Compiiny tit nlisnrli the uu pin- or conlrul the Cooipjiiy lor tc.(!-li purpoFtr. Tli's Uoinpnny bns but one class of mt-m-Iters (p'tbey Ihi'iler.), nud nil the surpluii, illvuled uuiiuiilk nni'ini; tin in. Ilbtribuiion nl mi pins uiu iiiiulo one yeur from d.tic of I'tdiey nt the p.iyiiieiit of sicui.d annual ptc niiiiiii. Ciitcfnl Invrstltrnllnn nnd tinbiaml jnlj. ment will ciinclu.ivily shutv lli.it this Ud Coiiipiny oIK-rs iiilvniiluires that r.tunot b, tipiullnl by uuy oil:- r CouipJiiy doiii); bud' ihts uu this eo.tst. CALIFORNIA BRANCH OFFICE. 302 MONTUO.MKUY STItKI'.T, SA3ST FIOVSTCrSCO. KVKI.SOX t HAINES, tSviiurii. Aj,'i'iits. S. Al. IIot.iii:i:nr.i:, SjH'cinl Awnl. Aiij. 8th, 1808. .iiiigft-tl. PACIFIC M. MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, POST S'lTtUlIT, JJctuicti Motitgoiiii'iy t luarnr, SAX FRANCISCO. Tin: Importance of 11 IlKirnuh ami practical bti.liifss Iruliiliii; lur llio.u whocmlenipUle euleriilK the iiRicilllll'u pitife.slon. It loo Hill knouii tn require much comment. Wlihout .licit kliouletlK,'. thr jnuiitr nn rclmiit fill ' enme IuviiImiI in lusny i-nbiiritttUielils nklcb mijsni oiiurtviso i' uiutilxj. llie itmiiiiui piritiit will linn blniM-li siiiiouiideJhy Ineitrl I'ublu tlllllcu'lifs. Ih.Ui In seeking 11 sllimlion, tiiitl lu llie iliscliiirpe u lis duties stlii r employ ment Is iiliUilnnl. To have lecelvril liulraillua nt n merc.iiilllit college, emlurnil by Ihe lead I11K merrhuuts of thu clly. Is inure itleclire In vt lulling Ihe lavor ml coulideiicit of a bii'Ifltn llrm, Ikau nil the leiters of lutroducliuu whlcb Irieudscauglre. Thu PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE maintains a reputation for IhoroujjLiifss n4 sysii-niuiiu truluiui;, lur surpiosin Ihat of any oilier slm.ljr lu.lilutloii 011 Ihe 1'uclllc coast. Must ur thu IcudiiiK iiit-rcliu'.ts of this clly bv. tinpluyed j?rudiiiile It ou, ihiri College, sod bear testimony In thu piuctlcal itHeleiicy of lli Ctiuisu hem pu'.crilxtl, Tliu sy.tii ul tevlU'l pruelicu iinhiitci's til hu vaileiloeiutlouo( r,.iil lniklli kk A l..,i,Lhil lliuntru.vf Lll lately liecu added lu this popular lu.tllute, iiiissiitit 01 i-ittt rpnsu cuiiuiit tun w uu" forth tbu vtcll'Wlslu ul thu public. Address fur all Information, VINrSUNHALEK ic Dr-LAOUNA. A CAItD. W, tb iiiidortlrned, luctclisols snj luilnew sjsb ( &tn ttsuciKo, CslifurtiU, uie t il.r iuim-iiI lloi.tu l-tujlnguieu ttlio lutvcuuij.lelnl llie iiefrlUJ cvurMM .tudy .1 llie fnilflc llu.liiew LVIIrKr. ud e l.k.l'lf" urs fu .IstliiK tltitt e lists (uuuil (lietu ll wll sa.MUUul.lili snd lbs gtuersj prtueipltx l'i ItularM, sliowluK ioulu.iieltr tksi IbryLsts Ueu .ubjeil los Ibviovifli drill lu thus luiuruul uislltrn, If "' eucoil ond txiuii.tient lustrutturs. etlitti fully rccuuiuitail lbs Colli ge Ulcf t w oplukiu, uu liutftutluii il lulrlaslo lueiit, sul wtll i0i; l lb coutUeace Mitt supirt nf tb cumuuulty. A, ItOM.N & CO., I.M'I STHll'MJ & Co., J. ll.C'oumu, 4 Co., i. K. J'lllllH, , C'll.NTINK.NTit, Lire IN'. Co., Wm. I). Cooxii & Co., I Ul.NKI.UI'S.II., 1't.CK Si. Tliui-k, I. 8. Vi WKXi.tC, UwcbJJH, 'ii, BUSHSCESS