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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1868)
U-SattiSlMKUUHJjWS fesa& THE PRECOX M11EL. Satuhday Moknixo, Sept. 5, 1808. I,. P FMicr.20 At, 21 New Mercli- hiii' l!i-biigi-. I' mi nb K'Hlmr red uniiil In San Kranclc. Pur KiMiru AiUiriMiig. Mit l'Mim Is rrnrensentpd liy . M. Pi.TT..V)il.i. A Co. of Nw YViik nnd iliMuu. Skkiolb UrsCT. YcBti'nlny evening Mr. Wwdy Manning and MUs Sarah Helfoitl wi'iu thrown Iroin a buggy just opjioMto the SUturV Academy. The young lady was considerably in jured about the head and lace. The cause ol the accident was tho team be coming unmanageable in turning n corner, i lie uuggy was nut little damaged, as tho horse lortunatcly broke Ioomj belore dragging it. -i - Who can Hkat it? On the war- nieM day ol the week, our liiend Knr- ron, ol the " El Dorado" stopped into this oflico and drew a pitcher ol delicious Sherry Cobbler on the printers. The latter immediately drew tho cob- liler, and pronounced the donor the best fellow in town. If nuy one can licat him mixing a good dtink, wc -would like to know it. Look Orr Km: Him. On several i'Venings during the past week, a seal Jiwag has been prowling round town IK' ( apparently with no good object. visit liouses wheru tln-io nru tinpro-l , , ' I tooted females, and titos to lorco open loors in- windoHK Tho cviillcnian is a "spotted," and il uA careful will bo spotted with n charge vi buck flint something he i badly in :ievd ol. "Don't Shoot. The public ate in formed that Miller's big gun on Cali fornia .Street won't ihoot, but he has some in his shop that will out-shoot anything in the State, y.r. .Miller needs no nvotiuncudatioii us a gun smith, and his Iriwnlx can liud him lo cated at tlio old simp of Henry .ludgo, ht'U the 1. S. Hotel. Mai:i:iui. Our old fiiend, August Hrcntnno, for several years a resident of Jaok"Oiiillet tend uy hit wedding aid lioui Eranivillo, Indiana, uudci date of July 15th. Ho niariied p young lady of that city named Mahla ICalin. Atigif-t please accept our con gratulation, and may your jnanied life be as pleaiant as you could desire. Saiui.i:i:v itc. Mr. John Miller, who recently puiehaed the stock and business ol Henry Judge, h doing bus iness at Mr. Judge' old stand, lie has secured the ieriees of a workman eipial to nuy on the coast, and will do any work in the sadillu or iiaruoss line , J, , ,. I ... ... a. T in me very lowest rates uati aim see liiiu I .. m . .. I Suwi.vti". Mr. l'linek, the Agent at theGroverit IJ.ikerMaehiuc, has just received an invoice from below. They are dillerent styles of theirsileud id family sewing machines, mid tho A'cnt momisc to convince liuvcrc that .1 .. .1 1 ...... l... .....I ...... i ""., " ti.ii-ii, vi, nun '"ttH.niie.llatclvs.nt in nny address u ie- dttraldu machine ever onereit to lliei'r"""'! ") t-iprrss ur reiuru man. I Yuuwlll Uiiovwliiit ) our prize ' t llifni-O I'lll lllil fnm 1st ,ti.i. iirf iublic. Am. In. Seventy Snako Indians have coiiio in to tho Reservation at Klamath Lake. It is said that they (comprise the whole of that tribe who 'havo been so troublesome. It i hoped .that such U tho case, as it opens an iiumenso country (or peaeelitl settlo incut. .SnciAiu.ii. Sargent Diinlap is the most popular man in town sineo his fruit commenced lipening. Tho boys and gill hud another hop at bis new Jiouso on Thursday evening said to be the gayest of tho season. pilUM-l I ' Heavy Gam:. On Wednesday last tho wind blow it galo in tho neighbor hood of Hock Point. Many trees were blown down, a barn of Mr. JJirdbeycV Mas unroofed and several fields of com blown flat to the ground, Pjjitso.vAi- Mr. J. 1$. White, of Hock Poiut, returned from San Fran isco on Monday. Mr. J. Waldo Thompson, Telegraph Agent at Yreka, paid Jacksonville a visit during the week. I. O. O. F. Our townsman, Silas J. Day, Grand Master of tho Order in this State, starts on Monday on an offi cial tour through this State' and Idaho and Washington Territories. Ho ex pects to bo absent about a month. Impkovkuksth. Mr. Klinncl is Vkllllllinrv A now lirmet AnnncilA Afl- I Drum's. Tho roof of tho U. S. Hotel ih having a new coat of shingles, and rany other improvements nre pro gressing. PopuATioy. Several families, among them that of Mr, Daly passed through town on Thursday, on their way to Ashland ; also Mr. Wortley, the super Intendnt of the Woolen Mills fit that place -Tveleomo, NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Ehf?4Tlc sponge, M7 Market Street, ban Kranclsco. ir. STANDARD SOAP COMPANY'S I naiBKiowder. Sold by all Grocers. Oeo. P. Rowcll &, Ce.'s ADVERTISING AGENCY. "They bare reduced advertising to more perfect svslctn than has ticen known hereto ton-'-'tetttti ('a.) Saitintl, Oct. 3t, 1867. What-vcr li prompt, methodical, and straightforward, they practice In thelrdeallngs and only Hint." Hoiton OmmometM, Nor. 30, 18G7. "They now pnilwbly do the heailest adver ".. "'' In the country." Manchettr (A . Jl ) Only I'm. Jan. S5, 18U8. ' Their establishment U perhaps tho most cxlon-lte In Ihe United Ktte."-tf' Ann AJ rtrtistr, Glounstrr, Man " This firm is now tho mol substantial busi ness house Tor a.lrertMni- In tbu country." timtrinin Mmmg Imitt IX. 1.) April 2, 1868. " Willi their reputation they can and do set the lowest nnd m..t HdranlMgeuiis terms." iltihaicnla (iW) .Vsri'n. Wf rr rmrtit In irrtltc aitwnUrmrnli for all .lineilraii liiaici-i, at -irlrra a Ion as ran be nlilaliiMl at the offlmor nnhll. cation. iino. p. iuiwki.1, i co . AilTrrllaliiB Annti, IUIrkltor,.. V. IIKANciToFTICK. 331 Montgomery St. Smi Francis co Cnl. J. F. PLACE K CO , Agents. rnc iuvb NKvra ctiTnu Kr.vienT ntr tr. 'pond's kxtjiact of iiaaia .mklisok vkuctaulk pain DKSTKOYJJK. Aluajs promptly relieve and often ticrms nenlly cuic llurn, Scald's, Cuts, Druiies.Sore- iu-s, Lameness. Sraln, Itbcnmall'm, Bolls, Ulcers. Old Sore.i, Wonml, etc. Alo, Tooth- aaii.i asi..iAAi..a -... i .1 c . sti a ,,'' ,""rX' t,,".V K ., i .T "'"""' ll'mrseiies", tollc, Dinnliea. niid all llcmorr- hapv nnd rile. This Intaltmble preparation I,,-,i'c P.,lu;,,.y . ""''"I''" ''f"b, the lUli, rirKimvi im infill, fiutoiuru iit a K.'GUIIBr processor (llsilllultnn, by h!cU the medicinal properties of the plant nre rttaliuil, and the tannin and coloring matter rejeoted. Manuracii'rtd by Humphreys Hotmipalhlc Mullclne Co. Ap'nls for the Pacific Const, IIOSTr.TTi:i(, S.M1TII & Co, Wholesale DrusKl'ts, Sun Fraud o. ir VOC IUVU .NKVMl CSKH TIIW IHCUtDV TUT IT A(iKNT.-5 ivanled for Warren's Household Physlelnn. No family should Iw Mllhout It; conmln. -lUJlllu.lratlous. AJdrey'ifife 7'u4 lifhiiiy O) . San 'ftfwfuiv, tUniKTrtl AND JOI.IIKK IN WINES & LIQUORS. Also fold. MHiiiiUrturer nihl Proprietor of the (iiLEiiATno rnnsiix hitters. 21U .TncUsoti St., San 1'rnnclsco. j ORBIT OlSTiUHUTIIIKi p.v Tin: MC7ROPOLITAN QIFT CO. Caih Olfis to the Amount of $250,000. EVERY TICKETD73 A PRIZE. .i ct.h cm. Ill "... I'D ID :u.i 3IMI l.'ifl r.on 3') KIVl ISnxirM Piano- . lit; 3" " Mebxlioni Till 5 wliig Mnchliics VJiJ Mii'leiil ini . Kicb sm.ona .l.tiotl 1 .00)1 too 100 M ' M " 21 ill 8310 In S-'iO't 7A tn 150 10 in 17.1 i.' lo 200 7.". lo 300 :t(J tn .10 i A.,r t-l.. . ..1 .1, .1 . v yi '."' " MO llni SUrer niche n,K. q, i',,t,n,s, -riim.d Knsravlncs Sllnr tt"'i Plintncr.ipli Alli'ini a-id n larji-t ssrt- iiii'i.l of Fin- Ci!d liv.vlij-. In ull valuiditt wifiii fifiri A Cltniiee lo Draw nny "f Hit' . Illlfl'. Il ly.tfc lik litirrhtivii' ti -.( 1 1rl.. I it lur Jl. els, Tlck-t d-M-rlMiu ''ich Price ' arviril(t In Kurilop' mid llioroiijlilv nihnl. Uii receipt r i"i ci. u toilet Tirttt will he1 draw ti vthliiiul choice mid il-l it ml ut our or- ' lie. il Miit by mull to ntir inMri'... Tho price uamm upon ii vti.i i iti'Uvirnl m lue ticket- iHl'IT "il raillMHI ll I1SII- lllllllir. I I I"S ' ... .. lrJL.l,. ti9 ,.f I A mjtttii .ltiiM n Mt iwi. j 1 t " ' .No .: " ;, ,.. .. V .". r.... ........ JJIIHIIl. SSzf tiur nalroiii can depend upon fair deal ing lti.frri.iif paWi select the follnnlnc lew names (mm tho many ho hate lately t ilrawn Valuable Prizes and kludly permitted i s lu niniim mem : 8.T. Wilklua. UutUlo. N. Y.. 3I.0UO; Miss Annie Monroe. Chicago, 111.. Plaun, viilui'd at $Hi0 ; Unlit. Jack'nii, Uubunue, Iowa, (iiild U'utcb. it'M; Philip UCarthy. Louisville, Kr DUinon.l Cluster RIiir, JC00; It. A. Pat tersou, New llulfnid. Mass, Silver Tea Set, $175; Mlis Kniini Walnorlb, Mllnaukee, Wis., Piano. 3JU0 t Itev. T. W. Pill, Cleveland, Ohio, ilelo.liini.JIW. j Wo publish no names wllhout permis sion. Opinions of llm Press They are Joints thu lurgHft bu.luers; the firm Is reliable, and Ihev dewrve their success," H'ttkly 7H bunt. FA, fitb. 1KC8. ' Wo have rxamlmd their si stem, and know them to be a Mr dealing firm." .V J". JlaralJ, FA. 281b, 1SC8, ' Lust week a friend of ours drew a $J00 prize, nhlch was promptly received." Daily .Vnri, Marth Sd, 1608. Send Tor circular glvlnjr many more referen ces and fatorsble notices from the pret.. Lib eral Inducements to Agents. &tUfactlon ttuar anteed. Krery package "t Sealed Knvelopes it.... .. . . ui. n-f.l.i. r.,m l CUUiailll USK VAhll Uirr. aiA IVJICia IUI VI , 13 for S2 : 35 for 5 : 110 for SIS. All letters should be addresseil tn I'AKK- i:k, mooui: k way New York. CO , 107 Droatli WILSON & BRO., WIIOUUIMS A0 IIETAIL VtiUCK IN noons, WINDOWS k ULINDS. We bate In store a cotupleto assort meiit In our line, nblcb r oiler at lie-Uuct-a Prices. pm Purchasers would do v. ell to call and examine our slock before purchasing elsewhere. N. C cor. California and Druium Sts., 6an Frasscisco. Dllllil' CATARRH SMIFF. (A URK8 DIKRASES OF THE ; HEAD ana THROAT-tbe worst form of CATARRH I A box will be sent pre- Bald by mall for thirty cents, or four for One ollar. by the proprietor, i. DORNO, No. 1,233, P. P., New York City. 17r)"riT7 Our New Catalogue of I1H V IXEjEj PROVED sJTENClt. OOATl DIES- More than a ujonlb ts aCJJ belog uada wltb Ibcn. ti. M. SPENCER A CO , Brsttleboro, Yt. TRAVELING 8ALKSMKN WANTED for a Manufacturing Company. Rare chance for profitable business. Address F. Diwixu & Co., San Francisco. PAPER AND STATIONERY WAREHOUSE JOIING HOOGFfcCO, tmrmrltrtanct manafbetarln- ittlltMit, Keep UlaLk Hook", School nooks. Wrapping Paper, Ledger Paper, Playing Cards, Printers Cards, fine Cutlcrery, etc. The trade supplied Hi the lowest cash rates. JOUNO. HODGE A CO., 329 331 Satisome and 507 nnd fiOf Sacramento ill., San Francisco. A'OKNTS WANTED For "MEN OP OUIl DAY," or the lln of Urnnt, woiinx ana an lite leading men oi mo na tion (orer BO), In one volotno, C50 pages. 42 Steel Portraits. Send for circulars to ZKIU LKll, McUUItDY & CO., Phlladelpbla, Pciiusjlvatil.. American Water Packing! All Metal! -Minmcrgetl on trcexingl Always in Pump Order! Semi for a circuW to the Pacific Pump MTr Co,. 3l!l California Street, San PrancUco, Moore i Fain Faint t a harmless liquid thai leaves no (mart nor statu, stops pain Instantly, and cures tilers of every name ; and the Annihilate Is a speedy cure for catsrrwb and colds In the bend. Sold by Druggists. All pain instantly relieved free of cost at Moore's omcc. C52 Market street, near Kearny. 1 ' . IIEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. Houston, Hastings &Oo. AltC THK FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS UF SAN FRANCISCO. SPECIALITIES. l'ltlti: axu civaiia.vtki:. The larses uiid most vnrletl stock of (lentlc men's ClolliliiK, I'urnMiIni- Uoods, Trunks, lliz nnd Valises, on the Piicltlo Const. I.very nrllcle soId,belns of our on manufacture, Is cuarantved. Ilnrinir contracts direct with l!u- roprnn and American Manufacturers of piece n-uods f therebr ilTeCt a savluc of fullr 40 tier cent, In Hholcsnlo ile.iU'rs' piollts, nnd arc thus able lo onVr superior Uoodi nt !' than second rule pries. STYLES. lUrlu' ngitiU In I.uiidiioHind Pnris wo In 1 1 Oil nee tlic lieu' sljlvs In rtan 1'rancUcn limil tuiiiourly wltb their appearancu In New Yolk, mm MAI)ET0 ORDER. For ill" accumulation or such us may desire, sit' bale secured the tilllcei- urn celebrutid I'urnpeaii cutter, and am preiinrid to inaka up Iilrco )0(hI In a sl)lc superior tn uny ulhir inurrnii the coAst. Milrls, Ties, Collars, etc , made lo oidi at short notice. C0l).TftYjmDKK.S. (imhN fiirrdil by Kiirc In nnv inrt of the I'acillo Const on receipt ol mdersuud uk-h- i ures ; su.d fur dliectlou tor incuurtni' ut. j Hcuoton, HastiugH &Co. LICK HOUSE I.L0CK, S A N V H A K C I S C O. AunSm'i L.LAOOUR & CO., MANUI'ACTUItUltS, ISiu. 3rxAZ3.olasioo. AyTANUFACTUllE AM' THIS IA- 1V1 queurs and Cordials nf modern times, and would especially call the attention of the Public to fioir Xjaoouh's Sarsapariphere BITTERS ! (Ut 1'IIKUICM AWiKIIKO AT TDK laldHTATK KilK.) Manuiacturcd, as the name denotes, from Sar saparllla and other healthy roots and herbs, a CERTAIN IJLOOD PUHIFIUR. The Elegant !" M Lately introiluced, and the most celebrated of modern apetlzers and youiu o, an undoubted remedy for Drsrsruu and other oiomcii Com rtiDiTS, it belnu composed of line French Cot;, nac, distilled with Cotfee, Peruvian Uark and other anti-dyspeptic ingredients, learlnK tho breath sweet uud balmy. LACOUE'S Jamaica Ginger. An article equal to any Imported, and Kreatlv superior to any other manufactured lu this State, Sold by every respectable Jobber and Drug gist oil the Pacific Coast, To guard agalutt counterfeits, be certain that our trade matk (a Light House) is stamped on ttty case and package. L. LACOUR fc CO. Metica. Notice la hereby given that my wife bas left my bed sod board without lust cause or provocation, and every body Is hereby forbid den to trait ber on Diy account, for I will Py do bills of btr contracting. I8AAO BKEETKBS. Aug, lTtb, 1868. angustgOthwi GO TO THE CITY PBUO STORE scd bay yoor BMJE STONE. M UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER HAS JUST RECEIVED AN INVOICE of iroods from tho East of the finest qual ity of LADIES' AND UENTS' NEW PAT. TKR3 GOLD CHAINS, UENTS'SILVKR VEST CHAINS. A fino choice lot or EN AMELED UOSOM PINS. EAR KNOD3 nnd DROPS, SLEEVE and COLLAR UUT. TONS, and HOSOM STUDS. A. choice lot of DIAMOND, OPEL and PEARL RINGS. Also solid rings of his own make on hand nil tho time. Sollld Silver ware, such aiTAHLE and TEASPOONS. RES SKRT.SUtlAR and SALTSPOONS.TEA and RlNINtl FORKS, UU'ITKR and FRUIT KNIVES, WHOLE AND OPEN TOPTHIMIII.ES of nil sizes. Fine EU L1SII LEVERS in solid UoM tluullnir Cams. A beautllul lot ol LADIES' WATCHES lu solid Gold Hunting Euatnclctl Cases. These have been selected with great care for tellable time keepers. Also just received an Invoice of the AMERICAN LEVER WATOH, In heavy Hunting Cava, price from 35 to 75 dollars. These arc THE BEST WATCHES For the money ever brought Into tin market. They are Manufactured by tho National Watch Company, at Elgin, III. An nisortmetit o! mxxrxGH xxrA.Toxx-xnm On hand ail the time. A new lot of eight day and thirty hour clocks, from thu best fac tories. PLATED 'CASTERS, TA RLE ami TEASPOONS. KNIVES and FORKS, TOBACCO IIOXES, SPECS ol all kinds the Ixindon smoked, fur tvesk eyes, POCK ET and TABLE CUTLERY marked IXL. AdCORDEONS, FLUT1NAS, MUSIC BOXES, fancy nnd brteding 11IRD CAGK5: large market, ladles' traveling, and children's RASKKTS, Hoy.' TIP-CARTS ank WHEEL-IIAKKOU'y, DOLL-BABIES, Choicest TOY DRUMS, Children'.- CHAI OE3. THE CELEBRATED HOWE AM) FLOREtMJE SEWING-MACHINES. Mo lum u lareo lot of Tovsnn hand n huge lot of Dolls. All hinds of lisli honks and line. The b(St of Guitar nnd Fiddle Strings. A lull aMorlmnit or PIPES, from the bejt Mer sluuia to the cheapest Clay Pipes. Mouth Pk its and Stems of nil kinds, Tobacco Pouch es, MATCH IIOXES. etc. etc.. and Urge usiorlmeut of the lust CIGARS. AIo ul wiiys the most choice brands (if TORACCO, soft and hard preinid. fine cut (orimoking und ibesrlnir. All kinds of WlTfllKS. fLuTRS. JCUCIBV AM) SEWING-MACHINES ClestHtl and repaired nt the lowest prlc s. To lhne who live at n distance and send by .Singe ilrlurs nod Expirss, the drivers' or rx pri'ouup will lw paid by mi'. HcN'ireniiilH'iid tnJ. NEUIIER, M'nitli Clock and Jewelry Store, for clitnilng and repulrln?. JOHN NEUIIER. GREAT EXCITEMENT! A Majority of thou who rcud newspapers neicr even give a haly glauci' at a buslueia ad veill'tmcnt, and If a MAN Actually has a choice variety nf goods which he Is selling cheap, It hardly pay. blm to publUh the fact ; therefore w havo FOUND It best simply lo Invite everybody to call aud examine our stock of goods and list of prices before purchasing elsewhere, and say but Utile la regard lo our ability and determination lo make II advantageous to those who are not DEAD rno tbelr own Merest lo bur their DRY 1 GOODS, FANCY GOOIW, CI.OTH1NO, JIUUTS ANU HHUr.i, NUTlUWi, tillUUtv UIE8, LIQUORS, HARDWARE. CROCKERY, TUUACCU 10 loci, KYKHVTUl.U IN qpbelr Hue, at MULLER it I1REN X TANO'.S, corner of Oregon and Vlala Streets, JACKSONVILLE. May 291b. 1868. V. U. Marshal's Motica. Dlstrlc I of Oregon, 83 NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtu. U a writ of Vwdilioni Etponat, Issued out of and under the seal or tlia District Com! or lue United Stales, for Iba District of Oregon, to me directed and delivered, I wlU.fell st the Warehouse of Glenn Drum t CaJHtLe town of Jacksonollle, County of JacksfsfsPn said Dis trict, on the 224 day of August, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A- M., of that day, on. Still, and fifty.tbrea gallons of spirits, iba same having Been oy a aecrse or said uouri, coaaemsoeo ana ordered sold, DaUd July 31st, 188S, AL ZEIBER, U, B. Marshsl. Pr J, M. fieiTOK, Deputy, auglw3 DOWN I DOWN II DOWN II WITH HIGH PRICES. NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT THK uniiKflijDiLrc of PAawofSSS.- SACHS BROS' ARK NOW RECEIVING Till! LARGEST. Cheapest, and best selected Stock of Vprlni( and Sun-tner Goods ever offered In the market, CONSISTING Of Ladles, Misses, and Children's HATS and CI.OAK8. of Ih. Ulrst styles. Atso a Com plete assortment or uhy uuuus, SUCH A.S siiEirriN'os, COTTON A 1)1!. TAni.KLINEN5, TOWELINGf, PRINTS. CIll'.CKS, III.KACHEl) AND UNIILEACIIED MU.V I.IN.V, DENIMS, POPLINS, DKI.AINiy, ALPACOA, IIOMI1AZINES, GINOIIAMS, LAWN.V, CHA'JIlRKYtl. JKANS, PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS, CAMIIRIO, NAINSOOKS, And lu fact everything usually kept lu a First Clan Dry Goods Store, at miens whim w:rv roiiPF.nno.. OUrt A830rtTMENT OF Dlll'.KHH TltlMMIMW, IMIlliOl.i, ll.llll, ni inns, llllllUIVH. nMIIHOIIIICIlIKN, I.AC'S'.H, HII.ICM, IM.AIiH AMU VAM'Y iianiickiiciiis;ks, iiomikiiy, finals OriiasnetiU stlitS Nollaii, ,i.': of rim cuoicKsr sklhutiox. OUR ST00X OF CLOTHINO, IIOOT.V, .SII0K5, ILIT5 AND 0AP5, have been selected with morn than usual care, and wv are pleated to say that no houso Ibis side or .Van 1'rancUco can cxccll us lu vailely nnd style. As iisiinl. a supply of GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS. LIU.UOlLs'.CIGtR.V.TOll.lCCO, Milt ROR.V uud QUi:i:.S'8V.lltK, which we prouile to sell at very low prices fur CASH. Call and examine, and learn our prices, as we are determined to accommodate the most economical buyers. maywr SACHS BROS'. NEW IT Al ID WAKE, TIN AND STOVE STORE. IWMN & KLIPPtib ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, Cor. Oregon ami Slain Sts., ARE RECEIVING, AND WILL CON stautly keep on band, a variety of Cooking Stoves, Purlur and Dux Stove, j Tiowam of every description. Assorted Hardware Fine Cutlery; Agricultural Implements; Dar Irou, Hteel, Nulls, attd Hslkes ; I'alHts, Oil auil Glass Tubs, Clotkes Wrlugers, I'alls, aad liaskets, Vc. Uelog provided with the most approved ma chinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of Tin and Sheet-Iron ware at short notice. We respectfully solicit a shaie of lbs patronage of tbi publlo. HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL. Jacksonville, Juno 191b, 1808. Je20tf DUsalatiea af Vartaarsklis, THE parto.fshlp heretofore .xlsllng between E.-H . aad Wo, O, Grsenn o Is dissolved tbls day. The aceouut of Di, Greenaun have been disposed of to W. O, Greenmao, and aa laimcdlaU sstllenent Is required. EH. GREENUAN. W. O. GREENUAN, Aug 6th, 18S8, ,ug$tf Jiwm T. Glcnk, John 8. Dac Alkxanoui Minny. GLENN, DRUM & CO., CricstJCM tsC GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STRECT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. NRW PIRN, NRW liOOIK ....IN IST15W PBIOES! LOW PRICES' WILL WIN I Tilt'. AIIOVK NAMKI) Fllt.M I take nleasuro In iiotirvlnit their friends and ttie puiillo generally, thai tiioy are uow receiving nnd opening a very Urge and ex tensive slock or STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, UI-ANKKTS, HOOP SKI UTS ETC., KTC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes. a Wo linvc. oln, In connection with a JtistV the nbuvc, n ery large and tjsa t$f exlcnslve stock of choice Xas1 Jviy (Irorrries, Hardware. "Hm Wy Queensaare, t&9 esy oinsi. -Yi 63- wre,(!uilcry, Vi,3 SW i'alnls nnd Oils; also, YjsWl AetVWImloiv Ulnss, Nails, lrouia Mr und Htccl, Cast and Steel Ks fair Plows, Wooden aod Willow ware. tis V) are readv lo sell nnylhlng lu our line at tli I.OWLSTOASII PRICi:. Persons wishing to buy goods, will find It greatly lo their ad vantage In exnmluu our stock In-fore purchas ing elsewhere, ns wc are dclerinliiid not to lm undersold by uny homo lu Jackson county. Glvo ui a call, and then Judgu lor yourself as lo our vapuclty to furulih goods a. above. tSI.ENN, DUUA1, . Ca. Jacksonville, March 2, IEC7. If NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS STORE, 11 ii.i-mv Ni'himin Jackson ., WJI. IIILGKIt, 1'llOI'ItIKTOU. The iinilcralKsiril hereby asi iiouncea to lli alliens nf Willow Spring-, and 1 Iclnlly, that he bas opeuetl n store In llul phice, and olfers lor sale bis largo and well selected slock of CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, HOOTS AND 8HOKH, HATS AND UAPr!, UH0UKH1KH, i LIQUORS, 1OIIA0CO, CIO Alia, and all kinds of general mercbaudls. Tsriai kale ur easy cutli down, Call arouud allow yourlv lo be rouvlnc.4 that Goodri cnu be sold Jiut (M Ohenp as in Jacksonville. WILLIAM BILQER. Willow Springs. Oct. 0, 1H67. ocllltf BOUND TO DO IT! D. C. MILLER 18 BOUND TO WORK ACCOIID1NG TO THE TINK. HOUSE SHOEING J At reduced price, for cash. Tea per cent, discount will be made ou all kinds of work where cash Is paid. Match 20tb, 1668. mcbtllf SUMMONS. IN the Circuit Court of thu State- of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, Edward Ueudrlck plaintiff, vs. Henry Harms defendant. Action at Law tt recevcr MMssey. To Henry Harms 1 You are required to appear la said Court, aad answer the complaint or said plaintiff, Bled against you, within ten day. from the Urns of the service of tbi. summons on you, If aervt4 within said county, or If served ou you within any other county In Ibis Stale, then within tweuty days front tho time of the service, or If served on you out of the State of Oregon, tbta It Is ordered by lb Court that publication bs made for six week. In Ike Oregon Skmixsi, prior to the second Monday In November, A. D. 18(8. And you are- notified thai, If you fail to answer said complaint as above required, ths plaintiff wl II apply to tho Court for Ibo relief demanded thereto, to-wlt 1 for a Judgment against you for the sun 0 352 00, wIU tats. est theroa at tbe rats of tea per cent. p aj. Dun from tbe data therof, and the coats as4 disbursements of tbi. aotloa to be Used. Given under my bsnd tbi. 5tbdayof Auguit, A. D. 1868. O. JACOW-V augw att'y fee p,lalitlrs