M i ? i i r t J THE OREGON 8BST1SBL. POR THE mKSlDESCY IS 1509, CL.Y8HE9 . ClllAXT, ct Tat citi mm Well do. Ihro r! nl Wlhltal tenant." Tk r- r I. hm rte-anl. tn rattlon puulihmttit for trailon. ron thu vicn rnnsmnxcv, U'lICTLKIl ItlMMX. or ixjum ror Prteliletillil IHerloi-ai O. JACOBS, of Jackson. WILSON BOWLBY, of V asbtngton. A. B. MEACIIAM, ot Union. SATPnn.vYMor.Ni.vo, Sept. 5, 1S8S. Humboldt and Oregon Branch Eallroad. At the expense of being considered inKanc on tbc subject of railroads, we recur to the subject once more There is but one more argument that we will uso to show the immense importance ot iraraodiate and decisive action. That argument is the fact that the Klamath Lake region has been proved 10 be a good grain producing one, and before long the farmers there will mp ply the only market that we have for our surplus Fort Klamath. Should the farmers of this valley lose that market for their grain, we would like to ask them when they will find an other with the present means of trans portation in which they can succes fully compete? It will be but few years till the want of a market for the produce of this valley will be more se-riom-ly felt than now, and nothing will civc it to us but a railroad. There is a subscription list now in circulation to raise a fund lor the pur pose ot making an examination ot the various passes out of this valley. We appeal to the good sense and liberality of the people of Southern Oregon, who arc deeply interested in this important matter, to sec that nothing is undone to secure the aid of the Government. There is no chicanery in this matter, the subscribers alone are to determine when, how, and by whom the survey intr is to be done. But a comparative- ly small Bum is necessary, and we trust .. tbo people will be willing to make a small outlay for so great an object. Fort Klamath Correspondence. Wc have received the following in teresting note from Captain McGregor, commander at Fort Klamath, under date of Sept. 1st: I have just returned, after being ab sent just six weeks. The Indians arc played out ; it was impossible to get the least show of a fight out of them. After traveling through the Goose Lake country, I joined the expedition J under General Crook, consisting of companies A, II and 1, 1st cavalry, and company C, Oth infantry. All the Suakes and Pitt River's have come in, and I do not believe theic is n hostile Indian from the Sacramento to the Co - . .. . inesc wniencs are so line mni 10 ine , '-, T , ,, . ., - ' nakvd eve, the thread is iuiiblc. , The Goose Lake vallev is the finest ' ' . ,, , ' -. . '.., , . .illicseare sometimes sold separately I have seen in Oregon, with plenty of . T . 1 ! . j. i ,, to watchmakers. It takes three linn- grass, wood and water. It is just "0 miles from this post to where you ', strike the vallev, over a srlendid road , but which 1 think would neons up to the month of at this season K11 anft 4tr trnrentia ttr T c ..1 1 . . 1 June. Settlers were beginning to take 1 . . l .. , 1 1. t. sT ..i..- up raucucs Miii.ii 1 1111 It is twelve miles from the upper cud of the valley to Camp Warner; the road runs to the foot of the mountain, over which 1 .v. .r.itt.-r. !,... rtu. i',,,:!, ,,,i the military lmcpartUbu.lt a road. -D.ni.i.. r j..ii tt.-. n 1 UCmJ Union . llrltv two union majority: MoNTTEUEr;, Vt., 2d Sejit. The election resulted in the success aaaae awe of the Republican State tieket by a largo and increased majority over last year, ilio election oi tnreo congress men by heavy majorities, the choice of State Senate unanimously Republican, and House nearly so. Returns indi cate a Republican of 27,000 for Gover nor. Good judges place it as high as 30,000. The vote is the heaviest poll ed since 1810. Rejoicing in San Feancisco. An immense meeting was held in Piatt's Hall in San Fransiscoon Tuesday even ing, in honor of tho glorious Union victory in Vermont. It was estimated that there were over three thousand present, crowding the Hall to its ut most capacity. Hon. Henry Edgerton spoke for two hours and a quarter. His speech was pronounced the most comprehensive and logical review ol tho political situation, as well as the most eloquent delivered during the campaign. Talking about groundswelle, the Union majority in Vermont has null ed about twelve thousand since last year. It is a tolerable fair indication that Seymour nnd Blair will be licked badly! The American Watch Factory nt Wal tham, Moss. . That w hich brings labor and capital together both the lnbornr ami the cap italist, liven in Great Hrltmn, where capital net but loo often like a huge tyrant, and labor is its sla e, its in the collieries and great inanufactoiies polit ical economists have still observed this as a fundamental principle. How much more, then, must such an institution as the "iTnltliam Watch Factory be rc- garded as a blessing to the community Here the most perfect of all machinery, uacKcn n v an nuuiuisiui lupuui, nun suffers no'thing to remain itnperlect for want of meausto rectify it, and the most experienced and skillful labor, at waccs of from f 1.75 to ?7 nnd 6S per day, are combined in the production of watches all reentered so as to tun in most perfect thne. like chronometers. ' So perfect arc tl.tv that if nuv part ; whatever is broken oi injured, a new piece can at once be supplied. There arc now three of these companies in the about, and 1 say Mmicgnns l.nttgli United States, but this one nt Wal-1 er and confusion. Anil I say that 1 nil- in urn tli list niiiu 11 I nrcc of pros- tham is the oldest, and for or ten vcars has been a source ot nro- penty to the proprietor-, to the proprietors and still more obviously so to the sewn hull- jm,i ,,., nmiilnvn.I in ilm mimii. ilicil persons empioveil in tlie ntious departments. The watches thii pro- dtiecd are so sunerior in tuiilbi iiforniitv to any that are or can be made by hand, , . , .. ... ", . mat wie nine win sum. come wiicii i.i- shall cease to import all but the very cheajicst and communist son made, perhaps tor show and sale, but not lor n.c. Already there is a considerable demand fortliem abroad, noluitl.stand- ing ineir nigu irn-i-, :iuu c nope mc day tuny not be far distant when our citv mnv be able to boast that this man- ula'cture is carried on in addition to all , . ,., , the others m which we now excel. The building forms thno sides of a square, it is light, airy, wiwiesomo, ; and beautifully clean and well finished in ever one of its twenty-five distinct' apartments. Water is on tverv floor, ' and in almost evcrv loom, for drinktn?' I. . - . ' " (as well as fifty fire extintjuisbcrs) ns,J""1 I'wugi". m iwiiiib uitk .,,,!,.. : . r -n i -m from It in, rogtirdtutt the New oil; a precaution apatnst fire. Hie build- Covcntiin: ing is heated by steam, and in all its, ..0 it 1 00,000 wi-tc paid out to buy appointments nearly perfect. delecntes nwav from IVndlutim be - . All those emnloved exhibited a de- gree of neatness,' respectability, t.nd s , ' . ' , , refinement such ns is scarcely to be found elsewhere. The matn-spiinirs are, we believe, mainly bought in rhtl - adelphia, and the wire for hair-springs is broueht on the reel from Knrope; .."..! . I j but. except these, everything, tnelud - ing the finest steel tools and machine- 0 , ., rv. are inane on uiv iirviinei1, .'in- cotnjilicated machine, for cttttmg one piece of the hard steel, works in three distinct wnvs, and cot over a thousand dollars, though invented by one of the , . ., . . 1 ..i" . rrt worMiiuii .11 inv nuuiin.iiui.-ii.. iv 'h1tceI 6crc? UHfd on0,n? ',!irU ,0 ;"'" ",v """ "'"; '' ".'"," ,v i been ?n, l wo ;'""'. is " eon. ; 7rl1ed ,nt0 ft vrn,nf ot 4- ,0; Sc '. the beauty, perfection, and value ot skill t , i' ,, 1 ed manufacture. The preparation ol preparation ot the jowels for these watches forms of itself a most interecting department. At Crst they used to be imported from I Europe, wlici ethev were made by hand; lui - 1 j 1 3 -n t .1 . 1 ! 1 . . " . '" crtab,s,imc!lt .n1 bv niaci,incry. fnr more exactly and ttnifonnly than any made cUewhere in the whole world. The sapphire nnd the beryl are used where the hardest and best stones are required. Jliese nre first cut with a wheel of tin, into which diamond dust hns been forced by the roads, where the seed had been the superior hardness of the best steel. , scattered from wagons, nnd all of it was This cuts up the stone ns marbles is , wo'l headed, and the straw large nnd ,.., ,. , i i-i .i tall: grass is abundnnt everywhere, sawn. I hen chipped round like the The jnA-iam i,nV(( al cuino in and old flint arrow-heads of tho Indians, i made peace. Not a hostile Indian wns further revolutions, with tho aid of dia-' seen on the trip, nnd although the moud dust and proper machinery, hoi- most thorough search was made, but i . I-... ..... ...i ,.im. ,i,, two tracks weie seen. Persons himi- low out a little cup, and polish ilo , t0 t0 Go0(0 Lako to muIb need the whole, of one uniform, exact size. ,mve ,)0 k.a,.s 0n account of Indians; in To boro with tho point of a diamond my opinion they nrc ns safo there as in the pivots may run smooth and friction- ( Rogue River valley. les, is the work which the delicate- fin-; F. P. SivtAC.uc gers of only two or three of the girls i jAYKV( Paiitv, Don Piatt, an Ohio establishment, guided by the jeweler's Kepublicnn, recently declared tho Dem glass, can with all the aid of machinery ocratic party dead." Ho now discovers accomplish with sufficient exactness, it mnrvclously lively, or as he says: Even then the most accurate tests and j "As tho sun breeds maggots in a measures for every hole are used, and ' d doS?5 t,ie "un of our republicanism , ,, . r .,- i seems to have called up from the bogs every thousandth part or an inch is aml fg aii Mvamps ail the vile things carefully noted against the number of tj,at crawl and hiss and fatten on the each watch, in case they should ever publio weal. There never was a period want replacing. Twenty thousand of in tho history of this or any other peo these jewels per month are sometimes pie that foul sorrupt.on so poisoned hu- used. Brass wheels and steel cogs have all to be cut. with a petfeotion of. accuracy which nothing but machinery 'lttnn things, but perhaps Ohio Cop such as this, and tho most skilled and pcrlicads aro a different breed ot Snakes practiced workers can. insure. .Most of the finest woil: seems to be done by females, vault devoting her whole time to one process. A single part of the wntch will often involve from twenty to seventy of these processes When it is all done, and tempered and polish ed the parts are put together, made to run, and regulated. Alter this it is nil taken to pieces and the brass i all gold washed by the electroping process, and then put together again. Hut so accu rately do nil the parts and screws fit, that this last work of putting together seems hardly to lake five minutes. rpM,iV Ledger. r. - - Blair to tiiu Fkxians. In the sunt- mer of 1980, Frank P. Blair, now Dem- ocratic candidate for Vice-President, rnnd a speech at St. Louis in response to a serenade by a Fenian procession. e spoke as follows: j "Glxtlvmk.v: I am with you, heart "d o.ilf and heart..,- say, 'God Ai the Finnegnn.' A nvc-' Fi-ii..m. , Gencml.j 1 know what I am ttilkini: - j - hone to sec the cause ilotiiMt and pros-i . ' , . ,,,.,. .v., ,,-.. ...i, 'Tl... per. and shall bless the ilaj v hen Jte-. latut i trovcriieii ny iriMimen. tune- complMiiui; this inuitntucitmicrinKiui;. T..IU.1.. ..II I ,.in ... n.!f vmi. l I .... V . wjj acv xm.,f t m.0,js i,,,, at your head, maivh'uith yntt tnStatcti Island. ovcisi'o vour embarkntion, will stanl ' ,,,i' elevated lilufVol the coast, and as nu raise the green emblem ou t.Suif.all(l Gripes, while your steam, crii umit.r n headway arc turninc their prow to the eat. 1 will say gotnl- J " 'les you, mm may you ue nl mJ' "nJinsr. -May ftI1(j wnt inm j.j, ?rai., ,i)C ;,!,: pom ot i no sea; ntu wnciner or not you shall succeed in ihis endeavor, mr, 'now tach and all remnm in Ire lT Z")) ? "' v f'7,"'" "' Joot uitoH tietc ;;(' l on nre wan- twl ti,oru, na , C(, gtt W()W KiUt. i cut yiw," Poor iJrick. I'l'iiierov, the oracle ul Di'inncrney, seems to have had ti t"l:ipe since he made the snasmodicintetiiiit at truth t .t. 1..1 J II .. !. .. . I. tween the 1st nnd 4th oi July," nn.l that "it i now i,s we write as u has been , fur some inniitli, and u til ever he tu the , fHture, n wnifnrc between the slimy, j corrupt, reckless, dUhnnest, iniuii'V us- t ins. ioIilicnl ttteK-ter- oi -New orK " ''? WMHoemi-y 01 u.e great ' ' . , , ,, . . , , riinrllnek! lat a few davs elnpse , , , ,. , , !V-T , ' '" y", , v v 1 1 " hili' the artmii ul the ;tuw iurk Pilll'l lllll.ll U'fl lint 111 ult l'Ollfillta. kll.'ll n the pohivi' Demoeraey hihotwl for ; nnd ilvmtindeil, the zvik-ihI rvsulis weie' ot nn eneountging ulinrnetvr. ,llM"' ,1,c 0l!e P1 f.-i'iitiil.-lfiii.tit j of our tiatty, its iiiiii ninpirntMiii nnd . ... . ,.( ,h .,.., ro x . ... .., power-rni.M.n.K-th;; iriutiiph' was gmnwiis Mini viiinpivir, It would he inti'ifstiui: to know tin- , . . , . .. exact sum paid bv the "timiiey-using ... ,..',. ;, , ., . ' f political tiieksti'i"forthissiiv.'i-MTiil- , .,,,,, , l0 II,J,gl.,oWll ,, dirt-eating Democrat. Letter Prcra Klasiatb. Ft. Klamath, 0j.v., Scit. 1st, 1608 KiUTor. Sentinel: Having lately accompanied the expedition from this idaeo on the scout through the hostile Indian country, it mny lie interesting t0 fome 0( Vo'ur readers to know that nil tho unsettled country east and south f , w,u , cf , , ,., and that it is eoitsidered perfect I v safe fur settlers In Grc Lake, Chewatteat, 1 ..,. :.. m...,, ..it..... 'c,.,.,.Mt ,1Iir, nous hno ahead v settled in Goose Luke Vallev, and I heard of inany who I 'I 1 lt iallll IHIIV.rt JV "Villi I'Vi - - com -- ' ": n - - neH. countrv 0 til0 pttcifl0 Coart. I . wilwU m( barit.v crowing along . ' ,-,- .,...., IV IB Vly IIU" V -vm, ..wuvnuvi.l- edge, to compare Democrats to such from tliOFc oi urcgon i GONE. CUNNINGHAM At Wllllnmburp..nite 2Slh, Itlnnclic, daughter or J. W. and A. Cunning ham i aged )cart, 11 months nnd 12 day. NEW ADVERTISEMENT, j " U. F. DOWEIili, ATTOnXKV A.T LA V. Jitkientlll. Oregon. . A "OKI) TOl"l. " '' A.i'uiwlIiiC.1 VlKuiIlu1-Vm7rf rromvU:iim:tuT.iniiiiii liiVieil'lateclllcinr-ntl woiii) to tiii: wisi:. of the liii-inuis of both the Skntinki. nnd law itllro I. .Va ri-tl. Mnlir ill t In' 1,1 II" or IbC SIA- tintx nnicu have K-eti running n loiiRiirnr (he partle to uch nccuiint alipuld hil Ight and jiitlcor.-qiilre their prorr.pt all. i ,0bM.mi ',,, rll(.r ', m' ,,,., t,.. cn Ttsrx olllcu hnvo Ivi'ii'miinlnpn Kmr time, and i mat ntlun cntici'1- led la mini' innnncr nnd old nulrj tmewed. II i luiidl that nil will viilimlurily enmrforttiiril """ accoiims w :'".". nvniil linniilc mm nniiovnnce, JU1. A Cl.1- TI.EMENT WII.I. IiH HAD. ' AMERICAN WALTMOATCHES' PROOF OF THEIR SUPERIORITY. Pennsylvania Itnilrond Co. Orricc or Tins Gen' Firi:i.iMi:.vM-.M. I , Altosi, I'a., Die. 15, Im.7. (fr.vrLr.utN : Tlie wntchc mnmifiiettirtd lj ymi linn- Uhmi In utc on ihl Itnllroad for tci vrul j-far by our eiiliii!-iiieii t whom c fur nlili walcliw at lmtl or imr Cfin'pmcnt. There nrc iiofl- io:n Tur.ui. Ill Mmtn or tiicu CAi:r.ti:n I us ihk l.tsr.. nml tvo mn-ldfr Ihrm GOOD' AND Ui:UAllt.n TlMUIClXPEUs. Indnd.i 1 hare print mibfclliiii In Miinj; YOl'I! WATCHES GIVE I'S I.C4S tltOlULi:. nml Imvv with nad d wr tnuth loupvr without j rwlri than mil w-nlehvi1 we hava cvit hud In tl-v oh thl rund As ivti ntu nwnrc we for- i itirtly Inula! to ihuxi l Uillth lamili noluir. l 1.. ... . I. .. .. tl. ...... ft. I. Ill H ... -., . , I elms ttcy never litil itmv r eutrerllv. nor l-me tl.y d....ei. c.d .ervkf a-yor. ! ' '" iln statfinnt. I nm utl ifUj my ' ! predi cor, Mr. I.twl.. nhuu ixinrkncc ex- !Tl""VlB'?: c.".,,.,r': i:ilVAi:il WILLIAMS, ttrn. .tuprrlntr.id' it.t, Amcricnu Wolcli Company, W'altliam. .v. Y.cn.vniAi. UAjj.no.U). l.oeuuuTii : Hi r'T . Wutkiin I)iviiun. I IIiKtnyri it. Ic. !. lys. 1 Ginti.kvkn : I Imic no lii'eltnliiHi lu mylng ( tbat I Imlli'ic that tin-(.'rent majurlly or lo-' uhiiIvh ctiirliw r 1 nrc found dr r.vrii'nec llml Ti'Ai.TKjiy Waiciiiu nre the imit ruii-fiictnr f nny fur Inelr ni Tli'-r run MU tb- vrout- Maf itMiHfal nh.1 IuhiIIh. ln.ltt IlLhlantltli th reujii rlilim.- i.r mi i-mtlm-. nml. nt I Imre 1 n-i-r knuMH ime iu ursr ihii, tliey tnnt U-! duraWr. I bt t r ib time VWu rnllHnj aMmpink lll p.wmll nJ-ja jour unic'Jf. n-l fiiriil'H tem tu nit tnisliescrs nnd cw.diie- turt. In iity nlnioii It mm Id gtrotly li-tid t mmU' n;uUrlti aud fafvly, Vuure nej'ivl-! fully. . CIIAUI.US WILSON, 0. Clilcf Ilnrintrr. ' UrulliethtMid of I.civoniolliT L'nclutcu. j Aruetlcnn Wnlcii ComfMiiy, U'nlibnm. i:in-j- Wnlcii I'llllj- M'mraiilnl. ! Fur ta'.e iy fit'C!n dtuUri in the United State. ' IIOMUXS k AIM'LKTO.V, No. 16'J Ilrcndy, I Ui-nernl Agents. It. U. GltAV k CO.. fun IVvncl.co, Apcntt for Cnlifnrnla. I Tu Juiues T. DoFseft, n Home l,rM" M'ltlcr. -rou ,.. la,,..v , ,, , , , Bffl i. wvtta of V . Ilurk nml 1 hoinae Cliarm-r Ur,, fucd In tl... ffi ull?ln,: tl.u, ynu stead Settler, liaic lur nunc tlisn luo )i-nr Mlmiidiinnl Tour ' lloiiif.tfd Kntry. No. CO, nn K. J. of N. K , ii, mm .. . M oi . I. j-r in oec. I, r. 3t, S It :i W..mid N. W. i of .V. W. U of !Stc C, T. 30, S, U 2 W; und tl.at October 2tl, 808, l.ni btrn ret for lieariiip I lie evidence ol mid filleted ttliandnninenl ut ll.ta i fTice, and that untcga ynu anprar and deny the allegations In (aid aflidiivitf, tl.ey will be taken as true and , jour entry cancelled. I T ami ..fTtna li rlAlrrw terrfw A Mn.i.l ' 2Slb, 16G6. JOHN KELI.V. Iterlster. ADDISON K. FLINT, Receiver. Sept. 5tb. 16C8. sepl5-w4. SOLDXEH'S BOVNTZSS. T HAVE ItKCEIVED FItOM THE U. S. X Treaiury draft t for the bounty of the follow ing named Kentletnen : Ueort-e W. Asliley, Cbarles S. Balrd. O. 0. Ually, (Miarlen E. Ulmppell, Garrett Crocket, James M. Hoiie, Wm. A. A. Hamilton, Jo tepb Moran, Darld A. Taylor and James weaver. Tbee gentlemen will please call and get their pay. B. F. DOWKLL. JaeksnnTille, Sept. 1st, 16G8. hides; hides; THE HIGHEST OASU PRICEd PAID FOR Illdea of all kludr-, deliiered at the market of tbe undertlgned. lu Jackaouville. JOHN ORTH. December Stb 18CC, If NEW SHEEP WASH A .large supply of this necettary medicine for beep, may now be had at MULLEU fc liHENTAJVOS'. jullSmo-; viv k- ra ur? ww "NEW ADVERTS EM EXT. STOP THAT COUGHING c ,nE or YOO CAN'T, AlfD VR PITY fiTr wirtSions. II It nol nurprtiln T "iA b XlZK w lryniUiln rl nrr ihe wyn. Knit ' r" c,rwlB "" but IBWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup I. fr.l'T llio Vnr.Y r.rSTrrm)TTrrcmrK!Jill or Ih cure i.f lujli ColiU. Kre Tliiw Aillm. S i hwrlns Coob.lltinfhllHnil Comuinptlon. Tlmu nilf iwHoln CulirutuUeiiJ Orrgon huo l-n lltnJf Uuctlllcil l' tba suipruiag cuwllv faw.n NBWBLL'S Pulmonary Syrup nitwrh on pot j si fiuiifir uiminsi rr- Ution IT.. Iir. iiit ir-!vclo.lIWfrfiin , .,i..iiill h llnv it"' l-r.Ji'fH fuiwcn.i'1 lliput , IW lli blin of al ilwii'n of Ibc Tbnwl .ii llCf SMUtlLd ll'l NBWBLL'S Pulmonary Syrup l.t. csml I'-juiiiJ ttJ tl will euro YOU ir yoj try TJiH mmlniUe mwllclM l rJM lo l " , MHu.Bi u '.ilmii una (Uxngitiruirg lit ll i'BU, iu- tl.Tl. llX f till bit UI-WU lr UclflffKWl CtUJI, ki.d irilTluaulftuiiil.TiiIlclrcunituai. i.triifl-iiin from nwiir Miiinitii ciluiu er Sn rrmciKO Kiumpaty viurj- bolUo of NBWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ntDIXGTOX L Ca Afnt, Fm rnnelMO. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC BALM. A pvnrrnl Knmlly Medicine. It li soivr clpi mni-dy lor Bfpthcris, And Unwind iIimuki nt ll.e THROAT, nnd uiiKiimlliil in I'iriiiK lyfiittry. DIurrl.au, Cliulrra, Cilc. Chlrt MhIhii nml Fovcr and Ague, Nsurulclu, lihtiuiiiit.'in, Ci'ltt-. To'itliuchi'. Ilmii", .Vpruliu, iMiil-t'i. tic, vie, nrc ut uiice ri'lli'icd iijr It Him ly uo. Truly a Vcgotablo Prepar ation. n-.S'om- gumliiu ullheul rl;ualurMf W R.sTIKlNfJ. RE3I'OT0K &C0.'S FLORIDA WATER, tsr. Nn cr111.1t. Unrxri'll'il fur Tmlit !'! nnd for tlie lUtli. REDINGTOM & CO'S lsshnci: OI' JAMAICA QIiVKR. Tliti inliiAldu irrnrn: on. rontulntni; In n Idelih cuiiiN'iitrnt'd iiirm nil tlii iimiiorilra of Juni'iHM lilpefr. I.n li-e-nnie ii nf lln'tnui tippillnr ilimi'ftie rrirodoa fr nil dlniinr of tlif etoiiiicli nnd dii-ctlie nrenna Ae 11 tiiilif, ll nl lit li.iiml invnliulilt' to nil pei-mii- ricovorliig Irmn il.li'llty. whi!nr im ilneed l.y fur. or nllierir: tr mhilc It Im parl tu tlif yMom nil I In- plow nrd ilor taut rnn lit prraluivil l.y wine ur lirnnily. It I-on-lirily flfo li'im Hi" nHdiiuimry Hltutt lliat lul. Iiim I lie mv of ejilrU" of nny kind Hie uleo uu ivrollvnt ttmuily fur foinnlc' ulio sufli-r frnin ilifflrult nn ii'ImirHuii, clvltirj iilni'i'l ImweiliHi. ri'ltif lu tli-M-m luut m frni'iilh necmi)uiiy tlnit ii'rluil. li i:ltfi Itiiinvil.nln re-llt I In NmtM.-i. ciiiikiI ly riillm; lu n rullrund car, ur by fra-lckui, or nitiiT ciiu-r, It It nl-ii inlimliln at an txtfrnul nipllrtlon r Gout, libi'umallam. Nnirultlu.clc. for ItKDIMtlONtt CO.. UC nnd -tlfi l'ront fct., San 1'runeltcn. Uc Klrciro'SJlron, i$ Or Magic Iiiilllunt, REDINGTON & CO.'S FLORIDA WATER. F0H Till-: HANDKERCHIEF. Tlila aelti.1i. hfiiGM.Iiin llin mnct .lAlta.ila frngranco of I'lowerr, It tiucijualed an a per. fume for the Ilandki-rchitf. FOR THE BATH. Und in bathing. It Impart energy and tri'i.Rlb to the eyttcin, and plu Ibat Mifluet and delicacy to the tklu to much dinlrid by all. It removes Snnbnrn, Freckles & Pimples, Diluted with water, It maku an excellent Oenlrlflce, linparlinr- pearly wblleuew to Ihe teetb, aueetuets to the breath, and renders the gum) bard ami of a beautiful color. It ehuiild always be uMd after eliRTlng, di luted with sater, it rellevea alt lullamatloo. REDINGTON k CO., 41C ut.d 418 Front St., San Francisco. Use ElertroSlllcon, Or Magic llrllllant. ELEC5TRO-SILICON, OR MAGICBRILLIANT. DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LADItATORV. Tbe beet article ever discovered for Cleans ing and Polltblng Gold. Silver and Plated Ware, and all nmooth Metalic Surface, of whatever defcrlptlon. Including Kitchen Ulen. alia of Tin. Copper, Dram, S'eel. eto. To Jewelen and Workera In Gold and Silver Plate, the Electro-Silicon It of inenllmable val ue ; the time eavd. and Ibe lexatlon prevent ed by iti use, Mill forever endear Its name to all who have bad evidence of Ita merit. REDINGTON k CO.. Sole Agent, Sao Francisco. FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS, JtEDlNOTOST COa ABE TUB BZST. Kept. 5tb. 1SC8, wpt5-ly, ALL OVER Tlif wntlJ riilf rf ! '! JuJjnunl h lwm4 U u I'1.ATATI(I I11TTKIIV. t'JfrT-K w"li II' ytnloni. Il-.llir. Ilx.ittrarn, lertrl.li l.l". 1UJ llnntli, Sllu CmiifUxUn, r, ran be currd ly tulng PuMittof Uinoa. Tlil l llit tnil nccn"fnt tonic of lli tf. Vnnnn inliMlrHrtl n0 ol.l rp drllxlilsO "till lit rDrct.. Tlic flril trial nloxj-t ha- nintdxl pl ITt. Noflishprcfif illcl U iiMranarf-. Va all jon fi.hf taa i lrp niHl iiiiHt nutrition foil. It I- 111" grrati! rnrr vrr t.nowiirrnnnifr1ia.11aj.t dltr--intktvinaili. mlilcli II fvlltiira In a f momentt. Wf anitw that r liatp thf lrfl ati.1 mn-l (Kipular inf J Lint Inllic fuil'l. llfaroiiul afralj l.i hni ohtl It I fiimpl of. I'UTfKiiss r.r courcnts to rtrsnnts ir. Ciutiri Ilir.1; In Ntii r-lliralf.t for otrr lnl,ua ilrM )it, ami fiMavM iliiring: llir rilpn if lmli l Kliiitiif rraii. tiT tlif fiioiinuturrlcf nf It, tn tf;iii Inaitmr It l rrniMKaMf.r tM-.fil, lr'.r., a lie, C"Mll,ntlrt. if Ct"-(l.Ill.v t'.in. Tor Marthra, Colic, anilili-NiMfjt tlif atuniarli and k'rl. tHMUrti. lot IhllATitallpn or Ibt Lolm and tirnptl CM .inllon. CluKinIlt riottir.f-ror rnfrtbleil dlcllon. t.trtrscft ItntitM. .Irmnitlr, nlmulaot anJVmlt lilclill liills"rallii In nrirout .Iil.llltj. MlMitaMLs tor Scrofula. Itlirumatlfiu, ie. Asm Anarnmatlc rnnnlnallfet rrratlnt: DmIi, ra at tic and mill. much uir-l I'; ini'tlirra nur-lni;. Alw. riot e on J, nroii!r. nrmif. mrranltr, uitXt- Jut. A. S.TI86OX. Ani'ttiirnnilrtfiil Injrnlirut. of ."iumMi orljln, In. I'trlhie l-cnnit to Ilia fini.lfi..ii aiil orltHaiirr lolha mind, l rl utikntinh In tlif citiirurrrv of Hit utlJtia4 rr xltl.lii'M It. until f It tlif rrnt. Willi thl. ttrlpr lvf.nr Ilia nmimunllr, and t M-n of rffrrta nirftlnp tliim on alt aM-, tlif urrro of lt ... ..... . ...1 ...u.. .1.. 1. .. .....I. . . I'K.a. .iim .1111 iin. .iii. .i.r ii. v. .ih.m. ninrai . tcrr fjfiitr Iiii Mint nt.r of lUflVritij; Klilcb tLr Iliari. T10? 1UZIU.I T.111 aiifTiair ami rurr Tliryart rrranmriidnl I'jr tlie liltifft modlral amhorf. lira, ami arr vrnrrMitrd In rn-liirtaulmnir-llalr krnrStlkl rflMl Tl.rrart rirrrdliijiljr uglimblr, jTifi-ctlr pura aiol liannlr. .NuTtrt. Any rrnn ri tending MI t'lartatl.ai Elu Irra In l.nlk or If lli calliii I. n -uli.Jl.r anl linrxatcr It . fill up mil f In our Ins-mUii Uitllr l'iaiaoflittU trflllrd "(Hi Imltalli'n drlrtnloni atiifT, f r vihlcli -titral lran. ate alrrady In tirl-uii. Srr lliat rirry lattla liaa vnrl)nllrl State. .UnipoTir llie roit. uiitiiutlUted, and sur alnnture on ttrel .att etd lioet. Sdd ly te-irlaUe dealer tlinutlixut ll.l Lalltalte RloW. P. II. liRnKC, .V t'U., .tw VurK, Sole rroji'n. l!F.DIn OX K 10.. Sun Frmirlifo. ACKHTsriMtCAI.iroll.MA am)m:vah. .linxil AX MtSTAXU I.I.MMKAT Tin merll.of ll.lf IJiilihentarrxll anrn. ItiePetta are tin taiitaneeu.. ei-Hliliig, and viaetvifut. Cuia, l.ruUea, iralna and ai.tllliip.arr eornuininn,aa4 rertalii lo ucrur In etrrr bnilljrrtliai a bottle 14 Hit Ua Ittitiit It tlie tr.t luiettmeiit tliat ran tv nia.1t. II It nil certain tlian tbe Jia-inr II iiim tlxe In erielinc Dr lle il. tnr it I. rl.eajr tutu tlie tl'lr, l'l lljoulJ litler U ilt.TIi 11 It. l'.lMll Tilt: lOI.WMINOi 1 I laVe ileatuit In ixmuiiieiMllne Ihe Mttlran Mae 1 tens IJnlnienl ft. a talmUeaiiil lnlit)tii.l.aartlrlt f'f . Srlalll. Snrea SrtaUlie. nr Hall. m ll.-r.re. Dor m. a I U.e iiMl It mi lluni-. Ilnil.e', iK'ie. l.leuinail.ni, it. ' ahJ all t4T It fcrt. like inaRe ' J Iftniii, I Im-ruan fr Abi"iK Millt, ai; anj ILrnd-tiV l.'aeu. 1 " tin ai-rHHinf DieitftHKl.iMa anile nrca.l oieil wl.lt allni: l.t Mlulir. a. entliili ciiie-l In una r.k tRer lie r"tllllirli,rd ll.llif tfturrelrUatrJ Jill.lauK Ulilmelit.' lllvwr.ier. )!, Aui:u.l 1, HC5. , Milt. Cjukl. ami tnre II reiwlnl.r It. All fctiiuliie It vt.)-l. In aliel'i-lule rnsrailn;, Uarlnr tnealciianue if ti. 11 Meat 11 null. Clienil.l, poj Ibe j iliate C. h aiaiup ..f ia Kt lliaact X (V. tnrr ll.e t.-a. Ah enVrt l. teen mail lu ruuuleifeil ll HL a il.ttr-. UHiet4i.lc tat el. Lw-l rlimlr. Ma by all Iirii;:Ill'. auJ Sloie. at "J, W eta. anl t. Lvov i'lca powonrt. II . veil kbuwn that Lrrm't (lenulre Mtnitle re-J-r will ierfll; ile.tru.e eirrjllilu; la lie tuaai cf taw, lickt. Uilbu;., rundift, Iti that 11 la lH-rfrtt polWB '" the lit.eet ttlle, but en'lrtly Larmlatt tu Ike kuiuaa ) clea and duniettlc animal.. lieJOu.-.. Am., lluwliei, etc, are In ererjr l.oa.t Tlilt l-imiltr It llirlr natuial deatli. .LvuJJ If In fitrjti'l Unril. John L. r.M, Uq, Seperiutendent tt tte Sew Titk Clle lluallal, .till eat )! I, tit Olil; ml, aitl.it Lave efer uaed.14 Ntw Yvtc llvin I'tornitoit hti -IVt but u'e-V LYON'S MAGNETIC POWDER for titcrmloatlnj la.ecll and ttrinln, allb tntllttaik ftctloo. Cot.Kutv ,V HtrTkON-. Astor Hoii.e. S. T. Coi:., American Hotel, Ackmii Jr TiiriUu:uSt. Nicholas Hotel. S. Llumi A Co., Metropolitan Hotel." Tettlinooe of tklt character mlcht U addtd It ta Itnctli. M hereter II It uted II ailtcrtliM ItttlL Tl.t genuine liaa tlt tlrntluit cf II. Moy, and lit riiate ilanip uf Iunti lltaxil X Co. AaitkUf flat cT thl. klud It ao Im.iailoa ur counterfeit Any ui citl villi procure Ike ituulut ft jou iutUl jou vill U't no other. Sold kr all druesltlt arid general ttortkeeptrt Is tf tf town aud lulatluc uuu pu the I'aclflc IVatl. (uotSO-elj FOR SALE. 100,000 feet SEASONED LUMHEH.ooe-. bulf of it eugnr 1'ioe, on eaiy term. ALSO Five or tlx"yoke ofcallie aad tome borei on. the euine term. J also propone In sell at Public Auction, Doe lot ol DRY OOODS.coD.Iftio?. of oijOTxacxixrcfra. BOOTS, XZOXl, Sales to comeoce on Saturday, tbe 15th 0i Augvsnt, and lo continue every Satufda thereafter, uutil tbe majority it told. TERMS OF SALE. K Under 820, caib down i over that um W day time (with note of approved aecorily.. with one per cent. Interest), will be giB' Suma our 800, four raooiha time. J. P.FARKEB. Jacksonville, Augusu 7lb. 1868. JaU)V494, M. Mcoor, Dealer ia General Merckiodtaf, has reoosed bi store to bis new bricc bf log, corner of Walo apd Oregon Streeti, oppo site coruer from Odd Fcllowi Ial. August 2Ptb, 1 88. ug29w3.