Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 05, 1868, Image 1

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Xovablo Tooth and Perforated Circular
Perforated Malay, Mill nud Crn Cut Saw.
with Adju-lublo Socket. (
have c,lblMiril nnoDlc.WjihetroleofVtlie
Xo. G03 Front Street. San Fraiicisro.
jartcMrltilvc rmpliiln will ba forward
d to any one giving us ihclr nddre.
Fit A NCO A .Mi: It I C AX
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jncl'souvll'c, Oicgon.
Travtlcri1 nnd rcfldmt biurdcrt will line
I'laced lit firl ctnM ot.Vr. nnd In every
Wuy Mipirlur in iiny in llil si-clinti, and
uipased liy imy in the Slule.
And I'lenllful supply or ilw lest nfeviry
ibillg tllV IllUlkl't Hlinr.it will I ob-
lulutd icr
II ID i: T A B J, 32.
No troubled will I, tpri1 to il"erv. llir pat.
ronrtgs of Id" truudtiig u mil n tlir wim
ucut onr.mnill.v.
Jacksonville Murcli 31. I5r.il.
P. B. COFrtN,
A rlocl; tr milcr iiNiui'l tool" liirmvrly b
IniiL'tug In ('ifii'lln .V iVfllti. Mr. (! It
Lating nhhdiiiwii. I' II 1 lau II tniiiliin
the btilncu. niiil 'hii In1 fiiinl Hi liir Imp.
Ciiniir or C nui! Tin Id Sin els,
prepired tn 'In work In n wolkinuul.ke maimer
ml ill ri hxihiiIiIi' mil'..
fvli'nm iK Dei IS I' " ociimf
I !. K.Col.Cnl.Jl'Ull. -I1..I1.1 tirelli Illr.O.
Bui uncus, anmi Tin:i: who desiiii:
lime, will lli.'l u riiihiiil mpply. "I the
WUiimlily. liiipiiiiilHim liiniil.nl my lii
on Mln luit. Ilin Oii-gnu uihI Tliiril. up
wnitv Mailer A llreiilitiinV Mure. In my ab
sence, Mr. AUx. Martin will wult upon culuin
Klouu "iliisou W01U
4ot.ea'i term, to suit 1 1"" iimi'. Onler from
tie country will iieeivi- pnniipl itlleiitlini.
Jacksonville, Apill i'l, IbGT. H
Smtt! of On gnu. lor the county ol
Jain- T. Jones, 1'lalutiir, vs. Win. II. I've
bier, Difiiidjut.
Buit in Equity to quiet Title.
To W ilium II- IV lilrr : V'iu nre required
to appear in fal t'-i" ' "'i'l u.i'r I lie finii
plaint of mill pliliiH'tf U n "tfu"' ymi. nli
io dy from ili n of ,l" "'"'' "f
jlliU fMinuioiK mi jon. II f-rvi il wiilnu ,iM
oon v.or il k-mm! on urn wiilnu uy oiliir
county in iliw State. Hull willilu iwiii-y il.i)f
from the tnu? of imtiiw. nr il fi il "i f mi
out of llie Staif ofO eii'ii. Iliiii II i "rileinl
by ibe Oiiurt ilmt mlil e-umi lie in.ule l"f
piijht wvk in ilif Okku'i.v SKnvKi. finur lo
the 21 loni4)' 111 Niiviinhi-r. A. U. I8fi8.
And yoj uri i.onU l t'u. ir ' Ml ' n
ewer fu id ci'inp'u tut u iiliive M'irnl. ilif
plalolitT will uiiply fur tin- relii-l iWuiJiidnl
.herein, town : lor u ilecne to quiet the lllte
to the premfei lUferilnd in "id Ci'in
platnt. ami eos'i and JUburunii'Oti of thU
Mlnn In ly llixitl.
Givcu under my hand thU 24th day of Au.
giui, A. V., Jeo
O. JACOBS. Att'y. for rintnttlT.
August Sillh. 16K8 AUirt9.uC.
NOTrCE. Having dieposed of our Fac.
tory, we are now prepared tn trfve our whole
attention to our Leather and I'ludlos Imslnen.
Oa baud, direct from France, Calf Si Kip,
Doaeatic Leather, Uoot Lei.eto.
on G. Ubi.v. I L. Fvkk, I Jouk Diur,
h'ew York. I'arlt. Ban Frauclaco.
Addre. 11EIN ic BBAY, .'Jao Franclwo.
16 liattrtj Street,
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Ambro typos,
Photograph s,
i Oartqs de Vislto
ooxk" ix Tin: fixest -styi.k of aIt.
PirlurcR Kcilitccil
sician & Surgeon,
OHIcc nt liN ri'fldrnci. In the Old Orcrbeck
lllKpllill. nil Dri'Ulill Slri'i-t.
OFPICE-Corncrof California nnd Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
lie will practice III .Inctcnii nnd ndjucciil
cniintler, nud ntteiid promptly to prurWIuiinl
calU. fellf
In tho Ovorbcck Hospital,
r. Giiuiti:, 31. d.,
OFFICE removed to California Street,
South side.
JiicUniullU'. I).c. 'iUl, IM,7. dic2l.tr
nit. m:vis axux,
WII.I. nlli'iil In any wlm nviy rroiilre bin
mmIci'ii. Olllce'ailjulii'ii'.' N. L'iui;i'l'a
flinv li'ip. on uurili ldu Ciillfinuhi Sliecl,
ntk-oiiiillt'. liovilf
.i... r --a-.-- l x -urnim lf Ji
SI'l-.CIAI. NtJllCK.-;.
Thf ei'el. W '." ' Jllle'n -e n.il'f'yj
! Vi,euUi,i.ii;littfW:nA.iii.ul.4itrjfbui.
J t'M lO il I'l'
frxT .YOUR
r-i- . . -.
A t'tiwrt Iml . rnl a inmt)
T v 1 1 lli t l II !'il villi
.'era I'l" ' if l. I I'Utlur. l?oi,iu,ii rj
.IL t., a oi"u.ir.l lyeii ii 0 till on !!!(
ullnCvil tHbit vHiuuili, 1.Imo.,i Inrfril
u,l. .. J tfd. liAM.l.'.. lilll'lllll T.llitlA., mEl?.f
roire'.. i n r rji;jw, inir, in run,.
LwtoM .-"if.c .i.e. Ivr'vftyrv'.w.l
a,Iwn.ir .-i. i it.j . !- irir, r
r.4'9n Hi.': J Vmi. Imi I m.'.r
Dissolution rjotico.
Tin: col,u,TNl:nsllll, iikih:tofoub
I i.vl.llni, lu liViH'll Jliliri. lUlllll A l.llli Pill"
ninnii. iloliiii bnlueMBt Afhbiud, Jekou Cn .
U Ibl'iMv diroli''i liy mulual coiih-iii, me
bu.link. will If conlhiinil ul lh fain pl.ice
by Mr. Iliiiun. who will illl" all vj'm ugnlut
lh.i laio llrm. All ouUtaudliig nc-countx mint
lej.i'd lohlin, who I) lmin auilnrue lo re
ceipt lor the .ame. MOIIUH IIAUM.
Aihlaud, Aug. 10th. 16C8.
IhaiiVrul Tor patrMngellnwed In the pat,
I would mllclt ll.e cnnliniKliCii of the mine,
boiling a!wii lo merit il by u cln-i' uppUcalluu
to Imi-Iiih.-. MUUItlallMJII.
Ablaiid. A"g. initi. IKS, auglS-wl.
rpo 35ovtaicli,yxi3.on.
CucWlUud aiul Uliljib COAL u4 l'I0 IKON
X.OOO Toum,
I. II. IJUl ll,,
413 dJ 415 1'MlAc 1.. lUn FruilMX.
I. O. G. T.
a rpiii t.nnr.v. vn. 1. 1. n.O T.. HOLDS
i. Iln regular mevtliiK on Tuefdaj evening
of each week, at tho DlHrlct bcliool imue, in
Jacksonville. I.ODliK opem at i ociot.
iiuniiee iri-i'ivr: il, l..i Ti...lae of each
moiilh.al'trudjournmeut of BUUOUUINATE
All membera of the Order In good itandiog
are cordially luvlled lo I preent.
0 W. KAIILElt, W. C. T.
J. It. Wadk, Si'c'y.
JackfoiiylllH. Feb. 8th. 1868. fe 8 tf
Warren Lodge No, 10, A, F. & A. M
A HOLD their regular commuiiicauonf
VV" on the Wediiet4ay Evening or prcced-
5f ,Dg tbe f?u iuMmWr
0, Vf. Siviot.Sec'y.
Ercry Sntuntny Mornlnir by
For one vcar. In ndrance, four do1la,n;l(
nut ,wni iTiunii.iiin qr' m ninmnt 01 ine year;
live dollars ; If not paid until the expiration
of the.v car. fix dollars.
T.nrtMi up AUviaiTisisa i
OnomuaredO line" or Icf.O. (lrt Intcrtlon.
Ihrrc dolUr ; rnch fuhiieiit Inrcrtloit. one
dollar. A dlcnunt nf niiy prr cent, will be
made tu those who advertise by the year.
TtrI.i,Kal Tendfr received at current ratcf.
If Wo Knew.
tl we knew, when walking ihonglittcM :
Thioiiiih the cnmdeil ilnHy way,
That ionic p.'jrl of woiidrou whlteni'fi
Cloru birldt' our pithwny lay,
We would panne where now we haitcn,
We would oricnvr look around.
Left our cnrek'M feet fhnuld tramplo
Some rare J'-weU lu the ground.
If wnkni-w bct form wi re fainting
For the flmde which we fhuuld fling;
If tin kiictr wli.it llpi are parching
For tl e water we fLotild bring,
We- wiuilo hnto with cacor fooitcp,
Wu would wntk with willing haud,
Hi nrlug cooling cup or water,
1'l.iuilng row of Maudlng palmn.
If we km w whfre feet wrrc weary,
Cllmb!ng up the hllN of p.ilu,
I!v lli.j win Id cat nut n ult
Poor repi-utant Mngd.iU'iici
'i mi more uniibl dire tn rcorn ihrm
With our I'linrrnle pride,
Wnipplug c!oc our robe around u,
l'nlng lo I lie ollur fide.
If we knew whoii friend' nrniiud
Clnnely prif In ay (luDd-by,''
Vrh'rli among I In1 lip that kl im
1'IikI IhMiiath the llnwur flinuld lie,
When like ruin ilpnu llnlr faeri
Fell our bitter binding trarr,
Tender word of Im o item il
We would whl.j'vr In Ihvlr ear i.
Holy I'ullnr In the hinvciif I
Nearer lo Ihu perfect day,
TLrimgh the fhlnlii Inuk ol duly,
Wilt llijti gnldi' n on our way ;
Wh"ii tli a- whIN nf clay tlmll crumble,
Whin lM mi'Mal bieath fliull ce.ii-,
W II Thmi ctiiwu u- In Thy Kingdom
Wish 1 by own executing pence 1"
Old Dugood's Dog.
'..im:x run Tin: iJ'ji.ii.x i.tii.J
01l Dii'ikhI cittiiu into tlio li.-ir-imim
tlii otlior .Itiy ainl dink a feat iiiiionj:
tin- i'llrrn tlicrv ru'i'iiilili'il. Tin' do";
ui-Miiin v:i. iiiiiliT iliciiion, am n-tt-r
liitciiinjr to u (ew woiiili'ifiilhliiiioH,
Diioinl cliiiii'il in as fullows:
"Xnw, linvh yon may nil talk as you
plfifo uliniit llio Miiari tiling, ilngs
lii'V iloiic, lint I can jt-ct tt-ll ynu home
thin' that will lay over nil yntirMaiiv.
F ilon't I'.vpcct you'll Ih-Ih'Vu nn; yon
htiUi(.' in omul hi'io iiovcr can ln-liuf-a
man whon liu's tolling the (ruth, hut
I liia is as true nn Cnsju'l,
" You till Isnoiv tlint hi"; ynllt-r ilog
of mini'? Will, tluil iloj; Is the hintirt
ft ilojr on this divide. JIu'ri an intil
li'i'ttial lojr, ho in. X'ow, I know you
won't hrlicvo me, lint that nr dog'
liu'it li'iiriiiug to finj,'."
"Inriiiiig to clii"? Git out!" in
ten il it ed Olio of the liuttiicis.
"Yi', fir, thatV so ovury woid of
it ; nud I'll jeft tell you how il was.
Totlicr niyht w had muho fliifjinp at
our linitfp. You know our Sal'n hci'ii
going to the ringing rchool lately, mid
fhe and tho other gnU mid tho young
teller that go hev got fo that they
can rfjuak like hlazes. So inot every
night they meet at somebody's house
mid practice.
Well, tho other night thero was a
whole ere w on 'em nt our house ami they
had a higtimo Such a ecreechin' and
f qualm' mid helUrin' you never heerd
in all your lives. You'd hev thought
by the noiso a whole gang ol tom
cats had brokoloosonnd tackled Squire
Jones' big bull and wor jest bavin'
it hot and heavy. Well, that nr dog
was in tho room whilotbey worbingiir,
nnd ho was the most interested crcetur I
ever saw. He watched 'em bcatin' tjmo
and going through their manoovors,
and 'pared to understand 'cm all as
well as they did. At first they sung
lively tune, you know; and purty
toon, when they got tired of these,
they commenced on psalms and hymns
and othfr jerious things. Tho dog, he
'paired to like these botteriti' he did
tho lively lunci", nnd sot down ns eloo
up to 'em ns he could while they sung.
At last tho gals coaxed Jim lllow
hard to .lnrr 'Old Hundred.' Yon!
know wlutt nn old teat in' b.-uo voice ct,1 tl,nt ,,u? Ui'mlknii will carry
Jim has. When hu commenced, the' Alnlminn, Kloiidn, Illinois, Iowa, Kan
dog seemed to get drendlully interest. !"l,si I."Wmin, Maine, MasKaehuxi'tt?,
ed. He pinted liiti iioko light up ntlM,l,"r?i," imii'o;n, Aeiirnskn, iNew
tho ceilin', nud every time Jim enmo
to the.lovnoc3 hu'd Mitel howl."
"Who? Jim?"
"Xo, blast you, the dog. Dlowlinrd
ho sung away lor awhile, and jest then
he tut tied round and kinder bit hti
hind legs."
"Gosh n mighty I I'lowhard J"
" Xo, you all-fired fool you, the dog,
ol con i so. Then sit. I to the old woman,
' Xnney June,' sea 1, you jest bet your
boots that dog's got somethin' In his
head.' Ami Xuiicy Jane sej she, You
git out I tdinnt do it.' Jest then the
dog picked up somethin' In his mouth
nt:il bolted out ol the room qulckei'ii a
streak. I didn't pay much attention
to it, and nobody elo noticed it.
" When niuwlimil finished, nil tho
gals crowded round him nnd com-
meitccd flatteriu' on him, when Hiul-
dcnly we all heerd n noise. It wn" the
oifiillcsl mixed up tiolxc ever anvbodv
heerd. K very body wan setut nearly
to death. Sis of the gals fainted nway
Into niowliaiil's arms all at once.
They wor hnngin' on to him from all
sides, like stiiug benns onto a pole.
Blou haul t,ot still (or n uiiunll or two,
but II was more liuggin' than ho could
stand, and he wilted light oil' lii scat
onto thu Hour and tried to crawl under
the sofa. Hclorc hu got mnre'ii hi
head and shoulders under, the gals all
came to and caught him by the tcet and
tiled to pull him nut. Illnwlwmi he
hung onto the folndegs mid bclleird
murder; nud the gals fcrceched, mid
some on 'em run around the room nine
teen times inaiuiniiit belnre they could
find anything else to lalul onto.
" I picked up a caudle and rin-hcd
out into the back yard, with two or
three of the spuukicxl men, and whal
do you think that nr intellectual dog
was doin'? He'd got it miiMo-bnok
spread out belnre him, and he was a
ticiitiu' time with lux tail on a tin pan,
audahowllu"()Id Hundred' like all
Tim Ditciijian's Thick. Whilo a
Dutchman was p-iffiug thiough a city
in Vermont, u Yankee ennui up lo him
and said: "Shon, if you treat to the
cidtT, I will Icaiu you a tiick." Shon
agreed. Yank then placed his hand
ugitiii!t a fence and told him to strike
it as hard as he could. Shoo, not
thinking that any harm could helnll
him by doing so, struck n blacksmith'
blow, but instead o( bitting Yank's
hand, the latter jeiking it nway, poor
Shon htruck the lenco board, knocking
it oil. " .Mcin Goti in hiiiiincl !" cried
Shon, " what you makes foolish ? I
knock my hand fT clean up to (he el
bow ! Oh, socker blilz! my poor friiu,
what will she say V" Poor Shon was
bound to have revenge; so one day, as
he was pasxiug through n field, be es
pied n man. Going up to him he said :
".Mynheer, I show you one little tilek
for nodding." As there wits no fence
or tree near, Shon put his hand against
Ids mouth mid said, "Slriku yust so
hard as you can." .Mynheer ftruck,
nud Shon pulled nway hN hand nnd
received thu blow on his mouth, mid
was knocked down. Shon jumped up,
his mouth bleeding, and commenced
dancing with pain. "Sherusalem! A
thousand tuyfels take dis country I I
goes back to Holland on the flint
train I"
Oiivillk Giiaxt, biotherof Ulysses.'
thus contradicts tho Democratic roor-j i( m JJm(ji ni Hcho)i,1(, nn
back that ho is opposed to his brother si;)tktiilu t,iir o QnM
election: "I am sound as n nut on
Grant mid Colfax; am strong in the
Republican faith, always have been,
and hopo to be, nnd have no idea bow
any person could get nn Impression to
the contrary. It you hear any ono say
that O. L. Grant will vote tho Demo,
cratio ticket, you ennuao my name In
contradicting It,"
Governor Suystouft's chances are
beginning to bo understood. He will
got all but tho Republican party and
the floating yotc,
NO. S3
Lottcr From Washington.
Washington, Ai'oust 12, 1808.
Tin: rnnsinnxcY.
Tl, lending Democratic organs con-
Hampshire, Xoith Carolina, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ver
mont and West Virginia, with nn elec
toral vote ol 123. They chiini Arkan
sas, Cnlilornin, Connecticut, Delawnre,
Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland,
Missouri, Xovndn, Xew Jersey, Xctv
Yoik, Ohio, Oiegon, Pennsylvania, and
Wisconsin, with a voto ol 171. This
calculation gives them a majority ol 48,
but it includes Wisconsin, Ohio, .Mis
souri, Indinnn, and Pennsylvania, nil
ns sure to go IJepnblicau ns Illinois,
Minnesota, Michigan, nr Xebrnskn,
which they give us in tliclrcalculatioii.
It also includes Xew Yoik, Connecti
cut, Xew Jersey, nud Xevnda,ln which
the chances are In favor of Grant nud
Col lav, ami California, Oregon, Arkau
sas, nud Georgia, in which the chances
nre nt least even. If the Copperheads
fail to carry Indiana nud Ohio, mid me
succeslul in every other State which
lliey claim, including Oregon, Cnlilor
nin, Xeviida, Missouri, Aikansas, Geor
gia, Wiconin, Pennsylvania, Xew
Jersey, Xew Yoik, nnd Connecticut,
still they me beaten on their own fig
ures, aiiii ii iney even tall to carry
Pennsylvania, and me succesiful in In
diana mid Ohio, nud nil the other States
named, then they mo defeated by their
own calculation. Hut there Is scarce
ly room lor u doubt that Grant and
Colfax will carry nil the States con
ceded to them in the above calculation,
and, of those claimed by the Democrats,
nt least fivo namely: Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Indiana, Wiscnuiiii, nud Missou
ri, with n lair prospict of Connecticut,
Xew Yoik, Xew Jersey, Aiknnsas, nud
neaily all the other States. The only
Slales ceitain for Seymour nnd Ulalr
are Kentucky, Maryland, and perhaps
Delaware. Out of 'JO I votes il is bald
ly posihlc thai .Seymour nud Dlulrcmi
get over 30.
iMi'onm ami iixfonra.
Stalistics compiled Irom the Treasu
ry Dcpaitineul show that tho total
amount of exports fiom the United
States, al a gold aluation, including
specie nud bullion, dining the lust fis
cal year, ending June ao, was (:i3'J,0IU,
000, and increase over tho previous
yearol $18,1 11,300. The total mnoiiut
of impoits, gold standard, including
bullion mid specie, was (.110,003,610,
a decrease since the previous year of
$11,213,777. The customs duties ic-
ceived and paid into thoTieasury was j
SI03,2B7,0'.,3 lilty percent, ol the val
ue ol the dutiable imports.
Jtir AlUtlNlhTII.UIO.V.
Il is now believed by many, who
have good facilities loi forming a cor
rect opinion, that the administration is
inclined to piescnen sliicl neutrality
in the Piesideiitial campaign. It is
said that the course pursued in thu de-
paitmciits In this city, mid in tho va
rious navy-yards thioughout the coun
try, cleiuly indicates that this will be
the policy. Xo doubt Mr. Johnson Is
dlsgiiKtcd lit tho nomination ol Sey
mour and lllair, dUlila'H tho platform,
and Is very much out ol humor because
he did not receive the nomination, but,
nevertheless, I do not place much icli-
mice on tho statements that hu will re
main neutral. After fretting mid sulk
ing awhile over his defeat he will be
very likely to come out for thu rebels,
and use nil his influence in their favor,
as he has done sliico he has betrayed
tlm nnilv f Ii ft t nl'Wi'il lilm III liriu'i-i.
,,.,, ..,,-. . ,.. rnl.l....t It Ur...
and Colfax, whilo Suwnrd mid Ran
dall oxpicss intense disgust ot the Now
York nominations, but abstain from
talking much about it. McCulloch and
Rrowuing nre open In their support tor
Seymour nnd Blair, and Welles Is put
down as doubtful, or what is more
probable, asleep.
Governor Wnrmoth, of Louisiana,
tha called upon thoPresldent fortroopa
, to suppress tho murders and outrages
constantly being committed by thore,b-
els. He says 150 murders liavo lic(M
committed in Louisiana during the lairt
six weeks by tho rebels and Kit-klitx
Klaus, and tlint nothing short of mili
tary power will preserve order and pre
vent iudlscriminnto murder and out
rage. Johnson Is not inclined to inter1
fere In behalf of tho Unionists of th
South, though ho would not bo slow
to do so, if those calling lor aid were
rebels. Tho communication of Gor.
Wnrmoth has been referred totheSec'
rctnry of War.
An International Commercial Con
vention was In session nt Portland'
Maine, last week, tho object being
to reciprocity treaty between tho Uni
ted States ami thu Biitish Provinces,
nnd to advocate tho construction of a
Northern Pacific Railroad across the
Continent. They passed resolu
tions lu favor of n reciprocity treaty,
and also icsolutioiis calling (or Govern
ment nld for two additional Hues of
railroad across the Continent, In addi
tion to the Union and Central Pacific,
one on n Hue parallel to tho North,
and one on n lino parallel to tho South,
The Convention was composed of about
S00 delegates, including tho lending
capitalists mid business men ol the
country. Senator Corbott wm in at
tendance, and Hindu a speech before
the Convention, In thu course of which
he took ground in favor of tho speedy
cniistiuctinu nf thu vnrlous lines of rail
way across llio Continent especially
the Xoithcrn Pacific and gave n very
fnvorablo account of tho natural re
sources, ami ndvnutngcM of Oregon,
pronouncing It onu ot tho flucsl States
in the Union.
. K.
Tin: Saiuiatii. Tho longer I ltvo
thu more highly do I estimate tho im
poitnncu nf a pinper observance of the
Christian Sabbnlh, and the more grate
ful do I leel townrd those who take
patua lo Impress n sense ol Its import
ance on tho community. The Lord's
day is thu day on which thu Gospel is
preached ; it Is thu day of public wor
ship throughout tho Christian world,
nud, although wu live lu n reading age,
and in u reading community, yet the
preaching ol thu Gospel Is the form in
which human agency has been and is
still thu most efficaciously employed
lor tho spliltual iiiipiovcmcut of men.
That the poor hud the Gospel preached
lo them, was an evidence of His nils
slou which tho Author of Christianity
Himself proclaimed, mid to the public
worship ol thu Deity, nud tho preach
ing of the Gospel, tho observance of
thu Sabbath is obviously essential.
Dunitl Wiltttr.,
Lirr a young man observe carefully
n young lady's deportment at homo be
fore he asks her to become bis wile.
Is she kind mid iudustilous; dots she
seek lo lighten thu cares ol n weary
mother; and do the younger brothers
mid sisters inn to her with confidence
mid affection in nil their little troubles
ami sorrows. Then, no doubt, she Is
n prize worth seeking. Hut it tho op
posite is true, then beware about trust
ing her with your house and happiness,
" A man must ask his wile's leavo
whether hu shall thiive or not," and a
household with an indolent woman at
the head, never can be a happy orpios
porous one. Country Gcntltiiten,
To Do vs. Horace Mnuu talked to
boys lu this way :
You nre mailu to bo kind, generous
and magnanimous. If there's u boy la
school who has u club-loot, don't let
him know that you ever saw it. If
there's n boy in school with rugged
clothes, don't talk ot lags in his pres
ence, If there's a laiiio hoy lu school,
assign him some place in tho play
which docs not requiiu much running.
If there's n dull one, help him to get
his lessons.
An editor wiotu it leading article nn
tho fair sex, in thu course ot which ho
said : " Gil Is ol seventeen or eighteen
are fond ol beans." When thu paper
issued hu was rut her hhoeked to disco v
er than an uiilortuuato typographical
error had mndu him say: "Girls of
seventeen or eighteen are fond of
An old gentlemen was sitting upon,
tho brink of n river, fishing most pa
tiently. Suddenly a viejous llttlo dog
stole up lichind him, nnd gnvo him a
spiteful snap through his pantaloons.
"Whew " said tho old gentleman,
"Ivo got a bitont last."
What Is tho worst kind of husband
ry V Whon a man in c"aver marries
n woman In weeds.