MHHHaHriMIIMMMMMHMiniHMiaMMMaH4MMHH SATCRnAVMoaxixa, Aug.itf, 1808. :na r. r. Flelaar. 1 Nw Merck- ntYKsebuge.,iour rmly sulbunsed Ktnt in, AB'Vraclseo. TwrKirrft AdrTtliii. Mi. pw Isitfiutiesaatd by 8j Mj PmsMJtu. A Co. of New York mm! Bonton. iil---i-- - - ' Skwino Macuinkr. Tlit great sew ing machine companies, Grovi-r t Baker, aW iTorenW; Wb6th rvprc- suativc agent. It u hard to tell whici?irtbe imacainThv Flo rcnto can do what the drover fc Baker can't do, and the latter can do more than any other machine. One took the lit premium, and the other too); the premium lit; one make a lock stitch, and the other locks its stitches. The ladies arc puzzled, nnd some of them talk oi buying both ma chine, ions to secure the Attentions ot both the, Accomplished and interesting .agents. A VisiTo'n. The pleasant nnd famil iar faoo of us P:iyne, formerly lore man K)fthis tftffcc, niirpriscd ninny of ibis numerous friends htro on Saturday morning. Gus holds ft "eve" in the OrtffOnian oflicc and is only here on a Iftying visit it is, said to atundton Itind of chancery suit where ihorji'ince ro perhaps in his favor, and to rev ive the. many pleasant associations of year that have slipped away. He was warmly welcomed, and all with lie would stav with us. PitosrKCi iso. Messrs. Dillon and Bo'wdch started on a prospecting ex pedition totho headwaters of Exnns' Creek on Thursday. They arc alter tlic "lost cabin," but it has been lot so long that they will hardly find It. They expect to find new diggings they may. ItraovKi. Mr. M. Mentxir has re moved from Hyatt's brick on California Street, to tho old Maury A Dai Jiriek corner of Oregon and Main Streets. 'Mr. Mentor bar: his store fixed up ivry jiicc a little the tint-it, ne U&&, of any in town. CiMnfor thk LaS" West. K abler airl .Mr. Oault started on Thursday for slcm.' ' 'lli?)' will present tlu-tiiHiltei-c the Siipri'iiit' Court for ailini-Mnn to Jfii.e bar and will both undoubtedly Watkh-jikmixs. Mr. John Moon, fn'sVallpy; left at ouroffiee thi week' tlii finest'niolorf vt ha e stfii this season. ''It wasalmot a vif ti ice, ami just lipe -nnili to wit. John ll'lease iwyi-jit ouf than,M for tin? favor. .Sickness. Tlu-tv has lx-en quite a jinrnWtT C'f cases of Cholera" Morlii luring the past week, brought m, it i 'Vhoazli. Wv.a too free use of i green fruit' ' ' Cooj.kv t-p. Tlie weather has ronl Alown within the last week so that 'noiistpiite pleasant. Fires jn the morn ing arc agreeable and jx'ople complain J sleeping very sound of night. 'Child Drowned. A sad accident ..Aceurred in Fntn'e Valley on Saturday I "test Mr. Willis Ingram's small son, "aged about 18 months, fell into a spring .and vw drowned. Filling thk Contiiact. A Urge number of teams and pack mules are being engaged in tho transportation of pats to Fort Klamath to fill the Gov eminent contract. Uu6r. The doctors seem to have very liiely time-now,-but the Lawyers are having a good rest. The peoplo are- thakful lor small favors; - The Bau. at Sucre's. llic party .on )re4nesday evcnlnjj was a very pleasant affair, just enough being pres ent to make it agreeable. ,11 , . i i Fikk Smokxm. Wiutjen A Helms "have just received a large lot, of fine cigars from Ban Francisco. Wo think they are the flnest we have tried. IO. bV G. 1. Tho Grain! Lodge of tbU State meets at Albany on Tuesday next. Meetrtv Gsslt and Kahler are delegate from tbit county, ,', RaT)NUsroA-Mr. Abraham, ol Can-,-yeMTille, vbM leg was ampatitcd a ;krt time tbee. Is proaovneed out of danger'aad recovering rapidly. ' The Wttktjf American Unionist baa entered on lU third volume sac eMtoit. Oats are beipg broagbt in at 40 cents per bushel. - -' 8MOKE.'ho atnjosphcro for the Pst two wppl$ bos been very smoky. MiMII U ,1 I Ssxator Williams. Our honored Seaator-artd lady arrived in Sat? Fran ciscq" ?n (Tuesilav eveiilojr bv the Gold en vHy,'- from Panama. He,-wiw re ccivedWy a deputation of the .Union Stat Central Committee nnd escorted to thtOccldntnt, where! a; number of promHMMts clUzens called upon him. He ha consented to address the citi zens of San Francisco before'' starting for Oregon, and a mectintr was to be held at Data's Hall on Thursdav cv en- ing. For SXn FnANCisfo. Messrs. Siteln and Lankenaa and Dr. Ilobinson left for the Bay City on Tuedny night. Mr. Snciis goes tiV replenish their stock. Tho Doctor i, we arc afraid, seeking a new location iunl maybe friend Dick Is going to get uiariied who knows? Ashland. W'v had the pleasure of a isit from Capt. 31 eCall during the week. He inform us that the ma chinery for the factory has nearly all arrived and that Messrs. Wortly A Daly are on the way from Oregon City to set it up.. NKV ENGtiAS!) Mntuitl Lire liisiirnucc C'ouipunv OF BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. INCORPORATED, I8W. Cah Aa.v;tU, Carh Ulnrltmtloniof l$6i, Toisl Surv'lti" dlrldvd. Lowe paid la If C , Total Lime p Id, - Income for lKi ' G,ooo.oeo 00 - 2.726 573 5i MI.6U0 00 2,790.100 00 2,i03,8U6 00 Goitrnftl by the .oitr'orftifarr Law or Suua chiivMli. All J'ollclci NO.V-VOItFEII'ABLK. Irtm palil promptly. The t,'Jnipny is pure ly MU IX' AL. All net earning ditlilrd an nually among lli lusurl. No lockltoIJirs to draw dtvlilftiJl. I Dividends Declared tnd Paid annnaL'y First Dividend Available at the pay m.mI n tl. a riifiAtifl Atinn.! t, , i Premium. ) Vufrle!luns, but all jtnllciis remain In J force lone us there may te any surrender : rulur. 'I1iu prl7 uiriirhiif at I lie age of . U.lriy fiw. on life plau. Pre mluin all : I On Annual Prrmlnrnt nlll million Pol' It) lu fuixr )4 jrartoml .'I.Uj't. TWO t - I Tti UT Ulr. Kir., Hie . . , , , , , n.l Company Mup purely mutual ksurrs , 11 . . ... ..- .a .t.l...l.t .- I- al.?. r ...... ' I iht urr no uncrtiin.ntT" in iihi iUiiiirii tn a1i;irb hv tntu ur f'iilri! lint I 'oinjj mi' for KltisJ pUttMKN Careful iutt-tttgatlon and anbhunl judg ment will conclusively show lliut tliii Old Company nffrrs sdrautagr thai rannol be equalled" by any other Company dniuu bmi nes on this coast. CALIFORNIA BRANCH OFFICE, ' 2j5Al9N'(pMKltV'TKKKT, " SAN" J'KAGISGO. KVKUSON fc HAIXES, General Agents. S. M. IIousruixik. Special Agent. Aug. 8lh, 1H08. aug8-t. SUMMONS. IN the Circuit Court of the 8late of Oregon, for Ibe Ccunty of Jackson. blward llendrlck plaintiff, vs. Henry Harms defendant. Action at Law to recover meaer. To Henry Marin. : Yon arc required to appear In said Court, and answer thecomnUlot of satd plaintiff, filed against vou, within ten day from the time of the service of tbit summon on you, If served wllbln ald county, or If served on you wlthlo any other county In thl State, then within Ueuty day fiom the time of the service, or If served on you out of the Slate of Oregon, then it I ordered by Ibe Court that publication be made for six weeks In ths' Oregon 6urri!KU prlor'to Ibe second Monday In November, A. D. 18(8. And you are notified that, if you fail to aBavsraaUeiiaDlalntaa aiMVS required, the plaintiff w apply to Ibo Court for Ike relief 1p4fV therein, tojtlt: for a judjnnent against you for lbs ad of f SSI 00, with Inter sal Ueron at tho rats' of tea per cot, per on Bum fron lb?, datM&erof, and the coat an) disbursements of ibl action to be taiod. Given under ly band this 51b day of August, A. D. 1867 O. JACOD. avg86 MVj for plaintiff. CHURNS. MENDENALU'S PATENT. vllle. The pubIo are Invited to call and eism Ine them. The fact that they will churn but ter In the short space of from two to flr J min ute, will convince the most skeptical that Ibey are far superior to anything of Ibe kind ever before offered to tbe public Iber are betides, telf cleajers, no crabbing or washing by baud necessary to keep them perfectly clean. G- U. BLOOD. May ii UC8 tuHMf. Tins t'.nnpinr Inn but ow cl-is r.f mem- remedy for Dtsmti nod utt-r 3roitii Com- tr (p-.l'cv liuMi-r.). and all U surplus Is I n-x,7. V'lf.fTV. tW X T ,.iv.d!L.,nuJ.y f n, thrm. DUtrlljittons , tfXfcWlfi tf j of surplus are nu.h, one jr frum dte Vl b , ,wct,,lJ(,,bA,By.h Policy ul tt.i-twuimt Dlstcutd aiiiiujl pre- HEUTOiASTINQS ipO. HsivacAa - iv jCaatiftga AGo. ARE TDK FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS ' i ,'lfoF .' ' ' SAN FRANCISCO.' SPECIALITIES. PRICK AStfc QUARAimCK. The Itrrts snd most vsrtM stock of Gentle men' Clothing, Fnrnlhlnr Good. Tronkt, iiri SDH vsues.on me raoiOo uout. Kitty article fold, being of our own manufacture, ft guaranteed. Having contract! direct with Eu ropean and American Manufacturer of Dlrce good wo thereby etfcct a raring of fulljr tb per ceni. in wnoinaie ucaiert' pronif. and are inut able to offtr uprlor Goodt at Uu lhan second rate prices. STYLES. Having agent In Loudon and 1'arK wc In troduce the new styles lu Stn I'mnd'co tlmul tnneouily with Ihclr appearance In New York. GOODS MAMS TO ORDER. For the accomoilatlon of tuch a nay dcilrc. we have secured the Mrrlce of a celebrated European culler, and ars prepared to mak up piece goods In a stylo superior to any other bouieon the cout. .Shirt. Tk, Collar, etc., made to order at short notice. C0V?ITRY01DEIS. Good forwarded bv Entett to any part of the raclflo Coast on receipt ol orders and ratal j urea ( send for direction for racaiuremenL I- HUtOM, HaatincB LICK HOUSE BLOCK, .SAN FRANCISCO. AugSinb L.LAOOUR & CO., MANUKACTUrtEKS, sxx arv.xioinoo. TVyT.ANUFACTUM AM. THE M- XYJLtiiueursand CordlalofinMlvrn.tiuH', ami ,WQ, e,ptcay call tho attmllon oflhu Public to tbolr m t-tt--rr-wm t J, "" J3g,FS&P8Tipil6r6 I BITTERS! (lt 1'iiKsnt'u at tiik lut5rr; Kaiii.) ' Manufacture i. ss the name denotes, from esr- sniurllla auj other beallby roots ana btrw, CKlTAS nLG0D puiMFIER. The Elegant I" Lately lnlrixluecd, and (he mott of inclrrn Nbctiteriniidivu oiV. nil uiuliMibtid ACOUE'S kwkmx nr i Jamaica Ginger. ii srtlcU'tqasI t.on Imported, aJjgrfrtly I superior to any other manufactured In this Hlale. Bold by every respectable Jobber and Drug gist on the I'sclflc Coail. To guard agalost counterfeits, be certain that our trade mark (a Light House) Is stamped on every case and package. L. LACOUR 8c CO. .. .... SUMMONS. in tiik cincuiT counr of thk 1 State of Oregon, for Ibe county of Jose phine. f! V fir 3. Thomnion. nsrtnrrs do le R butlness under the name and style of "Lo iran A Thompson," Plaintiffs, v. K-1). Cohn, Defeudsot. Suit in Equity to Foreclose Mortgage. To K. D. Cobo : Vou sre renulred lo ap pear in said Court, and answer the complaint of said plaintiffs, filed against you, within ten days from the time of tbe service of this summon on yon, if served within said conn ly, or If served on you within soy other coun ty In Ibis State, then wlthlo twenty day from Ibe lime of Ibe service, or If serred oo you ont of the Slate of Oregon, Ihen It Is ordered by the Court Ibat publication be made for six weeks In tho Oseoon Ssstimsl prior lo tbe foorlb Monday In October, A. I)., 1668. And you sre notified that, if you fall lo answer ssld complaint as sbove required, the nliinilR will sonlr to Ibe Court for the relief demanded, therein, to wit : for Judgmert sgsissM yen ror is sn "'v forty Kfen dollars, (1547 00 100) with Inter est tbereoo st the rsle of 10 per cent, per an. nam, from the 16th dsy of June, A. D. 1868, and lbs costs and disbursements of Ihl sctloo to be Ued I and for dserse for the foreclose urt and sale of tks ssorlg sged properly de-, k .Qtfea andef ray hand tM JOtk dsy U An- LlJt. a n 1HS. '.,; 'nin b. JAC018, Altjy lor1 P'.slatrls. Ah- 16lb,1868. anglS w6. rpo 3roiaryamsm AND BLACXtMITtNl CtvUtUoi aai -Ubib COAL aa4 IW. IX0X liOOO Ttlt Id ts sad ABoat, lurtaUty J, H. DOYLK. 113 till U4 rvtto tl, iUo Ittadito, yebl-lj M UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER H A3 JUST RE0K1VKD AN 1NVOICK VEtir CHAINS. A fine cm.lre lot nf KN AMELKD UOSOM I'INH. RAK KNOWS and DROPS. SLEEVE ami COLLAR HUT TONS, and UOSOM STUDS. A. chntro lot of DIAMOND, OPEL and PEARL KINGS. Alto solid rings of bis own make on hand all the time. Holllil Silver wsrr, such a TABLE ami TEASPOONS, DES SKRT.SDUAR and SALTSPOONS.TEA and D1NINU FORKS. RUTTER ami FRUIT KNIVES, WHOLE AND OPEN TOPTHIMULES of nil site. Fine EAU LISII LEVERS in solid Gold Hunting Caici. A beautllnl lot ot LADIES' WATCHES In olid Gold Hunting Ensmclrtl Can-s. 'l'lu-ic haro been relccleil with great care for reliable lime keepers. Also just recttrn! nn Invoice of the AMERICAN LEVER WATOH, In heavy Hunting Cacs, price from 35 to 75 dollars. These are THE BEST WATCHES For tie money ever brought Into the market. They are Mntiulnctiircd by the National Watch Company, at Elgin, III. An attottment of -WTSH TVbTOZZZIS On hand all the time. A new lot of clghl day ami Ihirly hour clocks, from I he hrsi fac tories. PLATED CASTERS, TA RLE and TEASPOONS. KNIVES and FORKS, TORACCO IIOXES. SPECS ol all kinds the I-omlnn smoked, for weak eyes. POCK Kl' and TAHLE CUTLERY markeil 1XL ACCORDEONS, FLUT1NAS, MUSIU IIOXES, fancy and breeding 1)1 III) CAGES; large market, ladles' traveling, and children's IJASKETS, Hny' TIP-CARTS snk WHEEL-HARROWS, DOLL-BABIES, Choicest TOY DRUMS, Children's CIIAI- era. THE CELEBRATED HOWE AM) FLORENCE SBWZXffO.MAOBZZffS. He has a larirc lot of Toy on hand a large lot of Dull.. All kind of honk and lines. The Ixnt of Guitar nnd Fiddlt Siring. A full assortment of PIPES, from the best Mir shaum to the chrspest Clay l'ict. Mouth Plro-a and Sti-nu nl all kinds, Tobacco Pouch es, MATCH IIOXES, elr. etc.. and n large nssnrtmrnt of the best CIGARS. A No nl wny the mnt choice brand or TORACCO, soft and hard prcwd, flue cut for smoking nnd cbewlnc. Allklmlsof WITIHIIS, HOlhS. JEWELRY AD SEWING-MACHINES Cfeanetl and rrpalrcd nl the lowest pries. To thoM who live at n distance and semi by Slnje ilrlurmnl Express, the ilnrrrs' or cv prnMavf will In- pnld by inc. Ilc sure and send in J. NEUIIER. Wnicli Clock and .lewelry Store, for clcumng and rrp.lrin. JOHN NEUIIER. GREAT EXCITEMENT! A Majority of lboe who read ncHspapirs never even give a hasty glance at a builners ad vrrlltrment, nnd If a MAN Actually has a choice variety nf goods wblob be It wiling cheap, It bnrdly pay him lo publlth the fact therefnro wc haw FOUND It best tlmply to Invite etcrybody to call and examine our stock uf goods and Hit of prices before purchasing elsewhere, and say but little In regard to our ability aud determination lo make II advantageous to those who am not DEAD To their own Interest tn buy their DltY GOODS. FANCY COOD3, CLOTHING, HOOTS AND 8HOKS. NOTIONS. GHOOK UIE3, LIQUORS, HAItDWAItll.OltOCKKItY, TOBACCO-ln faat, KVKIIYTIIINO IN qtbelr line, at MULLCH V ilHEN- 1 TANO'H, corner ur Oregon aud Main BUecis, JACKSONVILLE. May Mtb. 'C8, V. B, MtralsftV's Mertio. District of Oregon &3, Nutiub i oereoy giren tbst by virtue or a writ of YfAuuum 1'ipow, Issued out of ad. under ibe teal or Ibe District Court of Ibe United States, for tbe District or Oregon, lo me directed and delivered, I will sell at the Warehouse of Glenn Drum & Co., In the town of -Jacksopollle, County of Jackson, In said Dis trict, on tb 3M day of August, A, D. 1868, st 10 o'clock A- M- of bat day. one Still, and flfly-lbree gallons oftpirlli, ibe tame having been by decree of apta Court, condemened and ordered sold, ' Dated July ?lt, 1868, AL ZEIBER, U, 6, Marshal, Br J, 51, Seng, Deputy. auglw3 of gools from the Kast ol the lii.rst qunl- liy of LADIES' AND UENT8' NEW I'AT. TEBS GOLD CHAINS.UENTS'hllA'KR DOWN I DOWN I! DOWN It WITH HIQH PRICES. NEW GOODS ANI3 LOW PRICES AT THE SACHS BROS' AUK NOW ItKGKfVINO TIIK LAUOEST. Chcapcit. and best selected Stock or Spring aud Summer Goods ever offered In the market, CONSISTING Of Ladles, Mines, and Children's HATS and CLOAKS, or the IMrst slyWs. Also a Com pute Assortment of DltY GOODS, SUCH A.S SIIIILTINGS. COTTONADK. TAIILi: LINENS, TOWKLINOS, I'RINTS, C1IKCKS. iilkaciu:d and uniile.vciikd mu5 lin5, dsims, I'OPLINS, DELAINE, ALPAC0A5, DOMIIAZINES, GINGHAMS, LAWNS, CIIAMDKKYS, JEAN8. l'LAIN AND DOTTED 8WISS, CAMIlltlO. NAINSOOKS, And lu fact everything usually kept In a Mrst Class Dry Goods Store, - i .AT MICH WHICH DKFV CXlMPETiTIO.X. OUft A880RTMCNT OF DHKKNH TIIISIMIM1S, PAIIIMtl.S, IIAHt M'.IVA, IIIITTtlNH, HIHMOMM, KMIIUOItlKHIKS, I.AtlKN, SIt.K, 1'I.1M ANI KANUV IIANUKKIII'IIIICKM, IIOSIKIIV, t'lnak Ornamtnli anil Molloiit, m:c or tiih cuotctssr sklhutios. OUR STOCK OF CL0THIH0, HOOTS. SIIOI. II.4TS AND OAI'S, have be. n trlrctnl with innrs than usual care, and we are drawl In say lhat no house Ibis side of San rranclrco can evccll us In variety and itjle. WB XSJETEJX At usual, s supply or GUOCKItlES. 1'ltOVIS IONS. LigUiill.S'.CIflIK.S'.TOII.UCO, Milt KOIt.V ami gbELNSUMIth, which wu prouilw to sell al my low prices fur CIS. Call and examine, and learn our prices, as wo are determined lo accommodate lbs most economical buyers. majutf SACHS BROS'. NEW HARDWAKI3. TIN AND STOVE STORE. . IIOPPMAN & KLIPPei., ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, Cor, Oregon and Main Sts., AUB UECEIVING, AND WILL CON slantlv keen on band, a variety of Cooking Stoves. 1'arlur and Hoi Stoves) Tinware of evsry description. Asorted Hardware; Flue Cutlery; Agricultural Implements; Dar Iron, Kteel, Nails, asiel (Spikes; Fatal, Oil aadUlass; Tvks, Clatlies Wrlaierfl, Pall aast Baskets, sic. Being provided with lbs meal approved ma chinery, ws sre prepared to manufacture every description of Tlu and 8beet-Iron ware st abort notice. tWs respeetfaMy solicit a skate of the patronage or thj public. HOFFMAN 4 KL1PPKL. Jacksonville, June lOtb. 1868. jeaft-tf DisMlatioa sf rartatraJaif. TUB partnepblp heretofore existing between K.-II. and Wm. C, Grsenin n la dissolved this day. Tba account of Dr, Greeaaaau have been disposed of to W. O, Greenman, snd an Immediate settlement I required. H. II. (IHKENUAN. W.OvORRKNUAN. Aug. 6th, 1868 sugStf Javas T, Cuss, JssjH t,n9lMar Atslisbiw larm'' ,J GLEMK, DRII I CI., Cttuusi tsC GENERAL MERCHANOItt CALIFORNIA STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. - NEW FIRIH, NEW fiMR iMian D tis NEW PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN f TIIK A HOVE NAMED FIRM 1 lake pleasure In notifying their ftle4S aml the publlo generally, that tksy are new receiving and opening a very large and tensive stock cf STAPLE DRY GOOD., READY MADS CLOTHDr. HATS AMD Calf. CALIFORNIA AND SALCM. CLOTII8, BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles'. MlssM'udCaHdiea'stwae Nf We hsve. also, la connection with n the sbove, a veiy Urge and wt r eittntlvs stock of choice " Mr Groceries, llsrdwsrs, "tpsl llsjr Queensware, "M MiT Glass- -vBl Mat ware, Cutlery, "tH ttf faints and Oils; also, fM r Window Glass. Nails, Irnu-tN snd Steel, Cast and Steel M Mir flows, Wooden sod Willow wsrr. -Tjta? We rs ready to sell snylhlng la oar line si the LO WEST CASH PIUCB. Persons wishing to buy goods, will find It greatly lo tkslrsd vantago to examine, our slock before purchas ing elsewhrrtf, as we am determined not to be umtersuld by any house In Jackson county, Give us a call, and then judge foryoaratlf a to our sapaclly to furnish good as above. GLENN, DRUM, sC. Jacksonville, March I, l7. f NEW DIOOINQS STRUCK 1 WILLOW SPRINGS STORK, " ILLOW SpRIRUM JaCKMM CK WM. HILGEU FllOl'RIETOR. fVUe underslKHcel kereky X uounces tu tho citizens of Willow Spring, and vicinity, that he ha opened a store In thai pluce, and offer fur sale bis large snd well selected stock of CLOTHING OK ALL KINDS, HOOTS AND BI10KS, HATS AND CAPS. GHOCF.RIKS. IJQUOHS, rOIIACCO, CIOAM. and all klmlsof general aiereksadlse. Tsrsu sale are ey cash down. Call arouud allow yoursslve to be eoavhseed tbst Goods can be Mid Jtut an Ohcap aa in JaektonvUle. ST WILLIAM MILQER. Willow Kprlog, Oct. 8, 1887. octllsf BOUND TO DO IT I D. O. MILLER 18 BOUND TO WORK ACCORDING TO THE TIMSf. ( HORSE SHOEING a i ..i..k.I n.lMi for cask. Taa war seat. discount will be made on all kM el work where cash Is paid. March 201b, 18C8. sack!! XaaUr's ami BfrUmHi) m.vv luvrk rnuainvn sTinM THAT 1 the undersigned bss tbe best steek ef rifles, psteat snd hoiae-mUe sko-n"V aud douniei revolvers, us mmjs sm ws i ..i.. i.. 1 i..i. .i.i.nSuull liUrsni ful ) derringers, Ike taUst aad best, Alt skjss ood warranted. . Also, the bast kinds of a4 aesfi a..k. ,.n ... . Ami maA aaA.haast UM, eil aet Isast, iTSfyiklai sold rscy w sonable rates. . . sUMfstlons esMuled prosspt aad eteep. aad wkeover do not trait Ikess words, oaly need to coase aad csovlec blosaelf to JOHN MILLER, oa Tbltd Street, nfxt door walk of B. V. Dow ell'a Law OIBce. ...... Jaeksoavllle, Fsb. Wth, I8M. fsbW-tf BILL-HKADS PIUNTED AT T Ssstisu. Orrica at 913 per tkwasad.