Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 29, 1868, Image 2

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    & p5Mur?rs
4 1
I !
er ti cuttis tr.ro.
"Wtll don. Ihon fwl and faithful ttront." Tat r
pit ht rawardt for rtrlt fwmlthmeat far trait
ror. tiik vick rnKswnxcY,
er trotixi.
Fr PrraMtntlal Kin-tor
O. JACORS. of Jackson.
WILSON BOWI.BY, of Wellington.
A. B. MEACHAM, ol I nion.
Mv engagement
having expired, my
the SnxnxEi. ceases
with tlits issue.
.'I hi. . .. 4 f). '
lam thankful to the patrons of the
Sktuki. for the encourag men I
have received. I have tried to make
the paper a true exponent of the politi
cal views ot the Union Republican par
ty. How lar short I have come, thc
public must judge. As a recorder of
local events I have received flattering
notices, and Pam satisfied. I now con
template going into other employ
ments, in which I hope to make more
money than in a newspaper office.
I am not advised what arrangements
will be made in the future a regards
the publishing of thc SnxnKEt, as
:. .t,-, 1, -Sit rnntintie to
ru.c ii ,...u .--. .. ---- ,
support urani ano voua, uuu m v uiva-
n. of reconstruction as chalked out by
Concress. Tlic uancr will be under the
immediate control of Mr. Dowell until
be gets another editor. Finally allow '
rac to bid you all a pleasant good-bye.
D. M. C. Gaclt.
The Polk county Signal wants to
I t.M las HMMMtt t4 Ad n Allflfin
countv (haviDC a large Radical major-
,".. rtM " ' t 11:.
dollar. Tlic qucrv reminds us of a lit-
tie incident : An habitual drunkard
was one day brought up before a police
judge on the usual charge. The pris-
oner had been fined on the day previ-
. . . .. I -J 3 .A J !..
ous, ann ou uemg oruereu io iiiiiju, in-
... i r x j t ii .i
sisted that the fine bad been paid the
dtvbclorc, and that it was only thc
ameold drunk. Just so in Marion
" - - - races crowding out the Door white In-, un versa endorsement by the Dcmocra and in violation ol tne lonsutiuion , ,trAlr.utfonw , they practice in tbcirdeaiioKi
Satc-but Mon.v.Nn, Aug. .80, IMS, 7;ca7. rcmo. j Cy, of Blairs revolutionary letter, they and laws, excluded f tW maifscores j-lr .l.t--A-. O--U. Nor.
Oar Good Bye Bow. crat in all the land wanted negro field show their desire for mow carnage and otDemocratic newspajcrR, atid support- .Tbcj P"7 J; 'nh J W"!
tne propneior o, f ""-". -" co(h ol j dav. inasinci, as siVcr? lia,1 ' or rebellion, and that
. . -j .1 tr .,.- iw
i:3: ' I- Wted on the Pacific coast, tri J right to deluge the
..1 ..!. , anrl 1 Mn l tuajAiml democracy gave to the brcth- rule it. it tlic ih
iiLiit'i iuin.1 uu bUaa wvmvm - .. . .
- - -- T I -- i . . L.au. !.. . tl
county-it is the "same old drunk." from the South iu those palmy days , l51a,r w,' aoconliii? to tl.e brt dem
Thc people ot that county have not of democratic rule, or reduced to a o- oeratie testimony, slaughtered a mim
recovered from the effects of democrat- cial position bcarcelv interior to the ber of innocent people in St. Louis un
ic robbery, prior to Republican rnle, lave himself ! The iiegro even looked j ncccssaril vt is just blood thirsty enough
aud if democracy ever does regain the , ou his condition with contempt, and,t0 be ,caUt'r ' '"ocracy. Tl.e
tourer, look out for a recular Cnancbl , r1!r.a him in derision the "ioor white' I0!''1, arc l'mi ,,f w'art aml l,,c W0lS
Tue Democratic paper published in
Polk county has the lollowing :
"Dallas contains abundant evidence
of thrill and enterprise there are nu
merous John Chinamen quartered in
and about the city.
Thisi the Democratic measure of
tsrerity an influx ot Asiatics and
other inferior people to work cheap lor
lary Democrats. Oh, the dear work-
in" man 1
It is complained that under the Con-
gressional plan of reconstruction, the
Southern States have been furnished
with Govcniors, Senators, etc. It is a
The Sianal man urobablv has some
Democratic friend who wants to steal
a horse, as he is still raving about the
aarl eonimentnrv on soumern ueccncv . i .1 .i. t 1 . Hie nartlet lo tucn aceounu .noma itei inai
.a i. Zrftr il.,t fl.u- ntl.oi4i P ' "l''"" l" ' XiV"T ". ul . i' com" to stay and work for the m- r,.b, MdJu.tIce require ibtlr prompt attemlou '
and mwgnty, that bo few bontuirn ,jacrv nnj ,)IC importation of the in , tcn,kt 0f Southern Orocon. where his ' to them. In rltber office bill, mu.t be cancel
whites can bo found worthy of H'lbllC - , .. .i. ,.. r . . ." ' .. . I led Id tome manner and old note renewed. II
. ..1, . .i:. .!,. t,.v'tn l. fill.l ' ' Ullaufl Vl "" -"- -" lot is cast, as lie Ha tlone nil winter, fl noped tbat all will Toluntarilj come forward
trust that their places have to be filled Mch wtcnrion nml importation on the and ,ie wi ,,c wt.coml here as alive ,?" feou0,, or "JS, ai
rith ViM-fibnt-n mon lifTi ? On ..... aint.1 trnntilH and iuionet Kilt A SET
. ......" ' laboring wiuie man. ji wn aiajb( aml bold advocate of the public inter- TLEUENT WILL BE HAD.
" repeal " of the Grand Jury. He de- policy lias the immeuse domain ol thc , oBic.f ttiK.re j,e cau be found ready to
mands that the Legislature pass an at United States been offered ns a free J attl.d t0 business.
entitled: u An Act to amend tht Con- gift to free labor. We can protest,
ttituti'on, " rtrtUi GruiulJun,ml with a consistent and harmonious re- Oucco.v Bhanch 11. I.. Mr. Dow
rflitre the Democratic nartnn. Aint ! cord aj;ainbt the importation of the in- ell. who has Just returned from Wash-
be a constitutional chap !
EaSti:ex democratic pajrers are con
gratulating the party, that if the
"bondholders did get the nominations, pLEAI) the Bah v Act. The Hon.
the party got the platform. It is much . j.aac (0X 0j Josephine county, was
like hungry man being allowed to detained on the 2 1st by a legal officer
lick the bone after all the meat was 0j tj,at COuuty. Ho and his horse
boiled off it. iluch good may the ana buggy we're attached for a debt
platform do tbem ! 0f twenty dollars, but the Hon. gentle-
Tut DelncTaTiTptplrTHrtbis State m "pH out f the dilemma by
have the audacity to parade a certain Pading tbat members of the Legisla
paragraph denouncing infernal fanat- ure are not s"bJect arrM.t on c"?
icandAbolitionisU" a. the word, of Jroce" lor fiflccn P"or t0be
Daniel Webster. Those who so assert commencement, or fifteen days after,
are Hani, and we defy them to bring nor during the session. The arrest was
proof that Webster ever so declared, made more than fifteen daye prior to
r 7" ,. the meeting of the Legislature, but he
Thi Democratic pre are making f 1.. . . K- ' t.
terrible outcry Bgain.t "aarpet bag-
geVa." Democracy tried tcTbag tfe
ak vl tfa HAI'nMI tla'aa t
nuuio uiuuiuim,
most disastrously.
DM bllppCU lip
"UbELEns Sisvtfiaxa" i. now the
favorite Copperhead prefix to " GranL"
If the Democracy get into power in
November, the "slaughter" will have
been useless indeed. Mark that 1
When slavery exist d m all its po- This is the real, tangible issue ol the
tcntial life, and" dictated to a great ex- ( approaching Presidential contest The
tent the lcgWation ot the country, . l.epubliwin party, through itstand
then piwdvcry Democrats chafed at rd bearer, gays : " Let ns have peace."
the national prohibition against the J The Democratic party, through lUatl
importation rd negroes from Africa, didatcs, says: "let us have more blood-
Democratic administrations connived
. ... .
at tue treqnent violation oi inc inw?
.i -.....:.. r .. .tuft. tn1.
IU1 lilt lltl'f VllllUil VI HIW . -
Democratic orators, high in the confi
Jenec of the part v, spoke of the labor-!
I - ,
q . Dl.mocrats ,
ioke of the labor-!
: ..i . .i.t..t .:..
of inferior labor, spoke of the "er.av '
,nnM,ni "fiifi.t- m.nrnfKn." nn.l
iiers"ot the North, !
disdain from such a I
r thc association of a
"small fisted farm
and turned with d
eniiAt ne t.t.At frt..
v.v.. .. .v.. ...V... vw. ........ -.
Southern gentlemen. Helper, a South -
ern ioor man. wrote a work to show
the effect of thc introduction of the in-
ferior races, and the putting their un-,
paid labor in competition with the
poor white man, and good Lord
liow the Dmocracv raved ! In those
re" "K,v ",K "Ci" ""' iu " -aj. ,
.mm . mi. .'
, . . . , ,
But now, alas, a change
. '
over the vision of our
t, .
Democratic ,
friends ! They arc very much eon
cemed about thc poor white laborer
now, and Helper has become their text-
book in political economy. The argu-
ments which he used, and which they
thought were so absurd and terrible,
. !. A l,r.AttlA itlA AIIMltHllAM 4
Democratic political econotnv ! Avcll,
, . mi 1 1 1 r, 1
advance! Think ol a pro-slat crv Dem-
ocrat mourning over the importation ,
of thc inferior races! Contrast hi
present lugubrious dejection with the j
joy that jermeated his physical econ-
., ...I t" . -1
omv over me successiui laiiumg oi a
. .." . . x . v
full carco ol Congo Negroes! No
crowding oi poor white laborer then !;
Ah, no! The poor man was driven
-..-..- ,-
trash." Tl.cn the simon-pure Demo-
crat held his nose to the leeward when
he was approached bv thc "greasy ,
mechanic," "thc filty opera-'ve" ami
" small fisted farmer "none, he bay. ,
came into mv arms!
My dears, O, ,
how I love you ! I was opposed to
giving you homesteads; I wanted the
lands for large plantations; but the in-;
Jental black Bepublicans forced the,
homestead law hrough t.nst our
strenuous opposuion. cieeuou is ap-
proachinc, and you don't look as
"greasy, filthy, and sinall-fiated'" ab'
formerly. Can hypocrisy le more I
On the other hand, tl.e Kenublican
. I
reallvand truly the white man't. party,
Through its exertions has the virgin
soil of America been dedicated to wuitc
labor. Through the triumph ol its
ferior races. Such a protest is in uni-
son with our principles, present nna
c,a ""eu V" . . . , "'. "'
"drte Justice let hi.n go on hi. way
rejoicing. iJllll. junu ivkd an i.mr
neut Democrat, trlio has wntten a uig
book 011 the Oo-n-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n, plead
the baby act lor twenty dollars?
. .
Gold in X. Y., yesterday, H4. Le
gal Tenders, CO buying 70j .elliog.
We heard then nothlnc about inferior the ending of the rebellion; but by the coin s Postmaster (.,encrai,. arbitrarily, i . -'; .; ' .;. j, .
- - c . . . .. . . . i ........ '""-.. .. ......
;-., f. nnll Mantis, and ncgros for domestic 6e ' slaughter. They demand that the gov ed allot J.incoln s usurpation ana bcm-,"! rmW.JaD.M, ,s?,9.
Turn Jir. uowiu T.i..'.....i;.i t.i An.iUmniDnt.nr tlm Soutlierii States, iust ures of tvrannv. Fkank f urnalired ' .. Their c'tublUhmcnt l wrliapo th mot
cnmwtnn with 'n'' "'' iuiiwii- -.........-...-.. -v ,,',,... ..,..1,0 JiI,h Knnl SUlczS'-On A Ad-
I Feaeaor Warl z -
shed. o;merany in uiese worns,
, ., . . -.1. i .!. .... .u... . i
uuratuuipiu .. .. .v ..r.......s ,
nf the wonnds scnrcelr closed since
- -- - w
ing well that it cannot be done save at
nig well that it can
thc , rf a ,
I Uic war 5s to be
desperate struggle,
renewed before jus-
!.;...,. ). .innn on.1 mir rrnvi-rnmrnt i
founded on a solid basis, then indeed,
slmllthp war have ended too soon,
Admit the erring sisters to their places
in the Union "says Republicanism;
clothe them with thc rights of States
' founded on justice and humanity, and
'let their representatives take their eats j
'in the National Congres, Spurn them
says Democracy: kick out their repre-,
sentative, crush the loyal men, black
and white, under foot, and show them
that there is no such thing as trcnou
democracy has a
conntrv iii blood or
cmocracy aw beaten
I T 1 .1. ... III II 1.. ..
in v nviim imr nrnrn xci rniiiit. i iiiv
- , i " ......v.
arc f0CCCS5fu wr,r ls inevitable. An ,
attempt will be made to overthrow the
. . .. .,
uovernmcnis oi me couuicrn .-?iaiesi
, ,. , , . , , , , , , t
ana to uisiranciuse inc oiacxs oi me
South. They regard the suffrage vital
to them, and the onlv security lor their
libert.-,and he is not wise who thinks
' '
they will yield it up witlio.it a desperate
conflict. hen we said let there be
war. that ware cvcrlaatinz mar fome,
-1 admitted, shall be overthrown, snow- ins ie.ii.anu umiui u vuiiiiuvuLiuk,
When we rv
, , ' ,
' ' .
the itiktinctsot the wolf, savsno; loo-e,
, , , .',.'
t.ii. r.M. iir,riii,. n.T.in 'itii, .v.v.. 11. v..i
.w .... ....... ..- ..' " J"--
i more Mood.
The nominee of the Democracy are
worthy of Mich a party. evmour.
who In honied rice. nt-. and fawnin
. . . . n i
siiCfeh -uldreed a mob of mtirderiii"
'"y adurcsta n nou o mi ir.uni ' .
ruflia,1S Woali-d with fresh blood, a,,
"' '"'".' t,tll- "vpeiitame.,
"i i nafK-acv. .i.h nn vciioi
3,w,,? t,'' ma( ihe Ainu lean jk. j
l,J. ""d lllaL- Uiou.and. of vote .or
the honett and brne soldier who utter-,
cd tnem
t . t. 'It i i t .
Homi: AitAiN. Tl.e niaiiy friends of J
I J. P. Dowell, Kmi., hud the pleamre t
' '
mil' linn on .Monday moniiug
ol about tweutv-one
of ,licl rtrie
oin the
I great arena ol political strne and trom
immediate contact with the great minds
of the country. He expreses the firm (
belief that the tlectoral vote of New
York will be east for Grant and Col
fax. and snvs their election u rerrarded
., 9 j .
:., ,i. Vo. .. n ....P;..r- m n...-.
,. .,, . o wn vl..ili ,.v"-
ests. Many of hir friends failed to re
cognize him, he having apparently
growu younger, lie will bo happy to)
a. a. a
lmel j,;j rr;end6
and clients at his law
j ingtou, is sanguine of the success of.
the railroad tlirougn tins valley to tne
betid of tl.e Humboldt at an early day;
l if projicr steps are taken by ourselves
to asMst it. -Mr. V. has, in connection
with Mr. Mallory, worked for the road,
faithfully and earnestly all winter
not from any personal motive but from
a desire to forward the interest, of
Southern Oregon, and, indeed, of the
whole State. It i. due from the citi
zens of this valley that they now co
operate to secure so desirable an end,
and their attention is again called to
the fact that a preliminary survey of
the passes out of this valley, eastward,
i. absolutely necessary.
Hocrk Waeming. A number of
young folk, went round on Monday
night and gave friend Dnnlap's new
house a finishing touch. They enjoyed
a pleasant littlo dance, and como away
feeling that Sargent only wanted one
thing to make his home comfortable
and that was well, he knows
and may he not want it long.
' "'!.. . ,. . .
Democracy is. So aie its leaders, ol
course. To pro c it, wo give Brick's
opinion of FntnWlatrs in theXa
Sneaking of the Blairiatmly, m ob-
serves: t ir jj& 0 &
"And hi' two wolf cub, MoTpaM-J
.... .....I 1?.. ... f.f.tt l.titi tfun In
... ,....- - .
tni'ir ii.ircntnsrc. The former, ns
. w
his military career under Lincoln in
the poreiratiori ofn .indiscriminate
slaughter of men, women and children
in the streets of bt. Louis, nus was
universally acknowledged to be one of
the most fiendish acts committed
jing thc war not rven .nrp.v'-pd by
j the infamous McNeil or l.V. Butcher
Chiviugton. In the estimation ot ome
, , ,
very sou ncaueu peopie uieu imir
are now good Democrats. But irrfr,
.vi:vun will they be ours I"
VtJiwonl aisputo th-. iMmnl. But.
we .ou like to know what made
Frank such a good Democrat in the
linrt Mmce or time, between the 23
" aV; .,n,fv.-fu? . V"l'i ri r
the ink si.il in' Inch Driest calli blair
B rtroil ' m7rt man. and character.
1. ..
i. i.i . !.... - 1...1.1 i.inuiii tif.1.1 111.
,.. , .lll;r a lu, .....,,, h.....v-
I ' l, Unek has swallow e-J tne
"infamous murderer' literally swnl-
, ... , - ,.- ,,.
lowed him, and of course the party
,,, ,1n i:!.,.,..;.-. n : TVinoomt..
lor" for Blair, lollow Brick, swallow
'crow, cram down the Federal, brns-
buttoned bntciier, lirt. the leet oi iw
1.1nn..,l l.A.lljali1a. r 1'AlnAfAT Will
0, Ilk. icV of
; M,iin,Vinn. Brick has be
I'llKltril I'l'lHI IIVIIIVI f i M MIVI'J
bounds into
en n.-iul hi
nru-f and the innocent iUm that o
latelv leimiirvd votir caiidiuaie na
been ifl off with the "reenbaek of
the Bloated Bondlmhler and heitio
-11 , ni t,11,tt,.,.-,
nil pnn'j and maMu.cs.,
. .
I -
jnilKiiDK-DRINCU-Mnrrltd .Mldt't Stlb
IhC. I'T KvT. M. A. Willlnms Mr. I-nae
M. .tobiiuin iiMi Mltuurl Uniur,
... t. ,.,.,,, , , . ,
ItKCU bTADLUOTII Marrlfil .n ttnliw
" er,.IllM.t,i; ,.tTiW. A wim.mr, Mr C. .
i)-.t ami Mr.. Sudrrotb. Alt ..f,
D. T. DOWEL!.,
-vTTOiiNrr." --T ia.,
JacbiooirlU. Oregon.
A. ttc elKwbrre. II. F. Uomll baa rtloriK-d .
from Watbloflon and an Immediate artllrrnrnl
nv i. .in.ir. Uim nr ti.t liiu ur then.
or Hi builnrtd or uom lue er:xTl.vr. ana raw
TixrLonicebareUrenrunnlnca lone tiro, and
waw a.--. . . - - .-.- .
-.- . . . . ... ...
-a- -
Stale of Orrgou, lur tbc wuotv ol
Jntnn T. Jones, Plaintiff, ti. ffm, IJ. Pee
bier. Defendant.
5uit In Equity to quiet Title-
To William II. Feebler : Von are required
-to appear in saia uoari ana aniwer the com.
plaint of taid plaintiff filed against you, with
in ten da; from I lie lime of Ihf arrelce of
ibli summons en joa. if freed wttbin said
county, or if terted 00 joo witbin any otber
county In this butt, then wiibio twenty at
from ibe time of seme, or if served on jou
. -. .l c;.... .tn. .1.-1. :. .. 1". i
by ibe Court tbut publication be made lor , ? 7,," rb?W .S0?
eight :k. In the Osaoos SrKTtsi. prior lo ISttM for 5no for Ml ' $I 5
lbd Monday Jo Koeember A. D. 1868. "fe'ufd'ii1 PARK
And too are notified tbat, if yon fail loan . EU JHOOKK It CO, 107 Bread,
wer taid complaint as above required, ibe way. New Yerlc -
iberein, to-wit : for a decree to qniel the title
to Ibe premises described io said com
plaint, and costs and dUbursetDBQls of tbi
action to be lued.
Gives under my band Ibli 24th day of An
gMt.A.D., J86U.
0. JACOB?, Alt', for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given tbat my wife has
left By bed and board without jut cause or
provocation, and every body U hereby forbid
den to trait ber 00 my account, for I will pay
00 bilk of ber coatraetinj'.
An. 17th. 18f8. aoguit29ibw4
If. Measor, Dealer in General Merchandise,
has removed his More to hi w brick build
ipg, corner of Main and Oregon Streets, oppo
kite corner from Odd Fellows Hall.
August 29th, 1666. angul29lb3
1!- Nn w 'AD'N'ntYTSttfKjn:.
HIT JMataet Street, sun h-'raiiciTo.
ioW by all Grocers.
"Geo. P. Koircll & Co.'s
Thtv Urp miiiccd mivtriMm to more
J.in-1,,1... .Tiim than lm iwn knowu hereto-
t tr ..?... j ?Ms...i Ott ni is;.;
rrfturK ll(ift)Hr. Man
" This Urn l now tbc mot Mittanlll bntl
nc bpur for r.JvrrlllnE In tlic cnunlrj.'
Amtruan .Vimn, Mez (.V ") April S. Ur.8.
' With tlit Ir rcpuUlion Ihrr can slid do jrt
the lort niul tmxl BcIvRtiUpcon tiTmr."
jlithmntlit M ) Kntrtjvttf, f
IVr bit iiriarrl n rrrtHr ndrrtWrinnti
for all Aim 1 Iron iun.iaiitn, M iilrcs n
Inn . ran ur otttaliim l Inr nmrrt or iuuu
GHO. P. ltcnT.Lt ACO
A.lrrrll.ini: Actum.
-IUPark.Mim,.. V.
t i vi'ii nrt.iip
S.1I .MoiitEomrrr St. Snn Francis
.r. F. PLACE ilco. AeeMM.
. . .
Altvnvt prpmp.lv rtllrvw a.iJ often ptrro
nfutlr cu:r llitrn. ScilJV, Cul, Brnhcr.Sori-nrs't.nm"fit-.
S.re,n, I.berttnatitm, nil.
Ulccrf nld Syrr. Wort:i1- tic AJo, Tooth
rhe, llittiWli.'. Niural.a, Sot Thnwit
Hoarr-Hi'-', Colic. Dianhra. 1 U llcttorr
bcM ah'l f llr. Tlil. Int altiil.le jiici.anttlnn
I. llr pro luct of a almplr rhniU, the iiMM-Zir
r.yi'hMOr inrA IU:t i.t!ltl j ictitlr
proc.ot iliMIUntliin. tr b ch the rnnVclual
propottlr of ibe pi mil ire ruUliitil, uJ lie
tsnnlti and cMnrltiB nntlrr rrjrclcil
Manuluetri'd 1; lluiavbrrj llrimtriiaib'e
Mntlclnr to Accnt- fur tbt I'ncitc Coal,
HOSTETTKR. t?llTU A Co., WboJcalc
IksMrvnlali Cait VrriATftjn
HTocuvK sr.r.K rM.,T..Mi.Mar.-TST
.Z,?.t-. ' "" ! ... T7"t
Al'lifician No faiu.lv thimlJ U- llli.ul It:
Al'lifician No faru,l tbimlJ U- llli.ul It;
couulf.. 4ti) iUn.iral..u. AJdn-t l'tir i-
t,. i. ..-- r i . .1,
r. rirxzMAif ,
IMP I, It II .V I i HI.H l
AUW Jl. n.nftt.r.r at. I ,T...r.-ii.r of tbr ,
it:) Jnckiii St.. Snn Fruuclri.
Cash GUIs to the Aaonnt of 5250,000.
:. Cob Gift,
lo -so
" ,rV,
WHi '
FU:bfe 10.000
. l.OdO
. J. f" mo
, IJirb $V0 tv aw
;.'i io iao
.54) "...
SB KtVt UiwM I'laDiin
.15 .Vin1m)iii
IMi.Vnia; MaeblBr.
i Mu-1 Lav
to l
on j
l 0 Fliir Ool tValcbr.
! "3D Kit)' Silrr Watcl.i.
' Tine Od I'H'titlnr rramM Knirailns. Slim
Wa I'h.iinpraph Allium, i.uil a lrjf -tl-'
' tnt .r Fltit-CwlJ JnulrrT In all alui4at.
6100,000. I
A CIiiiiicf to Draw nnv of the
iiuimi' i"i ir.r ! linmivrij Kjrnir'i nci..
' vl for Hit cf a. Tick-1. ili-terlMfiF radi l'rlie
art imW hi Kurrloit ami lln.n.iislilj mlxnl
On rrl.t of fk a ,Wt TWrf villi U
.Iraan nlihout cliolce nnd iHlrrntl at our ef-
He, cr nlJjr turn' In anr mldr. Tlie j rice
iiam.il iijr it vr.ii i ijii.v.rxl lo16c tlckrU
i hoMrnitiamrtii of naVilollar I'ricm
I will lKi1nniiUlr xnt lo aur aildrcn, at ro
, iiirtt, ljr ctrirrri or Mum nail.
You will know mIi at toht prize
is before von iwv for it. An iur
wUtithaiyti'fvranl.trirtAtiamtiii!i; So
: i."a.
I tSf Ou- pattonr can drnrnd opon fair deal
( . .
References W i-lrct the followlnr
feu name from lb mane who bare lalelr
drawn Valnal.I Pris" and blndljr permitted
ut lo patilib tli-ra :
S.T WllkIni.Ilurr.lo, N. V. $1,000 ; Mi
Annie Mimroe, Cl.Icano, lllu Piano, ralurd at
JfiJO: Itnbt Jtrk'on. Dulitintl" Iowa. Gold
, watch. s::.0 ; I'lilllp VcCartbj. Loultrillr,
! Kj.. lilam'init Clti.ler Rlnjr, SCIlO; It. A I'M-
terM.n. New lWUord. Mi. Bllrer Tea Kl.
f !(. tl... t tlt il mi
e"iiit ! riiiini "i"triu, AtinpUKx. !-,
I r .. . tt. t.. .... ,.. . . . .
- JiVin m '
fiaiin -bll1l IIhT I IV I'ttf rit.falan.1 ril.lA
Xtr We nubllfb no name without irmla.
Opinions of tilt IessTbeT are
doing tbr larBftt buine : the firm In reliable,
and Iher il-vrre Ibelr uece." VitMy Tn
iuM fA. etb. leC8,
We bar examliird Ibrlr rrttem, and know
ibra lo be a fair dealing Brm,' .V I. JItralJ.
PA Jstb. lsr.8. '
Lait week a friend of oun drew a $300
prize, wblcb war prompt) received "Dailu
-Vort, JHarth 3d, 168. '
Send for clrctiur clrlne many more refereo
1 ce and favorable notice from Ibe preaa. Llb-
' fral Indueementa lo ArentiL Aatl.f.ilnn m,.,
vnioLXfaLt kx arraii, diaxc ix
We have in store a ceaaplett Masrt-a-mt
In ourrllue, tihlcb .w,e otTer at Re
ducrri Prices.
I'tircbatera would do well to call and
examine oiir stock before parcbainjt claewbefc.
N. E. car. California aa DraaaM
St... Sa Frawclsca.
mm iiTiiiH smjfp.
I URES niKRAKRS nr tup
V HEAD a4 TJIROAT-tbe worst
iuto. 01 vatakku l A box will be lent pro-'
paid by mall for Ibirty cenU. o four for One
i Arv!'' tbe l,r"Prleor, J. DUBKO, No. 1,135,
PR 1?T? Our New CaUIojrae or IM
OfUl J1EB Mi t.a a ! 1:
kppH-X-V. A"8.. "' h ibeai. H.M,
'wmb u, vy uraiiivooro, v.
(.Y ' hKYfl&3X&
1 x&SVsSfc' '5'W
AtTtrrnKhnirMuM)it "MorrtLuiBkirnfu..
alwur In lh ootid toiwi from rtrgltct to ttlf; tb ih
If m tfJt rktnrM it elicit. If, ...hr .ad Swd. T,
f rl fecrt cf hMlih I. lo lup lh comlliVm ft it. ttm
h and niwKl rtfiil.r and anifonn, M tnal rfaanfN trwi
Ilaal t Cul I. from Pry W lump, tct, Nnn.. (m, uT,
narhlnrr j of lht IvJj, and Uwd diwu."
Now, It If a tcU fdtlTti and t-ll kon, Ut tV.ri h
no locfi bol watk and anfrtaM for thr Stamact at
Thl Hen.lld Trait? It now u.f) t J all tlami of Mwal.
fjr rr.rj jiiiptn rfa "Stmnad. ant U ."
Tli rrcrrt of It I. thin l'UbU'lM, Biltm art twtala
to t?orrrtt Ih. Jnlff. U tbt1 StnaiacU rt an fit mactltwi
at wotk, and rruatl. It to rrtlit and ll.rfw i-fftlit traroatk.
Intduictr. Tbt Iriklrnrr nfllat iprnllm t4Ntiarb
l j. itmrvl. a cnr ; all W rrnit t. Uttlt a..uuaf
at tlit rrmvr tlmr Ilwr muth m huuU. .j
n'IM It It to hl. btr Klt "lib a rrMI.. .t atrfU
I Tot.lt, tl.an to Mojr. and wtaitn aad tMrat btr taratlt.
ItrK-r. un tKwtmu. orn and firry ntlitartt, wkUb
c" "! tib.i. tfdsr-, oau.,
I lHinor.AiUCcrilficj.tes.
i .
a 1 mp rancb In rwi. M 1 ttrfl Ulittt U.
ritntatloo mttrr. Iu p.tt la l.f
nn W. H. tOdgNEK, Madrid, .N X."
Tb.' wnt.tnjm. I lottlMmnranf tb.
I'l.ktatton Mltrr. N) lfr I... U.a pmli UaJIM b
tbtlr. TlctltnX A-rtttui, fbOad'.lana1X'
I br Urn crtat .nfftftr tni Ittp,mt..
and bail loaSamlmrtMk-hlat. Tbt KaautlMv
U.llft. baf rnrtd ai,
KI.V J, S. CmiOI'.N, R.bt.ttr. N T."
t . I br f-t lH rVtUtlfii M-r .
fcoMrM ofour .IImImJ A tint airb tbt ni aMil.b'
lot rCnt.
.0. W 6. ASMEWS,
SnrlattAnt ..iln' tlva, Crnrfaoattl, p.
Tbt ll.nLtl, Ulttrn lai.br tbt. wtab ibwc tbf ka.
raid brfllUM, and art tth.ant 3.rart't flt.1 ntartr.
Ta rai.iw umt rri avtM mar in nac.t ni tl.
Itrftrjljr fart tinanir tPt I'LaSTATTI
dtirtrd fn, Ktrty bntlr Ivart lb
jrftrXT r-art .lttrdif xfir I'LASTiTIM aMTTbU
artrdrma, Mrtr bntlr Ivart tb- .,-,- .,
I rar ..caatart ti a tiati ir mfraitaf ,or n tatM n.
.. artT rtblltd hnttlr., Srt tbl nr lrlit. Slant U
. .S-IJ Ir ll lH-1tf Cr.r. trJ t-.ltr tlrntVai
, S-JJ Ir .11 In-xil.t, Cr.r. tnJ
"" "'.; .. .... . .-.,
A. CO..
Sole Pren'r,
CO.. 418
ml 418, Front Street,
Han Franclse.
Agents for California and Kerada-
' L.' V'tt-tk I.rrt rpolcrlt .rtandrtfl.a.l.irb
' l.r'rrjlhll.I vf lilt ll)t .f.lM-lMi, ILwltt, il,.
qnirV., Ann, c;..
i i! Tf
1 Wbal U rralirlf xrnil.lnr la rtfard ta llhli aril.
rlr l. tbat lKtallb.lMvllnc II iu.talil dtatb la lMtrtt.ll
I. tSrtly ImiiuIm. taatiklad anl rtvntatla ta'tMb,
linn nmi aim nr raim ana itm. v v.,t.
tr.lh.KHrr t4 rmln.nl dl.llnrai.Lrd rbtmi.tt IL.t II II '
v n e k r n o i ro i o .
N artidt bat rirr t!t n turb -llit tilitfirtlu la ft.
1 1 irruibi I. aril a,.n. It i ta.ll al ia';
U04lifi-irth'it a..w.'l.) tatb fU.L. li.Mlt afruva
Tl.t rrnalaa L. lb. tlp1nrr of K. tin, and tb ti
.It itamii f Jiia.tb.ltul Co. Atj IIU4rlt4ta
bin-1. an Imll.tl'in nrrfkn'tt f. It. An; .irncei' H1 !
cum 11 ttnahtt If y in-ltt i a. II bt.t -..abr
NM I'jr ll Jmf.l. a. dUl. anilh. I'.ttifl,
. I
i Til I. an adulti-d frt t'M tbt Mtiktn Mxi.m U
" ri - ' ' 'nrtrr tin.., Ntunj
! Ti .'"iV '"? "T?C.,lUj -. ...JL
' catl-u Inruirr J
KlIMMaTlaVj, SuKK TutOlT,
c. ti. t,...,.. i. ...
ciiii ".in twiis, tiiri. j a.
IlariKu, Kk Ann.. C
i'rsii).!., - trwajv.
Te'wn Cm c Wotw
Or an Ha4rei.lalDl.rr.ttlrlacftDtittruaItpticaUa.
It i an ibd-.ni.Ut aiHl i.liwMt rrmrd, it til wh
ut tMlla, lTluJ,Mlnf-lw1WuO.U.ltaMa,Mta,
T i . 'J I 1 I
llalrtaU U krf4 l t..rr htu, caaa,aalllaUa.V i.
eidtntt vlllurrar. rn..!ii.t Itrffcar.
A II era Bin. I. r.pi-d In tttl-4ait rurtiian, larit(
tktai(natnrtira.W.WntbruJ.,Ckil.laD4 tbtrrl tat.
V. t. .I.irpof DtUaS llAUNtB 1 0u.tr tU tt.
Jin tRott La. Uto inatft to rvaattrfHt It with a rbtta
ttcm ,Ul. UUt. luk (Inwlt t
bM bj all Imui(l.t. and Siort la n nj W a aa4 ala
Idj; ratup mi l"tit mart.
100.000 feet SEASONED CuM'iiKK,oir
half of it iogar I'inr, ou'wuiy lercu.
Five or six .vole or cattle and ioe bofSft ca
the- same leraif.
1 alo prouie to sell at I'oblic Aactloo, a
fine lot ol DUVrGOODejsaiitlng of
boot, aixoaw) i
Sales to coineoM ob Saiarday, twilMh'
Augewt, and lo continue every Satariaj
thereafter, until tbe majority U sold.
Under 820, cash dowo ; over that
days tiBM (with note of approved (wearily,
with one per cent. Interest), will b l
Som. over I'OO, four aonini tin.
Jackson vllle, Aucosa 7thf 1668. 1
1 , ; , j -
TO TB LaPIM or JaCttOffUf l.Ut3.
tt. Tbe underlencd..Travtliu Axeat ferw
Florence 8ewlo MCbUje, J for, a.to;
days at tbe store oT Joa' Kwhf,. Ui, iWl
and take orders for )'m - 1
To those acquainted wlia, Ikfo wswklMiJ;
tblojr need Vt sa' ; to otbrr. I wauM a)J
aay tbat It baa takes, etery arst aread
tbe FaclBe C'ja.t .lurlnr the last Bve year. w
tbe FaclBe Cjktt during tbe last tve
J ''ftTI3iJJ
iritl Ju, j)J BQTCUaNfip. 10 Un. Ml,
miu. ur. uverircK. sate. s. r. ". .-- -Neuber
Mrm. . Bilgr,t Mrs. a?, WS
CTMWiloa. BTsure to e)l alNv
JUurselves before purthaAlnj.. ,
J Any one having T Honi w l g.
I loir untire utlsfaclIOQ. or who RMJ VI' "
InitwetlpM conceraiBg II, wll ""
by Icsvlnir thtlr addrex at Nf hff .mmml