Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 29, 1868, Image 1

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    t uaasatwvii
MmiU0iammnmmmwmw'mviMfi' swiwtrfteTW
w ..
ViwrACTtftCM or
HoTtbleTooth and Perforated Circular
Perforated Mulay, Mill and Crosa-Cut Saws,
with Adjustable Socket.
fcave crtabllfhed an office lor the sale ol the
bore articles, t
JTo. CM Ffttl Stmt, Sa.o FhikIim.
JB" Descriptive lUmpltlct will b forward.
d to aoy one giving ua ihclr addre,
Odd Fellow's Hall,
JackMavlllr, Ortgea.
Travelers and resident b.ardcr will One
Placed In flrrt claw order, and In ever
Way superior lo any In lhl section, and
furpanftcd by an la the Slate.
And a plentiful supply of the best of every
Iblug the market alfunli will be ob
tained lor
No troubled will t spared to deserve the pat.
rutinpc if the traveling ai well an the ivrma
at coiumuulty.
Jacksonville. March 31. ISGC.
1 flock of matirlal and looW formerly U
lnnirliiK lo Oilrllo ic Coffin. Mr. Coatellii
haling withdrawn. P. U. Collin will continue
the butiiieMi, a lid cau lie found at lil shop.
Corner of C aud Tkrld Streets,
prrptrrd to il'i work In a workmanlike manner
and al rraiiiUe rati.
Jackson lite. Oct. 15, IrtiT. nctl9tf
EL 1)011.41)0,
lime, will find a coottaut 'upply, ol the
Ut ,uallty. Id quautltlet to Hilt, at my hoi
oo Main itmrt, betwrra OrrKOU and Third, op
poalte Muller & Ilreiitano'a 'lore. In my a(
ence, Mr. Alex. Martin will wait upon curtom
.Stene Masau Work
done on term id null the timet. Orderf from
the country will receive prompt attention.
JackoBvllle, April it, 1667. api7
IN the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon
for Mh Couuty of JaekMn.
Edward Ueodrick plalullff. vs. livory Harm
Actiea at Lasw tm recover muuey.
To Henry Ma'uu :
You are required to appear In raid Court,
and anrwer the comilalut of said pUtutltT, Qled
axaiuat you, within lea days from ttw tlmv of
the service of llilumuxi on you, If M-rvnl
Ithlu aald oouaty, or if aervid ou you wiibln
any other oouoly In lal 5iate. tlxai within
rWeutr daya from the time of the at-rvhr. or if
frved on you out ol tbo dUW of Orou. th a
it I onkftst liy tbe.Court that publication 1
made Tor (Ix wnki In the Or-ou fitMiyti.
Prior to lb arcond Monday lu Novi-aiUr, A. 0
Ikit. And you are nolllWd that, If you fall to
anawer add complaiat a aborn rrqulred, the
plaintiff will apply to WCo'url for the relief
demanded thereto, Oo-wlt: for a judjrnwut
gainst you for the sain of aSSI 00, with ioter
at theron at the rat or tea per cent, per aa
ob froa) the date therof, od the eotts aod
aakstraeaaeali or thla action to be Ux-d.
Given under soy baad thU $ib day or Augwt,
A. D, 188. O, JACOBS
w Al'r for plaintiff.
NfTICi;.-Hvlog disposed of our Fao
W we are bow prepared to give our whole
ttcattM to our Leather and Finding budotwa.
n? -S4'. w f fnace, C& ft Kip.
Pf1io Lather, Boot Legs. etc.
AmO. Uwt. I L. yiitut, I JToan Ba.r,
MwYork. PrU,8aFraoolJeo.
AisVaa MXW A BBA y, tu FruaUco.
U Battery Street,
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Cartas deVislte
doxe ix the fixest sttle or art.
Pictures Reduced
Physician & Surgeon,
OOlce t lit- residence, la the Old Overtask
llopilal, mi Orrgun Street.
OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth
Street, Jacksonville, Ogn.
He will practice lo Jackson and adjacent
countlm, and attend promptly to professional
catti. fcbZtr
Za the Overbeds Bospital,
F. GIIUDK, 31. I).,
OFFICE removed to California Street,
South tide.
Jacksonville. IKc. Slit. 180". drcJUf
111 71 LI. attend to any who may rmulre bl
Vl n-rvlce. Ofllee ailjvlnlnir N. Langrl'i
rtioo hop, on north tide California street,
Jackrouvllle. no2tf
mmmmmmnm i iiiwiiiiiimw
j Thw itrllrlmi aiiiErb luurra air mlttj
th:mi r SELFl
Jful tnc'Ukt. X plcaaant tank-, ait a ml
fasrrciUi oun. T..o initn H CihI'-1 villi
riinilliiiuruleitiw1a(alaib!ruilf. U.r;W
(ai.dbrbi. ara.tulrUjraJl'Ud toll etuxaul)
i an ajTrtni"Di n in mi maru, j.itii't,,i m r and j
Mlovtla. an b aa l)vJ. loir, liurilu-a,.
mr, liunlu-a,
lytraiiicia. I
, lau) rri(o
iljjmMOl A!'irlllf. re. rie. f(rae.
; A. I j:SK!UlJ h-u a !tr
t rt.,..nvniaK Jakitn,
. w.w.vw
DiBsoltia Mtic.
cxUliug bvlHvrii Morrlii Damn l.uli Sol
omon, duliir ljifliim al Aatiland, JackNiu Co ,
U tbl day diwolred by mutual coiinnt. The
bualneti will be cotitliiurd at Ihi- name place
by Mr. Ilaum, who will x-ttle all cUlm agalurt
the lale firm. All outMawllnjr accouutu muat
b paid to him, who U alone aullorize to re
ceipt (or the rarae. MOIIitl.S I1AUM.
Aihlaud, Auk. 101b. 1KC8.
Thankful for patronage lictlowed lo the past,
I would solicit the continuance of the same,
duping aUait lo merit It by a do- application
Ablaiid. Auk- 101b, 18C8. aug!5-w4.
nrv 3awo'u.xclx-yzi3.BB.
Cuml-arlatt.1 and Ublfb CpAb 4 HO IRO.t
X.OOO Tona,
!a etora mi ituat r al by
411 aa 411 Paclae 61, Sao rrancUn.
I. O. Q. T.
A-,!1, itiflw ,ertn
if. rif"
each week
ilar jneettog oo Tueday evening
k.al the DUtrlct Bcbool House, In
i. LODGE' opens at 7 o'clock.
01 eaca ween
DEGREE MKETNG8 the but Tueadav of each
looaik, after adJouroiaeo( of iiyupiiblNATE
AH meabers or tba Order la good steading
. .All. II. 1.. .11.-1 I ...,.., "
O. W. KAHLER, W. C. T.
J. R. Wauk, Seo'r.
Jacksonville, Feb. 8th, 18C8. febStf
Waxraa LwLga o, 10, A. 1. A. X
A HOLD their regular coawaalcatloos
ajrkr on the Wedaeaday Eveoluga or prectd
W lug the full moon, la jacmomtillk, o
eoo. A. MARTIN, W. M.
C. W.SATAOE.Scc'y.
Ercrr Saturday Meraiai ky
office, corxer c ic rniRD streets.
For one year, to advance, four dollara If
noi pain wunin me am six rnontbt or the year.
. -. .. r. . . . .. . . 7 . " - "
inr uiuinri ; u not para uuui tne expiration
of the rear. tx dollara.
Onennare(10 linen or les). first Insertion,
three dollar ? each ulirruerit insertion, one
aouar. a iiiscnnnt ol nnr per
A discount ol fifty per cent, will be
made lo thoe who advertise hy the jear.
9 Legal Tender received at current rate.
To a Wave.
JTh follolf lnllfnl Hut, ,n wrltltn In Hi V
tumnfuUJ fHrnJIu JjiIdjCH, lll,ly the U0h
ftnl :.!. lukrri
tl lbp .V n .r lili tlir w. Mine ctmI.
l)h, .f Ih.t lrr.t llir iwlhrr'n tirml t
II ! lb.ii li fnni, llir .rl4irt llh Ul)
InanirnoftliTlrralm n4l.nl fl.-f
Or itl llioa ...Vlnit mii t.tnt Urxl,
Tj illf in nitttmun uj.hi llir .IriDil
llt tliMt llf t I. II rf lb, rMl-llt An p.
W lir lb i-htlm'l aiilnr rl In trp J
C.h.i ibuu tk rf nam., Ibal tint. In ritaf,
'Kr Hi. roll .4 Ih.lr tliui.'tf r In redo dl-1 1
Mini llnvllr.-,. Unn.nat. r).wlll( tf
la Ibf tk4mjr J,ftbt vf IUI illtal )
tl r tli la , it iKmi rnllrl it.
of annrrve mil.r, .hlj. or .uri
llvrrttalnlnanb In Ihjr alKisy rata
a lal. nf IK.a.rnrvil ("il itrw
Tliuu art .llli,- blh. Iliuu ail ttaOilna tit a,
llx alu, Ihta, lha uiillotia nivkil lb.
t.tvv.am a war. io a.t.xin) a
I tus'in waivlrrrr, ilrlraq IIVtha
1. 1 aia anklnc a Ul.lant tan-1,
Ttf lla In itiiirniDra ui mi Ii tlraiij t
Hut lb laaJ I ark It a vatrlaM .Lot.
Alii lb..,, obonarb It aball rwm kv man.
LetUr from B. F. Dowtll.
Sri:.Mi:itCoNKllTLTIlN,OI'PSAN )
Fiia.cVco, Aug. lOlh, lfiOB.
lli-liauirr rru.ll.u-l ifl Hi. lavxluc.alth
I- Milk a LlM4a.rr.4ir. .n,bnl ai.l m'J
tl; lb. Ini'rt-nalaj vf uuiul; la4.
Thus Shakespeare ni.vlu Hotspur
speak nearly three hundred years ago;
but it wa n-M-rvi-d lor the pasengers
and ervw of thu Hising Star to realize
'its truth while off Cane Hattems on
the 20th of July, 1608. At ono o'clock,
r. 31., on the 24th ult., I left New
York on board the steamer lining
Star bound for Aspiuwnll. She is a
small u-cl, and badly constructed
for the accommodation of pashcugcr.
The sliite-rooms tire nearly all below
deck, aud badly ventilated.
She is the slowest, dirtiest, htiggiesJ,
j and inot lUagreeable steamer that
1 Il'i l.l'l.l llf.. II fill llllu rllll.k Tt l.tnl-
....-... ...., ..,, ,0 ttfiiiv, tl, till, n
us nine days and eighteen hours to reach
Anpiuwall, The I'acitio .Mail Steam
ship Company must bo trying to make
money by employing tfu'ifji" boats,
cheap cookf, cheap stewards, and im
pudent and dirty waiters. I'erchnnce,
they hope to run ofl the opposition
steamers. This is a poor way to eet
rid of opposition. It ought to increase
it. I would advise passengers to avoid
tho ItUing Star us they would pesti
lence and famine.
There are about 550 passengers on
board, consisting principally of Ger
mans and Americans, all bound, for
California, Nevada or Oregen. Some
ot thu German steerage passengers
said they paid as high as 500 for
thiougli tickets from llrrmeu to Han
Francisco. They could have come in
the iit cabin for ouo-bnlf tho money.
As soon as we were fairly out to sea
the wind commenced blowing front the
southwest, am) by tho time wc were
opposite Catic Ilattcras it blew furious
ly. Somo gazed steadily on nature's
surging and boisterous waves; but a
largo majority of tho passengers re
mained in bed all day. Many of them
ln'coine very sea lck. Among the
number was an old lady and her young
est daughter, who said she had left
ten children at home, and that she was
going to California to see her husband,
whom sho had not seen for upwards
of a year and a half, She was' so slok
she thought sho would1 die, and bid her
daughter to writ to 4ier eldest sister
to marry, and to take caro ot the bal
ance of the children until their poor
father could return home. A for hours
more and the wind ceased, and we had
a dead calm, and tho good od lady
was seen on tho upper deck viewing
the beauties of the ocean, and some
flying fish, which were sporting on tbo
waters like birds in the bushes after an
evening's shower, The good old lady's
daughter came by lor side and said :
" Well, Ms, how do you like your bri-
Jv I I'Jl' J14 IJl'Jl'.
dal tour?" "Ah! Maggie," replied
her mother, " yesterday I thought, cro
tlii.n, I should have been tood (or those
fish; but 1 am now well, and I hope to
have a pleasant journo) .Maggie, you
need not write to your sister anvthlui;
about marrying; she will marry mioii
enough without my advice." Thus
has it ever been from the first dis
covery of California gold. Theto is
no pleasuru, in crossing tho plains, or
ii a aea voyage; yet, pell-mell, ot Ko
thetnen in quest of gold, leaving fond
and tender ones to follow by lamp or
sea. Ofl have fond hearts thus been
severed forever. " Oh I man, whose
life is but a span : why dost thou nes
tle in thy bosom the pasion which
impels thee to worship nt the shrino of
VifiM, more than around the altar of
1'ciiu.i and Minerva?"
Uishop .Marvin, of the Methodist
Liiurclt iMiutli, is on Iio.miI. lie visits
Oregon and California for the purpose
ofholdlng a conference at loeburg,
and another in Sacramento.
1)111 1.1.
Among the passengers Is Mr. li. V.
IVet, who is the agent of a patent-pros-peeling
diamond drill. This drill Is
propelled by a steam engine of two
horse power. It occupies a spare,
when mounted on wheels, including
engine ready for use, of n.vl by 0 feet,
and weighs .'1,200 lbs. The drill is
constructed like an ordinary gas pipe,
and has a rotary motion of 1A0 revolu
tions per minute, cutting ordinary lime
or marble rock at tho rate of three
inches per minute, and the hardest ol
quartz or Hint one inch per minute,
taking nut a solid core one and a half
inches in diameter, thus showing the
quality of rock through which it is
passing. For any information concern
ing this machine, or the purchase for
Slate rights, address. K. V. IVet, Agt.,
Sail FrancNco, Cal.
4th Aug: Wo crossed tho Isthmus
of I'anama today. This is the rainy
season on the Ithmti, and tho recent
heavy rains had swollen ono of the
branches so high as to wash nway a
bridge on lhe railroad. This delayed
us six hours. When we arrived at I'uii
ama the tide was low, so low we could
not get on hoard the steamer Contili-
lion until near 4 o'clock the next morn
ing. We weie compelled lo sit up nil
night In the ferry boat, without any
thing to eat or drink, except some fruit ,
cakes and wine, which we purehaed
from tho filthy natives, who looked
nearly as dirty as the waiters on the
Hising Star.
hlth August. arrived at Acca
pulco, and spent the night getting pro
visions, water and coal.
12th August. A new manuscript
paper appeared on board this morning
called the Tattler, It continued daily
for five days. From the 1st number, I
tuko tho following local items:
"A facetious friend at our elbow,
says that Captain Hudson is like unto
our fore-father's. He holds tho Con
stitution supreme.
The same stickler at our elbow
wishes us to offer the following toast:
The ladies of tho Constitution;
May their pro.lslnns never be short,
nor their amendments troublesome.
We fear, no wo don't exactly fear,
but we think them is tumble soma
whero on board tlio ship, nt least, n
good number of the passengers are
ready to spring to arms." No lire arms
have been visible during the voyago;
but there are ninny who are going o
the nrm of their comptnlnns; and wo
have a few old maids on board who
are springing for tho arms of tho Cali
fornia Imchcjnrf,
The Constitution Is abetter!
the Captain and waiters aro mnrr
rommodnting than thoso on the
ing Star; but sho is far behind other
I.A.I. ..J -.1 f. I. - I t I
boats and other waiters who bavo been
on this rqtue, and there j gr,ct room
for improvident,
We will n'rrjvo at .the wharf In nn
bout- and then it -will bo 4 days nnd B
hours behind tho regular time, Tho
vessels ou both sides of tho Isthmus
were hoavilv loaded with railroad
iron for tho Central PaoJflo road.
Au, practising physicians agree that
when tlio eyes of a corpse aro opened
about two days altor death, and thu
pupils are found to be wixed un so
that nothing ot them Is to bo seen, but '
the whole of the ovo is dissolved into'
a wheylsh or jellied mass, then real
death is evident; whera this s won
Ing death is uncertain. '
NO. 32
A Characteristic Anecdote. How Frank
Blair Sinks his Shirt.
Tho Chicago D-ilnmc relates tho fol
lowing incident lllustrativool tho char
acter of tlio Democratic candidate for
tho Viro Presidency :
Thirty or thirty-live years ngo, tho
canal which now serves Washington
City as a sower was not tho mudhole
it nas iicoomo ol late years, it was
favorite bathing placo for boys, par
ti.MInrIy lhe , ola,,f wll0 llM nol
venture to go to tlio river. On ono ol
the.su occasions, when Frank and one
or two of the lllairs were present, it
little fellow in advance of the others
pie.kud up a shirt Irom the pile of cloth
lug and began to dress. As thu boy
was a very small one, the onimilunilv
to show the power of a Ithtlr was to
good to bo lost; Frank snatched the
shirt from the child ami threw it oyer -
board. The outj-ry at so mean an act,
ho answered with laughter, lor his big
brothers stood by him. The shirt not
sinking so last ns he wished, he threw
iliuk of mud ami stones upufi it, nn
til the ovcr-frelghied garment went
down. Frank laughed long nnd loud ;
the little boy cried ; whereupon Frank,
ns a punishment for not accepting as nn
honor the notice taken of tho garment
by the lllairs threw additional weights.
upon the already sunken shut, which
would now nlmnst need a dredging
machine to recover it.
Hy this time nil except hu lllairs
had dressed themselves iind'tho pile of
uneiniineii clothes were reduced to
thoso belonging to them and the lad se
lected as their victim. The lllaiis had
enjoyed their past time, dancing in
their nborlglnal costume, lint now turn
ing to their own clothes, found one of
thelrshltts was missing. The supposed
victim had found his own garment nnd
escaped to a safe distance. Terrible
was the profanity amPwild the wrath
when the truth became known that
Frank lllnir had thrown his own shltt
overboard and had sunk It I n ceo ve ra
lly. Ami iiriti r?fin Itlnl la .ml..!.,.. .....
...... ....- .v... ,,),(( ,- l,,l,, j,-
on a race for the lee Piclileney un
der circumstances which leave little
room for doubt that (ho result will bo
strikingly similar to that Incident in
his boyish Hie in other words, that he
will merely sink his own shin.
"Ou. Si;iiAicii"--"()i.i Nick," mo.
A daik and rugged lock in the Lake
Disiiict bears the name id Scratch
.Meal Scar. Hero uu may, pcihups,
detect the names of two personages
who flguio in Noimi mythology
Skiatti, a demon, and Mclla, a weltd
giantess. The demon Skratll still stir-
vlves in the supeislltilioiis of Northern
Furope. The Skmtt of Sweden, wlih
a wild horse laugh, is believed to mock i
travelers who tiro lost upon thu waste, I
and sundry haunted locks on the coast
of Norway still go by lhe name of
"Skratasker." In the noith of Fng-
land (he name of Skralti is still to be
heard in the mouths of the peasantry,
and the memory of "Old Scratch," as
he is fitmlliarly called, may probably
be yet destined to survive through
many future Chlstiau centuries, in com
pany with "Old Nick," who is no other
than Nikr,(the dangerous water demon
of Scandinavian legend, This dread
ful monster, ns the Norwegian peasant
ry will gravely nssuie you, demands
every year a human victim and carries
oil' children who stray too near his
abode beneath the waters. In Iceland,
also, Nykr the water-horse, is still be
lieved to Inhabit some of the lonely
tarns scattered over the savage region
, I of desolation which occupier the central ' WHIN," they have nominated Sevinpttr
inniiiiKl . , , ,. , Hl.nll.ir ,or President nnd Douglass for Vice
nnj-e no- ,or"" "' " ""' wny "illnr , itMnl "DouglsF-w!iat Doug
lhe His- traces of tlip old mythology are to liQ ,,y W.y, Fied. Douglass, ill.
id Oilier found ill that welbstored nntlniinrl.in I i,tr V1I lit, nl.w,n.. I'l ..M
found in that well-stored antiquarian
.- ' '
museum, the bngllah language. In tho
phraso "Dcuco tako it," tho deity
Tiw still continues to bo Invoked.
The Hngjo, with whoso namo nurses
aro wont to frighten their children, is
probably liogu, thu Slavonic name of
tho deity, Tho word " brag" has an
etymological connection with tho name
ot Hragi, tho Norse god of song and
mirth; whllo tho faithful devotees of
Dragl fall, after awhile, under thwpow
or ot Mara, a savage demon, who tor-
men with visions, nnd crushes them
even to death, nnd who still survives.
though with mitigated powers, as the
nightmare of modern days. 5fbyor'
" Word$ and places."
. .. ,PrlntrrJ)aTili. .
A great many perrons are in the
habit o( lobVfng upbu and nponltlng of
priiitcrs' tluvils in a, wanner tbnt to
tlccts no credit on tlionuelvf . Thoso
ianio tr.in(cni itevlln, in nine cnefs out
ol ten, nn tlireo llinrn n well postod
on tho Unites ot tlio ilrty m tiie1 pcrtoii '
who alightannd fponknlWillyol thqhi
Tlicto is nu claR ol loya liir whom wo
Imvo a nmro profound rcspeol tima
wi-lldii'lmvcd printers' devils. They
know aoinetlilng nnd nrc practical,
which it more tlinn you can nay, of nil
cIiism1! ol hoys. In that retcct wu
place tho boys who work In n printing
ollico heud and ahoulders above moil
boy. Vuting woman, lieloro von auain
cluvale that delieato noi at thu at
proaeh of a piintcr'.i devil, pet nomo
ono who knows nomeOiIng of history
to tell you tho names ol a few clmrac
Inhj tulm ...... .,...,.. ..:...... .1....II.
Fp ,mf lml yo w, (,,ko t0 .how
j your ignornnco. wo Mvii.ogiro you . a
short list of ex-ileviltjol printing olllces,,
If you have heatd of any of them, quit
your tlirtlug and nil nousensu in gen
eral, and go to studying. Did you
ever hear of Hviijmniii Franklin? lien
was once a printers tiuvii. lie, was,
I also one ol the sh-ncrs of thu Dcclara
I tion of Independence. Hannibal Ham,.,
1 Jim, Vice-President under .Mnciihi, was.
once a poor nriulci's devil. Schuvler'
j Col lax, who has been Speaker of thoj
House of Hepriwiitnlivrs for n number'
of years, now candidate for Viec-Prcij.'
Ideiil of the U, S., unit certain to bo,
eleeleil, was "nothing "t n devil in a ,
printing ollico" at one time. II o raco ,
Grceluy, who Is oneof theflrs,t,jonrnal'
Ists ou this continent, nnd is an ex-
I'oiiim'ssman, was a nriuters devil.
I'nkcd States Senator, Sjmnii Cnmer-
on, of Pennsylvania, was a "devil,",
Thin low Weed, ono of tho wealthiest '
d ,n0st Influential men In New York,
and editor of the Commercial Aiteec
f.Vr, was a penniless devil In a print
ing olllce. L uited Slates senator lloss.
ol Kansas, commenced his successful
career as a punter's devil. Two-thirds
of the editors In tho "States" were
once printers' devils, Permit ui to
tell you that tho men who once did
Inly as printers, have done more to
advance tho interests nnd sustain the
good name of America than any other
Am:ciioti: or Gi:.vi:iiai. Gkant.
A correspondent tells us the following
story of General Grant: Whentho
Army was lying In camp, just before '
the battle ol tho Wilderness, a Lieu
tenant, in full dress, pompously rodo
along near headquarters, when meet-'
ing a man on fool plainly dressed' in
a blouse without badge of rank, ho
accosted: "Here, won't you hold my
Iioimi a minute, until I see the Gen
eral V" "Ah, yes," replied the man,
taking the icius in his hand, Tho
Lieutenant dUmounled mid went to i
General Giant's tent door, whvru ho
asked to seu tho General. Tho senti
nel on fool answered, pointing to tho
man holding the horse. Thu subaltern
looked very blank, hut hastened to his
general and delivered his messago,
,ipdogizing proloundly for his bold
blunder. Gen. Grant carelessly took
thu cigar from his lips only long enough
to mutter somu short ndvlcu to tho
humbled ollicer about being civil tonll
persons alike.
Tin: following good joke is told by
nu exchange. We don't see that the
substitution ol Itlalr tor Douglass im
pros eil thu complexion ot the white
mini's ticket very materially ; but Ulnlr
or Douglass or any oilier colored man
Is all the same democratic gullets aro
extremely flexible:
A ling was hung out, several weeks
ago, In limit ol the Willis House,
Siirlugilehl, Ohio, hem lug the names
ol "Seymour ami Douglass," and a
suhiiibaii Dcmucrat, who Uits tho
town semi-oeeasioually, to be supplied
wild political hews, asked Mr. S illis,
thu proprietor ol the hotel, "u hat's
the nous Irom l ho Demon alio ConVen-
tion at New York" "Well" said
nigger." " Well-by G-lnger l" snld
the tiliterrifled Democrat, " that's putty
rough, but I suppoio we've got lo ga
Ityut U at on?e the most cjoilcato and
lasting of our materials, and survives
iw like love. It Is so light, so 'ontlt,
so escaping from tho idea of death, that
with the look of huir belonging to a
child or frloud, we may almost lookup
to heaven and coniparo notes with tha
nugollo naturo ; may, almost say, I1 1
have a pieco of thee here, nor unworthy
ol thy being now,''
' aa i
Tuouiaias. and babies grow fcigga
by musing..