Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 22, 1868, Image 2

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V -
ron the rr.EsiPENcr ix 1S6S,
or nt mr rtitis.
"Wrfl j, tboa nl 1 iiltMul ral. Tbt pa,
fir tat r "da fn trtota fnoiihmrsl for triiiora.
ron run virE rKEstPK.vcv,
sciirvi.Kn COLFAX,
Par Prralilantlnl Klrrtont
0. JACOBS, of Jackson.
vViLSOX BOWLBY, of Washington.
A. B. MEACHAM, ot Union.
SATrnnvr Monxi.vfl, Aug. 22, 1S6S.
A Cocrxet. S-ome time since a
steamer bronsht to Portland a fine spec -
imen of the London cockney direct from
the sonid of Bow-bells. llisdreswa
of the most approved cockney cut, and
his side whiskers floated gracefully in
the breeze. A few days after his arri
val, on being asked by a friend how he
liked the country, he tesponded " Not
at all; blast the place. You know hat
'one thor call me 'Andsome 'Arry;
but 'ere they call mc a gut!" JErtvi
ing Commercial
CxrrrxL RcronxEr.. We have re
ceived the propt-ctus of a Democratic
paper of the above name, to be publish
ed in Salem durincthetcrmof the Leg
........... ... - .,
islature. That bodvbeinj Democratic,
thi r.mi(etor taknit ,n- rrnnted thnt
their actions will not alwavs bear the
inspection of the public; for they give
an apology for the undertaking, that
it is necessary to have an organ to
" speak for, represent and defend its
GOT.KAL Japer , ot the Lafay
ette Courier, 5 very eloquent on the
"Chinee1 qneslion. Savs he: "Be
fore another to years shall have run
its cycle, Josh will have spread his
aegis over u. We didii't know that
"two years" could run a "cycle" any I ti13t a roa,j early to the rich mines of ner of the camp, he concluded that it
more than they could a horse race; and Nevada, will prove a source of untold would add much to hi warlike appear
as for Joh's aegi, if its anything like , wealth. Whatever aid is m-cessarv mice and iu-t cap the climax, which it
an umbrella, for heaven's sake let us
have it to keep the hot sun off.
The "Bloatep
August Belmont, the Chairman of the
Democratic National Committee, is the
heaviest bondholder in the United
States. Horatio Seymour, one of the
wealthiest men in New York, is Bel
mont's puppet, and it would be a nice
thing to have him in the White House
to help grind down the poor man who
pays the taxes.
Got a Liit. Democrats are some
what jabilant at being allowed toaso.
date with the pnre-proud aristocrats
and bloated bond-holders. It is no
longer the poor man's party since Bel
mont t!fc Co. took the rein, and the
poor devils congratulate themselves on
the honor of training in the same crowd
with the monied snobs of the country.
Vookhees said in hi speech at New
Albany, (Ind.), " that democracy had
seized upon the great lorward progres
sive issue. It was a delicate wav of
mtimatingthat democracy had swallow
ed the niijser shin, bones, wool and
Bum apjears to be the only soldier
of note who has not smelled powder
enonsh. He want another "revolu
tion," so as to give his Copperhead
friends, w ho were afraid to fi'jht w hites,
an opportunity ot showing their prow
ess on the nigsers,"
"Geeex hides is riz," says a Demo
cratic exchange Not yet J The Fel
end butcher, Unitetl Suts Grant, will
soon commence the process of flavin::
and the hides of
.i i. . iti. i r ' ,.
oeymour ami .
Blair will be "raised" moat effectual
F' a
The Albany (Ogn.,) Democrat ob
serves "that we are on the eve of a
most glorious victory." Right alout
that. Grant and Coflax are "going to
pulverize the sham democracy in No
vember; just as the former pulverized
the Confederacy."
The Polk County Signal wants the
Grand Jury system " abolished uix-d
out," The most effectual means we
know of, to simplify justice and lighten
the labors ot the criminal bench, would
be to abolish the Democratic party.
The professor of ethnology, who pro
pels the Lafayette pajwr, has dug deep
ly into the science and ascertained that
we have social, commercial and politi
cal " bosoms." Wonder how he found
it out?
The Blair family have been likened
to the itch. It is because they make
it very lively for any administration
that happens to take them.
Next Saturday, (29th inst ,) our fel
low townsmen, O. Jacobs, Esq., will
address the Grant Club at Yreka. A
grand jubilee is anticipated.
Pat tbe bonds in greenbacks ! says
democracy; and the greenbacks in
jrfiat ?
. . . . T . ... '
A prominent business man in this
place remarked to ns a ten- days since,
" that a majority of the leading men
of this valley would lend no aid to any
railroad, other than one to connect us
with California." II the remark only
referred to the bnsiness men of Jack-
sonvillc and other points in the valley,
it might be correct. The business re-
lationsofall the merchants in Southern
Oregon arc with those of San Francis-
co, and any new channel of trade i
would 1 very likely to disturb those,
relations bv facilitating competition,
. With the farmers, who comprise the
j large?t class in this ection, and with
She miners the cue is different the
( first want an outlet for their surplus
products on equal terms with the farm-
crs of California; the latter want cheap "tear." It so happened that the In
supplies, and don't care a straw wheth-, dians had been committing some devil
er they have paid tribute to the mer-! try in the neigh borhood, and the prob
chants of San Francisco or not. The' ability of a general outbreak was the
probabilities of assistance, then, to the , prominent topic of conversation. T.
Oregon Branch of the Central Pacific ' considered himself a man of great ex
may be summed ip thus: the racr-' ecntive ability, and as sundry drink
chants of Jackson county will not as- had made him rather lively, he pro
sit in the scheme, because it docs not oed active mcasurenfat once, and
connect ns with California; but Con- with an Arkansas yell suggested a war
cress will assit it for that reason, and ' dance to Wgin with. The boys re
because the protoscd road will run for sponded, and soon the crowd was en-
,,-,, .,!,., . .
",n "' mrougniic national
oma"' an 3 national rather
i inan 0I a ,oca' '"
u e predict that if Congressional as-
sistance is secured, the road will be
bnilt without the aid of any who are
so short-sighted a to oppoeit; and
that wealth and properity will be
forced on this section in spite of any
who mtcrpoe objection from selfih
motives. Xo railroad was ever built
without oppoition from a certain cla
of people who cannot U-ar to see their ration. T. wa frantic with delight,
neighbors prosper; but a majority of He was Big Injnn. ! Observing an old
the people of this section are sensible fashioned dinner pot slnndiii" in a cor-
will be forthcoming from thoe who
are most interested, and with the Gov-
ernment subsidy, we predict that the
road from here" to Humboldt will W
commenced in less than a year, in spite,
ot all the selfish croakers who would
regret to see its completion.
I.osEnvitf, Ogn., Aug. IPth, 'C5.
There are fabulous report ol the
richness of the Bohemian quartz mines,
yet there has been no money taken
out. Capt. Foley, a somewhat experi
enced mineralogist, is at present more
fully testing the richness of these cele
brated ledges,
A good pack trail is now open from
Oakland to that place. Bohemia is
sitnated about fifty miles (bv way of
.L. . -i. r i. , . .
the trail) from Oakland, in nearlv n .
due east course.
...... .... .
-...a.... ...rv...nv.lVU ""IHUU
M 1 ar h.i Ilaah ...nAiiitil PaaaT...
for that district.
r t Cr:.i i.. w -.4
r. a. -mlU has been appointed
Deputy sheriff, L. L. ilhams Deputy
r-i I- i ,- it "l.. a T- ..
vivi a., iaiivi ii . ii. .riii'i iiliu lytrnuiv -in.
', -. . (
sestor ior tne county.
essur ior mc couniy.
i-- .1
wn oruer ua oceii maue, auiuiiiins
( r., ni. . . ., r
ourofthe Chinaman now u. ,a,l to
bail in the sum of !23 each. One has
i i i i . a a ....
oejaosueo tuai aiuouiii in money, anil
, -.j.i . .
gone in -earch of bail for thc others,
Old "Tom" will pretty likely goto
Salem, while the
.1 . .. . ,
other our it is
y be indicted.
thought will scarcel
Farmers are busy in harvestinir and
., , . , , - ,
threshing; crops are heavy; hay and
grain cheap.
On the 24th and 25th ulu the mer-
cury ranged from 93 to 100 degrees in 1
the shade, and on the 15th, ICth and
.. . . . . ..
17th of this month it ranged from flo tormentors became very intimately ac
to 100 degrees. quainted with his formidable head
On Monday, the 17th inst., Win. P. peice. The scene wa now indescriba
Chiles, a boy of 12 years ol age, was hie. T. commenced the warrior's death
drowned while bathing in the Cam mas song. The drunken crowd whooped
Swale creek, near Wilbur, eight miles madly as the now deeratc victim
north of here. Though young, he was went butting and driving among them
an newpted member of the M. E. like a flying Mercury or blind Sampson
Church South. among the Philistines. Some one seiz-
1 ed him by his flying nnder garment
New PaTe-CIuis. de Young & J own to earti, he came ngain. A
Co.. publishers of the San Francisco nu,nlr ( t,,e K". who thought the
Dramatic Chronicle, will common
on the 1st of September, the publica-
r ...,,.,
nou oi ine.vori mg f irotune. iins
. 1 w ar J t W a
c uiiwen-iuiiu h in lake ine piace oi
the present publication. We will be
...... aw .liwsv n,r ,.,.,1.1 muc sucei,
lint ari ncfiiir-! f Itftt tlio mw i.itt-
will not be inferior to the best a ,er
. .. ....,... ,.,HV aaf.w MV, w I'tI'M
now published in the Bay Citv. The
Morning Chronicle will de served to
mail subscribers for 5 dollars per an-
Tiuiit HorE PEr.Konif ance. Daniel
Delloune jn-ifonned some of his won-
derful tricks last evening, on a rope
stretched from the U. S. Hotel to Pat
nyan s store. I he learn ot strength are rang like a steamboat bell, and its so
Zrtim. ?"" ones mingled with the despair
lametto River, at Portland, on the 2d ,nS gran8 ' tl10 victim. In broken
of October next. The river is three- accents he called for pen, ink and pa
fourths of a mile wide at that place. per, and intimated that his last dvin
The following pleasing incident is
related to us by an eye witness, and
the principal actor is still a resident of
thisState,and a well known local politi-
cian in his own county: During the
early settlement of this valley a legal
individual, whom we shall T. " for
short," was engaged in carrying the
mail from Yreka to Oregon City. On
one of his trip, in the spring of '52, T.
arrived at Willow Springs, then a lively
and flourishing mining camp. The boys
were on a bin spree, and as T. wa
tired and thirsty, he concluded to hang
up there lor the night. His mule cared
' for, and the creat V. S. mail sack
stowed away, T. joined the festive
crowd and wa oon on a regular
1 ...-.. . ...
gagea in a jK-normance mat woum
have made the liveliest tribe this side of
lue "' mountains asnameii. l.
wa conspicuous! v ith an appalling
whoop, he skinned hi coat. Another
yell, and off rame his buckskin,
Snatching an old saddle blanket and
throwing it over his shoulders, he
danced firt on one leg, then on the
other; lie squatted, pirouetted, waltred,
and junijx-d like an excited savage till
the crowd .topjed in breathles ad ml
certainly did. TuciBe it and thrust his
head into it wa the work of a int
nient : to get hi head out w a another ;
thing. Another drink and awav went
the dance led by the now invincible
warrior, rorth trotn the iron circum
ference came the most ghostly yells;
the blanket flew wildly; T. hounded
and leaped and veiled, till at lust in a
moment of desperate frenzy while
making a cut at an imaginary foe, the
jot slipped over thc warrior's nose, and
there it stayed. Thc crowd roared
and danced round the imprisoned chief,
but in a short lime the situation be
came very uncomfortable. The boll 't
was pas-ed, but unfortunately the neck
', " Vu' '""
' Lffort-to release luni were unavailing :
', .. .
boscis of L-xtrnordinarv dimrniiiii. nibl
' uiiiiiic null inuiiiiLHi till linn ti in hm
a a , . , , ,
r .""""" "' "" mi'" "" "
his cars. Streiched on the trrouml,
With bis lry ,t rn. Ww." ;
'aa... . . ....'
.hull it- h itl" ui'('ii:nir airiiiTi I . .
1-. ... . .. . .
- - p - -
iiiis were "eilllltr imrciicil. his lioad
lips were get ting tMireiK-d, his bond'01 ' "' " nn' u,a- mo KTpie win
ii. , ., ...
w . .
was swelling, out Hie pot woultn t i
. i . f ii , . ;
give a hairs breadth and piteous groan.,
like a voice from the tomb, came from
.i i i i.i
we sunurou nepins oi ;ne unyieuung
prison. Various plans to release the
prisoner were proposed. One suggest
1 1 .1 . . , ,
ed blow ,,g up ,he ,,ot w.tl. !irdrr.
but T. objected as well a he was able ;
another proiaoscd to build a fire around
. , , . , , .
it and null it off, but the warrior J
writhed m agony at the idea of having '
his classic head roasted like an Irish '
potato, and with a half smotheied veil '
uartt-d to Ins fevt, and several of hi
. ...
,Bn ,mm1 lli'l lnR euoiigli, wize.1 Don
Quixote and held him fast. One stab
lt'l PI Till I r 1l mill' llin tin! !.!. . 1
-" ., .rii ".' frs,i
aim oraciiii; tum-cii against i.s snoui-
ders, gave a vigorous pull, but an
. u , unPartllv roa fr0 ,,
' ii
Pot warnta ",,u t0 awtl
was about to come out by the roots!
One sensible fellow, not 6o drunk as
the balance, procured an ax, and lavin
,i . i . . , . "
the pot with its precious legal contents
n a rock, poised himself for a giant
an( decisive blow. "Strike a solt
; lick." moaned the prisouer. Down
, came the ax fair and square; the pot
speech and confession might be a warn
ing to the rising generation. He re
counted the number of public positions ,
he had filled, related in an undertone jshjn:: Carpenters find an abundance
a number of little peccadilloes, andbc-jof rmp!0vnicnt, and newly shingled
moaned the sad fato that forced the I an? n profusion. Thc'long-cared
" Webster" of the Pacific to end ' rabbit ha sped away from the "haunts
days in an infernal old three legged 0f his fathers" into" the interminable
pot. Fortunately no such fate auaited forvi uim. rolls Mill creek, "and
him. A messenger was dispatched ,M n0 sounds save its own dashings,"
about twenty miles for a file, and the whic M ot fanm flowers, gravel
doughty chief, who was going to cat the cA waIk!S cuhing fountains, ditto
whole Bogue river tribe without sea- ma;,0ns, ttic richwt fruits in luscious
soning, was filed out the next day, his glorVt j,cmlantj an,l ti,c ,nanv fine and
handsome nose turncl up like a half cpn;cnicnl fixtures of civiliza'tion have
peeled potato, hi head swelled, and ,aUn thc rjActl wiere ,or ccntunes
himself feeling like a man who had been flonrished the maiirjueta in primeval
in a tight place. He still lives is quite jjorv.
venerable now, but loses no opportu-, B;, Mr, RHlor, I cannot give vou
nity to administer a viciou kick to Innnv interesting items this week," for
every three-legged pot that come in ,lt. iu.,L. hcat'of the sun during the
his way, provided it can be done on thc Ml fl.w rf.nvs ,as produced a ort of
. i stagnation ot human activity; and
THE TRUE DEMOCRACY. lhc" thc "'y we" not cx' i'
recording them all, for you no doubt
"v '"i """ i ';
10 wine w-ue .lemoc.nuc panj u,
rtmencii. i nere i justice in uic ciaim.
inereisiniuiin u. i ni piiinn .
easily maintained, and thc assertion
that democracy is a sham-the party
ofthe aristocracy-blinding thc people
by a fa ho name and false preten,,-., i
. .1 -. m -.- !.
sticeptil.le ot prool also, l.epul.l.can
pnucijiles, uroaii a the ery touniia
tion of the lSepublic, arc not bounded
bv State line. Thcv teach intiee to
all, oppnsion to none. They declare
the right of every man to the fruits ol
hi own labor. They declare that the
law i made lor poor and rich alike.
Democracy while professing hollow
friend-hip for I lie laboring man, has
always been ho-tilc to hi n-al interests.
It alway oppOM-d a tariff for the pro
tection of American labor; it ha ad
vocated the anti-democrat ic idea that
lalor should tv owned, as horses and
cattle are owned, by the rich. It oj
pned the honie-tead law, that prevent
ed the rich trotn absorbing the public
land-, and finally pluuzed the ronntry
into an exiK-nive and terrible war to
! ""'tain a confederacy of State found-
led on tvranny, injustice, and the right
of one mini to own the labor of hi to!
low, and exact it with the lash if tu-c
Die personnel of the Democratic Na -
..,'.,, . , ,
tional ticket does not contain much de-
-. . , ,
mwracv. Sevmour waborna wealthv
iii' .. i,i .. '
and hauzhtv an-tocr.it. Blair is
, '. ", ... , ,
member of the richest and proudest
Tfnt.t1l.lt ((MM llilMK !. W.Loti t,n
it 'iiMivni I ir 'ir-ri,, UIV
tnie democracy of Anii-ru-a. Tlnv
,.r !..,..:,. ti
eome from the ra
i .
. ..,.
auk ol the Kpleai.;i
trial, what povt-rt vis.
Lrfu.u' 111- flf.lliatl IpiMl Irlit I
" -I " .", "....a,- .-.
I hey have each written their names on
the National roll of honor. one with
his sword, the other with his, Mn,-and
they represent fuirlv, the true and real
.. ....
iii'miatrrrii-i fix nit f-miru ri' I in. ikinii.
!,..:...,.. . at.. a al. ...... .1.. ...SI!
-----;-. - - - , :,:
" ",r "'"" "' l"-1 " ii- iv iu
.not illstriiril tht'tr n.fil lriptn1& fur IIia
. .. , .... . . . .: i . .,
, , , i i 1 i
cold-bIooUl and piirst-proud ansto -
crat,t who vm nv known to have
anv svmpathv for anv but their own
.. .... . ..... i..v.'- iui aiiv
irii ill f'Tini uii.Tr n.T iriaiinc ma i i.a
.i.- - -
Wain Claims or B. F. Dowell.
! a a.l'u at... .!!...! .-...... 1
-a v .a.V HIV ll'llVIOIH t-jLLIill'L, ITOIII
the WM,.,ngton coruaence oi tbe
v . aJM - .'
- . , .
ii-sieraav mornini: mv esteemed
fried, B. F. Dowell, Ksq.left herefor .
his home in Oregon, intending to sail
from New York on the steamer of the '
-w, "ar al,,;r to-morrow. He is out t
M.me twenty thousand dollars in oW. -
furnished to the Government twelve or ,
fourteen years ago. in the shajseof sup-1
lilies, mules. liii'l:in fnr vnliiimin
etc But he has been unable to get ;
in- jiay n currency, lor goiii ann its
equivalent, furnished 14 years a-o,
milium iiurivri, mim llllMaiKlilllT mere I
is a plain law ot Conirress authorizing
and requiring the Third Auditor of the
Treasury to pay this and all similar
claims. The understrappers in the I
a reasurv nave no more rejranl lor law
than Johnson has, and, like their mas
ter, thev execute it or disregard it as
best suits their interests or their en.
price. They refuse to pay legal and
just claims, and at the same time are
stealing hundred- of thousands of dnl
iai trom the Trea-ury, as was proved
a lew weeks ago, when a committee ol
the House of Representatives diseov-
erek that the clerks in one of the bu-1
reaus had born erasint? the word !
"slave" from the roll of colored regi
ments, and receiving 1200 more than
the law allowed on each name erased,
amounting to hundreds of thousands of
dollars in all, drawn fraudulently from
the Treasury.
lions Tiiaiske. Wallace, the
is the bet we have ever Been, and well
worth the price of a lesson, whieh i.
fi e dollars. Another lesson will bo
given this evening, when all farmers .
and horsemen should be preweut. '
inniilfiif ATi?wniift. nri.i f tut ki-tm.t 1.I..C
,..,,. . i 1 Grulb in thc land. May tunc ever
of either lie more m their own jorkets , , , . , .
, . . , ,.' strew pearls of idea-tire in their wav,
and theirownper-oimlairsrandizeiuent , , . , , ",
., - .i . . ii a thcv pursue their pilgrimage through
than in the int-re-t of the poor. ( .. .,", ' , , ,? , r
,. . ., , , , ' . , this "Ionclv vale ol tears; and ma v
On the other hand, the nominees of . . .' . .. ' .
iiorso trainer, gave a lesson in his art of ii f,,A ' """. -o an. vt. UoUuson,
i . I - Wr tlTerLTJCfc, Ktl U V fanavll im t
trainiug horse, yesterday evening. Nn-Ur .Mr.. J. BlgW, cct-1;
!.. . f ...
.. -... mo tuuLi k u iir. ii aiini't .
AsiiLANn, August 12th, 1809.
Epitok Skxtixkl : Ashland is flour-
saw cwrytiiing oi any eoneqiience
wj,en yoa tarrit.d with us this week,
., ,.:iril ,, ,. !-,., .,..., ntr.
y ! ,iriwume von will mention, in
vo,r nm J-n- Uie (,.cnl of Mr
swoni thr0ll.h the livery stable, when
he mme j whllc ,,,, fllllire ,iro,.
wpft, . ,, fa WM ,ikt.
ie fl, ,jt o a l)ri;:,
uit meteor, but the
kind little gentleman -ittaiiu-d no seri
ous injury, and I see him up there now,
shingling away a busily a ever.
"Coming events cast their shadows
before," and the near future promises
a rich harvest of item. Significant
out-cropping indicate that some of the
boldest ol our youthful heroc are go
ing to bid farewell to the bleak rock o!
sini:le-blcedno, and launch awav on
the broad m-i uittriiiioiiial Mi-s,
with tenderer hand than their own, to
help them "paddle their canoe-."
These youth know jut when to look
fur the moon, a she mounts above tin
bleak pinnacle baik oi Buuyard,aiid
ju-t what lime h- "ill sink behind the
green Siskiyou, w-t ot Ahlatid. Our
chief titj'.'itnl vvau-lics late fr phe
noiuiua in thc sideri.il heavens, and an
interchange of lou-iu-pired words an
thtili occurrence-. Scareelv a dav
pae but some wvary footman tread-
1. 1 1..II.1, itn, .t..ti. .. iltit , ..u.td
'. . , ;
in -cantv inor-il-. securing the hour-
, .... , ,
, isliint-iit that n:iture craves; but lit u-
.. ,, ,
rejoice and be iirrry, for to-morrow one
a', , . ,, . .,', .. , ...
ilonelv ll iM,-r shall ItfbK-ssttl withhap-
' . " , , , . . , '
I "----" - --.
Mimn In bull nit flni
, s- "
-'oun ukA'1' whu arc -m "''l''1!"'
for- Pilot Hot k.
- TT" .
ovi:i. Jma.Nf have received a
copy of a plan .levit-d by K. .M. Bar-
. num. formerly of Salem in thi State.
!-.. a . ?... . .i , .
"r laciiiiaiins travel uirougii Hit-
al. ......!.
..ro...1i1Ni tilom
B - S"
,.-,.. ,.,i.i ,i...m ..t v v ..i.
7 --- ....
vivii,itr.a i tiui iruiiiiiai I. it ui .sun l urj..
, Hl i.rni.... i,. I,.,il,l a-,il.,,. ,.i..,n.
' 1U f Jtojmim-s to uuiltl a railway, clevat-
,ed u,k., iron columns, high above the
ordinary b.i.ii.... nf tba. .tH.t s,,li
...w.. ...,
I dummy engines of about four horse
owerarclo be attached to each car.
!A tinnmnflt ll I lllm Irtl- t 111. ca.Ai.jl,- f attic.
'" "-- - - ". ... V ....... u . ,...,.
nWon of express packages is attached
.. ,iin nrtll. ', f, ,
J r 3- .-".. ..'..... .- .'...i.r.
hearts of our
.I..i :,.. .t'.'s. ...' 1 . 7 .'.
""""'" "ii i wonuy 01 contiuera-
tion in every crowded citv.
, J
Foe the Bay. Mr. John Mcl.augh-
lin will start on .Monday morning for
San Franci.co, with oeveral fine horse.
,. ,t .. . i .
tor tliat "'atlet'
KAHLEB-Born. oa Bou Blrer, August
" aw iui ame ui uu. iwinicr, a son,
COAKLEY-Dora. on Bttr emk. Awpin
I7tb, to tbe wife ol A. J. Cotklf j, a dtugb-
FISHEB-Dorn la JckoBIlle. Aucuit 17tb.
" ,uv '" "' ' ", mnjnirr.
HUBBABI) -Died In JmIsooyIII,-. Aui-u.t
I0lh, Alex.tiiler, ;ouikmI sod of Jtmrs ud
nremrci nuuujru ; gl I tr. J nv.u.tb
nil 20 &ij:
To k Uwiuor Jt-a-oiruxx ad ncwi.
Florncheiig MachlLe. b for s tVw
djijtbeaoxr of John Neuber, to biLU
aud tL urdcrt fur the m
To tbow scqu.lot with ibi. m-cblat, CO-
tt.il..1 b.V..t1k'-.n " Pernio, oi
, r , ,m"""" "U"D M IM Dre jrt. nd
exhibition. itoV,. TIii .:?-.". ""."
7ourelre.befor rcLuIn,. """"" ""
"If '"'"I'on. or vtboBatTtrbblm
LV,Vi!?"i.ieo.D10 " wl" '
' iae tM! $?"? J E--
ttr trltb ur
couftr s laror
TUwwU rT' '" !1 Ju.lttnml kut lrH W
pi.attatio mrTr.rtt.
P-,, wltb tti tjnftrn, llnK HmiUn
too. e, w
Tiling .irk .iii.iio, IUTT1KI.
tu it iii ii oftTrii lonk ff tkf .c, Xtmtm
mMdlitrJ ol rid, f dtllfMnl ), ,e,rt. M
Tht flr-t trUl .lj, luu . tnwktJ px-d tltrct.
X ckshw t4 .lift I. tiw..rj. M -11 Ic U. of O .
Utt ! m-l tatrlllrci f.l. "'
II k lis rr-'lft wrt f Tr lnrn L rTirlnl-1 ui
di,ltt-f.l ii.ni.-h. &lrh II rrllftn in (,r imtu
W kwu IS- titrt tAs lt nM n.t tvv,r nt
k-Uf la lb urU. W .r. n.-1 M.I to .l w bu u t.
COIBfvwfNl of.
rriai-r in cnoruus To UMwhixii .
CiUtiTt Hill h n erUWUl ( rtrr s-ol
dirj jfN,id wu tll itnrlnc t rslr -t l-cli XVI
Klni of l'r-.f , f ! rtirtn poo i lu n HrV,t
In.il'nr. ltlirruuVMror I.r"s, J'ttfM. W, U.
b, C.nitiHtl-v c.
CtKttlUt Bm,-r. Plsohrt, Cotlc, u.4 d'ntMt 14
lb itcmwb nJ Ufli.
PMIK Frf lnflnaUt vt tl U.o Uii pr.
ni AC0.in.
CltHonat rutl r&r ttifrtMnl dl(wtl,
LlM rvlt.. Arnlt nlmUl kn4 tpv.
hlf lilj U'lfiYitlnF la Ltrrrai J-KM.
VVi!rtim Tet K-mfula, Klivr.litm, V.
lwil tn .mm.tlr rsinlnttltrt crMtln( tub, at.
t1 m&4 m!!l ibiKh vtnt l'j mA)m .nln(.
At OVt-l-iJ, oriif. r-r, rvrrttJar. nsl
Jlo-tl.-r mlt(jl ljtr.iM, ft SMtil.h rdili.la
rMI! Uttl) to tS mi.lri'.ii bJ lli:incy I u
tliDJ. la jr O'.litCS B 1.1 Ol Cflunttt tt IW '11ll
nt'.U 4 111. tHtttr I t!. .fT"M.
Will. II.O tr.-(l- U(t 11 a CHrmorltT. SMl atUaMaa
of afl-cla HH-atis; tliaflt Ml ail aajra, th auyvwa, nf f
liitr aiKl falrl rj. is- f.- rf imih. Alo-i
tiarj faju.ly tAa .i tf -4 -tir.rlns Lt l, ruu.
tlis Dirrut til 4l.nitr u,i f utr.
TI.T t rr-..n.ti M l II itl h-.M,-l artWf.
Ila, to-l r rvrfi!J m pr:trr an Inrmioir ban.tntl
r-t. Th.JMr airr-l.&ftj lnaWr, I-alfil a iu,
l4 SATftaUaa
ytrv r. at fr pral-ixlliif a.11 ria'0. nit
tart In 1 oik r y lU ttllvn l a a.C.r 1 laapr-tn.
lll.palllafl'- Mr! -r.Kliltlla iar unf LaOta!
trStlt4 iii Ua-ios n (tatrlaiSxia unit, ft shkt tatrnl
ra.a uaa.r.-a', ,f Wl, S Oial aarta l.tla Ul
imrt &:i-l su-a -iiup,ar ! ml BLk.U!iL i,i
Kf aipAIBr-H' .-.l4.laaU. I!l.
S.44 l-a tr-;oaUa 0a!.r Oirni(kjvl U .lUnIJa
P. 11. URIKE. 1 en.. At York, Jolt Tropin.
REOIVC CV & rn. ten nr.tm.
Air.vrKimcAi.iim;!.t .txis.r.VAu.
Toa atriu J llila Uslntil ara allkna.t lti ,S
tr Inanlat.a-., a-a4l.lK, id t vt-nJarfLl.
Cuta. 1-THlara. aira Ut4 aa!linra.ar MftDrua kii
tanain laxuf Inaurj fMta. IL.I Ul ILia Uv
lovatl U Ilia ll Itili iturnl that imd I uayla.
II It Bincr a.lUlu tl.S' O.a d-l.r It ..f.a I'm. I.
ailiaf f r il.. 1 a-iw It 1 l.wjr tLin IU. A tf, uu
uviimbtiit a llivbag -Mln,
):tttl7lll'. lOLLOUl.NO
-I tUa I1aura Ira raoafimanJinr IS VfaaOa. U..
fir iJnii-aol . a lOnaUa sJ Is U'l-nMa uiltla Ur
'-(..min., r-xr.. iM-raiu..-., i i,aJI. u llofaaa. Ivm
lil m aa4 It la nan... llruU -.m I.I..Lt.t.ii. j.
.n4!lMr It Mta UVa kMfiC- J. V lllwrrt.
liYrtMt tt A mark s
VTaUa. Iu(y u4 llwia
r ipraM.
"Tba arraj . rxa diqiktra'a ikl. irrnnad VJa
VatlmU.1 witttrr. ! fMllrljrrC-a. Uvea aa aTa
lk raitmaKr baltr r ll aallfj Maitui; Ula.att "
Ukxxaatrr, Mut, Acrval 1, 1-ei. J., Sim.
QuKk aM a.ra It rrrtaltt ta. AM t-rmita la raM4
la ata.-plaia- ancrsf istjs l-nii tt -'ruauia it ti. M
Waalln., CtatuM, -la4 tlrf nSta l". . alMiu U l'
nil In aria 1 Ce. van Uit t-n
AttrRl UlatlMla ti. -lUHtflMlll Ulitk.ir
OOM-.lata lOl. Lls.1 lla.
SU I - UI Wucrlata. alal Sl-Kaa, al tS. 10 Hi tU l
It la i
II klaran that Lanai'a n.tila. VI mriV Tw.r
win isTi-iiy ta-ina arrrtLIC( In !lf aJ ur sa,
tlrta, llt:i,. naMla,, tti ttal it Ii -rt aa l
tba lo rt lrtl. I.I tf.ii t J fctnulaaa U ll bo - !)
Cra il d4naat aUtu4af
lialtra. Atita. r.ArS.aa ta if. Ir. ui lraaa TI.1.
ISmiltr la than oalual da.ta It iWl u la run rvs
Job. L. Ri. rj, Suanntralaut tf tl a Tut
Cll; llill. a. a a Jl la li rtir r ajU.1.
lat laklt a-aar Cal "
V t Ilviu rrmnu mj "Ws Ism
I.VONW magnetic; rownnn
ft ailrrnluUnc lacn mi ainsio, wits antlia H'
CoLcntv ,V i-rrrsos!. Ator Housr.
S. T. Coi.y, Am-rtca Jlotrl.
Acxs'in i TsEiixrc-U St. Niebotu HcUl.
S. LriuNu i Co., MetropollUu Hotel."
Taatltrwr of ttla throw mlfht t uUti M
Ifonb. Wbtiaor It d 11 4ffllaaa lta.lt
TV. (assloa Ua O.a alfMlsra U L. Lie.
t-ritut alajop i tmii liuiu A Co. A'Ttklaf a'-i
vt ihia klud it at u.iuik ur toajsurf-at. Atl Vtf
(tat Will U, U ftboiM If IH Ill-tJt M IB I
M Oitaf.
SuM ta all &mix-ti ut4 (anaraj avorakaaan la
lova aut mlafiuf caffis a ik l-acik Cawt.
100,000 feet SKA HON KD LUMUKB.ok.
balf of it ougsr I'iw, oo tuj Urms.
Pift or six roll- of cstlie aod some borses oc
the Bjrne terms.
I Hiso prop-ire to sell at Public Auriloo, -fite
lot ol DHV -OOr.S.coiaUtio, of
OUTTIiBjaV, Tito
Ru'es to corr.ecce oo SitrJjj. tte 1Mb of
AUL'tf.at. mid
10 nUllLUe fTT CAIBIua;
ibtreslttr, until tbe majority Is so'J
Uuier 820. cb tlowo; ot tbst na ,
Jays time (nitb role of approval secafi'J.
lib ooe prr o-nt. lotertst), will be gl"
Sunn over 8700, (our Kaib tine,
JcksoDvilW, Augasti 7ib. 18C8.
w buy jour HI4UE STOXE,
TroTi-ling Agtal.