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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1868)
FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT OPPOSITE THE Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Traveler and resident borders will fins 17 BEDS ABJD BEDDING Flaccd In firt claw order, and In every Way upcrlor to any In thl section, and surpassed by any In tbc Stair. UER ROOMS ARK MWLY ri'RMSHED, And a plentiful supply of tlie bert f every thing tbc market nifbtds will be ob- talucd lor HER TABLE. No troubled will be prcd to decrvc the pat ronago of tbc traveling at ntll m Ihc perma nent community. Jack'Pnvitlc. Marcb 31. 1JGG. tf P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, T NOW IN POSSESSION OK THE ENTIRE J. itock of miter'al and tool formerly Ik lonplnj: to ('oU-llc ft Collin. Mr. Cotelln bavins uttbdrntvu. IV II Coffin "111 continue the bitiluc. Mid ran l found at hl hop, Corner of U ami Tlirlil Streets, prepared to do work In a .uotkinanliko manner una at rrannslle mirf. Jacksonville, Oct. IS. lsCT. ocllOtf LIME! LIME! IDUILDHRS. AND OTHEUS WHO DESIRE XJ l.m-. will Hud a r"ttant Hipply, ol the lrit quality. In q'lauliilr tit mlt, at my liop mi M 1.1 11 street. U-iwnn Orejrou and Third, op )oit Midler Jfc UiMtano' ior. In mynb rucc, Mr. Alts. .Vuitln uill .lt npou cu.ioru tri. - STONE "CUTTING AMI Stone Huson Work 1 'i; on trm to Milt the time'. Order from ilic country will ii-CMTi" prompt atlnntlon. JOHN It. PEACOCK. Jsck-onvllle. April 2C. lfcCT. ap!7 CHURN S. MENDENAIJJS PATENT. rpiiE rnrns" ark now heist, manu- J faciurnl by llonard .V .Smllli in Jackmn illlr. Tbe pnbCe nrr lnvlnsl to cmII and fxain Inulliim Tlw fuel tbt ttr In tin .ort nc of from two to tlr niln ut". will convince ilic mit tk titled tliat Ibcy rr fir iipriir to nnyildn ( tliv kind rver bcfon' (ifT.-i'd to tin-public Tbey are lwlde. clf cb-a ir. no orutiiilr.s or iiilu by band ctcmary to keen tLcm tx.-ifttlv clvmi. Ci.IJ.lil.OOD. Mav :jih. UC8. mSO-tf. T o Founclrymon AND BLACKSMITHS. CnuUrUsi mi Utilb COAL d4 HO IKO.V X.OOO Tons, Id Sic:. cd Afll, fr Ml If J. R. DOVI.K, 41S mJ 415 I'kISc t, bn lrv!o. rl.l-lr BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICi:. Having dWponnl of our Tac twy. we are now prepared to cive our wbolc attention to u Ltallier and Finding builnrn. On band, direct from France. Culf i Kip, Domitlc Lvatber, Hoot I.ftf. etc. Jens- 0. IIkiv. I L. Fatiik, I J mis Dkay, New York, j Carl. ) San FranclKO, Addief. HEIS ii IlltAV, fan Francltco. 41C DatU-ry Street SUMMONS. IN the Circuit Court ol" tlie State or Oregon, for tb County or Jackcm. Elard lliudrlck plulutltf, vi. Henry Harmi ilefendnut. Action at Law to recover money. To Henry ''n'm. : You arc required to appear In tald Court, and atitvter lliu coiu.UInt uf mid pUIutllf, died agatu.t )pu, wltbln leu dai from the tiino of tu rervice of lbIuinmou on you, If K-rvrd vrltliln raid county, or If n-rvtd on you wiililn any i.llicr county In tlii 5iate, llieu ullblii teuty daye fioiu tjiu time of Hip wrvlce. or If aerrt-d ou you out nf tlie State of Oregon, lli-n it It ordered by the Court Ibat publication made for fix ueek In tbe Ort-u'on Skntixki. frior to lliu fecninl Mund.iy In Novraiber, A- D 6C8. Aud you aro notilted Hut, If you fall to answer tald comp'Hliit a alKive requlrid, tbe plaiiitilf l II apply lu the Court for Mm relief demanded Hieieiu, to-wlt: for a judgment agalutl j on fur the mm of tVj2 00, ultb Inter 'vtl th.-rwout the rata often per ccut. per an num from tbe dute tberof, and tbe co.U and llrh'irviiieiil of tbla action to e tax'd. Given under my band tbl ilh day of August. A. D, IPCS. O. JACOHS, augfi 4tl'y for plaluiltr. W If F " "iffi ''T EL DORADO, S.i:.Col.CI..V.O:ii.t...1acl4oiltlllr, O.I S. M. FARREN. I DissolatisB of Vartmerebip. THE partner'blp berclofore exUtlng IjetMcen KH.und Win. C, Greenm n Is dlwnlved tbii day. Tho account of Dr. Greeninao bare been dUpoud of to W. 0. Greenmao, and an Immediate rttlerueot Ii required. K. II. GREENMAN. Y C.GKEENMAN, Aug, Ctb. HCr. ugtf yiw s I S'mrSk ' . V W i I AW rtr iW at Tdr't At I iri u -J ' :bhjji my m? L L iVULP I I T r.l 1. I I I II l.A LL?IirL . JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1808. NO. 31 nusiNKss NorrcKs. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, jacksoxville, oregox. Ambr o t y p o s, Phot oeraohB. . . . .. wui vus uu w asa lu w.vs ix tub nxar mn or ask Pictures Refluent OR EXLARQEP TV LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. OVErtBECK. Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOXVIU.E, OREGOX. Office at bi refldence, In tbe Old Overbeck ilcillil. on Oregon Street. DR. E. B. GREENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SUIIGEOX, OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. He will practice- In Jack'on and adjacent eouiillM, and attend promptly to prufetlonal call. feb2tr DR, A. B. OVORBECK'S BATH ROOMS, In tho Ovorbock Hospital, WAK.M, COLD it SIIO WEK ATIIS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. c.RUiti:, .ii. i)., PKYS1C2 AN & SURGEON, OFFICII renovctl to California Street, ' South side. I Jacktonvllle. Il.c. iiltt. It 67. decjl-tr j l)U. I,I,VIS C-ANIWG, PHYSICIAN A SUI.GKON AND Obutotnolftu, W1M. attend to any wl.n nny rwmlio b'. K-nleen. (JfBce iidloliilnj N. l.iiieelV tboe bnn, ou north Jnck-om Hie. north id C.tllfeml.1 .trtt. novltf Hcrssi-i. ' inr "-"s. i .sri.n.w. n'oticics. -ltw 1.STAR OF THE UNION . CCIXERVTED STOHACH BITTERS!! J VirUUU1. Uxt Uvtxt fckU'. i.-l rty liUlt- Tj IMta . V T-ltta m vjt nlllis I TRY A JUDGE THEM I WW FOR TRY 1 t$. YOUR I THEM! 1 K i SELF I jful Iri-mU'r.t. A .'twcl tci t.,ird a rawl) (trtv.Ue d'lnv, Ti nuikri It n.!id lili) :'i4Kiioui(niioui.u. iLm JJI.-' Ltliltr.ra:i!t( ifrontli I'linl nut. n tf .u.t nu. Urt r ( t i-.d bwU, are -diLir.bljr 4; n l 10 U i ur ol t all aZivti'ia tttf l-i'inoi Ii. Kltrj,l In r ir.d Jlkiwel. i Ii l')i-li. Jeter. Mjrlui,. Lou of Aijtti, t'r. cle. JurnTi-trr ( ; A.I'LVSlUlhIN. (oirj:ri.-!iua. f ( r" '"fme H Jukfon. fin I nrl . Dissolution notice THi: CO PAltTNEItSHlI' HEUKTOrOlti; eihtlug In-tuern .lorrl- llauiu i Lul Sob omon. dotiiv b.iuei ut Aililaud, Jacktou Co , l Hilt iIjv illfM)lvcd by mutual coiiKOt. Tb Imtineti vtjll be cnntlnurd at lb Mine plae bv Mr. Ilauin. who ulll rettlv all claim' axnlm tbe late firm. All outstanding account ioui ) lie p.VU to mm, wiio 11 aione aiiu.orue 10 re cvlnt lor tbe Mine. MOllltlS IIAUM. LUIS SOLOMON. Atblaud, Aug. lUtb, 16C8. 1 bankful ror patronage beMowed In the pat, I would tollclt tbe conllnuance or tbe fame, boiiini aUai to merit It by a cloe application tobu.iue. MOUHIS IIAOM. Abland, Auf. 101b, 16C8. augl5-w. Last Call. THOSE knowing lbcmM:lv- Indebttd to the late llrm ot Ilradbury ic Wade muif come rorward and iellle uc)i account. I ha been a lout; lime luce tbe bill Mere made, and toey mu.t now In Killed. Aclion at Uw will le Commenced uu"lii't all parllei hIiomi ac couuta are not fettled at tbe end or thirty day. JAS. T. GLEN'N, Tru.tee. I'cr D. M. C. Cult. July ITih. '(i8. julUml I O G T Jting point in aow Jlexlpo, wniiiu oe, niso passed noin nouses, during the last ' per annum, $851,860. We have ascer- hour of tho session. It provides for ALPHA LODGE, NO. 1, 1. 0. 0 T., HOLDS ajne,j timt the additional saving to tho two classes of bonds, ono payablo in IU regular inectlnjj on Tuewlaj evening' " .1.- , . . 1 . . .1 or each tho DlMrlci School loue, lu government in the transportation to ,40 years at 4 per cent, interest; tho mV.''Vrr,-11:, T".Vl 0'? ! Allmciuernn of tho mails, troops, and other in 30 year at 4k per cent, inter DLGUhEMEIlGSlhel.tTlleMyorec.lT ..,', .'. :...!.., ..., 1'.' . i.i :.. ino'iiili.a(i.r'adjourumeut or SUUOUD1NATE LODGE. All member or Ibo Order la Rood (.landing are cordially luvlted to I prent. n w mm c v n T . I If ll'.LIji C.IIU v. .......... ...., ... k- Jacksonville, Feb. fcth. 18(18. fe;l 8 tf Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M HOLD their regular communications Jr on tbe Wiductday Evenings or pieced- V log Ibo full moon, In jicssontilij:, or- roov. . A. MAHTIN, W. il. O. W SiVior.Sec'y, - ' ' ' ' 'iMa.waMlaaaBaOTMaaiBnn.nuMwaHl THE OREGON MTUEL. PUBLISHED Evorr Snturitny .Morning by B. F. DOWELL, OFFICII, CORXER C Sf TRIRD STREETS. Tnn?i9 w Ni'itscniPTioxi j For one rear, In advance, four dolUrt i If i nui paiu nuaiii ins nni nx monin onneyear, KSS.'.li&g' """ """"""" TK1IJ1H OK At)VKUTISI(l i One wuare (10 lines or lc). tlrt Imcrtton, throe dollar : each iiibfequcnt Inrcrtlon, one dollar. A dIcount o fifty per cent, will be made to lhoo who advcrllie by the year. rLegal Tender received at current rate. IMPORTANCE OF RAILROADS. Tho lecent tcport of the Cotiiniitteo on Military Afl'tirs to tho Seimti', in i relation to tho cxteiiinu ol tho Kastern dhision of the Union Paoifio Haihvny, is one of those rare documents istilnjj from Congress, which contains much valuable information in a small com tlltia ftilt ttin. ,tli lint... . ..M.i.l ' '" ' , , , ,, ' ' ho vast itoinaliis ol public and ttnoccu 1 tituil biiiil. tciMiitiiif with in! uw.rnl nuil agrtcttltunil rOsonrccs, which stretch from the confines of 3I.sso.iri to the Pa cific Ocean, call thoroughly appreciate tho iililiepennble necessity of railroads In the development of that great region out of which many future States are to bo formed for the bom-lit of tho whole ( .., -, n w nation. Wliother to lenvn tlii-i -'mini! scheme for n distant futuie, mid tIioI,"nM ll,'''.y tho moral elh-ct which fruits of it to be reaped by a .filiate!11 l,rc,wV,v,;r lho lu,Vant ."'.-.. iwu'ritv. or bv moini.t actio:, to c.-.k-: them in our own limes, is n question now proposed fur tho consideration ol Coiiyiess. A bill has Intel v been nc l0rU.,, j,, ,,K ,,, ,,y .Mr;0oilit.,l In relation to the subMih aKeil fur the extension bi-vond Kansas of the Union Pacific milium1. The vast benefits to inure to the Government are so clearly I Tl' ,0"'--- lll!,I' "" -000111. m forth lu the'bill, that we prefer ,'"'-" to .- House, but merely quote Its own language to miv argil - ........ ,.r ...... ...... ' .1 ,., ,P, "":"1"' "'"' "uywi. 11111,. committee say: Th-.t thev have cat, full v m.!.1..h..1.,hc rame uo I,,,",w, ,l"" reivm to the nitom."ni therein made, and Imvo ' lotniil ilium cnuurnitil liv tlie lollonin . .. .... 1 fact", tlntwn from official record : I lie coit to thu govern nu ul fortrauxportitliou fii thu I'liion Paeiliu j ltiilw.iy, eastern divis I Inn iti 107, was t If the iiiilitnry supplies ' had been wagiiiied.nuil i tho mallh i::i tried by I i-tage, and the tioopi J marchi-d, (taking tint I aeinge intc at which th- governuient madi Si 1 1,006 21 , . ' its transpoitation con tracts for that year, as shown by certificates (11 tho department of the Q,iittcriiuiter Gen eral and Postmaster Gen.,) the cost would huo been 1,358,201 0C Saving tho gov't, in 1807 810,202 82 At this rntc of saving all tho United There will be no sesnion, however, bo State bonds lusucd in aid of this road, foro tho regular meeting in tho fall, tin principal and interest, would bo cxtin- less .Mr. Johnson uiideitnkcs to set the guUhed in K'fc than four years. Jaws aside and usurp authority, ns ho Thcso aro the results ot tho uso by 1 did last summer. It anything should the government of the finished portion j occur to mnke it actually necessary for of the road in Kansas, in tho lust year. Congrm to assemble in September, In regard to the extension of the road tho members will be notified by Senator beyond the point in Kansas at which .Morgan or Representative Schcnck, : 1 !.i.. 1.. .1... ........:...,.. fi.,,1 !..,... ..!..... i .1.. r....i.i:... r. jib puusiiiy i'iiiip, iiiu i'ijiiiiiiiiii-u mm . that there are three regiments of troops in New Mexico, (two ot infantry and,' peach tho Piesidcnt was nllered in the one of cavalry,) nearly nil ot tho sup- Ilntiso Inst Saturday, by .Mr. Hamilton, plies for which are wagoned from tho of Florida, nnd referred to the Judlcln end ol the Kansas Pacific railway, at nj ry Commit'.ee, by a voto of 100 to 30. cost of $1 28 per 100 pounds per 100 j Tho bill to protect American citizens miles. At the present freight rates abroad passed thu Senate 30 to fi, and of the railway, as shown by tlieir print-1 passed the House without a division cd schedule, the saving in trnmpoita-jSonntor Williams Ih tho nuthor of tho tiou on these supplies to Albuquerque, 'third section, which embraces about nil on the Itio Grande, n central distrihu. thcio Is of the bill, The funding bill Indian supplies, would be $231,002, Tou) nnmiai ving, $1,083,872. . . , ., .. t Hut thero is anothei' coiisidenttlon ol , ., m. 1;. .. pcnnoniv in ilic riuoiio exoeniiHuru im tho result of constructing tho road, j Lieutenant General Sherman has tcstl fled that one-half of the military force ... ,r . 1 1 1 .i:..c,.,i in New 3Iesico could bo dispensed wjt, jf tn0 roa, was constructed, ......, l.ti:,., ,.f .1,,. owing to the greater mobility of the remainder, and the growth ol self-protecting settlements ou tho lino of the road. As his estimate of tho cost ot maintaining tho two regitneuts of in fantry and ono of cavalry was about four million ot dollars n year, tho committee find that an additional sav ing to tho government, of two millions annually, would thus bu elVected by the road. 1 his saving, added to tho saving in the transportation ot tho di mini'licd military force, that would be left lu Now .Mexico, and of tho supplies to maintain them, including tho car riage of tho mails and Indian goods and supplies, would in lest ttiun six years, reimburse tho entire loan neces sary to extend tho road from its pres ent terminus to the Itio Grande. The committee have had satisfacto ry evidence presented to then, that west of Albuiiuorque, and through Ar izona and Southern California, tho same or even larger propoitionate economy in the public service would bo elleeted by the substitution of rail way for wagon transportation, with tho result of an equally certain pay ment of the interest and extinction ot the principal ol the government aid long prior to its maturity. Tho committee have also had beforo them the wtllteu recommendation ot Major Philip II. Sheridan that tin; gov ernment at once continue its aid to the Kansas Pacific railway, in the course of which he savs; " It almost substantially cuds our In UL,,U-V w,c" ' l0 lll mmy in controlling them. No one, utiles ho has personally vis ited this country, can appreciate the great a-sistnnen which this road gives to economy, sccuritv, and effectiveness In the :idmiiii.tratiouof military alValrs m ,llU U'IaHineiit.M ,' l-'" ,,IU uxvl U,,,L" ua "nvu "' 'cettaiued in tho coiislder.ilion of Gen- ii,iiiiviin,iin miu, mm -)-iuni thl Coniiiiltlooontlio Pacific Knilroad, 11-. . ...f 1 . ii and that I lie accompanying detailed tlntemeiits, document, and official cer tificates bo referred to tho same com- iniltic, without being printed, j A vie legislation will foster schemes such us these, calculated to benefit the whole Union; and the t above loglo will assuredly govern Con- 'gress In considering tho question of ! (till li llit ft ntit ''will tf tliit Ck 1111 iui aiiv viijioi Miativn ui hiii wuil" Irnl Pacific, via Hoguo river and Ump qua vallies. Ed. Sc.v. LETTER FROM WASHINOT0N. ritost oun M'uci.u. conitKSfo.vnnKT. Washington, July 2l)th, 1808. AIUOL'IINJIIINT OF CONOItl'.M. Congress udjniirucd, nt 12 o'clock last .Monday, till tho 21st of September. iiii-iuui-in ui iiiu hvjimi'iiijiii viiiiii;' sioual Comiuittce. A resolution toim ii, Mliitii.ii iiiiii iiuuii-Bb jiiiyiiuiu 111 gold, and the bonds to be .'ro from all taxes except the income. These bonds can bo used only fur taking up the five twenties, and no commissions are to bo i),'iid for negotiating the bonds. The bill to dUcoutiuuo the Frecdmcn's Uu roaii after January 1, 1800, passed the Scnato over tho Presidents veto by -12 yeas to f nays- strictly a party vote, It passed the House by 1 16 to S3. The Democrats have been loudly call ing for the discontinuance of the l!u reait for a long time, but whou " a radi cal Congress" passed a bill to discon tinue it, their President vetoed tho bill, and every Democrat voted to sustain the veto, Al'IM'.OlMtlATlONS. The principal appropriation bills pass ed by Congress this session aro as fol lows: .Military Academy, $1.70,000 5 Diplomatio service, $1,210,000; Post Olllco, $20,i!70,00O; ocean service, $800,000; Army, .13,082,000; Navy, I7,:i"0; Legislative, Executive, ond Judicial, $17,030,000; civil service, $0, 250,000; Pensions, $30,350,000; Indi an fccrvice,$ 1,100,700; Alaska (in coin) $7,200,000; Deficiencies, $17,-! 00,050; charities (Disject of Columbia) $210, 000; charities, (private) $110,000; Miscellaneous, $200,000. Thu total nmount of nil tho bills is about $101 100,000. And the total appropriations for tho current fiscal year, including tho appropriations tor the public debt, bounties, etc., is only $200,000,000. Tho originnl estimates f tho Demo cratic Administration for the fiscal year was $372,000,000, or 832,000,000 more than Congress has appropriated. In 'nlso prevent tho President from vtolat other words the llepublicans havo np- '"g tho laws of the land with iinpunl- propriated $82,000,000 less than the Democrats, who are ninking so much fuss about economy, wanted to spend. A Oltl.'AT STOItM. Ono of the most remarkable ralu storms ever known in tho history of this country passed over Maryland and Virginia last Ft(day. Tlie rain poured down for a few hours lu torrents, ns if the windows ol heaven had been opened, The heaviest rains of Oregon nro only a " mist "compared wilh thisdelugo from the clouds. Haiti fell at tho Smithso nian Institute to n depth of two and a half inches in about two hours; and further north tho storm was greater than nt Washington. Three or four hours niter tho rain commenced falling nearly the entire, city of Haltiinoro was tindci water to a depth of from eight to twelvo feet. John's Fulls, n little stream which rises in thu hills ot N'oithmi Maryland near Pennsylva nia, and flow through Ualtimore, com menced overflowing its banks nt noon, nud in two hours the water was from eight to twelvo feet deep In all tho principal streets of tho city, nud In sonic places II was twenty feet deep. Il rose In the slteets nt thu ratuol two Inches per minute. In ouu Instance tho flood roso so rapidly that a stieet car on Gay street, full of passengers, was washed down Harrison street, filially turning over and drowning two of tho passengers. A number of other persons were drowned in various pails ol tho city. The bridges across Jono's Falls on every street wc.e swept nway, and neiii ly nil lho lumber, sugar-hogs heads, barrels, bales of hay, nud other loose propci ty wns carried oil by the 1 aging flood, Huudiedsof stores were submerged, nnd tho goods wcro ic moved, as fast ns possible, to the upper stories, In many instance thu water 1 cached the second stories. In some places foundations of buildings gave way, aud thu walls fell lu. Some firms lost ns high as $30,000, nnd the total destiiictinn of property in linlllmore is estimated nt between $3,000,000 nud S4.000.000. At Ellicott city, 11 villagu near Ualtimore, tho destruction of liiu and properly was feaiful. A number of houses were swept nway nud their Inmates drowned. Tho family of Dr. O wings, consisting of a wife anil six children, who had fled from their own lesldouco to n neighboiing house for greater safety, were swept nway, nnd 1111 drowned, it is estimated thnt nt Ir-nst fifty persons wero drowned in this village. Dams, mills and factories , wero swept away. One laruc trmnltu ' fl,M .." .c.i .. 11 1 iii cotton mill, noma of tho wn lo which weia twenty feet thick, nud which cost $100,000, is u totnl ruin, Neaily all the roads nud bridgi-H in Hallimoru county nro destroyed or damaged. 'I'll. ..u..u 11. .. . III.. K . , ... .,,., iTv ". v,r York and Washington, font shorttlme, owing to damages on tho Haltiinoro nnd Ohio road. Trains have entirely ceased running .j, that road west of Haltlmore, for the present, uml wcat,rlom . loul. .nm m0i,ietv to In. waid bound passengers go round by Philadelphia, Tho Pennsylvania Con. ' tral road was so badly torn up that passengers havo to bo carried thirteen miles by stages. Tho telegraph polei were nearly nil down. Daltlmoro was inundated in 1 81 7, and again in 1 837, 07 what has since been known as " the great Hood." In tho flood of 1837, which occurred in tho night, sorer! persons were drowned ono wholo fam ily in their beds in tho second story of a house. Hut thcro has never been anything known, elnco" Noah's flood," like tho great Hood of last Friday even ing. Tho storm reached New York Friday night, nnd did considerable dam age in that city and Brooklyn, filling up cellars with water, and overflow lug thu wharves. K. LETTER FROM B. F. DOWELL. Nkw Yotttc, July 24th, 1808. I lelt Washington on tho morning of tho 21st of July, and I arrived hero at 5 o'clock, P. M., being only ton hours and forty-ono minutes ou th way. At 12 o'clock to-day I start homo 011 the steamer Killing Star for Aspiuwnll. The ptico ol faro is from $30 to $110. Up to tho time the op position left, ou tho 20th Inst., it was ns low ns $80 first cabin. However, I was not fortttuato enough to arrivo in tiino to buy my ticket until alter tho opposition left. POLITICAL AFFAIRS Are lively and encouraging, Congrct adjourns ou Monday to meet again on tho 20lh of September. This will give tho balance of tho southern States a chance to reconstruct in time to voto" nt tho Presidential election, if thojt comply with tho conditions of tho re construction acts of Congress, It will ty for political purposes. His ambi tious hopes aro blasted, and ho is so coi nipt that no ono can tell what lid might do. Ho dislikes Seymour nnd hates Grant, and tho Democracy aro still coquetting with him. No honest man who knows him is willing to tako his word for anything. Ho has told several that Seymour could not bo elected If he had thu unlimited patron age of the Government. Tho llepublicans nf New York bost they will enrry this Stale by a majori ty from 25,000 to :i(),000. A very inrg majority of the Germans nud Fenians will vote thu Republican ticket, and tho Irish vote, generally, will bo nearly equally divided between Grant nud Seymour; but the old Scotch nud En glish Democrats will nil voto the Dem ocratic ticket. They all sympathized with the South, nud still rejoice nt tho destruction of our commerce by ths Alabama ami other plrntes fitted out in England during the war. Till: NUVV ISLAND IN Till: PACIFIC, Which were discovered by Captain Itrooks in July, 1850, were formally taken possession of by Captain Hoy nobis of tho L S. Navy on thu 13th oi September Inst. His report says the principal harbor is equal to that of Honolulu. Truly tuny it bo said "tho Star of Empiie wends il way wet ward." The bill to pay for Alaska will piobably pass both Houses of Congress to-day. Thu islands East, jSouih and West nearly all desire to I - "1" "r ri'ftl uniit-iici-iiUon. if t ui :Crlc'allti::ntt.dt inericau continent nud the adjacent islands will soon be ouu great, peace ful ami happy Republic. llli: MOIUIONU Continue to emigrate to Utah, A com pany of about ono hundred ami fifty left this city for Utah 011 tho 22d lust. Il is reported that this baud was gath oiedfiom Now York, Philadelphia and Wafhliigtou, I visited the wharf to see them tako their departure. They seemed very happy as tliey began their journcy. It is said 8,000 moru aro ox peeled from Europe this season. Mrs. General Jo. Hooker died on tha 10th inst. nt Wntortowiij New York, She was n sister ol W. b. Grovesbeok of Ciiieluunlli, who was 0110 of tha President's attorney.! in tho impeach ment trial, E. M. llnnitiin, formerly of Salem, Oregon, is here. Ho has invented a plan lor an Elevated Hallway, Parcel Expiessaud Piieumnliu Dispatch. Tha design Is intended to erect elovate .JoIittK ,, ,i,,,u.hes in nu air-tight lube, by exhausting tho nir from ouu end of tha tube to the other, lu a fovv seconds. I l"vo heard tho plan favorably recom ineiuied oy severa gooi engueeri, ana ,,,.,,,, lM. u ,.vy j,,,,. I hnvo no doubt ot its success. Mr. Illinium expects next winter to get a liboiul charter Irom the Legislature oi Nw York. If ho does the work will "WWII "V llllllllll'IIHM, HIH.IIVIIBIIHI' nf,vi n ..i,ia.y loitune avvnltihlmaufl his heirs. He is ncfinlly a good jehnuio uml a woithy uitUon, and wa wish him great success. I , "ffi ""i S MS html. Ho returns on the staaawt duy to his uovv homo in San FraaclaaaO ...