Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 15, 1868, Image 2

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ron the ruKSinnxcr iv 1S6S,
Hil'f. v.. .All,
cr Tin cit tru.
cit tTt..i.
iivl f ilthfill fwrm.!." 1htfo
! pnnliimnt f K tralton.
r-K rrtKtnKNCT
"WtH Am. tm. rl
l luo rfrrl fw .tri.t
scurYt.nn rot.tx.
or tienst.
For Prr-ldrullnl Rlrrtoret
0 JACOBS, of .Tni-kon.
A. B.3IBACUAM,oi Union.
riATtT.n7v Moiwt.vo Au 15 lSOf"
,m in! i '"" ' 1
At a Copperheatl meeting at Cotton-
wood a few dnvs miicc, one of the
ienker, Dr. Cnlmiii, wa ery se -
vere on the "filthy Cliiucu1 who were
taking the hretid out of poor meu'
moHths.' We.haxe heard the same
Cnhitui declare in the dntsj More in
tin plnee,tlmt he would rather have a
He i au cxi-elleul spi-cimeii of detuo-
critic iiHrerity jut like the Udance
of his pMrty.
A Dkmocratic mKr up in " WiAu
loot," callel the S if mil. erie out lut
ily, "nlmlNh the Grand Jury!" A
the CoHtitHiHin of the Uniteil Stale
-providi- "that no ktoii -.ball be held
to answer lor any capml crime fueeyt
Oh ttf r&mtmfnt a (?rwi wy,"
it abfiliilwn wotiUl bv ,.ry convenient
for Kii-Klnxcr und other sriwd Dcim
crat. Tlie Slfftwl mm appear to W
one ol the fellow that nicked hi ijn
siitiMH.twl law "ihreiiK a horu."
Stimrt itHliridiMl !
Ore iM-iglilH.r nni a bet ltwewi '
Blutt (Heft.) ad Ilei-liiig (Dem.) on J
the President ix I eleni.ci. It SeytHunr'
1 (4ene4, lllatt whrvl Herling in a
vvlM-rlliamH from hre to PHr Ma
crek; if Grant i elcried, vkt- era.
r ...jji... .f ...
viir nniiiN.r ; mpauiiw wjih tbe
I'.eiHiblirai. in advawc. So do we. for '
bt. I. ttrt. .a Lv.. m ,..i.. .l. mI.i.. :.. 1
.. . ... ...., ,; ,,'ir.niiiirin
tkt Iwrrow. .Tnt put that in yer
jhj, Ir. lUetttk I
Lliitmmitu than a white girl for a dt w-.i very relrehlis. Imliviiliial. who lenmrse the pmilece conferred by it teriew with alioo-Mn ami other cm tir uundn.r. Li. " i'f"nT. 'i Mf't"" "r,"""i filing
nietii! in hi family, and would gUvjeould nt be induced to en the i and receive literally nothimr in return. Snnke Indian on the l!ervation, iei , t t , wMT.iri',,Tt..,Ui' i.''"7 """'' ni"" ,',',5
the Chiimuinu ten didlnr wr month ' threhhohl of a place of worhip,conld 1 Amu: the additional iriilesecr.uit hap to etlect an interview with tin- ',,:v """'I'l"1, ("' O'Bcilly) died , nw.ie. tiom to'.ihw tiXT " TOJwt'li'22'
1.-.. 1 1.1 ... .': :... ii... !..:..!.. ...1 ... .. ,....,. . - ...... . ,..:..' . ... t. ..is.... a i.i. .: in NVw Yuik on the 3d int. I10111 an ! T.??.rr ."" ' ::?: """-i n. .t, "2
niuii- minn m- iiiniiu nn .inivritnii ;',in. I "v -nn 'inning in .timi imii m uni'K ru, l i l.n 1 ill unviii-; ronui at mi iiniuiii .-m'iii, nun ;i iv in iiieir . .1.1 1 "' ""i"' "r'n. n iim,iiftoj
A D km ocr at in thi eoanir want M,r' IM,w'crtiil u.tlnence than tatnte
I h n tnn tb,tM.im Hwt1,M(Uw wUU w ''"- nrv n ..mt i.
ngalMt 500 iucoin that Sevmowr will
be elected
Wo havea frieml vvl.hai't',',',,l'',',; ,,M' J'11 ,,,,,-s:', ,',t',t' '
vt tfiOOd that he will ' '" "t'W lM',m''.v f"f thoc who hdate
'a note that c
bet mi anything agnint a fire chii
"poire JHtlnrthf aT.f? t "rttii." rid
ofthedaruwl thing. WJW"tKk"him
. .
A UKMArtt.vn exrlwifgf.avs: "Tin
Dowtacratin ldier mhI lor eyiiHinr I
t a hmh. and again-t Grant." ' Tliv !
Wi: shoMbl think th MirvlvlHghr
Ts ui tL ..I...I .,..-" ......Li ....:i
of hearing that the man ii N. .i.ihhI
their wild ...,.....r . lu.,.a-....-li. -' - ..
--.... ........ . i,,i,.,f( .M! "HI
rlrlitjt'nii fiiul ? Tt I-. not .it ..II U..I.X..IC
monmrv. imI Murrih... ,. Iw ...
saj mi hi iHt. on thu gwve ot a
t'iaOtUliern hiirw."
I.v his speeeh ol aecejiiniice. Jllnlrre
marked that " the eontct i for the u
storMiiou of the great principle that
belong to oar raw." Ho donbtle
meant that it wa tot.vo t!ieVVlr
that iH'Inlig to Iieluiout, Seyinour &
Co. from repudiation.
Tue Democratiu mpen say thai
when Seymour stepped forward to ao-
HUVW (till r-tBIMl .iir Grnul u'riiL ti I
. .. " ihwI uggetioii with n-ani ton -hi.- ' ' "'"""".. .-. h n.rln,mi .,, s,lt. uieni.-ive ', .....-... v ...........
HMH, hut teu to the l wowaii llwl : .umu .. UUMUlm , PB,i.... . ' .HKln..g. Only the nghi i.ijNyti bv m-ue, but itmtmilN-t the rei.rti-.l kill- Mann .. ?... it ,-r,.. ..,, , jitaac.
W.MMmI lilt tun ( .ftiCa.l.rav tfiiL tL.. , "t."i-tm utk.w ..UlU--l . a.. I.. :.. l.t . .. ..... t it. r if tiril i... t...i .!... ..... ..,.. I.1M.MI.T.
"Ut ditch" maLmrka , Hi valley nnd the Link B ver l,i. 7" ":7L- l 1 "'""I'", , . " "' "' ,"""'" ,ytHtUuu: VnZ,, m.w.i....,,..,
1.11 Mitch imtCMirica. 'lHr.u.i.. ..i . . H'c eillWe ami oanrfreot their band, the other he ol' under tl... .L -..i.i . -.. '.... . . !""" ir'" t-.r, m ..,,,. M
mm -- . "" ""' - c-r r Hl!!! , . . . ,, . , " . " ' " ' -'. " ti ini u jnm 4vt, Im
A uimi: immber Af LmmUiix (.. Si ; that u MtH.m..rl,.tt.... ...:-i., i' .1.. " Jciw.kihuo.i n.n.iei. theeontrolot hn-Uliik.theom-eved -I n.-.v-i--.. Ur.. u n i. ,,.,ir,,,i
l.om-,.y , Cnserhead ,. have J hy the Conniy Cho,,,. ,t ii ""1 " l f "; They are,, eeto acknowledge rfoS'nZ. 7VZ "--7 K.T...
stglapMgt-tov.rteagain.t GniMt. !HMt-what...ulttlifl it tK-v Imvt. the r'"'!v''U',? I.M'r,.r' ure "H" "' '"-''pr"cnt uiiforlunatew.udilion tb- f..ir., Muadm Uw-i..Ihi. a. !.. IbCb '''t V. .r Joints. Kik.n.
ItvvrHH.a;,iMt...tigaehtrJHght; a.if Uh-v do ehoe , ' u"!Z IV" "" ""W. "Z,,:: 'Z,::: . . 1
tt.f UeMH.mtM. pre to ile.f-rmhie the I art, it w m mn-e-sirv to ,Mve Vv i ' iih-. ....,-.-, ., n,very oi ti.e Harm ,.fc..i..ir. mil ,..ly i..iM r.Hiii f il .V-h-I . , '" " '"' ' """M
itnmWr of tU Jewi-h mldd wU..'xh work done bv private .H'l..oHUi.ii 7 I!,,l"-W,"v w "& aIH' "I'""-' "'- '"lr !' command ot .U W il.... i...,. , rr - j...l,..,i '-'i''p-j-iito.u-.
howle.1 thgh tW street of .Trn,a- Oarclliz.. uiav ieire tl...(.i-.lx ..J '; .ieo mM ,. r.tl-.-.! i;Mii,.t fapt. McKay nnd Darnih, the former 'IT i'",' "" ".'- ' r-,",'",;mI "" iim.,.,.!..,.,,.'.-! ...'...., ...e..
tutu "unieiiv turn : eriifrtiv Iiitii '- ti. iv.. .iuu...i.i,.w .i. .i.: .. .... ..,r,., , r,,, ,,, ,,,, , nvieiaii ai itn ..i . Lmii -i i. ...... ... i. . f
1?Wecty terrific I. waMhefir.,! -"-- they ,t do M, I - T " " ,;" - - - .'Zi;":;' ;;,3;JK; Wltlo- Wotice.
tlif rebel yell had been heard in New ' dM curing Government , (lr Seimtoi would sn.elv delibcat. '"'' K'W Cily. They. ,,. , ,. , ', T C'H; UTNKII?I. iikkbtofoRE
York Muceymour'.... noble frieml." -";;: ' lrk I-, ....... ll(.)ore , ,,,,, ';, nm.ethe .urvey ltaml Sou, ,,. T. L:SZ S.l fci g
b,-at the brain out of Col. O'Urien. c'"t' l,.';;lr I'-'gl.lM.r. d e to do so, ,,, , ,- " ' J '" -or General M expected , a few - ih.- .Uy d..H ., -, c.,,,'" ',
they will never Miceed in obtaini.,.' I , ., , . . , " V ' !" ' ,, ..... .e ulti l- c. il....i , .... .-,-,,;JCV
Diwocbaot U ill a de.K-nite strait M1i(v. . Bl.,ju. ,, I-,u..rliJi ' -V . T.V,'n,,m "r 2h".. fcl,"t 5 "'" ". '' ,0 ';.,,l,, wi"""'t nr of .tu,,1 iT' Ah -''-' rl-Mi.n
m. ... is i ,i , , ,. n .. i i ,. ' . powerlul nl tt iheM-andalou act fina vcon- Mic.ei-i.fii eoitt no clou that eo..i.l..r ..... A ,ml1,"I"' uwoimt. imi-i
to cMubl,., the fact olGrauiV drunk- i,,ne,.ce will be at work ,o divert , hi m,u,u I. the name ol everv Stma.or "itfll unMibdue.l ,", . '" ' ". T ',17, l"' '' "'T.-.'''" '-!
ciiuesk. thev liave come ilowii to the l,r..,.l. ....! i n... ... c- i I..1.,. .-..i... ..... ;. .!....... ... i " .i .1... i .... . . '" ' .''." .. ijal.vi.
m -.----.. ..-. .'luitiii . iiaa iiiiiii ii.r i iini.i k an .-iiiii ii. i i' it" .'- i ii l iri"! i m - m Ta.i.r.ii. i lioiiiiii in. iiini it. .-..... i. .. i . ... ..........
uvtiutouy o, uvmlell J'hillip- and em Oregon and down the middle Fork
Theodore Tillou, whom theyhave.lt- ,, ,,e Willamette before the licit meet
nouueed afc fin-t-el.-. liar foi the l;,M I ( Congreh. and we owe it tomnvelves
ten year. altial.lt' evidence, trul v. . ,,. . ' . c . ., . .,
to hhow Cougres that the route
Tu KDemocRiticpaM?rpclmrge Grant '
...:.i. i I.... i,. t i ,. .me n. ,..f v..i ...,......,. 'i-i i. ' orove ioe eiiicniig weoge nurint' i he - - - ai 'r : r
z i - - n- - ,
aV.er .u;d,nde7hl":;;ni: Mdy .;; anm th m JiT""? r" WaS,,,r("1 1 4 ;: T" " ffiffi' VA1 tTTlUp,
JVe do not think that either Gnmtori, L ; if we want to uY guKf lot X 3! ? J, J 7;; , .r """ A '!SSSJ ' XSI
Leo lost many "Copper. cad.--,,oy u-ap the benclit for Southern Oregon .tl.,i. ol Chim-M-, ami a, lastlhromrh l. wK' ' P' '.? '?. .'"! MS:' "'."' J-ek..l-bcbool i I IS I UnV. 7. VI: h.V;.
were genera.iy noiea tvueii iu retiet- , u - a renegade I'nsMrnt and n bungliug ably lave a stift ankle prU' " '' 'a " . UX .1... V. v ' 8v.ri..wery Cuhlvuior. Rov.'s.c.W3
lion was in progres. Suretarv. tottering on the ver.'.. Z ' " ankle. Ulblp-rH,,,.. 1..:, l"- recnt Imwnu.l..... -...I nwi Mium.l jl
Gold in NewY Tda v, ,J(,ot- Qhck T,mK.-A gentleman arrived j IZ"' A-Hl '" 'l' T,"E, ,drt' "l Wttl Po!,,t h" "- 10-" M-iu raKaraSr. ,l db& fifrtJ""1 ' " U:fUWPW
d.tI47. 147f. Legal twi in in Yreka this week only fourteen day, . , cmlm'of our am l.ndlnfc ffVl M ", ,B h. I -1HII, ,o)lfflSS KNAPPfc OBAKT,
' -- ,. Ill 111 Jt'IWMIII Willi Uf. a....l, : . -" C. J. r. . .
To a c:iual observer, the measure
taken by the District Attorney last
week for the hotter observance of the
., - , , .
"SlllldaV I.aW, WCIT a VtrV CI11II1PI1
' . t , , ,
i "vw. oil reliant sales were ex
cecdiit"! v li.'l.t. nn.l in st ernl itittmiee
thev were know n to relue the tilthv
uere with the admonition, "get thee I evidence of i.liotev i not the purchae terest in your town this hot weather, sun and cold lode i plennty, nnd yure
.ehindme, Satan, thi i thV.lny of ! of a volcano or a plnc.w,-iiot -imply I cannot hope to interest you, l"it I ' j,.!1."!"'!.,,!!'. iu'riiir'cuM "lW--rayeri
Saloon door uere elocd so i the ucles qu:indering of the people' have some thing to relate that may ,,.r' anil Miik-O.'
securely that a tly could not penetrate.
VX(M.,t i,v xlv i,.,' t.lrnl.t.; billiard
' ''""' um' l'm,'rv'1 w''" "chamois"
'and wt'ir extremely quiet: kes ol la-
leer ceiiel working: a serene ninl
I heavetilv radinuce -cetned to encirelc
1 the whole town, and the appearance ot
the District Attorney, a he nt in the
1 n watchins the etlect of i pronnii-
eiumetitn. w a perfertlv angelic. The
! immlieruf itraver meetiii" that wprelState like a warm ol" Kjrvi.tiaii lo-
I held up back alley and round corner
tnt't the livilons ilny eekinsjyVt' -
tat retreshment, that certainly reulted
in elfvation. IvMH-riy run riot litiened chritiin nations of the earth.
alilMith: men wete forced to .neuk
into rtark place ami hack room, where travcii imatrc to be wurliip'd there-
tliy ptilM uiV the iuk ol morality ' in, beidc the acrnl edifice coneerat-
and did prcci-ely a they wmild have'eiltn the Altttiuhty ami in direct vio-
done had public attetitiou mtt Ih-cii ' lation of Hi exprc eommaiid. It re-
i-alM to the law, and wc donot doubt t?Hire the idolntroii verniiuameiii-
ln: the Dcvif day.lu.ffl; had jut h j ber ot the gr.mt Imitmii family with
many rntrie. perhnp mor, limn on i whom we hotibl be proud taK'iiitp,
any pnevinn Sabbath in thi plnre. ; ami who are tbonirht worthy t hare
Korrvd morality i not pntduetive ol ! "I" ,VMr lditieal privihe.
any go.!. Prohibitory Injitur law ! "' oen our ehfHl and college to
have iHily indnreil znttter amotint of ' l'' myriad of Chinee Inzaroni, whoe
flruiikeiuH-". TooiriiigeuimKil reg- highet amldtion i to nh hen root
nlalHHi priMiHtf flfcniteitt. make neo-
, , . . .. .
W d. flam, nml place them iH-y.tml the
reach of ul..leotre public 'opinhui,
that alter all i the only .wr to nu.
Hie aiol govern iu-h mutter. V-
kHietly Itt-lH-ve thai on hw Snndav
more I in nor u drank in thi. ..I.....
. 1 "
more profanity imlnlg.il in, and more
di.reganl for the saerrd eharncterol
.f t . .. ... .. .
ne nav, uiau 11 a paiiHlk.. ami alfor-
the attempt bad not be-n made to in-'
or-ae publie inontHtv. 'Hi ere h a tar
,,,r '" ;,'",,,". I pnNtc
!- .
; ir recogniz.fi title ot onler and de-
vvwi' '" saWwth, jut Mib.ng .vill
lh1 "'" l.rle and the
j'"' he trewliM with contempt.
In thi iue willb touml a letior
fMMn.Mr. Dowelle.mu.hiiHgomciiru-
. . "1
j"1 - ' - . fi " 'MI -nli.ly be ketl
"' "' ",m '"" """ w ' mmuie
" niWvwr tlit iH,...ry Mini. It i in.
""' ' ' 'HH have MH.V
iHtorotatioii to lay below Coogre on
A . I
lM' M",J,- " ?rv that tl
i.i. . ..i.s. ... ..- . .
inwil? who knovv the liitude of nuv
mthr..ugh the CiM-nde Mouuiai,,: '
Eato n.."or the dit.,uce through the I
mngeV Thec facts mi.M be attain-
il ami placed helore Congrt
the pniuiieabilny of a
from here to the main I
tl.. . .: i si- . -. i ..
he pn.ut,eab y o railed roule
fnnn here to the mam Paeie line nil ,..
be imrfuctlv uudertoo. If
.- '
through lhee valley i jut aslca-ibl-
.- .--.-. ...... ........ ,..niiia .i.i euier-1
we., Kst tmrn here to the Klamath 1,-', , ' . , ' mmtt ' ' ,m,"H, UlU, ,t,,i"nt 1,v ,,,m' ""''w: H"t-',ti- J? J O V 0-J Jl.
.in. are lar more pmet.cable lor a I -' J jj'-"-; SOCIAL PAl'.TY. , li.HKtlKI.lMBiai.
over Hit- diktiin; but who i able i jui ..., ... . , , .... "iMrvaiioii. i i,.,iio-ilmiil..y v,.iieiii.ruii. il..lrlrl.ii.. ,. ALhO
tohhowthe lad bv actual inwuri V . - S ' '" S,,:,k,'' WIHnied to their lib,.w.ief..r ..! dauc-. fru.u ulm. until f-' '" .vile ul tl.ir u-.d f.ti- !.,.(.
.. . . ,
Seward, the great diplomat..!, has
Won at hi fantastic tneks again ; and
certainlv his last performance i the
eapheaf of an official career that com-
meneed brilliantly ami with wisdom,
0 . J
but seem bouuri to end in acts oi ni-
! graceful follv. Seward's lat p'liiifnl
money. but wore. It i mulling but
the social and commercial intermar-
riagc of the highest and greatest of
modern civilization wilh the mot op.
' horde of China to sweep the Pacific
cu!. thi political triuk:ermut need
; Anieriean port, vvlw are tu K on the
ame footing a thoc trom the ciiltirht
IVinple are allowed to he built and
or gorge their heathen cureae with
. 1 . .
' Ml1 vxlr "" "f '".- 4" tnpefy them-
"ve wilh an exini...et upiiim. In
' n w'iinl, all the legal Imrri-rs agiiint
' vieion ami demoralizing element are
to U-removal ; Kigauim, with allit
digulig timtlire. all it nollntion
. . . . ..'...
ami eorrMption, i to tlou th ide bv
hle with ehritinnity: amlif the new
...l.n.:.... ... ... n.. . .
"" " r mumv einHe, iiimau
"aerifiw n a religion rite will ..mi,
' 'i iiiieresting torture in oar Pacilic,
oic, ihi wic i.iaiii.-ii wneei 01
''"'. " J?Timt mil over it
,'""1- mooi-ieu uruiii in ioe
ttK'x'1' "' cl,r'liu" wic without nu-
..I...ft.fl !?.! ..
" "cneHiuo Wfjroapr vv mil
euneeHin haw been granted bv the
rat-eatiog "brother ol t,e Smii"Ihh-
turn tor the eoin4ele abaudoumeiit of
every principle of elt.protecthni?
M,at advanuge have been gahusl ,..
( hy thai inlWiu.H, WHd dignu-elMl
"" V-. '" ""-"""': "" '".gnueiMi
'""""'V "' --" mm iipK-ry
ll.lllfHflH.1 . r 11-lk.k im I. ..a.. ...f .! ...I
ing i.iir oll or our privilege
ng our ii or our privilege with a
.eeof pW.ple with whom there can
,-no a.,u,llal ,.u either social, religi-
on or poliiictd. It would have been S
.....II .. w.. . 1 .1 ....
.III! Illl -I'll .1111 IIIII1 Tlff.ta.lt.a.1.1
. , . ,
" "ve.i uivie line, me liewuilil
I I ...l. ... i i : . . ...
;., - "' , V .' ' ttm M"
" Wors,,,J,al '' '". ol I-agaii-
"'?;. - , , ,-,,.
J ' SM"n'lP. 'r GodV
I .-..n. ...... .. lM.- ..!.- .ii our iiiiure
i.r..wi...r'it .. 1... ... I I .. ,
--.. ii.-i tip tii.te in. fat.uiui.ge lor
e ,,; ;
, . -.j.. ...
H I reiortei. we hone emim-itii. e
I "' I
, ,,. , ;, ,-
'l mid hlM-etl at bva iiron e ulm... irn.
wabetn.yed ami who?e Bacred hen-
tage thrown aw-ay
I he people othi Coast may, Imnk
Democnicy fort hec uecuri-eil nuptials
helweeuchrii.li:iiiityaudpagauim. It
iilou mid the mo.t i.lolatrou ot the lan.i. '"""VXrV,..;.
.... . - .. . I.,rn n m ,m i. i .. nh, I t.. .,...r if. , 7 - -'.? "W C"hif from hfllH-l lc f.. .. '
pasan power o the woilil. .Not sat- immediately niter l apt. .cvtresors ... ..V ,; " . V m T.Vcn ..fi3iii. Z ,, T" ";."'" ,'i rZ
...... . .1 ,. - icd a ptincclv. tori une, which ha- in- 11'irK Jf '1 h,,!wr,,,n:''rifii!?
iM.cd with the tmityof IPS'.-, made departure 0.1 a scouting e.vpcd.t.on, to- '..j ,,v M;l.lllllll" ! ,, llllK.r i'J:rSW.ldr,?,tt,,,i'ft
under the lnt Democratic adminitra- ward the end of .Inly.Msriial fire were tK. imiuagemeiit ol hi man Belmont. MNn.'1r.VVi'.","ii,";i lITIlTnLT," "'
iinn. u-liifli Ktt.ibli'd tlm i-niiutliw eeii b Vnliookiii Snake Indian in I "' ,i,iMJiiiiifotiii"i!firt.!'Aw,
vi line., i.!....! ......... ;.. it .i ..mi . .... i .... i i.i-.. ' . . . . i x r i . w i.i
our people I ,i t.: :..r : , , . '.'::.: men. -
' .......-.....,, a.KmiimtT'iiirii-jriiiiti mn . . .. & . .
,- . .,i 0
v.amat., Ac.r.NCV Aug. Sth, 08.
Lotion ": I F
it is very unlikely that anything short
of the report of an earthquake or news
oi ine it.kc navmg congcn.cu on u.e
t . . . 1 J I, .... ....tl.!..u
nonesi nay oi me sc.-iiilr.M.iH-.iiii.g
equally exciting, woiil.l create anv in-
produce nIight scnat inn, oven though
it he alter the lethargy produced Kv
' .ummerMieat has paed away, and
autumn's refrehing breeze cool the
the vicinity of Silver lake, couvcvin
the idea that the wild Snakes in that
part were deiroti of Mi-urine an in -
coming into the lUervatiou peace:!'
Agent Applesrate at once orsaiiized
an expedition, ami on the lt intant
Martcd lor praL')ie river, lor the double
purpoe of cotiiuieti'jiiii; agricultural '
oeration on that part ot the leer-
vation. and ecuring an interview wih
the wild Snake, and hriiuriii:. in.il
poihle, the two hand ol thi-v In
dimi inlmliitiicj the country around
Silver ami Summer lake.
Two .lav hard marehiiig, with ox
team, brought the Agent ami hi
party to the fit ot the celebrated
Council Blurt', a cone-lmpffl uiouti.
tain covered vvuli uil.l mahogauv tree.
, .... .....'
and Mumling in the miildle of one ol
the finet valley it ha ever been mv
good fortune to hmk on. Here it wa
determined lo commence active oi-ra
thm. ami in n lew day two good log
huue were eontriiettl. :ind tnit.
. '
held ol rich ..il broken tii.
Five YulnM.kin were ent int the
. . t .. .. ,
r.-gion wucre me wild Miuke wort
uppoed to be, and you may imagine
mir graiifieation when thev' returned.
in a oonpie ot .mv, liiiuging with
them , two untamed warrior frch from
wic uem oi Mr. j nee men reporteil
au aggravated Mate ot detitutiou
iiuioug their K-.ple, and M-cnicd over-
' . .. t . . (
jyen at a pnoi-et ot wuning into the '
llWrvution mid n-eeiviug the beiollt
ol L'ncle Samuel's elemency, of w hich
ibey are now o inueh in m-ed. They
htol liear.1 o the Mirremler of lligii
" - - - .. ... a, , ,.
U.iel, Vc.yovv-(.wa, lo Gen. t.,.k,
and being the.elve ..mpletely van-
.." oemg u.e.neive e..mpletely van-
Nine.i. have nanxiouly watching
f..M Ma. a... ....... ....I. . a ..!. .1
Ageney, wn one of Agent ApplegateV
party. They al have f,, in their
nieinory the M,ecef,, n,,d of I.i,.,,,.
IIImII l.a.t .I....B....H .. 1. 1 a
....... ...-. l-lllllie, ..lieO e lUUgllt
.. ...
llllllll 111 lui .... .. 1 . ...
... v ...u.e wamp. i lie
M rrrniier o, lh...,. i.k. I ..:.......
- ."'... .'., it, 'ii. i. -i
,mmi,,i""N nl,lr'. t Hi eouncil,
promi-.ng ,o come into the JiWva
'''"' w'"' l."ir l-'l " ten d,,v.
he evpe..,,on returned l.ere yeer-
..-1 .ftf.tf.s .".e. .in- iiouaiioii lor aij
live il'TII'llllllrill .l...iil w..i- :.. C...
... .. 1 ' - .h -Minimi..
fiver valley for the bene.it ol'-'IW
a a..
,. ., " ... . fjt.uii urn. over ,
hwii ltowii in Or........ .1 t . .
Bn.wni). t thi. Agency. There r.J
mains no longer b, ital ,,i, Wllll. ;
'n.. adapted , ,he ,,r.-luc,iou ol ,
gnuu and a great vnrielv of ..-irden
vegetables. Goodbye. "Yia-nox I
- - 1
I The following is a copy id" a" not. s"
I , .... ... e ii .. . .
. ihwiwi up in o;iiu vnney. ii proua-
,,v fnralI-. ,i,in r..l .eem. to have
.cmln-twl Jrni-.lemcmtl-Mui
I r"NOTIS."1
. J,
h(mih .,. tll. Ctmt,,n ,.., ;r.,...,.U.r,.
. . -
thot ot hr onto gcrmeu :- Mioii. n
aim it srti'lt- D.-inercrat: bewnir! pi-
I Wc should judge "Sam Valley "
-Ull go democratic iu-Xovcmbcr.
' - .
I A tticn Caniuhatu Horatio Se
i'liK Democnitic phitli'iiii demand
' reihieiioii of the Aniiv and Navy.
I :iltitltltiflti I ntirrti.M litki itit ilitiit.
, h afl,;ft ttt Vl,s vf lVllf. Jl,Hv.,Mi!Si.tn
mictii.m or
Movable Tooth nnd Perforated Circular
JVtft'tutrd MuUr. M.i; kihI Cr Cut fa,
ti Ailjn-int.tr Si.ckt.1..
havetsinl.li.lnd ..nie let the le ot it
tw a-lr.. m
Jo. GCti I rtnl Mrrtl. Snil Irnnrluo.
-,rhr ..m,M. II I-fow.tj
ti i uuy niieHm.- u iimr Mii.itr...
kiilIS 3m.
L'W,U'r '"r " u'un,J "' '""r
ii K. Igna ,1i J ThfniMa. p.rinrr .J..
"'- '""""" "'d "" "'" "'m! itteoi l
. (
tUl" ' '
Suit in Eenitv to Fnrlo,. Mort.
Srdt in Eonity to Foreclose Mortgage.
'l K l. ir..i...: V.m rr mj-ufr. ,. ,
Iw.lf III Mftul i..M.I a.ta.1 a....... .... a. .... ,.. . .. , t
-. ... -a-.. .-.'........ aa a. at.a ..' V IIIIH'III
'r H,-Ifi.i, ,l.r ol J., A. li lWa.
lltt ' & PyZ
rr ll fl .11 I.m a ..'.....I
,. I I -
.j.ri, tii-tiff mv ni.i i hit luihiiur tl An.
eMl.i, . l. 16-.
till II f I .!. I I
Ausiut 20i li, I8C8,
A Ct.nl.a.1 In v.ut. till it fxtriiil d lo IL
... . . . . .v-ioaui.UMij..
AitilmiJ. Aui. 10lh. lf.k It
..nkfu. for .. " . , ,, .,
i J,, h. iu 'ZuZZUVt P3"'
J" ..iJ -niut:,X.
to '"""'". MuUil"iiUM
A.liU.id. Aug. lmli, ut;n. aiJ,s '
C. .....""' n .
HM J ii ?1 Jb $ ? jjfffEffFLJ
O JAl'Ot.: All'r . HI-1,,.,0.
- - j - '-.p.'-' r -Wfc. . --
W 1J
Pl.A.NTATIll.V 11 I1KU..
rt Ttrl tl II ! till I'HliUti m Ititik. .
Itiiporlnut (rtincnfe.
" trr m chlHVH.. r.rt ttiiii UL....I
Kit. VV. 11, W.V0O0.MU. Mfclrn j, t.
T1m.u will Vl.lnt t0 lotllrttM. ,rf lU
I'l.ntnUnn lilll". Jljj ll-1,. lti ttwiiriiiVJ?'
Ib.lrnM. 7ly rriftiA Ai- ctiti. toiUd-lfli'
11 ! 'k,,,'', """ fr.e..r,.
1 h In n.n.l'fi. rrMiis tj iii.j7.V72
llitlvr lir nif il in.. iwmw
KI.V. J. S. CATIinnX, f.Lr.t.r, X, f
I lia.r dim Ilia I'Ul.t.tk. fa, ,.
ImiKlrU ofuur JlUl k.U.m. ,tb a. nliZiZJl
IhC l!tt. -nww
. . . .. W " AMflil-tM.
Jnr.riMna'nl S.UtV II nif, Cinrltatni, 0.
Tli l,Unitl..n Hitter. mtVr Ih- n, ,trnBr ,u u
juUUlllint.ilti-nl..u-lrJ N.iui,-. ,u h.
TtH-rtMlf nwr r - ,H tUt in p., .inVr.
Irf"-ll 'n -liKlr.l,f M.V.NTATMINBimtl
i. .Urr.l fwiu htrj I.DIIr . , f-nl ".
i4ir.i(Miuinnk ilnl lt t)iurinc,ii, lttM,,u
lirnnii . m
.hi .r tirt.t tvllncfi.-.:- f'tVMATtOXtmril
Inl'ilk c"., I- lt,.lr n I Hm..,., ii
rf rttllrU hiitlM f ti.,i lir ,lf u..
V.NVll-IILTri,iMtiKioHk .m,H
S.I . -nil liruncl-t. lr.r. nl tmil.r. thu,uf
' """"i. II. DltAKU. A- CO.,
-v Yuik, Sole I'rop'r,
ki:di:to. co mo
SI ml 418, Flout Mlrrf,.
Sim FiiincUco.
Agents for California and Ninda.
! JT!'r'"'
f. .PaJ raall.Jaail
i quiiur.. Ado, liii,,
WUt . tiili.il, .nr-r..ti,.- m rmnl . In tH. t
1 If, lll n-iiitll.uii,liilC i. in.t-.ifi lUatL llMti,i
I. 1-rfiTtlr lianul-v li. iwn,i.,n i,l ,mrtir .cl.au
II mnl-lnlaI-.l ni.h t, lm.iihilt ll WnH,
tnlttttulif -t rliilli'lit ill tlliXlil-Lf-flcl.rmt.tl tUtttn
n 1:1: i nuji imh son
Nn nkl l.. r.'f Ctf.li-fKt. f-Hlt. MtJffA(ta-t it a
It. rrftiUwi . .ll ktv.n li I. fc.jji ,,. j.
iiM-l Jurrtl'.fv. trn 117 ,c, ri-V. I'-nt.itaratfv
Tt.f r-nutli. li.. l.- .itn.tutr nf K L,n, mri tti e
.xir .ttti. .f 1.. l.t.M.i r.. Apt ii mflftiy
t.la-ff.-illlullalf.4if tanii'.lfa An. Iniro-I U r
w. tl.a. M.hI. I. a.ut...l.a . .. .11 . .. .
-... a...,..l.a.lpWnrP, ft " f I I fl If fCW V II
' &2:?v2&
tx U-
AfO lf(tflV.r flAaf.fMl
.Nn4iui hu ..( If.f.li.i.nt.l.v swfm uJiJ-
m? tX'f"
tluw rUl. UIJ. In.lirl.aMlT'
I lj all Iiiuxk"). awl Hum In ftrj . ul .
, luedunMiiafo,.
iltf s-ittif In int.
I ui-o irnt.HK. to m-II ut I'uliiic Aorltoc, t
fi'.i- lot ! Hit.) f.UUl0 Oihrl-IIL-uf
boots, sxxox.s,
Sii'es lo ciiiuruiv o Soiod y, ll 5'hf
Auifvnxl. niid In fiil.lliilir tV.fr EtAtU'd
ilurroltrr, u i.i 1 1 iht- iiHJ.ifiiy . kmI.
Under S2ll c.. iIiiv.ii; ovrl llmt rnm '
lluj tour (rtllll inili- ii iipiiliOr.l krf).0IVi
w lib Olie KT Clll. llllUfT ). VVI.I lr (IVrt
Suuu uvri STUD, lnur iiiiiii. l ii.iif.
J4i-kfiivill-, A..i.'ii.wi 7 li. IhCt!.
Illl1! IJI'inl 111 I lillPinr 'lilt II
",IJ i'uu Illiw wiiiJltl uut
i v-i u uu i iiiiiii I'uu'nuuvi ii
A ,,le Bl "''.''hi.tly I" J-rkM
III1Ift , .,'., . Ua.
' "10 Bl"' HI' KKYK Btuj, and Mo-
rr; rirjf mimI IUihI ukr;
.- - ( wi o jirwir iiiu -
I 1 . L . . .
jv..ii.. ... "'e. y.o ooooom.
Kd FrsnciMO-
v.. ,.,., qj. , ,,Ui ,hr .j