tub oREfio. mm ror. tiiii runsttiBKcr ix 1S0S, C1.YSEH S. C.UA.YT, of tni t'tni titu ' "W!l 4m. In xi xl an. f ilthdil i-ront. Th t fir h rtmnl br titt punUhmtn! for tr4ll.it-. ron tiik vice rr.K5tm:.cv, scur,i.rcu com-ax, flrlXBUXl. For Ireliliill-l nitrlurml 0. JACOBS, of Jackson. WILSON BOWL-BY, or Washington. A. B. M EACH AM, of Union. D. M. C. QATJLT. EDITOR. Saturday Moiixi.vo, Aug. S, 103, An Attempt at Swindling Exposed. Our neighbor kindly tr-.&ted the poo le to a "little more liyht" last week. Wo propose to give them a combina tion of the elements still more light, so they can see without spectacles, and also to ventilate with a little more fresh air, a very pretty little scheme of pub lic robbery, that failed for want of enough conspirators. Wc will state tacts, and let the public do its own commenting. It Is somewhat unfortu nate that the conspirator against the pnbltc treasury is not a Republican, the charge would be believed so much more readily; but as he belongs to the pure and spotless party, that never steals the people's money, his proposi tion is just so much more infamous. At the meeting of the County Com missioners in July, no aotion was ta ken with reference to the County Hos pital. People had been g-umblin?, and the board had to wait, for a little dose of financial "light,1' lrom the Jif vcilklo guide their slot. Pondincr the August meeting, the last contarc - tor, Dr. Davis had a remarkable dream. He dreamed he was a black Repuhli - MMM H.i .... iiu i. !.. .. kuu, aim iiaiurnuv iuii a miie on me "nip." He discovered that he had lost money by the last contract, and as there wis quite a handsome sttm in the Hospital fund, concluded to soafbirit. Meeting Dr. Overbeck, he observed, UW ell Doc, I have a little proposition to make to you. I lost monuv on that Hospital contract last year. I want to make some now and go to Califor nia. You want to bny my place, and it you only play into my hands I will put you in a way to get it." "Well," remarked Overbeck, "let us hear your proposition." "Now," said Davis, "hero is just how the case stands. I want the contract at a good round price and must have it. I hare got Childers dead in tho door, you arc all right with Heber, and Duncan dare not open his mouth for lear of public opinion. You put iu a bid at two thousand or more; I will put in mint at about eighteen hundred. You make it all right with Heber and I get the contract. I only want it one year at these figures, and 1 icill r?iee you a bond to htip you yit it at the tame rate ntxt ytar, and sell you my place cheap." Alas ! for the suecess of this uie lit tle scheme. Overbeok "was'ut 011 it," and Davis was very glad to take the contract at tight hundred, just a thous and less thau he was actually able to take it for. Malicious tioople will look on this proposition as rather question able, but really tho Doctor must be re garded as a vter self-sacrificing Indi vidual to "cornrTHown"a thousaud.and take the contract at just about onough to pay and board a steward, throwing in diU own services for nothing. Some may think, that as he was willing to take the contract lor eight hundred, he proposed to steal the other thous and, but Democrats never steal, and what people thiuk is none of our busi ness. Tho people are aware that the con tract has been let to Davis. Three bids were oC'ered. That of Davis be ing the lowest was taken. The honor able Couuty Judge having the casting vote gave it iu favor of Davis, after be ing fully awaro of his infamous propo sition to Overbeck, and many will be just charitable enough to think that -the judicial ermino should bo stripped from his hhouldors, as it probably will be at next election. A prettv guardi an, truly, of the public interests, who will entrust the care of the sick poor to a cheap doctor, who had just tried to get up a conspiracy to grab a thous and dollars out ot the people's pockets ; and he must bear his full share of what ever odium is attached to the proposed swindle. People can now see what all this Democratic "blowing" about friendship lor the poor amounts to. When the poor are sick Democracy says a cheap Doctor and a dog's death is plenty good enough for them. When the peo ple -are ,not watchful Democracy would rob them and err "stop thief, you in fernal black Republican!" Oh no! Democrats won't Bteal a dose of small pox or a streak of forked lightning Oregon Branch of the Pacific Railroad. Do wc wint a railroad ? Let this question be asked of every citizen in Southern Oregon and nine out of ten will vcrr seiMblr answer, ves! Wc - i M do want a niloadt slit- producer feels its necessity, tho consumer demands it, to lower piices by bringing competi tion and opctingncw channels of trade. Wanting a raHroad will not bring it, newspaper tlk will not build it, com panies with i largo capital on -paper can do noth'cic; but monev alone will accomplish the object. The people ofj tins state dcveive themselves it they think a road will ever be built with out a government subsidy, and to in duce government to give assistance it is necessary that the road be of a na tional character, from which govern ment can reap some benefit, and in a reasonable tinie reimburse itself. The projected branch of the Pacific road from the bend of the Humboldt to Portland, running through jloguc Riv er and Umpqua Vnllies is national, and not local in character. It will open easy communication through a large region of country in which Gov ernment expends an iminenso sum an nnauy ror the control and subjection of I tomey, a circus periornmnec wnicn a the Indian tribes. It will bring purcha- j large number of jwople desired to wit sers for millions of acres of productive ' ness. We do not justify public per lands. It will be one of the great com-1 forniances of this kind on Sunday, bat tnercial arteries connecting the East a man's mju1 stands like a tub, on its and the West through which craigra- own bottom, and if people choose to tion and trade and prosperity will enjoy themselves by attending a per- surulr flow. The railroad Committee ofConsress. of which Ir. Alnllorr is n member, are ready to report a bill car lr at the nest session. Lrantin- e-overn ' ment aid to the amount of thirteen I million dollars to this road, and the 1 Jwople of Southern Oregon may tlmnk Mr. Mallory and Mr. Dowelt for the provision in the bill, obliging the road to be built through these valliw and i preventing its Mountains via crossing the Casmde Diamond Peak. Onr i Congrmman 1ms been tireleM and de- termined in guarding the interests ot this portion of the State, and if w e will onlr oooixsrate with him an actual 00 operate live company, backed with millions of capital, will be organized, and at work on our road before next Spring. Mr. Mallorr has done more than his share , nircnuv. it wc aru in vanicbi aim waiu ..i ..1.. Ti . ;.. .. t . .0 puili onr own interest it is time we' did ours. The bill will he reported on favorably, but its passage will be con tingent on ofliuial data showing the practicability of the proposed route, its distance, the different altitudes and the difficulties to be overcome. El liotts survey between here and Port laud will furnish sufiicieut data north ward but iroui the point where the road will diverge from this vallev to the Humboldt, Congress has nothing but hearsay evidence that ahe route is feasible. It it the duty of the Com missioners of Jackson and' Douglas counties to furnish the uecossarv intor- I mnlifln. Tin? tmlili in?i.rwt rlfminml.. , ... ......... ........nun it and a rough, general survey of the country between thi valley and tho point where the Pacific road will be tapped will insure the passage of the bill early next session. We call the at tention of our citizens, and of the Com-1 in!&iiiniirr r tlilil nnd r)nMr.!i.i ji.ihii!a. ' ..... .w.... v. .... .... w.9.(.if W.lllllVil to this important matter, and urge im mediate action. This idle waiting and watching for some one to build a road for us is folly. If we want a road we must help ourselves, and if we are uot willing to do that lot us quit talking about a railroad as even among the probabilities of the future. On How SwKcr! The action of the National Democratic Contention ha.i had a most marked and wonderful ef fect on the olfactory organs of the great u washed party. Time was when a nigger smclled extremely loud; but that time is no more. Once the black man was the very inenrnation of bad smells a kind of combination between sneeze weed and skunk cabbage, but tbat immortal assemblage of Democrat ic wisdom sprinkled him with the otto of roses, extracts of hyacinth and japon ica, and ho smelluth sweetly. A short time since if a Democrat passed black 'Sain" ou the street his nasal organ was elevuted to an angle commonsiir ate with his white digr.st. I"ow if a fellow Democrat meets tho aloresaid "Sam" the organ assumes a roman form, tho d d nigger is regarded as a colored man and brother and a wish is expressed that ho was only back in 'olo Virginny" to give a good straight vote for a White Man's Government. Things is changed ! ! ! Mom:.: Cm.i8-riAxrrv.-Go.ng to '-v .W" Jf'n' tn..th ilitutlon ... u 1 1 . ! M(l declnred ho would rather die first. Church regularly with a countenance IIero j3 onc caii0 whm ln g,ck Un covered with self santification, a.nd J are unwilling to take the doso provided afterwards voting cheap medicine aud for thetn by the charitable munifinence a paupers coffin for tho nick poor I of tho Jnck6on county democracy the that'6 modern Christianity I ' lriends of tho poor man (?) mmKrimmmmmmmaBmcmammttamiammmtOffMmmsmmmm . - LTtom cwnmerchi.) Timely Warxixo r . .i"--5: Pharisaical Zoul. When the Saviour rebuk edthc Phar isees, bo depicted n elav of men sleek nilv livr,r.,.f'ilir"il nml (Uitirel V tOObll'KV with other people's souls to "take-care ol thcl? own: Nineteen ccnturiesnavo i slid away, but that peculiar class of people are still to be found. They are not confined to puritanical Xew Eng land, they are not all embraced in the Republican party. We have n-cii just such individuals here, shuflling and sliding alone, afraid to hold up their heads nnd look the world square lit the j . . . j face, lor lear some mean net :nielir lu recalled afraid to speak per, lest the devil might near them and have a key to their thoughts, yet feel ing kecnlvtlic importance of their own sanctity. We have no objections to these modern Pharisee as long ns trior mind their own business; but when ther intrude -on-the business of others, or interfere with what docs not concern thenii we feel constrained criticise them. On Sunday erenlng a few of these zealous !ndt idtials workc 1 thonnelven up into a fit of vertuous indignation - 1 nud stopped, through tho District At- i formauee not unmoral or improper in itsulf. we do not consider that they endanger the spiritual welfare of any one but themselves. Some thought differently, and their snnctimonious voices were raised asainst the viola tion of the Sundn v law. All ri;ht S en foree the law by all means, but "tar everr man with the Mime stick," no matter who he mny lie. Why? we nsk, is it that these over righteous med dler have nnlr discovered at this late dnte, that there is a Snndav law in . .l- w. -...,...;. .-.. ... lree J Krerr Snnday tbey ee it vio- j itcl nnaer their very noses ; they hear ! the rattling u( billiard balls, the uliak of glares and the ring of money at j wr the Hice hule humot ,.), Having gambling tables, nnd their religious , trotted hi" wile in 2,M. This is un sensibilities are not shocked iu the oWitedly the lar-t prW ovei least. Why? Because it is done by t iiiaI- unlit ua t.i,.i,jJ ...i .-.. I.. ....... i " u muuus ; Huiri, w"e ve-es nicy want, and tuey have not the moral courage to oomtmiin, They dare not do i: ; they know they would be tabooed nnd eoffcd at, and they are uot at all ineliued tu'bear jmr secution for their -Masters sake. We would rcsnectfullr suggeu to those la- " IlltSl aaA 1 M awl llli! .hi ... l.TC ...teu I A A mm iia.iu.ii -.u.iKimiir ui twmiv iiivraiuy, either to mind their own business nud attend to the ialvatiou ut tlwir own souls, or el.e to cloe their mouths against "camel and 'gnats" alike, and tako notice of the ireqtient violatioiw oflawamlj.ropriety to be met with ... uiwr . orj .m. , A:.otiibi: Goon I.viii..v. Wc are' under obligations to R. Dugati H,q., ,,',,, " 7" -" ofC.u7citv.forthefollowi0r mi.f '5 lM'M CVf,,!L . . ii. iii .. i ionimiiuii, uuuvr UB4C ui aiuiv .uiu; C.'T,. . . jvtuiiiuvii iiiuiuii.i, itTneii44i.ivea r.nm bit .1.. .w....t..., .... .1... !... iivui mi 4iiv litiiuiiwn mi uiu tuv.vr Klamath, started out from Klamath Dlutt'lnst Friday night, and in a few hours discovered and shot the Indian that hilled Win. IJryson. They cut off his head, brought it into camp, and laid it at the teet of Mr. M. G. Tucker, who handed it over to Lieut. Tracy. There arc three more of those Indians who bad a hand in the killing of Dry son, Mill at large, but it is thought the Indian scouts will soon find them and bring then in, dead or alive (better dead.) .Captain Pollock intends to sta-i tion a company of soldiers ou the low er Klamath, half at the mouth of the river, tho remainder at Klamath Bluff, making those poiuts permanent posts, and has sent to San Franoiaco for an other company. In our opinion a company should have been stationed at theso points long since. liver since the removal of the company commanded by Lieut, (now Major General) Crook, from Fort Ter-Wer, those Indians have been too independent, and those at tho mouth of the river have frequently stripped travelers of nearly all their clothing be- j fore they would ferry them across; and tho presence of a few troops would be a wholesome check. Wo.vr Stand It. Some time since a poor fellow named Hall was struck with paralysis over on Applegate. Be. coming a burden on his friends, it i was determined to remove him to tho j County Hospital but ho plead pilious The Silent Soldier. "Silence is golden while talk is brass," says the' old proverb. Never was the above pithy truth so well ex- ! amplified m in tho successful career c i the quiet and'tuoughtfiil mat., who quiet amriiioujriuiui man, "--- triad subtle brain unraveled thctamrieu "- nt doubt nnd disaster that yurroiiiiuou " "... .. .... 1 .:. abovcTa Whis.j,cnt m.-thinkor whose buy brains i-i.. ...-.vl.r. imn limn nave uci'ii - lms no time for thinking. no etcr heard of C.xsar or Wellington boasting of what ther would do? N no ever set -wech ot Napoleon W to whom the world ren, a windy to! t1L. tirst? Those to the first? Uh05t.iowiiui.iuc . is most buUi.U'd, hi arm-, mi letter, In religion, in science, have been quiet, sedate men, chary of their won! ils but ever tneanint: something when they spake. S lent ccneral that come the mind's deop mine, nnd and not the !.. nnd tln.-ol m tations that too of- . . i i ..;.... .1 ... IVII r.v ...... of mankind. Grant words are like his acts. iueiMve ivowcrlul, meaning hi1 tho lew sentenees that lmve len AU'Kot- OcKooxsrocK. It seems 1 ... . ,. tnai onrnwr. rirr r unviiiko.i fl a .....-.- L . B Lm likh.! j h4 o it is with our great and si- 'r'tZlZZ . His thoughts are gems , , , uhlcIl tl lJMt0 , , "littering and priceless from PreMdent.l art authorfcul to construct il'.' ...... i.t :n i... t i v in Miiincft witn tuat xtriioii or Mm -"-"" . lirawil iram llllll ni" ibiiisiiiuvi, ,, .; i i ,m...1.h. :.. 1 Vi IIMetitftninTrfll """ -""" - . tim. to be eonstrtieieii dv ine "Junior- M.riiwiiiu tw i.neuc W13UU1H. ,- ,i wreion nanroau VOrniianv" i,,t-i the value of their twk somewhat, on at gtvnt length to titruiih .Mr. Un Judge Toltnan, of Ahhutd, sold a ton with in-t ruction ad "forni'," ..!-.- 1. u.. ..k- ....i.- i "MS-nt,. showiii" the Uoniiuiiiy how they mu-t Rifle," ra.twiater for ,aHl thought -""- --- -- he w setting mmrly hb valne. lie I r. taken to Saa rraneio and imwe- ... . d"ly pcatoe. into outer . '? " J "'" "" "" tion that the colt has again been Id brought by an Oregon raided hoie, 1 . . . tt , niui inn hii i niniMio nuvtri Hrtt wftu T T II j ..-- -- - . --.. 1 a" lire mm mr v.oMr wrai w Oregon stook only noeil bringing out to insure thctn a hattdome jirolit. , "? quettion the matter. IIokbAa!.v. Dr. Jos ItoltiiHon , Sua daylst7. retnrneil on Snnrlay (rom a viit to J Tie following a oopy of the Sun 'arhington. Re came overland and day I.nw now in force. Wc publili says tbat tbe cnn wiit tw ranmng tkronch from CUiaa-o to San Fmnok co by October 1 at 1 3B. All the work ! U In l)l of id. i-nnfnua.. II 1..H Mr. Malloeyh.nl at work for th. in- intortat of the Slate, jwrticnlarly tho-e I of Southern Oregon. It is his opinion th., Mr. M. is aUi theonlr livemem - Wr m.r ,a4 tJ g,, T v;""-,,"" T. lOT ine.ew linglaml .uutuul J.ife n. ... . , , , suranee (.., has leon in town the past past I i, ' From the limited examination i .. -., . .1 , noiiBii-giiiii 4IU- Minji'ci, me com any Mr. II. represents is the one to insure iu. The Agent will probably ie in me vnuey a low week", so as to give all an opportunity to examine the subject of Life Insurance. See bis add :........ i -, i Ill .IIIU4IIVI UVIIIIIIII, Pra ne nay. jncy nave conn tne uuilding anil intend to keen a first ..... . . - -'las house, where a " square meal" ora delicious glass of ice cream can be had at any hour. We hope they will meet with tho patronngo they deserve. Woxt Pay. It is naid that Leven'a reluses to pay the reward of $1,000 of-1 fered for the recover- of his money, on the ground that tho full amount was not recovered, and also that tho par tics who captured the robber uero on wages and not entitled to the roward. The case will probably be taken to the Court., Salcu, Aug. Oth. Last night about niue o'clock. V Snyder, who was returning from Vrcka! T I: T ,""l"u ruau ftl,0"t one i mile Sontli n .TAr..-.n 1 i, . waymen, one of whom put a pistol t0' his head, while tho other relinvMi i. ' of ?200 in coin-all he' U Notllin" ! is yet known as to who the robbers are" ' ConnEmoxir;:,;,' nl t, ' ' 25th, we made it appear that it wn ,' "V" ".""" was tho latter w ho was the unfortunate victim. Apvinv . - . t attkntiox. Attention i cal ed tn C, Greenman. 4..U uu.o iiuuiw oi .Messrs. K. II. & V T -. W in. says Hie mutt comfi" i" r i .. .Hi ', ",v "vl' ! i-H II lit llunn, linibn, Smth. khnaut-B, , Pi-nnTi-V i.i .. r erol il rug stores doctor Miop, iindcc "'i-'r " f ii. " J v imm, ii.oiLL KiivrAuiu.vr. Messrs. i mlo il.?.-.. c-i.i. t.. ' i' V i i. tr . ut. ttnv, 4.1 unui oter and Theilakor will or..,.. t,W l..il,.'.r. n..., 1...1... .... 5, "' n t'"' I Up""- ... n . . .... .-.. .via, nun an Circuill-i TJ. vpnln T mjr Uu.Mr' kl, c.l I - u J.esuurnnt, next to Bilcers. to- IMnnees of necessity nud inerev muv Lei k-ii ui -tour. hiiiIjhihh in in . . . w ..1. ..!..,! : l.j 1 . . . . ' 1 tlir cwiimcDCrU luluf f uuiC4icu.lt J MuitAUUftuUlB. . .. t.. P..mmtr 1 The Railroad Land Grant. Some question has been raised by in- tcrcsted parties whether the Oregon Central Hailroad Co. on tho tt cb side B0llja receive the land gnted V i,n.rrLt?- Wc think the matter has ioSm. settled beyond all dilute The WwI-mJo company filed its pa- lieriiuiin.'iiin.' -,Vi ---.:- i'. ISgrSS'And noJf'-lu" the Imb 1 ' ., ... .. ,. i i.,..,,- tiiL, ,,.retnrv states twsi l:vcyi t,m Tlie grant ot hinds to aU , tlie construction in no yregou wt -tral Railroad, was made by the Ae "l-FOV-l MrW?UK .Vet ) , ,t wld lor lho c0, a noa, aml Telcgrajih onstinetion of lino (mm J90me ll0iul 0n the Central Pacific Rail- road in California, to J'ortlaml in Orc- Vmhr the authority of this Act, that rtio oj tald llailrvud and Til- vffiv urn mi '" " "I yrtyoii, IxpiUnino at tl city of Portland, . flW7IHl".' IK ''. . On"ron. ami running uieree soutiieriv tMWiU, u,e Willamette, Vuirqua and l0?tn! Ritr alks to the .-outlieri! r.1 ... - . II... ...,ll.... i litmndary of Oregon, wliee the Kanie . . ...!.!..!. ii".. 1 t),.n i:. : u... : . l -.. V- " , 'rUe ecrctarv oi ti,e minor coes . ..Iu Ka..1 Ia.m etk.iM laaikilj .! i It inw lhm inm vatt. ,mn. Thl. .t.n.trv lu dimt-. tlw fiiiiiig ol niajn of fflww .and afco a urar 1 of the , " II! I .1 I .. t!..l. I T'-V"" "V " " """ "" . Tbt. Srcrvtarr con-iders the West- bJlle rjomjifiav ontitlwl to the hind, niid toe papers now niei cotiiitute a eon-' t tract between the United States nud ' the Company which the Govirnuuiit ' ..11 ..-. 1 ...1 . 1.. .. 1.. "'-" Vl!""; "' "r".. ; -- - I? 1 . . i . ..f.i ..... . fomiiuts wiui us jmn ; aim u unit no niea inni uie Legislature or urrgon will ever atti'tupt to untitle or in any , " "'"l" '' w, "iinet morney "' " l ' milm SlH.-ui:il 4H.kiun f mini . ol ' s0.' 1" w' -1 ' Tto nmtnd an act entitled . iii,.jj ft it i i t jW. W thtir tmnMmtmL utcd OetuU-r , I8W. 1 Ji h Ltglthatwt A , MmUy o'tht State of Ortgim : . ' Seitjo.v 1. Tlmt section 053 of the! ' " entltieilwt be aiul .lie hame s . ,,,!,!,ed' "'' lhr MMS I l""' l" increoi: tac. 053. If any ;eroit shall kec snail Keep , Hieii any i.Uro, nhoii. "roeurv. ball al-j iw, I ley, billiard room or tippling honw, , ' " " 'I "' " plaoe ol amusement, on the first day of the week, n.iiiinouly called Snndav or iur 'utihiu ui moor or irame, or nnv tne ..M tmv. Mieli noroi). iiiKin Mn. v ... . ...... J I " - -- ' " " lrrt .' ""?." " Pnwliwl by a j f)v dollar, 7W.a11V rLl'T i noiiar, j ronaea, ijmt the above oil as que-tions of'f'net for the jurv to vii-riiuuc, wnen tne oilencc is tried by jurv. Approved, December 18, 1605. Stjck.vkv'is Cnicfs. This troupe performed iu this place on lust Satur- miy evening to a large audience. The gymnastic performance by the Dono- van Bros, was good iu fact, the bout. that has yet visited this place, and is well worth seeing. "ErvEct av pEusKctniox. John Moon, who was so brutally beaten on election day iu Sam's Vallav, nnd sub Kcqueutly arrested by bin 'pemeeutors on a charge of assault has become in sane. e"veiv-.Mntu nt Ashland are '"V "' "y ic notvarrival of the shaft- im f,.- !. ..... .... r. which it was shin.ed I. J ,,! i i i , 'ppm is now out onc "!?" " l'l1rt' d ! 0ST 0r'-'B Discoxtixuko Tho Wa.t0 P8t , Jas. Willson. ' . CL'" ''Continued. J All at norsit. is said the wheat crop is - jjuiui mroiig hoitt as was antMi.,, " nnr , . this valley -, PP ,... IMTIl LTVUIUi vv - iron. r .. .. . . ... .. .ifrni r.mA .w i. lirovis nn hall imr mm v tn il... !.,..... ?pfin. I1'". tvmtcliM. r Oilliin lli iw ilvtelv relittud r',B""' " ;eieiiee, which riuiii be treat- oi.itfr. m. XfU4t 1. . u. tun- XAL- Ar r . necW with ,T i ." h"T connocl necici w,th the Indian Department. monov-';...... . . " uapman was ..Ma i AliAlAd .11 . . " , jiothcni exchanges that Pen "r started out with a surveying Lk4M examine the country between I)iZ ! Peak anil Goose Uk Q " "oo4 , ton advices intimate that tl.I , , , v l Ul iritod, , ot IngraV road Wo Bot yct p hopes ol accomplish their oU i - ouiuncrn Or,, . er does reach the head of lhe Wi, i 'j :. ALL OVER world wl of ttni- nj Ju4ea.tiit Ut hvui k n.ATATKI. UITTKns. in' lA,KITil.VyB.2riaItt'S ,,,r,l'u,"'1,L,,i:m. 25ili,.lVlJ;,S,,"f,T.w.','?,,,''L-ti .. " - ---IHBtCU. Tlrtf nr.ttlwlln. 1, wrVJ pi. J erl .-.. nuhcr uil 1 nrmvirjr. Ut all . ULtf i. wvfiriraBMttVttWi ti ..' in.t tM. j "" n iww BWBHjft """ i tnnw wii l'iun t nanuu v ttcx(tn rt Ctiwili UiM bM Hi nMnifi f,4 ,i,.w uC1 JT? V V "m ,Sr tlm cf ti Jiv KhK .if I mi.r, 1 4 tlir FK-rtn. r , , f tu ,.,,,. Innlt.. Il m.iMtluM r-r l')-M-Alf,Mi IWH. ClMMlltUltiUtl, kt. ' rW4Utu llinUMr tllariUifM,uJ1fcMtt4 tlir lumdi mI rU l'isuut. I er iifUa...u.n 4.1 tti Luu ! tr.i CatHoinu llwvtM. rorn(MkMifHm. iMTttou. rwtM AmiMllc tilakbftt lai lnl klll lufruliM( In iwrf itM 1UM1I;. rinnnii x - ttr eWU Matti.a, it A kH A ftrawalic tmtmiUHi ortlwr tnb, BV I eh ul lnU uiKh u-r i f MUn nimij. Al, rfer-te. tnuf. vmj. ntnalir, icil. rx.t, It Anilbfrwunltful lnirttirii. of f wnlih w(o.f IMKinc IWT I. lit i.ln.lri.Hi an I trdoivjUlM IHihd l ! 1.1.4,3 t. II. f inini'tc r tin -llu.' I wl'lilmlcl lit uai fr lli prriil. Will, li.i - tt wf ih . in.Tnutiiir tfi tthla 1 .r HfilMli.ilij tlirtil on nil i, ll.v Q..w()l I iiuiu ttni fiwi-i u. n ii. r-k r mm i. mtj (imftj li .w.r u t . f inlT. t nx bkk IU Kui Tiox lurrtM m at rlti. m i . w Thrr r ricmitiMHlcJ by IL l.lint arixii iia IIm, i1 mndilnl in tmio, , ih imaiku l-wl fffrat. 1f ntt-rMrl.!iif gmll lfcc1l- in U4 UlHiM4 TlCt-iL lrx rrUt.tiu I rlt rUtltV ''" '" '"V " '7 h tn ! iIWf u4 wr MlH-4Ull Hk4l4bMI rt.Wnl.Hi. Muff (u-i in iHirv iir ir in. (iiuh i iiviim un mfym iil b4.Mii; In ik I rVn l-Jll . IViinrfMtm " t lr4.l In 1-n.iH. r llitt iy Mi J or I'ultad mim un.. mir II.. kuMtiMri . "" iBiiwiiH. un ii iait tw mi -, . i i II. ll&JIKC. i IU. Xiv Vork. Mkf raflt . i.rr.iin nv c rn e,B rMi 14.11 IU IM M I I'M IMill I INHII-. A(Ji:.NT-HI,C)Itl.H.lh'OltM.l..VII.M:V101. MnxirAx jiriTAac M.MMUsrr. Ttit mtrlu of thl. Unfmrnt r tll known. Ill 4 t lui'miUiiMui, 4.llilr.i;. uJ i4inrTiil. J CUll. WUlM., ..H "" in Vn". AihT.' wju, wukm, i(iui mil iiiit.n. pit xmim" trj Urollr. IMI a Mill a u UMllurnl IUI IU U BJiJ ttnitlnx tit ll. il. I.-.II u -l.r tUo It. itxtif.4! 4UuU utter I iliaprM4 UL. C.rt4lll llll It.. JluTwll MMtMP ' "i-i-.-r.i- --. .u ..w. . i unc umiDi u iiui,iki in4.iiiw !! KKADTIli: tOLLOWlNO: Quirk and aura It caii4iul U. AU .roIm U -"M In iltrl-pUtl. ti..rarlu.i. Uailur (lit 4.'(iu -f 6. Maatliruuk, CUmi.l, .nil ll.a .mtl V t. lUa 1' i lliuu A C. Mr! lb Ivp. , . . AnIT.1 lU.imyU lu tounlMffil It -I & itor.f 'UI IiUI. Lc-ik tluMljr. . tM 1 all InicUM,aol Hlona.nl M.MKU-'cJP. UOVS rLKA POWDER. II U 4ll knun 'ibnt Ljon'i Otnaln Mrs,u'J'Tf will iKifMlljr Ulioy .itrilliln. la lh ftP IkH. UJl.a.4, nachn. Ac4 lbn II 1 lfeJ l Iwatt ull. bin rnllfd bainiltM la U tni T cIm mid duuitat Jc nnluiAU. , nj UnlUizt. Ann, KukIim, tit, nr in eirj ! JT Vumiitt U Ibtlr lutural iltnlli. It t-uiiW U to tmj l"l. - . .- r,l Jou I. Ito.t, tail. gupriulnlnt of ,,JLu Cll lliUIl. "IjUtInvl;-",w" e liii4ni4tX" i.-J J..W. TOWI lIurTJX rj-tWltOH Ml " " LYON'S MAGNETIC POWDER .r itcrmlmtlos lutcti cl itnnln UI oirt"1 (ictloo. Col ruAV & Sirrsox. Antor Iloue. S. T, CozzKMi. Ainrrlcan Hotel. . ACIMK A TKrAimKU. SI. Wtbolw Iiw S. Lklamj & Co., Metropolitan HoUl. TMtlinmijr of thU rhnnrlrr nl.til J,i " kn.lh. M bir II U v-4 II tirtl M j TIm f.nuiiif l ll. nioi f t. :7.A lirliala (UUII. fcf I"'.! IIUIIM .V'lalVlf uf iu klul U u lutiuilun -r fof Kill Hill .iw:qi tb gtonliio If Jo !" V w no other. , v,.nl"'I Sol J br nil ilroKuu uA miI " Ion n niui inlngln. tamp va llio 'atl'l' (rwil) Sw SHEEP WA0H A large supply or tblt W'610 ' jf. ihMp. wjr nw Vbd L-AivOrr. I trif.V V .-...... S.T-1860