Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 01, 1868, Image 2

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von thk rnKstnKxcY ix 160S,
umtsies , okatt,
Of TM tttlB TTW.
W.U don, thoa rontand ftlthrul itnMnt " Th Hr
VUIIUVL.EH. 1-ol.kaa,
Par PrrtldtntUl Elffton I
O. JACOBS, of Jackson.
WILSON BOWL-BY, of Washinqton.
A. D.'MEACIIAM, ot Union.
Satuiwav Mousing, Aug. 1, 1303,
Too Much Crow.
,, . . , ,"T ., , , .
Hurrah for Blair I mid we to an old
fnend, of Democratic propensities who
had just come in from the mountains
a day or two since-cvcrybody s go-
ing lor Blair. ' hat Blair? asked
our friend. c informed h.m that
mated by his party for A ice President.
The sweat started in big drops on the
, .,,. ,.,,'. t- i i i !
, ra nd1w.l,Tdcat"J '-Fra"kBIa' r!i
. ..,, ,,,'.. i
mint." fLookalicrc,' he continued,
"I vo been in m.ty tight places; I vc
cat dog and buzzard, and snake and
mule meat, and I've foucht agin the
old flag, all for Democracy and choked
, .'. .. -.' , ..
ll.n tt.Mr4 rtii fit Miont- n lilrrrfnl- fnr flip
, P . i . t . i crat aml 'ented a pnneclv fortune, ees. If the Jews are to join the De-
good of tho party, but when it ask . , . , . , ' , ,. . "
ft ii i Ulair, who is to bc second lieutenant mocracv and vote atrainst Grant for
me to swallow crow on a weak stom- . ,. ' , . . . . , . . , , , r...
, . , , ..... ... i ot the poor man s party, is n wealth v, this reaon also, let them go. The lu
nch I can't near stand it." c ex-i .' i t n . i -
,.,,.., . f purse-jiroud beggar alter ottic; aud ion party is one of principle, not of ex
plained that the dose was seasoned ,. ,. ' ,, ,. .,,, . ... ,, ,, ., ..' . ',','..
1 ... .. . . . i . i- .1 , i they and other "bloated bondholders ' pediencv. It nppcaUtothcjusticcnnd
with the spiciest platform his party had i... ... , . ... , . ' ,",.,. J ,
IlIlVO 111st tlirnU'tl tlinir llinilKV mm n. rrmtnu lint tlin i-..,l!i.,i;,.,.. .,.,.! ......
ever got up ; but nil to no purpose.
He threw down his hat, stamped on it
and broke out again. "Darn your
spice crow's crow; stuff it with cay
cnuc popper aud sneeze weed, and
rook it in brimstone and vou can't
chance its flaror, and there's a darnd
! , .-. I , t. i ti t .
sight too much crow in Frank Blair to
C.tt .1rt tf WA Lift l.tn. Lxtllf. 4a
suit me." We left him trying to
.. ,. ,,, i.i
straighten out his old hat and ejacula
ting "too much crow ! can stand snake
and buzzard, but I come from Old Mas-
soury, and I'll bo dod rotted if I don't
know Frank Blair too well to go him.
TN ..... t 1
wvuiwran u i it-ur w re lanicuiany
Tl .1 till -..., . v...wa . ..w.u, .11.-11 lull
vicious on Butler, as he had been nnir!- T, ..,. ,,... n. ' . , .
, , .. ,. ' , . , ;. ' Citv. lo show how Oregon brands of
.u,,or,un.l,,u .mpncu .... ,
opportunities oy stealing only a
spoons, liaa lie remained in the par-,
TTmllif. mmfilnnil tn tlin nfir.
-- " . ... .. .
ii, biuiu itiiuiB, uuaiuiu uuuFvs, aricn-
als, and as Dickens' "Fagan" would
say, "have brought honor to tho pro-
lession," JJcmocracv would nave wor
shiped him.
The Democracy have recently sent
on Thomas E. Younger "an intelli
gent, educated colored man, who re
cently worsted tho Radical Judgo Un
derwood, in a discussion," to Tennessee,
wherehe is to "open tne eyes of the
people of his race, who arc being duped
ed by the carpet-baggers and home rad
icals of that oppressed State." The
Democracy aro progressing.
Reduce the Expenses. Should the
Democracy get in power again, the
military post at Fort Klamath is to bc ,
abandoned immediately, both as a nee- wc have one mill iu this citv, one at
essary measure of retrenchment and be- Milwaukio and one at Oregon Citv,
cause our Democratic friends arc break- cklier of wLcU 8laud a,lcad the y
ing themselves up by taking contracts i fauciest of the fancv mills of our bi
at ruinous rates. , fancy CaI,ro;nIa. Ts u ot nM
Tlie Albauy, Ogn., Democrat ob J '' titue to "Pg'm quoting all Pacific
serves that a Democratic sneaker in coast flour, ns "Oregon flour."
neighborhood has been handling;
cal office-holders without (loves. I
",uaal WWM,Hen uww yiope
He who could do likewise to Demo-
cratic oflice-holdere must have an im-
mense disregard for filth.
An exchan,e after exhau.tin. its ro.
cabulary ofjdang on the Republican ,
. . ? "
puny, bays 11 is iuii 01 rcuegaao dem
ocrats ! that is Democrat who n-nnld
rather nbandon a political party than
assist in destroying jheir country. I
couuty Uroers in l.inn county are j
at a discount ot twenty-live per cent. I Igh jeadi We ound evervthing about
Democrats having got into power, tbe jead golng t0 rack. rora .
scrip-holders expect wholesale robbery, , ance ,10 workj t0 amount t0 anything,
and njo seized with a panic; who blames : )iag been dono or 8ix or eiglt yea
them? I The Bhafts have caved and filled up;
Afbesch physician who examined; the tum,el8 'r the most part, are caved
the statistics of tho births of many'anl1 Llocked "l1 at tho moutu5 and
countries states that one hundred and'
bir boys are bora to every one hundred
girl., but more bovs die before reaching '
one year than girls. '
Tl,. .,..MtAnftlfti..""T r, , '
Ihe estate of the late James Buch-
anan is valued at $300,000. Wonder ,
. he accumula cd ,t at ten cent jr
ay ? the highest price he thought a , pursue than to givo 6ome enterprising I . . . At ' ""
laborer was worth. ' company an interest in tho mine, m j the im l),aco h0Utl1 of Aliand and
... , . , . i consideration that they thoroughly ( run by way of Soda Springs to Lost
Ouugatioxh ilessra. Sutton & prospect it. For, as it now lays, it does I River gap, a distance of probablv, sev
Stearns, of tho City Drug Store, have ' no e a7 good, and if it was thor-' euty.fivo miles.
ulaced on our ulc. tho Atlantic
Monthly for July for which they have
our thanks.
The Senate have taken a recess until
tho first Monday in September.
Political Snobbery.
Slum tli iitit-nhMe of tho Donmci-nj.
c Part' 7 Belmont nt the New York
Convention, it is Tcrv lauehablc to seo
. . ' "......
thf nhftrtlliinii pnm with wlnoli flmv
' ,,., ,...
ncnrmi; iirury u um muiii' uugt.
There has been a grand mistake made
and the Democratic press is rushinir
forward with the declaration that
"ninety per cent of the monicd men at
the State Capital are Democrats."
The impression seems to have gained
" I ground that the bloated aristocrats
, that grind out the marrow of the poor,
were nil in the ranks of the Radical
party; but now it comes to light that
n,nctV0Ut0,a,Uudn?dan. Democrat
hFacts-bcarout ,,,,,, of Ul0
DcmocrBlic prcM for it is llolorioug
tlint tho imrtr thllt ,m8 cIalmcd t0 be
Mmd q - wng .
o hig . md
or tUo d dat0l instc!U, o( thc
,cvationofbibor Thcc,t ,Sa,
I .hcrc thcsc InonIcd BMob who now
wcar ",c black and vellow livery of
Ham and Shylock reside, is known to
ou largely Keiiublican, and if ninety
. 0, ,l8 ,nonicd llaUon
DemoerB.ic h g VMV 0 Me Ul!U Re.
, llllW,Mll ... pnmil'irn,n nmnn ,,,
,,.,. . ..!..,.! . i i
?nif'llfintr ntl1 infnllirvmt LIiamm
;" ",."" Vf ""- "
fceymour himself was born an nnsto-
------ .. ...... ...w... u.J ..I- fc. ..-..., .I. ...V MVMJllUlkV9 .lll ILIil"
to the scale, against the time-honored ' ioni of the people, and cannot nflbrd to
principles, and the latter have kicked cater to the whims of any class of citi
the beam. ' zens ; it is left for Democracy to desccud
Henceforth, after such n declaration, to such unworthy practices and if they
we will hear no more of the aristocrat-' can win at it thev are welcome.
ic and grinding bondholders, as it has
i,..,, ., ,,. -',,
. bcon l0UIld "'at so many of them are
jn tnc jjemocritc mry. d . i
... - '
i i ,i. ,!mi ,i. f! . ,
el inenus will be forced to seek anoth
cr electioneering hobby to ride.
Onnoo.v Ftot'i: i.v New Yoi:k. Mr. ing was to pay honors or perform some i not obliged by law to give the con
iilbort ot Vaughn's mill has shown religious ceremony over the graves of I tract to the "lowest bidder. If thev
s the "Special Market llcport of Call- their dead. About 10 V o'clock a. si., ' wott,f mcn couM bc found l0 lakc it al
"u. rMU m,ur' 1MUCU June
i .1 .. ...
0,t. , Tn,. n W..I.1 V-... -v--l.
flour com,,a whh othcf hnmh o
"California tlnnr" u-i. nnntn Ti-zmh it..
---, - -, .-.- ....
, -.,, .. n. nI a
t a, loows
IJv siitl
, ria c' ,. ,
By steam'r
via Isthmus
0rEon lmprUl Mill -J13
i ..iii
5taularil " 1 3
- - -i
" Vaughn' - IS
Cal. Goldeu Gate" 124.13
13 a!3J
" 5aata Clara K'jul.l
" Farmen' " ISSOnf. 1
National 1
" I'aeine JJJ
The above are uot all tho brands
quotod, but they sufficiently show how
the Oregon brands of "Calfornia flour,"
stand in the New York market, ns
compared with tho fauey brands of San
Francisco. Tho highest quotation of
California manufactures is f 12(212j.
Salem mills, Oregon, is quoted nt $13.
1101,0,. Thll, ir .;,", ,. . "" ,,.,
jmuiiv KTPfini inma Mi'ursini ....i
To the above, taken irom tho 0.fabtnU ha ,)iut ,1,0' would raise them
soman, we can add that tho quality of n . fou. tSm(l nnf1 ,,- ,.,
-" -v -.. uiHo.iHp a feH. t-mes and mot;ou towar(j
" in this part of Oregon is second the hogs, then strew the contents on
to none mado auy where, oud all we tho round Uo would tCn bofp
''d is the means of transportation , aga5n tlicn Btand 0 h,g feet and 1QW
l?.1!.1.0. " W ' tL? After the chief man had concluded his
.aivni uiurKei wiin an article enum
t0 the best ever otrered ,n h
Gout Hill. Ono day this week, in '
company with Col. Drew, JIcQuade
and Sam Bowden, an old Jackson Creek
miner recently from tho North, wo paid !
... 'l
a v;9;t t0 tbo onco famoug Go,d IIiu or
l"U3C nvumunMiuuiuuingni.
fu, a8 tno "muenng seemed ready to
iM in" Tho owncn of tl,ls minc Grm7
Relieve that a rich deposit of gold will
yCt b 'UDd '" G0,d IIi,L Yet t0 d0
this there will have to bo much labor
and espcnded . and, lrom ,u wo
can see, tfiero'is no better course to
wortuletiss. the owners need uot spend
v"b".' v?" -... -"
any mora time or money iu tho enter- wuo hatt been on a vi3it t0 Washington,
prise, while if rich pay is htruck it -n . . t . 1
would be a benefit to tie proprietors wUI b, at hIomo1 i0; lvmg re
to know of its existence as toon as pos-, turne(' overland via. I'ort Boise and
sible. Portland.
The Jewish Vote
Democracy seems to dclicht ill tho
' ilcvilish work of exciting mid Wer-
I i"g redjudice. Tho Democratic press
... 1 , f.
throughout tllC COlintrV are ns blllSV IIS
,., lv,,!l ! I.. f ,..!...! f........':....
ni j.ih j,i. . .. .m., i.mhiuuu
the jtredjnuices of the Jewish race
against General Giant,
It is claimed
that the solid Jewish vote will be
thrown agaitut him, on account of his
sweeping order which expelled a band
of Hebrew spies from within tho un-
ion lines, at a time when the fate of
the Government hung trembling and
dependent upon the successful opera
tions of our armies. It is quite proba-
ble that the continued appeals to the
jirC(1jU(lieo of that race of people will
draw manv votes from Grant, but bv
no means certain that their vote will
b(j so,.(1 . Jf Jt mM bc
so.( a w,c ,s o bc cribod
for doing his dutv, by a.iv particular
class of citizens, it is the "vcrv reason
whv he should bo supported bv other
classes, whoso sense
right is greater. It
of liintiiM mid
. .
is Jint lipiniin
Grant expelled the Jewish traders,
who were notoriously carrvins infer!
niatlon t0 Ulc cnemv;frpm V-UI.in his
,:,,, ,,,...".. n,i f.i.. i..
Grant expelled the Jewish
linrtnuun .. ili.1 lit- .1 t !t- . ......
i i fifi.fi '
, ""-"- . " . "-;' V"u
and deprived the rebels of their sorv
Ciii.nt.ki: Celeiuiatio.v. On lues-
... ., , , -,. . , .
,'aJ' 'nst tno wolo China population
4 llin .....l. nntlrwfttrmtlt tA Sm Tnnlnn.
ville, to the number, we should judge, of
about 400. The occasion of their meet-
. , .. ....
"icy lormcu in a proceosion leu iy two.
' . .l. ..:...!...: ! i.i.s.i
l .IVII? Ill.ll. IIIU llil'll IUU?ll-,UIMl II II I U
. . .,. ...
containing their "oflenugs." Their
nl,c wab tb,
that ierformed on horns.
.!..... ..: o.,.1 ......l..l. ...-I.:...-
..,, sb" " .,....,., .......y u
I 1 .1 f 1 . .. I
uarsu ami uicoruaui uoie, uaviug
its chief merit the greatest volume of
, sound possible to be obtained. After
.1. i .i ii .
arriving ai u e grave nmiu u.e uiowmg
- ui muni :iiiii ui.':iLiii.r in rriiir. nmi
, , . a nc-
i drums, tho ollonngs were unloaded
and placed iu front of the craves.
These were, first two roasted liogn,
that would weigh about a hundred
pounds apiece, placed on large wooden
platter, and set so the head was near-
est the grate, and also toward the'
sun. Whether this was design or ac-, eleven thousand grave?, let us pro
cident we cannot now determine, i noiincc thi vow: By every drop of
i Around the hogs, but on the platters, blood that has been shed in tho great
were placed numbors of chickens, j struggle; by every moan nnd sigh of
plates of rice, eggs ifcc. Behind the the wounded nnd dying; by every tear
hog, about 3 feet distant, was spread
mats, upon which the priest ofliciated,
, aud after him the wholo Chinese con-
' gregntiou. The ceremony was cutirclv i
pantomime, there being no words spok-1
en. Tho priest fell down upon his
knees and bowed on the grouud three
times, then taking small cups, which
wero filled with brandy by attendants,
from small teapots, that would hold
corcmouies ho gave way to others who
came in pairs and trios until all had
howed before tho hogs. The women
wer0 tho last to pay their respects to
tho departed. Whilo these bowing
ceremonies were going on, a bonfiro
was kindled in tho rear out of bales of
i Chi,,a Pnl,cr of various color, and a
i short distanco in another direction a
continual snapping of firecrackers was
kept up, so that a dense and suffocating
Isnioko floated over tho crowd. At tho
end, the jdatters containing tho hogs
wcre ,0.atletl to tho wagons, and tho
- ", iu
. . " .n.ormeci, a least on
th carca8SC8 of thc; Ucis) logfc
Su-evevixg. The County Surveyor
! Mr- J- S- Howard, will commence tho
'..urvov of a road to Lost Hi vor on Mnn
, J iH
J'J TU lllTltTT.
Retvjuhxg. De. Jcsso RobinHnn
The County Hospital.
Kditoi: Sesti.vei.: The communi
cation 61 "Observer," in last week's
Sentinel, suits mo exactly, and struck
the nail right on the head. I don't
hear anybody grumble about taxes (ex
cept the editor of the lleville, who don't
jHiy ant,) as long as they are satisfied
that the tax is rightly applied. To my
thinking it would be piefurablo to in
crease the Hospital tax aud sccuro the
services of a competent physician than
to have the Door die from inattention.
or have this community bear the bur-
deti of sending them away for medical
treatment, by private subscription af.
ter paying Hospital tax. On ono oc
casion a subscription was actually col
lected by tho county physician himself
for a sick man, in order to get him off
his hands, when he had been paid by
the county for takinc care of him.
Next Tuesday the contract is to bc let
again, by our honorable Board of Com
...:.....,..., .....i ...ii- . .i.
""'f '" u..u u.UUj in..-
I .if o nrn n'nifMirr with nntnn ititnrtxtt tn
! ...... q
see how thev will perform. Tho Dr,
now in charge boasts that ho has got
one of the commissioners "dead in the
door," and as the other has declared
himself in favor of competency rather
than cheapness, aud as the County
Judge will have the casting vote, the
community will hold him responsible
for the action of the board, whether it
is good or bad. As a citizen aud tax
payer 1 am somewhat interested iu this
matter. I want to know if a public
official can be bought for a few day's
board, and ii another is too much
afraid of his political shadow to aflord
to do righti I can tell them one thing
certain, if they do not know it already
that is, that there is n strong current
of public opinion against having the
county sick neglected because it is
done cheap; and ii another poor fellow
is suffered to die like a dog, the board
win no neut resiionsiiue. inev arc
nalt lnc inw nl ratt. because thev
would never have a patient. But they
are expected to use their judgment
without favor, and sec that poor peo
ple who aie thrown on tho charity of
the county, arc treated like Christians,
and get not only good medical atten-
J danco but attondanco 0f a carcful , tcw
ard ll(0 al roasonabk. compensation.
i ii. i . ii i t. .
mis is an iroin i.vx 1'avek.
'i,tt: Somukiw' Vow. At the cere-
101l.v decorating the soldiers' graves
St. Loui, Gen. Carl Schurtzconclu.
ld his oration with "tho following
splendid parage:
Then, in the awful presence of these
that has moistened tho pale cheek of
mother, widow and orphan ; by tho ter-
rors of death that swept over our bat-
tie fields, and haunted the beds of ng-
ony iu our hospitals here we record
thc sacred promise that these men shall
not have died in vain ; that no preju
dice shall move us from our purposo ;
that no obsticle, ever bo formidable,
shall mako us falter in our rcsolvo;
that wo will not rest until wo can
crown their graves with tho monumont
of thc final victory of tho right, until
tho great American Republic, one nnd
indivisible, is firmly grounded upon
impartial justice nnd tho equal rights
of all. Yes, marching on with the van
of tho grand Army of liberty, hovering
over our banners as they advance for
new struggles, quickening our resolu
tion with their inspiring presence, strik
ing confusion into tho hearts of our en
emies, and overwhelming those who
have proved faithless with tho deep
damnation of their treachery; so wo
will march on together on and on,
united, fearless, irresistible, until tho
grand consumation is reached, bo that
when wo lay down our heads mankind
may bless us, as wo now bless thoso
who liavo preceded us.
Insect Wae. A hive of bees bo
longing to Mr. Dowcll were attacked
by a neighboring hivo this week, and
from appearances tho hive assaulted
were whipped, as wo see great numbers
of dead bees about tho hive, as well as
tho remains of tho honey-comb scatter
ed about tho premises.
Si'akku.vo and Bkigiit. Mr. Stearns
rushed furiously into our office ono day
this week, and drew a half dozen soda
bottles ; but wo did uot draw tho corks
guess not. From tho way our nose
felt, tho cork must have left tho bottle
itself. (Jo and get a half doreu and
try em,
I The Eastern Pren on the Now York Dem
oeratio Convention.
- J thk m:W york "iiunALi" moi'm;es
The New York Jlcrahl, which lias
been bitterly opposed to Gen. Grant,
gives the following welcome to the
Tammy ticket :
The die is cast. Tho Democratic
Convention has declared that our next
President shall bo Gen. Grant. There
was a splendid opportunity offered this
Convention, in tUe nomination ot Chief
Justice Chase, to carry off the balance
power from the i Republican camp,
North nnd South, East and West, and
to inauguratcrjin tho approaching Pres
idential election, a substantial aud du
rable Conservative revolution. The
ad vantages of this nomination were at
once appreciated by tho Democratic
masses aud independent thinking men
of the party in the agitation of his name
as the Democratic candidate for the
crisis, and they were enthusiastic iu
the cause of Chase; but the nartv
judges of this Tammy Hall Convention
had a difieient gamu to day. So fur
as the New York politicians arc con
cerned, tuts game was fully disclosed
iu tho Herald of Sunday last. In ref
erence to the mock declination ot Hor
atio Seymour, thc old fable of the
mountain iu labor has been fully real
ized, and tho delivery is a treachcious
mouse of the Democratic Presidential
candidate against the conquerors of
the rebellion. Seymour against Grant
iu 180S amounts to a surrender ot dis
banding of tho Democratic party. The
ticket of McCIellau against Lin
coln was a strong ticket compared with
this of Seymour against Grant. It
has not the prestige of the ticket in
lfcOl!. Indeed, Mr. Seymour was elect
ed Govenor, but it wiis on tho pint
form ol vigorous prosecution of the
war. In 1&03 he returned to his idols
of tho Copperhead faith, and there lie
would have remained, but for the de
fection ot the Republicans and their
divisions on tlie Mate elections ot last
year. Now, us in the capital and nil
thc foothold gained by Democrats
have been thrown away and lost, and
the battle of 1S04 is revived, with
some changes, to be sure, but us
against Seymour, they are all in favor
ot Graut. Theie is "nothing iu Sey
mour, nothing iu his plaltoriu, that
will bring a tingle recruit to the Dem
ocratic party ; but everything to rally
the whole floating vote'of the United
States, with all the Conservative Re
publicans, around the glorious banner
of Grant.
It is supposed by his friends and po
litical trainers, that Seymour is at leasl
good lor New York, with its 50,Ooo
Democratic majority of lat tall. '1 bal
majority, however, was the delusive re
sult ot( Republican disatfectioiig and
dissensions, which only the nomination
of Chasu as thc Demo'eratic can(ji,at0
could hav e turned to mitniitial ad
vantage. In this campaign, Seymour
against Grant will bring UI th0 e.
publicans into line, and the result will
be another politicnl reaction, which
will give New iork to Grtt,tbv 20,000,
30,000 or 40,000 majority.
Wo can give no viunicilnuce to this
movement of the Democratic, party,
lhe movements of thongeareprorees
iye, and we must go with them. All
the world is going forward, except our
Democratic party. U fa behind Aus
tria, itr.ssia and i urkey, for they nil
recognize me uceesMty 0t Mmping tho
policy to the pressure of living events.
Seymour is behind the age, and Blair,
as a soldier on this ticket, makes mock
ery of tho combination. Grant and
Colfax against Mich a ticket will sweep
the country lrom tho Atlantic to the
Faeihc, because the blockheads of the
Democratic- party will have it that we
nre still living uudcr the regime of poor
Pierco and Buchanan.
The New York Journal of Com
merce, tho oldest Democratic paper in
New York city, does not hesitato to
speak its mind on the Democratic Plat
form :
This is out and out repudiation ot n
solemn obligation, as we understand it,
to pay all tho bonded debts in gold.
On the question of repudiation tho Dem
ocrats aro boldlv committed to tho lm.
sor alternative, and will reach tho main
advantago where their heresy is fond
ly cherished. Thero is no excuse for
such a proposition. It is both wicked
and disgraceful. The authors know
very well that tho money was harrow
ed with tho express undemanding
that it was to be. rcnaid in enln m
that anything short of this is repudia
tion of a solemn covenant. Gov. Sey
mour has always warmly insisted on
the obligation to pay the bonds in gold.
The platform is the very opposite to
his well-known views. How tho two
are to be veconciled it is not for us to
Tho latest style of collar is the "Bel
mont." It is very fashionable just now
among the plow-holding Dcraocraoy,
nearly every one of whom wear it.
Last Call.
fwwlri ..Tf.11 rdl'l?rjr Wad0 muU come
Tn J if ! iU,e "1cb weonnU. II has beea
J. long t me ,1DM the bill, were made, and
they miut dow be aeitled. Aciloo. at taw "n
Su?i?la",Ct? H1lMi n" P'tte' whoTe ai
counu are uot aeitled at tbe eml of thirty dav..
Pr n V r nAHt Tl GLENN, Truslce:
fr D. M. C. Cadlt. juy mu, 'tis.
11. K "?' lnath "llfln "."' " -More limn li.lt of tk.
dl. In Hit world tomw frem ntftlrrt to fonlfy h. ...
t,m.ln.t rhontf. cf rllm.li. wmihrr undfij K'.'
jc b .ml lilond rrpiUr d onlUm, m ih.i iuliVJi'
KrMt rrrl lifhrallli I. In k..i, tl,. -....mi ... IIT.'
ml fond, ft.
drm froi
UMhlntn or thMljr,iin. 111 illv" pMl Ut
..-, iinnn. point ami wrii-knoKh, that U.t. i.
no iucu bulwurt, n,l ...l.t.nt tor tlir SlomiVh m ''
Thh rlnlil Tonl It now n.nl l.r all cl.M r,r .t
for rtMjr lymplom of a "Stonuich out "ford," ' ' pW,U
Tlicrrtoritlitlili. Plantation lllllrn lar i
to comrt th-jBlc or th, Slomar h. a, .liX "Lhin.il
at w,k. .d nM, It to rl.t and Ibrow off VkVaJ?, "7
Ins dannr Thf tend.nrr of th. rWralkm. of lr.p,'t
aiwaji i.mani. a rurt t all ih nw i In n litti, Jl.T" "
at thr ropr tin,., llnw moh rnoro r.T I nc!
..n.lblJ It I. to l.rl. Ir along with , l.f ?T.1 ." 1
T.mlc. than to .Irlnfr ami Mltn an Jdfi Vr ii..
,r.M. wltu K,non. dniRi and nr mljiu, J IVL?
only .tu,..rX and plant ll.r ,Al, of dl"L?.juthihl,h
Important Certificates.
.." '. '. I"1 mh toou,f.Tl lerltj Uli... ,y.
I'lantatlon lllttf n l.at Mtnf tnc llfo, ' ' "
Ki. II. WACHl).M.n, Jladrld, N. v."
."'. .i .,Th"1 '!"'"" I" "lllf mor of tb.
Untatlon lllttm. r wife 1,.. IM trfatlv lnlSM ?,
tbtlr uw. Tby frlcnJ, .W-ct t, I'MUd.lj.hii, iv"'
".'. '. . ' "" "" " "ifittn from ItimMi.
and bad to abandon prrubln;. T,t I'liii.n.!:
llltltri hatt rurrd ii. UUo
RLV .' 8. ClTJiORX. Ilncbf.tfr, Jf, T
i. " '. . . ,,1V.' .EtV.n "' l'lilatlon llill.n
In"1 ffwt ,""ud u1'"" '"' ' not wtuhht
Sutlultt.dcnl SoldlfrV Iluni'c, Ciiiclnnatu) 0."
Th nantatlon Ulltrn nukf tho wrak itronr .. I..
Ktildl.rllllint.andarrMhau.tFd NiturV. rrrS Ii.ii.V
Thr .-ubllc may rt iorl Iha.lr. i.'ST,1 JSnS
iwrfwlVMrn tandardor lb. 1'X.A.NTATIOX niTTEIli
b d-partnl from, i:frjf U.ttlo 1-or. t,o fM 'fu
KUnnl"'"Ur n ""' ,,UU ,np"ta l U
Anr n.rvinrrri-p.lliirtoi'll I'LiXTATlOX flirrrra
In talk r -r tl,, rail,,,. ,. . ind mo,."" "
waroof r'Sllnl bottle., ?. tt.nt tur frlVal. M.mL
l'.ll'TII.Ti:iiom t,ry nk " "' ,UB' u
ll,M,!,rli!i''"I'ri'f,rt"' 0r"C," nJ nml,r" "-""skMl
i. II. I) R A ICC, 4 CO.,
N-v York, Stile Pron'r.
nnd 118, Front Street,
Snn Francisco.
Agents for California and Nevada.
iu:.A!r.i;.i: K,,rc,'"HM'' "e"LMi Um
What l i r-mtlarlj- nrrrl'lnr In rinrd lo lo thli aril.
! It. that nulwlihitandiiif It. Initaul dmb Is lnflt, II
It l-rfl jr Uarnilnt lo mankind and domttlie anlaiaU.
IloanWInhaUd or ratrn with Impunltr. It Wtrt it,.
tMtlniuii)' oftmlnrnt dl.tliipililinl rh.oil.li that II U
rnnr. risoji roiso.v.
No ttlUlt bat r it r jlnniutb lllit tatUfaellon Iu Iu
lit rnttlon U w known. It I. ta.lly and rnvtUt
uti.1 ilirxtlcbt atwniDJ tacti Sa.k. Ilrwarobfrosa.
Tl.o ruiulha hat th tlgnaturr of K, Ltox, and lh tri
tralottamt. of tiu. IUcmi I Co. Any thin rlttofau
kln-M.anliulull-norrounlftr.lt. Aiurilni(sUtUln.
tun- tb. crnulrwi ir ).u In.l.t ym wfll bat. no olh.r
NK I7 all clnic.-l.li and ilrattrt on tht CatlBc tuMt,
ll It an adniiltrd firt Ibal Iba M.ilr.n irn..... n.i
rnnt irfornit mora turn In a thorttr tliut, on mas toJ
Uitt, tlunanj artMaaiardlHntrfxl
O OOlllbOUlMl bat Ol.r ba.l. l.i..il.l. .....! ...J.ff
iwt.uu. in runuf
SriTT Wr.xK JuiNTt, Ilru.
Biivww, Eak Acne.
Sriuix, Kwruj.Nm.
Fnrmi Ctrrs ou Wor.M
Or anjr olktr cotu.UInti rialrlncan t itamal arobVallaa.
0ll IIOKfrKS
II It an lndltnnilaM and taluiblo rmfdj la all rim
of Soatlo, Spllul, lilnellvnt.U Ind Gallt.Ilruiwt.SlraaM,
It thould U kpt In attrjr botiw, camp, and lUtlt. At
cldtntt will iur. l'runi IIuom Ittmcarjr.
All itnulno It wrp-il In tiMl-platt nxratlort, boarlar
tb.iljrwlurtofO M Mntbrudt.CbtuiulaDdtbapritat
I' I urapoflimASllAKNCSACa.ottrlhtlop,
All afforl bat Urtu nia.1 to rount.if.lt it mlthirh..t
. .. i . . " -.....w. H...M. MM ..a
tout tiUta Libit. UukcloM-lr!
told If all Prnctitii and Mum In cttrr town and tola
Ingcaiup on Taclnc touit,
Change of IPirm.
InEItEDY announce to my old patroni. and
the public Kenerally, tlmt I have dlrpoicd of
ray Saddle and Harnett Shop, In Jackonrllle,
Iu Mearri. Miller .t Co.. who will continue lhe
butlneta at Iba amt aland. While Ibaiikinj:
the public for the liberal patronage attended
to m Id the jni, 1 bvupvuk the continuance
of the time to lhe new llrui, who will he able
lo gWc entire latlarttctlon to all who may wii
new work or repairing done.
In this connection I would rc(iuet all who
may be Indebted to me to come forward and
ndjuit their account, ua I detlre to aetile my
bulne here. J, JUDGE.
Jackionrille, July 22d, 18G8.
In ;iumlng the bu'lness of carrying on a
Saddle and Harntsi Shop In Jackaoorillo, ll
will bo our constant aim to allow none but tint
cha work to go out of our factory, and we
hope, by a close and continued app licatiuu to
bueineM. to warrant a continuance ot tbe urn
liberal patronage given to Mr. Judge.
Jacksonville, July 22tb, 18C8. Jul23w3
tale at unprewdcotly low prices
OHIO and BUCKEYE Reaper and Mow
er ; Belf and Hand rake ;
McGORMAG'K'S Reaper and Mower;
2 and 4-borse Belf sod Hand-rake ;
HAINES' Improved Illinois Headers;
WITS' Improved 36-Horse Separator!
PUTS' Improved 12-IIorse Powers:
HALL'S Improved Tornado Separator;
Seed-Sower, Cultivators, Plows, ic , of ft
recent importation, nnd most approved style
make. Farmers will do well to call beforo par
chasing elsewhere.
31 n Washington Street,
an Froocisco.
Moy t6tb, 1868, rol6-m3
4 ?