is1 . - to aA-V& WWWB A I J s :x. FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE THE Odd Fellow's- Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Traveler! and resident boarders will line ff BEDS AlfD BfiDSIZfO Placed In first class order, and In every War superior to any In this section, and surpassed by nuy In the State. HER ROOMS ARE NEWLY FURNISHED, And a plentiful supply of the best of every Iblng the market affords will be ob tained for HER TABLE. No tronblcd will be spared to deserve the pat ronage of the traveling at well as the pcraa nent community. ttmn entitle! VOL. XIII. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1808. NO. 28 BUSINESS NOTICES. Peter Britt, Photographio Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ambr o typos, Photographs, Till: OREGON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED Everr Saturday Morning by B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, CORNER C 4- THIRD STREETS. TKIUI4 OF Sl'USClUPTIOX I t Vat nno vnar. tn rVw.,- .1a11..m . If Oar to S do Vislto i not psld within the first six month or tbo year. I flr ilnllara If tint rtmA nltl ft. Mvtrallnn THE FISEST STVLE OF ART. 1 0f the yearsix dollars, !- Jacksonville, March 31, 18CG. tf P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, IS NOW IN POSSESSION OF THE ENTIRE slock of materials and toots formerly be longing to Coslello it Collin. Mr. Cotello having withdrawn, P. It. Collin will continue tbo business, and cun be found at his shop, Corner or C and Tlirld Streets, prepared to do work In a workmanlike manner and at reasonable rates. . Jncksonvllle, Oct. IS, 16C7. octlOtf DOSE IS Pictures Reduced OR ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. TKKMS OP AUVKitTlMIXO I , OneMuare(l0 lines or less), first Insertion, I three dollars ; each subsequent Insertion, one I dollar. A discount ol fifty per ccut. will be I made to those who advertise by the year. DH. A. B. OVEHBECK, If 11 VS1CM.11 &. ISlirireOn. ;"Lcgal Tenders received at current rates, i 0 , EL DORADO, M. E. Cor. Cut. A Ogti. Ht. Jackson vlllc, O, S. M. FARREN. Jl NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN I THEX GO TO MEATER'S BROOM MANUFACTORY AND IIL'V THE I1EST IX THE MARKET, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Fnclnrv on corner of Oregon nnd Main Sis., by the Uriri fellow s Hall, mm opposite tliv 1-rauco-Ainerlcnn Restaurant. Jacksonville, Nov. 2!itb, 18G7. novSOfim HUE! LIME! JACKSONVILLE, ORIVON. Office at bis residence. In the Old Ovcrbeek Hospital, on Oregon Street. DR. E. H. GREEHIM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. He will practice In Jackson and adjacent counties, nnd attend promptly to professional calls. febStf DR, A, B. OVERBECK'S BATHEOOMS, In tho Ovorbock Hospital, WAKM.COLD & SHOWER BATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. i onuni:, m. d., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE removed to California Street, South tido. Jscksnnvlllv. D.c. 'Jlsl, lfiti. dec21-tf B UlLDERS. ANn lime, will llml OTIimtS WHO DESIRE n rontlnnt supply, ol tlic best quality, In (tianfllles tn suit, at my shop on Jluln street, neiween wregon aim inirii, on nostte Muller & Ilrriitnnn's store. In hit ab sence, Mr. Alex, irs. Murtln will wait upon custom- STONE CUTTING . AMI Stone HI tiHon Work .lone on terms In suit the times. Orders from the country will receive prninpt attention, .1011. V It. PEACOCK. Jacksonville, April 211, lb7. np27 Administrator's Wotico. NOTICE IS IIERKUY GIVEN THAT THE understand! bus been duly nppolnti-d by the County Court or Jii-epiilne, county, btatr of Oregon, ns the Administrator of the estate of Augustus Clark, deceased, late of Josephine county. Oregon All persons having claims agnlnt .aid es tate are requested to present them with prniier vouchers to me, at my residence, in buefcer Creek Valley, Josephine county. Oregon, with in six months trom the date hereof. All per sons lodebtttl to wld estate uro requested to nuke immediate payment. TRUMAN II. ROWI.EE. Sucker Cvoek. Jun ISth, 18C8. Jy4-4w. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICE. Having dlsposcl of our Foe tory, we ore now prepared to give our whole attention to our Leather and Finding business. On band, direct from France, Calf it Kip, Domestic Leather, ltoot Legs, etc. Jeux G. Hi-tv. I L. Faviik, j Joiiv Brat, New York. Paris, j San Francisco. Address, IIEIN & I1RAY, Sua FranclKO. 41C II attery Street Tio yonndrymen AND BLACKSMITHS. ConiWrUn.l and Ubleb COAL sad PIQ lnO.V XtOOO Tousi, la Stars sad Afloat, for tils If J. It. DOYLE, 413 sad 41 stelae St, tUo rrsactsca. Ml. LEWIS tiANUNU. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON AND Ol3sstotriolazi, WILL attend to any who may require Ms services. Office ndjnlnlni; N. Laiigel's shoo shop, on north sldu California Street, Jacksonville. nor2tf SPECIAL NOTICES. ttat7 LJli The Printer's Toll. niow, ye stormy winds of winter, Drive the chilly, drifting snow, Closely boused, thebuy printer Heeds not bow the winds may blow. Click, click, his type go dropping, Here and there upon his case, As bo stands for hours popping Every letter In Its place. Heaven send the useful printer Every comfort mortals need, For our nights were dull In winter Had we not the news to read. Sad would bo the world's condition If no printer boys were found ; lgoorauce and superstition, Slu aud suffering would abound. Yea, It Is the busy printer Rolls the car of knowledge on, And a gloomy mental winter. Soon would reign If be wire gone. Monej's useful, yet the winters Fill not half so blgb a place As the busy, tolling printers, Fingering type before the case. Yet while the type they're busy setting. Oft some thankless popinjay Liaves the country, kindly letting Prluteis whistle for their pay. Oh I Ingratitude ungracious 1 Are there on enlightened soil Men with taluds so Incapacious As to slight the printer's toll ! See hluit how extremely busy, Fingering type More the case, Tolling, till he's almot dizzy, To exalt the humnu race. Letter From B.F. Dowel!. ments ltavo been added to this bill in the Senate. The Committeo't! rccomciulatioti in creasing the appropriation for coast surveys on tho Atlantic nn Gull coasts from $200,000 to $300,000, and on tho Pacific Coast from & 00,000 to 130,000 were adopted. Abo tho following amendments were adopted. An appropriation of $00,000 to con struct a first class light house at Alio Nucro, California. Increasing appro- riation for surveying tho pubiio lauds in viiiiiorma irom r'.iuiuu to ou.uuu, The Sewer of Paris. describes the sew. and tho appropriation for tho Biirvoviiir tho pubiio lands in Oregon from c"-H.- woo to f tu.uou ; also tho appropriation for surveying the pubiio lands in Ne vada fiom '-'0,000 to $30,000. Mr. Corbctt moved to appropriate $50,000 to construct n Custom Mouse Post Office, and United States Court IIouso at Portland Oregon. This mo tion was warmly supported by Senator Williams; and tt was stated in debate that not n single building erected at the public expense in Oregon, wns now being used tor the benvlitol tho public. The motion was agreed to. .Mr. Stmt art olVcrod an amendment, nppropriat- ing $.VO0l) for the collection ol stalistio on mines ami mining which wns adop ted. Mr. Colo ofl'ured an amendment ap propriating $8,000 to enable tho Sec retary of tho Interior fo institute meas ures lor tho planting and cultivation of forest trees on the plains; adopted. Tho House has passed a now bill, reducing tho tax on whiskey to .10 etc on the gallon, mid tho Senate, in the committee of the whole, has agreed to it. The tav on tobacco has also been rnilttfWil Tin, wlilaL'ftt ti-tn.r nh, ,. joicing, but the dealers in tobacco are much divided on tho tav on tobacco. The chances are it will produce as much ruvcuuu as tho former law, and five's honest men a better chance to compute with knaves. A treaty bus been concluded with Ibivnria for the benefit of our natural ixed cilUciiH, similar to tho ono with (Jcrmaiiy, which was published in tho Scxtinku It was ratified by the Sen ate on tho last of June. Kvcry cllbrt is beinir made that can bo to nlacc our naliir.iii.C(li citizens oti nu equality , with Americnu born citizens. (ir.NIIUAI, GUAM' Has uottlicd nil the military comman ders whoso jurisdiction uxteuds over tho States which have been admitted by the Omnibus bill, to representation in Cnngrci-s, ol tbo passage of tho bill, "MalakolV" thus crs of Paris: Wo como now to tho description of mo marvellous underground circula tion, 1 saw theso structures made, lor they all date from M. Haussinnn's time,, but I was anxious to sco them in ope ration, and only lately paid thoin a vis iL Wo went down n'n opening on the HouluvardMalcshcrbcs.ncarMadclcitin. took boat to a point whero there is a sort of a depot or turn-out under the Place do la Concorde, nod then took ears through tho Jtuu do Itivuli to the lloulcvard Sebastopol nnd thoPlacodu Chatolet,-a distance of a milo aud n third. In this route wo woro able to inspect all tho dltlVont sizes nbd forms of sow ers, lliatot tlio Houlcvnnl Sabasta pol is tho largest, and has straight walls, like a railway station. That ol tho Boulevard Malcshcrbcs is almost as large, tho ono of tho Hue do Itivoli is tho third in size, wlnlo in sotnoof tho cross streets wo noticed sewers onlv lnrS" enough for a man and a wheelbarrow to pass. Tho great collecting sower of tho lloiilovaril Sabastapol, nbotit twenty feet in diameter, is olose to tho top of tbo ground. Tho sewer of tho Huo do Klvoli Is nlso close to tho surlacojthat of the Houlevnrd Malcshcrbcs is eight or ten feet below the surfaco in tho neighborhood of the Madeleine, nnd seventy-live icet ueiow in uto neigh borhood ol the Park of Mouccau. At the point of issue in tho Seine, a milo anil a nan ittrincr on, at nsusuiercs, it is again close to tho surlaco ol tho ground. Tho large sewer which is now in construction across tho Place do IKtollu is something liko a hun dred feet deep at that point. Tho ex cavation is going on Hiibterrancoiisly, and almost without tho knowledge of the public, tho dirt being hauled up by steam pulleys at stations eight iitiml red feet apart. In tho largo sewers liko thoso of tho lloulovanl Subastapol and tho Hoirle vard Malosherbcs, tho public, who nro admitted tn visit them, arc drawn in boats. The stream of water is nbotit ten Icet wide nnd live feet deei. The rapidity of tho current, when there has been no rain storm, is about two miles an hour. W lieu there is a sudden rain Howe of XepretentfttiTM. Mr. Hooper, from tho Committee of Ways and Means, rojortcd a bill to collect 10 por cent, on United States bonds, by making tho 0 per cent, interest 6.4 per cent., tho fi per cents. 1.5, nnd tho :i per cents. 2.7 Tho bill nnd report wcro read, tho report declaring that tho Comniittco of Ways and Means does not npprovo tho bill, nnd only reports it in obedi ence to tho order of tho House. I Tho bill nnd report woro ordered to bo printed and referred to tho Committee ol tho Wholo: A bill to nuthorizo nn internal tax on tho interest of tho bonds and othor securities of tho United States. Ik it eiidcled, Cy. That from and af ter tho passage of this act thoro shall bo levied, collected, and paid, a tax of ten per centum on tho amount of inter est hereafter duo and payable on nil tho bonds and othur scenrities of tho United States. To secure thu collec tion of said tax, tho amount of interest hereafter paid on nny bonds or other securities of tho United States bearing interest at six tier centum shall bo at tho rato of only fivo and four-tenths per centum ; and bearing interest at tho rate of fivo pur centum, shall bo at tho rnto of only four and five-tenths per centum ; and if bearing interest at thu rnto of thrco per ccutiinf, shall bo at tho rato of only two nnd seven tenths per centum per nnniini. No higlior rato of interest than is herein prescribed shall bo paid on any bond or other security of tho. United States now outstanding or authorized to bo issr.ed, all conditions of any such bonds or other sccuity nnd all laws and parts of laws to thu contrary notwithstand ing. Tho Committeu of Wnys and Means, to whom was referred thu resolution ol tho House Instructing them tn report, without unnecessary delay, a bill fuvy ing n tax ot at least ten per centum on thu interest of tho bonds ol tho United States, to bo collected by tho Secretary of the Treasury mid such of his subor dinates ns may ho charged with tho duty ol paying tlio interest on tho bonded debt of thu United States, havo had tho same under consideration, and beg leave to submit tho followinir re port and bill : Tho Comniittco of Wnys and Means aro opposed to the proposition embrac ed in this resolution, and report tho bill only in obedience to thu pusitivu order ot tho House. lit thu argument mado in tho IIouso in favor of tho resolution, tho Kugllsh iuivmio-tax law was referred to ami quoted. There is a law corresponding to that Kugllsh law on tho statutu books of this country, imposing a tux on incomes of C per cent, while thu Ku glish law is less than :i per cent, llut your committee liavo been tiuahlo to Hud in tho stntuto books of Km-Iund. storm thoy fill up so rapidly, and the or uuy other civilized country, a law s.''n i i iii 'pii t? i MAllUr I II I!. LX CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS! Tlieso ilriM stiirufh JUItini nre niilrtlfj Vtt;rubli',kiitllm (n'uauTfU.Uniliirrhurt-' TI1Y A JUOQE THEM! W F0R TRY rtT YOUR THEM! i K SELF! j rut luf-rrdiriit. A t'tasant tonic, ami a most) iKTrvulita dtlnt, Ti luatlil ! Il.tidtil with pnl.iioutrttlunitida Imfl llILMUiT,nilf ! frvm lli I'urt.l ritroem i.I n)iul.! uii, wrt.s and Id rbs, are admirably aditH in tl e rureef all anreilous ol tli M ium-Ii. r.ldm j.l '. , r and flior!. siih I' 1. 1'iMr,, j ) Lo of Amx-tlte, He. lc. 1 or aale - t ire . ; A.1TNU1IALHU;,, ; or anuiii k jimwii. Mil t far. i"i ...,...,..-,nnr-irir-r-rT trtrt DR. HUFELAND'S CKI.OIUTI.D frmum Dirrvniiinei t ! SWISS m( BITTERS! TKY IT! Tti. utt rurin.riif ih. nioudi A l-IMWIll Tulllc I A yttf AfrU Prlokl Uu,urpnl furactlnf surtlr bat ssntljr on ' W.SIII.VI1TU.V I). C, ) i July 3d, 1608. f , COMJlIKfehlOXAl. i The appropriation to pay for Alaska, the Hivcr aud Harbor bill, and thu general appropriation bill has consiim ' ed tlio greater part of the week. AI.AMCA Will probably be paid for, but tbo de- bate has been warm and protracted. , Washburn, ol Indiana, who claims to I bo ono of the icfci (toys of the treasury, 1 mado a minority report, and liu has j many followers. Ho oppose nearly eveivtiiing lor political capuai. 11 no should bu fortunate enough to defeat the appropriation it might bo political capital for the Democrats. While tho Railroad comniittco had under consideration tlio Oregon Drauch of tho Pacific Railroad, they mndosov- eral amendments to tho bill and then reported it back to tho House, and ask ed that it bo printed. This could Ilia avcretlimt of tLa stouiacliaiulllitrl kldutjf, t-ow.lj, I'oraalsat allhotcaU and ratall liquor, drug and (rotary storri. TRY IT! NOBODY BH0U1D BE WITHOUT IT J J. 0. 1'SIKH, Proi.tUWr. TAJ LOU i UEaUEL, BOla Aftnis, JalM 413, Clajr el. bau frawlKO, C H LLR N S. MENDENALUS PATENT. THE CHURNS ARE lOW BEING MANU factured by Howard & .Smith In Jackson ville! The pubiio are Invited to call and exam ine them. The fact that they will churn but ter in the short space of from two to flvs win, utes, will convince the most skeptical that they aro far superior to anything of the kind ever before offered to the public. They are bsldes, self cleaners, no crubnlng or washing by band necessary to keep tbem perfectly clean, O.B.ULOOD. May 29th, 18C8. mSU-tf. NEW SHEEP WASH A large supply of this necessary medicine for sheep, may now be bad at HULLEK ft BRENTANOS'. jullSuioZ I. O. G. T. ALPHA LODGE, NO. 1, 1. O. G. T HOLDS lis regular meetings on Tuesday evenlog of each week, at the District School House, In Jacksonville. LODGE opens at 71 o'clock. DEGREE MKBTING8 the last Tuesday of each uontb. after adjournment or SUBORDINATE LODGE. All members of the Order In good standing are cordially Invited to be present. D. M. O. GAULT, W. C. T. J. Jl. Waub. Seo'r. Jacksonville, Feb. Stb, 18C8. fet8tf Warron Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M a 1YOLD their regular communications V'0Q 1,ie Wednesday Evenings or preced- SsA Iub the full moon, In jacssonviuj:, ob- Eooy. b A. MARTIN, W.M. O. V. SAVAoe.Sec'y. and ho has instructed them, as soon as tho Constitutional requirements have been compiled with, tho military shall give way to civil authority. Ueuuial (iriiut, on tho 1st of July, Marled on a tour West. Ho will go as far West us tho Pacilic Railroad is completed. Ho is accompanied by ins Jimmy nun iicti. j;cut. 1IAIMIOAPS. A communication to thu Senato from thu Secretary of tho Treasury incloses nu exhibit of thu amount of United States bunds issued to thu several Pa- cillo Railroads, accompanied by tho amount of ncrued interest thereon to Juno J6th, and tho amount repaid by said companies under thu fifth section of thu Act of July, 1801, ns follows: llttilrwuU. Prlnctplo. Int'r'st. Payments. tVatral I'acfAc 11, n. t T,OJo.X) 7ol.UM el L'uUi IMriae It K UMlr 5il,I S 34,01? 07 Uuloal'viOolt. ll,KI W)ui 4'ii,IP) W IllM a Msatrru I'Mioo II, Jl, SJV'J 'itflol U.I 2I4iU to C.a'llbt'lKliU, far K.R. Vn!H l.',(lriW AUbiMiAI'Ikv'al'wkll. oM.UU W.U71 14 tlluui OH A I'm, 11. K. 1,1 UV") IK.ill Tl Tulal tt,ltU H.11I.1WT CO;U,4lS Minister Rovcrdy Johnson will sail for JCugland about August 1st. Congress has extended the time eiuh- only bo done under tho rules by teen mouths for tho completion of thu tho uiianiniotib concent of thu House, first twenty miles of the Railroad from Mr. Washburn objected. Yesterday Portland to San Francisco It is also Washburn was inakiuga flaming speech provided it completes twenty miles of against tho appropriation to pa for road in every two years thereafter, nu- The Best itewedy for Purlfylug the Blood, Strengthening the Nerves, Restoring ' is the Lost Appetite, is FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA. It Is tbe best preservative agalostal most any sickness. If used timely. Compose4 of , herbs only, It cau be given safely to Infants- Full di rection in English, French, Spauisn and Ger man, with every package. TRY IT I For sale at all the wholesale and retail drug stores and groceries. EMIL FRESE, Wholesale Druggist, Sole Agent, 410 Clay street, jg.ijvl San Fraqelseo. Alaska, and he asked tho unanimous consent of tho IIouso to allow him more than nn hour. Ho first asked for an hour nnd a half, and then all tho way down to five minutes. Mi. Mai lorv, to get even with him, objected to allow him even hvo minutes. His opposition to some bills assists their passage, but ho has mado an able report against the purchase and appro priation to pay for Alaska ; and many of the Democrats havo gone to Now York, and if a vote is taken today tho result is doubtful. TUB ItlVUIl AND IIAKIIOII IllLt. Has passed tho House and is now un der discussion in the Senate. t Tho wholo amount of apropnations is upwards of $4,675,000. $350,000 of it is tor tho improvement of Western lakes, rivers and harbors. $001,500 is for tho rivers and harbors on tho At lantic seaboard, and $105,000 for the Pacifio coast. $25,000 ol this amount for tho improvement oi iuo u'ainm,.iin river. In tlio uis- CUSSlOO Ot III bccnoii iijiivi.i.v- VUBBtUU V. - I I I . ing $450,000 towards the completion of the Louisville Canal around tho falls of the Ohio; that $308,000,000 in val ue of tonago passed up and down the river at this point every year. During the week tho IIouso passed the general appropriation bill, and it is pow before the Senate. Several amend- til tho wholo road is completed. Tho time for tho completion of tho first twenty miles of tho Northern Pa- ciuci iiaiiroau nan uiso ueeu extended two vcars lonircr. and thev nro to com- plcto tho whole road in ten years, or tuuy will torteit the land granted to tlio in. It will be many years before either of theso roads are completed unless Congress grants subsidies, Tho laud granted will scarcely pay the interest on tho bonds. It takes cash to con struct railroads. I am of tho opinion if tho Legislature of Oregon will strong ly inemoraluo Congress to grant sub sidies to tho Oregou branch of tho Pa cifio Railroad from Portland to Hum boldt, it will bo granted next winter. This should bo tlio first business of tho next Legislature. Populau Euuons. That editors kocp pubiio reading rooms. That thoy have plenty time to talk to everybody, Thatjthey are delighted to get any thing to fill up the paper with. Chkykxnk has 53 dry-goods and clothing stores, 11 drug stores, 50 gro ceries, 120 saloons, 10 dance houses, 6 billiard saloons, 15 wholesale grocer ies, 18 hotels, 50 restaurants, aud 15 livery stables and corralls. current is so switt, that thu workmen aro obliged to hurry into their "refu ges," to save their lives. Theso "refu ges" havo been only lately built, or cut, rather, into thu sides, ami previ ous to their construction workmen were not uufrciiueiitly drowned, On tho hidus of thu stream of water there aro pavements for walking, about three and a half feet wide, laid with flag stones. On theso tho workmen walk and pull their boats and curry their implements for drugging. In tlio sow ers having only livo teet widtli ol wa ter current, like that of tho Ruo do Kl voli. iron bauds uro fastened to the edgu of tho side pavements, or walks, and thu wheels ol thu cars which span tho water run on thsso flat iron rails. a Thu cars aro quitu elegant and spa cious affairs, Tiicru is u front trans verso seat for three; n middle longitu dinal seat for six back to back, and n poNtcrious trausvurso sent for three. In tin; front aro fixed two handsome lamps, and by poles projecting over tho pavement four men two behind and two before propel thu vehicle easily and at a rapid trot, i ncro nro two or inreo dozen ol tneso boats or cars for tho use of invited guests, nnd their rapid passage through theso mys terious subterraneous passages is not tho least curious of tho scenes ono pass es through in this life. Tho fact is, thcru was various suggostivo lemnrks mado about another lifo which singu larly udded to tho chlllness of tho place. Wn tlio walls ol tlicso sowers aro placed tho water-pipes for drinking purposes, and telegraphiu wires for tho usu of tho sowers and for tho secrets of thu Government. Theso sewers look, in fact, as it thoy were intended by M. Haussmniin to play a role in a rovolu tiou, if wo nro over to havo another. Thu tolegruphlo wires uro here in safe ty; soldiers might bo inarched in so ciot from one part of tho city to an other, treasurer secretly carried away, and last but not least, individuals might cscajio from arrest. Tho wholo aflair is nuito suggestive in a military and political point ot vhiw. Tho water is not offensive to tho smell ; it is not limpid and of course looks black'. Jiut it is rarely thluk enough to need tho help of workmen in moving on. The dooosit at tlio bot tom is removed in tho boats, and, liko tho water itself, is distributed on tho plain of St. Denis for manure, 31. UauBsmaiiii may well bo proud of his underground circulation. Faj-hk happiness is liko falso inonoy ; it passes for tho time as well as tho true, and sorves some ordinary ocoa sion; but when it is brought to tho touch, wo find tho lightness and alloy, and feel tho loss. . . . mat count no regarded in nny way ns a precedent for tho bill tho IIoiisu havo instructed tho committee to re port, which, if enacted, will bo simply a law providing for tho payment of a rntool interest on tho Government debt 10 per cent, less than was agreed for, K) percent, less than is stated in tho bonds, nnd leu per emit, less than was pledged tn bo paid by tho solid enact ment ol Congress when tho money wns required to carry on n wnr which threatened thu lllo of thu nation. Thu uvil oll'ects resulting ton nation. whether national credit isgiiaidedaud protectd or whether by legislation of tho character now proposed, tho confi dence of nil other civilized nations U forfeited, may not bo felt or apprecia ted in time of peaco; but thu commit tee desire to call attention to thu con sequences that would follow tho pas sago of n bill of tho character now sub mitted in casa wo ever should havo oc casion to use our credit for thu purpose of providing menus either to sustain ourselves nl homo, or to defend our selves in nuy collision with a foreign ' power. tlio commillco repeat, tiitit in re porting tho bill they net in ohcdlcuco to tho positive direction of tho House, mid contrary to their own best judge ment. Thoy reserve to themselves their rights, ns members of tho IIouso to opiiosu in every possible way tho adoption of a measuru which they re gard as hostile to tho pubiio interest and Injurious to tho national charac ter. - - -- Woiitiiv op Imitatio.v. Tho Re publicans ot California aro entering up on thu Presidential campaign with a united will and earnest determination which promises tho best results. In till parts of tho Statu they nro moving enthusiastically lor liraut and uoiiax, Their activity is especially uotlceablu in Snu ictivity Is esiieeially noticeable Francisco. Tliuy bulievo thov can carry tho Statu, and they aro work ing to accomplish that result, Tho en ergy oxlilblted by tlio uepiiuiicaus ol California ought to admonish our friends hero to immedato and tireless action. Thoro is no enthusiasm among our opponents in this State, Seymour, and lllair cannot command their ello'its as Pendleton would havo done, und If wu niiiko a vigorous push wo may suc ceed in reversing thu result of June. It is now but littlo more than thrco months until tho election, and it is ful ly tiuio that organization wero begun. Tho harvckt will soon be over, aipl pcoplo in tho country will havo Icisuro to attend to this urgent duty, Let us havo a Republican organization in ev ery precinct as early as September, aud work with California and Nevada to mako tho vote of tho Paoiflo States & unit for Grain, and Collax,-Oroy ni'aii,