Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 25, 1868, Image 2

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    tHca 1 ,
! i
FOIl Till". I'KKSIDKNrY IV 1808,
or tuc viitm iTittt.
"Well lnr, thou gnl ami f lllhfill ativanl." Tho )
pla litre lewanlj for pAttlot punUhmrut f.ir IrAltor..
Koinnr. vim: ii:i:siiu:noy,
MCllllVI.Kll COI.KA.Y,
I'or I'roltlntllnl P.trftorai
O. JACODS, of Jackson.
"WILSON UOWIdlY, of Washington.
A. 1). MKAOIIAM, ol I'nioii.
S.iTuntAY Moust.vu, July 'JS, 1808.
Grants .initials, II. U. S. G., havo now
a very peculiar significance. They
mean II-oratio "TS-kcdad'dlo G-it ! Wu
have no doubt Horatio will ilo io.
'Democrats have been howling (or
three years because the, Southern States
were not allowed representation. Now
they gnash their teeth because they
are allowed it.
The nomination of the aristocratic
Seymour "tho bloated bondholder,'
as the poor man's champion shown
the rapid progression of ideas. It is
the wolf taking care ol tho lamb.'
Horatio Seymour presided over the
convention that nominated MeClclIan,
(tnd pronounced the far a Jtiilim.
The same Seymour endorses iv resold-
tion thanking the soldiers for proving
tho Chicago Convention nn assemblage
of liars.
The Copperhead papers ol this State
have hoisted tho iiamo ol n "bloated
aristocrat" and n "Federal butcher"
for President and Vico President.
The people will hoil these same names
so high in November that they will
never be heard of again.
The Albany Jkmorrat Matters itelf
that Frank P. IJIair is an object of ha
tred to radicals. Not so! Mr. lilair
the ".Mongrel" "everything by turns,
but nothing long" is too contempti
ble a candidate to be worth the hatred
of any man; radicals simply dispise
At the Democratic barbacuc, at Sa
lem, n Copperhead glutton named
Snow, attempted to hurrah for Hlair
with bis mouth full of beef. He got
black in the face, but rammed the
meat down with a piece of stick, and
saved himself from choking. We
have not learned whether ho has got
IJIair down yet or not.
I'csolutiou number three oftho Cn-
pcrucau piaiiorm goes in lor tuo pay
ment of the bondholder according to
tho strict terms of the contract. Reso
lution number four demands the taxa
tion of bonds. As non-taxation is one
of the condition ol tho contract; we
don't see how the two resolutions can
hitch together, and any one, with a
grain of ncn.se, must nee that they mean
nothing, and are only hifaliitin twad
dle to tickle thu popular ear.
Tho latest specimen of tho double
distilled quintessence of impudence is
the declaration of the Democratic bond
holder's convention in New York, lmt
the publifl hind niotild hi fcejit fur
homes far forking jnople. Inasmuch
as tho "Homestead Act" was
fought bitterly by tho Democratic par
ty for soveral years, and finally vetoed
by tho last Democratic President, wo
opino that tho reflation was framed
by a delegate from Sitka or tho North
Tho Democracy cannot yet perceive
how badly they wero sold nt tho
"Chase" Convention. A venerable Dem
ocratic friend of ours savs tho pro
gramme is, if tho ticKoi is'eiccied, tlio
infernal Radicals aro to murder Soy-
niour, and then the "nigger equalit
siopjieti irom marrying iiiggct
any longer. It teems clear to our
friomrs mind that thu timo honored
principles havo "gone up."
On Tuesday last, tho Congressional
Committee on elections reported
favorablu on tho credentials of
tho members elect from tho Stato of
Alabama. The report was opposed by
every Democrat in tho House. It is
but a short timo since tho domo ot tho
national capital was echoing with ap
peals from Democrats for tho admission
of Southern representatives. Now,
when they present themselves for ad
mission, thcfio obstructionists votu
brass l.uttoned, shoulder strapped hon "'"" T ,,,l"",ra . cannot clmii'o our County Dosnital '7""' ,. " ,:o,,8,3a',,
of-Missori, that butchered thu Kal. Jt.fn. do , resorting to almost any xkQTZlS!T2 of ono firo cracker, and it probably ex-
lant defenders of tho sunny South, will "; to wcovcr 1,W money, and we ToTf.nZl c J ' whole amount ol their en-
be President; and Dcmocits won't bo ,,01, '' o li..K. CCC(lil oIcelio: ' VO,' m L tU"m
against it on every opportunity. Tlio
hypooritical scoundrels rdiouhl bo
knocljed out of Congress, mul their
places filled with honest mon,
r u!
ijuito a cliange seems to nac comu
over Uto spirit ol thu Democratic press
in this State. A few weeks since tho
Ponioerntiti papers of Oregon wore run-
ning entirely on principle. Vehement
holders who were grinding down tho
poor man filled their immaculate cob
UIIIIIS. Aliathatnas, deep (Hid loud,
were l
, , , ,,
nuneti againsiuiu siioiiiiier - strap -
ped, brass-buttoned satraps who had
crushed tho rebellion. Demands for
tho repudiation of tho public debt
wuro not infrequent, nud nny man who
had not inherited his Democracy by
suction, or earned his title to it under
the Confederate flag, was the blackest
kind of a mongrel. Tho chango that
lias come over our .Democratic friends
is very wonderful. 'J. hoy have entirely
forgotten tho cause ol tho down - trod -
jen poor man, ami are singing pcans
in praise of.Scyniour, tho wealthy aris
toerat, to whom a poor man js but as
tho dust oftho earth. Forgetting tho
leavy burden of taxation, to bo bought
i p by.Ucltnout, tho heaviest bondhold
ur in tho United States, and now be
lieve the bondholder should bo paid
according to tho exact terms of his eon -
tract with tho Government.
Hut in no maimer is the llexihility
of the Democratic gullet better shown,
than by the ease with which they swab
low a ' Federal llutclier," and the lit -
tie difficulty they experience in cram- J complaints concerning tho treatiiiunt misciuiiHomly rojtlieil . "luulukumo
ming down a very large sized nigger. of the sick V o have all heard daily, ' 'or ""ur or for worse." Seymour was
It is a wonderful, but -to many Demo- n murmur of dissatisfaction among the '''" ' his'odious record his false
orats who still cling to principle, a liu-' citizens, concerning tho willful neglect '' tTi"nism--vlien ho said "he could
mili.uiug spectacle, to see tho " wliito 0f the county patients. To my kuowl-1 "ot l' "":uil without putting him
man's party" swallow tho blackest and edge, two poor fellows havo" worked I "olfmnl thu Democratic party in poril !"
earliest Abolitionist of tho State of ' up to within ono or two days of timn-1 The old fox was sensiblo of his loul ro
Missouri. It is no less strange to seo death, and then died in tho night, alone ' oortI lng tho war, and hu felt like
the mourners ol tho "lost cause" gun- 'nud uneaied lor, when it is tlio duty of, K'VH'S the party duo notice of what it
zle down tho Federal General Hlair, ( tho Dr. to keepa steward with hissiek. w'i,H J0'"?- i"'1 '. tliero was none
who really did some rcrvicu slashing And still wo must tolerate it ; and why? " tbi talk till after his nomination
nml cutting among their rebel brethren, ' Hucauso our substantial board of Com- was certain. Then lie began to feel
brass buttons, shoulder straps, spurs, missiouers say ho will havo the con !!' the old woman who knew il she
and all. There is a little squirming,
just a little, hut not enough to war-
rant tlio ueliel that a large number of . hut the Dr. would not listen to them y" uku inu you opun niy oni sores,
Democrats will not support their ticket ; ho wanted it, and must have it. We ai,a '"',or lu party. Hut it you
and Union men need not Hatter them- must havo a trusty set ol Commission- l,rL'"s l,lu ""l,l'!,,s '"" taku me lor bot
selves that our candidates will bo al- ore nud a lino specimen of n Judge,' tor orfnrwor-e." The party is ulieady
lowed to win in November by simply who havo not vim enoii"h about them ' l,ulli',u'u "' ,l ''ad contract. Ajijieal.
walking tho track. Tho huiiger is so t0 i,0,i ,,p their heads ami tako a nian-1 .. ..'" T
extreme nud so knowing niuong the v stand for right and justice. Kverv' ,1,""' V1!'.'"1.. "r, ! . ttcn
leaders of Democracy, that they must ' ,., the community would have ' ll " L'!li" ulley,iin.l it is cal
soon bo allowed access to tho national prido in seeing tho contract awarded ''lted f.ero t hat tho yield, at two
kitchen or starve; and the blind fob ,0 some ono more worthv-some i)lic ' " "W, will l.o oo Hk l,, tho acre,
lowers are pretty certain to follow their
masters withoutasking whercor where-;
lore. 'Iliere is nut ono thing wo wish
to add, and that is: that tho Demount-1
cy whose thoughts havo been so lately
distended lor so large a dose, will bo
very likely and quite nblo to swallow ,
the whole republic, national kitchen,
tiiiinU ni.r.fin- Tn-isnrv nn.1 nil il .,., I
Doiitls, niggei, lre.isur, mul all, it an I
n....nrf.,.1W1.l..,rnl1..i nn.l ..,..,.. .1
vi'i .' -" "- '!"" ".v nu poor cuutiiiiou, wiieu a was eienicu ex
awry faeojexpenencu any iiueaiiiiefS. ' pressly for tho inspection, and moro'
- .... . . I till ft llttlltll! Ittllllll tllltl'.k llMti Hilt 1. .!. it
'1-IMIflH.i: IN UIII.VA. Tlio WhitCS Oil
Coyote Creek held n meeting last week i
ami resolved, that if thu money stolen
from I.uven's safe, and thu thief wero
not soon forthcoming, the Chinese pop
ulation of that stream had better "get
up and git " and also that confiscation of
their claims is quita imminent. Some
virtuous peoplu will feel very indignant
at this summary kind nf justice, but if
tlim wrn tilt iiitsil na ic Af T hkhx
they would prol.al.lv be satisfied with' '
nothing less
s than (JhiiiCMt uxteriuina-'
tion. Wo are far from justifying a re
sort to Judgo Lynch's court, but it
seems tho only way to reach thesobar-
It'if-miia Tt la na Imr.l tn ...1. .In. .i.li
r 11 .111 .
from a Chinaman m to draw blood from ,
a stone. Ihoy know nothing about
tho nature ot an oath, but seem bound
in etri-ntt tlimvitc iltiirn n tiiiiiiiliin n(
any other raco has been tho plunder! I
Under such freiimsi.-iii.i.w s
I'icomI'IXTIm;. A largo party havo
started from Yreka to accompany
Capt. McGregor's scouting party, and
prospect for gold in tho region between
the Cascade and Illuo Mountains. A
tnivelcrjiist in from Camp Warner, tells
us that there is some lino looking quartz
in tho neighborhood of Drew's Valley,
nml we seo no good reason why that
country should not bo rich in minerals.
A..l..Tfln 'I'.w.c.lo., !.. !!!.
, , . V, , """'V ""-I """
ardlsh, wide attempting to dear tho
feeder o his threshing machine was
wounded in tho hand by tho ruvnliimr
,. , .... '
ovlllldor. '1 ho nvtoni'il ivnn.i.l ,.... I '
was I
, -ii-, ,,.,,,, ,,, . .
trilling though tho nervous shook was i
,. - - I "" ... ,,..,l.,i.. I. 1 . -....v ..-.v, ...v.. t. niiimi
.' l,,m vv o ui.lV,.,. -w Al- T .... '"" " .uiii..iniiim uiiuiiuu. mill II WO r.,. ...! 111..!. t. ...-.
considenible. This hai.nenod ,o., n... mext Lu-o u-coIhl
dischargo side of tho oylintler. If ho j
had been caught on the feeding side in
stead, he would have iost his arm.
More Mfiht.
Tho fnllouMiirr comtniinicntinii (mm
one ol thu most respcctablo tux-payers
in the county, explains itself. Wo'
havo expressed our belief that tho'
County Hospital building was a suit.v'
bio one and yut see no tcason to recede
irom that position. 15ut.il thero has
been any inhuman neglect of tho sick
, poor, it is easy for the com.nissionerb,
i tn nrocuru lirnuf nf tho fiint. mul iii
I '
i such caso tltuir duty is plain. Under!
, no circumstances whatever, should tho
poor, who have been thrown in sick-
. ness on the charity of tho county, bo
neglected; and if it can bo proved that
they have been, their care should nev
er again ,ho confided to tho person
who has been guilty of it, no matter
how cheaply ho may tako the contract.
.The question is not altogether ono of
dollars and cents, but one of public
, christian duty, and wo hope tho very
. best judjinieut of the cointnissonors
will bo exercised before they finally
dispose of the subject:
Kiiitoii Sksti.viii.: I,noticoof late,
great pulling, concerning uhu Count,)
I have been a citizen of Jacksonville
for many years, and a pretty oloio ob-
j server of things in general. I ask the
i public, and appeal to the County .1 udao
'and Commissioners, if they have douu
! their duty in tho disposal of the Conn -
.ty Hospital for tho last lour years,
' when there has been so many repeated
tract in spite ol them. They told him
last year they wisheil to make a ohange,'
i , wl10, tl, ,,, ..r.iupilnmiLv w.miI.I "
ol ft.ar to go; and not say as it is now '
8:dd, that they would rather diu and!
10t in their cabbins. than to bu taken
t0 tho present hospital. Thu Grand
Jury pronounced our County Hospital,
; n'ood order but can they tell us how '
otlr ,(UOr are cared lor? I think not;,'
-.i 1 1 .1 . .. i
neither could they expt-ct to hud it in
.V . . I
. , i .
li.'irMiMil'irU' wliiin tliiri hrw nut Ii.'imi n
'J - "" """ "-. '.
county patient lor ...any weeks, nor is.
.I...H.K III...!.. . I... .... i.ii.l.. I... ..... ..... T
iiiuiv iiiui tu uu mil niiiivi un I'lvaVlll
' . ' '
Thu law does not rcipiiio that it
should bu let to tho lowest bidder, nor
is our Hospital tai: any heavier if thuro
is enough paid to have our county sick '
well cared for instead ol reducing the'
price, and giving it to ono who takes '
it for n less sum becauso ho knows his '
,sl!k,,It!! "'"I !' ioW nml .'i)r l101"'01'?-' :
I iiiii'iiiif tlna mnttnn imth lii-k unBtlun
. '." '. . ,
111 power, wo liopu they will acquit
themselves honorably, and tako a de
cided stand for right moro especialy
our two oldest Commissioners in ollico
as tho nuw one, being only a short timo
.... . , . "
n rpsiiliMit ol nnr rnutit.v nml L-imtiMin.
... , . ....
nothing about our Hospital, cannot '
judgo for himself, and therefore should
" 'lecido in this matter. Wo hopo it
""""'". " .""'"' "u
. : l .1 .. .
consider the weather too warm to-day.
-., r . . ,
, e tlltir for COoklllL' or catiltc ill mmn
I TJ O "" ""tl
hut put tho noon meal oft until .
o'clock anil then go to tho Franco!
American. At this timo of day thu
weather will bu soiuowhat cooler, and I
wo mo certain that tho Madanio will
have everything in applo-pio order.
AqIIT VIi l't,lM!llT' 1iftit ft.rsa ,...
."' ' ""J""1 "'
of tho machinery for tho Ashland Mill
Lrrive(1 nt CrcCcnt cit ,M fc
Kantskil,ri team8 fl J , ,
mw !,... .i,i. i ' ,-... ....
V..V...l ..1.14 1.WWI.I. VII Ulli.- u LUI13.
. . . T ' ' '"
i. ...wi. ..... ........ iii ...liu. urn in-liny,
Tho balance w ill be hauled within .1...
11.ll.illl mill l..,ri ... Au . n...l . .1
Wakh Ii.aoi:. At Koek I'oiut, on
'uesday, at 0 o'clock r. jr., the ther-
mometer stood at 03 degiecs,
Tub DiNNiit: To-i.ay. All
I'or Ilia Sentinel.
The New Coulllcl.
iiMriimraiivfiaiiic mnjiiixi.-.rthoii.iuifr-Bi.i
NotfT.i!iii10.irJviix,n.mp.iagtttri..u i, ih.
""' "''''
&J&T tt
Kor J l.rrVlirr.in, iuhi.pnMir,.iG.pMn.
A'micrirnian..Miu.wfrv... i..h r Ui,i6i
HupMtllii i)urniiirorn ini ciiipniiiNiin
l . ' i
Arvl rutrrnl Soullirrn Mil) mul '11" llli patriot ik-.vl.
Somn .l nut en Soutuorti'lvlU.turliova liiMtli tlio
An.ilrnnttmlitllnlf.iitti Ihrlr bulla bvnnith llio ilara
ami Inr4
Anil lh.va.wlmivmn.illilrr.1 nltli tlif niln wlnl they .truta
litre ralllril ihw,ln aillffrtnl IUM t, trj cur ilrrontli
ThevM pUn lildi, attlia nillun'i linvl, mJ IIiui thtlr
PottitnfltttrhuA4Jihnm ha. tjtrnmploJiutlcv.a'"nH.
W"llliir"Honn'iin warrlorlhrre whrrr lh bIIih'
tnitljrr Ml,
Haitian Mtweirr forwir l.mJ lia.iWic hi. ilulj sell.
Nn pcrrtl Hwn.vt wlm M luk hung from llm haltl
UN ml In treaonicvlri.illl in liinjcrnluHnit .lain, i
lint he ili'lflon rrtmMifl.t4lli.Wl l..-"l.iflln,llnl,
Ami pil-li'l "llli uurriiiiK ln.kc In ih' upllrtnl li ltd.
Umnill line lolilulilu I he liml,ulin lln-lrli t-l
Yotium-trr lino ittif (Irtit. n I Tlrn dlth jrtiir nun,
Lrt 'l.lon, irr Iw onr rm in rtrti m nilwnAiil
Aim ir iino iiiuinpn 1.1
ttlil.finl. i.f ..ur iail. m. tfll I
ur qiiii, ll ur fcr iljnrr-
il llritntl
Von Ihnri:i: on koi: Wuiwi:. Mr. Sey
mour, the strategist, when jierceiving
that the nomination was to fall upon
him (as he intended it should from the
organization of the Convention) must
1 ,lllV0 'u,t li 9omo ""1--"' oltl ,illb"
' w'1'' false luiic, teeth, and hips, and
I u-,,n '" awepting an oiler of marriage
"mrr'u,l ,lu '"t expose her delects,
'yinour cried out: "Hold on, il
n'"1 l,,u liricu :, C0I,U l"r ,b" fc'lvl,,8
V"' ?',,",., ""?'' l ,
cino IFendd thinks that, as thu soil ami
climatu in all thu valleys ot thu county
aro very favorable to thu hop, its culti
vation will probably botome "thu lead
ing interest" there.
.,-,, ,. ,,,", ... , ,. ,
I lie luliel papur at Albany coiilesses
,, ;, ,, ,., ... t t . t i
tllilt It dllll t klllllY lllllcll nllOUl I lIlllU
P. Hlair, hut is satislicd that hu is
UAlllIll IllllllllJH lltli II. . !.. k.x... P.... ...1
r-wtiiii. ifWW.HHW lit IlillllU It il IllUlt'IllUti
. ' .
... tIlu Couvuiltiotl ln-PnMl..ii.,riv...,.
. f . ,... .',
- ii ...- v...ww.
Conviueiug prool.
Can Do It. The Sacramento litcord,
alluding to the fact that tho Jieumincr
does not hoist tho iiamo ol Hlair for
Vico President, says: "Tho Katmincr
can eat crow, and up will go tho iiamo
of Hlair."
General Hlair was a member of tho
. . . . .
Thirty-eighth Congress, and introduced
a resolution for tho expulsion of John
li. Clark, a Missouri Democrat. How
do our Domoorats liko ilmllAppetd.
Seymour vetoed tho bill passed by
tho Now York Legislature, authorizing
ldiors to vote. What man who
orvod in tho army can cast n vote for
him? Apjteal.
I Tho "Whito .Man's party" must havo
,w... : ,.. .'.,.-, ...
mwh i. iiiniiui.uu mini-, iiiticctl. wl Oil
.1 . , , ' ,.
v.iuj vivi'.! mi iirimii.it iiL'iiro worsnit
' . . . fa "n'""""""!
or as ono ol their standard-bearers,
Hot .s Tiii:Dicki:.vh. Ditriuir thu
wJiolo of tho weok tho weather has
')C0 excessively warm, tho thonuoino-
tor ranging from 05 to 100 in tho simile.
Wk acknowledge tho reception of
a compiiinoiitary ticket, to attend
tho California State, Fair from I. X,
Iloag, Secretary, for which he has our
l'miso.vAU J. Waldo Thompson,
.1... .. . .. ...
vitu uciiiieiua uy niiieriuteiiilent ol tlio
wi" .i...i..... ' . U
".V" u"-T1" w'ce, is in town
Nr.w Siiikwalk. Messi-s. I'isher
Uro., havo laid down a brick sidewalk
in flout of their Htoie.
I ho DiMiinonimr linrn lir.i.1 . unl...
State Items.
Tho J-'nsiffn Bays that considerable
number of pcoplo aio moving from
DotthiH county to Coos Hay.
The lioiise-of John 'Kelly, situated
abott two miles rom Hosoburg, was
biirm-d nil the cvuniug of the Mth inst.
Loss about $1,500.
Ttvo men named Ileat'y and llrown,
skedaddled unccrcmonioitsly from Eu
gene City last week, leaving Himdry
debts behind theur
The Eugouo Journal reports that
work is to bo recommenced on tho
military road leading ncrosa tho Cas
cade mountains, in a short time.
Excursions to tho mountains and tho
coast are now tho'"or(lor of tho day''
among tho Willanietto valley 'people
Thu papers report largo numbers going.
A telegram from Corvnllis .states
that tho lluetia ista (Polk county)
flouring and saw mills were entirely
destroy eil by lilfloji .Sunday inoniing..
Particulars not known.
Kev. T. M. Martin of thu Ilapiist
Church was ordained as a minister last
Sunday, at Eugene. Mr. .Martin is to
lie trustor ol thu liaptist Church nt
that place, and will bu bellied there
Last week, says the Kosoburg paper,
a party of our townsmen starletl to thu
lioheiuia District. They wont pre
pared to build ami work an arastra,
and thoroughly develop and test some
ol tho richest leads.
From thu "minutes ol the twentieth
anniversary of thu Walhuuet Haptist
Association, lately published, wo learn
that the total membership of thu Church
in thu valley is :iir. Thu number of
churches aru eight, and thu number ol
ordained ministers are seven.
A Di'.Morr.vm Iiu:.v or Skyjiolmi.
Tho California litprf sfiys :
.The political position ot Mr. S. du
ring the war, was u peculiar one, ami
his actions, while Governor, hIiowciI
il there could be such a thing that he
was a sort of peace and war Dumocrat,
at the same time; a combination ol op
posite uxtremes.
Aw business is moio tcspccluhlu
than what i termed loafing, A young
man had belter sell potatoes by thu
paillul than hang timiind public resorts,
murdering time nml his own reputa
Cor. Oregon and Main Sts.,
Unlly Ka.li on li.iiiil. a urletv nf Cimliliu-
Hliivc. l'.trliir uml JJux Slt.vw ; Tiawufu ol
uu-ry tlvtcrlplluii.
AsHiirtctl Ilardwure;
Fine Cutler)-;
Agrivultiinil Jiuiilcfuents;
liur Iron,
and Spikes;
Paints, Oil
uml Glass;
Tubs, Clothes Wringers, Pails,'
and litisket8,&c.
lli'lns prnvMrtl lllt tlio moat npproviil ma
clilmry, wo urn prep.tr.il In inntiiilucliu-it urrrr
tleacrliitlun ofTln nml is'livet-lrun warn ttl lmrt
notice. Wo rc'M.ciriilly solicit a bco of llm
palrouago of tit public.
Jaclfaonvlll", Juno lutli, UQ8. J:'U-if
Xodomption State
Sl.AIjKI) I'rouojalii will be rccclvd l.y tho
llliik'rrlutKil. nllilinb ....III lo -t.i .,
!., Auk. l.i 1868, for (ha lurnader of Uounly
Uomli IwtidluucJnrthoprovUIonofAn Acl,
Krn.t Ink llo.tnlics to volunteers or this State
ralutcd tt tl.e tervico f lliu Unlleil Htntes ud
PuT08.? "lth' mt ui ,l,u l w
(oot weeding par value) as way reJeetn "lie
grcntct number or llonda. '
or".m'"lenr!IU'10 M,1Mt' t'11""
yirieen lliounauil ili.llargiiow In tlio Treasury
lilils to bg nlireseil lo
Salem, Ju.y ,3b, ,S,3 ""
. -1 -.11 MMl!
The wueH l'1f f z"m nml Jinlj-nirnl lime lMtnl tf
"". V. i,r,n-"z r. .
ljlil, villi 111 f;niplimH, llnulvliK t(rarbaro.
FfTf rl.li MrW, 111 Mrrntli, SuHnw Oimplnlm, tc ran
Iw mml I7 win I'Miit tni llrritui
TM it lli niixl ramvuful tonic of tho . Tout
ml'lillr-4RHI nml nlil, rr dttbtntnl will. Il tflrrU.
Tin flril Irlnl nlwifslnw Itnukxl pnl pfrtt.
, Niitliinri-cf OUt h iimiij, )Ut nil ji.ii villi of lb
Ix-nt nml tnnl nnltlllom final.
II I. llmErHtrUrtrrnrrrr lmriifirimnTrrlilfHii,
ilUlrmwl dlenwirli, vhlrli l rrllnn In n few nvmifnli.
W know IImI r Iwtn lln IkxI nml nvwl -i.iil.r m.
IHni In III wiirl.'. 1JnrH'it,Mriili In Hirno vli.t 11 1,
fvnij.unl nf.
Putucu.i ui ro.ni t miiNn it.
. (Uunn UlROrM '"il rllll fur ntprtwonnn.
Iriil jrnra.Anil w m.IiI ilnrlrn; ln rrlsn of lwil'XYl!
Klnznf Crnnni, fir tlir rm-.in.iin (tin-if N. nwn wrlki
ni.ll.iir. III. rriimiknlilpdr l7rrln, rt.rr,rak
!', Cnlillttliili, A(.
' Oi.i'innn lliRK-Knr lllaiilim, tvilr, umi iliriiVi ol
Uie ntnniiwli mvl t.mrl.
IHMtioi. Knr InSitiiAtliiii nf llir form anil Drm
oil AITrttloix.
ClIIMoMltZ I'lnwtHv-Viirllfellnliktl.)il,
l.l.lxnm ruminj..ri.iiilllc. rllnmlM in.1 tonl
liUlilj-lniljiirnlliiirlii twrti-omkl'lll'Jf.
UIxthhbiiIm. Inr SriufuU, lllii-nin.ill.w, At.
Asir Aiininmillr rtNiiliullii't rrmtlne Inli, rni.
(lenii'l mllkl mihli iiMith; nmllirf. iuriln(.
Al.ii, rl.rlKuli, vningi', rJiuxn), rurrunikr, wiki
n.it, Ac.
Antlirriiil'tfiil Inirnllrnl, nf Himnl.li illln, In.
IMtlliielTintr In I In- rnnihlrilini ami I'IIII.ih- lo.
niliHl, H )pt unkinmii In tin- miiimrrrv of lli wmM.aaJ
Kl wIIiIh4iI II. IMhl f.r Dim i.rllt.
Mltli llil" rrrlNi Ivfirn tin- rmiimnnltjr, anil iM-,
of riict4 mrrllni; llirliiiiii nil .Mr, III nnr. nf tia
lialKK atiiiil. rmii'lvl ii.n tin- n.k of truth. Alm
nrrrjf fiiiilliriiaiiminuuifillfi'rliiKvikkliltiruMi
tluN llltltaa will nllotUIn nml rnir.
Ttirrarr rminimrinlnl l.y tlio IiIkIimI rnnllnil aalho.1.
IIm, ikI aro wairunlnl In iin.liin-aii Immnlkilo 1-n.HrUI
rir.Tt. Ttifrnn rinnliin.lj' ai;rofilli (xifrttlT ran
anil liiirinlo..
Xiitirt --An) rm .fi IrinlliiB I" aril 1'l.inMII-ifl Ml.
Irrt In 1'iilk ur lir I In- ehIIihi I. a imhullor anil Ininn.l'a',
It liiluii'nll'lninir kirnlili.lailllr. Iban-iifinit.
trllll.il Willi Inillalion il.Mrrliilhi "to IT, fir wkkh tattrtl
lnrniiHaroalirmlr In ni.t. Sro lint rtry llll Iim
iHir UnllrlSt4to..l4iiiMiirr llm ni.k uniuuUUttiJ. an4
iHiralKnitnronn "tral I'hta iM hlwl.
Si. I. tr.ft.illc ilntlft Ihruiiitliniil Ilia litUukl.
I'. II. IlKAKi;, K I'll., cw Vnrk, .Sole rrop'rt.
i;i:ill.i;.(l,ri) linnPrnndiw.,
Tli. infill, i.f M. I.lnlni'iil aro rllknon. llMffwti
arii liMtanl4iifii.tM.itliiilnii.l wmHtriful.
t'nl", liiiil.. riln. ami .wiltln.aroMinimnHHi.aail
ml ilii Im.Tiir In r.rrjr (nalli, II..I a l-slli-i.f Hit. Un
Inirnt l tin- l.t liiir.tnirnt liu! ran I- m.l.
Il I. iiinro rr.laln Umii IIio iktiir It mim tin. la
ton-ling for thaikripr It 1. rhoar than tho iluator, M4
IhhiI.I u.vrr l-iUl.fnxil nltli.
iiKAiiTio: n.i.miriMii
" I tako il..mr In irftiiitiurmlliii; tho tUiiran llaa.
I in; Llnlnn-nl a. n laliinM. nml linli.naa.oa.llU(r
Siraln, Si'ir., SrralrliM, tUIUun llnrtM. Our ai.n
Im.o um f(v liuriif, Uml..., irr.. IlliriimatUni. at..
m.lall mj- ll..Ui. iimuU'i J, W.lliaitr,
KurniMM f.ic Aiiifilcun, Walli, I'aiyu'a ami lltrmlta't
"Tim .iiralnnf inriLiitalilir'a ankto. o.va.l.1 kiu.
knllni!l.tl Hiiilrr, Ma. i-iitlf.lr ruml Iiium r.k,afltr
ho oiiiiiii.m nt liilnj; viair rfl.l.r.lnl Jlmlani: IJiiliuf nt.""
llliKHr.lnr, Jl..', Aiiyn.l I.1MU, t.b. llll.
liikk ami ur II rrilahiljr l. Alt cumin I. rrM
lil.lorllitiniriilliip.Usilliii(lml1iiii,o ,.f (J, n
Wr.llin.ik, t'lirinl.l, ami tho iiil I). S, tiaain nf l)(
H ItiaHraA fn. oror tho I. .p.
An. n. it In. Irn iilvoi In iuiiuUir.il II allh a ikoiH
Imio-iiUlo UUI. lkrl'.l.
Sul.1 li all liiuailiU, ami H larva, at SS,W (ti. anj ,
II U llkn.n lint l.ynn'a llrnnln Manattlo rxalar
Mill irforllilo.lriioirrjllilnc In lliv tlf nf Baaa,
tkka, UiII.iik., riMrlit., At- thai II la rfl H"" "
Ilia Ico-rtt Irll-v. Inn rnllrrlr hannlra. In Ilia baavatt aa.
rl amlikimosiN anlinal.,
tu-IUiic. Aula, Ibiatuoa, ale, aro In hoax, Tkla
lsil.rl llirlr ii miMlilratli, lt.loHikltlnaiarrrar-I-mmI.
Jni.1 U IdiMr, K, Suiirilnlimilonl of llnN.w Vik
Uly l.-.lll, mji t abaonltauikla
Mo u.lloatrril.l.M
.Nl Vurk llmti. I'aoriutvn mfi HWa ha.a MvJ
f.iroilaiinliMtliisliuriU anU vruilu, will, antltaaallv
fMllxi. Cui.KMts A rfrrrso.s. Aitnr IIouk.
S. T. CoiUKMt. Aiuerlcun Hotel.
AtK.NKli A TltKtlmKl.uSt. Nichols Ioll.
ti. Lkuimi A Co., lulruiolltan Hotel."
Tr.lliiii.ii of Ihli tliaraclar inlht h a.U-1 U ai
Irnutli. hrrafrr il li iur II a.l.crllaM lU.lt
1liKriiuiu luu Ilia .lunaluta nf K, .ii, ami tka
iri.ats itauiii of Iiimii lltania t Co. An.lluaf'aWa
of Ilii. klml U an Imlutkoi i OHintarf.il. njnf
id.t will (irinro Ilia gtnniua If juu ioaUl vim villi ba.a
lai ntlivr.
SoM hv all iknjul.t. ami gt nt ral Uif.k.n In attr
luMuaml liilnKlntf uuli mi ll.a faeffic fraal.
factureil by Iloartl A mitb In Jclown
vlllc. Tlio public are invited to call and eiam
tuo litem, Thu fact that I hey will churn but
ter In tho abort upaco or from two to lira rain
utce, will convince tho moat skeptical that the
ore rr i)crlor to unythlui; of tho kind ewf
beforo ottered to .tho public. They aro'beilde.
H)ir cleauers, no crqbuing or waablng by kin4
neccvury to Keen mem perfectly clean.
0. li. MaOOBV
May 29tb, 18C8. mSO-lf..
lutclier's JLigUtulHK -KUler.
THAT TEST OF SUMMK.".. huge black
awarnm or flics can bo got (Id of cheaply oaaj
easily by tho uw or the above popular article
which has an enormous oalc at tho East, and W
nuw for eule by tlcaler everywhere..
Wholctalo Aftcnts, San Franco.
July ll-2ui.
twd buy your liJUlK UTONKi