Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 18, 1868, Image 2

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roil TUB l'UKSIDKNCY l.V 1808,
or tnt cttiti imii.
"Walt dona, then rw1 ami filthf.il ttrrant." Tin r--
l kart ra-rJ. for pitrlot. pnnlihmcnl for traitor..
For Prealdaniui Elcttortt
O. JACOBS, of Jnokson.
WILSON BOWLM, of Washington.
A. B. MISAOIIAM, ol Union.
1). M. C. OAULT.
Saturday Morxino, July 18, 1808.
The Income Tnx.
In cur last issue we published a list
of the taxable incomes ot Jackson and
Josephine counties. Meagre ns the list
is and smalt as arc the incomes return
ed it will well repay perusal. People
who fondly imagined they were living
in a prosperous, well-to-do community,
must bu convinced by these little matter-of-fact
lignres, how titcrly useless it
is to mind anybody else's business, or
to form any estimate ot how much
money their neighbors are making.
There is the list, nud among other mig
gcations it forces one to ask, who
would be a rich man ? who would work
night and day thinking, planning,
fretting by night toiling sweating and
The lleimoii Why.
Democrats of Into lnivo become
splenetic, sour, morose. They no lon
ger discuss principles but men. Disap
pointed, their foiled ambition seeks vic
tims upon which it can exspeud it pent
up rage. Soured, they pour out their
accumulated, vinegar at random. Mo
roso,.thev, ntfciok honorable men with
savage fury. It may be possible that
thoy have Blair on the bruin, and the
inixturo of down right Abolitioii'om
and. modern Democracy has produced
a waring chaos in their cranium, and
that this pragmatic fury is but the nnt
ural venting of this intellectual war.
Thu philosophic Dean Swilt proposed
something of this kind long ago, to
produce harmony in legislative bodies,
but latter day maultestatious show
that the philosophic Swill was mis
taken. Instead ot harmony we have
chaos, instead of love we have hate,
instead ot a genial tlow ot ideas, we
have a torrent turbid, maddened nnd
loam crested. The eouilict is, as ever,
This train ot reflections was excited
by reading an editorial in the hist Jle
vei'llc, in which Judge Caldwell, .Mr.
Logan, nud A. I). Mullwniu are attack
ed with mi impotent r.ige. Anil pray
who are these men ? Be not astonish
Grant' Nomination.
ltallrontl .Leglnlutlom
The late decision of Judge Boise hns i The following is a description of the
shown, that under tho Constitution. of I scene accompanying tho nomination of j 142g
T K U 11 0 II A I II 1 C.
X. Y. 10. Gold closed to-day at
The Senate hits passscd the funding
Chief Justice Chase lias ngnlu de
clared hiniH'lt in full sympathy with
the Democracy except ns regards the
Oregon, it is beyond the power of the Grant and tho National Republican
State to give any old to Railroads, j Convention:
It is unnecessary to discuss the narrow j The President called upon the dele
and short sighted policy that guided gation from Alabama to announce their
the framcrs nf our Statu Constitution. 1 vote for the Presidency. The chair-
We must look at the fnct of its restrict- man of that delcnutinn said : I Constitution of the Southern States.
ive power nnd what is best to he done' "Mr. President, Alabama hns in-j The Legislature of South Carolina
to Increase our prosperity and dovelopn I strneted her delegates to east their 'have elected J. Kobertson to the TJ. S.
our resources. It must require a vast ' eighteen votes for General Ulysses S. i Semite lor the idiort term, nnd F. A.
ninotiut of credulity to induce any per-. Grant." Tiemeiiduous cheering. .Sawyer for the long term.
r '
, E
sou to believe that the Oregon Central
Itiiilroad Company can eversecuresufli
cient nid from private capital, to con
nlfirliliiT lit- il.it-. Iii litvirr. lii'.ivv with
the anxious enre ofhis uuremuuerative H "W rwu,ep. wlm U"L' ' '""
The roll was then proceeded with, The Legislature of Alabama met on
the chairman of each delegation in an- Monday. It contains thirty colored
nouncing tho vote, nceoinpnnyine; it members. In tho Semite the door-
struct their road from Portland to this1 with nn npppropriatu sentiment, whieli (keeper is colored. In the House the
..!! ... I. t..... ... l...:i.l i. ... .!.' I ...!.l ...I I ... . I.i I C.w . ... .. I
liini-v, IHIII.-II it-ra n uiiiiii ik iu tiiv i was gieeieu wiiii lepeaieii appiaife. niMiiKt-rn-i, ui-ii-iii.i-iii-iir.us nun
Southern boundary ol the State, on the Thu ehair then iinnouueed : " Gen- i Chaplain nre colored. Gov. Smith, of
other ide of the Siskiyou inoiinttiins. , tlcnien ol the Convention, vou have tdx thnt State, was inaugurated on the
With the nid of the tloii.tliuu of hind j hundred nud llfly votes, and you have lath. His message is tpilto eonservii-
nheady granted by the general Gov
ernment, it is within the range of pos
sibility, thnt this Company may build
their lute to the head of thu Willam
ette valley. Wo conlidentiallv lire
U'lven six hundred nnd fllty votes for the.
Ulvsses S. Grant for President of the J The Legislature of North Ciirolinn
lfim;d States I pr?nov nine cheers ' hnve elected John Pool lor long, mid
foi'.Ggtyrul Ci.v mm S. Gran:. Gen. J. C. Abb.it for thu short term,
The cheers wuruirivun with trenicnd- ltd lllu U. Si'UnU'.
A crm t ranch N.y.lcl,in ant..- JW ff.nf, tir0f il.
ill..r In ll.rHi.tM cumn mm i.tgtrct In fotllf, th- ,,.
Irm Bftlnil rlwncr) nf cllnn.lt, rntliir ni.d fid. S,.
diet that right there it will stop, unless ,,, enthusiasm, nu.l ere they had 0vlstsorrmiVlu:sHnv V'orM
me pcopic oi tuts eiui 01 me auiioltiKu
steps to enforce nnd secure its further
progress. The drain of the Willam
ette valley is the great object sought
lor by those interested in this road in
neen eonu.u.ie.. mo union nag wnicn . lie I)cocnlllt. ,mr(v hi.Mleelded
hud covered the background of the ,,;.. . .....1 .... ,1 v, T...,u;.i.,t
llll.t VUlllll l-llllll UV l' IIVAfc VO...l'l
stage was raised, diplayiiignbeautilul !
painting representing General Grant ..' ...
itr against Grant amounts to the
iirieuder nud disbanding ol the party.
capital, and at the end ot the year not
be able to say, "Mr. Assessor, put me
down for a little income." And who
would not rather be a clerk or day la
borer, who can count his income to n
dollar, returning a little, perhaps, to
the Assessor and going to bed with nn
easy conscience. Will any one, nlier
reading that list, pretend to deny that
after nil the poor man is king, nud the
rich man with his broad acres, his piles
ot merchandise and his bags of gold,
only working for the benefit nf his
moneyless brother? It is ipiite nppar
nnt, ifofliei.nl figures don't lie. Men
owning whole sections of the richest
land in this fertile valley individuals
who nre continually mixed up iu, or
mousing after fat Government eon
tracts, nre distressingly poor and do
not return n single dollar. Men doing
an apparently thriving business, on a
large capital, nnd whose reputed wealth
has gained them nn undue importance,
make comparatively nothing, while
clerks living 011 stipulated incomes,
and consequently unable to evade the
law, return n fair income.
Curse tho Income tax ! It is oppres
sive because It is unjust. It is unjust
because it falls on the hnnet and lets
the dishonest escape through t In loop
holes ol mental reservation nnd Mill
justification. It is demoralizing for it
induces perjury, nud ho who would
commit perjury to evade a tax would
do it to accomplish nnythiiig. Wo
have often denounced the Income tnx
lor tho foregoing rensous, and now de
nounce it for the additional one, that it
exposes tho deplorable poverty of the
pcopic of these two counties, and takes
away thu greatest pleasure iu life
that nf appearing what we nre not, nud
the sooner the humbug of nsesMiig and
collecting It is dixpeuscd with, the bet
ter. In all sciinusncss wo ask, why do
the names of many of our wealthy far-:
mcrs nud merchants not appear on thin
list? Is it because thev havo no in-
Incomes to return, or is il because of
tho negligence of the Federal Assessor
to enforce tho law fairly and impartial
ly ? We would like to know nud many
iu this community desire this informa
tion. It matters not how unfair or
galling this tnx may be, it is intended
to fall on all alike, nud if any attempt
to shirk it tho law should bo enforced
to tho very letter, and not used solely
to grind down tho poor man who is ' ".' "," "m "w "'"
..nn..t nn..r,l. .n -on,,. Inru-nnl n.i.l ,V0M l'I.Tly truill ll
make a fair statement.
When the Dcmocratiu nominations
wero received here, n venerable Demo
crat enquired of n party friend "what
had become of tho time-honored piin
ciples of their party." "Oh" leplied
his friend, "August Belmont bought
'cm up for Barnum'n Museum, they wore
getting kind of mould viiud out of fash- to Democrat!) to hnvo thu bonds ot cfli
ion. Uur land marks now nro to bu
nigger and brass buttons,"
Our Democratic friends when howl
ing about heavy taxation, remind us
ot u man who tried to cut his throat,
and thou cursed tho doctor for hurting
n little while sewing up tho gash. De
mocracy must remember that tho heavy
taxes is the prico paid for preventing
them from making d d fools of them
u elves.
that thev are among the substantial
and honorable citizens of Josephine
county. What have they done to ex
cite the ire of the J!eiie!lle? Their of
fence is of two kinds. First, they nre
Union men, and second, they have
shown themselves wntclilul ot the In
terests ol Josephine county. Iu the
lutu election i.i that county, thu re
turns fiom several precincts had no
cei tilicatcs or oaths attached to them
its required by law, and they were re
jected, nud that rejection resulted iu
the defeat of the Democratic candidate
for County Coiiiiui.vsiouer. Iu this re
jection they possibly might have mis
taken thu law. Suppose the County
Canvassers did, what tfieii? Is a le
gal mistake uvideiice ol 'moral corrup
tion? If it is, how great must be
the moral depravity ot Judicial olli
cers? The point involved is one upon
which not only lawyers but Judges
disagree, us is shown by the record ol
our Supremo Court. These County
Canvassers wcru not lawyers, and pre
tended no accurate knowledge of law.
They loiiud that thu statute required
curtain things, and that those 'things
wuro wanting iu these returns, and thu
natural, and we will say, logical con-
I elusion was, that tln-y wcru inulll-
. cient witiiuut tuose plain Mituiiory re
quirements. llU'V tijvuteil tlieni lie
eausu they supposed tho plain provis
ions of the statutes meant something.
They evidently had not learned the
distinction, which is so thin that 110
man can statu it, between that which
wits directory and that whieli was im
perative. But there is another thing which
these men have douu which iu that
county must have been terrible to the
tnx payers. They luivu required the
incoming Democratic otlicers iu that
county to give ample security for their
conduct while iu oilice. Iu other
wonN, as the guardians ot the iutersts
ot the county, they have provided that !
those interests shall sillier no lu?s froiu
olllcial misconduct. Ami was there
nothing in thu past history ol that
county that warranted this precaution
nud watchfulness? Every 0110 kuuws
that that county hns heretoloro been
plundered mid robbed by Democmtiu
otlicials. Their boudsi.'ieii wero men
of btrnw ; exhausting and impoverishing
taxation, and threatened bankruptcy
weiu the legitimate consequence. Not
oulv this but thu hiL'h taxation luu so
iu county that
they moro than oneu furiously thought
of Mtrreuderitig their corporal trail
ehires. With this history fresh iu thu
memory of thu robbed nud plundered
tux-payers ol thnt county, wu think it
will not bu very damaging to them to
bu informed that hccurity for thu lu
tu 10 has been umply provided. Is it
olfensivo to tho Democratic, parly or
....1 1......1 ... .1 1
rriiirii 11 it iirni'.'-iiii lit lilt- t'liiiiuitti in : .... . ,. .. ,. ., ...
the Northern nan ol thu Sim... n.,,1 ivl. .1... 'i 1.. .. t i. 1.11.. .. 1 :. ' '"' 1 WK J """ ""J1 lllL' WK'
,.... . ..... r lv jl'lll.ll'l'l 1. in v .... tiiuii'ti Mi'.lilll- II.... I . !. . I- II
1- .. f- ...1 .. .' . '... el wo il not liii tf out a lull
...... t .....ln i 5 r n ...., .' ...',.. .',,.. ,.,.. ci woui.i 1101 oiiug oui a mil vole.
i-"i- " ... w.v.... 11 ie a ei 1; ire re ireseui nz oiiiuuiiiia, 1 .. ., . , . . . , ...
tl... 1 .i it ,.. 1... 1 1 .., .1 ...' , ' .. . ..' ... . .r., ,.. .,.' 1 Nothing but a miraelu can save it from
v" , iiv.m u. tut- puniis prouuiy 10 uiu eiiieiiuiu me
Willamette valley is reached thu oh- j tt-,u Htimtouuted by the legend,
jeet shall have been nccomnlished nud "Match him." This exhibition was
the interests of Southern Oregon over-j tiV ,M fr loro vm,r The ex
looked. The task of building 11 road foment soon took u musical turn, nud
to mat point will lie ilituietilt enough. ,,,,,1 w Convention with a voice like
The World thinks Seymour was n
stronger candidate than Chase;
, The Chase Club nt this elly (New
Voik) have duterimiied to support
the ocean iu volume in singing, " Rally !
; Grant.
I rilling as are the engineering ohsta
eles, mill lawirniilu us is thu topo- muud the flag." This was repeated S.-iootimi Arnt.w.Wu learn firm
graphical eharaelerot thu uouutry, thu ii,m. U,,. ,iu.( t lie ciilhtMnsm not , the Dalles Monuluiimr nl the IClh,
road, hi far, has uiaile hut llttlu sub-j subsiding until theelarion xoieeofSey- ihau Jolnniv Miller, loimerlv ol this
stuutial progress, and Eastern Cupitul- niour, of Wisconsin, rising out tibove place, got into n ilNpuie over 11 card
ists are eharyol lending tbeiruid to it. , tu. tu.,s, called for nine cheers for ' table with A. C. Gilinnrr, when the
With so iiiniiy ditlleulties nieetiiig this Grant nud victory. The scene was ' hitler used some abusive laniruaire to
project through a valley almost level, , ,u. m.V(.r to be forgotten by those who , Miller, who drew n jiistol nud shot Gil
mid presenting comparatively ivw oh- witnessed it, nnd can bu compared only more iu the face, from which wound it
slacles to railroading, it is easy u, tin. , w.jt, tHL. oriou patriotic gather- is thought he camml recover,
ngine those it will meet when the Cal- ! ,v wx ( wm-, jIMLH tiu yn ! r-
apooia iiiouiilnius arc eueoiinteied. ' North'gave utleraneo to Itsdeteruiitia- DTitfi-rivi: I-ini: Iniiii Ihu Ore
People arc foolish il they think the ttm, , nilly ,,,mi,i ,, ,1,,;.,,,, lllt. . ' ifommnt the 111, we learn that the
"Oregon Central" will be built thiough , tm Hag trout the niiili ol traitors, .t'''';' h and door factory ol John
to this valley simply because we dcMiv - - TP. W alker was destroyed by lire on
it: and thev miscalculate!! thev think' Comun Gi:tR. Since the days of tlie'lOtli. The flro caught in theshav-
the Company can ever build it "to this1 Hi'i'iy t'lny no American Mntcsninn ings used in the enginu room. Loss
point without substantial aid from ,in ,0 MU',, " ,h"Pw tt" felmyler Col- .10,000, uol ins..red.
fax, pofscssed thefaeulty of decorating
We will the attention of our repre-J terse Mnlcnients of great principles'
county to this iutitt(r, am! utp tlieml
sentutives iiiui ouiiose Horn wntilii ,..1.1. .1... Howli-k nf iVrihl ..l..n .-,.
to .eu that the best inleivsts of Soutl,. I ,,,s ,wllr "'J-'"' mv ,,,i0 "" """
NEW I-I.-VliDWAlli:,
iTi'yv "':.?. "'!.": r.:v " w'i tb9i.m.-
11 ... ..11 ; " .. ' ' """""" " "il t laiixri frou
Hmi faVoU. rmiii rirjr M Imiii., rcl, n.fmiv iW u,'
macMnrrr r Ilia bo.1. nml l.rrril ill.M., ' "
Ninr, It l n fjct. h-llln n.l itrll known. Il.f Ati
ho ucn lulwmk nml iu.i.ta.,1 flir i HloBweh i
Thli plf ndld Tunc It t.w n.rl ..r nil tU.. etrmh
tirntty jrni.l(.in ..f "hi, m.di out . f nrdtr p'
Tlir rji.l i.f II I. tM.i t'Unintli.,. lllllfr. rt rrntl.
Ii cvtrfol thr Jnlm r ll.c 8i.,niwli. oi nil u. mciji.
M P,k. .ml ,!. I, If !,. rr.1.. nd u",x?!t"hXtZZ
InKiliKKrr. Th rn.lnrr cfO.r (.ivmIIm. nTSttmiu
Iit. ,.wnnl. . cuto I ll .hr i,rr,(, I, .nm, t,,.'"
M ll-'pf-isr I mr. Il..w much ,or, rwnnVwl JS
fn-IMr It l I,, trip lirrnlmtfrttllli n rrtitlei? 11.1
TiMitr. Iti.li Imli-lncr .n.l wrnlirii n. Urfo.t hir turTilV
.n-r wllli i...n.n ilmr nml nVrr nilii..,,, uJ, '
onlj Hiipf 0' nd pUnt ilit rnli ofdl't.ig and dMih.
Jmportniit CVrtincniei.
" Iinrr m .(li Iu von, f.r I nl Ull.r. it.
I'liiiMllon nillr. I.ur i,f n.r llf 7 UI,,T "
IUr. W, II. WAlMIO.Vl.n, SlndrM, N, y."
" Tlmu will fml i two lillln mor of a.
I'lMiimlon lllllfi., MyMllrli..Wriiffrr.irlninitdKr '
ll.flnm. Tlitfrlrml. A-ctr.niv, f,IU.f,lil,u, !,' .
1 liiitr Ifriin fif.it mirrrrr frnni Hr.wr.,1,
n. In.l In MlntHtin ptpnchlnit. Tb. I'Ubi.W
IUtKliluirriitt.1 inr.
in.v. j, h. cATiinny, ni,f,i,r, s. t.
m . 1 . 1 1 , c il,, rttnlntl.m Dlllrn la
l.nn.tir.lfuurdlMlIr.UuUIralllilba moal aitJDl.li.
Ing rlTrtt,
.." w- " AxmtKws.
Siitliilfii.lfnl S..l.lr' llouir, Clnclun.ttl, 0-"-
Tl.f ritiitiillnn llltlar u-kr lh rnl itrooic tl.a Ua.
Kiiblbillllant, nmlarrcliitiir. .Natmr'a imI t-t.ir.r
Tin l.nl.llr mir rr.l n tnl II nt I.. i...r.i. Mill ll,
iTrf.rllr .itrr Imi.linli.r llir fl.A.NTATIII.MUTTI.IIs'
lvilrmtiriru I.irty l-Hllr Uiu tl,c lusilmllr of
Mir-auituiMOi. n itml ihl.nnri.vliit.uf II rannot U
1 ' l'V"Pl'iln1naell I'l.A.NTATtnX niTTmR
Inlmlk nrbyllinnillnnlaR.lniramt Imtwlrr. W-
L'.NJII TII.ATriinrrrrtrrjrrnrlt r
M.l;;altllriitl.l, Utivaia and IirMtr Ibroncbuul
ll.a WOfM.
i. 11. DitAicn, &, co.,
iVew Voik, Sole I'rnitV,
UnniNdTON L CO., -ilO
anil -118, riiuil Sirri't,
Sun rrniitiUco.
Afent for California and Nevada-
.... . ,. ,1 1. .at 1... .....!..... nud ehanicler colli diets, wni-iuoil nml I
A UilT granting n subsidy of thirteen .illuminated by the light and glow of j TIM ftHfj CTflVP CTflRF
million dollars, to n mail, tapping the iwn'iui. To Guorue nnd Alfred Town- ' I II" llU olUfL ulUElL.
great overland line nt the bend ..! tl.,. , , , ,,,,. , hulvhXeA ,;. n ,.. j
Ilutiiliohit river, anil iiioiiliii' !ir itr- . , ! ., , . .
einiMilhl.il unii ll.i-Ou-.ii.tVntr.il, M0" '" '' "vmiiii.iiii..ii.iii inegcuius
1- 1. (in I. ..n..-. (",. .... It t,,... (a. nf Cul'iV. 'i'lilis In- nun! nf fliii i-ni. '
I 1 n iMM'iw 'ii 7s li Hill Pl .! ' - -...-. -. .' ...
met with the most favorable consider- ploy incut of negro troops:
ution. First, bccmi.o it will greatly 1 l'do not call negro troop nnv better
lory, known to be rich in iniueraU, iu '"' 0U,M "P" " woiilil be that those
tiinber, nud well adapted for ngrieul- of my own color nre belter nnd braver,
lure. Second, bccnin-e thu construe- For I have ahvavs told vou, in spite of
lion wilt provo ot immense ndvautagu ,.mri:w ,n ,u. cintmrvthm 1 H,tfVe
to the govcrninenl in the trausiiorta- ( ,, , ,, . , c
tion of supplies, nud ulti.natelv Jnable ,,mt ,,U! AiiRlo-Saxoii race was superi-
it to withdraw it troops from" the In- nr l0 ""' ot,lcl' ,l,llt wJlk the footstool
dial, eouutrv bet ween l.eie nud lluiii- of God,
Si 1 In' Mild of moral lailhfulue. iu
boldt liv laeilitatiu ' the su'ii.i'Miiuu of
the ho-tile tribes. We lioim ilnu uur lerislaliui. :
Legislature will uieiuori.ilize Cougios h ether I ra cling in llic valley ol
on this Mihjcct, Thu triunds ol the huiniliatiou or disaster, or keeping iny
"Oregon Central," and those iu favor, eyes lixed 011 the heavens I belivoGoil
of nuy road through this portion ot the teigus. I don't lnlieve His blessing
State, 1111m at oueo i-eo that the nid will fall on the Confederacy. God's
usked for will eertaiulv insiiru tht liiilhl. wnvs are miihi.iIiiic ilmLv l.'nt mi -
iug of the road, nud give us an Fasteru or inter they reach the shining hills ot
otiilel tor our surplus, nud an Kasturu da v.
iiilel( tor tresh population It will cost ' He first announced the Kopublicaii
1. olliiug to nsk nnd jfCongress declines platfonn niter tho breach with Mr.
to give us any nistuuee because ot Johnson, thus;
our own neglect, then our represeiila-' Let us make luiste slow'ly, nnd wo
tiveswill not have been truu to thu 'tu then hope that the foundations of
best interests ot their constituents. j our Government, when thu rccnusfruu-
1 It'll nil tin. lmsu ill Itllltaiillttililit loi-ntti-
Tin: S.vnn.vTii Da v. There is no in-1 will bo as eternal as the rtaix ' ' '
stitittion iu our country lor which we' In like manner, on April 10th, 1R00,
should bu more, thankful than thu S.ib-' w,1,, ,u' ln!"1(-' "''ll' '" manly Umio
hath with its Christian ceremonies n, ' iVt'1! ."IVVi,i",",,,.i,,9 i'"!'1 "'' ,'' V
..i , v ,...,.. i, ., nights bill, in tho first moment of its
......v......,... .kv aniiiiiii iiv ' ciltll-tlllfMlt.
Siiuilay School receive tho united pat- Tho law, misrepresented ns it hns
lounge ol our citizens. Kven admit- been by its opponents in Congress, will
ling that thu Christian religion has no ' "''vcr bo lepenled, and iu the veins
f..u1ithition ns claimed for it. vet it is t. ' "" "V ' """ ".. neprou.iest
..... ' ' . . . recoiieetii
eials auiilu for all emergencies?
When tho records of a county are
blackened by otliuial corruption, is it
1111 otfeiiKO needing public reprobation
to guard the iutcrcnts of thu tux-pay-urs
with nmplu bonds? Does this im
potent ragu arise fiom tho fact that
(ill tl liil tin. nevinuiiii l.v..nH ..T
., I hi 1 ii ' niv -iif iiiiiv; llllli tl III
re.nuy nun ... ..... so Miiuip nsen ,iosC men who stood up in the nation.
upon thu minds nud actions of men. nl councils, that they gave to the
There can, probably, bu no oxcrcifo 'American Magna Charta tjieir cordial
nitiro beneficial to tho moral training (,1,I,J1"1'1 !
of the young, than thu Sun.lav School. , J, J!, S'.1 '" t'"8 WnJ' n,nm,t oiihv
U t7 r l 1 J IIHH I il( I
is not oulv the rending nud studying mm :. ..t.i
of the bible, that has. its e.feet but pu - R , ' I X ., Tl"
-. .. . . . ........ .. tiuii-.i ..
Kail oil Ihnu a lobel at anv time. I
ting 011 the best clothes in the ward-
ioIk., ami the pleasant i.KM,eiation , , ' 7 , . , . , ' "l "V-v ,nim'- '
while nt thu ..cat .....I lidy place of , U. ' ' t ' "f!2!
wo.-sl.ip that inculcates inoral k-uiI- J ' J ;ir,tJvpn "l,; tX) ZT'l
mei.ts.' Nor nre il.vsu t gs wihtout 1 ' T", f ' ,r,,'IHl
.1 .1 it niy counti v, nun n l xiieal eiieiuv ol
their ...I luu.ieo upon grown J.eople In ? ,.-,,. , l
our opinion there is not an. iiihabitnnt 11,... " ; n p,,,!:,..! .'. . , ,
iu this town, but what would teceivu, " ? ".i.?!.!." " T "ni'nt ,
l'u,l"""Su - ...... ... ... f:.1;,,.,.K..,l.ii.iMilf.lfl... ii-nnl.l . " l'T' " " 'e l 1110 WOlltl
the(u is no cliaueo for thoso Dumocmt- imf1j ,m. mvutUu llt lhu Stth. ') n.l '''V y.njml hies go out to-
Cor. Oregon and Main Su.,
j. V liuill.v bwi 111. Iiuml. 11 inftcly urConliln
iiivm. I'arli.r nml llnx him., ; Tiimuin ul
vt-rv K-..'rtiiiiiii,
Assort eil lluriUviue;
riuu Cutlery;
AKriciiltiirul Impleiuciith ;
Uur Iron,
mul Spikes;
Points, Oil
unit Glass;
Tubi, Clothes Wringers, Pnlls,
nml iliuketsc.
nelnitprovlil.il ullli llio mnt npprnvnl ma.
.'liliHTy. wu nt pr.'piiri.l In iiui.iiil.icl.irt rvtrv
tlt-.criilliiii air Tin nml Hliwl-lron ru itt .Imri
nollcf. tti rip.clhilly .ulliilt 11 ajmiu ur the
lulionnguor t!i pul, I, u.
Jacuwiivllle, June lUlh, leUa. J.-:'u if
J.tan'a 3tAnalW In.aet I-aMiUr 1. im. .M.i...i.n.t..ik
(Krjiil.liici.r Ilia lu..ct .lH.t, llaMb.i. Ua.
lulliv, Aliti, lliy.,a(.
Wl.nl I. prmllatlr wirprMnff In r.nfil lnt0,a aril
rp l. Hint l.twlll,.ti,.lii,t . In.tx.it ilfMI. to In.rrti.'ll
l l-lfrt-llv Uimli-M Iu IMJt.kli.,1 nn.l itomr.tlr animal.,
II mi. l-l.iUilr. r isii.il Mill. Iwj.iinll... It Ur. lb
Itilluioi.jr .it. mil cut il.li.gnl..nl rliinil.1. that li I.
FltKi: I'liO.M l-OldO.t.
arllf Ir )." rttr ulirn -nrh pltlw nit.tvlhn In Ita
r I 1. !t 1 Hill It i. .n llt a.il r..lll
cllwn M.ainr !. ' r.j. vftmi..
- fp i
Tl.rnsiit. I... (It, tici.aiiiiren:, Mov,a'thr nil
Talailainhi.r llXK.filt.Htt. Vik Mij thin fl.lnftbl.
Hiii..iulMitllUi. i.rinonlciMI, Any ilmjcl.twUI tfu
tiilf lh-jrhiiln. If i.,u In.l. tj,..i will Imt.iH.aitjtT,
SM I.) ll illlif ;l. ni ial.r. an 01. raclllrn.!.
II I. an afpiltl.l f.ftO.A-i. Mrilnn M.i.tai.f UuU
lutnl wrr.im. nittiv mrr. in almitrr lima, on man and
Ivi.l, Han niiy n.tlcle ria.illxmri.tl.
.. Coii....ni, liaj v,rr 1-miliiiriit.lao uttful asd.C
racimi. Incuili.i;
SmT Wi.aK Joints, Iliiihs.
Ukhsiji. Un Aoiib,.
SniAiss, hw:( Hsu,
rHii 1'i-fA is Wcr.vr
Or iuj-oilier con.3lnl.tvilrliirai.fJl.tnUn'llill',.
roit uonsis
II I. an liII.pnUI.a ami t.hnl.lf rtmnlir In all fa.. a
.f Siiln, eiiiit, Jlli.g.lkn,Vt In.l UalU.liiiil..., Slranai,
ll alioul.l Ik k.it In rii-ry lio.i.c, cimp, ami .latta. At-.
MM III iTiir. l'r..ni.tln.. I. i-ittoicr.
All taiiulm I. rilln .tt-rl-i'litr i.jrr4tln-n.laHn(
ll.a .Isi.ilii.i. ..f O. W. Wtttlruol.. CI. .n.i.l an.ltli. i.titata.
U. S. at mipuf lli:)IAS IIAII.N'l.S A Co. our thr tap.
AnclT.irt l.a.Uan niolalnrnuntetfolt II will. acU-P
aton.nlital.l.la, l..ltl.ljrl
M.I l.y all Inn. jl.i.n.nl Sut.i In .ry towoand Bilo-,
liil c-Uiip uu l'aIAccail.
o. r. n..KK.
J. R. IFiajUK.
Rodcmption Stato
The Domocrnuy of this county seem
to think tho uoinination ot Dlair a stu
pcndcouB ioko on thoDoinooratio par
ty. They will iirobably seu tho point I thorities, nud tho Military Government
iiicjunu in iiuvuiuutr. cumeiy VtllllU))Wii,
iu otlicers to steal. Thu charge Itself
is a left handed compHme.it to their
Tho public piopcity, records, nr
chives etc., of t.o Stata of Floilda
hnvo been turned over to tho civil nil-
bath School. No gootl citizun hIioiiI, j tP on e ti t i teece
regret or refuse to pay the small I ,.,., v FniHro helt.u I nn 1 MeS I
..mount required to keep a church it-, wur. to seo a belt of t? ,Wic o ncirclu
iviired nnd n Sunday School in opera- t(, 0jK, .jiimimnii.iio.o
tion. Far it will doubly bo repaid to j, knotm am .
J10 comiiiuintv it not to thu i.idiv.di.n , r nn, ,,. i1(..ij' " Hi .1
by tho continued good order of society ' lo. X'l "nC '" i rnllmn fo,r
ll diminution tl criminal WlX$haT&
ilunis. 1 any wan down lower.
SK.MXn Prnpmnilaw'll In rfC'lvwl Iit lhr
iiinlfr.i!n.'il. ni lilai.nkv, ini'il U n'oliick
u . .m;:. it, ini..H, mr inv nir.fiul.r or limiuly
II. mil. Imii il .iiiiiirllinpriiva.ni. .ir.'Aii ,cl
itmi.llnit llmi.itlH. In viiluiiti'i-r' nf I hi. 8lnl'
i-nli.'il In Ihti rvlu. ol Hi.. Unit. al fihi., wl
pn.vi-.10ol. ailh. IDlil. .it llio w,.,t rH)n
pint t-xcea-ilii.fr ptr V11I11-) iia may rclccm tl.v
Kr(i.h-t mini 0 nf llniid-,
on in iiiciiitio initrwl, iIuq thvrcon to tlaioi
.11 aiiriL-IIIIL-r.
FHltfit ihniiMnil ili.ll.ira nmv In tlio Troaiury
opjil o.U'u In 1I1.1 1 iil init!on ulKi tl lJona.
U1J4 Iu Ui aihlrciH'd 10
c 1 .. .... . 5lato Tu'iiHircr.
Snlcm, July 13th, 1808. julUtv
mediagtoa'fj Tlavoriag Bzt'cts
a ma.la frwn Fraih Frulli. Eh totile
hoM. tulcaaa much aa njr otbar brajUIn
Ilia inatkat, cowauanlly Ibay ara Iba cbwp
aa ani lh. Lwt. USK NAOTIIRR
Goto run (jity imuo stobe
and buy jour JJLUE STONE,
Inill'W', mul Ml ulin limn l.ullilli.i; In.
i'inlriiiliiiiMi, in lh... Inct lh.it their il.-.lil
ti.'iv plitli.l.iit mill la hi aurciful opernllon,
nml lluil Ih-v nriMilil." tiiiln pl.ili.hi); tifull klml',
litnclni; nml uiimivIiik, nml itnvllilni; In ll.a- lino
nn ahort nnllcti. In I In- h-al alvli-.ii.nl ul riilnced
rrile. Olh.-r ttiM-rlnr mnohlm-ry. hi ronlunc
Him will. ihv'phiiii-rL'ii.ilili-H ti. in fiirnlHl. diKiri
nml .h. ilntir nml whitlow l-nrnee, and furul
turn nl Inw ri- i In fuel wi'iiriMleli-imlimliiot
hi In' iiiiiUt.iiI.I In tiny iimiiiifHclnrff In uur
A-Ij)ui.I. Ou'g.in, liny IIMli. I8I18. If.
L Will., Uu mid u lnr Uilv4 tWlli r l'l.l
nix, U i.mv nil', red I or mlo ut a luw llyurt aud
iipiiii i-y lilini.
Nnw l iht ihue la luv-t In tj (n, btfft
nprlci.lliirul .Hurlol In I ho cuuuty,
Fur particular, IikihIk uf
Juck.ouTlllo, Oga. -
JuuZI tr,
iJutchui-i Llgliiin lr-Killer.
-THAT B3T Of SUMMER, buge black
aHnriiis nr dies pn In) got lid of ohcnply and
enally hy Hie (u of tho aho.ro" popular artlol.
which lirtb un onormomt Hle at lhu East, aod if
now lor milu hy donlera evfrvwhore.
Whoalo AKcntt, Saa FntoeiKO,