FBANCOAMEHICAN,H ..i inn nroTAHOlUT HOUL nnu nwmunnni, OPPOSITE TnE Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. . Travelers mid resident hoarders will Gne D' USDS AND BEDDUffa Placed In first claw bfdar. nod lu every Way superior to nny In Hits secilou, mul surpassed by nny In llie Slate. HER K00S ABE NEWLY rilRNISlIEtf, s thing the market affords will be ob tained lor HER TABLE. No-trswblcd will be spared to deserve tlic pat--ronago f thu travellug as tvcll as ttie perma nent oerramunlty. .Oaciiottvlllo, March 31, 18CC. tf P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, TS NOW IN POSSESSION OFTIIE ENTIRE 1 stock of mulcrluls nnd tools furmerly b.--longing to Cotcllo & Cofllii. Mr. CostHlu having withdrawn. P. II. Collin will contlnuu thu butlnci. uiiO can bu round nt lilt shop, Corner or C nml Tliriil Htrcnts, prepared to do work In a workmanlike manner nil nl reasonable rales. . . Jocksonvlllc, Oct. IS, I8CT. ocllDtf EL DORADO, .K.Cor.C,i.&Ogii.8U.Jckoitili,0. S. M. FARREN. amuBi m mi NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN I TUBS 0 TO . PREATER'S BROOM MANUFACTORY AXI) BUY Till! BUST IX THC MARKET, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Factory on corner nf Oregon d Main St by tliu Odd Fellow' llnll, nnd opposite tlio Franco-Amerlcan llcslnurant. djsf Jacksonville, Nov. i-'-'th. lHr.7.,iiov3U(im 73 TAX UP-LAT CALL. ALLTIIOSK IN'DKIITKD TO Utt AUK hereby untiAVil to come forward uud pny up by llieilrst diy of Jiinuury ensuing, unit will rcrliitnly be In their Inlm'sl to ilu m. on we cannot ilu luislno-s wliliinil money In iihyI our own lliilillllifni nml inriiicrinnrf, limning n for the In si liner si id nil t nivimd. we have ilclrrinliii-ri lit istiMl.li n Uriel ih lmIs In business nlier tint llrsl ily id Jmuiury, 18G8, ad will tiOt i!tparl from it. BUTTON k llVDi:. Jacksonville, Ie. lfltli. 1807. ihctiitf LIME! LIME! Bun.nr.ns. and otiieiis who niaini; lime, will Hud n constant supply, nl the bnt qunllly. In iunntlllvii In Milt, nt my Imp on Main slrvot, between Oregon nnd Tlilnl, op posite Mullcr t Ilrcntnno's Hon'. In mynii eucc, Sir. Alex. Martin will wnlt upon custom trs. STONE "CUTTING AND Rlone Mason Work done on term lo rtilt the tlim-s. Ordcn from the country will receive prompt nt'i'iitinii. JOHN H. I'KAl'OUK. Jackionvllle, April 'i, lh7. np27 Administrator's Notice. Noriciiis iii;ui:iiv given that the uiulorslmit'il lm licen duly nppnluli-d by thiiCouuiy Court ol Jns-ihlii emuiiy. n'lnl of Oregon, n Ilu? Administrator nf ilie estate or Augustus Chirk, dcceiwd, lato of Josephine couniy. Orison All pi-ruins having claims ngalnt snlil rs tnto uro r'ructl to premiit lliem with liroprr voucln'r to me, nt my ret'dence, In bucker Creek Viilh-y, Jnwpliluu cimuly. Ori-Rou. w li. In klx iniinlln Irom the d.ite hiruif. All P'r on Imli'litid lo mid rMntn nru rcqui'Mid to make iinun-dlulu payment. TISU.MAN 11 ROWI.EE. Sucker Creek. Juni 15lli, 1808. Jy4-4w. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICK. Having dUposed of our Fan tory. wo nru now prepared In elvuour wluile attention to our I.eiuhur nnd Kludlnt; bunliii'i. Ou hand, direct from I'raucu, Calf & Kip, Uomeitlo Leather, lioot Lege, etc. Jons G. Hki.v, I L. K-iviiK, I John Ukat, Now York. ) Pari. Ban Krunclxo. AddrCH, HEIN & I1UAY, Sw FrancUco. lilt Battery Street rpo 75oi-xi.Axyxxxoxi. nu DbKVAomi i no i CWmbrlDd and UUI(lt COAL not t'10 IRON X,000 Toua, To Blor ad Afloat, for iaio by J. It. DO Y I.E. 413 od 415 PwiAc 81., Bn Francltco. Febl-ly 'ntcher'B Lightning Fly-Killer. . TlfAT PEST OK SUMMER, huge black wr of -flies can bo got i Id of cheaply nnd eiillv Jby the use of thc above popular article, itbjchbaa an enormoua sale at the Eaat, and Is now for.ialo by dealer everywhere. lUOSTETTER, SMITH & DEAN, lUEDINGTON&CO.. Wbokmle Agents, Saa FnocUco. Jny,U-?. vol. xur. wwtwrliiftt.yiiijMiiiCTwi .t" BUSINKSS NOTICES. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE OllEGOX. Ambr oty po s, Photographs, Cdrtos do Vislto DOA'R AV THE FIS'EST STYLE OF AliT. Pictures Reduced Oil EXLAnOEP TO LIFE SIZE. i ii ' - - DR. A. B. OVEtlBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOX VII.LE, OllEGOX. Ohlcenthl" residence, In the Old Overbtck Hospital, ou Oii'Kon Stieet. DR. E. H. GREENHAN, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON, OFFIOE-Oorncr of California aud Pifth StrccU, Jacksonville, Ogn. lie wilt practice In Juckron and adjacent countlc, and nttctid promptly to professional cnlli. fvbltr DR. A. B. OVERBECK'S BATH EOOMS, In tho Ovorbockllospital, VAItJI, COLD & SIIOWEIt BATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. guuiii:, ii. i)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE rcmovctl to California Street,, South side. Jacksonville, Ii.c. 2H. lbCT. dcc21tfi I)K. LI2WIS GANUNti, PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON AND OlaatotriolAXi, WILLnttendto any who may reoiilre hit frrtipii. (Jfllc0 niHnlnlntf !C. Lnnr.r1f Iioe fhnii, on noith tide California Street, Jacksonville. liovilf "" SI'KCIAI. NOTIOKS. STAR OF THE UNION CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS! Tti.tailrlkloiia n'miuioli IMUmh lur rnliiclr jVrutuUr,i.iiiUrto Intra ah ebuUhd ncrjr burl. TRY t mnrvr JUUUt THEM I FOR TRY TSBT YOUR THEM! rH 1 SELF! (fill IncrrdlrnU A i!wnt tnnlt, unit a most jTrrli!c Uilnl . T10 uull-cl la flmnUd Willi nolHiiKjunroiPiiniiiulti Itiil'l llUl.blllr.tnode i from llin in l ritrnMa ol taliutle I loir. Urls (ar.dlirb, roc!iulrjl.loili'li loll u.recl allanitlKiiaoiuieMiraarn. j.ii'ntjs.i niriM Towel.. i 11 ri l')',iii, jciir, uunicra, 1. fill re 1)-,iI, J'cur, Pun! cro, , r Avilllr. f He. lorfflffvc.rnl tlt.l T.NKHAl'Ht S. Mur.MAMTA'iiniii, np fi,n.omo A. Jarkaon. Fan 1 run, Ut I ; a.jt.m; I Loaa or ait 0 m r w m w A DR. HUFELAND'S Ct.l.t.MIUTIIU SWISS NTDIUID BITTBUS! r k y IT! T R Y IT! The U.t rnriacr r !) PlooJ I A f ledum Tunic t A my Agrltl Drink t Uii.iirputcl for acUuk turtly but t ntljr on lh tttifilnni of lb kldoev.. boIi. tumuli and liter I t'ortateal all vholoulo and ratal! liquor, drug and crw.ry aloiti. NOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I J.O. mcn, TA J, O. mcn, l'rootlelir. TAYLUli ur.rspiM,. KOI ARttlU, JalJ-ljr tp.no. 413, CUy nl. 8au FianclKo. I. O. G. T. ALPHA LODGE, NO. 1, 1. O.G T HOLDS 1U ri'Kflar meotliiKs on Tuerdaj evening of inch week, nt the District School House, In Jacksonville. l.ODGH opens at 7 o'clock, DlXHtUE Mi:miNC;S the last Tudy or each nioulli, ufti-r iidjournmeut of SUUOIIUINATK LODGE. All iiimnbera of the Order In good standing nro cordially Invited tn bo present. D. M.,0. GAULT, IV. O. T. J. It. Wadk. Soo'y. Jacksonville, Feb. 8th, 1608. fel 8 tf Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M A HOLD their regular communications aV' on thu Wednesday Kveulugs or preced- V Jog the lull moon, In jacxso.wiluc, ob- eoox. A. MAItTIN, W. M. O. W. SAVAQE.Seo'y. The Uest Iteiucdy for Purifying tbelllood, Streugtlienlug the Nerves, Reetoriog thc Lost Appetite, la FUESE'S HAMUUKG TEA. It Is the best preservative ngalnbtal moat aay slckncsp, If used timely. Composed of herbs only, It can be given safely to Infants- Full di rections in Eugllsh, French, Sptuisn aod Ger man, with every package. THY IT I For sale at all the wholesale and retail drug tores and groceries. EM1L FRESE, Wholetale Druggist, Role Agent, IIO Clay street, juyltyl "an Kraneljco. 0011 JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1808. THE OREGON SENTINEL. PCDLtSHED Ertry Saturday Morntae; br B. F. DOWELL, V OFFICE, COnXEll 'C S( TIMED STREETS. TEiutH op HtnscmrTioMi Tor one rear, In advance, four dollars 5 If not paid within the tint fix months of the year, five dollar? ; If not paid until the expiration of the year, fix dollars. TEItMS Of AUVKItTlilXS I One pouaro (10 linos or ht)'. first. Insertion, three dollars ; each pnlxequviit Insertion, one dollar. A discount ol filly per cent, will be made to those who advertise by the year. pLcRal Tenders received at current rates. God IMcsj You. How sweetly fall those simple Words Upon the human heart, When frlemls lo'ijr Imund by ttrongeit ties Arc doomed by fate to part. You sadly press thc hand of thoie Who tuu In love caress you, And soul rcpontlve I! to soul, In breathing out "God bleu you." 'God bls you." oh llonir months ngi I heard the mnurnlul phrase, When one whom I In childhood loved Went from my dreamy case. Now blinding tears fall thick nnd fait ; I mourn my long lost tirasuri, Whllechoa. of the heart bring back Th'j (arcwcll prayer, "God bless you." The mother sending forth her boy To scenes untried and new, Lisp not a studied stately speech, Nor murmcra out "adlfu," She sadly saia. between her sobi. "Whene'er misfortunes press you. Come lo thy mother, Itor.come back," Then sadly slglu "God bless you." "God Mesa you," more nt expressed Than volumes without number, Iterrnl we thus our trust In him, Whose eyelids never slumber. I nsk In parting no long speech, Drawled out lu slmllcd measure, I only ask the drar old words. So tweet so and "God blrstyou." Grant Analyzed, A. D. Hiulinrdsoii, In Ills forthcoming life of Gun. Grant, nays: " Soino btill hie in him only the dnr ling of (oil uno energetic mediocrity, with which ho blundered into niceos. I think Mich nro misled by two of hi peculiar qualities: "I. Ilisiiiiiiiinginntivenoi'!'. When lie Iiiih nothing to uiy he mvh uolhiii''. In piivntc he IiIIn no interstice.1 of con- vernation by iviimrk upon tho weather, or iiiqiiiiieri after the bubien of his, vis itor. In jub!iu he en u inakc no- peeehes hiuiply of ionii orconiiiliineui ; nun Mnee me uni'iu emeu to near iim opinions on titlitii t hin oflieial position has neci allowed him to speiik lieely Hut in public, or private, when ho has anything to utter by tongue or pen, he sayn it with eMieine lapidity aud clear ness, in terse, marrowy, idiomatic En glish. Even then he uses no ihetniie, hut presents' in the plainest, homeliest woids. Napoleon's, tneiiiorabletiayings are all of this order: "From these summits forty centuiies look down up on you.' ' We will carry our vietoi ions eagles beyond the jiillinraof Ileiculc.' Grant's me the exact antijiodes: I have no terms but unconditional sur render.' I propose to move immedi ately upon yqur works. I sliull fight it out on thi3 line if it takes all minimcr.' 4 1 found the nriny like a balky hone.' 'General Jiutler was bottled up.' Said the dramatic Coisican after the battle of Aiibterlitz: Soldieis, I am satisfied with you. You have decorated your eagles with immoital glory.' Said the matter-of-fact Ameiican to his shouting men after Port Gibson; 'Soldiers, I thank you. That is all I can say. You have dono a good day's work to day, but you must do a better one to morrow.' jo smiling iiietoric, no po etic gushes; only tho simple, unadorn ed fact. "II. Ho is tho most uiidraniatio of men. Scott was nicknamed by his en emies "Fuss and Feathers." Grant has less fuss nnd lower feathers than any other public man of his day. Ho believes with the Chinese proverb, that " That which is is.' Ho accepts tilings just as ho finds them, not troubling himself about the 'Eternal Verities, but doing promptly, thoroughly and subordinate the duty which lies right beforo him, however prosaic and disa greeable. Ho acts his convictions in stead of talking them. "Ho is utterly genuine and KUtleless. He preserves in his high es tate tho sweetness ,and simplicity of his country boyhood, Mtogcther free MWkMM-VMMtVrM from cant, his lips obeying the teach ings of his mother, have uttered no oath, been soiled by no coarseness. poise. During the terrors ol Helmvnt, when an aide, with pallid cheeks cried, Why, Geneial, we arc surrouudedl' there was no perceptible change in his face or calm voice as ho answered 1 Then wc will cut our way out.' Throe years later, as ho read Lee's dispatch proposing thc surrender of thc army of Virginia, he was equally unmoved; no elation shone itt his face or sounded in the ordinaryaouu in which he asked, Well, UencrmfllnWliii, how do vou think that wWdoJ' Tried by both extremes of fortune, and never disturb ed by either, he remains as simple and unaffected to-day as in his years of pov erty and obscurity." Inciter from Curry County. ELLKNSItlT.G, 0(1N., Ju.NT. 20, 'OS. EttiTOit Skntinku Curry County having maintained an unbroken Irout for Unionism in thc late contest lias ol course a right to "crow" n little iu a modest way. Lettcrs,congratnlatory from fuends in adjoining counties, have been receiv ed, and kindly "notices" from newspa pers, and doubtlcs tho Union men of Oregon generally, feel toward us much the same as those outspoken evidences testify. But it icmained for our neighbors in the adjoining county of Del Not to, Cal. to really "do us proud" by thu gift of an elegant national Hag. The Union men of Crescent City, upon receipt ol the news of our election, called a meet ing aud voted to send us a ling in hon or of our being the Manner County of Oregon, and sent the same to us to gether with a letter expressive of their kindly feelings, and of good Union sentiments aud the following ltcsolu- tions: Jlaoli'cd, That this convention, on1 1803, whilo Grant and iMcado weiudu behalf of thu Union Itcptibllcans of liverlug the country by defeating, ills Del Norte Comity, present an Ameii I pursing pud cnptuiiuglhu armies nl the can Hag to tho Union men of Curry rebels. Horatio Seymour was descent County Oregon as a token ot our Jjtij, ilt. day by mi liillamitory speech picciation ol the glorious manner in which they upheld thu Union cause and Union principle nt their late election. Jlctolctil, That the Secretary be In structed to send thu Flag, together with a letter expressive ot tho senti ments of this Convention. Heiealter we of Curry County in tend changing tho name of our comity to Haniicr County. A Coiiiiiosliloii -Jty u very small Hoy. I don't like gills. Girls is difleicut from what boys Is. Gills don't play marbles, and also gills don't play hool rv uiiinuiiii i iiiuy intuit- i- .. - tiu.es get whipped, but!,"o!!V;Unfl ;l "';l 7; as boys; their clotl.ot. I ,',0,,r - "". nn.l alter It Im.l rnKcl :.. i j - s. ..i . s .i I tliis-o our Ion. ilayn this model Govern ey, Girls some not so much as i . ii -. i j - . .1 . : .i i nl,it Ln tfnll klllti.fl frit It fli'it la ll, it , , . , reason I blip pose. I never sues no girl ..!.. I.c. I.. II i !,.. ... .!... .1.. ....,.. .... .... ..v, ..., .,,., ':"lile,I1,is"fiiends"aii.l"fellow.cItii!enH" in liriktrili I Ili.fO lu till. lit v ril (rlila in . ' "" I " " "'" '" Hostoii, ami oig organs, j.ual year when I was voung the teacher I t, 1 ..,.,,,. '.I,.. .?,.,. i...,.. t .....Jtl.cui that hu had sent to Washington MIV SIV Will' "VVIHI9V UIID).. , . t . . . , . ... t i in i in ii "l have this draft suspeiiiled and stop- naughty. I cried. I Jig boys like girls . . ,, , ' , , ' i .. .i i:..i i.... r . . ped " Thu substance and menu ng of belter than little boys. I went on . , , ... ,,, f, i ii . . ..t .i . ...i.i . i. is speech was that "it won Id bu ilghl sleigh ride one night with my sister I .' ,, , ,, ,, , ," v. , , c.,i . , , i to not, and burn buildings, and hunt ISnuovnnd loin aykes. loin asked ' , , ,, , ,, , , i i .i i .. i .i , . , I'L'ines, win siriniiiiier unites, u uo mo to look in thu bottom of tho sleiyh , ", ' , , ' ... . , . ,, . I ii r ii! 7 f draft weru to go on; but he won dhavo for his whip; whilu I was looking he', , ? . ,. . fired ofl' a torpedo. I asked him if he had any mmu torpedoes and hu said no,' but ho filed oil another when I wasn't' looking. Girls don't llku to havo boys kiss thtm. They nl ways say "don't." If they wasn't fools they would turn their heads tho oilier way, but they never do that. I saw Tom kiss Nancy once aud I went and told my mother. Then my mother put mo to bed, When a girl takes out her hand kei chief in the street to wipe her noso the young men who cam their living by standing in front of tho St, Nicholas always wipe their noses at the same time, if they scu her. Girls get married some times but not always. Those that don't get married don't want to. When they got married they havo wed ding cake. I liko wedding cako, but I do not see any fun in getting married especially to a girl, Why vouJd the sea jnako a bettor housekeeper than tho earth '( Iiecauso the earth is exceedingly dirty and the ca is very tidy. NO. 20 ff3NU( Ilorntlo Seymour. from tb Poll OrrronUa. This man, an ultra Copperhead, who is lepudiatcd by thu great State of New York for iutldelity to the coun- try in tho agony ol war, ii tho candl date of the reactionists and rebels for 1'iesidcnt of tho United States. lie was known during the struggle as one of tho numerous class who wore in "fa vor of the war but opposed to its pros ecution." His piiuciplcs arc precNely those ol l'ondletou and Vnlanillghani, but he has more adroitness and plausibil ity than those Democratic chatiipwn?. Like them, he denied the constitution nlity of coercion, and like them he threw every possible obsticlo in the way of prosecuting the war. We know it is claimed by the "regenerated Democracy" that when Governor ol New York in 1803 ho liuniod fonvnrd troops to repel Lee's invasion ot Penn sylvania; but there was an obvious rea son for this act of pretended patiiotism. So long as the Held of war wrts the le gion south of the l'otomac Seymour opposed every measure for thu subju gation of the icbels, but when tho con flict was transferred to the State ol Pennsylvania and Lee's army threaten ed Philadelphia, Nuw York City and the mansions of Goernor Seymour, he was compelled lo act for thu defence of his State. Thisouu instance of en forced patiiolistu is the only one which can bo named in Seymour's history. So soon as Lee's army had been driven back he iiiiuiedmtly began again to op pose aud hinder tho olVuith ot tho Na tional Government to put down thu rebellion. Ilu tried to stop the diaft, and thu tints of 180:1 nml tho murder of enrolling oflieeis weru tho iliieel re sults of his policy. Thu mob idled ou him lo stand between them nnd then country, and he gave thu most satisfac tory assurance to his bloody-handed "friends." On tho Fourth of July, against the Government for prosecut lug thu war to the injury of the .South urn people. The burden nl his oration was a malignant attack upon those who weru charged with upholding na tional authority, for urging ou thu war to thu dtscouifoit and oppicsiou of the chivalrous Democracy ol the South who weiu in arms for thu dcsliiictiou of thu Union. Alluding to tho dralt, ho told tho treasonable Coppei heads present that the National Executive should bu resisted in casu his "usurpa tions" aud "outrages" uoro persisted in. A few days aftci wards thu riot tiiieo our ion. i ay v or canto down to thu city, went into , ,. . . , " , , l,lu "'l " lll ,l0,o,,H "1"1. I..I. told them ho was there "lo show them it ii'ab til nit ii tuiiiiBiiiit, iiiiii imnmrii t t , ..II.!., (..'. l.l.t.,11 i I it stopped and given up, So go homo and keep thu peace," Theru Is not a iiiiiii in thu Democratic party, not ex cepting Valandlgham or nny ono else, whose record has been so infamous and vicious as that of Hoiatio Seymour, Hu was nominated for thu purpose of making the eleetoiial vote of New York siiio for thu Democratic, paity by tho suffrages of his murdering "friends," thu forty thousand "plug-uglies" of Now York City, m i IIoithKIIIIAD, JuLvOth, 1806. EoiTOU Sk.ntixki.: -It seems as though your Post Oflico has becomo do iiioinllzcd in some way. Whcthcrthat Soda Fountain does it or not I cannot say, but ono thing is evident, there is a bc row loose somewhere. We seldom receive the Si;.vriNi:i, at Applegutu un til Thursday, aud often not at all, whilo the Oreionlan aud Sacramento Union como regular, aud nearly ono third of my letters directed to Jacksonville II). are returned to mu from the Dead Let ter Office, which is very trying to tho temper. A. J. WATT'S. Mike Flak and the Bull. Miko took a notion to go in swim tning, and had just got his clothes off, when he saw Deacon Smith's bull ma king at him the bull was a vicious an imal and had come hear killing twd'di ' thrco persons consequently Mike felt rather 'strange.' Ho didn't wont to call for help, for he was naked, nnd the' nearest placo from whenco asststanco could arrive was thu inecling-housc, which was at iho time filled with wor shipers, among whom was "tho gal Mike was paying his devotion to." So he dodged the bull as hu caniu at him, and managed to catch him by thu tail. Ho was dragged round lit nearly ifcad, and when ho thought he could hold on no longer, ho mado up his mind hu had ' better 'holler,' And now wo will let him tell his own story: 'So looking at tho matter in all its bearing, I cum to the conclusion that I had belter let somebody know whar I was. So I gin a yell louder than a lo comotive whistle, nnd it wnrn't long til I seed tho Deacon's two dogs a com iug down like as II they were sccin which could gel theru fust. I knowed who they were after they'd jlue tho bull agin me, I war sartin, for they wnrorfiilly wcuotnous and had a spllo aglu me. So, says I, old briudle, as ri din is ns cheap as walkin on this routo ii you havo no objections, I'll just tnko a deck passage on thnt'ere back o'yourn. " So I wasn't very long getting nstiido him; then, if you'd bin thnr, you'd hau sworn lhar wnrn't nothiii human in that ar mix, thu sllu lluw so oi fully as ths critter and I rolled round tho Held ono dog ou thu ono sldo and ono on the other trying to clinch my feet. I prayed and ctWscd, and cilssed and. prayed, until I couldn't tell which I did at last and neither waru't of no use, they wnr so orfullv mixed tin. Well, I reckon I rid about half mi hour this way when old briudle thought it wnr time to stop mid tako in a supply of wind, and'cool oil' a little. So when ho got round lo a treu that stood thnr, he naturally halted. So, sex I old boy you losu ouu passenger, saitiu. So I just dumb upon a branch, kalkurlatiu lo roost lhar lilt 1 starved, aforu I'd bu rid lotiud that ar way any longer. I was iiiakin tracks for the lop of thu treo when 1 heard somuthin maktii an orful burziu over my head. .IJiiudur'lookcd up, aud if there waru't well, llmr's no lieu of sweat in now, but it war tho biggest hornet's nest ever bill. You'll 'glu in' now, I icckuu, .Mike causo there's no help for you. Hut mi idea htiuuk iiiulheu, that I would stand a heap better chaiieu lidiu thu bull than nlinr I was. Se. I, old teller, If yoy'll hold ou, I'll rldo to the next sta tion, anyhow, let that bu whar it will. So I jist dinpped uhoaid him again, and looked aloll lo scu what I hud gained by chniigiii qtimteis; ami gentlemen, I'm a liar ll lhar waiu't nigh half a bushel of thu stingin var mints i only to pilch into mu when thu wind 'go' wns glu. Well, I leckon thuy got it, lor all lunula started for our company. Somu of 'cm hit tho dogs, ubuut u quint stiuek mu and tho i est ou In indie. This timu thu dogs lei oil' fust, dead bent lor thu old Dea con's, mid as soon as old biludlu and I could get under way, wo followed. Aud as I war only a deck passenger and had nolliln to do with steeiin tho craft, I swoio if I had, wu shouldn't havu mu that uhauucl, anyhow. IJut, us I said afore, thu dogs look thu lead hiludluaud I next, aud the hointts dickly niter-thu dogs ycllln, biiudlu bellciiu, aud thu hornets huziiu and stingin, 1 didn't say uolhiii for it waru't no use- Wull wu got about I wo bundled yutds fiom thu house, and thu deacon heard us mid cum out. I seed him hold up his hands aud turn while. I icckuu hu was u pi ay in then; for ho didn't expect to hu called tor so soon, mid it waiu't long neither, afoiu thu hull congiegatioii men, women mid chil dieu cum out, aud then nil hands went lo yelliu, Nouu of 'em hud thu fust no lion that biiudlu and I belonged lo titles win Id. I iat turned my head ami passed thu hull coiigiegaiiou. 1 seed thu mu would hu up soon, for briudle couldn't turn mi Inch It out a fence that stood ahead. Well, wu i cached the, fence, ami 1 went ashoie, over thu old. ciiitci's head, laudiii ou thu other side, uud lay lhar stunned, It waru't long aforu somu ou 'em as war not scami, cum luuiiiu to scu what 1 war, for all hands kulkclated that the bull and I belonged together, Hut when briudle walked utf by himself, they seed how. it war, and ouu of 'cm sujd, 'Mike. Fink lias goMho wust ot thu uc.uuuiuuc- oucu in his lilul' Gentlemen, from that day I dropped the com tin bumes, uud uuver spoke to a gal since, and when my hunt u up ou tills yearlh, thar wont bu uuy mora) Finks, and hu all ovviu to Deacon Smith's briudle bull V