-" rn M : it V I ' 1 E ft! ft Ronubllcnn National Plalforiu adopted at Chicago, May JJIat, lit. We congratulate tlio country on (he as shred success of the Reconstruction Polloy of Congress ns evidenced y llio adoption in a ma jority or (lie States lately In rebellion, of Con stitutions securing niual, civil and political rights to nil, and wo regard It ns tho duly of tho government to sustain Ihcto Constitutions, and prevent tbo pcoplo of such States from be Ids remitted to a slate 61 anarchy or military rulel . , , 2d, The gnaranlco by Congress of equal stir rago to nil loyal men In the south, wat demand ed by every consideration of public safety, gratltndo and Justice and must be maintained t while the iitieitiou of suflrago In all loyal States properly belongs to those State. 3d. Wo denounce all forms of repudlttlon as a national crime, and national honor require tbc payment of the publio Indebtedness In the utmost good fitltli to our creditor nt home and abroad, not only according to tho tetter, but iplrlt of the laws under which It was contract ed. 4th. It Is due to the labor of tho nation that taxation should bo equalized and reduced ns tho national faith will permit. 31b. Tho national debt, contracted ns It has been for tho prctcrtallon of the Union for all lime to come, should be extended ot era fair pe riod, and It is our duly to ndiico the rate of Interest thereon whenorcr It can be honestly done. , 6th. Tint the belt policy to diminish our burden of debt Is to to Improve our credit that capitalists will seek to lend money nl lotur rates or Interest than wo now pay and must continue to pay so long as repudiation, partial or tolnl, open or covert, Is threatened or suspect ed. Tlh. Tho Government of the United SlAlrs should lx admlulstero ' with the strictest econ omy. The corruptions which hare been so shtmcfillly nursed and fo'trred by Andrew Johiion. call loudly for reform. 8th. We profoundly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Mucoln, and re gret the succflnii of Andrew Johnson to Ihc Presidential Chair, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected him and the cause he was piiiigiii to support ; who nas uiurpeu mjit lejrisiiwivt.1 ami tuuiciai uinciioii has n fined to execnio the Inns, has n hi I hU hleh ottlcc to Induce other "fflccri to employ nl his liiecntUe cure the lltes, pi o petty, citizens, lias abused tho violate tho laws, has potter to render inse penci mid liberty of pardoning potter, has denonnciil the National J.Cii mixture ns uncon stitutional, has persistently nnd habitually re silted by every means lit his potter , cmy ut tempt nt the reconstruction of the Statcsilatcly In rebellion, has perverted putillc patronage Into an engine for wholesale cormptlou. has justly lcii Impeached lor high almas and mN demeanors, and ha been pronounced gullly Ikrn-of by the votes of 3.5 Senators. fllli. The doctrine of Great Uritalii arid other j Curnp-nn potters that, when it man Is onco u I siibkcl he Is always so, tiiti't be resltttd ul ev ery hazanl by tho United Suites n u relic ol feudal I'mes not authorized by the law of na-1 tlnnsnnd at ttnr trlth our national honor ttnd Indrpeiidencv. Naturalized citizen art) enti tled to be ptotcctul In ull Ibilr rights of clil remhlp as though lhy ttero native born. No citizen uf tho United States or naturalized mint lo liable to arnst or Imprlioumeiit by any for eign power lor acts dono or words spoken In this country, nnd If so arretUd Mid Imprisoned, It Is Ihc duty of Ihc Government to interfere la his behalf. 10th. OT nil who wcro faithful In the trials of tho lain war. them were none more faithful for special honor than tbo brave soldier and teamen who endured hardships of camp and cruize and imperiled their Uvea In tho service of their country. The bounties nnd pensions appropriated bylaw for these brnve defenders of tho Union, nro oblations netcr to lie for gotten. The wldottn mid orphans of the gal lant dead nro wards of the ople. a sacred legacy btqueathtd to tbo United Stales for pro tecting care. llth. froretgti Immigration In the past has added so much to tho tteallh and Inert ami re tourers of tbw nation, th ntylumof nil na tions, that It tbould bo foitered by it liberal and jut policy 121b. Iho Convention declares Its sympathy with nil oppressed pcoplo who uro struggling for their rights. The" follunlug addilfonal resolutions were oOered by Mr. Ihorupsoii, and vdoptnl : rVscsW, That the adjournment of this Con vention shall not work dissolution ol the same, but It -ball remain at organized, subject to lw called together nt any time or place that the Republican Kxecutlvo Commtlttu shall desig nate. Ily Carl Shut. : llitctrtJ, We highly commead In a spirit of maguanlmlty and foruitcness the mcu who hato temd in Ihc rebellion ami wbo art now frankly and boncttly co-op rating with ns in restoring peace to tho country and In tbo reconduction of the Southern Slates on the bails of Impartial juitlcoand equal rights, and are recelu-d back Into tbo communion of loyal people nnd that wo am In favor of the removal of the disqualifications or restrictions Imposed on the h'w rebels In Iho taiue meaturo as the spirit of disloyalty disappears, as may be continent with the lately of loyal people. HixJttJ, That wo recognize (be great prin ciples laid dott n In the Declaration of Inde pendence, as tho true foundation of Democratic government, and wo hall with gladness every eflort towards making these principles the)iv 'log rcullty on otery Inch uf American soil. 23T A young lady nt a fashionable dinner party iieaterejl Dr. Johnson with n coniiiidiiim n thing which tho ulufl old philosopher .uttctly iloti'stoil. "Why is tho letter J llko the tjiiil.dl iipriiif;, doctor?" wan the question, and ol courso tho doctor couldn't tell. "Iiecaueo it's tho beginning of June," was tho (solution. "Xow Miss, will you tell mo why tho letter K is like a pig's tnil?" stonily nsked tho doctor. Tho young -i!idy had to give it -up. "Uecatieo it fa the end ,of pork, Miss." Tho doctor was bothered with uonioio conuudtunis. Hk.nuv Mngill of Hamilton, Canada, n gahanizcr of bias, wanting a quiet drink, took by mistake tho wrong hot-. tlo lrom his ovorcoat poekot, and swal lowed a stilT horn of nitrio acid and qujoksilvcr. It stiffened him quicker 'than tho whisky could have dono It. JJyjf hund red emigrants a week, it isVsjU'mateil, pour into Missomi. Thoy take with them, on an average, 1,000 apjece, Five- hundred thousand dol jAreweflkly,itheci,iis,tho rovenuo from immigration of Dlixsouri. -y ... i To euro warts) ajijily nootio acid with a camel's hair brush. Tho acid eimy lflqlfrttiiffli at flniffibtt - 'An object of interest Soc-Thir-the. -XT Ninety-Two Years r r- : . ' d OF UNPAflALLEL PROSPEWTYl ,t - .' 14(1.14 Y INDEPENDENCE-DAY BALL, JULY 3D. l&68p- -AT ROCK POINT. -lo-C-oI-rnun undkhsioNeI) iii:ri:uv OIVIS 1 notice thatlii) will nive n Orand lNUK-I'KNDKSUU-DAY IIAl.t, mi tbo ovenlng or the d of July novt. nt which time ho hopes to renew tho ncJiimliitaucO of all his old patrons, ninl form that of many new ones. Ihcrytliing that will add to Ilia comfort nnd enjoyment ol tbo gucsls will bo provided, I.. J. WllITi:, Proprietor. Itock 1'olnt, Jmm 4th. lBiiH, JiMd. FOUIf TH OF .fULY! ANNIVERSARY BALL. UMO HOTELKERUYYILLE. J ALL I'All iJL Intltcd to mV Ilitll-nt It 1'AHTIES AUK COUDIAI.LY nltend llio Aiiulterinry the ubova named house. In ! K'erhytllle, Oregon, on tbecrculugof .1ULY till, 1808. No CTCMlons will bo spared to make the ptrty such ns all can look back to as one of the pleasant events of July 3d, 18t!8. iEfl-tJOOD MUSIC 18 ENGAGED- FLOOR MANAGERS I W.M. Jl. l'.VANS nnd OKO. K. I.OGAN. OOMMITTCC OF ARRANQEMENTi Ahix wiiiti:. t. r. n.oYD, DAVID KENDALL, II. ItOWLKY. VM. JI. MSI), l'roprlelor. Klrbytlllu Juno 2d, I SOW. Jli-ld. Crover & Baker's' ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY KACHIHES,1 tho best In Uso, ouuowinq nnoosn Therarsnori) iluinlo anil durable i esilcr kept In onUr. uvtksiv.siroti.reri i nml mora twtllc Hitch, a firmer ami 1 i wore beautiful roam tluin nny etlier, I Thejrsctr all I.ilitlc frum Iwn eom- i mo-i spools, ri'iolro iiu rc-ttluilliii;of I lAitau, fJitcu.bolh Jor I Iiu seaiit I r tholr nnu opcrstloti, ami Itiou-ri I every finu ttltclt I cut the nam will I I not rip. i Thoy Stitch, Horn, Foil, I Corel, Bind, Tuck, Quilt,1 Gather, Braid, and Em-' uroiaor. ino othor ma- cliino Embroidors as woll ' s sovs porfcctly. i Crover & Bakcr'cl NEW STYLES I i SHUTTLE MACHIHESl For Manufacturing, 1 1 Com W no Iho laost moJirn and esteo I iibi litiiruirintiiit. n Tho attention Is reoucsted oM Tailors. Mamifactiirers of Hoots 1 1 and Shoes. Carrlaico Trimming. 1 Clothing. ami all others requiring ' i ino uki or ino moiteaccnto Xock Stitch Machines, I To thetoN'etvfitvles, which posses i unmistakable advantages over all outers. i Agea'ta wanted for the sole of the j QROVER U BAKER i SEWING MACHINES, i In eterr Cllv and Town not now re- Irrt-uicu. i vr terms ana circuurs I I BDDir io ii. u. uitiMifij Agrni I Its Monlnomery II,, Jm mnclsca. BOUND TO DO IT! 4D. C. MILLER IS BOUND TO WORK ACCORDING TO THE TIMES. At reduced prices for oath. Ten per cent, discount will bo made on all kinds of work where cash la paid. March 20th, ISS8. mcbZItf Adminiatrator'ft Mtic. Notice is HEnuny oiven TnAT the undersigned has 'teen duly appointed by tbo County Court of Josephine county. State or Oregon, as the Administrator of th,c ctUte of John Carter, deceased, lato'of .Josephine county, OrcRon. All persons havlpg claims against said rttato aro mjucttcd to prewtit them, with proper vouchers, to mo at my retidence near Qrava creek, Joinphlno couuty, Oregon, within six months from tbo date hereof. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to stake Immediate payment. DAVID SEXTANT. Administrator. rQrars Creek, Juno 2d, I8C8. JC-lw. MIM 1 Aro 1 von TM F kfdim;i)WN Ailit' This valuable preparation, containing in n highly concentratctl form nil tho properties tl 3 stnalpa O lng(r,ibtfi bftinnc flHof Itsf melt popdUr domestic renrrjfit for it'dbSffaAi if the stomach and dloestlvo organs. As a tonic, It will be foam) Invaluable to all tiersons recovering from debility, whether pro daced, by feter 'or'othciwltc,forTwhlli IMm parts to the 'syattm nil' the'!dw and titor that can be piodnced by brandy, It Is entirely Ircc lrom tho re-actlonary effeots of spirits of any kind. !rVn 'T It Is nlso an excellent remedy for females who suffer from difficult mcnsturntlon, giviog nlmoal Immetliate relief .to the spasms tbaLso, irrqurniiy accompany inni penoti. it ffivea Immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding iiia.ralltoad.xsr.Ar by sea-lcluns,.or ..other, ca'usw.;- ) iy. f- gJ H 1 & 'M IMs To tahiiWc ns n(1 eSllrnltf applhV tlon lor gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. Rl'DIr.TON k Co., aQG.NTS FOR THIS COAstV Datnl April 24th, 18CT. ap27-yl-lns Stopthat Coughing! Borne you of can't! wc pity jou. Ton bsvo tried ivery remly bnt tlic one destined by It; Intrinsic merit to supersede nil similar prepa rations. It Is not surprising you should be re luctant to try something else, ofier the many experiments you hate made ol ttathy com pounds touted on tho public ns a certain cure; but J Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP Is really tho Vb'UV IlKST remedy ever com pounded for the cure of coughs, colds, tore throat, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and consumption 'I hotisand of people In California and Oregon have been already ben (fitted by tbo surprising cutatlve powers ef Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP and with one neenrd give It their unqualified anprobttlon, We now nddtess ourrelves to nil who are unncu ilntitl with this, tho greatest Panacea ot the age, for the heating or all dis rates of the Throat ami I.ungs, assuring you that Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP has cured thousandi, and it WILL CUHK 'YOU lfnitlrvll. This InvslaiiGltf tnedlcino is pltsMiit tn the J tattt-; lonllilng, healing nnd strcD)tlli(iilii); In ItsdTtTis; entirely free from ull poisonous or I deleterious drum, ami perfectly harmless under ull circumstances. I Crrliflcntcs lrom many prominent citizens of i San I'ranclico accompany every bottle of Newell's PULMONARY iu:uinoton SYRUP. & CO. A genu, San Francisco. Ahead of all ethers ie tho 'Martha Washington HAIR RESTORER. A I'KltrKCT nurt Ju:sTOiu:ii and n.tiit diiujkr Mlll COUllltHMl 1)1 out. Trust no siht r, Imwtv'r lf nl .Non.can ilixlial IliUhstiloiif; Try It n.l ly. k.r II Itn.ol c -U.lliUilMsrsl." - , ,w t . . m l - Twmlr Ikou.Aihl ItMdi rrmlnil os ; ttht kuoUkU.I U'lifcont , )lllllii inur ikkll torn UUIn I us. t ttllli tbtlrtlrtiMII nu.wsJ. Will keep the hair soft and glossy, it cbaags gray balr to Its original color, prevent the balr from falliog out or'get u ting thlo, make old heads look youug, sod do all tbat can be reasonably expected of a gtuuioe, first-rate Ilolr Hestorer. 'All no 4 who bare uicd It, pronounce It superior to everything of. tho kind, and being a .ii ' ' ii dye perfect Hair Dresser s,s, wel at a perfect Try I t Hair Ilfstorer, It Is an acquisition to ev ery 'toilet, IledfngtQn,, Co1'Whou;sI AfttoLs, San Frantlaeo. it. CRAFENBURC UTERINE Catholicon, ?- If faithfully tiacd according ip directions,, n )il cure every case of Dfabetrr , aiid greatW mttl gate tbo IrosWesome effects cawed by a relax alipp pi the outlet of,the bUdijer, It is, a most successful remedy for Oravel'apd other' diseases of the Kldoeys and niadder.'artd for female dis eases Ms unequalled, The' OATHOLT.CON unlformjlycores Prolapsus, Ulerl, Y(bM, all Irregularities of the Monthly Turns, Hunnfcs sloo, IocontlneDcoof Urloc, BrotljogaDddrop steal Swellings, ond'all dlsesseaof Vrrgiiaricy. The specific action of this tnedloioeh immedi-i oteand certain upon Ihe'TJlerine ndAbdora iul Moscles and Ugameiilsl restoring tbem to as healthy a state sltboteIor ebiMbood atd youth, so tbat patients who bve .utedMbcl ORarcNiiita lOoMrAVitVUTMiKK Oatuolh cam cannot soficieatlr eipress tbtir gratitude for the rellsfsuiordeil. , RED1NUT0N & CO., Asjrnts, 416 and 41B, Froat St. Ban Francisco, " r .1 . a ... i. ' ' Kediagtba'sTUvoriagazt'eta rDdfon Frelh Vrolts. Xwh tojtln boMstlcu much as tat other Irwlla lbs markst, eoDisqaeatlr th.y w. tb cbttp Mt and tht UH. VSIHQQTUl. ' ", f j "iisiiriJi -1 ! ; i , California Street (between Oregon and ,- i Third) t Jacksonville f IV DEALER AND WORlCER-IN TIN. SHEET IRON, COPPER ,, ..!., LEAD AND BRASS, KKKI'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND 'an Bsnortment'or'tho best Tin, Shert-lron' and 'Copjicr ware. Urass Pipes, llydraollc Nozxles. Force Tumps, 'Chsfns. im Pipe, Hose, HAllDWAKK, OUTLKIIY NAltS of oil sires. liar, Plato ami ssotird-Iron; 1'alntn. OilsSiW ami Disss; All qualities of Powder; Shot of all numbers; Ilrushesor every variety, etc., etc.: Wooden and Willow Wnre ; Rope, Ilrasj and Iron Wire; HUcksmltti, Carpcotcr ami every variety. Miner's toots of Consisting of Cust-lron nnd Hteel Plows; Helf-sharpenlnir Pcrd Cullers; Ciiuldmns and Iron Wash Kettles; Cultivators, Wheelbarrows, etc. r Stoves. Always on hand a inrpe lot of I'arlor, Cookinu, Ohlco and Cabin H loves, of atsortcil slzis, plain nnd fancy. 'Vonstruclrtl on latest fuel saving plans. Hollers, Kettles, 1'ots, fans, and everything connected willi time stoves, warranted durable nnd perfect. Alt articles sold or manufactured by him, WAURANTKD. Ills work Is" made of the best matrrinl und of ihnleest imttirns. ttjT Orders iitlrnded''lo with dlspiitcli, nnd fillt'd according In directions. He Is dclrrmln td in sell ut LOW I'UIUKI'QH UH. Cull and esaailoc bis -stock beftirc pnrchus ing elsewhere. Sept. M, 1HGC. JOHNilLCER liuiiorttir or Far in liuiilcmctita AND MAOHINEQ. umon LiyjiaiY,, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, 2fi & Comntoch 8 Cawley, Vroprietors. The proprietor have recently purchased lis above well known stand, situated on the corntr urn! SIN t)lreU, Where the very best boises and buggies can be had nt all linn's, ut rcAHiiniUi- rales. Their stuck of roadilirt cannot be itiualrd In the Stale. lioitsns i)OAiti)i:i On reasonable termsrauil the U'st care and at tention brslimtd iikiu I ht m tthllo under I lair charge. AImj IIOIISKS JIOUOHTA.V!) SOU). Iielng satlsllrtl that they can giva satisfaction, the proprletom solicit Ihv patrouago of the pub lie. Jacksonville, NotemUr 24tb, I860. decStf IIO WAKD & SHI III Manufacture to order, DOORS, SASH, BLIND S, DRESSfiDFjLqOjRJNG &.C. Tin-: uxni:it.ioNKD auk manu scTurivgjiilJieJnew iltum.-plsnipK tmll the aliove named and many more articles at preally reduced prices. Sasb of all tiseaon baud or mado to order either glazed or uu glazedgjv.UJjJJScj i;.' ( Mouidln0, from ooefJjajfocKlo a EiXecrorSjould. Orders for these articles, and all tvorkln Car pentering and Building, jlone with dispatch, and In a workman-like manner. 1'ersons who contwmUto ' tujldlqg, wildjdo itejLto.c4ll.qs T7xxae apt caxxxxm: j i)one,ln peatand ,approprlalo manocx. fihop on California street, nar.lbeJbcdge." ,iowAUD&8Mn;n. Jacksonville, NpVt ggtb, '07. nosatf. " ' " ' i - ' t $500. BEWAORB ! , The.Mdfrtlgrwd.would most respectfully call Atbeiattentloa of the puWIoto.Blsusw' 'iMYuar as, j ;, ft j jj I a'baje'fae stock of ' DUOaiES'sujcJ'tEAMS. and excellent Saddle Ttorses', always in i 1 band, as well aa a good supply good supply of feed. And, allying jbaw of publio patronage soJIoU- ed. Tryniel tryiuo! S. PLYMAIiK, .Prssprleter. Jacksonville, July 4, 18U7. jya i taitw i ititt nnarmTis, L If ft! JWD FEED STABLE. s .&.. F M FHENCIIpMEDICL, OFFICE. Dii. icMiit I'KnliACf.T, Doclbr o? Medicine of the Faculty or rris, urmiimio or trio univer sity Queen's College, and'l'hyslclan of 'th6 St. John llaptlsto Society of San Francisco, I)k. rutmi't.T has the pleasure tn Inform pa tients and others reeking Confidential inenleal advice, that he can hu consulted dally nt his ofllce, Armory Hall Ilulldlng!Norlhct totner Montgomery nnd Sacramento streets, San Fraiicsco. .lhoomsNo !),J0,,11( Qrr door, up stairs. cntrancCoii cither Montgomery or Sac ramento, street. 'Dii. PkiiiUI'lt's studies havo been almost ex clusively devoted to the euro of tho various forms of Ncrfons 'and Physical Diblllty, the results of Injurious habits acquired In y nth, which usually terminate fn Impotence nnd stcr rillty, and permanently Induce all tho concomi tants of old age. 'Wsero n secret I nil mil ty ex ists Involving tin happiness of n lire and that or other., reason audi rnoralltydlotato the ne cessity of Its reinotal, lor It is n fact that pre mature decline of the vigor of manhood, mat rimonial unhapplucss, compulsory slugle life, etc., have.tliclr. sources lu causes, .tho gcrni a whlcfirrtJplanlrr'W-e-ulvW6, hud tfuVbllter fruit tasted long nlierward; ptllcnts, litiorlug under this complaint, will cxnn'plaln or ouu or more of Iho following symptoms t Nocturnal Amissions, Pains tu tho Hack nnd Head. Wvnk nets of Mi'tiiory and Sight, DUchnrgu from the Urethra uu nnlnir to stuol or niakltiir water, tho Intelleclaal ructilllcs'aro NYenkeuctl, Loss or Memory ensues, Ideas ore oloiidrd, nnd then Is a dlstncllnstloti tu attend to business, or even tn reading, writing, or society of friends, etc. Tho patient will probably complain of Dizzi ness, Vertigo, nnd tbnt the Sight nnd Hearing aro Weakened and sleep disturbed by dreams, melancholy, sighing, palpitations, lalutlngs, coughs and slow lover I 'While some havu exter nal rLcumitlo pain, and numbness nl the body, Some or tho most common Rvmiitoms are pim ple. In tho race, mid aching-In dlflerenl parts or tnu noiiy. raiiems sunering'rruin nut uiseasi-, should nnuly ImmcdlaUly tu Dm l'Kiniiw.T. elUVr in'purson oi.liV lelter,Aitd be twill guar antee a euro oi nrmiuai i.misiiuus nuu inii Iciico in six to eight wciks. I'atiMiU .suITi ling ,from.tntrlal disease In any stage. (JoiiorthiS, tilevl, Hlrlatures, llulto Ulctrs, Culantolis llriipllntis, clc, will bo in at l smcesifully. All Xyphllltlc and Mrrcurlitl Taints entlit.lv rcirtoveil lrom Iho svilem. Hit, I'Kiuuvi.T'a diplomas aro In hit ofllec whero liatleuts can see Tor themselves that they aru untKr the euro ol a tegular ulucitted prac titioner. The best rclenncc given tr required. l'atlcuta tutTirliig under chrunlo dlH-sre, can call and examine for Ihvmselics. Wv Invite Invcstlgatlnn ; claim not to know etcrythlng, nor tocureetcrybod,, but to do claim that In all caes taken under Irratment we fill HI) our promises. Wc.pirllculi.rly rtquest Ihoso who have tried this boasted doctor, and that adver il.nl phyrlcliiu, lilt nom out and discouraged to call upon us. Low ciuauhM in qncc cinrs. Lsdles suffering trom any complaint Hidden lal to their sex. can consult the doctor with tbo auurauee of relief. FE.MALE AIONTIII.Y 11LI.S. Dn I'ciiiuii.t Is Ihc only agent in Cillfiirnla for Pit. Iliur's rtiualu Mniilhly I'llls, Tlii-Ir immi'iiMt sale hits isiaMMicd lIilr rtixitntluii n it limilu remedy, iiiiiiproitched, inni far In advitnco of eterr ojher mmily rorsiippressi(;n ai)d lirvguUrllli-.. hihI other nlnitiiclloii. In feimiles. On receipt nl lltudnllars. I hem I'illa will Ut sent by mall or etnriM to any part or Iho ttorjd, secure lrom curiosity or ilauingv. IVrsoiw nt it dl'lanci- can i" cured at homo. by uddii-ssliiira li-llrr to Dii lVniuvt-T, corntr of Sacramvntii and Montgomery slreiln, itootns 10 and II, or Itox 'J73. IV O.k S.an .FraijcJscg, slating the eat" mlnutily a pns-lblr, general UBUII" IM IITHIU.UCCUpailOlli (K., etc. May U. 18C8. mZly. CLAIMS! CLAIMS!! AT . ' WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. MY HU8INK8S liJ SUCH THAT I iTJ. wijinreeifurllyb detained In Waslilnc ion Cliy until next Spring hence. I will be enalM Iq attend o all collections entrusted to my care giving them my personal atten tion. All who have claims for collection, or any other legal builuru In.the.AtlaJitle Stales requiring attenlfon.'aro sollcltetl fo forward Ihnn l.9rflvdlately,ljj n,ev Clients, iu4kou CUl4nfy . olJ nti-lani Jns1 premrlqglltlielr paperi-, by applying to D, M. 0. Gault, at my liWrartite.ijii okiwz Address 13 F. DOWELL, Washington Clly. D. 0. .sector of;,, BEAMTY. USE a.,1 GEO. W. LVIKD'S il'iiK fiofi smooth. Tan, Freckles, and aUvther dim. qratfrif MM 0f"3).rnggUti and uFanoH Goods dealer muvi. whh-e,1 - - r Marsh 7oih,ljHs'; , m,ch Mj J 4otlt? to WefelfcSa? Q k rpiE '8ACRA1IE.NT0 ' Biv, 11 L. .'. ..'.!.'. ' ,1 lltoad b ifu ," ' . WAGON uw.?r Ap.ni.Tiio mad T;,u0,,n.,: ",n win w m the bast of ,nTi Ul ,WJ wv--sk I . "- -"fiV IVMi 1UI.1 mlf.-3ra I STPPTHAlJ-jFIEIfip OF AOOUQHI It is 'steatinjr'from vou vour iheftltli, which is .dctirpr to you than all your ;wealth. Nino, tenths of the discnBos. prevalent in this (climate spring from Colds and Coughs. JK OYdLL BALSAM 1 Chllef e the 'WotUl To produce anything In tlie shape of Medicines tbat will remove ami cradioato n Cough rrr sore ness In-lhe Chest, ns prompt, no mutter what rorm llio dlscnso might nssuinc. ' IIkm kt's UdrAt. IUwiM" Ii tho best Mcdlclns Iti'the-. world for Dronchlal or Fulmonary.nffectloiw For Croup Or Hooping CoUgh, there Is nolhlne on earth that can ejiual It, All mothers nnd nurses ought to hnve n bottle close by them It will give n rhlbl relief In tttti minutes. It Is entirely vegetable, and it III prove u blessing to, tbo human family, For the Benefit of NuiTerliig Hu ntRMltjr. From Mr. Th6miu. Wc have used Hcnloy'M ttoynl Ilalsam In my family this winter. There Is no use In talking)' ' It throws uvervthlng In lht thnpo of Coiiah Meillclnc In the shadn thut I Over saw. My wife was trontileil with nsthmn or sntolherlng spells for years, and ctuld gut nolhlng o haw any cfTect villi) I struck this" Itnynl Ilalsam. ,f She Is now about well. It cured me of the' worst cold I uver luul In my llfu In one nlgbt, U'heuvvcr tmr children havu anything kG a Cough, n rtv drop gltvn on gtlltig to bed, that It list last uf tin cough. 1 never Intend to be without lu Ihv house. It. THOMAS, Ihc paper mac. From Judgo Marquam. 1 have used " Henley's Itovitl Ilalsam " nm self and In my faniljy, nnd llml It n llrsl-rate mi'dlclna for Coughi and Colds. I hereby re commend It to the public. P. A, MARQUAM. From Mr. Fittock. W hare used some of " lluulny's lloyul UhI sim " In my Inmlly. and Ililuk ll . n splendid medicine for children, as well as lor grotto per sons, for Coughs nnd 'Cold., I freely recom mend It to the public. R. PITTOOK. From F. DoWitt, Merchant. To the I'iiMIc I had a bad cough for a long llmo. A friend urged nni lu get a Imttju of Henley's Itnynl Dultam." Ho said It cured him, I got n bottle, mid snro enough It had a splendid elkct. It dried Iho cough up In a short lime. I hereby recommedd It tu the pub lic. r. IMVITT. Fnr sale In Jaoksonvllle by 8UTTON k. STUAKNS; AT ROUK POINT HY ocl26-tf. J. J. WHITE. PACIFIC OOLLEGhE, MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, POST STIUBET, Ik'twccn ilontgomory & IConrnj-, PAN FRANCISCO. The Importance of a thorough and practical bushiest training for tboso whocoiitenplate entering tbo mercantile profession, is loo well known to require mucli comment. Without such knowledge, the young merchant will be come Involved In many embarrassments wbtch might otherwise be avoided. The youthful as pirant will Una hlnmcll turiouiiduil by luestrl cable difficulties, both In seeking a situation, ond In tho discharge uf its duties iifier employ ment Is Obtained. Tolmvo n-oeived Instruction nt a meicuntlle college, endorsed by the lead ing merchant or thu oily. Is more uflvcllre In winning the f(ivor and coiifldcucu of it business llrtn, than all tho letters or Introduction Which friends can give, Tho PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. lu.iiuam n rcnuiai on tnr timmnn thoroughness and' aysiematio training, far suriutsdni; tknt of a piosr similar lusittutlou on tbo il'u tbo il'ucIBo coatt, Most or tho leading merchants of this city hva employed graduates from Ibis College, and bear testimony tn the Dracltcal efflelencv of thu course here prescribed. Tno stsU-m of actus! practice t'lobracts all tho varied operatlpntof real buslneM. A adiks1 Dfci'AHTHK.NT ll lately IkcIi added tn this popular Institute, This spirit oi eutciprlMi ebnnot fall todraw forth tho yrcll-vvUbcs or tlivipubllc. Address for all Informalfon, ' '' VINSON n A HKR' A PgLAQUNA'.. I '" i ,ji ii in iflija i . i ' i hi mil I i i! i V I. CARD. n.fr' h.""lJfJJltd. mertbtiiti .od tutlacw tssa cf Bn ITr.neUco, CsllfwaU, are at lb prcMnl Itoseat !lL,'!wvn',IL?.,ucB,,,,,,l'll'',' CiS "..'?"! ,MA )lftaJlwi wslwyta-Ht VccouUnUUp ,anU the (o.l prluluM vt Vviatu, teffilUter'uX.' '"" tr"P,,1 WiictfuUyKiiiguU'Ui.JCoUfSs ukslimtawr pinion, .o linilintlou v(alrlmlc uisrlt, .ml sll wortbj f lbs coutliltBco ao4sup(H,it of lb community. Roman, A Co., IiKM STIiAl'M) Co,, J. II, Cooiiili.1 Co.', J. K. I'jtom: Co.stinkntai. Lire Ins, Co., Wm. hi Cootii' Co,, I I Dinkei-si-bii,, PVCK & TcRNKlt,' I. S. Viv Wiviir, March Visit, '69 BQSIKIgg uj- .,r