i I THE OREGON SENTINEL. .. JTOn TUB VKKSIDKNOY IN 1808, VIA'HVRtl S. IIUANT, Or Ht ttltTB tTttM. "Well dona, Ihoii good nn,l hatful .errant." The peo ple hrit rewsrJ. fur patriot. punlihment fur traitor.. I'OIl Till! VIOK l'UIMinK.VOV, MCllUYt.RH (UII.KAX, D. M. C. GATJLT. EDITOIt. SATunnAY Mokmi.vo, Juno 27, 1808. '.Tuk Dramatic Chronicle has been "saasctl" by tho spiritual "organ," nnd.gocs alter tho editor with a bunch of nettles in its peculiarly soothing way. It suggests that his ghostship is entirely too coarse anil tangible, ami not sittlloiontly cthorial for tho dis charge of his spiritual duties, besides being a blockhead. Tho old-fashioned "spirits" didn't "used" to frequent cellars, gorgo themselves with " liussian Caviar" and Uologna sausage, washed down with sour beer. Thoy wore dig nified chaps, with a sulphury smell that talked hifalutiu, and didn't " sass " people. Ticicu.vo Tin: NiaoKits. llrick has commenced tickling tho colored gen tlemen of tho South into tho ranks of tho "white man's" party, Ho re marks that most of tho Southern ne groes "are more refined than the Rad icals in Congress." Hoy syeet they smell since thoy havo commenced vot ing tho Democratic ticket in Georgia ami South Carolina! All wo havo to say is, .that any uufortuuato darkey less refined than " llrick," is only fit to start a dunghill with. Xo Fouirnt. Tho fellow that runs thq Albany (Oregon) Democrat is not so patriotic as ho was before tho elec tion. Ho says " tho Fourth of July is not of much force anyway let 'er rip." Ho is one of tho chaps who thinks tho mantle of Washington has fallen on Jetl.'s shoulders, nnd that Leo is fully entitled to tho garment that was divided under tho Cross of Calvary. Could tho "Fourth" havo occurred bcfoio tho Juno election, ho would have sung another song. Tun Dcujocracy aro evidently look ing ahead. Since their Governor in California got on tho spree with tho Clitnamcn, tiiat sagacious old party Wanted. Fifty thousand people I Men, wo men, and childrcn,-!-tho musolc, tho bono and sinow of tho country, aro wanted to como and share tho thou sands nnd thousands of Oregon acres that Ho idlo without nn owner, and to be had for tho asking. Yes, nu hun dred thousand are wanted, and there is room for them all. Wo want thorn to come and till tho richest wheat laud in tho world, and enrich themselves by helping to fill tho World's grana ries. Thoy aro wanted to dolvo bo uoath our mountains for tho veins mid pockets of gold and silver, to how down our forests, to mine our coal, to build our cities, mid to spread tho civ ilization of the age. Thoy aro wanted to leave the rigorous climates of many of tho States east of tho llocky moun tains, and help us to enjoy ono where flowors blossom from April to Decem ber. Millions are working elsowhcro tor bare subsistence, striving from ono end of tho year to tho other, battling against the elements, struggling for baro existence timid climatic disadvan tages, asking cold, barren or exhausted soil to vield when it cannot. One quarter of tho labor and thrift of tho Eastern farmers applied in this climate to tho fruitful soil of Oregon, would soon insure wealth and independence. Wo want population. Europe is crowd ed. There is room for them here. -Many of tho Atlantic States aro over do wing with unrewarded labor; let it come to tho far West, where the rich grain laughs in tho world's golden sunset, and hunger and cold ami star vation are strange words; and where homes lartre enough to support ami , Knllread Mnttcra. Heretofore wo have givon onrttno quivocal support to tho railroad scheme that is projected in Washingtonto' connect Portland in this Stntowith the great overland route. The .most substantial reason yet offered, hasbecn tho imtuenso additional aid that would bo given to the " Oregon Central " by a consolidation with n company having a government 'subsidy of thirteen mil lions of dollars. Thinis tho main rea son why wo desire tho passage of tho bill, but thero aro others equally as weighty and worthy ol consideration. Tho proposed route scorns to bo a source of considerable local and petty jealousy, and our only regret is that overy editor and every farmer cannot havo a road run right by his door, and a special train always at his command, at tho present expensive rate of con struction. Those who furnish tho cap ital necessary to build railroads, look to tho future as well as to the present. Thoy nnturnlly inquire into tho resourc es of the country through Which their projected lino is to run. Thoy calcu late tho uitiiibcr of square miles their road will drain without the danger of competition. Ilailroads are built more with n view to tho future command of the tradoof States than to the present uc coinmodation of insignificant localities. It is for this reason that the bill in question has so many friends in Con gress. When it is considered, that lying be tween the Cascade range to the cast of this and Umpqtia vnllies, and tho llltio mountains, there is a territory equal in area to two such States as Connect icut, or nine such as Ithode Island, nud enrich any family, can bo had for the capable of supporting n population taking. certainly equal to tho former, it Is not surprising that u railroad through it is looked on with favor. It is idle to Don't AnvKKTMK. Don't it is very foolish and expensive. Tlioro who do are continually being annoyed by persons risking to look at goods, besides being put to the trouble of re newing their stock during tho year Those who don't certainly have tho advantage; they save money, which enables them to sell cheaper, but sell so llltio that thoy aio obliged to get an exorbitant profit. They nre not annoyed by inquisitive people desiring to examine their goods, and have tho pleasure of always having u full stock LETTER FROM B. F. DOWELL- Wasiiinotok, D. C, ) Juno 1st, 1808. I ' TIIK STllKWINtJ THK OKAVK8 OK UNION 80LI)iBI!8. , 'On Saturday last, at Arlington Hights,' near this city, were of tho most Bolomn nnd imposing character. Tho crowd was variously estimated from three to five thousand persons. Tho decoration of tho graves of de ceased relatives and friends has been a custom in many countries from time " Vhcrcof tho memory of man runneth not to tho contrary." If this bo appro priate, surely those who laid down their lives in tho defence of their country should havo some tribute paid to their memories. Alio commander of tho Grand Army of tho Itepuhlic, General John A. Logan, some time ,ago issued an order to deeorato the graves of their comrades. Tho first paragraph is in these words : "The 30th day of May, 1808, is des ignated for tho purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decoration. the graves of comrades who died in de fence of their country during tho late rebellion, and whoso bodies now lie in almost in every city, village, nnd ham let churchyard in the land. In this ob servance no form ot ceremony is pre scribed, but posts nud comrades will, in their own way, arrange such fitting services and testimonials of tespecl as circumstances may permit." Long before one o'clock, the time designated lor the commencement of the exercises, tho old mansion house of General Leo was crowded. Among tho number were; General Grant and family, iMnj. Gen. Hancock and stall', Mnj. Gen. O. O. Howard, Gen. Logan, nud various members of Congress. Hon. James A. Garland, of Ohio, de livered an appropriate oration. He re viewed tho causes which brought tho bones of fifteen thousand men to rest on thee hights. Ho eloquently pic tured the great impulse which led them to eouileinc life into an hour, and to eiown that hour bv jovfullv welcom iug death. A little Hag with the thirteen stripes Its soil is richer than that I mnltliirty.tlin.-u stais was planted on say that this region is not a valuable one. Tho altitude is much less than that of the Great Salt Lake valley. Its climate is much lcs seveiu than that of neaily overy State north of the fortieth parallel, east of the llocky I mountains HOSKIIUWI, OON., JUNK 23d, 1808. A committee appointed, to nurvey and locate tho Cooso Bay Wagon n'j i..nvo completed their work, nnd report the instance about 00 miles from this plaeu to available navigation. The comtnlttco WnTo favorably im pressed with tho general character of tho country through whic'j tho road passes. A grand celebration will bo had at Oakland on tho coming fourth. -The people of that part of the county will spare no pains to render the occasion a pleasant one. A few arrivals Irom lioliemia, report tho snow too deep, there for mining, consequently there is not much done' yet towards dovclnpiug tho richness of the mines in that region. B 0MA J3T0H COME. SIIH'I.EV Horn, In Jacksonville, June 21M, to the wife or T. II. D. Bblpleyi a daughter. FIXED TO STAY. VOOAN-OUAIIAM Married, In Yruka, on the 23d Inst., by Itev. Itobt. McCullough, Mr. Ja. II. Vogan, ot Rough and Heady to Mlu Mar Jane Graham of the eaaio place. Although a telegraphic expert, the lightning of n pretty pair of oyei nan too much lor Jim. May the eonrurlion never bo broken, and the now happy follow nercr And hlmnclf In a itatc of iniuhtion again ; and If over obliged to tight It out on that lint, mny ho ninny win. GONE. IIOKFMAN-Wed, In I'ortland. on Thursday morning. Juno IHIh, MIm Elisabeth Hoff man, In the eightieth year of her age, a na-' live of Ualllmoru, Maryland. The deceaicd formerly reilded In thli place with her brother. Mr. Wm. Hoffman, where elio haa many re latlvea and iciiniiiiliiiice. NEW TO-DAY. FOU of any of tho Now Kuglaud Stntoe. i .i. !....-! i ..i' : li. i mm mi: iiimii iiniu in us Willi unities I each grave, and neaily all werestiewn with Unworn. XcaicH tho old man- ""-""""""v'-i i -I it and clover leaves no doubt that It only 8," m)U0 '!' ,,,u n,m lMV "re ll,t'01"- o it the wheat ' t'u-tt "" ' unknown soldiers. ! requires tilling to mak field of the Pacific. Kuiigration is crowding have started n whisky distillery at Ws?,!irJHQWir,,.s1o1.thnt1,"Jol,n" on hand. Sometimes their stock be- ''-'"'grntion is crowding wen ward ----- O" -- ........ w ...MM- lUHIlB UIU, .V MU ......,.. ..... .. , . , . . .1 .1 1 . . - -11 I ....... I..J lain ocioro leaving Ills native shore, mifl rrriiuUinnod ilmir i.nll 1 .!...!.. t values iiko mat ot MiraL'tiu river. w n- - ! wilt nun mivii i . . o-- ------ old clothing comes in fashion about i v-nowacan ami Link river will not nt every twenty years; so they always have a full atom and feel rich. There lore, don't advertiso it is so foolish. Tho fact leaves no doubt of tho inten tion of tho Democratic party to make voters of the Climcso as soon as tho raco is sufficiently demoralized. Haiti.vo. Since Mrs. Stowo passed through here, rapping has become quite common. Wo heard of a " rap pist," who tapped lightly on a door tho other evening, and tho spirit with in enquired, " Is that you, Sam?" A few evenings ago, a "spirit" weighing about ono hundred nnd soventy pounds was seen leaving tho samo promises, followed by a eouplo of shots from a rovolver. tract It. It seems as If Nature intend ed tho mining population of scorched and barren Nevada and Idaho to draw1 ' their supplies, flour, bacon nnd tint this jber, from this region; and tho time is approaching when they will do so. Aside from topographical reasons,' the great importance of this region of ' country and tho certainty of its early doveloiiiiient nnd iw-piiii-iIihii nr.. ... I torrents for eight or nine hours, nud .vlnclne and substantial,.. 1,.. .i... I saturating the earth completely. Had , jt 8I0U(1 )L travcrK.(i by a branch of Hkavy Uai.w On Monday, valley was visited with the heaviest rain that has over been known to fall in this region during tho Summer. It was no summer shower, but n good old-fashioned rain, coming down in Tuk San Francisco Examiner says: "Tho Web Foot State has covered her oli with glory." Sorry we can't say at much for the "Tar Head" State. At the last election sho got her gar ments be-dniggled in the filth of De mocracy, that only tho showcro ol ' l)e rca''!teJ' it fallen two weeks earlier, tho benefit to ourcrops would have been immense; but it camo just in time to do no good except to very late grain, nud much harm to early grain and nuw mown ,nay. iiikuii altogether, tho present has been the most extraordinary season , over experienced by our farmers, not withstanding which, u lull crop will the raclflo railroad. There is a larife area of productive land in Northern ' California that has not entered into I this calculation, that will bo equally1 benefitted bv tln pniiiirmiilnn ai ii.t. I - ..,.. --j .... vw .... uii w, hum There is a granite monument erected over the grave ol thuxo unknown sol diers, nud the'eereinonies around it was trill) solemn, na-mno wip ,.. anil girls sang u mournful song, and then nearly covered the monument with flowers. .Some of them were beau tifully madu in tho shape of hearts mid liiouio. After this they repaired to the general grave yaul, ami wagon loads of flowers were stiewn over the graves of our gallant dead. As I loainciT through tho grave yard on two beautilul white sign boards I read : " Through nil rtebellloii' horrori, urlght ililiK'n our ualiou'n fume, Our gallant roldlern perUblug, Hare won a iltaltilu name. The hopvn, Hie fcara. tho blood, the tear, That niark'd tbo Miter itrlfe, Aru imw all crowned by victory That mvM the Nation' I lie." CASH. 1. FISHER I BROTHER, roiiNuit ok Cullfurnlii ami Oregon Streets, JACKSONVILLE, Hare on band i - - ALL OVER The wiJrM ftopU of mm nd Judgment bm Utrnvd 61 PLANTATION BITTER. . Dyimnla, With III ijaiptonu, llitdath. tttHbnniy JTfTetf.li Up. B.l nreth;s.ll!w Complloo, t " ew bt tor.l by wipe rust ITIonJlmiM. Thli 'I. lit huat nHrii lonle orihe n. To., mltMle-iJl and !, are tl.llghlwl with In fi,. The Srit If ll !; hu a mukt good effect. No th.nire of Jlet U vrcetmrr. KM alt rm wUh, nt the belt and moil tiutrttlow fenl. ' It l the KTMteit ore "rkmmnfiranoT.rloiin'erfuil dl.lrMl motmcIi, which II relieve I a f.w momenta. We know that we hare the beat an-l Moat Tmnuliir nnd. Iclne In Ihe world. We are not afraid to .how what It r compoeed of. rimicliii Aai ceMrtlUB to atcoxMtND ir. ClUatTA max haa been celebrated fur n.ertwo hun dred jeara, ami waa aohl dnrlna; Ihe reln nt lnil. XVI King or franee, for Ihe e normuu. price nf Ita own weliht In .llror. II It remarkable for Dripepala, reren, Weak, neat, Conitlpallon, Ac. OtiCAaiiu Dtaaror Diarrhea, Colic, and dleeaaea el the itomach and bnwela. luiciuot. tor InlWmatlon of the llm and Droo.l. Ml AITrtllont. r Chamomili FLOWt.i-For enfeebled dlj.illon. Ltriieia riowtai-Aromatlc, illmnlant and Ionic hlhlr Intliroratlna; In nerToaa d.Ulllr, Wi-rTiaoatix-Vor Scrofula, nheumatlim, Ac. Akiii An aromatic rarmlnatlret crMIIng ll.ib, mna. cl and milk) much uied by mother, nur.lng. Alio, ekira-boda, oranje, earawar, corraadcr. make fool, c. Another wonderful Ingredlwt. r Fpanlih otliln. m. parllnu beauty to the mmplealn an.l brlllknor In the mind, la jat unknown to Ihe com ro nre of the world and wi wlthhulit It. name for lha pre.enl. With Ihli tecliw before Ihe roniniiinlfy, and erUanrea of effect, meeting Ihem on all aldea. the mmmm ttbiu DiiAti aland, f ximlixl iioii the rick of truth. -Almeet eerjr family haa enmo raaoif auff.rlng which Ihe fUiiM. tlol lllttiaa will elletlate and cure. They are recommended by the Mfti.it meillnil anlhorl. Ilea, and are w.rr.nle.1 la produce an Immediate Un.llcl.l effect. Tlieyar exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pr andharmleaa Kottci-Any perKn pretending to ..II Plantation Dll. lera In bulk or by the gallon la a awlndler ami Iminalor. It la put up only In nnr rcaMn hollle. Ilewareof UtIU. reAllnl with Initiation dele trrlnua .luff, for which .eterilf peraona are alrewly In prlaou. Heo that etery Imille haa our Unlleil Slate, .lamp over the o.ik unmnlllaled.and oar .Ignalure un .lecl plale llde label. Boltl br rr.orctable dealer. Ihrouahuul lh. .....Ii.l.l. gieve. P. II. DRAKE, L CO., JYew York, Nolc Pfnp'ri. KKDI.Vi; 0 L ID,, linn rrnncliro. a fiKinTH run cAT.immiei a and nkvada." U necc.ttate the vny is it that the (Jail lias hiicIi sad through w ""'"'i'l'.-"'' u ,,m ' " Army?' river vnlllw, lin ' . !' K' .l ft" '"'"l ra a ' "'. '' nest November can cleanse. Fitoji tiii: Coam-.AVu aro obliged Tni: JZiiterprite thinks the negro j tolt. Dunn, Iv,., of Crescent City, for equality question in all a huiubmj mo ioi owiiil': "On tho 13th Inst, tho How can that be, when tho Democrats ,,oilcr of tuo l-'ai saw mill at Trini- of outh Carolina hayo just decided, "aJ wploded, killing a man named tljat llcvcrly Nash, tho black Peinoii-1 'r,,l,l,er ",,J wouiirling two othere. tliencs, is as good as any other Demo-1'10 m'" wns completely wrecked, and crat, by electing him to tlio State Sen-1 l w"' rc'l"'ro a tonsideiablo sum to ate? Tin: Dramatic C'firoiiMa makcH the road; nud thin, together with tho fact ' following pertinent enquiry: ,tnat It will impel and neccitate the " Why is it that the Call has hiicIi construction of a road Sacramento nnd Pitt procure i u mo irionn v nil nf tii. '....... ,. . i i n tti i ? t ".. luugui ir uie union are reiiro- whole California delegation. Its pan-, bates and 'diuuks' who line the Pro ago is only a question of time, nnd wo "i'llo waJ with staggerer V Why i havo tho best nutliority forsavincthatl il tl,,ttt ,,,v Gil ,luvcr ,0WSfft 0,,"Ct' i .iii t .i ii . ,'?, to slur nny ol tho great men, who aided it will bo tho very firat projected road ' ,.iti,nr i.. ii, .,.ii .i... ,.i. r 1VI1I. Ill Whv U ' Wi: learn from a religious cxclinuge tliattho "Dovil" is going to hold a camp meeting shortly. Oregon would bo an oxcellcnt field for him, as it now lias quite a democratia majority. ..Puooiiemivk. To keep np with tho doinauds of tho age, an enterprising harbor in Sou Francisco brushes hair with machinery. MIoiiemia Mines. A saddle train l?avcs Oakland every week for tho ijlohemia " quartz mines in Douglas county. y 3DK. O. P. IT. Plummer. of Albany. has been nppointed to the Chair of I ucim8iry in mo iiieuicai jiepartment of tho Willamette University. Tuk President has given no intima tionuhat tho resignation of Secretary 3lqCiillotigli would beacceptible. .Vf. 31. Evnrts was nominated by tli'o President on tho 22d as "AtfJornoy Oencral. put it in running order again. A'jout the samo date thieo men names not learned were, drowned in Humboldt Hay, by tho upsetting of a boat while j on a sailing excursion. Ckntoai. licmo-A telegram from Strong's Canyon, eastern slopo of tho Sierra Nevada, announces that at twon-i ty minutes past 8 o'clock Inst evening, tho last splko was driven into tho last tlo to eloso up tho gap in railway com munication between California and iNovada. Ior six miles cast of the Summit tunnel the snow had hitherto prevented the laying of tho connecting rails. Tho Central Pacific Railroad is now in running; ordor from Sacramento to Hono, a distance of 154 miles. Contiiacj Awaiidkd. We learn that tho Fort Klamath grain contract has been awarded to H, J. -Jadd, of Portland, au.d Jacob Jsh of this valley. Tho figures aro uot mado publip. ery tirct projected road to receive aid from tho Government. either in tho council or the PUttfllK down tilt rebellion? it that this tuner tiraiscs rOueiM. and llt ItAvc MM.. f- nbo ut a lo- l .. ., , ,,anV. l I v.i!li,le8 ,0yni , wy i8 l that nuout a uosen boys in this town that I this mean-spirited and unprincipled or- ft'Yfays make It a point to nttend all gan syiupathiites with the persecutors publio gatherings except church, where ! ' Negroes and Chinamen, and wants they loso no opportunity of making a to mvo aP Vi"ty ol. ?P. ofl!.orea for Ul noise and a disturbance.7 Thov nsofhe ' JS SS ,.f "1. t,,,.th.! ? lowest obscenity and most disgusting; tho Call is more destitute of anything profanity, and that, too, In the presence i iiko a humano.or generous impulse, is Si:iFn rr ono hail hn.i bYnn relca-icd on $20, I A nkw theatrical paper called " Fi Igaro " has mado its appeanuice in San r-raiiciuro It in devoted to theatrical OiiAvoie nuttier, and eirciilutr-d gratiiitoiil. Will'- mh of ladies nor can anybody rebubo them without being insulted. "Wo havo been requested to name these young fellows a thing that will bo done If wo over have to recur to this subject again, for forbearanco has ceased to bo a virtue LAUOIl JtuWAIIDBD. Fox. Pattv .fc vo., wno were running a tunnel in tho hill facing Aliens gulch, in Josephine County, send us word that thoy have "I,,vi"u m'mmi "w wiin uncupay, thero being a very largo bed of gravel which prospect threo bits to the pan. Good Woiu$.-r-TtiQ splpndid planer ot iioward & ptmHU u turning out plan ed lumber at ft fearful 'rate. On floor ing, it performs the work of ten men. ' m HiiAUitY, Tho dootora aro complain ing that there is nothing to do, Wo like to scu overvbodv busy, but must ;nuko an exception in favor of Doctors. I'OIl A "l.Vll(l.IK.NTrttH-n 'ili.-ciucnl in lod.'iik3ue. uiuru uuvoiu 01 nairiotism or inii.-i nimity, is moro base, sottish, sordid and contemptible, than any paper that ever succeeded in gaining n foothold in a civilized community. That is tho only answer to these quorios that wo can furnish, It any ono elso can do bet ter, jet hini try." Perhaps it is becauso tho Editor keops his soul in a " peanut" shell J Rki-orted. ThoCommitteo appoint ed'to view and measure the proposed Itoscburg and Coos Bay wagon road have 'mado a report thereon; Thoy represent tho rOnto-as favorablo and make tho distancq to tide wator about sixty miles. m i Tiik Dramatic Chronicle remark that'" wo tako.defoat with a stiff upper lip." It may add with a .stiff back bone, also. A LARGE -STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AMD SHOES, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, CUTLERY. CROCKERY, Etc. All of -which will bo sold AT REDUCED PRICES. , , , . A. K1SUKR A. lino. Jcktonle.June23tlt, 18(18. Jmri7.tr ARMY SUPPHES. OmcK or tuk A. 0. 8., Ft. Kumatii, I Oukuov, June tii, 18(18. f OEALEO I'ROI'OSALS, WIII0II MUSTDE kJ In clunllcatf. will Lm r-l.l .1 Ikt. r.m.. until 12 o'clock. Mm op WeduenUy. the 8th Jajr of July, 1868, for tuppljlup 43,477 Iba. of uvmi ivi mo ubo oi ioe iroop i toll pott. Tee flour mutt be of (be twit braud. fu 40 or 100 lb. mcIm, to bedellmtd al the mill or place of !8eonorberortt,tbe Wtb Uay of Auguil, 1808, and to be aublrct to lniKcllon at point v. BQI..CT7 uciure uiug received. The blda muititate the price In coin per lb. at nhleh lbeHourwlllbel.irol.bed. each proposal " be h exact aecordance.wllh Ihe lerun it ibin uo- e...rKr:v"' .u,nil0f . rantee of twu ...r..,vlo nice, mai toouid contract be K' f,n'"tor will ,e ..t,f.Vtory bondi for tirlct eomnl m.. iik .. 1. ' y lrcl BhMw BiViy prent ;,;be9' To. OftMld?. The. tlnlli-,1 .sm re.ervM Ik! MF.XH-AN MINTANO I.IMMnNT, Themeilliuf lhl I.lnlnifhlatf .U'keewn. Itaiffccta are In.lantanrtni.. enotltliia-, aitl ernn-leiriil. Cult, tnihe., apraln. ami wrlllnti.nrf MiroiniiMn.aad rettaln to ireor In nitty baJlr, dial a Ullle if IM Lin iment I. tho be.t lne.tment th.t nn lm ntur. It I. nmri- rerlalu than Ihe iktlur It Mr. lime) In en-line for lliv 0.-IPrll la cliMer Hull the UuCler, and iliuiil.l lie er kJlaen.eJ nllli. UKAII TIIK roixo.riNUt " I take f.leaanre In rernnimerKllnir the Meilcan lu. tans l.lnlm.nl a. a ealiiakle ami lii4liienaaUe ailkla (or Sprain., Suree. Srralclire, it (lall.un llur.ee, Our In.n have ii.nl It for Horn., Uriil.e., Sure., Illieiimallini. Ac . ii.LII a-V 11 l. Ilkp music." J, W. Iltiiitr, (reman tJT American, Well., larju'e aii.1 ll.riei.n'. Kprra. in. .praiimi ni uiiir.-. ai.ki., m,Iou-.I hIJI. katlox Uai lnier, km enllrrlf c.irr.1 It, ..11. ,ek.an.r ali owiineiice.1 ii.Iiiic ..urcel.l.rle. Jlu.taiig Lliili,..nl." OI.Micater, Maa., Aiuuit I, lll. ii,. DmTl , i Q."l'! V1 ,ur" " ""'n'y l- All rennlne I. erai.MJ Ir. Heel .latneuirratlD.fa, Uaih.r the aliiiiature .if U. w. Mlbru.k, Cheiiilal, an.l Hie piUale C. M. ai.uiii of bi M lUBXt.A On. i.ier. imi. ' An eflori l.-i. veil iim.1. I.. OHiiiierr.il villi atbaap Sell bjr all Drujjlm, an.l Store, al ii, (0 cl. anJ II. l.Yttft'H FI.KA IHIWOKR. II I. well known that I.jun". Ocmilne Maim.lli- rvnriler v.111 rfrfMil,.irT.yeerllilnK In ihe I.h rf II.... I Iclie. InllHijia, hiarhea, Ac4 Ihatlll I. irfKl lu the In.act till.. I.ul e nilreljr L.nul,,. u ihe kuaitn ai. tlea aivl uVtnie.llc animal.. - IMbtife. Arili, ll-cli... .it, are In ei.rr liu.e Tlila INrtiler I. Ih.lr natural deatfi, II ihvuhl I- In ererrcur- laMhta i ni0".? L!.R.'"-:l-.fiH'lili''lent of Ihe.NewVerk City ll.4tal, M.aj "It lathai.nlr.ureailJ.le we hi. ei.r u.f.1." ir to Hutu raoraiiroM .ay i LYON'S MAGNI.TIC "We bare ueJ rowuEit for eitermlnatlng ImKla anJ eermln, with entire .alia, facllvn. CniHNAN A HrKTHns-. Attnr IIhiim. 8.T.CozzKH, Ami-rlcan lloi. Acknui k. Trkaiiwhu. SI. N(cbola lintel. S. Uum &. Co., .Mlriiinlimi Hiii-. Tealluioav rf ihla character might be a.tlJ la an lenitli. W ltereer, It la u.e. It al. rl I... Il.elf. The genuine haa the .Unature 'f K. I.iox. an.) the '"! ''"P of ! IIM A Co. Anethlnf tlM oT Ihla kiml I. an Inilutkai ur ivui.l.rf.ll. An iliu. flat will I'rucure Ihe (ciiuliit If jmi In.l.l nu will hate no other. Ml brail rhriifil.u an crneial elorekrprfin aitry town and wlujlng camp on the raclOeCoaat. ' botJO-jIJ Strayed. FBOM the tutjecrllwr, at Hunter'- old ferry, one horn-) of a light bay color, wllh a olar It. hla forehead and a lip or white on Ihe oat IriKlienvy build and henvy eliort neck, wllh addle nnd Inch mnrk. and balr haveil off.by breechltnr ; heavy black mane and (all. the Ut ter reaching about o tbo hock. AUo a dap- pi uj raare 01 .longer and UKhlerr build lata the bortotillb oo white, plainly vlilble. like wlw tbnred with fho breichlne, witn tall cut clTKjuare, with neck long and light; aire lx year old. The hor.o In rlx or aeven yean old and will jump a Inw fence. Any perronlfladlng.tbe above dercilbed bore or mare and will brine tbnt to the owner or eend him to.the.owqer will be liberty reward ed. Any peraort wanting to c;nd' word to me dlarect to Iiock Point, Jackton Ca 0n. OLK8KVERSON.- " ",.- - ,...,..,, MtllC f.giiii oraeci any aud all blda. The expetuea rfiSaTiUSr -I. the unsigned . F0r,Kl.r.,rOrt J. P. SMALL, lit Lieut; in uav., a. (J. S Floub Wantro. Lieut, Small nil vcrtiscs to-tlay for 8.1,477 poumlH of flour for 1-ort Miunnth. Horcisan op inrluiiit I'm niiiiii-oih-(o ri-t lii-ji. upon eaay terra. 9 '" ngnmmu For particular., Inqnre , f . 7? , 0. JACOBS, .inn.'? ir '"'fliilk.Ojfi, CHURNS, MENDENALL'S PATENT, fPHS-CirURNS AHE NOW BKING'MANUi X factured.by Iioward tt JbmUh In Jackton-Tlle- The public are Invited o call asd exam ine tbem. The fad tbat (hey will ekurn but ter In the abort apace or from tweriojv? ln utea, will convince Ue mmt MnilkaW ihitltw are far tuperlor lo anything of the kind ever before offered to Abe public. Tbey.are berldei, elf cleaners, no oruMng or wahing by band necoeMiry to Leop ibem .vrfcctly cleau. G. a BLOOD. May 29Ui, 18I?V r jtu.tfj TVTAVINOtOn tbc7h ut dlipoied of my ll Butcher rJbop'to MeHra. Sorck Ileyer, I bepttk for , them IbeMttooajre beretefore extended to the houie. Thoae Indebted to me by note pr book apcoupt will please come for Kardnd tetile. I can be lounil at tho old taut, with llm hob. ii n t f furthor notice. JniilSwa ,I0IIN OHTII,