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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1868)
mTSHi Mohkino, JiuibSO, 1808. SAiunnAV imoici T,,EAT,1'C' Kr..,.l on Tuwlny l"t. T hvlmr hew hr live ..IglitB, to ft J,, every ooenrfon. It er0,V,kl ' ?b; oJcry rcrson ihnl this ni.,rl..y.P-. J , nnd l.n- gl .lcnm. Salification than any other tit sever visited Jacksonville. Mr. U . S hUnccompll-lKKl lady poncM more Erlonic talent thin h frequently ud nmong thnScvho e h,i,n t tv; ninl n b comic nctor, Ir. Clin-ibh-nltobcnu On Mon.luy they rcpcate.1 the Ihrlllliig lnmn of ' It'll ui.(. :.. n Iliir Room, by reqiiMt to flemcly pai-keil liotiw mid the ox qnltilo performance of Mrs. W. nlfrutcrl injny ol t'1" nirlleiico very visibly. Mr. Wilttili's rcuUiitlon of "Slinimw O'llricii" was .k'iidM mid in every ehanclor where the strong, warm love of woman, or woman's bitter, scornful Imtrcd wn to he nlwwn, her noting win imtliliit 't'"1 imtnnil. It ' lll i"" untlonofMi-.W. to return here in the Full with n miieli Imger Company, mid there is little doubt but what bo will Leagnin well received by thegeneroiiH ami plcnsme-loving people of this I1''111'' Klamath Laici:. We learn tlmt nlout 2,000 acres of hind Iiiih been fenced in nt the Indiitn Agency. About 110 acre win w.vii in wlicnt nnd oat this Spring, and It is mild the mops look fplendid. St'ttleisnielloek jug Into the Khiinntb Ditsin Iron) every direction, nnil parties nro about Hiking cut the iiiaeliinery lor n h:iw mill from lliii valley, the mill to b located nt the I'tilU of Mnk river. Caitajx SriiAOi'i;. Tlio friendu ol Cnj.t. Spmguu will b. glnd to learn that lie has turned up. It iippeniK tbnl he wan timing out ti largo bund ol Miivp to Link liver, nml when near "Hiuwiity' W'M uttneki'il with lover, which piolmbly unsettled his mind for n Blunt time. IIu was luuud at Steam's in no exhausted a condition that hi was unable to bit on his horse, but is now recovered and well. Xr.w Stock We stepped into tlie new stoic ol Messrs. lloli'man ifclvlip pel this wed. and luuud them opening u new and splendid stock of Stoves mid lhudwaie. They have all the appli ances lor Tin and Klicul-Iruii working, and arc piepaud to Inrutsh anything in tWur line at gically icdueed rates. Call and iev them under the Odd I'M lows' Hall. Waiim.-" Oldloi " iias been coining down at a feiirul rate during the ueek, making things iinplcnsantly warm. His namesake Sol. (I'arreu), of the El Dor.ido eame down on Tlmi-wlnx with a pitcher ot Sherry Cobbler null coohd tho piiuteis o!K Thank you, Sol.; every time we seo a warm mid dusty fellow, we will recommend him to "cool off" nt tlu El Dorado. Xci:ui;i). Our neighbor points the necessity ol a pnblio hall in this town and we ngreu with him that it is much needed. The crowding mid jamming at school exhibitions, publio entertain ments and meetings is always very un pleasant nnd it eecms aa it' tho invest ment ueccxaiv to mil im u snltnblu building, would bo well repaid. Sale or Quaki Mixk!HtIio Uiillou lead, now being worked by tho Occi dental Quartz Mill, has been sold to Max Mailer, of tho linn of Miillcr & Breiiuuo. Tho ninonnt paid is not made public, but it is thought Mr. Mul lerlia;iftg00l thinjr." Good Yuan. Tli last run ol rock crushed nt the " Occidental," from the Ballon lend, yielded $11 CO per ton. Thorois plenty of iouk in tight,, mid the Indications nro thnt it will increase in richness, , School Exhibition- Tl.n.-., will in. apuWIo exhibition by tho pupils, ofthe Utholio Seminary nt tho Court Houso on Thursday evening next. From tho Programmo of exorcibcs, jt promises to Pea brilliant affair. Sax W.Tcn.aiMbTT"sii'tton & fm at tho City Drug Store, have "ed 'U'cir soda fountain, and can nowfurnMitlw most delicious drink ' h had iu town. Don't tako our ord lor It-try it. T:AMtsrl.The town has been filled J"? te''!m8, ni,lv,u "d departing "Hng-thu parent wek, and fltraugeiB ul x 3uckwnvHIo is tho busiest Iwo e" scwu.uto aud Port- J. AND jU :... ! . ho i.Ti will takp plnco i lno Comt , J Wednesday, 24th Inst. KxercUe 0 ! menconlOo'docka.,,,; P.'"- Kl''"'ti Thursday, 25tlUnt com.ncnu.ngnt o o'clock,' p. m. T,: public- is most rcspcctlnlly iuvitccl to attond. SoumuKo Nicc-We took n rido Iiii Couwtock&CnnVsiiMv barouche this week mid found it hut .i, .,!..... , i- MlVi 11H.L&L thing in town. Wo do not ask any one to take our word, but try lor then, selves. SrniNKMNo. Jim Cnrdwdl u,it good service in tho streets of Jackson- rtllo with the sprinkler during the present warm spell. May it run dry. fcinv.Jolui Uilger is receiving a new mid large stock of hardware nnd everything else in ,U M0 nt the old stand, next to Saehb' Bros. Mom: Impi'.ovumksis. John Dick U nboul to put n saloon building on Oregon Stieet, between Dimlnp's shop mid the Arkmcas Stable, Having. Mowing has commenced in tho valley, and now hay is plenty nt 812 to 818 per ton. Umuioi's services to-morrow nttlie Catholio Church at 10$ a, in, by Rev. Father Bhincliett. Kiru ehcrrieti arc very abundant in ibis mnrket. Ciicai'. We henr that flout is sell ing here ul 020 per thousand pounds BOirrxrjLr- T.ftf UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER HAS JUST ItKCKIVUI) AN INVOICK f(f,i n Irulii the lii-l ol ll.f II . rl (iiiul h.v i.r I.ADII.'AMMlKNTd'NKW I'AT TKUS Ij'Ul.ll I'llAINtJ.UKNTb MlA'KIt Vliril' CHAINS. A line VliMiie In l rK AMKt.KI) IIO.SUM I'lNS. KAlt K'NOIIri nml imui'ri. Sl.KKVi: nml COl.LAll HUT rO.NS. "Ml HUdUM STUDS. A. clmlcr Im of DIAMOND, OI'HL I'KAItl, lt.'N'ti.S. Also uld linjiiii.f litit hah niuki mi Imliil nil I In' liiin. hull A SHvir tvure, ,ml. ,.TAIJI.i:.:i(lTi:ASI'l)()N.S. DK.S SEUT.SUIIAU Hid .SAI.rdl'ODNS.TJJA imd DININli rultlCS. 1IUTIKU hmI I'lJUIT KNIVKd. WIIUI.i; AND OI'KN TUl'TIII.MIIMid ol nil Kir.. Kme l.'A'U l.ldll l.i;Vi:it.S iii hiImI Oh d llumlri: Cmn A iM-ntit ttut I I I.ADIi:' WATCH i:d hi coin) Unlit IliniUi'i: KiMinrti'tl Ciiy. Tlnir Imve In en ulainl wiili uriut err fir nliulile lliii.- la-cpii. A'inijiikl ueuMil un luvoiee ul iliu AWEaiCAN LCVCR WATOH, in lien)' lliinllni: Ca.n. pi lee from 05 Ij 75 ilullury. TIick1 uic THE BEST WATCHES For llie mmii'V ever tir.myht Into ilir nmrla-l. 'I'Iihv n. h hr lliO NulluUill Wtiieli Uiimpniiy. (it IJ'S'ii, II!. An QHoituiitit o'. B"WIQ3 TA.TOZKEIS On l.itn.l nil llic llmo. A new Im or Wjrlii ilny nml lliiriy Imur eliK-k. fnuii !? " un: Iwl.. I'LATKl) OAS'li:itd'AULI;..Ml riJASI'OONrt. KNIVKS .wl ,1011Kb. TOIIAUI'O UUXKd Sl'KCStilMll M;;''-llii- Loinli'ii Himkiil. r.r .!( tjrt. I UUU Bl nml TAIII.K (U;i;i.KV iiwiW I XI- UOXIW, fancy nml bm.ll.iR HUH cliHilr.nV 1IASKKI. "i IH'AIllS ui.k WIIIJKLJJAUItOWb. DOLL-I3 ABIES, Ul.nla8t TOY DItU.MS. Clilldfcn1 OIIAI OKS. Tl.o Ctl.Orattil HOWE AXD FLORENCE .. . .1.1... II.. I...C n l.irL-P lot nf Ten;; .MUeiHiirr. ' " ,, ri r, i,.j. "f ouh-ulmuelo,;,.!. A UM ( iimiX uml unra. ' Ul" " , , . pro Vmw Mrlngf. A lu wrimrii l IA r,om the Imil Milium l J"'" ';' ToCcoP-uS.MATOIllWSKS.e.f mid a liwei.HOrlni'il.fll"lt.UOlA,l Alonl'viiVMon luuiil ll m M ' ' Vf TOUA'OCO. s-fi w.d Imiil Pi'h cut fur m.klns and dwwhif. All hindi of WATCHES. CIOIKS ASD JEWEIBT. Sewing Mchlne cleaned t" ' T-. Ihw who live at . d; "."ft w. pn-WUBP Will 1W P'l' i .',; V- " , jewerr inJ.NKURKR. Wa'cli Clock ond Jmiry Store, for clconlne nd ;nPNEUBER. Htryed. . .. ...!. M ftrrv. rpnoM hl'Vcr!T.lln.cno V K 111 imp imni' " - tlinrt lire. i tril,. hcavr UalH nn. l.envy '"'JJ'otr "? W.l.llo nnd Mncl. inarka. and I liair f n b.c.xl.ln.;).vy black iDuf d plolay innre r lonin-r .f.iy Ulble. like, MihowwlllinowWWHh tall c.l wlic I uvl wllli tho lreiciiiti,. ctrN'.avt.. llli neck lnfIxonoar?en'y M vearlnbl. Tho liorae il orwl,u nrl inIIU""P '"."jKwvodcKrlbcdhowo A nv narrOli tln.llns It"' '" . , .., or or man- and will bring twm ,lwrjy ,.ewnrd Bond iiliu to tho owner will"" vor'u ,0 , ed. Any JJi' w n wo nl JS C(li 0n. GREAT EXCITEMENT! A MAN AeheKllniC)0,W T?rlS'y 6f K00d' kh FOUND Jt 1et flmply to Invite (tjWr to call nnd i- cxnmlno onr mock of KnoJ. ndlllt or rrfcw hrfor. Prclm,ln H,c.vnV. and t S lnrcRar.l o o,,r b, Md d.lrmlnlonio make It mlTaataBcom to thoit ho Me not DEAD T. Ihflr own Intercut lo lm? Ilidr nnv .n590,W- FANCV OOOD3CI.OTH SO. ?..AND ",,0's- NOTIONS. CHOCK it;HQU9IIS-UAUnw'AK.ciiocKEnY. TOACCy-In foot, tVEUVTUISO IN Tbir4'J55;,&1 MU'-'-cn fc mien. J- TAAO'S, curncr or Orrgou and Main Strccti, JACKSONVILLE. May 291b. isrs. IIu; Celcurnlcil Hone, CAPT. SLIGAKT 7lht, STAND AT TIIK LIVKRY STA- Mo nr Coin-lock .t Calcy. In Jnck-nn-lllc.on Tuif.luy'f mid Wiilncrdi', ninl at tl.o rnncli i.rtliu mli-criucr, nrnr .Whtai.d Mill, Jnck-t.u County, Oregon, on l'tl.Ujr'i and SiU unl.ijV, tlio rrnnlim n-n-.m, cnminriiclnj April Till, mid ending July lit IfCH. I iiirc'icl C...t 51l(.nrl, In UcMng Jonnly, Oliio. nml l.ri.ii)tlil Mm uiil via I'nnninn, In t!iu S.lii uf 'Vli, lie It n bi'Mitlfut, dnik ilitpplo ln.v l.n. wi.lnliil 1.1111 imtiiuli. nnd ..J . ...' ..'.....'l .... .-....- . ...... ..V...K liln mile In 2 m. nn.H2 nc t Im ir ban trained lo nny Rrrni extent: I near irtreci in Iil pi.ipmtlon", of tl.o flnii t)li-ln innicn Inr j.owrr W r.roiiikiibl cll .lcvtliijifdj U h linre ol llrrt clan acdon, and wit, by Ilia bet I l.ori inrn. nekiiowl.U jnl In l llic inot per-n-ct r.irinnl lioiic In Olilo, (or rpetdm a trot ter ai.d tlzc. PEDIGREEt ill.. !. r. n Iupm. Ii.--ii!lfii1 tS!r ll.nnitk lli..'iit''fj !r a ui'll bred luirlnir.'. kni.ttii nc WixKlwunl Sir Tli-m i t"' In by Dbnninid, jr.. hi d he l' llifttiil llriirnl III' vtt n writ bn'tl -rurin'r l. .li',''iilid In lb.' r..iiiil lmi.r tiO'l uii.(iialnl u altoadlr and in iro for K'-ir rnl i'ir.ii"t. ClT. SLIGMIT l .i baUbrotlicr of Capt. I'blicr. iiowtiuiiftllnCUrornU. Nu iUIIIoii nl ilflziiai.iualiil Mlline an a lioiir, IU It nl-n a linU btotlier loMoll-llinnk.nrCln-cliimill, Oltln. wlio lia rt.ovti a ;ult t'ut ilau.l' .....u..l.u. In II. nniml. r Iri.lltl.r- limn- ulto ' n luiir brotlir lo Ibv ctlcbraUd Lady Ltliiri'Ol. t..rClilcn'in, I't-llv .'l.;ie r Son l'mncbco. nnd Wild lllll, m Il.iir.lft. I itnm luai nnviuvi i"" brol'icr called Cjt Jlifi-M i.wldid tin; Fliil rri'inliiin al llic blato I-air In Olilo, nnd wa fpnkci r In tl'ir riporl n ll.o bwt boric rrueiur.vl Uio. iScc report now In my !" ' Ui nee II U plain In lis n. H' ' ' ,of " r.,.iiy or ii.o Ut ttck r vw ff w '; c lii Central Ohio. Hl coll, pr..n. Iri law ,lin.rm.d. will. Rood .elNi and tlnualilv. and bring llni blglct rr' 'or ""' Uitlcrn markt.1. , 7'i'?J5-2S tho pfton. In U. S.coln. r. 0. addrc. Aihlaiid Mllli, Ogn. Adiland Mill. March 27lli. 'C8. 'martS-ld PIOIVEIDR WASHINGMAGHINE. Tlili excellent machine took FIRST PREMIUMS, Orcr all competition, at the lato STATE FAIRS -or- IBEBOR AND CALIF08M4. nt hort nolle". I f P." '""" " ".V,. Ram. r aiirtllkcll.ljcftjfi' " , (M u run wltlieain. A ',I f. wrr,t and keep il.rniii!h n one hour. I wi """" ' Ttl. , ,h. mSolilne I" "WJX;; on .he corner chine will bo for ale at m) ' P m ,.rIce nl Fourth aud 0 5U . jac WATfi0N B,p: ...u icc ro-wt May win. t j, n. neuiiK. O.r.DM8' BLAKE & HELMAN . .MrkantAU Al? conlcinpWtoP. lo the fl, 0nXiont ntW plalnluB '"'Veto do plaining orillklnde, lou;i - .." ,.. ii f me, a u p. i"i 0,1 iortn,0ri wW Xj. I" rAW0' '. w-..?'. f. nlaner. enable ... to turubh door. I on """ v '.,. .i.iiuinur 1'amee. ono lurui ni .c. i In c "Jaredetermlntd not DOWN ! DOWN I! DOWN II WITH HIGH PRICES. NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT THE HTKGaPll.ffi F PA8K0OK!.-sv SACHS BROS' AURKOW nCCKIYINQ THE LAnOHST. Chcancat, nnd bell rcl.'CtcJSIockor5nrlnc and Summer Goodi ercr oflVrcd In the tuatket, CONSISTING ort,ndlei. MImck, and Chltdrcn'a HAT3 and CLOAKS, or tho llrt iltlii. Alio Com pltls auorlment or DUY GOODS, STJOKC A.& snrxmos. : COTTON'Atin. TADI.KLINEN'X. T0WKLIS05, MINTS. CIlkCKS. lll.KACHUn AND UNIII.KACIIKD ill'S T.IK5, DUXIMS, rOl'LINS, DKLAlSia, At.l'ACUAf, nOMIIAZINU, GINGHAMS, IAWNS. CilAMnilF.VS, J CANS. 1'LAIN AND DOTTr.n swiss, OAMIIIMO. NAINS00K5, And In fact everything imtally kept In rt Tint Clan Dry Goodi Store, AT TRICES WHICH DEFT F0XPCTITIO.V. ourt AOSortTMENT or Ditr.i:.s Tnni?u.rii, pahioi."i, IIAIK M'.TK, IIL"TTII.S, ltiiimiNx, i:)uiitiiii)KiiiK, I. ALT. HII.ICN. I'l.AIV AM) IMM'Y iia.mihiciu micr. IIDSIISUV, I'loult mill Ifollulia, AIM OF 71W atOMEST SMKCTIO.V. OUR STOCK OF GLOTHIHO, IIOOTK. 5II0W. IMTS AND CAl'S, haro been tili-ctiil ulili nmtx limn ii-in.l cure, and wo aiu plcuud lu my Hint mi l.oii.u till" ldo or Sim rranclico cjii c.xcvlt ua In orlcty and il)lv. Ar ii'nal. n mpply tit OnO'TlllM. I'ltOVI.". ID.V.V. I.IQL' ilirKItll.V.'IOIMCCO. lllt-i!()i:.s-uiniOLi:i:s.'ii.iltl- whid. o inoiulu; to toll at very low prlcva lor CASH, Cnll and piainlnp. nnd learn ur prices, oi wo r (Uteriuliit.l lo nccommodato tho moil icnnnnileal bujcra. miivOlt SAUH5 UKUb'. IIARVBST or lifi. T D. A HTII VK t. SON NOW OP- J. Iit lurtalu ll.t- ...ill known OOJIUINCD IIKAI'KIt AND JlOWKIl. rn.l l SitIiibIWIJ. nt,m o.iL.i ii.. kv.w viniK iiiiitoVi:i). or 5i:VIOL'Il & MOItCAN Machine. Aa a Ituapcr It !i- no Kiul ;nn. unit liiu iinproTni A'ied Culler liar, which will cut clo to Iho Kroundi.r two reel Mgh, It eqiiala tho bvl mower In ne. On the Mtklll, It U llto bent Machine known. It conllnmil l.lli ilandliiK, In coinpi'lllloii with Iho vi.riou klndi brought In, m KinitronvIm.:ni( nronl uf thoniHrlorllyorihuNi:V VOltK IJU'UOV UllltllAl'UIt. It will cut more acrc er.lay, uud lal IniiB'r than nny nllnr Maclilua (old. Wm nbo bavo ror iIh llie Niw Voik IinplOTid SULK ItKAI'HIt. Thla Machine bat been tot nl for lour yernllb E.t wllli the hlub'it approval. Alio GIANT ItlJAl'KIt-ciiU ar enVoot lualh. A 10 UOOD'aSKI.F IIAKKIIS. which arc all well kbowu lo larmeia. Alio, Ilnliica' Heniltra, iii'innpit u-ArnvsnitTlitTrKS JaTKRON (Michlfaii) KAltM WAGONS.IimtSK&MULK u.MiTt. iioiiaK rowi.uB. rAiui niio. KAN WILLS (all Ur.) TIIHUIIKIW, UK VOLVING IIAKI3, Wlll'.EL UAKKS.G AIN I'OHlvSofall klmU.8CYTIIrH ANO SNATHS, 1'LOWS, IIAKUOtVS, OUMIVATOIl7, B.. wlih a full knd uencial aKriiatnt or Agricul tural Goodi', all orwblch will b wld low by jural o , f D ARTHUH&PON, Importer! and Dealer, Mjj.3m gkn Fianolico. THE BEST AMD CHEAPESTII rPIJK UNDBUSIONBU OFFKH FOIl 1 fate al unprccedtnlly low pricw OHIO and BUCKKVE Keapcr and Mow en Seir an.1 Hand rukej McfOIlMAOK'S Iteaper and Mowcrj 2 and 4 IwfM) Self und Hand ruke IIAIMO jnip'tt'eu Jiimww . I'lri'S' Jmprowl 36-IIor Brpuralor I'l'I'I'S' Improvcl I2-llore fowenj BALL'S Impiov.d Toroudo HeiMrolor rtcent liriporlotlon, and innat iipproved iljle nuke. FVrmeia will do well to call before pur. Han Frtnciaco. May ICtli, 16C8. nll6'ro3 hides: hides: TIB ."'GUEST OABHriUCW PAIC I FOB X iliueaoiai. tuu, u..- or the uuderalgBid, lu JackaonvlUe. rx-ccmlwrStb UC. ,f Jakes T. Guexx, John 8. Dae Aluamdm Martix. GLEHH, DRUM & CO., Gdkalkm isC GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA BTnEET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. NEW FIRM, i GOODS AND NEW PEICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! TUB A ROVE NAMED Flttt tako pleaiura In nollfyloit their irlumii and tho publio mntially, that they ttc now rccelvtiiK and opening a very Urge aud ix temlve ilock of STAPLE DRY OOODS, READY MADE CL0TH1NU, HATS AND OAFS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, I1I.ANKETH, HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladlci', Mluci' nnd Children's Bhoei. Ifir We have, alio, In connection with xdt && the i.bnre, n veiy larco and 'tdt &" exlnmlee ilock i.r choice tW Cigy (Jrocerlw, llnrilwurc. -X5 fta)r (J.ieeniware, n tS- (IlrtM- M Biair wair, Cutlery, -TjM tQr I'nlnla nnd OII nlin. - Ajy Window Ulan, Nall, lrnnT8 $& und Sircl, Uuit and Steel -T C- INowi, WooJrn and Willow ware, Wo are rradv In rrll anything In our lineal Iho LOWHSTCaSH I'UIUi:. rcnouwlhlna lo buy gn(M. will And It prrally to their nil vanliiKV to exauiluo our lnck lieforn pureliai Iiijj eliewlnre. aa wnaro nut lo bo ..nilrmild lie any liou in JnckMlll Ciilllllr. Gilo un a call, and then Jinl(to lor yonrnlf ai to our capacity lo intuitu pouui ni nuovc. GLENN, DllUM, it. Co. Jacksonville, March 2, 18C7. If NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK! WILLOW SPIUNGS STORE, illuw SvniMJit Jacicsom Co., WM. IJILGEH, PKOPJHETOR. rVUc iiitiU'ralRiifil liri-liv mi- X linilliC.l lu Ibu Clllnm of Willow .Splltiue, nnd riclully. Ibal liu baa npene.1 a itoiu In ll.l (lac, nnd nlKra I'jr tale bit largo aud well ackcU.I flock or CLOTHINO OF ALL KINDS, UOOTS ANDSIIOKS, t HATS AND OAI'a, GI10CKIUKS, I.lQUOnB, TOBACCO, CIOARS, and all klndi or gem ral tntrchandlie. Tcruii alu are eaiy eaili down. Cull around allow yourielve lo 1 cuuvluccd that Good a can lx sold Just aa Oheap aa in Jacksonville. WILLIAM OILQER. Willow Fprlngi, Ocl. 0, I8CT. octlJIf DisHoUtioB of Co-partBership. Notice la hereby Riven that llie co partner fhlp beretorurn rxliilug UIhccii J, II. Sutton and Vf- II. 8. Ilyd. known a Iliu (Inn or tint tou&llydo In llie Oily Drug Hloie, lu Jack eouvllle, Oregon, ia lull day dlwolved by mu- Inhl .nni.ut All uvuu.ius ma late nrm win be received and receipted ror, by fiiilton it filern, who will alio pay all lodebtiduvia ayaluil ibo ald tt - - r Li citTrnu lirrq. - ! aui i w.i, W. II. H. IIVI1K. Jackioovllle, Orciion, May Ul, 1808. Tho undesigned would relpcctfnlly lay to the old palrouaoriboCirr Dma Htohk. that we will continue bailneta at the old itaud. aud eollclt a continuance or Ibu liberal palrouago btretofoio extended lo Ibu Hours. ma3w4 801TON i HTKARN8, Mwitor'it ad MportaMear fFAKK INTO CONSIDKRATION, THAT 1 tbo uoderilgned baa Ibu Uil atock ut rltlel. patent and buine-inade l.ot-trun, ilngle aud double; revolver!, the laleat and but pat enUt pocket pliloli, neat aud imall, illll power ful derifuitvri. Iho latcit and but. All Ibete gool warranted. Al'O, the lit klnda or ponder and poudrr Baka i all lorta or abot and ibot-baga and lit), but lint leaal, everythlog told at very rva io nable ratea. Urparatloni executed prompt and cheap, and whoever do not Iruit Iheie wordi, only need to com aud couvluce blmielf lo JOHN MILLER, on Third Elrett. neit door loutb or U. Y. Dow ell'a Law Office. Jacksonville, Ftb. 27tb. I88. febJOtf B ILI..IIEAD8 I'niNTKP AT THE Skstinu. Ornce ut 817 per idoumdo REDINGTON & CO'S ESSENGE OF JAMAICA GINGEU Thti valuable preparation, contalnlof (a hlahly concentrated form all the pros rtltt tt Jamaica Ulnger, hai become ono of Ike aoat popular domeillc remollia Tor all dlteaan or, Iho itomach and dltejUre ornrn. As Ionic, It will be round Invaluable to aB pernoni recovering rrom debility, whether pro tluctil by revcr or olherwlae, for wbllat It lav partt to (he aystem all the slow and tiger that can be produced by brandy, It I entirely frro (mm tho re actlooary tQlcti or rplrlU of any kind. It Ii also an excellent remedy for female who tuffcr from difficult mtniturallon, (tlilof a'moM ImmediAto relief lo the paima that to frequently accompany that period. It jtvee immediate relief to N'auiea, caused by riding In a railroad cdr.or by tca-ilckm, or ctber cause. , It Ii alto valuable ai an external applica tion lor gout, rhcumalljni, neuralgia, etc. RED1XGM k Co., AGLWTS FOR THIS CWSt Dated April 24th, IBC7. ap377l-lm Stop that Coughing! 0Am. ..Ail nt eeiHll tatfH ttllv VAll. Vflll llgtVA uM cvtry rcmcOr but tho ono dcttlncu by IU imrtntie men. o unvic mi tuiin M-rp rUi ll U nnl ftiirmUlnir you tbouM b rt limlaHl Irt I ft rtftlffllllnrf fliP flflP lti MIBfl c.tierlnicnls ynn Imve made of Iraafty com- pnUDill I0ISICU on me piiuiic man erj but : NeWcll's PULMONARY SVRUF I la really the VKUV HKST remedy ercr com. pouiidcu for iho euro or congiu, coin", wri, nthma. whooping cough, broncbltll and coniumpilnp TlimiMtidi of ople lo (Mlir.ifnU nml Oreunn bute Iwen already ben efitted by tho rurprlilng cutatlvo powtn ! Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP, ami with one accord plvc It their unouallfled approbation. We now nddfcai ount.lvet lo all who are iinnriinlntu1 with lhl', the grealeit I'anacea ol tho nit.', for lli healing of all dhj rniM of tho Tlirout and Lungi, anurlog yon uai Ncwcll's PULMONARY SYRUP haa cured thousand, aud It WILL OURK VOU irjoulryll. Tlila li.Viilui.ble medicine la pleaiant to lb tmlr: ifidlliliitf, brnln nnd itrenplhenlnjj la ItailTeeiii entirely free fiom all w.lionoui of del. Irrioua diuui, and perfectly barmlit uoder all clrcuuotauccf. Ctrlini'iile Irnin many prominent ell lien ( Ban l:ranclico nccumpai.y every bottle of Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP. IlKDINUTON A CO. AjrcnU, Hun 1'rancUco. Ahoad of all others la tfca Martha Wnsliington9, HAIR RESTORER. x .r.nrr.cT luin !ir.T0itr.u ami luin untsii. Hull. In out. Tiul ro ctlitr, l.owe 'r .Mint Nourl.ililil lbl 1.4. due.; Tir ll-., I !) 'ti II I'.Mtat L'. 111. JUlllii Ua.l,llu.M Twllr tl....uiul ir.nlnj Hi M litl a notU ImI lt' tll MlUUm umi iliall eviii UIiIihI ii, Mill. Illlt li.ll uuJ. Will keep tbo balr aoft and loiy, It cbangu Rtay balr to Ha original color, picvtnt (bo balr rrom falling out or gel i ling thin, make old bead look youog, aal do all that can bo rcaionably cjpreted of no a genuine, flut-rato Hair Itcitorer. All wbobafeuttd It pronouuc It lupetlor dye lo everything or Iho kind, and Ulng a pttficl Hair Utciicr aa well a a perfect Hair Itcitorer, It I an acquUllloo to r ull.l. lt4tBgion 4 Co., WboUjIv. Try It. Agcuti, San Krancltco. CRAFENBURG UTCMNB Cutholicon, If faithfully uttd according to dlrcc'.feoi, will cure every caic of Dlabelrr, and greatly mill pale ibu trot'!eioine cffecia cauivd by a relax ation of the outlet of the It la moat uccnaful rmiedy for travel and otbcr.dlaeam of Ibo Kb! ne; i and Hla.ldcr,aiMiror raledl eahei la unujualleil. TLu OATHOLICON unifonnlly cur.j I'roUue, Ulerli Wlilue, all Irrrgularlllt or Ibe Monthly Turna, Budm. Ion. Incontinence of Urine, HloatlianJSio ileal 8wellingi, und all diaeatea of I'reiMaey. The (Hcl8o uclloii of mtJIclne la immedU ate and certain upon the Uicrlne and AMoai inul Mutl.uud Uganientij rrfiorlDg tben to aa beallby a ilate pa (bre ol chlldbood aa4 youth, io that nallrnli who bare ued lh UairaNBKHa C'oMMNf'a IJiaaiMi Oithou rH cannot lufficlenily exprei4 Ibelr grallludf for the relief afr.inlr.1. ' MKUINUTON CO., Agecli, 41C and 418, Front Bt. 8 PraMitM. 1,11 I JiiJJ atodiagtoa's MavriafctUr uinadafrora 'fnia Jndu. M, katU kolJ4lk.j aj, M mf krl i '.ui lb. t... CKft9eJafH