) W ft u. aw.Mww j.ii i ii hmuwi i nn Till! OIBWNf fflTlffib. l'or. isus I - I... Hi V, ' ')Ji'. T. I.,. I t-t. IM Tin: ritr.3im.NCY iv ttliYHSKH N. '.KANT, or tub cut.i iTur. "Willilwo, limn kimIiuiiI filtliful terninl." Tli ! pie lino twnl fjr patriot (tiinl.litntnl f.r ltllira. l'oitTin: vioi: I'ltiwinr.Ncv, MfnUYi.r.u coi.i-w.v, on.iMi. DTlkLa GAULT, EDITOR. SaTUIMMY jloilNl.N'Cl, JllllOlil, 1808. Wlittt U Pi-ncluliiis. The Democratic- press throughout Oregon in thoir frenzy of enthusiastic jubilation mo declaring that tliu result of the Into election is the voice of the ,'c iooilo, proclaiming against Congress , ional reconstruction, non-taxation ol bonds, and the election of Grant and Colfax. This is pimply a grand mis take. Tliu result of the election pro claims only, that the Union voters of Oregon have been overpowered at the ballot-box by thu Democracy, whoso numerical strength lias been increased . by tho large accessions from tho dis banded lebel armies within tho past two years. In every county in the State tho vnto is increased ; in Jackson by over one hundred, in Alultttoinnli the increase is about the same, in Linn it is over three hundred, in Clackamas over fifty, in Clarion nearly three hun dred, and tho ollleiai llgure.s show an increased vote in oery county yet heard iroin except Josephine and Coose. Everybody is nwaro that tho great bulk ol the immigration into this State for the past two years has been from Missouri and Arkansas. Disfranchised at homo by tho radical constitution of tho former State, on account of their complicity with tho rebellion, mid driven out of the latter from fear of lifrniieJ(Iseiueiit, they come to Oregon, inid as n matter of course throw their whole weight with those who sympa thized with tho Jlobellion. This is why Democracy is to-day jubilant in Oregon J(,f not because tho principles of their wt,, party arc gaining favor; but because m-iI 1 11 ofassistnuco Iroin abroad. Thochaugo t. t i)yjluui tvv0 years in this Stale is insig- j iiilicant, within our scopo ol uberva- lion ; they are few and it is absolutely certain that tho emigration from thu -'-Stato has been against us. Under ,it!"i 'hiicIi eircuiustnnces had wo coiuptcred it would have been miraculous, mid our friends abroad must not look on our mishap as the forerunner of national disaster to the Union party in Novem ber. Nothing of thu kind ! Hvery re "bclvoto cast in Oregon assures ono oil. bt eth ,v ..,, 1 in ' Jjti H ft ' I. ' t.. I- I. .I, ul!) I -C I IO i' 1 ; r: toil f. vo-i iiraiich Itiillroiul. il fcMJMiTaW H Circuit Coiiii-iTiiite Term, This heeins to bo the ago of Kail- Tj10 following is a list of tho easel roads, and tho history of this country, i,t,.mt nil,i aotriiiIiii.Ml this week in tht for the past forty years shows that tho J Cjrcujt Cmn of t(U Hlulu pf Oregon, resources ol any Motion arc worthless if ,,. tj10 colltv o( ,i!lciiSOI1) p . Vr-m allowed to remain idle anil umlovclop-' J micro- ed. In this section nil wo want is yt(Uo ol Oregon vs. Arch Crismai transportation. Give us tho menus of hulifetinont for assault with danger reaching a market; it is all wo ask. ous weapon, continued. Statu of Ore Givo us an avenuothnt will enable em- goll VS) j0m Kdgnr indictment for ignition to reach our rich and uuoccu- wuloiily killing aniinalM, dismissed on pied vallies, and our wealth and popula- mol;011 0f District Attorney. State vs. tion will increase. While every one j Chinaman Pou indictment lor lar eoncedes that wo must havo n road, j t.cllV) dismissed on motion of T)ist. there is a liltlo conllietol opinion as to At'ty. State vs. Jas. Chad wick in- where it slioulil run. Wu see no ne cessity of eternally paying tribute to California. We know no reason why Oregon should he contented with im migration that has lingered in Califor nia till poverty stricken, hoforo seek ing homes here. There is no good reas on why our producers should not com peto in tho great Nevada market with the producers of California. Jluild a road from hero to San Francisco, and all our tratlio will How to that commer cial center, with tho disadvantage to us of competing with those who pay less freight than we would he obliged to pay. Givo us a road direct to the Humboldt from this vallcv, crossiuc dictmenl for larceny; motion for change ol venue, overruled and trial iiad ver dict of Jury, not guilty. Stato vs. Jas. Chad wiek indictment for lareony; nrraigued nnd. plead not guilty trial postponed till .Monday next. State vs. John Dickinson, IMnrtin Dickinson, Ma rion Smith, Dan Colwell and James Pankoy Indictment for rioting at place of voting; verdict of Jury guilty, as charged in thu indictment fined fifty dollars each ami costs of suit, and in default of payment ot lino to bo im prisoned in county jail for 20 days. law casi:h. Voit Shut?, vs. Kberhard lllcchcr continued for service. Kdward Ilend lies vs. Henry Harines continued for service. Ihnpeo & l.inu vs. Maury it Davis continued lor service. Ander son it Glenn vs. Claiborn Neil mo. tiou to make complaint more doliuitc; motion sustained. John Iuit.nor vs. Ill' lai IUUi. (ill'.') t. , lit ' Cl'T . till. Il . II." Oil ".Ii:- ha )tv. "oi lL . 01 Mil bit l.V C ' 04.''' ma tttJt W-jh v od at: U0UJ.I' oil ilii' WOr.i 0UM ,! Ir. U' ' . ifhKl Oil . iof .flan- n (r. ev j t twin ,rf.!;.. nz ' the Klamath basin, passing through Gooso Lake and Chewacan Vallies, to any point on thu Humboldt, and thu rich mini's of Nevada are opened up to us by as near and direct a roulo as that from tho Sacramento Valley to . ll.n... '!',,. 1 1... ....! f il. .""""" """ ....... ,..,, r a.,,..,.. ,. " - johll i,ilfk IHld .ilileii Hand-dismiss- tern emigration by a branch road, . . ,.,,. ., MilT , - - " i -" "(, eiiiuan judginont ns. Linn it Hall t'tf I 1.1 .. I I 'Mll.ll .1(11.1. ...11. ... ..I I...I I.i vallevs and ad in develop ug our re- t , . , , , O I'llfmcn iiiiili!tiiiitt lulu iliiiinif fn rum. sources. , . , .. , , . , ..... , , . ... , ... plaint, eonlessed by plaiulills, and al- i e are for this road unequivocally. . . i , .,, , , , . . ..,.,. . ... , , ' lowed to tile amends to complaint, and it the people of this end o tho u. t..., , .. , , , ... ,, ' ... .,,,.,. i m. Dybcu vs. Joseph utterer mo- State will givo it proper encourage-1 .... .!... . n " , ' ,' ,,, . h , Hon tor leave to issue execution allow- iiiuih, wo can uavo u. e inienii ion. eiuigrauoi, ny a urauen roan ,,, jt ,.5 running directly into this State, and I Wl B ,, n Gn,c thousands of people will como l.uru , .lelault .r 17l n with their wealth and laborto settle our I ... i....w. .. .. from timu to recur to this subject nnd ' show that this routo is not only the most desirable one topographically, but I the best calculated to benefit the inter-' ests of our State. ml. Tiii.Mis CiiANiiiw. In thu present juncture of political allairs, tlie J)einoc racy resoit to uvcry means which hu man iujeuuity ean conceive for the pur pose of drumming up recruits. Their ehiefest, most reliable, mid hitherto Tiiuatuicau During the week our citiens linvu Iiclmi iMiitilli'il liv llm imr. forinances ol thu Wilton Theatrical "t Hitccessful resort, has beentheea Troupe, and to-night thev will give' J"IurJ' ol '"t").ilized eitizens-espccial-their farewell cntertainiuent. TliuM' l,,M0r ,r"h M"'1- "''K"""' eoniiKiiiv consists ol Mr. Wilton and race the noblo race, the gu.ic.ou.s race," his talented Inilv. Messrs. CIm.iom. , w l,lc !",' bHr,c" of every Democrat ----- , Nash and Guiucs, who are all excel more Union majority elsewhere, and their votes will do less damago here, moral drama of "Ten Nights in a liar perhaps, than in States giving a largo Hoom" was performed to a crowded electoral vote. ,, Outi:aoi:ovh. Tho "niggers" in 0110 of tho Congressional Districts of Georgia have elected n Democrat to Jj:i Congress by over three thousand urn- j. jority 1 Wo ask shall ho bo admitted f , 1 Coming will) his ccrtilieatu of election m my nigger votes; is 11 possinio uiai lliu . Democratic inombcrs in Congress who ..ropreseut the " Whito Man's" party will over submit to his taking a seat .. among them? Will llrother Smith, triumphantly returned by thu whito votes of Oregon, over contaminate his "whito" record by sitting iu thusamo Congress with a fellow Democrat sent thoro by tho nigger votes of a Georgia .District V Will tho Democracy, will thoy, wo ask, ever submit to such an ;outrago on Democratic principles? A Cni'Jin of Ci'airoitT. Cooso nnd Curry counties havo both given about tlio samo majorities for Logan that thoy gavo for Woods two years since. (.Democracy does not seem to flourish in thoso counties. Thu lumber mills , iu that section employ a largo number of hands who are generally Eastern men mid not much given to Dcmociaoy. Tho overland emigration docs not pen etrate tliorc, n"d tho hundreds of dis franchised robols who havo como hith er havo not overbalanced tho Union "fcutiment of thoso counties. Hurrah for Copso nnd Curry ! 10 song, llow ilillreiil tins Iroin their strain when tlio booming of cannon suggested to our Irish citizens that the country had enemies nnd was iu dan ger. Than mmiv Iiishmeu rallied to the defense of the laud of their adop- lmiiso. nnd tho trntlilulncss nf .M ! lio" !iml 'i'iled tho stars ami stripes. Wilton iu the character of tho drunk. I A,ul l,,u" th0 I'emoBmtlo papew weie lent artists, and, for a wonder, mem bers of tho Good Templar organiza tion. On Tuesday night, tlio thrilliii'' Ituselmrg Corrcsiiniiileiict!. HortimuiHi, Oo.v., Juni: 10th 1808. The election iu this county and dis trict, if not qnito what wo oxpected, is far less disastrous tlinu at first reported Our county ticket is elected by major ities ranging from six to onu hundred and four, with the exception of Sherill', Tho Democratic candidate for that ollleo is elected by a majority of nine. Our joint Senators are also elected. Moshcr had V7 majority for Judge iu the counties ot I Ion ton, Lauu and Douglas. It was conceded by all par tics that he was elected. Ho was a happpy man; tho whole L11110 lamily were jubilant t Kight days of blisslul Ignorance slowly passed by, during which time tlio law firm of "Moshcr it Liiiio" was dissolved, nnd Lane struck out on his own hook, witli a prospect of nn cxtcrinino nnd success ful practice iu a court where tho lend ing members of the family would pre side; but 011 the ninth day the tall, thin and spectral looking figure of old Col. ICelsay was approaching from the direc tion of Cooso and Curry, packing one hundred and fourteen majority in his pocket from thoso two isolated counties, electing him by a majority of thirty seven in tliodistriot. Conse mid Curry have done nobly, nnd they will long lie remembered by the Union men ofDoug las, Lano mid I teuton for coming so no bly to the rescue, while everything looked so dark nnd gloomy, mid sud denly removing the cloud of despair that hung so heavily over lids judicial district, consequent upon thu supposed election of Moshcr. The house of Hobert Kiucaid, (who lives a few miles below tho Winchester Kerry), was burned a few days ago; everything lost. Thu community are uro extending a helping bund to Mr. IC, mid nie- lively contributing to the relief of limine)!, mid, now almost des titute family. S in-port ' Grnml .lury.m tliu County Hospital. The undersigned Grand Jurymen for tlio June term ol the Circuit Court of Jackson county, Oregon, for the year Ihoh. Hiivu iu accordance with law cnrefiilly examined the County Hospit al, kept by Dr. L. T. Pais, iu icgard to its cleanliness ventilation and all other necessary coinlorts and enliven iciicics suitable for the proper care and medical treatment of the sick and iudi. gent poorol tho county, and find thnt it is well kept, nnd wo beliovo sulll ciunl for all present purposes. All ol Which wo respeutfully submit to Ids Honor, V. V. Print, Judge of said Cir cuit Court. W. J. Pi.v.m.i,i:, A. J. Come, 'Kami. Mn.vrz, AV.M. Kouinri-rt, M. II. Duaki:, Cuius. IIi.akic, John La Toirinrrri:, Kurcmnii. A dispatch Iroin Corvalis states that Kelsay, Republican, has been elected Judge ol the i!d Judicial District, over Moshcr, Democratic, by n majority of forty. NEW TO-DAY. UP WITH THE TIMES. nieotion Uctiii-ns, Thu following is tho vole for Con gressmen as wu find it reported iu an exchange : J.n'Hin, Jackson ft'j.'i . . . Kongias uiii.. Lane O.'iK.. .. Linn 100(1. . . . Ileiilou ."MO.... Polk 018.... .Marion, es'inated, 1 101 ... , nnihill Oil.... nrd's daughter, brought tears to tlio eyes of ninny of tho audience. On Wednesday wo wero treated to the beautiful Irish drama of "Colleen lli.wn," mid tho way iu which Mr. and .Mrs. W. performed tho two principal eharacteis, was inimitable. Tho stead fast virtue, and tho devoted love ot tiic simple liisn gin, ana tlio unswerv- filled with such notices as thu follow ing, written by licrinli llrowu, publish ed ul San Kiaueisc'o iu 1S0I, iu the then recognized o.gau of tho Demo cratic party in the Stale of California. He taid: Il is well known that through tho representations, of .Meagher, Cocorau ami other Jrhh iiiercciutricj, the nniiio Ji'sr So. Democrats say thoy want a Statesman, not a General for Presi dent. Why did thoy nominate Gen eral McClcllun iu 1801? Why don't TJ J..thGy want n Goiionil ? Hecauso all tho rtc-iu Gonorals. Federal or Hcbcl are una- "M ok ' vailablo. How can rebel sympathisers volo for a man who fought to conquer blot 1. thir 'Democratic friends iu tho Confcd bii 'orato ranks.! How can a poaco party irt " run a war candidate ? Did not tho W 'List National Doinooratlo Convention declaro tho varo a failure? Marys utile Appeal, a"1- ' ylfii .'.-. i" r J'uEHiini.NT Kluotkii. 'I.ov. Dr, Nel son Hounds has been elected President rifjtjie AVullamctto University. ing ntlaehment of the crippled Irish ' of ,,, 1'0,liil" " bcu" "ul t0 1 "Gossoon" to his tvrnnnical master, euro largo nuniiiers ot recruits lit Ire wero well rellcctcd, and the Irish char- 'n'"1' a1"1 t,,at ihvt0 I,ilV0 " "tui actor was siiown truthlullv and nat., u, tliu Inderal service ininiudiato- urally. On Thursday tho Troupe was 1 !v "" l,lc,r nrrlvn in New York. If ngniu greeted with a crowded liouso, to ""' "L,"ovo tlint "u- -Meagher is witness "Madelninc, or the Hcfornicd ""ylhing iiioro than a mercenary ool Drunkard," iu which Mr. Wilton jily.. ,licr of -ortunc, thoy aro not familiar cdtho drunkard to perfection. Mrs. wil1' w Phonal history. Wilton, as. Madelaine, was excellent. W,1C" IrlHhmoii uro fiiithful to tho Abused, insulted, robbed, abandoned , la,ul ol ll,cir "loption, Democracy by her druiiken husbnml, she clings to ''""8 t,lcm mercenaries when they liim with nil tho forgiving lovo of wo-' lu,'"li,0 "sc-born ingrats, nud bo man, till forced to abandon her child ' como willing instruments to rend tho to tho caro of a foundling hospital.and, iaml tIiat "" fu(1 tIl0," " llit' ' -lie oven tlicn, when tho loss of tho child I --'Stjuelioii of tho Governincu that has recalls tho sot to his senses, forgives furnlalieil tlieui 1111 asylum Iroin oppres nnd prays for his reclamation. Some of I 8'011 a Government that has protected tho scenes in this great moral drama 1 " '""""I them, nnd granted tlieui aro touching and exquisite, and can j clllal P'-vdego with tho proudest nnd not fail to purify nnd elovnto tho tasto 1 rcv1 of citizens wlicn Irisliinen of thoso who linvo had tho pleasure of ( consent to this, tlioy nro tho "noblo witnessing it; nnd with due consider.-.-1 racc tuo b'lhmt race, tlio gcnoroiis tion for tlio opinions of thoo who op- ( '"'" Paugh! GohUlill AI'im. jioso theaters, wo really think that tho drama, in tho hands of correct nnd re ,"o Oak. Prof. G. Howell, iu sncctablo actors, liko tho Wilton com I tli0 VC!10- tlieui Journal, rcco- pany.isfnr mora cllectivo than lein-1 ,I,0,,,,H '" mHQ of l"""'' by .Ilhus pcranco lectures or hormons, nud equal- iwVowfcwfam, and other pohenous ly ns nttractive. Messrs. Nash, Clin-1 l,wle" of tIl() 1JIllls to tlio parts ton and Gaines sustained their charao- with a solution of oaustio potash, sufil tors wall, nnd tho first gentleman dis- ciontly strong to render tho skin soapy, played much musical talent. Mrs. AVil- j TI,IS 1,as ,,ovcr falluu" lo c, -t immedi ton is niso n superior elocutionist, and 1 ntc,y' u,0",l ''s used it iu huud a singer of no ordinary merit. To-night j mlH ?f ca8es "'chiding himself. Tho pot tlio sensational drnnia of "Tho Mnniim, as". ,a USU(1 '" the proportion of ten Lover" will bo ptesonted, nnd thoso! ?""" V- " " 0,.w-"or ,mt ""V Waslilngion Claekaiuas... .Miiltuomali.. Columbia.... Tillamook... Wasco ... 17.'. ... 0B 7 I l"l ...IImI.. ..... . . . K.i .... 1 ... 01 ... L'Hl! Umatilla '-'20... ijiitlth. ... flOfi 081 .. h;ii ..IJIO'J .. "itn .. 11.11 ..1005 .. r.01 .. :it!K .. ti-i'J ..1101 .. nn .. -IS .. IT) I .. tl)l 80.1 i Ma.ioiiitii:h, Union (estimated) Maker (estimated) Josephine Curry (oritiinalodl M.... Cooso (cstiiiiated) 50. . . . ChitMip(estininted):iO.. . . .'until n .i.ttiij. ii- ... ........ n7.'io . .2.10 .. -HI 1IIKI A Gii.nti.i: Hint. .Many ol tho peo ple ol this place have not been accus tomed to "theater going." Thoy make a great mistake iu thinking that they will get tho most valuu for their money by crowding to the foot lights. Distance lends enchantment: ami if an nitdicueo wore permitted to crowd 011 tho stngo nnd penctmto tho "green room," tho drama would lose its charm. It is neither genteel nor proper nor ad visable to jam nnd hustle mid press to tho very edgo of tho slago; it embar rasses thu actors, and thoso who occu py back seats can seo tho play to mora ndvnnlngo than if thoy wero on tho stnge. We hope this hint will bo tnk-en. who desire an ovoning's cittertninmcnt that will novor bo forgotten, will do well to sceiiro scats cnrly. Knurr. Strawberries nnd cherries are now pleauty in tho market, consid ering tlio very backward scu&ou. bo increased iu strength as needed. ' .. Fatal Accidunt. From the 0,-ega-man wo lenrn that on Saturday, tho 0th inst., a littlo sou of Kx-Cov. Gibbsicll frmn a piazza, teceiving such injuries that ho died thepe.xt day. CincuirCoiniT. This tribunal iias been iu session tho past week. There is nioro business this term than there has been for somo time. Tho criminal docket is larger than usual. J. NEUBER TTAS.iusT m-:oi:ivi:i an invoiok JU of gooil from t lie lvil of ll.u IIi.itI tiuul. Ily of IkVDI US' A N I) (IKNTH' NKW PAT. THUS (IUI.I) (MIAlN.S.lJKNTri'HlLVKU VIvST Oil AINB. A niio choice lot nf MN. A.MKI.KI) IIOSOM PINK. KAU KNOII.S mid Ditoi'ij, .si.i:i;vi: umi cui.iiAuiiur TONS, ntnl IIO.HO.M HTL'DS. A. clinlcu lot of DIAMOND, OH.!, nml HJAIth IlTNd.S. AIo (iln1 rlng nf lii own nuilp on liatul nil tho lime. Kolllil Kllvrr n-nrc, mch niTAIII.niir.iITKAHl'ODNS, DKS Ki:ilT,.SU(liIt nml SAl.Tril'OONK.TKA ami DININO I'OUK.S. IIUTI'HU nml l-'UUIT ICNIVKiS, WIIOI.I-. AND OI'K.N TOI'TIII.MIII.r.d of nil sizs. Fine IIAU M.SII I.KVIIItS In olnl CiM lluiitiiiL- CM, A liennlll.il lot ul liADIKS WATUIIKH In tolhl OeM limiting Kn.um'lnl luirs. T,IW have Incn Mltcleil with (jrent e.ire fur n-llnlilo time keencn. Aldnjuii rcciival mi Invoice of thu AMCRICAN LEVEn WATOH, In Iirnvy nutittnjj C'uc, price from 113 to 7S dolMn. Tlicic ma THE BEST WATCHES for the money ever lirouj-ht Into tho market. Tliry nro .Miuiiilneliiml lii- Hm Nuilounl Vt utcii lium-Miiy, nt I'.ljin, III, An aMorlmcnt of stories! vsrx.-i-oxacEjs On hmiil nil tho lime. A tiutv lot of right il'jy ami thirty hour uluelif, fnim thu licit hie torlw. H.ATMD CAKTI-JIIS.'I'Alll.Knii.I TKAKPOONH, KNIVi; mn I'oUKti, TOIIAOUO IIOXKiJ, Nl'liCiJ of nil Idml-J the l)iiilon mioldil. for weak cei. I'OUIC. ln'aiulTAllI.KUUTI.KItr im.rkcl IXU !.i")K,0NH' r','U'''N.. .MUIO JIOM'.rf, fancy 11 ml linciliiiR lllltl) UAlllvS; jro market, ImlliV tr.ii-lliiL, nml cMMrtn'ii IIASIvi;r.S, lt.ua' 'I'M'-UAIlTti auk WHHHMIAItltOWH, DOLL-J3ABIJ2S, ,S,.,5lw,.l,.?,A,.,),uu'M8' tJ''"'l'-n, OIIAI. Ol-.b. Tlio Cclebrulcil HOWB AM) FL0KBXCE Sowing Machines. I lo has a laree lot of Tuva on imu.l-n Iiuku lot ol D.ills. All liimlj of iMii iiooks nuu lines. Tlio licst or Uuhur nml MU1II0 strlng9. A fullunorlmciit of I'll'KS, from the best McmIuuiii to the chcniiest Oluy 1 ipcs. Mouth l-Ifces nml Stems or ull klmls, 'lojiocco IViichcs.MATOII UOXKS.elc.ctc. .... .. ,i..B uuiKllllcill Ol 1110 UMI uiUAlla. Ar .?v1 nlly.ulA ,m,id ",0 ,"0i,l " hramls or I Oil A (ICO, soft umi hard nrciud. fine a oil .i ti Wfcj iit ALL OVER Tlin oi til ioi'jilr iT x no nml Jiutiiifiil Imto l.mtil i, nau l'J.ANTATKIN IIITTUItM. I.WI, Willi IM lililmin, INn.liftir, llrailU,,,. titlli Up", Mrt.l llrnilli. Sallow Uinipli-xUi, r -.' lriirHll'jr mlnit I'usrAti.ii llirtrB.. n TliU I. tlio ninul Jilccrfiil Innlc nf llm An, lmn. liilil.lltHignl aixl ..1.1, Are il'llglilct with II. tlr.f 11. The Hr.t Irlnl nlnnj-a tiitx it mnrktil pl r(T.T I, Noftmiisonf illrl I. tirfr.-iiry, Knl bIIji.iiuMi tf.L( Lot nml mn-t niittlllon. f.-l. II It Mir nrrnlr.l curn rvrr known fir nn ntriliaulnl aivl itl.lrt-..nl iloitiAtli, wltlcli II rcllcirt In n fuw mnnirnli. V know Unit wo litiv llio lc.t nml mml opuir ttml. Iclni. Inlli" wotl.l. W nro not nfml.l lo ilmw lnt,' ritiiii.i.ril of. l'nrticlv' oic roMrtum to nrroMimn it, rLIU IIUK lin. Ik-pii rrl.lirntnl f..r nrrr two linn. Iriil jtrnr., nml wnaaota riming llio rriiin i.f lml.XVI KIiib of Frnnro, for llio nnniiini. nrlco of II. nwn l.l,i In tllrnr. II I. rriiiniknt.lo fur Hpplii, loier., WnV. lic..tCiiii.tlnlltin, Ar. ('(Cititu Hun. Kor Jll.irrlicn, C.llr, on.lill.f((, llio .lumncli nntl l.iwr l. iMpiMov. t'ur Inll-iiinllon of llio Mm nn.l l)r..i.,. ml AITrcllon.. Ciiiuomim Kiowr.ni. l'or cnfMlilnl illcr.il.Mi. I.ivrxntn rimrn.. Annnnllc tlmul iiit ami Innle lilgliljr liilKrnlliK In iittoii. ilcMlllf, WnmnnuiX. for Frrvfuh, llliciiinnll.iii, Ar, Amit An nrnmnllr rniinlmillinl rrrnlhi)- rich, mm. rlo nml milk) ninrli ii.nl lj liu'lhrrn liiir.ln. Al, tliiwlnil, ornnjr, rnrnwnj-, (orinmltr, anil., runl, Ae. S.TI86OX. Atmllirr ttumlrifiil liifjrullriil, f finnl.li nM . pnilliiKl-niiily In Iho funi.lr..ii nml l.illlhnrr in'i mlml, I. .vl unkivmii In Iho nHiimrtru of llm wi.i.ii. wowllhlKililll.iuiiiofiir llmpli-cnl. ' Ullh lhlrrrlmlf.iro Iho mniniiinlljr, nml .iMrnrt. of rffrrl. mrrllim llirm mi nil .1.1m, Iho mm-., i,f 11, imiKr. .I4ii.li rmmlnl iin Iho nk f lr-illi. Almrat rtorjr fanillj- lm. mo mo nf .nrfrrlnK which HiJ'llm. DOM llimu. will nllcnioninl nin. Thoj-nro rrniiinit'iiilnl hy llio hlnhral ninllral niilhml. llo., nmlarouiiiinnlril liipiLliinninliiitiinll.tolTiirllclil UTorl. Thrynro Mrrclliiflb- nmrrnhlr, wifnllr ia nml linrmlr.. ' ' .NiiTlcr Anr h-iwii pn lrii.lln l.i ..II I'lml.tU ria. Irr In hulk r l.r Iho 1r1ll1.11 I. n awlmllrr nml lmi, II I. pill iipmily In .iir l.vmMii lotllo. llowairofUul.. rrnilnl nllh InilMllmi ilrlrlril.nl. Muir, for uhlrh Mitnl (rinMi.nronlirn.l.r In .ll.n. Sro Hint pm I..HI. l.i. iMir llnllr.ISI.ilr. Hhiinipr Iho nnk ininiii.ljlrJ.l "ir algmiliiro on lrtl ..iln tl.l. I il. ' K.M hjr ir.HTl.il.o ilrnlrra lliHMifli.ini Iho I..U,I, P, il. IIR..KI.. .U'll., ,fw 11rk, Sole I'mp'ri. I!I:IIIXI;TI).V , I'll., M I'rnnrlva. AIITNl'llllt!AMIOItMA.M),r:VAI)Vk 0ll-:XI('AN Mt'STAM! I.IM.Mi:.r. Tho infill. I.f Ihl. IJiiIiiibiiI nr..M.II Li...., l...ou.. nro lii)laiiunnii.,ailhlnir,nii.l nunJrifiil. I'll!.. htlll,o. .l.rjlli. 111..I auri'lllii. nrn ..r.u..kUU. ..1 rrrlahi Immir In nrrrjr fimlli. Ilia I a Mlh- of llil.'u.- ini'in 1. mo k.i inii'.iinriii thai r.111 1 iim.I.. II 1. IllOro CPllaill llitlli Him .1.1. .r 11 ..... .1... 1. m-ikIIii", lr II... i.-.,r It I. rhouiK-r limn ll.pil,l,.t. i. ItAail.l .&. I u .11... ... ..I ... 1.1. " "' ivi ' iiiniini tiuii iikah Tin: ri)i.i.ntvi.Mii " t lako iio.i.mo In rrr.iiiiiiii.ai 11. ii.l..u ii. I.iitf Unliiiviil n h vrtlnalilomtil I...I1. ,... 1 u ...li. - Spialn., Siira. rrmlrhi-, it Ihilt Il,.r.r.. imr w. hmoiiMl II ..r llntiH, llinl.p., .,rc, llhriiiii.iil.iu ir nmlnllMi lliirl.llkoiiuslr." J. . Ilinirr ' ' tViriiian r..r Abirilun, U., VttM't nml liinikn't l,pip... "Tim I'Mhi nf in) ilmshlcr'n niiklr, ..v.l... nlIU k.illni l-i.l wlnlrr, wn. rutlrrlj rnr.-l Ini.ii. .Tk an.r .l.ori4iiliiriH'nlli.iir;liiiriplrhnilr.)ii.aiijl,w,n,-. Ill.ninilrr, )!.., Auu.i I, iwi. .!. tutt, liilrk ami anto II orUlnlr It, All Kniiiliip.iii. In iIitI .l I Ho riir.mii., Ihik Iho .lintiiio ,.( II ir Ur.llnk, I'hPlill.l. nml Iho pilmlo If. H, O1.11. vf i. Mia llmiraA li, nur I. ,",. An rll.-rl Iu. I 11 1.1 ..lo 1.1 11.1111U1WI II nllh n (blip lunu.iilo hlvl, j.,k rlorl;, Ml ! nil Iiiijji.., ami Mluio., al -JJ, Ul cl, ami II Tho Oregon Jferald unya thnt "Ore gon occiipyB 11 proud position nt tlio Iientl of the Denioorntio coluniii. Thnt is oxnotly where South Cnrnliun was suvontl ycniH Hinco yco wlinther Dent ocrnoy hns liroiight her to. It isn noteworthy faot that tlio Con atitutiou of South Carolina in tlio firm presented to tlio President uiidor tlio Reconstruction Acts of Congress. First to go out it is filling that she should he first to eomu iu. In North Carolina, iu counties where tho whites oiitnuuilior tlio blacks six or soven times, there nro tho heaviest Kopiiljlieau majorities. This faot scoins to indicato thnt tho lilnclvs nro umbrae, ing Dcmocraoy-a national consequence o. ignorance. cut for smoking urn chewing, j.ii mum ui WATCHES, HOCKS AXU JUWGLKV. Sewing Mnehlnea cleaned nud repaired at tho lowest price. To thoso who live nt a distance and send by Stngo drivers nnd Kxnrew, the drivers' or ex. Drew will bo paid y nie i,e , nt)J j toJ.M-.UnhH, Wnleh Clock mid Jewelry Store, for cleaning am) repairing. John NKunim. (." ro the Theater to night, Strayod. IpitOM tho iib-crHier, nt Hunter's old ferrv, . onn houo or n light l,.,y cil.ir. will. M.'.r' In H foKliendoml nilp or il.lto on Iho iio. tris. heavy build nml hinvy hort mek with Madloan.f.li.eh mark., m.3 lulrVtad 'ol? J hrcecl.lng j heavy black mam. n,i t.,11, tho lai ter reach 11 ir about in iho i,nb. .7"' ""," plo bay wo.ro or longer and llKliter build i 1 il.ol.orw, with no while plal.dy vi.lblo iko" wlfo .Laved will, tho breecl.lngf wVt all cu aToaid0,WT LhaV?k,?"M' ' "''1 W " send Mm (o lho 0B h ' w . OIiKSKVKIISON. MToiico. A.TAVINR. nn Iho-fil. i.. .. jynrd DnilnotiTo V"... ,""'J''-!0 como Tor- :6't;V,'.u,rC,,roI', , " """ JOHN OUTII. I.Y).'3 I'l.HA roWIU'll. II I. wll knnwii Unit loun'a (Iriiiilno Micnrllr ri.W will H-lnxllj il.'.ti.i) rurj.l.liij: In Iho h of tu, llrka. Itotllnu riurh... in il.ai .1 1. ..rM. ...... ... Ih. In.l nil I.iilrntlrilli.ii.ilf., ( ,o liuniaii . do. ami ilu.ur.lle anl.iial.. 1ImI1.ii, Ajila, lluiii!-a, ole, aro In p rnir l4p T1.I. nm.wr I. iiitir imiiimi Urn Hi. II .hniihl l, In rinicup luinl. Juiin h. Hour, K, Hiiviliilrmlriil nf Iho ,.w V.il Cltir ll.aipllal, M.iai liltihooiilv.uioiitl.U wolmioovtriiiril." ,iw YoK IIutil l'normtToni mi "We hat. u-ol I.VON'S .MAONimO i-ovoi:it f.irrli.inlii.ilh,uliiil. ami Trtiiil... with rnllr.u'il Ucllon, Coi.hjian ,t HrrrrsoN, Alnr Home. S. T. Coiuk.nh, Americuii Hotel. ACKNKII A TllKAIHVKM., fit. NIclluU Hold. H. l.t;ia.si ,t Co., Metropolitan Hotel." Tr.lluiuny f IhU rharacltr iiilglil ho mMnl lo 1 I'.uith, Uhtrovrrll Uii.oilUnilirill.ralla.lf. Tho Kt-iiuluo haa Iho alKiiali.ro of II. I. lux, tut II. pilialo aUmp of im lltnxM t, Anilhlnf ' uf ihl. klml i nn Imllallun or mioitrrbit. Aiir.lrm gl.t will pnxi.ro Iho vniuhir If lull In.ltl ton Hill hat. lui nlhrr. SoMhiraltOriigKl.U ami R.n.ral lurtkcrii In ! , luniiaiul li.l.ighiK ca.n.i 01. Iha I'aclUa euail. lu;)0-tlj ARMY SUPPLIES. Off ck or tiik A. C. S., Foiit I Ki.VMWii OiiK., May lllh, J8C8. Healed propmnlii, whtch mutt bo In dunlicale, will bo receUed nt this ollleo until Mornhr, June 13th, 1RGK, for miiipllug I,:i7!) IUs. or ba con, ami n:M77 Iba, or (lour, Tor tlio lira or lho troops ut this Tort. Tho bacon munt bo or rt good merchantable iiunllly, well cured nnd put up In package- of 100 lb, each, to bo delivered nt nlnco or itor aiiu on. or U-foro lho Ulnt 1V.1v nt .In W. 18CS. Tho Hour mu'l bo or the beat brand', in &0 or 100 lb. racks, nnd delivered nt tho mill ' pUceiirlorngo, on or berore the 81t dy ' July, 1808 ; the Mliolu (urllolcs nml package), to be kiibjcct to limpeolioii at point of tlellvrry bororo ImjIiib received. Tlio bhl inu't slate w price, In coin, per pound nt which the orllcle will bo rurnlihed. Kuch propoial to bo In net uccoidiiuco with lho terms or thin notice, " nccompnnled by n guarantee ol two rcpomlble purtlc-, thnt ehould coutruet bo nwmiHtii con tructor will givo satlructory bonds ror tnc coinpllnuco with tb terms or contract I Uuiler., may bo present at Iho opening or tho bid. Too United Mutes reserves tho right to reject " or nil bids. Tho expense ot this adverlismen In lift .iiil.l l.u I .a .iimm,.r.,l I.M.lni KllVelODCO to bo iiit'ikcd, "I'ronofinU lor Army Subsi.t" cneo,"nnd to le uddieieil to Iho undesigned at lorl Klamath Ogu. J. K. siiAi.i'. nt.Idcut., ltOr.,A.O.B.