St'Wi"l'"R J4 , CSBTSSTS 4j Jj.itfcJii,,H,Jii.J.ii.Si - FItANCOAMnRlCAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE Tiin Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Travelers and resident bjnrderi will line ff BEDS AND BEDDING rinccil In firl clnm order, nnd In every Wny superior In nny In thl section, nnd rurpncd by nny In the Stnte. iii:r rooms ark newly fobmsiicd, And n plcnllfnl supply or tlic best or every llilnj; tlio mnrkct nirordi will lie oli- (nlncd Tor HE 11 TABLE. No troubled vlll lie ppurfd lo deserve the mt roimgo of tin Irnvellng ni well n tlic perma nent comnuintty. Jnckfonvlllo. Mnrcli .".I, lfififi. If P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, 13 NOW IN POSSESSION OF T1IK ENTIRE I PlocU of mnterlnli nnd looli formerly be longing I" Cnslcllo A. Conin. Mr. CoiUcllo liming withdrawn. P. It. Coflln will ronllnuc tlic btiMncf, nnd enn bn fnnnd nt bis shop, Corner of C ntul Tin Id Slitt'ls, prepared to do work In n workmanlike iniiniicr iind nl rfcitonr.Mc nili's. Jacksonville, Oct. IS, let-.". ncllOU" NEW IUtOOMS SWEEP CLEAN! THUS tiO TO THEATER'S DROOM MANUFACTORY AMIlin IIICDISTIXTIICSMRRCT, AT WHOLESALE OP. RETAIL. Fnctorv on coiner nl Oregon nnd Mnln St., by Hit) Odd IVII'iw'n llnll, nnd opposltu the I-iiiiico-A iti'-rlcnn Itcstniiruni. Jui'kKiiiKlIb-, Nov. JUtli, lfcf.7. norSO-Ciu PAY UP-LAST CALL. A LLTIIOSH INDKIITKU TO Vii AltE 1. luicb.v liullfiul In runic fin iinl utiil pnj j up by ilwiiriit ilny nt .Im.imry riiMiinj?, us II j titl ccrinliily lie lo llx'li Inli'iol vf i iMiiiint il biiino without money lit mirl our ' i rnn liiiliililiis: nnd fnrtliiTnntc, det mini: It lur ll'i" Imj1 IliUrrst of nil einiciliiul. wv bure determined tut stubllih n Uriel cum buls In Ixfiiuim utter iIki fiist ilny ot Jutiunry, 1608, uud will dot depart Inmi it. SUTTON & 11 VI IK .Inekkimvlllc. Pre. I'JIli, 1807. tlix'.'llf LIME! LIME! Bril.DEItH. AND OTHERS WHO DESIRE lime, will Iind u Ciiiutnnt supply, nt llif Invl iiimllly, liupmiillilt hi Mill, nt my Imp in .Mi.ln Inet, butvwui Orison mid Third, ciji polte lnlltr & Ureiitano'it nloie. In m uli km.v, Ml, Alc.. Mm till will wnll upon ciutum id. STONJi "CUTTING a. Stout! flliiHOU Work dune on leniw lu Milt tho lime. Oulvn irom ihc country will uxvhu prompt attention. JOHN It. l'EAUOUK. Jiiekonvllle, April -Jtf, 1SU7. upi7 Notice To Tax-Payers. Omen Cm.. Imthkai. Hbiemk. NOTICE IS 1IEREUV GIVEN THAT THE Amitiul last or ruses for ttiu jenr IbUb, cuuItlut' ol Special '1uxc,(L1cuii cs), income Taxes, Duttw on W'utelien, Cur iliiw, etc., has been roturm-d to uio lor cullvc t'ou. . . , , All tux-piiycrn lentdlng lu Juckaoii uud Jose pliluu coimtifs, nro Ujrtby uotlllid llmt Jume M. Sutlun, Uop'ly Col., will bo ut JucUuuuvillu fruiu tbu Ititb day or ilay to tlio lUth of Juuc, ucelpt for taxes, In Jack. tun county, uud will bo ut Kvrbyville on the I5tk, At liriggs' ou the lotli, uud ut Waldo on the 17th. Uulcw payment Is made ut iho time fciiccillcd. coats uud uvmiltles will bu nddtd, in thu nmu- uer lirctcribed bir luw. l M. CRAWFORD, Collector. May ICth, 1808. '"IC'ld. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. jijS'OTICIi:. Having disponed of our Fuc tory, wo uru now pieparcd lo jsivu our whole nttciitlou to our Leather uud Finding : business. Ou buud, dtiect from Fruucu, Cnlf Kip, Domutlo Leather, Hoot Legs, etc Jou.v G. Ubw, I L. Favkk, I Joun BttiV, Now York. ) Furls, 8au i rauclkco. Address, HEIN & DRAY, Saa Fruucleco. 41ti Buttery Street. po aB,oaxxxax,yM.oxx AND BLACKSMITHS. CumborUna dJ UUffr COAL oa TIG IIION X,000 Tonw Ji. filer ndAnot, fur ) by . ,, J. It. IJUx 413 aul 115 J'idftC Bt, flu inclo itblly I EL DOHA DO, I Hll.i:.(.ni'.Ciil..'U()(;ii.HIi.Jutliniiilllr)0. 1 I S. M. FARREN. i $it$im rS$tntmtl VOL. XIIT. BUSINESS NOTICES. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ambrotypcs, Photographs, Cartos do Vislto DONE IN THE FINEST STYLE OF ART. Pictures licit need OH ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. DR.A.B.OVEHBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Onion nt !il residence, In tlio Old Orerbeck Hoptlnt, on Orrgun Street. i:. 11. (iIikbnmax, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Conicrof California and Fifth Street', Jacksonville, Ogn. He will prncltcc In Juckron nnd adjacent counties, and ntter.d promptly to prorcmlonnl cnlln. febxtr DR. A. B, OVERDECK'S B.ATI-I ROOMS, In the Ovorbocli Hospital, WARM, COLD A SHOWER BATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. en cm:, ai. d., PHYSICIAN &SURGEON, OFFICE removed to Oregon Street, near ly opposite tho Fronch Restaurant. jHckromllle. D.c. 2Ut. 18G7. decM-ll" I)lt. L.IJWIS (J AN UNO, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON AND Ol3totviolau, WILL ultiud lo Hiiy who limy rtiiulra Ills mice. Olllcu unjoining N. I.udkuI fliou lion, on north ldu Cullfomlii t-'treit. Juikmuvllle. uir SI'KCIAL N'OI'IUKH. STMOFTIIEUSIOS 5 CELCBRATED j8T0r?lAGIMnrrERS!j ' Tluiauvll'luiu aunuvli luurri. rn ruiurif j 3 n tutlr. IriiuiulcoUul. i.J if ry liurt-. TRY ! 1 JUDGE j : intr.i! , dh7' run TRY THEM! YOUR SELFI f ful ttirrtilirlit. fi'ant I i I s tint iiimI ) (unsabio UiiiiW. Tp lunrfcil ! IU'.kIixI Willi j lj(jnoujfonijunui bull ltlil.bllUi,iuil ( from tint Mitf il rxtru U of ullubIo itvl. Url t hub., oruU' lutLaiurvvl (all '' of 11.0 Mi inn li, l.lUmji.Uit r suit 'IkiwiU, o I'lMil'l1. tviir, liUrrbvu, ILixk r Aim lilv, olc, no. ur lv 1 ! A. l'J.SHI!.UJ31.N. buirUriini-nii, ' mr. fcMiium k Jurkauu, hiu 1- nutrlaro DH. HUFELAND'S CfcUUUlTKU SWISS STOiWIl B1WEHS! IKY IT! TRY IT! lb btt i'urldvrutlU UliMdl A l'liuuhl luulol A f Airi)t.itbl DrluLI l)uiuriuvil Ut actios turtlj but f.utljf ou Ik rlluin vt lb kUata, bownu, .luuiacb udlllcrt J'or nll 1I boUl uJ rtll llnuor, Urug ami grucor ilurM. NOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT S J, 0. t six. li. I'roiirietw. TA1JAIU JvilJ-ly ti uo. k UUNDKL. Bot Agtnl. 113, fin lit. 8u JfroncUco. I. O. G. T. ALI'll A LODGE, NO. 1, 1. O. G. T., HOLDS Its icgiilur meetings on Tuesday eveulug uf eucti nuclc,t Iho DUtrlct School Hnufce, In Jiicksouvllle. LODGE opens at 7 o'clock. DEGREE MEETINGS the last Tutlduy of each montli, ultcr udjourumeut or SUUORDINATE LODGE. , , . All members of tbu Order lu good standing iirnrnnltullv luvlled to bo nreseut. D. U. 0. GAULT, AV C. T. J. It. Wadk, Beo'y. Jacksonville, Feb. 8th, 16G8. fet8tf Warren Lodge No, 10, A- F. & A. V A HOLD their regular cooimuulcatlons jyUD tbu Wcduesduy Evenings or preced- V iUg tho full IUOOU, lu JACXSONVILLB, OK- koox. A. MARTIN, W. M. O. W. Savauk, Sco'y. TUc llest Itemed y for Furirylug tho Blood, Strengthening tho Nerves, Rmtorlng tho Lost Appetite, Is FRESE'S HAMDURG TEA. II Ij II. n l-it nri'KPriiitUn SL-nluatal UlOst SUV sickness, If utcd timely. Compdsed of herbs only, It cau w gtveu suiciy 10 iuiimi- u u. rcctlons lu EuglLU, French, Spau'mn uud Ger- ,nnn with hvi rv nackuire. TRY IT I Fur talu ut all the wboleeulu and retail drug stores and groceries, , , . EMIL FRHHE, Whole.alc Prugglbt, Sole Ageut,410 Clay street, lyyljyl Sau Francisco J JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1808. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS. VOTE OFJAOKSOJr COVXTr, JUKE Ut, 1808. Nnmej of Candidates. For Congrcst Josephs. SraUli.. David Logon. .... For Dull id Attorney W.O. rVnnlt 0. W. Knhler For lltpramlaliui 'lliomnii amllli,.... .Tunics L. Louden ., John U. While... James 0. Tolmao., It. Linkencau Clcnton Schclfflcii. for County Commission') $ V. Hebcr W. A. Chllders It. Ilenedict J. J. Fryer lorsitr'U ThnninsQ. Uenmi,. It. F. Msury For County CltiL W. II. 8. Hyde ... Wm. M.Turner.... For County Titnsurtr Iliivld Linn ,. Max Muller For School Sun't T. II. II. Shipley . lv. Wolkln For Atior J. Iluiina l'ot. Dnnn For Coiontr V.. II. Urcennmn. ,. Till: ORIiliON SI!iTliCL. I'L'DLISUEl) 1'vcry Sadtiiliiy Alot-iiiiii; Is y B. F. DOWELL, UFFH. CORNER 'C If TltlRU STREETS. i' ok ni'iigcititin i . otiii oiiieeriiiiu nu lemoved .Mi, fttau - lorotiw, lu ndiiince, tour ilullais If i , , , ,, , , , . , . ,. , not p. Id within ihHilrst six months or, oll " theieby minted tho Untire ?r,il,-,L!r,.ir.!,r,li.,M U""1 ,hc"1,ra',ol,,r'nA-,tl-,ol'' Kly '""'' or the yiur, six dollars. l(j Mco u,!,,,, ht, ,, dt.v. TIMIMS III' AltVlUlTIMIMil Ouu hiuiwo (10 lluis or les). llrst liuutlou, Unite ilollirn ; each Mibr(iu-ul Inrrrtlon, ont lnlUr. A tliH'oiitit ol n7iyr cent, will be nudii In Ihoiu who ndurllM) by lliiijur, SEf'Legiil Trmlits recehtil ut mirviil rates. n. ! ii , i i mi i Miaww Letter from II. I'. Dowel I. Wakiiinhio.v I). C, ) .May 0th, I son. 1IIK It Mi: W MM I. NT ht'lilX'IIKM lltiu1 just closed. Tho Setiatots may oiitiinie ihv debntv among lheniselen in heel el sesiiou bcfuie tliu vote ! tit of, guilty or not guilty. (ieiii'iitl 1). 1. Httltlerof .Mab-meliuv ctlH, one of tho m:iu:igeriinipoiuted by the llotio to conduct tho pioscciilion, opened tho cnt-u in behalf of tho House of Kepiescutnlives and tho jieojile. Ho wn threo hours in delivering it. He had previously prepared tho argu ment in willing. It is a model speci men of nu opening speech to it com t and jury in a great and important emu lnaltilal. IIu read it in n plenhaiit, ctibV and loinltouuof voice, so all could hear and uuderbtuud it. It will com pare favoiably with tho best ulloit of Calhoon, Clay and Webster. At thu eloso of tho opening speech of Mr. Huttler tho pioseeutioti coin inenced introducing their evidence, which occupied tho Senate nearly ten days. Managers Jas. V. Wilson and John A. Logan read tho written evi dence. Mr. JJutller was tho piiuciplo manager who conducted tho examina tion of witnesses in behalf of thu peo ple, uud also tho examination of the dufeuduuU witnesses. Judgo li, It. Curtis, of Uostou, coun sel for tlio President, opened tho caso for tho defeuso with an elaborate atgument. Hu delivered iliu a monot onous tuuo in two days, to a weary and sleeping audience. Tho pith of tho wholo speech may bo told in four lines. Tho Piesident did everything charged iu tho Articles of Impeachment jbutho is not guilty becauso ho judicially and not ministerially decided tho Tcuuio of Office Act to bo unconstitutional, and it was his great constitutional preoga tivo to vilify and abuse the Congress of tho United States. Tho Constitution makes tho Presi ident an executive pftlcQr, und not a judicial officer; and the Supremo Jjidg cis and Judges of tho inferior couits me tho solo Judicial officers of the Unl- ... Cll. TTnrlnr I lid PnUStitllt 1011 ICU niaivo. v. ,.. .-- -NAMES OP MEOINOTS-- ..I , ot32 Ss,eS.':',Ls22-S-'2 c :3.ijr:gg..:::s5:B-3' : .. ft", ft..... ...a. . . ...... ...7). . m " 280 02 13 13 39 10 231 18 7 73 61 32 -48 76 82 17 12 25 4.1 30 805 18 26 17 7 135 27 3 12 23 31 72 fl7 10 20 14 15 19 0 525 12 14 3ft 7 157 0 3 71 58 28 37 58 35 11 12 24 36 29 633 18 25 16 9 178 22 7 10 24 35 68 67 1ft 23 14 13 23 7 571 13 13 36 7 179 6 4 66 A!) 29 39 60 43 13 12 24 38 30 671 13 13 28 C 178 6 I 67 62 30 37 61 38 12 12 23 37 30 657 13 13 3C S 200 C C7 61 30 (0 61 16 1 1 12 23 39 31 707 18 24 16 8 14122 3 13 23 31 61 6110 20 12 Ift 19 6 ftlC 18 26 16 1116122 3 II 20 31 68 65 13 19 12 14 20 7 513 18 26 18 10 138 22 3 14 22 34 63 65 21 20 12 15 20 7 531 13 14 36 6 20t 6 0 70 60 30 4163 49 14 12 24 38 31 717 13 13 30 g 198 6 6 09 55 30 40 62 46 14 12 2137 30 693 18 27 22 9 145 22 3 11 22 32 69 66 10 19 12 1ft 18 ft ft28 18 26 14 9 128 22 3 t4 29 33 68 6ft 7 19 12 15 19 c 307 13 17 36 8 166 9 3 57 50 28 43 62 10 9 II 23 32 33 616 18 23 15 9 173 Ift 7 26 29 31 59 01 19 26 13 1 1 26 I 568 Ift 1 i 36 10 20ft C 6 71 62 30 in 01 53 14 13 2ft II) 30 731 16 25 15 7 136 22 3 14 21 32 69 67 4 18 11 14 16 ft 49ft 11 12 25 2 131 6 R 70 ft6 30 40 60 41 17 12 22 32 30 606 20 23 25 15 208 22 3 14 28 32 68 63 16 1,6 11 1U 23 7 620 211110 r. 156 6 6 57 65 2ft 3ft 57 37 0 12 2137 30 610 1 23 23 10 162 22 .1 26 t 31 58 34 19 27 12 1ft 16 0 492 13 13 36 10 193 6 7 70 61 28 39 56 10 1 1 12 21 39 30 697 18 26 15 7 139 22 3 14 22 31 70 71 10 19 12 1118 6 517 13 1135 8 203 6 6 706129396217111221373(1 710 ISC 114 176 18(1 189 230 II 121 H7 1 m m iCongresshasnopowci-tonbridgo tho . , . ' . ,, h teedoiu ol speech, or thu ptess, Hut il has lite right ami power to e.y , tliU city, without ivgilit to party, mi pell nny fliembcr or an abuse of this ( homblu at tho Exchange, or nt tho freedom, for slnndeious or indecent ,?,l,!r Iimtituli', and subseiibn u unl- words or libelous a.licles, and nlM tho a "-' '"""'" o dollnm I , ,' , , , need bu lo buy n lavorublo etilict. power lo nnpeaeh the IVeMdent mid Theto uio 1 1 Uiidteal Senalots whoso letnovo him fiom ullleu forany ol'tlii'M tonus of ollleo expire in 1800. Hevotnl offences. Tho Piesident U not u jitdl- that time they tiro mnu ol no political ulnl ullkwr uinl liu lemoved .Mr. Stan-1 1'.(,siti"u ! h0 'l,r n U,?y 'i1'0"' .l,ow'i colli Ai tides of Impeachment, Il i an luditablo offettso by our stat utes, o oveithtow tho Government aiul-tnim,' (o do anything which is piulubiteil, or any iiiiliicteel wonls is 1 a misdemeanor at lomiiiun law, and the eomiiiou law-witi in foteu in tho City ol Washington, in ihe State of Ohio and .Missouii at thu time .Mr. JohtiMm uttered thu indiscreet words charged lo him in thu l(h Ai title. I Kiu e, thu President h guilty ol a hlgn misdemeaiior In utteiiug thu in decent w onle, ami for trying lo hub. Wit Iho (lowrinuviit ol Iho Uiiiled Slates. After thu testimony wa-i closed on both sides manager John A. Logan filed an ablo wiilteu argument, which has appealed among tho proceedings in print, but il was never spoken or toad to thu Senalo whllu In sebsiou, At boon as thu evidence wan closed on both sides, manager t! coign liottt- well of Massachusetts, summed up thu ,.lu. !U,(1 ovi,Unco or ,), j,.,,,!,,,, iu an ablo and logical argument of lioiiis length. It had been pruvlously all written, and ho delivered it plainly and distinctly so overy ono could hear it. It was listened to with closo atten tion by tho Com t mid spectators. Thomas A. It. Nulsou eouusel fortliu President nut followed with u long harranguo for two days. It bus neith er pith or point; but it was iutcrsporbed with several truthful poetical effusions which served to keep tho most of his audience wide awake. For instance lib baid if tho President had been guil ty oi otio tithu of tho offences which hnvo been imputed to him, then, said he, ul til) llllff( lu COIlfeM t, U A uioMltr uftudj Iflxhlfu! luleu, Ai I'J b bU'l uwl but la b ieu." Silent spectators who had recently seen tho physioginy of tho President muttered "that's truoj that'u true!" Again he said, " His iiamo should bo cotpo a word to frighten children witli throughout tho land, from ono end of it to tho other, so that when one should meet him his sight would causa "ttb pAitlcuUr balr to ttai oo i4 Uk Ibc ijullU oa tl litltal porCTii'lm." God in his mercy has not attached to Mr. Johnson's person, hair or board as l6ng or as strong as thu quills of tho poreiipino but ambition, revongo and a maliguont heart is stamped on every ligament, of his face. Win. S, Giesbeck, counsel for tho ( NO. 21 President, lollowed Jlr. Nolson in an ablo nnil well digested pojiliistieal speech which occupied only ono day. Ho spoko cxtniiomnuoti8ly with great power nnd affect. Hi speech wn list ened to with marked attention by tho Chief Justice, Senator nnd spectators. At Iho close, and ilittitig tho evening tho Democrats rejoiced nnd Union men i looked nnd dejected. Tho Dciuo- emtio gamblcts and whiskey-wing tsindlers wero boasting around tho hotels, offering to bet two to ono on ttiu ncquutni oi tno I'rcsiuctit. u is snid scvcrul wager woro actually inado nt par and n low two to one, but gen orally tlioo rrnakcr had no money to alako up when their offera wero ncrup- ted by independent Union men. About this time il was repotted tho Demo ! crat had five millions of dollars to buy Hcpublicau votes to acquit tho Pies! dent, nnd on tho Ith hint, tho iVc'to Vorf: W'drtil published an nrticlo Irom a correspondent onllitig a meeting to raisu ten millions ol dollar to buy tho votes of Senator to acquit tho Piesi dent. It in theso woid: I ''Tho rommoreo uud coueeins o( this Icly alono nto too vast, loo vital, to withstand tho threatened shock; uud it becomes businesH men, Itoldem ui q 'pi opei ty, and all who havu n present ui iMMPiK-ianu iiiic'ii'Sb in inu prosperi ty ol tho city nml tho country, tomako 710 nu investment now that will inert tho ruin that will certainly follow tho over . lmow,0' VOV,ii,ll,,0,r,vnHi 'l lT I posed by tho cluwttioti of Wndu to tho , lvostdenov. Let tho men of wealth In ' r; " . , i ' 5 they tno eet lain ol no paying il y, y (M ,lU,ii! m eiiit oj' thvte irouMfamtthtrbttun of a mit cafh ( m(, ,((( ,fl wifoy (fic piace. men ttion mi- ctrtuinljot$tnt000ojlce by nnd by. t,i( tia uuy uictr l-uusiu rcir vicisirice. When wo eousider thocoinmciciul and pecuniary interests at stako In this city nlotie, ten ntllllons now is a mero trillo in eoinpaiison. Let iisbny tho vcidiet w iiieu is so mil to uio iiiieiustii oi tins city." Theru may bo two or three horded souls in thu Setinto who mo willing to bell their votes for gold liku Ilenedlct Arnold, but thuy nto not Iteptibllcnus. They ttiu (puisi-Johnsou rebels. Such wolds aiu basu slanders ou tho 1 repub lican Senators, and thu author liehly deserves a fellous sell ; but they servo to keep up tho excitement uud to i;lvo forcu mid effect to thu Ingeiions argu ment of Hon. Wm. S, Cliocsbcck. Jfundyer TkuIcub Slevaia jtropured an elegant hhoi I speech ou tho 11th attlole. Ho re-ad u poitiou of il stand ing ul tho Secretary's desk, but after pioccediug a low minutes, being very feublu ho obtained permission to talcu a seat, and having read neatly hull an hour fi out a chair his voice becoming almost too weak to bo heard ho hand ed thu manuscript to Mr. liultler, who concluded tlio rending. This argu ment is short, pointed uud iu my Judge ment couclusivu of tho guilt of Andy Johnson. Manager Williams wus in soinu res pects laborious, but legal uud logical, and it showed signs of great prepara tion iu the passages of geuulnu elo quence. Ho dUcussod tho passed ac tions of tho President which shows his criminal intent, and tho enormity of tho President's real crimes. Kverts, counsel for thu President fol lowed Mr, Williams with a very long oration. IIu was three days and a they will wot ship Clod According to halt delivering it. At times ho was quite eloquent uud uhvnys kocn and subtle. Manager Hingham said it ap peared that Mr, Evorts " tried to make Ids argument immortal by making it eternal." It is now nearly titna for the mall to eloso. Mr, Uinghain madu the ablest und most eloquent of uuy of tho speech es; I will sketch hjs to-morrow, or At the cpmmencmetit of my next letter. Died, on tho 25th, nil., Jennie Hag zard, tho fast relio of slavery iu Rhodo Island, In tho census of 1840, flo slaves were reported in that State. Iu tho next consun none wore reported. tho fio being dead or mauumitted. Tho last of tlio number Jcniiio Hazard-, was buried on tho COth, tilt., nt Now port, IL I., having died at tho ago 'of ninety-six years. Shu was born tho slavo of Johuithau Kaslon, nnd served tho Hazard family through three gen erations. For years alio was supported by tho ropicsentallvos of thatjfamily. Tho census of 1810, which reported five, slaves iu Rhode Island also reported sevontceu in Connecticut, threo hund red nnd thirty-one in Illinois!, threo in Indiana, sixteen in Iow'a, ono iu New Hampshire, foitr in New York, three in Ohio, sixty-four in Pcnsylvmila, mid eleven 111 WUcnimin. Tinw .IntiAv bail six hundred nnd sevpiiK-.Amr. Tn inxn VI all theso had disappeared I roiti tho cen sus except two-hundred hud thirty-six from Now Joraoy. In IfiOfJ tnls num ber had dwindled to eighteen,1 but tho number of slaves In tho free States had been reinforced by two in Kntisas, the debatable ground. Tho telegraph infoims us lliatHrigh nm Young, lu a sermon nt Milt Lk, Used theso words: "When I speak trt tho Saint I include- myself. I profess to bo a Saint with thu rest of my brethren nnd sis ters; and my public and privafollfolsa proof whether I mil truly n Saint or not. " Thu Hist resolution of Mr. Glad stone, dcelntiug that tho established Church of England ought to bo discon tinued lu Ireland, has just passed tho ,Ii IIouso ol Commons by Oft majority. Tltli li ouu of tho great reforms of tho present, day. Tho elective franchiio has been extended lu KnglmuK nnd or long each and all will voto Mid tboix they will worship God according to their own belief without being com pelled to support nny Cfiuroii'preachor orpiiest. Religious toleration will cov er Irish and r'ngllah soil aslt'howdooa tho United States. God speed tho good work. Mrs. Juno Kinney of Ponsylvanl, haj beconlu a grandmother At 31 yoara old. She wm a mother at 10 and hr daughter recently becamo mother at in years old. Peinylrnnl is bucoui inj; mora prolific than Oregon. Tin: Wav t'ou Soi.uikiui to Talk. Tho Nuvadu Tratucrlpt, ul tbo 27th, relates tho following: At u llttlu mining cutup iu Washing ton township thu news of Grant's nom ination was received on Saturday last. Thu men, who wero all identified with thu Union mrty but one, wero jubilant. lhat ono had been a consistent Demo crat and voted for Halght, but was a war Democrat who had shouldered hi musket uud genu to the field. Ko thruw down his ptok nnd joinud iu tho rejoicing, mid ou noticing tho astonish ment of his fellows, said i " Boys, it makes no dillreuco who thu Democracy uominato Grant is my man and will get my vole. 1 fought In thu saiuo cause mid I can voto for him nnd will." That' tho way for soldiers to talk and Ktieh will bu ihu sentiment bf almost tho entiro tinny. Tho "boy iu bluo" will net by Grant as a staunch old Democrat did by Scott when" nomina ted. Ho said: " Hoys, I tit tinder old Scott iu Mexico, nnd bejabers' I'll voto for him in America." Ho It will Im with Grant. Thu loyal men who marched with him to Foi t Henry, Dob clsoti and Viuksburg, mid who after ward wero led to victory ou overy UeloT from 'Washington to Richmond, caub counted o'u iu this contest. Every bravu soldier will feel that the chanco to voto for thu Grout Leader U tho pioudest day of his life. IIin r o.h Quoting Latim. Ono of tho most clear-headed writer wo know any where, distinguished for1 Lis com mon senso, and his pithy, Saxou style, scuds us tho following whloh wo oom mend to nil whom it may eouoers: "Did it over occur to writers for the. Imbllupress, that tho mass of readers mow nothing of Latin, or of French. ..! .l 1 .1 .. tl ui ui iiuy uiiiur luuguuuu f II A II mtttX jij own iiioiuer vongue, i uenfXA ft very Intelligent farmer say, tho other day as ho throw dowji tho paper he wm reading, 'Thore, uuy man who writes for common people (o road, and ralxea an unknown tongue with thd'KnalUb, without translation or opology, is aa. iinposter. Ho deliberately ilwults ev ery common reader, und such imposi tion, I never moot without JndigBatioa: and I despisq tho pedant who wrote it." m llA.vufi Oyir- A good storyi is told' by a Now Oi leans papor, of an individ ual who presented himsolf to tho chief qi poljpe, with a loud complaint of cer tain boys thowiug stones into b'is house. One, ho said, had only last evening struck his daughter on tho breast, ' Was the youug lady badly hurt f " inquired tho ohief. "No. not badlv huit herseff," ieplio( tho complaiiuNst; " but tho stouo broko threo flugete otf the hand of a young gcntleraaa who it, paying her especial attention."