U -" . v 35 1 i-, ' ' ' FRANCOl-'XMEritcVN ' ' HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, orrosiTE THE Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Travelers and resident boarders will flno MADAME JJ ROBOAM'S SSDS AN sBSDDHfO Placed In first eUsa'ordcr, nnd la ovory J n cuii;riur .u nujviu una BCCllon, nod surpassed by wiy la tbcrStaU, HERjSllIlijRIWLr JlJWnSIffiD, And 11 plentiful supply of tbo best of every thing the market affords will be ob tained for ; ' HER TABLE. No troubled will be snared to deserve, the ual- ronago of the traveling as veil ns the perma nent community. Jacksonville, March 31, 18GG. tf P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, IS NOW IN POSSESSION OF THE ENTIRE lock of material nnd locls formerly be longing to Costcllo t Coffin. Mr. Costcllo bavin withdrawn. I'. II. Coffin will continue (lie business, and con be found At his shop, Corner or C nnil Tlirld Streets prepared to do work In a workmanlike manner and nt ri'nsnnnblo rales. Jacksonville, Oct. in, 16R7. octlOtf EL DOU ADO, H. n. Cor. t'nl.&Ogn. Xf.Jnrl sour lllr,0. S. M. FARREN. NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN! THEN (JO TO THEATER'S BROOM MANUFACTORY axi) ih:y run i;i:st i. tiil jiabkct, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Factory on rnrnrr nf Oregon nnd Main Sis., I it thn Odd IVIInw's I lull, mid opposite the I-rmicn-A ni'Tlcnii lli'sluiirnnt. .Inrksmitllle, Nuv 'J'Hli. Ifl'.T. nnvII'l-Ciu TAT TO-LAST CALL. AI.LTIIO.9K INIK1TK1 TO l-VS AUK hirelty nnltflml lo mint? furwiird nnd pay tip by iIh- llrst day of January ensuing. n U will certainly In- li lliclr Interest Indu ft, na wo c.innnt do lmliir wlihont money tn meet nnr own Hiilillilles: mid furlliormore. dot-mine it for the lust Inleresl of nil ponreineil. we hnve deleriiitmil liMSitildlsli n strict onsli linl In Wines idler the first day nl Jnminry, 1808. und will not depart Iroin It. SUTTON .v IIYDK. .Ii.rksnnvlllo. Pre. Wtli. 1607. decailf LIME! LIME! BUILDERS. AND OTHERS WHO DIWIRE limn, will Hud n eoiiolniit rupply.nl the ln:st ipiullly. In (pmntllli In suit, at my shop on Muln sltet'l, Im'Iwitii Oregon and Third. i poslte Mnller & llirntnnnV slnn-. In niynb. sence, Mr. Alex. Miirlln will ult upon custom ers. F- STONE "CUTTING AM) HIohc Mason Work done on terms lo suit the times. Older fiom the country will receive prompt attention. ' JOHN It. PEACOCK. 'Jacksonville, April 2C, 1807. n27 Notice To Tax-I'uj crs. Omen Cot.. Iktwvai. IImkm-k. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Animal JAst of 'Taxes for the year 1 808, consisting of Special Tuxes, (Licen ces), Income Tuxes, Duties on Watches, Car rlogcs, etc, boa teen returned to me for collec tion. Ji lax-payers residing In Jackson and Jose- Rhine counties, oro hereby notlfled that James I, Sutton, Dep'ty Col., will tie at Jacksonville from tke lOtk stay of May to the lUth of June, 1808. to receive and receipt for taxes, In Jack- eon county, and will bo nt Keruyville on the 15tli, Af Hrlgbb' lu tlie,IOli, C" M. ' iiudstf Waldo on the 17th. Unletu:payracnt made at the tlmo spcclflcd. costs and pcnnltlei will ho added, In the man ner prescribed by law. ,, . ,! M. CRAWFORD, Collector. May aoth, 1808. lnlCtd. . ii).,.. i. ii"' ' " 'JtfOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICE.' Having disposed of pur Fac tory, wo r? now prepared to glvp our whqle attention to.our leather and Finding business, Qn band, direct from France, Calf & hip, Dgmcstlo Leather, Boot Legs, etc, John G..I1RIH, ' I L.Favw, ( Jons Brat, 'NewiYork. I I'mU, j BanlraoeUico. Address, HEIN & BRAY, tfan Franolsco. 416 Battery' Street. tilii- nno Xui- JPovuMir l-.i AND BLACKSMITHS. .CttiatyrUad dJ UWtV COAJ. awl.l'KI JUON X,OOQ To?xm, rraAfloa..forUt..VK( DoyLE W y) 15 PinlOc St., Sau Jrnj'f,0' I fc " ttmtt VOL. XIII. DUSINKSS NOTICES. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JAQKSOXriUR, OJiEOdX. Ambroty pos, Photographs, Cartes de Vislte DOXR m TI1F. FINEST STYI.K OF ART. Pictures llciluced OR ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. DR.AJ.OVEttBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office at bis residence, In the Old Ovcrbeck Hospital, on Oregon Street. K.II. tsREKNMAN, PHYSICIAX iVND SUltGEON, OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. lie will nrncllca In Jncksnn nnd adiacent counties, and attend promptly to professional calls. feb2tr DR, A. B. OVtRBECK'S BATH ROOMS, In tlio Ovorbock Hospital, WAHM, COLD it S1IOWKU 11ATIIS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS l GKUHK, M. I)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE removed to Oregon Street, near ly opposite tho French Restaurant. Jacksonville. Iltr. i'lst. 1807. decil-tf I). KI2WIS GANUXC, PHYSICIAN t SUItOKOX AXI) Obatotrlolan, Tiril.Ti attend lo nnv who may renulro his V services. Ume ailjolnlnix N. Lnngel'a slion simp, nu lnckniiie. north slilu Cnllfornln Ftrctt, norl'tf HI'KCIAI. NOTICES. isTAuW THE UNTox J CELEBRATED 8T0MACHBITTER8! f Tlirroitrllilmix stmiiMli lllllrrs are tiillrrlr; ) VrrUlilr, suit fr fnim alivlail snJ crrjr liurt-1 TRY A JUDGE ( THEM! - FOR TRY T Y0UR THEM 1 1 r , SELF! rr.ii L.PMiiriiL a i.fAAsnt iniilr. sml a most ..h.nl.lA ilrlnlr TliM lilfirLrt W IIimmIi-U w1th JiKiiM'nimniiiiuiiililiiin'lUi:i'lttiT.iin(lf I rM...i tim iinrt riin.. u of iUiisMi limits, txtrkas (si.rt horbs am ailmlnilily aiUiilf il l tlieuirrof ) .ii .fr.!..!!.! nf thn Ktuiuu.li. ivlitiirs s.Uf I r sua 2 Jll.mil.. such ljpU. IWr. Ilrtlln jliOMor An'llle. le. 'If- i'orMloorV'1'1""''') fAl-l" rKJiKl! ; rnr.anxmin A- JsikMin. hu l'nurlsro . W.SK1IA1IMKN. fxlLE jiArrniiuii. DR. HUFELAND'S rEi.:iii!ATt:i STOMACH BITTERS! Ifl TRY IT! THY IT! Tli Ul ruririrruflU llloudt A rirawnl Tonic I .1 ttf Acroul Drink I Uinurputd tw attlnji surslr tml K'uWf iw 111 Wfll.iui of lli kUnsjs, lowtw, tuumcli ami llirrl rsr-Mltatallwlii'ltul M rtlall liquor, ilrei ami poirv torts. NOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT ! J.0. J'aucu. I'ruiirltlw. wiviin h vKXY.l. fttta A coat. JslS-ly sji.no, imw- ... yr'-----j". .i 4ia,vitj ris pm iiroig, I. O. G. T. ALPHA LODOB, NO. 1, 1. O.O.T., HOLDS Its regular meetings on Tucedaj evening of each week, at the District School House, lu Jacksonville. LODGE opens, at 71 o'clock. DEGREE MEETING8 the W Tuesday of each month, after adjournment of bUBOUDINAlfc LODGE. All members of the umcr in gooa siuuuuig nrninllallv Invited to bo lirescnt. D. U. O. GAULT, W. J. It. Wadk, Sec'y. Jacksonville, fcb. 8th, 1868. O. T. feb8tf Warrtm Ioa No, 10, A. F. ft A. M a HOLD their regular communleatlona VV on tho Wednesday Evenings or preced V Ing the full moon, tn "cuonjiu, oi xaox, A. MARTIN, W. M. O.W.tSivioE.Soo'y. The West Remedy for PtirifyiB the Blood, Strengthening he Nerves, Restoring the Lost Appetite, It FUESE'S HAMBURG TEA. It Is the best preservative agalnstal most any sickness, If used timely. Composed of berbs nni. it r.ftn do eiven naieiv w iuiu. ..... rcotlons In English, French, Bpauisn and uer- man.wiin every pacaage. i For sale at all tho wholesale and rtUU drug alorcu and groceries. EM1LTRESE, Wholesale Druggist, Solo Agent, 4IO Clay street, juyUyi San Francisco ... . .. 1 . liUV 1W I JACKSONVILLE ATURiUY jfrftE 6 1,808. SH- THE OREGON SBNTINfiL. rUBMSHKD Every Saturday Morning f, B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, CORNER C tf THIRD STREETS. TKtmn op svBsctuprtoxi For one year, In advance, fonr dollars ) If iiui pnm wnnin mo urn six monins oi ins year. Ave dollars ; If not paid unttl the expiration of Iho year, six dollars. TKIIMH OP AUVRRTISINU I Ooosnooro (10 lines or less), flrst Initrtlon, three dollars t each subsenucnt Inicrllon. one dollar. A discount of flflpcr cent, will be made lo thoso who advertise- by the year. "Lcgal Tenders received at current rales. AS JAY BY DA'Yt As day by day the yesja go on, I sometimes sit and ponder, Will alt bn gono when love Is gone J What comes Instead, I wonder? It mast be strange to wake at mora And not tall back on.dreamlng, Nor e'en lo feel one Is forlorn, Nor miss the love light's gleamlog. So day by day, so old and gray, Till people go on living, Till life hath taken all away. And death begins lis living. A Iteminlaccncc of Kenn. Atnuiig tliu U'lniniseonccs wliicli tlio tlviilli of Clinrlcs Krnn linn rccallcl to tlio iniiuls of tliosc wlib knew liini in n nilliiT ghostly Mory' told of Ills father. I'Miiitiiul ICfiiu linil n fljiiiit for pmcti cal jnkiiii; fi-tfiitioiilly of n ininchiev oms ur lcrii(yiii! kind. At ono time n quartet of friondri dini'd weekly to get her, of whom Kdiniind Kenn and Kllidoti wcro two. After dinner, on one dnrk winter' evening, a hackney coaeh wan cnllcd, nnd the four friend, each H'crctly cjirrying n Finall bag tin. der hiri arm, entered tho vehicle, which wan ordered lu 1u driven to n Mrcct ofl' tho Strand which was not very brilliantly illuminated. When it reach cd it gloomy xpot, where tliegns-lainm were wident ajiart, the driver wan told to halt mid ocn the door, nnd from the ctos defended it gentleman in full mourning co-tunic, clonk mid hat li.iud: then another, himilarly capari. wined, and another nud nnollur;' lint t!uc wero not all ! Tin How ol moiirnei-rt routiuiied, without inteirii'i- linn, till tho lino Keeiiicd likely to "htreteh out to thn crack of doom." The driver, who Flood nl tho door holding his arm to nxniot thuHningc roni'Miiy an they nlighted, bore, it for awhile; but, overpowered at last with fear and horror, ran on, homing (or the wnteli to exorcise the dciuoulcal procession. This was a bit of Kdiiiuud Kenn' wild fun. JIo liad furnished his companions with their funeral gear in the bags. Tho cloaks, etc., wero as sumed as they drove along, nud (ho opposite door ol the coach was quietly opened, and the steps let down, before tho occupants got out from tho other side. To slip unperceived round from tho back of the coach, nnd pass nimbly through again and again before tho coachman, who was one ol tlio true Jarvey type, could discover tho trick, was easy enough to such old stagers and whether they had not all melted into thin air, beforo tho roused Dog berry could bo drugged from his watch box and brought to,thosce;io of action, must bo left to the reader's iiuagiiin tiou. 1.'.mtk Tlio loveliest valloy has a dirty swamp; tho noblest mountain piercing blasts, and tho prettiest faco some tiL'ly feature. Tho fairest is most subject to freckles; and tho hnndsomost girl is apt to be proud the most scnti mentn! lady loves pork, nnd tho gayest mother lets her children go ragged. Tho kindest wifo sometimes overlooks nn nbsent shirt button, and tho most loving husband lorgets to kiss liis wifo' every timo ho steps outside tho g'ato, und tho best disposltioned child in tho world will get .niigry and squall; am tho smartest scholars will miss ales. SOU; IHO Wll.liepvay "f"""jj "-ri nnd tho wisest essayist vrito some nonsbnso: tho 'stars will fall and tbo moon eclipse nnd tho men v nut-els. nor tho earth bo heaven therefore every subscriber ought pay for his paper. 16 wmtiml -. t i i l..j ju.it --i i--' - -' : Arc wo llarbnrlaHs I llio tfew York Tiiiiti reads us, tlio dwellers by the I'nclfic, "where tho, Occident alid Orient 'meet'," h rnthcr savage lecturo on our treatment of Chi namen. Our Ink T.egislnlurc, which covered itself with" glory In so nnhy wnyp, which cI6scd out the State Sur voy ehoso h United Stnles Scnatbr un 'der such peculiar circumstances, and rr fused tb let Chinamen testify in Courts, is the In ore itumedlnto subject of tho 7V')if.i' criticism; but Cnllornin in gen eral comes iu for n share of tho .scold ing. Tho following sounds rathor so vcro: "And when ono thinks what "a California!! white or brown rufllan "is the very scum of tho prohUtircs "of tho earth a man steeped in crimp "and often, a rulugeo from Justice, "whoso word would not bo accepted "by his own gang of murderous out "casts, and that his testimony is to bo "received, whilo tho oath ol the decent, "honest, hard-working Chinamen, "whom he has sought to murder, is to "bo rejected wo may judge what this "step of California progress is. A ".State with such an act in its criminal "code is not worthy to bo called civil "ifcod. Its civilization Is but the flashy "gilt over barbarism." Xow, tho first impulse of the genuine California!! upon reading a paragraph liko that, istoget highly indignant nt Haymo.nd'm impu dence in berating us niter so rudu a fashion. Ilui after nil isn't thcro a great deal in the facts ol the case that is calculated to provoko just that style of comment ? Is it not carrying the wicked prejudice of casto and color to nn utterly iudciopsiblo extreme tn deprive Chinamen of the right to testily oven in cases where they have been victims of robbery or outrage? Wo think it Is. In our judgment tho law on this subject ns it now exists, is nothing less than barbarous. Xo intelligent and candid man can defend it. Its exist ence is undoubtedly n disgrace tn the State. J ho ablest jurists aro now agreed in tliu opinion that tho whole principle of (Mlmli'tijf witnesses on tho ground of probable iiutriiKtworthlncss ' is wrong. They think tho who and sensible course Is " to let it in for what thu jury may think It worth." Courts and jurymen cnu judge of the ercdihiliy ol a witness, whether black or white, by hi nppcaiancc, manner, consistency 8llloot,y mi0 gu, n,w without any and tho way in which ho endures t1io(i.lnl,,cnwllltnm,i For inhnilC0. jn ordeal ol erossexaminutlon. If China- ..,..,, :... .,. r.,nrrn. ,ll.il-1.. .. men wero admitted to testify, there iiJrilflinil kll0Wll n, (,, iwu, nnd no danger that evidence would carry Jllci,jcll,aiy to n guerrilla, named Al too much weight with it. Tho fatal ,.,, w ,M .u , lustice to our. objection to tho law is that It provides ' an arbitrary and foolish standard the standard of race and color to decide who shall testify, nud it cannot bo do- , (ended by argument, llio law is, in short, it disgrace to the State. Wo ob serve that the ('oil attempts to defend it in a long article, and Its defence is a disgraco to Journalism.- Dtimmth VhrunUt. Tnu Locality oh Hi:.v. A corres pondent of tho Virginia Jintirjtrbe, willing from Iteuo, Xpvada, May nth, thus describes this place; On the eastern slope of tho Sierras tho Central I'acifiu Itailroad follows down tho Truckco Itivcr Vullcy nud passes around north of tho mountain group in which tho Storey county milieu are situated. Tho point where this tqwn Is located is on tjio Truckco riv or about fivo miles out in tho plain from tho baso of Iho Sierras, nt flic point known ns Lake's bridge. Tho town is located on the west bank of thu riv er, nnd tho sito joins with tho lands of tho Wash United Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, tho main entranco goto to that cqmpany'M laud being only 50 yards distant from tho railroad dppot, und tho town lots extending up to fho company s lencc. Tho town, site lies for half a milu in length along tho river and extend back westward from tho bank a-littlo over a quarter of a mile. Thp railroad run's lengJhwiso through tbo jpiddlp of t)ic town, and the depot hf in tl0 center. Hut it will hayo many other causes oj growth. It is thp tcrmiuuB, of thq' Virginia and iVuckcp I(aroad, whlcJi, starting from Virginia will pass llirouL'h Gold Hill, around bv Carson and dowil tlnoiiL'h tho wholo lencth of :. ,.. . .r .p f lno Wttsuo) vauoy. JllJ NO. iL -?UJ.!.. il I'll !!!! The true Story nt Cinderella. Tho story of Cinderella is fnmtllartq every otic, and yet there nrb few that trv'nsurd it up 'ris in cVcry redpect lrk But U has a foiiridatlbn hud a reality that really need too fairy god-mother, with liiir )itimjikih, and her rats' td make nn enfertnining tale, ft Is'as fob lovs: In nbout tho ypar K3p, a French no tor, by tho namo of Thovctiard, lived in 1'nris. Ibj'wns rich nud tnlcntod but ho had no wile, and wo piny hvliovo ho hod novcj jovod any om but gnvo nil his affections, to thoso ideal ehamotern that ho could rcpi-esent so finely on the stage. Ono day ns ho was walking leisurely along the streets of I'm is he came upon n cobbler's stall, and his eye wns attracted by n dainty little shoo which lay thcro for repairs. His Im agination immediately began to form tho little foot that must fill such n lit tle shoe, Ho examined it woll, but only to admire it moro nnd more. On going to his own houso ho scctnrd haunted by tho little shoe, lie, fancied it tripping over his lloor; ho could hear the music of its tread in fact thcro wns nothing nmoiig nl his rich, ele gant 1 1 ensures that seemed to him half so beautiful. He went to tho stnll of tho cobbler again, but could learn nothing in re gard tn tho owner of tho shoe. This only increased his eagerness, and mado 111 tn iimru determined to know to whom it belonged. Day by day ho was dis appointed, but ho wan not discour aged. At last thu little font needed tho lit tle shoe, and The vcuard met thu owner, n poor girl whoso parents belonged lo the humblest class, lint tho ardent ac tor thought not of Instu or family. His heart had already pronounced tho little ono his wife. Ho married tho girl, with no question of what pcoplo would say, nnd felt enough joy in hear ing thu trend of the light, nimble foot, through his silent rooms, to pay him for tho mut! Il co of people's approval. This is tho truo story of Cinderella, nnd from which the child roniaiicospinng. Aniii:i:.Mii.r. Bi'sinkhhV Oh, tho fe licity of editing a paper! Charming, ngreeablu business, in n horn ! Fasci nating, attractive occupation, but dilll- cull to npincciato. How nicely and vpH ,, ,,, c0lllllllllljly nt !lrgt,( The other day, while quietly seated in our sanctum, taxing our brain for more copv," iu response to the ever lasting cry of thu ' devil," tho two above named vidians, ono of them mined with a hatchet mid thu other with u bowiu knife, of largo dimen sions, mado it violent attack upon our person. Thu only alternative was to tight or die. Wo accordingly seized a largo knife, about two feet long, used for cutting paper, nud bled our assailants pretty freely. Thoy sued forineroy; wo spared their worthless lives, and told them to duHt, and they got uj and dusted. Wu would tnko this occasion tp statu that if ever they or any ono else attack uh with tho in tention of doing bodly hnrni, wo will shoot them dead In their tracks or cut their throata from ear to wj. Qwjhce Avahtnehv, J YOiwii nilntyor'iti a highly elabo rate sermon which ho pronchd sa)d several limes, "commentators do not agreo with mo hero." The udit morn ing a poor woman caino to see .him with something In her apron. Slip said her husband had (icapl M qurjnoii and thought it very line, and as ho had said tlio couimou taters did not agree with him, ho lidiV sent solno of his best kidneys. DoN'Tulvortiso; If is 'a very jiobr plan. It will call attention to your pinco of business, aiid it is mtloh bet ter for pooplo who wish to trado with you to' hunt yon tip. It giVes your customers exorcise, aitd makb's them healthy. Ilesidos, if you ndyprUsc somebody will buy up ypur gq9di and then you will hnvo to got moro, and it will bo a great bother to you. T?o7itT7mfnn?tiTai . The. Lauly Dkau. Some, ono has said of thoso who djo young, that they aro liko lrttrtbiiwhlclt Alplnd shepherd's bent In thoir arms to higlicrnnd green er pastures, that tho (locWmny foflow. They may b'd "Tc'frjoyctV tUnt doting hearts may bo lured away heavenward. It is said of a fisherman who VdA it customed it) go out in, n boat with his family 'and spend tlio day n't nilistauco Iroin tho ttborb';' nl thoroiWcro frequent fogs, ono of tho number wns usually left nt homo to ring a bell as a signal. Oii ono occasion a little son rumaiucd on shore. During tho day a thick (og settled down upon tho water, nnd tho (labors attempted to reach tho land, but tho mist grow deeper ami darker, nnd after rowing vainly in all direc tions despair had nearly suspended thoir efforts. Just then a llttlo voice camo through "the darkness, "Father I steer straight for mc, father, and you'll get homo 1" Tlio father renewed hit cflbrts, and by steering In tho direc tion oi the oft repeated call, renchod tlio desired haven. Not Ib'ng after, the llttlo Irid whs taken away by death. Tho father was filled with dK spondcrioy. But whilo thnB nUnatcd ho seemed to hear from heaven, "'Fath'- or! steer straight for me, father, anil you'll got'liomo l" Ho heeded tho gen tle call.'' Oneo a man of groveling ten- ilcneies ho turned IiIm riBplrntlons'hcat1 en ward. So tho-nuwerj" Is often tnadd vncaut, tho gleo and prattlo of child hood Is hushed In death, that from yon' der bright world may bo heard somo sweet cliornbio volco calling, " Father", mother! steer straight lor me, and y mi will get home." Hnppy those parent who heed tho heavenly call. HujfUfo (,'hintuin Adeocatf. Maxims rou Yoir.vn Mk.v. lciyi good comjiany tr none. II your hands cannot bo usefully em ployed, attend thu cultivation ol your mind. Always speak tho truth, Miiko few promises. Live up to your engagements. Keep your own secrets il you hnvo any. When you speak to n person, look htm squui o in tho lace. Good company and good conversa tion aro thq very slnows ol virtue. Good character is above all things else. Your character cannot bo essentially inured except by your own act. If ono spenks evil ol you, let your lilo be such that no oilu will bellovu him, Drink no kind or intoxicating liquor. Kver live, misfortune excepted, within your income. , When you rctiro to bed, think over what you have been doing during tho day. Make no haste to bo rich II you would prosper; small mid steady gains givu competency, with tranquility of' mind. Xuvcr piny nt any game of chance, Avoid Temptation, through fear you may nut withstand it. Never inn iu debt, unless you co ft way to get out again. Xuvor burrow if yon can possibly avoid it. Novcr unnecessarily "peak evil ol any one. Be just buforo you nro generous. Keep yourself Innocent if yon woujij bo happy. Save whon you aro young, to ipenck when you nre old. AuoMi tho obituary jiptlcc ol an Ohio paper, we find tho following -" Mr. Wm. Joiich, of Midta townin aged cighty-thiee, passed peacefully away, on Tuesday evening last, Iroin siiiL'lo blessedness to matrlnioila bliss, alter a short 1uC sudden attack by A jcp Blossom, a bloomiiig widow o thirty-five," Thm mlnlb ot tho greatest man iu tho world is not o iiulopendeut b that' ho 'may be subject to being trtu-. led1 by tho Jonst jumblo wlloU is wade arouiid him. Itnoed not lo tho iioiwi ol a cannon tb disturb hi thought V.' t iiecd only bo tho noiso of a'weatbein cock or pulloy. Charles Piokon say;"I.hay oftW hoard a vastquantityofnonscnMalk ed about bad men noj. looking you 'tki the lace. IJjon't trtut that oouventte 'ul, idea. TjiBhc-uc'tty wiltr.hw out of (ipimtfiianpo ony.tjaylnthawoikj If tlterp 8iiuy,thl?g'to,bogpV'' Doctor, Fratiklln"fusid to lav, MKc" raatfor bot long a na kid b&H'iW. tied, ho 8hould"ridvor'neglebtf Vfrt bis wifu."' ThW'u conBideroa1 a' fjisMt' joke by somo moilcrri husbaaAJ. " Man A bubbjo lite. on tho ocean .1