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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1868)
THE-, .OREGON JETO'EL. Sati;i:uav Moknino, My .10, 1808. X CAM). IU,l!tiiiKi llil llii; Inicla I lllltlll 1101 tl' blVIMll-ll Mill iif ulikliun. political iMie, or ttiiwkls'hlllli P.nrlr .cli' wit .1 lirrolij nn Tifpntico'iitjM'll ni imlepi'i.ileni c.unllilnlp for lln" naici r 5iin rlnlvniliMit urCunitiiifii Sclmulf In JnckonCdunt ,'Oioton. i:. v.TKivy. I'lina-hix, Orrgon, "Mny Mb, Irti'y. -r " " viuitK. n wrk. am. o. u. bi00i nM 9d Letter JUH.H.ICVU uik pmcni rigntior .inckson and Josephine counties for the celo bratcd Mcndouliall oliuui, nndtlias uiem now reaay tor delivery tit How &R BED It. ROCK- "And Jesus found in thb Temple, mono uiai 80UI oxen ruid sheen and Man Shot. Lnt Wi'dnetiday morn ing, James Hardes, wlio lives on Big Hutto Creek, shot James Arnold with n liflc, the tinll entering his forehead .and killing him in&Unlly. Wo under tand that tlio paid atl'air occurred nf ter t Ii4 uUo: ,A taw days previous Jo the fchootiilg, James llardes went to Arnold's caniji and got n dog belong ng'jo 'liim. At this meeting, hard rorus pnosedi Mlu'pli "suited in no ho i7us eoiiHeqiieuces. tlio dog went nA ,,! ntul on the morning of tho shoot "iii" IIa."'l," w'cnl n,u'r ,,lin nKni"' ''f'l'. r-iiim n.r Arnold was a hoard shan . lint a..1 t. ... ...-. ........... vuijjViuur snop 111 ims ""'. uu mo cnangors ot tuonoy oft town. Wc have Been theso churns . ting ; and when ho had mado n scours tiled, and they actually separate the (of small cords, he drovo them out of fivKi 2E. Cn'n "? , " rm lU', l l,M "l- lJouiid out the chan! inointnntefl. t-all at t hcBion and e.v acrsmnnnv. nn.i i.tai..u....t.. ..1.1 amine the I . .. -. i ty, with one fcif.." .uc" aH approached the caiu'"- ""i1 t'","L' n4rou"(! by thu oi.un side of the' ln' AnioM saw him and iuuincd to ti'' I",l"s bed wlieni Ills till.. Inv ,.ll. ' CP " blanket, and commenred unrollini7,'nt .It . . -- O 4 .. . i lie- same time watclilng JInrdcs. . ' J.nnri-nu- !.. tl. i..i i: nt ..old unrolled thogunaml wasraWngi ' I'S' !"1 Cll"rC'' nl ,0 to his ace, when Hnrdos shot him asl mplemcnt Tun Ham. at IIkiimnus. Wc neg lected to mention the fact that tho party nt Mr. Herling's on tho 18th was gay. 1 ho supper could not be excell edmusic was good, and everybody enjoyed themselves as thev invariably do at that place. I.oug may, ho wave I Ii:i.!mnr-.lcr. M. A. Williams wHI preach in the Methodist church this evening at early candle-lighting; also fo-morrow .it n iS.AmSJ ..ft.. Which tho "Sacrament of ilio 'T.rml' btijiper" will he administered. J'jiKsir Vk.nimi.v. Mr. O. 1). Hoxlo laid on our tablo this week, tho finest venison ham wc have seen for a loin a raro treat, and Mr. If. time. It was will please accept our thanks for tho same. NV.w Ann. Attention l called to Mullcr & Hrcntaiw's new ntl.l. It is a littlo thu neatest thing we nave seen Intely. rather Glorious holds scnim to- jur. iJ, itiinmn was nrcs- n'ove staled. cut anil liichcilU'd JiM levolver at Hardis,uho clubbing his riflo struck Diinhip on the nrm, severely injuring him.' IJunlnpthen retrcatctf with his jnstol still prefiitcd. Ilanles fii-pd oid Josci."111 slth "w1 nullroadi. and said unto them. umL-ntmi ,... W..11,; cis houio a house of merchandise." St. John,vChfipt. , u, 13, 10 & 17. To a Hed Kock Domocrat, as you know. I am, Mr. Kditor. this Inugungo Jiot ouly embodies a jihilosophleal idea, but it indicates the duty incumbent on every real and true Democrat in this canvass. The grcrvt Tcmplo ol Democ racy, which has for its base, Amdamcn tnl principles and ideas, has been taken possesion of bv simllsmmi. wlm mt nptly stylod "Hrcad and Huttcr Demo orats That h Demoerats not tar jirin cijile, but merely tar office and its emoluments. Now lot inn nsk m l.-l. low Demociats, tiied and true, what is our duty in tho premises? Is it not to cican out the have tn our pol pies time-honored and clorious? As tar mvsclf. I havo como to the conclusion that I will leach those do- lmcal hucksters, that devotion to prin ciples is n stronger tie of political alle giance, than tho plastic salvo of bread and butler. Tlie)- liavc so!:! j!'0 nrtac less herltngo of Democracy for a mess of pottage, and expect truo Democrats to ratify the contract! Mv fellow democrats, aro von willing to mako .uiiy 111 1110 premises? is it not to 1 out these catnp-tallowcfs, who taken possession of tho Tcmplo of )olitical faith, sanctified bv princl- OWN ! DOWN !! DOWN If WITH HIGH PRICES. NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES AT T1IK SACHS BROS' AB NOW ItEOKlVlNO TUB t,AliaKST. CbcRDOlt. ntld best Itlfdcd Stock of .S'nrlnr nn J Summer Goods ever olTcrctl la the mnrkoi, CONSISTING Jutta T. Uunx, iDt John b. Martin. Dscm GLENN, DRUM & CO., C"t.l!M 1IT3 GENERAL MEROHAN'PISE CALIF011N1A STUECT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. REDIiGTOi Se, CO'S NEW FIRM, iKW GOODS . ...ISD. 3ST3SAV PKIOES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I Much is :,c,ns Southcni Oregon. SliTl,5?,!,0lllI,m'lal1,,,l,IM vorof it? Dave Logan WiilJlii ' Iliirdes came into town .... ,,. . b ., ilra.10 .Jay of the occurrence, to stand hifl c-udsh.p to our rail in it. iiiiiiniit inn .....1 ..... ...1..! t . 1 A.i.l 1! j?ilr.rimnfil lfn i an cMiiiiiiiiitKiii, and was advised to do so hy liiHnltorney, lint nlterwnrd left and has fiolhci-n nrrested yet. As soon 111,1 li irnwi of the killing reached town, .liVftlHOwen and a deputy started for lluttu Civul. t arrest liurtlt'f-, lint inii-N-id iiii'flinrr htm 011 tl.c road. Harden mairied a daughter of Arnolds a few months .since, but not liing ngrccuMv li-thcr. 1 hey had parted. Arunli ''"'hJimipwUilardes hmd eluim. hut Wet- iieiileii liy'tlii latlcr in a Miil be lore the lfryNior 1 l!(fi-ii-rul K'om- buig..,in . . Aivi;vt-im: with a I'.v.w:. .I.:t Tuesday iii-rht-Mr. John Cautrel. liv ing aeroi-" Applegntf oppoite I'nioii 'loJ-n, with the aid of dois treed n Jirar. 'Xot biing prepared for a fight in, the dink, he lelciniined t nitiv by the (roe until morning. Thi his licar--hiii did not fancy nt all, and nwlnwpv iT'iUitteniptK to reach the ground, lint when he came within rrnrhof tho dogs thev did not scruple to lake hold of him, lileli propeedure bruin did not like, and lo avoid It, he went buck up the tree. When daylight came, Mesrs Robert and Win. Cameron eronsed thu river with guns and shot the bear, which pnncd to be a brown bear, weighing 100 pounds. . It mvitjcm .Messrs. Heekuiau and the sacrilico? ff k. walk to the noils said about Smith ,lkl! snceP 0 "C slaughter, under tho being In favor J railroad through comil,1",,1)l " bread and butter Ulio is not n fa- ..:.'... Z ,to A -!" iiurviiuniuugo wemocrncy a snainjj Jias expressed There is nn ulterior idea undorlvintr ilrorul inJcrcsts .this biead and butter invasion of" the and his extermination to pusft thom emV " "cnioeracy, whicli stamps forward, In )u a, strong tcrmsas Mr. lPlrLrTlfuZ Smith has, niid wo linve m nuich right I tMk movement in favor of thoScnnto to beliovo him as to i.cliovc Smith. If ri aspiration of Nesmith. It exists Smith accidentally goes t? Congrpss j10t only in this, Wncco nnd Umatilla he will work with a niinori. V, mm lio fotiiitior. but In mnnv oilier counties Of Uiilti, UIhw. snd CblUrru'i MATS nnj OIJAKS. or Hie Uicii tiTiti. Alio Com pltlo SMortmcnt of UKY QOODS, STJOBL A.S only thing tho peoplo of Orey.'"1 c in this buto. it has nbsolntely forced expect of him is to draw Ms pay 'nil from the leglsiutlvO ticket, tned and mileage; hois nn ultra partisan, iim? -truo Dpinoci-als, to cive jilaee to tho any measure that he might introduce ,t.'ls of Netmith; nnd j:fiiiocrats wll! would find enemies instead of frlpnds .. .n'.' Lnmvl...i.r.. ,.i .t.:. .... '. n.,.n..i.. U. . . , . . . . i1 -..... ...iw ui nun IIJi4. r m.mvii- loinnjoiity Mr. Smith might try lo tho J)emocniticp:irtv,nrb called make iiuile u llcure in CVurrcss ns the i .....,. i., knnrti!lt- ii.u ...'..i Vm lll"M tr I iiiii. (' 1 IMIIIIIVIi . tirtEnTIKG9. COTTONADH, TAULU I.lt4EN.Sv. TOWEMNQtf, 1'UINTS, CHECKS, 1II.KAC1IKU ANU UNUtiUAOIfKO HVS 1.IN.V, DlvMMH, 1'OPLINS, DCLAIKES. A1.PAC0A5, U0MUAZINC3, G1N01IAMS, IAWN5, ClIAMIIItnVS, JK.VNS, I'fiAlN AND DOTTKD SWISS, CAlllllttC. MAINS00K5; Anil li fuel cvcrjlhhig uiuall kept In Flrtl ClikiiDr (jooJi Slori1, AT PMCES WHICH DKFi' IWII'KTITIO.Y. .salntlv memlter from Oicgon. but ns vou willing to do it? lar as ndvancliiir the practical intorfsis of thi Slate is conecrned, Mr. Smith mi:rht n well Slav nt honip. If Mr. Logan represents tins State in Con grefs, which Is I'AWuiiooi' ihoried bv Messrs. 1. IJi:o Honr. We arc nu Jt. ami I. I). nuilo probable, we will have a "Irieiiri at Couit" who will have tho ear of the m able to command friend Applegatu to s;iy that the story in cir culation that tiicv will not support ijority, nnd II v assistance to j J,,, Col. Maury is n fafsehood, nml urtlicr, ,c t0 , that they are doing all in their powoi any iiichmiich lor tho advanecuient of ' ,,.,r ""M n1"' (,-'nestIy desire uis elec-Ore-'on iuteretH. Granting, then, that I ,",,.n- J ,,!? '".v nr' '.V l" J" ",re." the railroad interest of Southern Ore 'V" ,0 '" Hcpubliean ilUsnMs '.in finds coual lavor with each of tho .fa!!,l" t0 Co1' -",yl but it won't titi " I . Ill T?lll.linl ..liiiui.1 ...i Vnliinl.iil.i.1 IVi.. -it" .. ".... v -'. t imif not to make I owerv si San KraneihPo. Ileek. came back cheer about njihts that are not belmr invad iilg'for Cm nt nnd Colfax, and feeling ed, or to guard pilvih-ges that aro in proud of a flue school hell that raudidates, it is certainly our correct policy to send tho one toTcnrcscnt us. who will hnve friends among tho ma-, COME. jority and be nble to accomplish some "... , thing for us, in preference to the one IIKl.MES Near Jclonrlllo. May leib, tbe who wjll bo with the minority, ,nid I wirorJamcs Helmet of ion. theielore powerl.-ss to help -us." "e , HICK In JucVtonTllle May 23ib, lie wife or want a servant in Congress to attend . Juun Ulek of a son. i to our practical wants and do some- I'lilM-Ou WnlnexJsr.27.uupi., t- ibe wife thing not to make flowerv siHtehcs i ' 'Hon.!'. I'. I'rlm, o dauKlter. the pur-' " ,IJ,J,1' but lo work for and secure i iI:mi'i 'i . new pnvi eges, to procure legislation i v hne.l below, and now on the way ' ....... , ;i '..nt. , fi nv Ilenrv brought lux pockets full I ' i GONE. herp, of the bills of a large stock of tin nml hardware, soon to arrive for the now firm ; nnd both gentlemen seemed glad to get homo again to tho little town in the "nook" of the mountain. Wamiixu Ma.iiiim:. Mr. Watson advertises the Pioneer Washing Mn chine this week. He lias facilities tar supplying these labor-saving machines I to all who may. call upon hiiu. The reference given by Mr. W. is good ; and that is not all, ho has got a good machine; olio that economises the strength of tho operator. Good .iio), Mr. Ives, of Sterling villeliruT llirco tons of quartr. drawn to thaOccIdeutnl Quarts Mill this week, wjiioli boing crushed, yielded fifty dol lars to tho ton. Mr, Ives has a good lodge, but unfortunately it is very diffi cult to drain it, henco It is hard to get; out rpek. DAmuor.OMKWK G. W. Crncve. This circus w,il exhibit in Jacksonville next Thursday and Friday nights. From our northern exchanges, wo learn that Hartholomuw js worth patronizing. This is'his first appcarnuco in Orc&ron. hd having crossed over from Mimicso ta'last summer. CtOAiia. Mcssin. Sachs Hros., always mindful oftlc printers, picsontcd this offico;Uiiujbox of choice hnvnnasthis week. The priutera highly appreciated the delicate compliment to their good taste, and say that persons need look t. no-further than Sncbs, when they wish , to gctf'a box of tho finest smoker. c;.YsTATrt TitANSjCoiioy. Dr.' J-fjdMiA3 rjiuohnsod tho hotiso on Cal itarnia sLlietuoeu, :id and 4th sts., for morly.bccupied by tho Sotittem Ore !taJK,,Ifojmnl'ng office. Tho Dr, will jihorily loccupy it. Xkw Mr. John Hilger has torn down the old wood awninir be- fori-tkiCaUiumd ktibstiluicdlbnolofJ .canvass, supported liy an iron I nunc. Wouk Cu,mjvk rn. 'Mr.Mcnsorhns 'iiiniie4icc(lwil. on the old iMmirv and J).uli,l,iick. Independent Candidates. 4TTX()ll 111 I filli Intl.. Allrtnr. J.. wlf of in opening our rich vnllies to the com , A. K. Wniis In Ho SJtli year of Ler ae. iiipicp ot tlio world, to ulil in gnuig ? iih new pomiiation, to increaho our wealth ; nml if the peoplo of this State be wise, they will declare on Monday next that David Logan is to bo tho rcpicsentntivo of Oregon's interests at thu National Capital. I'olltlciil Trtitclui y. There is said to be honor even among I have Ibv honor lo Kiinouuco injfflf nn III' depomlent candldalo for County CommiVBioaer. .May lSIti, lt'C8. 110YAI. BENEDICT. Ilicrdir announce mytelf as an Independent candidate for Ooaaty OoMadssieaer. May IStli, 16C8. J. J, FIU'EH. I hereby announce rnytelf si au ludrpeudeut candidate for COUNTY ASSESSOR. May 15th. 16B8. 1'AT DUNN. thieves; and if this be true, there should bo some degree ol honor and consistency among politicians. Some, however, hnve none, ltefore our Stato Convention was held, W. G. T'VauIt was out as a candidate for District At loinoy; and there was distinct tin dcrktai.diu!r that if wo would not bring out a candidate against him, ho would keep silent and take no active ,' nart in tho canvass. We mado no i nomination, is Mr. Comstock was tcl- j 0r Jackiou eouuiy. egrnnhed nol o nllf y t,,m' I ...,. IB,0 being no candidate iu J oorpjiinciuu j yjZ -- - -- - ty. Wc kept faith? but how' na . r-Tj, M. Turner retpectfully aubmlU bis T' Vault kcjit his ? When he thought 8e to tbe people of Jsckwn County for it too late to put a- candidate against , the office of him, ho took tho field against ns, nnd nrTTMmv nr t?tt u-mk-orl nrrninsr koinn nt ourpnlididatus I CyUUPM X X 'wlJiJXVlV, . . . . ... L irphe undcrilgncd berehy aunouncea hlmwlf I X an Independent canJfjA'.c for tbe oRIce of SHERIFF It. V. MAUJIV. with inoro cal than did their oppo iieuts. JIo, even descended to mattcis, in connection with ono of them, that wero none of his business, and no con cern of tho people's. This is tho rea son why there is now nt this Into day n candidate against Mr. 1'Nault. Many Republicans, who heretofore j wero willing to let tho office of Dis- j trict Attorney go by default, and many i Democrats, who had less confidence i in T'Vuult than tho over-contiding He- j publicans.iclamotcd for'another caudit date, and Mr.jKMoir took tho field. ' Thoso who Kayo insisted on Mr. Kali- tbe enntulng clec tutject to their decision nt lion. May lClb, 18C8. Being solicited by many frlendi, I hereby an nounce mytelr as an Independent candidate for COUNTY TREASURER of Jackkon County. May 18th, 18C8. MAX MULLER. Inayl6w3 O.K. Blake. BLAKE J. R. IlKLUlK. HELMAN ler preseiitug his name to tho voters . tttould CALL THE ATTENTION of this jutMcial district, aro evidently VY bulldew, ond all wbo hare building under toe impression that a man inca pable of keeping political faith is un fit to bo trusted with a judicial office. 35"Evcry scratch on tho Bread and Uutter -ticket is a nail in Ncsmith's po litical coffin. KySoo that no man vote for coun ty officers 6ut of his own picciuct. OUH ASSORTMENT OF IIAIII KTI. mJTTOMH, nlOl.u.M.' K1IIIU)IIK1IIKS, I.ACRM, MII.KM, PLAIN ANII PANOV IIANIIKKIICIIIKKS), IIOSIICHV, ClnaU flriiamtnla ami ollun, AUK Of Till.' VIIOMST SM.KVTOX. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, IIOOT.S', 51101, MATS AND O.WS, faaro been elected Mlth more than utual care, and na are plraieil I My that uo homo thla tldo of i'un KrancUbC ran c.xct.11 u lu reilely and lle. A-uMial nPipplyofOUOCKUIK.9. 1MIOVW ION.T. LIQUOW CIGAMS, TOIMCCO, MIU imli.?aiiiniIRKNSVJUK. which we nrouiUe to Kll at Ttry low price for CAS. Call and examine, and learu our price, m wo aro detcrniliicd to accoimnodate the wo.t econoialcal buyer, mayftlf SACHS BROS'. BAlVHITOr IIM. T U.AllTIIUIlfcSOlY NOW OF tl Tvr Tur lain Hie well known COMBINED ItlMl'i:!! AND JIOWEII. made nt SprliiKlleld, Ob.'o. callrd Ibg NEW VOIIK IMl'IlOVED, or .Vi;v:tl)UH A MORGAN Machine. At a Itcniicr It fiss no cijual ; ntxl with ItioImproT'd iUiCult,r.'lar, which will cut close to tho Kioundor two feet high, it cipiali the belt mower In ue. On tbv alde-lillU. It l the bt Mathlne known. It" continued blgu itandlur, In competition wllh t.fl arloii klodi brought to tblt market , ai a rnott cCvlnclng prooj I of IheauperlorllyoflheNEW Vf'BK IMI'ROV ED REAPER. It will cut inoro a.-rei per day, and last longer than any other MaOblne told. Wo alio bare for lalo tho New York J mprorcd SEI.K RKAl'KR. Tbla Machlno baa betl teat eil for four yere at tho lUt with tho blgheit approral. Alio GIANT RKAI'ER-cuti sier enroot twatb, A1m WOOD'tJHEI.F' RAKERS, which are all nell kt.own lo fanners. Alio, Jlaluefe' Jleadeis, IIKADDER WAGONS OR TRUCKS JACKSON (Mlchlcbu) KARU WAGONS, 1IOILSK A MUf.K CARTS. HORSn POWERS. I'ARM MILLS, KAN MILLS (all ilrci.) TIIRIIERS, RE VOLVING RAKF, WHEEL RAKES, G i(AIN FORKS ofall kind". BCYTHKa AN!) SNATHS. rl.UkVt, iKirvivuuo, ouhTiVATnyi with a full and general aasort" , ,f'i" i..r.l finodi allf'-" .-nior Agricul tural Uooai, an wieh wl1 jj Joj 3. I). ARTHURS: HON, Importer) and Dealer, MayD-Sm A'an Franclico, TIIK AHOVF. NAMED .FIRM tako plrniuro In notifying their friend and tho puhllo generally, that they are now receiving and nponlng n very largo and ex temlro itock of 8TAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, BLANKETS, HOOI SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Mr Wo have, alio, In connection wllh $& tho aboTC, a rcry large ami ""Sag t& cxtctiiWo ilocknf cholra Oa Mar UrocrrlM.IfnrJwore. "U5g )r Queeiiiwarc, tt 6y (Han- -a .jlr .ware, Cutlery, -a fjy Points and Oils; nlm, 'Xia CrU'Indow UlnM, Nail, IrniinfcSa JBeaSr und Slrcl, Cait nml Steel -tu4 toy I'loni, Wooden nud Willow ware, -v5g Wu nre ready to fell nntlhlinr lu our lluent the LOWESTUASII l'KIOi:. 1'irioiiiwlihlng to buy good, will find it grenlly to lbvlrad vantage to exnmliic our stuck More puiehM lug t.'!where, as we aro Ucltnuliiiil not to be uuderaoiJ by n"J buimo In Jnckwm county. Giro ui r. csll, and I Inn Judgo loryourtclf m to our capncti'7 to furuUl. gnedt m nhoie. GLENN, DRUM,. Co. Jacksonville, March 2, UCT.. .If NEW DIPPINGS STRUCK 1 WILLOW SPRINGS STORE, willow 8iiiim. J.wksox (o., WJI. HILGKH, PROPIIIKTOK. 'T'ke iiMdcrslcnetl lnrclr ii b for lo hli Inrce and well an X iiounece to the clilteni of Willow Sprlnn, nnu vicmny, mat ne uat openea a ilore in that place, nnu om-ra elected ilock of OF Jn contemplation to tbe fact that their epleudld new plaining mill It in succcfttful operation, and that they are able todo plaining of nil kind, tonging and grooving, and anything lo tbe line ou abort notice, in the best atvle, and at reduced rutee. Otber luperlor machinery, In conjunc tion with the planer, enable u to furnish doori and aib, door and window framei, and furni ture at low rates ; In foci we are determined not to be undersold by any manufacturer in our line, GitouiaGALL. HLAKE A HELMAN. Atbland, Oregon, May 19tb, 1868. tf THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ! 1 THB UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR ale at unprccedeotlr low prices OniO aod nUOKRYE Reaper and Mow. er ; Self and Hand rake i McUOKMAUKB Reaper and Mower; 2 and 4 borae Self and Hand rake ; HAINES' Improved Illinois Headers; PITTS' Improved 36-Hore Separators PirrS' Improved 12-Horae Powerej HALL'S Improved Tornado Separator t Seed-Sowers, Cullivaton, Flows, Ac, of a recent Importation, and inoet approved style stake. I rraert will do well to call before par dining elsewhere. KNAI'F k GRANT, 310 Waahlogton Street, San Franclico. May ltb, 18C8, ralG-m3 iiiii:njiiii)i;n : THE HIGHEST CASH FBICE8 PAIU FOR Uldea ofall klodi, delivered at tbo market of tbe underilgaed, In Jacksonville. . JOUNORTII. December 8tb I860. If CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND GAPS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOR A CCO, CIGARS, and all kludeof general nierebandtte, Tctmi alo art enayeaib dowu. Call around allow ynurielrs to lie convinced that Goods am bo sold Just as Oheap as in Jacksonville. WILLIAM DILGEU. Willow Bprlngi, Oct. 0, 18C7. oclUlf SiasoUtlon of dopartrfcip. Notice It Lttcliv utven that tl m r,.,i.r. bin heretofore eslitlng between J. M. Button nnu it. ii. a ton A llvile ionvllle,Oregoi IUB f" All debta due tbe Fate flrru will bo received and rreelpted for, by Sutton A Stearni, wbo will alio pay all Indebtedneti agalni! tho laid firm. J. M. SUTTON, W. II. S. HYDE. Jacksonville, Oregon, May lit, I8C8, Tho underilgned would retpectfully lay to the old patron of the Uirr Dsim Stosr, that we will continue bailntu at the old iland, and ollclt a continuance of tho llUml patronage beretoforo extended to the Home. ma9w4 SUTTON ic STEARNS. Tills nlnbte prepsrslloti, eootslnln: lo highly concentrated form all tko propenles if Jamaica Ginger, bss becoroo onfi of tbo Brest popular domestic rcmedlii for all dlttiKt of tbo itomncli nml dlgcstlro orgsnt. As n tonic, it will be found Invaluable lo all llCrsOIIS rCCOVCrlll from dcllllltr. whMlirr nrn. duiO' "Jf lever or olhcrwluc, for nhltit It lm p.trti (o Hie vlem all tho glow ami Tlgor that can hi i'oduccd by brand y, It ta entirely frco from tlio rtsjct'o"1" elect of eplrlti of any kind. It Ii alio nn excellent remedy for rruil( wlio luOTer from difllcult nitu.'turotlou. rrivloir a'mont Immediate relief to tho iiJms tfant o frequently accompanv that period. It g!e Immediate relief to Naniea, canned by rld'rg In a rnllrcad car, or by reaileknit, or elber rausei. It la n!o valuable a an external apptlra tloo lor gout, rheumallim, neuralgia, etc. RED1XCT0N i Co., AGE.MS FOR THIS COAST. Date.1 April 2 lib, 18C7. np.7-yl-lne Stop that Coughing! Some yon of can't; we pity you. You date? tried every remedy but the one deitlncd by Iti Intrlmlo mtrlt to luptrtede all ilnllar prepa ration!. It Ii not lurnriilng you ihould be re luctant to try oomethlng ele, after tbe many cxierlmcnti vou liavo made ol traahy com poundi foisted on tbo public u a certain cure; but ; Novell's PULMONARY SYRTJP U really (lm VERY REST remcly ever com ponndtd for tbo euro of coughi, colde, tore throat, atthnm. whooping cough, broocbltli nnd comumptlop '1 bouiandi of people la California nnd Oregon have been already Un edited by lbs furprlilog curative pewtn Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP nud nrllli ono accon giro It their onnoallSttt npprolinllon. Wo now aJJrru ourrelvee to all who ore iinacrjiinnlcil wllh lhl, thegreatNt Panacea of the ago, fur Urn healing of aff dat eniei of the Throat and Lungiaiiurlof f tbat Ncwcll's PULMONARY SYRUP lini cured tlinu-nnd., an It WILL OURK YOU Ifyoulrvlt. Thla liivnlnabto mrdlclnn Ii plcaiant lo the ta.le; lontblng, benllng and strengthening la III ttlccli; entirely frro from all potionoai or delitcrloui drugi, nud perfectly liermlcM utdtr all clrciimitance. Cerllflcntei Irom many prominent cKImoi tf Sao Franclico accompany every bottle of Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP. REDINGTON ii CO. Agent. Sin Franclico. ore cxlitlng between J. M. Sutton 3. Ilydi. known m tho flrtn of 'int. , In (be City Dm Sun. I jik J .. .uii day dluolved by urn- tw'i KBd VportamBr rpAKK INTO CON8IDKnATION, THAT X tho un.derlgned haa tbe beit itock of rlflei, patent and homemade thot-guni, iluglq and doubl: revolver!, tbo lateit and bit pat v..,., jucm) iun, iiibh.uu ij. mn power ft t derringen. tbe lateit no beit, All Iheie C.oodi warranted. Alio, the beit klndi of powder and powder JUika ; all lord of ihot und ibol-bagi ; and lait, but not leait, everything told al very rea? ionab)e ratei. ' Ileparalloni executed prompt and cheap, and whoever dot not trait tbcio wordi, only need to pome aod convince blmielf lo JOHN MILLER, on Third Street, next door louth or II, Y, Dow, elj'i Law Office. Jacksonville, Feb. 27Ui, 166S. febSS-tf B1LL-UEAD8 PRINTED AT THE Senticki. Ornce at 812 per thousand, Absad f allfotlMni U tlM (Martlm Washington' HAIR RESTORER. a runner 111 111 RKITOnXIt AND HAH! drmub llulli cuiuliliittl.lii till, . Truit no lbr,botr'r IimdU hon. r.nilh.t IliU liUilogt; Try It nl Im Vi II tirmil 'L'm lb Mnitb ubli,l.M Ikoaiiuil bM.U itinlnl 14 bit ni.ll. I, it ir. llund. Million niur. (hall rent UblnJ u, UllU IL.Ir tr.M.a ll miJ. II ll UO iyj Try It. Will keep the batr loft and gloeiy, change gray hair lo III orlf leal ooj, prenni Ibe lair from falling out Of get tlog tblu, make old bcadi look youag, o4 do all (bat ci (o nwooably xpeted of a genuine, Drit-rala Hair Keilorer. All wbo bate uivd It prononnce It luperlof lo everything of tbe kind, and being e. perfect Hair Dreiier u well ai perttat Hair Keilorer, It Ii an tcquliltloa to ev ery toilet, lledtugtoa A Co., WnoUeaU A genii, San Franclico. GRAFENBURC UTERINE Catliolicon, If fallbfully used according to dlrectloM, will cure every cue of Dlabriri, and greatly Ill gate tbe trotil'lcionie eSecu earned by a, rtka atlon of tbe outlet of tbe bladder. It U ca tucceMful rewtdv for Gravel and olher t)Uaa, of tbe Kidneji and liladder.aud for femaWdt eutu Ii uutquallrd, Tbe OATHOLICON unlfprmlly curea Prolapim, Ulerl, White, alt Irrrgulurltlta of tbe Monthly Turnt, 8uppre ilnn, Incontinence of Urine, Bloating Mddff leal Hwelllngi, and oil dlttaua of PregoaM. Tbe ipeciBo notion of Ihli modlciw U raedi ate ond certain upon tbe Uterine and Abdoai Inal Muivleaand Llgemenli; rceloring tkea to ai hrallby Hate ai Iboie ol cblldbc-od wl youth, 10 tbat patlcnti wlio bare wed tbt) 0ritNBXRo Corixv'f Urxama Gatmu-' can cannot luSielently express tbelr gntHtda) for the relief afforded. RKDINUTON k CO., Agenti, 416 and 418, Front Bt. San FrMotm. Ttt-H'ipi;'"1 I pwpiM' 11 1 in ami lUdtagtsa's rUvriag Szt r mult Uota 1tt& FrnlU. Sub feoMU li'.il t tc h much u aoj olkw W4 la lb oi(k.i, tODJointl Uy art Ik tkf , It 4 Ibi Vflt. rSBKOOTUBS, i