Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 30, 1868, Image 2

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NIK Tllli 1'llKStDKNOV l.V 18U8,
or ins cinct mtu.
"Wall .Ion, Ihw K"' " 'dthllsl '"' " 1 ,0"
pit hns sowAnlt far pMrlota-pimlthnnt for tralton.
l'on Tin: vioi: riti;sttti:.svv,
D.' M."C. OAULT, ET0K'
!$atuhua.y Jloits'iNo, Mny no, 1808.
Union State Ticket,
Fok CoxotiiiH:
Of Multnomah County.
Fon Pkusiukstiai. Er.r.c-rons :
Of Jackson Connty.
Of Washington County,
!,''' Oi Union County.
Jackson County Legislative Tick'
, . ct.
ilosopliine County Ticket.
.iKor'Stnto Senator:
'. '
For Assemblyman:
For Count v Commissioners:
For Slieri'lf:
,, , THOA F. FI.OVI).
For Clerk:
For County Treasurer:
1W Stmt. Common scliools:
, . S. MaAIiMSTEU.
"V6r Assessor :
. - ' TIIOS. 1.. KNOX.
For Coroner:
Go .to tho polls cvorybody voto
like -free American citizens, for your
choice and if any one interfere, "tell
tliem to mind their business
No Wo.ndl'i:. A prominent Demos-rat
oi Ashland precinct, who attended
tho bread and butter meeting tliore
Inst week, returned homo thoroughly
diluted, remarking "that it wns no
wonder that their parly was in trouble,
tor such a sot old d fools would burst
up any party."
If.vi-riinioops. Tho "Rrcad and llut-
ter"j;andidates have been circulating i
the report that Republicans intend to
"scratch" Col. Maury on Monday next.
Dont belicvo any such reports. Thoy
are false. It is'cortain that Colonol
Maury will not loso ten votes in his
own party, and theso will not vote
against him.
uSomk of Mr. Midler's friends would
like to know if his opponent has feed
an attorney to' electioneer ngainst him.
The' Dread mid Uuttor candidato for
District Attorney has taken special
pains to tell the people that Mr. Mai
ler is only u transient man who is try
ing to mako inonoy in this comity and
intending to invest it olsowhoro just
as if that was T'Vault, or "any other
manV business.
The Constitution of Oregon declares
that "electors shall voto in tho precinct
of the county whero thoy may reside,
for county olllccrs, nnd in tlio county
ofn 'Congressional district in which
such electors may reside, for members
of Congress' Tho act of Octobor
I lth, 180 1, requires ninety days roi
,ffe rebldcnco in n-county next preccd
ing'.in election, to entitle a person to
voto for county nnd precinct ollicers.
Tiik Democracy who deal "out their
daily-slang about "bloated bondhold
ers" itc, so profusely, should ponder
deeply on this fact: that the man who
regularly collects moro gold interest
on U. Sf, bonds than any othor person
in' ,(ho" world, is nouo other than
AiinusT Duuiont, Chairman of tho
National Democratic Committee. This
iSijni interesting itom for Democrats,
nml .it. js lioped that their publio jour
uaUiwill, publish it for tho benefit of
thtjif renders,
j ' . .. -...
Conn J'"i:i:i.ijfa. It is remarked by
ovcryouo that tho present canvass, to
bo'onflcd'oli 'Mondnv, has been con
ducted with moro quietness nnd good J
fooling t)in nny wo hnvo had iiereto
foy,,, .This ;h as it should bo nnd wo
lttjliq, it,ifnny coiitiuuo till after the
voles njq.cQHnted. Tiicro is nothing
gained by ftijsehood, misrqprcsciita
tion nnd slandor, in political camjiaign,
and recourse fo their tt7 '" variably dam-r.ge-'
Hip parly or finrt'iVlnl0 who do
fcnils to it,
Know Nothing Leuvcit.
"A littlu leaven leaveneth the. whole,
loaf," says Holy writ. From tlio uu- i
disguised expressions oi contempt "lor
foreigners occasionally fulling from the
lip of some of the so-called Democrat
ic candidates in this county, we should
judge that the "bread and butter" tick
et was pretty well "leavened" with the
old prescriptive sniritorA"ioicAiiiu7'
ism. A few davs nuo tho candidate .
ol the "bread and butters" lor District
Attorney, made what ho thinks wns a
very eloquent speech, at isiuaiui, in
which sneering allusions wero niiuiu 10
Mr. Midler, tho iudopondont candidate
for County Treasurer, tho legitimate
inference to bo drawn from which, was
that no foreigner had interest ouoiigh
in the country to bo trusted with an
oflice. When publishing a paper hero
some years since, the same individual
tried to turn into ridicule, tho impor
tunes of a German citizen, who had
lost all his property bv fire the evonlng
previous, and tuado a laughing stock of
him because ho was a "d d .Tow."
The person to whom we allude is scare
lv worth notice except to show that
tlie Jiiww Nothing spirit has not died
out nnd is hard 0 ci,oke down even, c
tli6 eve of an election.
Thou comes the Honorable Captain
Thomas Smith Esquire, who hns served
his country in the Oregon Legislature,
and has hts sneor at foreign born citi
zens. In his speech ho referred to tho
opposition candidates for the Legisla
ture, and said that some of them could
not utiiinp the county 'for want of un
interpreter." T1..M,. - two vorv ,. ir .
mines on our legislative ticket, Scheif
ftlin and Lankoneatt, and as tho lioiv
ornuio gentleman is not very advanced
in his own langungo, ho cannot be ex
pected to believe that any one with
such a jawbreaking name as either of
the above, can be a cood English schol
ar. Wo will remind the Captain that
Mr. Scheitlelin is an American bom
citizen, who does not say "whur" and
"thar." nnd "bar." but can talk like nn
educated white mnn. We can assure
him that Mr.
T.niilrntinili till lintwrlt
bom in tho "Faderland," can speak
purer nml moro correct English than '
can, ami requires no interpret' to im-
ui: vvvryuo iv will i nw nnicueiu hu , J'r iv...p.ipei urn. ........ , ....leveon -
sense and nblltty. In this latter re- ly wh. t 1 w, , bu am what ii called
speet we are iiiolined to think that the a d it Abolitionist.
Honorable Mr. Smith would require Tho party oonlcmed thoniselvc
about two. Mr. Smith's mental vision, ' "dead beat."" Colfax pnmiited Cuev
il..-.vl n..n..nl. innM .... t...i..!l.i i n i i...,.i i :..i.i I..
... ........ v....to.. ... .v,lv .. -v... ... ..iv.
Legislature and urnw his pav without I
.1..1.... n.. ...!.!.. i.. !. ... l.".1!.l ... .1..
doing anything for it, ni lio'dul nt the
last session, out too narrow ami bigot
ed to look outside his own precinct in
a political canvass. lie thinks Ash-1
land the only plnce in tho world, and
foim-ls that there nro over one hundred i
and fifty forciuu born voters in this ,
county, who will probably remember
his ill mannered fling at 3Ir. l.aukcn
can when they go to tho poll.. If
our naturalized' citizens nro not blind
they will sec that there is n ticket pre
sented to them, bitgni- coated with tho
name of Democracy, but witli so much
wioic-AWsi'iyMirin it that tho best
efforts of tho candidate cannot pre
vent it from crapping out in full sight
verv often. In conclusion wo would
very oiton. lu conclusion wo woultl
S11 flint SS itrttl lltit -. il .iii.iini I
word of the foregoing statement bv
the verv bent kind of proof, tlmt will
. iii.ii st u .in iiittnu ijiiuii utui i
not be denied by .Mr. Smith, "or unv1
other mnn;" nml if tho Germans nml i
Irish of thin county enn swallow the I
sugav-coatcd Know Nothing pill, it is i
no business of ottm
SstAirr LuainLATOit. When Giles
Wells was in the Locislature two vearsC sectional or narrow character.
since, 501H0 of his constituents wanted
a bill "cot through" to ehantro tho
'I ;
time of assessing Jackson county. Tho
law was much needed, but Wells had
to get Judge Oluoy to draw it up for
him. Tho Judge assured our represen
tative that if he could got n certain
number of Democrats to support tho
bill, ho would get enough Republicans
to go for it to insure its success. It
was mado tho special order for a cer
tain day; thoJiuigo's Republican friends
wero on hand nnd voted for it, but Mr.
ells' Dill Itntl no Irienus in his own
party ; it failed, and tho honorable con-
tlcinan camo homo to Jackson County
with his finger in his mouth, after dis
covering that ho was not tho only mnn
in tho Legislature. Hotter try a Re
publican from Ashland this lime, and
liave your interests well attended to.
Dkmociutic Tickht. Tho Demo
crats oi this county nro asked to sup
port a ticket mado up of Ivuow Noth
ings, renegade Republicans nnd poliov
Democrats, and sugar-coated ovor by
a one-sided Convention. Tlio pill won't
go down. It is not a Democratic, but
a "esmitlt,' or Dread nnu butter tick-,
et, and wo can prove our assertion by
fifty Domocratstho rank nnd filo of
tho party, who have stood for princi
ple and never ask for oflice. no bo
liovo tho voto on Momlny, will prove
tho truth ot our words,
Oi-n neighbor hays ho wants n man
for .assessor who in "unflinchingly Dent-1
ooratio', thats what our neighbor '
Wants. The peoplo of this county dont I
' , ', .i . i . i
vvnnt n man who knows nothing whnt-
over about tho duties of tho oflice, mid
can scnrcoly wnto his own namo
"and Hint's what's tho matter with
i.nuntuR tot Coirux. t
Schuyler Colfax has one tricttd Inthis
region, who will be delighted to hear
of his nomination. Wo mean- Casey
the landlord of the Mountain House.
When Colfax and Governor Rross jmss
cd through this valley in '03, thoy
found our lricnd Casey a kind of politi
cal riddle, nnd were a little puzzled to
discover his exact status
Tho jolly
olil Governor, who Jiail been the liFco!
the party, was somewhat taken aback
bv Caw's bnisqtio manners nnd judg-
!.. e ... n ;,1(,,r,i nl Htniimvnll Jnek-
lllg fiom n picture Ul f ol " " ' "
tho Governor, in his blandest lone.
"You bet, by G , belong to Xcw Or
leans, tho ofd woman she's Irish," said
tho landlord. "Heard of Mr. Colfax, I
supposo?Mr. Casey, Mr. Colfax-Schuyler
Colfax, Speakor of tho Houso of
llepresentatlvcsj" said Ilross, as ho in
troduced "his distinguished traveling
companion to the supposed bushwhack
er. Casey grasped the Speaker by the
hand till tho blood nearly started
from his finger nails, and p-xclftlmed
with just lb; n;;gntest degree of pro
tanity Colllix J Collaxll why d -n
your skin, is that you ; I'vo been look
ing for you for tli hist liirec months,
why, how tho devil nro you old fol
low, anyhow ?" Colfax thought of hU
political sins ngainst tho rebels; faint
ideas that Casey might bo a fanatic
whoso particular mission was to follow
tho example of Wilkes llootli. came
J oVer him, and he c.ptviuiiced much re
i lief, when C'nsev assured him in n less
excited tone that he was very glad
to seo mm, nun iiopeu tuni cvomuiug
wax rMit sido up in Cungii'.-.
Hross ehnuged the conversation by
asking Mr. Cnoy if he wa not a Dem
ocrat. "Xo by 0 d," said Casey with
some vehemence. "A llcpiihlicnn then?"
suggested the Governor. "X'ot by a
d d sight 1" replied tho landlord.
"Well, Mr. Casey," said hi interroga
tor, in a puzzled" way, "might I ink
what is vour political belief?" "Xow,"
' trtiit ituttt. illsf S1H 1m IV itndt if Sy 1 1 i
'ge snelfd in by nnpearances ; that
,' pielure of "Jaekiou" belong to the old
woman, nun iiie cnirt vote ; I ilon't nev-
.... ...v ........ n, .... . , ....v ...
Ins donr, und thev parted tho warmest
I.f. .1 i J.! 1- ll ! 1 u..1...1.l..
son, unugiiiK vi "v ..., .."....- 1C payment or uic puuno mueuicunci-s in mo
deneo of Democratic papers lying utmost good faith to our creditors at home and
around, that ho was a genuine "ieb," abroad, not only according to the letter, but
he n Ipriaclied him very carlully. .nltlt of the law, under Elch Itwas contract
"Southern man, Mr. Casey?" enquired ,.,. n u .,., ,n ,i10 !,... ot lll0 imon ...
kind of friends It is verv iiiiproliiiblo,mew',0,"'',"l hardships or c.smp and cruiV.
that Colfa !,, lorgotten'tht. i.teidct, ,ft" f! ' "j"'" , " ""'"Si!
i hut counts one
certain vnts nt leant.
- i -
on thN side of the Hocky .Mountaiitx.
'1 lit' lieiMiTillctttt I'lttfrorin
W'u iiiiIiIIdIi llii-t H-oil:. tint nl:il l.iiin
..i...i I... !... if l.i: v...: i
.'..v.. ... vt.v in 'iiviimiii A.ti.iw.iii.
Convention, nl Chicago, on the 21st
. . ... i i-ii,
lust. e nsl: c.erv candid Democrat
to read it and ask himself if it is lion-
est or truthful, or fair to charge the
Itepiiblteau party witli being enuuiiit-
tcd to negro suffrage. While lirtteiilujr
' to the eonteniptlblo nml lying nssaulu
I .t .. .n. ........... .
nl men whose political principles never
, ",!ilu1 ",,,,v tll!l" ,l .vcar ,lt n u,,,e
"gninst our party, compart their stnte-
"w's with tho actiinl codo of priuci
I'e 'il Iown Isy uiir National Con
ventiou, and which binds our party to
a strict observance. Tlio declarations
ol the Convention have been confined
to tho broad mutters of public noliev.
without listening to nny suggestions
The plain and straightiorwarcl wav in
which tho Convention disposes ol tho
negro suflrago question, by utterly de
nying tho right of Congress to inter
fere with tho right of sutl'r.igo in any
State having repicscntntiou, will stifle
tho false statements of the Democratic
press, that tho Republican party is
j pledged to negro sullnijje. When tlio
question nas ucen presented ns n jiarlv
measure- in Republican States, it ha's
not been accepted bv our party, scarce
ly by any rcspcetnblo portion of It.
Negro hiisTrage, as connected with the
ucptiDlican party, is now n dead issue,
ami the question cannot well bo rcviv
ed without it is taken up by Democra
cy to scciiro for that party tho pliable
voio oi tlio intorlor races. J lie plat
form has been mado by tho Republi
cans themselves not by their enemies,
and on every question thnt now agi
tates tho country liquidation of tho
publio debt, protection to tho citizens,
reconstruction and suffrage, it embod
ies tho real genuine sentiments of sov-
en-eights of tho Republican party.
We liopo thai a careful reading of it
will convince thousands of candid men
that their bitter opposition to our par
ty, is not only unreasonable, but based
on falsehood and misrepresentation.
Our platform has oot tho principles of
Republicanism right, beforo tho coun
try, nnd thero is littlo doubt but what
tho codo will be accepted by tho peo
plo in November next, ns their stnud
aid National creed.
In speaking of Mr. Turner, tho tnilo-
pendent candidato for clerk, tho lie-
veilie romarks that lio is, telegraph!-
c,a"y II 00(1 wire-worker, br.t intimates
tuat ',0 ca, l '" ti"l V. ;u.cnl w"
worth a otibs. Tito Jicveillc is correct,
i,ut do,it t)ic .)COj,0 gn,0lilllC8 c
tjre,j of )0Xm wroniilling?
JMaury will gr! eypry Repttbli-
can vote
KcpuliUcan National Platform I -Useless Denial. The J?eiWiYe pub--adopted
at Chicago. May 21st, ( j. ft 1(,ttcr from L, p. Grovcr, de-
' I nyiug tlmt Joseph Smith is an incor
lal. Wc congrntulnlo tho country on the ' unrntor in Pcngra's Humboldt Itnil
wred luceew oftlw Recon.lTufttloij Policy .of I V , ,.n,imnv, nnd ullbllshei the
CongrcM m evidenced by in miodiiou in a rj
Jorlty of the Slates lately In rebellion, or Con-1
itltiilloiu securing niunl, otvll nnd political i
rights to all, nml we rcgnnllt as tho duty of J
dm trnwrnmoiit to iiitlaln llicsc Comlltutloru.
niul prevent tho peoplo or such States frobi be
ing remitted to n state of anarchy or military
2d. Thu guarantee by Congress of equal nuff-
by every conUlcrnllon of puMlo afctjr,
rage to nil loyal men in iuc scmiu, was ucman
'TTS li
stales properly belongs to'llioao Stales.
'3d. We slsnounco nil rorms or ropuiiiaiion as
a nn,olla crimo. and nalloi.nl honor require.
taTallon shovld be pquallzed and reduced as
the national fallti will permit.
rttli. Tho national debt, contracted as It lias
icon for tho preservation of tho Union for all
ilmc to come, tnouui uc oxicimcu over niair pe-
II1IU IU UUIUV, cumin, uv CUI.IKIVU w. ii n inu 'v-
lod, and It Is our duty to reduce tho rale of
ntereit thereon whenever It can honestly bv
(Jill. That the best policy to dliululih our
linden of debt Is so to Improve our credit that
mpltallsls will seek to lend money at lower
ntes of Interest tl -. ,; "'"' "", "'"
M 11 V SlW ft' OVU
liiue to mv to JCj , tvptmiation, partial or
tUl, open covert, Is threatened or tutpectcd.
flh. Tho Government or tho United Stales
should bcidmlnUtercd with the strictest ccon
any. The corruptions which have been so
thanicfully nursed nnd fullered by Andrew
Juiiuion. clll loudly for radical rcrorm.
slh. We profoundly duploro the unllnicly
aid (ruglo death of Abraham Lincoln, r.r.d re
piel the succession of Andrew Johnson lo the
ireildentlal Chair, who has acted treacherously
ti thi peoplo who elected him and thu cauio he
wis pledged lo support, who has uiurpcd high '
ligltlatlrc and judicial functions, has refused
t'C.xecillo the laws, has used his high olllcc to'
luliiee other ndlccrs to violate Iho laws, has
cnployed his Executive power to render Inse-1
arc lite lives, properly, peace and liberty of !
clUens, has abused Iho pardoning power, has
Enounced the National Legislature as uncoil
sltutlonal, has perilttently mid Imbllually u
tiled by every means In his power, every nl
tmpt at Ilia reconstruction of the States lately
h rebellion, has pcrrcrlcd public patronage In
b na engine for wholerale corruption, ban Just
I been Impraehnl for high crimen and iiiImIo- '
ronnors, nnd has been pronounced guilty iIitv- (
o by (he votes a('ii Fcnalors.
Ptli. Thedoolrlnonl Ureal llrlllnti and other
lurnpean powers that, when a man Is once- n '
nbjcl he 1 always so, must bo resisted nt cv '
cy Is.ir.irsl by Iho Uilllul Slates ns n telle or
fudisl times not nulhorizcd liy the Ian- of nn-1
tims and nt war with our national honor and
IMrpmideiicv. Xaturall.fd citizens are cut!
ltd lo bo prolvcUd In nil their rights iifclllr.cn
slip no thou ah they were tietlve Imi "s. No clt
ln of thu UnlUM .Stales or iiatunitlzetl mint
hi. liable to artcrt or Imprliiiiiuient by any fur-
; KllMt) ,0 mctl or mptlnient by any for-
,,, ,H,wrBra?.l.,ui or n,,1s 's,,fBn in ,
I UiUcnuntry and If o arrested und Imprlioned,
tli"l'' l ,l'Wuvcrnmi:iil to lulcrrero In.
I imr'.w , , ,i,irii .i , , , .
I.,. V.". )fiillwhowfivfallhfiil In lliu IrluU
.ui iui.ii.ttar, mem wer iiuue merii -rnltlilul
1 foricslulj:oor n,,, the bravi-ioMlirmin.l s.-n-
Itlfll win. ftfiiln t. l.l.f... ..f .. ....1 I...
I w - ...... .11... I'.Pf -"ir- tiriM.Milfl
sin uy law ror llii'.o hrate slelcndjrs ol the
Liilusi. nrc tihllj.stliius imver lu h fnritntlin.
tlio nidOtVS mill Orilh.llll llf tin, .'illl.inl iIimhI
are vfnrtl of the isrotilr. . ....i is.-y i
7i!MWthci lo the
L'ulled Slulut for protecting
,l' ri-Ua liiin.lurutl.iii lu Ihc pat l.a.
addrd to much tn the nrnllh nnd lucriacd re
I'o'irc -s or IM n.ilh n. ilii-nayliimof tllisnilun,
tthiit It should U-fullered hy a lllwnil nnd Jnl
i.'in. iLuLonveiiitou slecures lu sympulliy ,
lib nil oppressed people who aro slriigull'ir.'
or their rlliU.
Tin fullnwlsis uddlllnnal rcnlutlous were
I .Wf., That the it.lJournmi.nt or this Con-!
, eiillou shall not work dlMoInllon or Ihe same,
ill 1 1 tfifttt Vattsi lln nm iipninfi .1 aiiil.I t 1st l. '
lleriil Uy Mr. Thompson, and uilopled :
,e,,,'0l,1 '''J1
rrnuln as urzanixtd. inMcct to ho
clKd lottvlhcr at nny Hum sir pUco that the
ltpiihllruii Rxecullro Committee shall dcilij-1
tide. ,
Ily Curl Sluirtx : .VrwW, Wo Mistily com-,
mm! In a spirit or magnanimity and torsive-1
ns llimii'Mi nhoharutcrred In tho rebellion and ,
Mid aro lion- frankly and honestly cooperating
wlh u In restoring peace lo the country aud I
In the reconstruction of llio Southern Stales on I
t!.i bails orinparllaljuillco stud t-iiual rights, '
buI are received back Into tho communion of!
loysi people, and that we are In favor of the ro-1
ruo-Al of the dlKiiialltlcnllona or rtslrlcllons
Imiosed on tho Uli rebels In the samo meaturo I
as li snlrlt or disloyally disappears, as may
w gjiititiem nu 1110 raiety oi soyas people.
TttotttJ, That wo rccnsnfzo Iho great princi
ples laid doirn In the Declaration or lndecn
ilentc, as Ihc trua foundation or Democrttlo
porirnment. and we ball with cladness every
ctlbit Inwards iiukliis tbeso principles the liv
ing 'cnllty on every Inch ot American soil.
Wiikn O.utttiu Tom Smith 'deliver
ed" himself nt Atihland, last week, in
referring lo ouo of his opponents he
said: "J irinh that ld Dutchman
from Jackson Creek icoidd come vp
leiti his interpreter." o rather
think that Qld Smith will wish Hint
Mr. Laiikcnaii and his German ft lends
Itad sfaid up tho creek, on Monday
tivxt'j'fiiicl when he hears their verdict
at thopolls, ho will understand "Dutch"
nrsl rate without nn interpreter.
rl'l.. .....- ....... o in ,,
the .eveitle wants bolters and
scrattfters spotted. Wo would like to
know if wo li vo in free jVineric.i, or is .
somebody chooses to order him t
utu.j iiuviiiiiit iniiiyLii iu tto just as
SSSTEvory voto for tho Urend and
Ruttcr ticket, is a voto for tho man
who told out tho Democratic party J.
W. Ncsmith.
t ffSfJivory man is expootcd to voto
liko a freeman -just as ho pleases.
C5sTRcad thu second letter iol lied
B2f"Shov tho Urend and Rntter
candidates that you need no interpre
ters nt the ballot-box.
USf-Tho Dread nnd Iluttent say,
3yt laaal Ala lilA to ll.n 1.IA I a '
Sem n'dos'e oft h,C ' " "" !"
t CSf" Spot the man who denies your
right to bolt if you choose,
C3?"TllO Ronilblicnnt. urn n. unit fnp
Maury. '
r'"Rcad the National Platform;
the bugle blast of justice nml freedom.
ro'n.1 CoiiiimiiV, nml uutillshei
nanus ol those who composed the com-,
pnny in June, 1807.
We hnvu in our poosessioii, a printed
bill, which nny Democrat may inspect,
introduced in Congress on January 17th
1808, bv Mr. Mnllory, nsklng aid for
a raiiroitd from Portland to tlie Hum
boldt. This bill names sixty-niuo in
corporators, among whom are not on
lv J. S. Smith, but L. HI Grover him
self. How their unities got thorc we
neither know nor care it is- none of
our uuineis;,bnl there Mr are, rind it
seems hardly probable tlmt they got
thero without their" knowledge., )
m -t -
MisrAKitx. Tlioso who think that
none but lawyers nro eligible for the
ollice of District Attorney, nro mis
taken. The Constitution of Oregon
rpnuires no such nun'liflcatumi It is
j - - . ...
true tlmt lawyers only can praet ice ill
the Courts; mil Mr. ivanier win no
admitted before tho llrst term of eourl
after the election j nnd wo .here assert
that his opjionont W. G, T'Vault
nut never oeen admitted to )rctiee in
any Court in this State.
C2TA voto for Logan is a vote for
Grant nnd Colfax,
Majority of lhn-c who rend newspapers never
even give n hasty glance wl a bulites ad
vertisement, nnd If n
Actually h.i n clsulsv nrlHy nt mU which
lie I rolling cheap, It burillr ppys him to
publbh the fact ( lli'-'refnrewc have
, ,,,,,, ,lmlf , mIlc evrrrlwdvU.. rnll and
'S Z s'mck !nri7;W.n7jr"e'
beOiro purchasing rlw-wbirp. ami say but llitle
,, rTgnrii 0 ,,ur ability niid d-termination lo
make It advantngrous lo thoe who nrc nut
' rVXi Sh.lr nwn lnler..l In l.l.r l..!. IIIIV
1 (3(101)3. rANCV OOOUd. CI.OTIIINC,
I itics, liquors, iiAiti)WAitn.citoci;i:iiv,
rpbelr Hue. t MULL.UK W IIHKiV-
-f TANO'S, corner. or Oregon and Jlalu
H,rccU ' T ',
Mnj 29th, 18C8.
"" J iJittAUniW,.
This excellent machine took
Over all competition, at Iho lalo
families la Ibis county, and hns uverrnbero.
wncn iiseu, i-conio imiiaiiensasiie. 1 iiavo pur
chased tho right for Jackson and Joicphino
counties, nnd am prepared to supply all-fltdirs
at short notice. 1 am permitted lo refrr to Mr.
John E. Ross, Mrs. Glark Taylor, Mrs. Samuel
Robinson, Mrs. Dr. Robinson, Mrs. Vannoy. and
many other ladles who have sued Iho machine
and like it, because It does Jus work well and
with eats. A larce famllv wash can Im nm
i through In one hour. I will warrant and keep
me maciilne In repair lor two years. Tho ma.
china win bo for ai t .,, .i,ni n ti.-Jr.
2', r'01"'" aa 0 Sts., Jacksonville. 1'rlcc,
M"ay 29ib, 1BC8. m30-"";
factured by Howard & Smith lo Jackson
ville. The publio are Invited lo call and exam
ine tbem, Tbo fact that tbey will churn but
ter In the short space or from fwo lo llvs min
utes, will coavlnce tbo most skeptical that thoy
are far superior to anything or the kind ever
before offered to tbo public. They are besides
self cleaners, no sorubnlng or washluc by hai'ii
necessary .to keop Idem perfvctly cleunt
May23th,18C8. S.
'i?Und' ,a ,he ovenlng or July ad. lu
one or the spacious rooms oftbe F lory llaUd.
- r .v. j uitlllt
The best music In the country secured. Ev
fofubl" W m,4U0 10 """Jtwi.
A cordial Invitation Is eslcnded to till,
Ashland, Ogu., May -.'6h, 1868. ,
J ',
n4A :TCH
' ' ii
Tlir wurlJ I'.upl. uf i.at. ih1 Juiljnutrt hst ttarswd In
HidA, itllh III njrtuptorai. ItMilsiftt. llnttlnsn,
t'ctcrlits Ujn, Bd BiMtti, Sallow Cssnpttsion, c, ran
b cured by uittig PuitAtlon Hitts.
TUU U Uia aaoat Miful tonic of the asr Tonu
snlM1K4 and ohl, ilrllRhtnt with Ita .ITectl.
TU flrit trial alunyt baa niaiWd gooO atrKt.
No clianjta of Jlt la nKf.MTJ. Cut alt toll with, ot lb
l1t and snvit uutrltlou. ful.
It l the trcalwl cure r'rr known far an orerlwulml aa.
dliSrcir(l atotnacti, whlcli It rclicvti In a fuw snouif nti.
W linow Uiat we liatr tlie lieat ami in ex I opulr snV
kin Id Hie wotUl. We are nut nfrnM to ihow (that It Is
couiimtnt of.
I'liiiicuici int cosirium t ticoxurip it.
CuillTA DISK ha. Wen felebmtetl for orer two' ha.
lreleari,nilwainl.l ilnrlng Hie rel(tn of Lonli XVI
King of 1'ranre, far tlie enortnuii. rlre of 111 own w.lglit
ttiillror. lllirematkaulefor Pyrlla, Tetere, Vs eai.
net), Contllpnllrisi, le.
Cxcituu tum-1'or lihrrliea, Colic, anil JltattM el
lb. .lomacli an J bvvtlt.
UHMI). J- lllDitloii of the Lolm tnvt l)rop.
rat AfTtclloui.
Ciismomiu F'iowsn-Kor enfeeHntillnettloii.
lariintR iLortai-Arvuiallr, allmulanl uti lonlo
hlxtily Intlyirallnj lu ntiTOut iltbllllr.
... -
iJTiaiix. l-or Seronila, ntieumalltiu, it.
Asut An aramatle cartnlnallfei er.atlnn Bull,
cle and svllkt mudt uil hy Inolbfrt nortlnj.
Alw, rlote-lmdi, orange, carawny, rorrandtr, mai..
root, 'c t
Another wonderful Infredlent, of Spanttk otlln, lal.
railing tieauty to the fonipl.ilon and btllllancr to the
nilnS, le yet sinkaown to .the remmttce uf the world, 4
e nllhliold II. name for She retent.
Willi this recipe lieforo llm ronmmiiltjr, and eilJenrae
nf effertt meetlnit litem on all .Met, the .nreee of Da.
Haiti tlaadt fjnnded upon tl ruck of truth. Alsnwt
etery famll)r liat eonie ouo of .ulTf ring which She lUMt
TS0S llltllat will allotlnte and cure.
Thej-ar rerommenile.1 by the hlilie.1 tnntlral anthort.
tlee, and are warranleit lo im.lucean ImtnedlaSe tneflclat
efferl. They are eirerdlnaly agreeable, wrfecllj para
and liarmtr..
'onrAn perM.n prvtendlnc ti aril Plantation Hit
ler. In Imlk or hr she ipillon I. a .wittier and Imnnilee,
Itl.piituponl) In vurh-K-dliliiLillle. lleareoflstlaa
reflllnl wish Imltatloii ilelelerh'ti. tsnir, for w..h iei.nl
peiton. are nlreadv In pstaon. See IhaS e.ery lurftle haa
our United Mase. .temp urr the rvrV uiuiiulllale.1, and
our tl,nilnre on ateel plale tide label.
.'H..I.I b) reiirlable drain. Ihri.iit..ml the l.iUl.l.U
P. II. liiltlii:, . in., hw Wrh, Sulc Prop'n.
unnixcTox i rn.. ?m rmmun.
Atjr-.vrsroitc.M.iroit.MA andnhvada.
M'.lt'A Ml-STA.NO t.:.M.MK.T,
The liiertt. vf Ihlt IJilmenlnrr nll known, llietteesa
are In.tanSaiieon. M.dlilns'. nnd wmtderhil.
Cnu. briilte.. tpmln. and .wellliiji,aie orommii,a.
MlUIn tumiur lnr bullr. that a Ulll.of skULIa
inienl I' the bets Inie.lni'nl Ihjt ran In. mle.
II U more rrrsaln Slum She dSot Is M.ea llaie la
..siding lor thoihrsur Is I. chiMNrr Shau thadortAr, ad
ihvuKsmer U dl.p.iiMril til,,
r.c.M'Tiit: tisi.i.uwi.vu t
I SAte (.Iraiur. In ttnms!!rid!ite She lealcn Slaa
SJinc l.lnliiietit a. n vitiubte and ln..)MtuMble arltcle fie
fpraliH, Sure. H.ralrhe.l,H' Stall, en lliit.e. Oar in
hate utnt It fur ttnrni, IIr.it.. Sortt. Ilheuiuatliai, Ae
ami all a) II act. lOir nutek- J. W. IStwrrr,
rwuMi a. .tiiiciitit. Well', I'arjo'e and liarndew't
"Tlio tpralu.if uiTilanililet'a eukle raxailoned wkll
tkallntf latl wlnler. wa enslrvlr rurrS In on. we.k aft.r
I abroinineiitdutlui;yiitri-elelirateit)lu.laiii;Lliiln.ent.
llldUCMItr, !., Aueiill 1, IHi. KB. SUIT.
Quirk and tnrt II rrrltlnlr It.
All Knuln l wrapfl
In tlx..lnl tnciatluK. trailni; Ihr .Ifualua uf 0.
itttiuria.K, Liicnuts, ami siiaisiTait sj
Nil llia.iu . mtrlliflon.
uaiur ui w. n
H. attaip of t)i
An atlurt liat Utn suula lo roaalrrsVIS II with a eha
tot!-iUta labal. Loul. tl(mf.
M.I I all Hriic3l.li, ami Sluraa, at 14, JO tit. an.l St.
IS I. writ knoitii shas Ljcii't Ornulnr MacntilV TtmA
Mill rfrll ,l,iiUT artrjIlilnK In Iba bp at Baaa.
Skkt. Ull.uj., ruaditt, Acs Skat II la partatt pUaa la
Hi litarrl lllU. bus tatlraljr liartulaM to Ska liuaiao m-
rira aiu uu.r,uc animait.
lltdtHica. Ansa, lliurlitt, aSr, ara la aTtrj boM Tl.lt
5ittilrr It llwlr sialural .Iralli It tlioalJ to la ntrttn.
Jou I- rto. j. livtlnliHlnl of IL K.w T.tk
Cllr ltu.plll, tjjn a . a "ItlatliavalyiHraartsVU
wa liavc artr utd.M
I V'MI llnu l-Kuranrsat ajyi "tV Sjata a-aJ
for riirmlullD( luwclt awl tt.iilii, llb aaslsaaaiit
fartl.ii. CuLiuitN k Srtrsnx. Aslor Home.
8.T. L'ozzknh. American Hotel.
Ackms: .V TiiKAPivr.s.u St. Nlcbnlaa Hotel.
S. 1-i.UMi A- Co., Molruio1llnn Hotel."
Tr.lluionr cf Sttl cliararter nilehS l addnl t aa
lanslh. H lurrur Is it u.nl Is atlvcrlltra llt.lf.
Tlia KvnuliH-1. at tk tlstiialurt tf K. Ito. and Ilia
pritata .lamp ut Ihmh lliaxu I l. Aa;Skla( alta
of Ihlt klnl la an linltalluii fir reunttrfalt. Art Smi
(slit Mill prucuie Iba (tnulna If lou lutltl tod UI kaia
no ullier.
Sold l.r all ihintlilt aa4 (trnrral atorakaapara U atary
lawajuui mlujtuj cam ii un Ilia I'aclDe Cva.s.
Orrcr. or thk A. C. S., Kokt )
KiaMiTi) Pun., Muy Ulb, 1HG8. f
Sealed proposals, 0ilcli must bo In duplicate,
will bo received nt this pfflcs) until Monday,
June lAth, 16C8, ror suppling 4,379 lbs. or ba
con, and 53.477 lbs. of Hour, for Ihe uio oftbt
troops at this fort..
The bacii must, be of n -good merchantable
quality, tu'll cured ami put up In packages of
suu iu. cocn.lo im (iL'iivereil at iilnce or stor
age on, or Uforo the 31st day of July, 16C8.
Thu Hour nmt bo of the best brands, lo 20
or IU0 lb. racks, and delivered nt tbo mill or
place or storage, mi or before the 31st day of
July, 1808 ; tho ubole (articles nnd packages)
to be subject to Inspection at point or delivery
before being received. The bids must slate the
price. In coin, per pound nt which the arllo
will ba (urnlalied. Kacu proposal to bo Its tax
act accordance wills the terms or this notite, and,
accompanied by a guarantee ol two resyflOsiTlls
parties, that should contract be nwartlet), (-,
tractor will give satisfactory bonis for strict
compliance with tbo terms of contrast bidders,
may lo present at the opening of the bios. The,
Up'.led Slates reserves the rich to rejsel stay
or all bids. The cxpttjw tf this adverUssiteok.
to bo pnld'by the smccess.fu.1 bidder. KdtcIom
to be marked, "1'ioposaU for Ay Subsist-,
ence," and to bo MidrscWo.te tjujderslgned t
Fort Klamath Oge. J. Y. SMALL,
1st, Lieut., 1st Car., A. 0.8.
- aismsti sl ays --r-v f y-'SS -
UlssuUitioHr Cesstsrtatersltijs.
NOTICE Is hereby (tvco that IU co-pwUer
ship hcrtofore existing between Henry f
Emery and U. I', lllukc, known as llmery and
Ulakc, In tbc Cabinet bualnc In the town of
Asbluud, Oregon, Is this day dissolved by MB
tunlQOB.sut. I ' II. S. KMliftY,
Aihhstid, Oris., May 19th, lSf.8.
" ii 'U.