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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1868)
.Ji.wv-rf'.vjtfe! Rs.3SSj r I FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, opposite mn Odd Fellow's Hall, M tt (' - JncltsonTlllc, Oregon. Travelers and resident boarder will lino MADAME D' ROBtMS vsBtima . Placed In first class order, and la svory TVsy superior to any In tbls section, antf i . . surpassed by any In tho State HBR, ROOMS ABE HEfflY FrjaWISJIED, And a plentiful supply of the best of every , tiling tlic market affords will be ob tvr ! tolncd for ''"'HER TABLE. . No troubled will 1)0 spared to descrvo the pat oosffo of tho traveling as well as the perma nent community. -Jacksonville, March 31, 18CC. If -x , P: B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, 1 stoXoMdS6nl5Tncrttrn-IoirJiM-Ia- CcMlr .V-CoHtn.- Mrr-Oostcrfo having withdrawn, P. I). Coffin will continue the business, and can bo found at his slop, ' Ceraer or C and ThrisI Streets, prrpared to do work in a workmanlike manner and ul.nasonablo rates. Jaoksonvllle, Oct. lfl, 18fi7. octllHf v EL DORADO, .K.Cir. Is. JUoit lll, O. S. M. FARREN. NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN! THEN (JO TO THEATER'S BROOM MANUFACTORY " "ANn ni'i mn nnsT i mn muiket, At wholesale or retail. sKiirlnrviiii rnrturnf Orcjron slid Main His.. Iiv tin (Idil IVIInu's Hull, mid opposite tin 1 riiiii'-.iii' rlmii Itcntutiriuit. . Jwckr-ouvlllr. Xnv. suili. I ki.7. nu Bw .'PAY UT &AAT CALL. A"T.i"'tiiosi: iKitKiirmi to va ahk licnlty notltlttl to come forwiinl and piy Hii.b.llir llrsl t).iy r Juiuiiiry nwiiiiiK, w II will rvr:utnl bu lit Iklr lull ri'M IiiiI.iho.iu we miiihiWiIii buslne willioul iimm) to mtyt our umi liabilities: nml fiirtliwinorv, tlnmli'S it rof ibe hrst liilinrt or nil ci.nmneil. wi lme a Uriel cash basis in linsliifM iiitiT tlio llrst iluy id Jiuinary. 1808, nnd'wlll not depart Irnm It. SUTTON .V IIYDi:. JiicUonllli Ir. lfllli. 160". ilie'Jltf LIME! LIME! ii BiLufciw., asm) otiikbs who uisuti: lJMInw.wlll tlnd R coiiMmit supply, ollhc l.calnmllty,luiiu.nlllle to Hilt, nt my shop uu MiUMtrwt.Jilwwn Orcsou and Third, nn nvilto.UullBr & ltii'iilnmiV stoic. In royal tciicr. Mr. AU Murlln will vtuil upon custom- TON KOUTTING X AM' Stone Work ,liVu on'ti-riiH lit suit tlio times. Orders from ,ton,rM,iTiri'iu('ooK. ' Jacksonville, April 'id, 1SI""- upZT - Kolice To Tax-P)crs. V " Omi's Cm.. IvrrBNAi. . )r,v rnint iq iiimii'IiV niVKN THAT THh INI ..'.... 'i ur Taui for the year IbUH, consisting ut Special Wes. (Llceiu tcs), Income Taxes. Dulles on Watches, Ur-rlot-es, etc., has been returned to roe for collcc ' AH &.iaer residing iu Jackson and Je phlne couutlcs, uro hereby notified that James M. Sutton, Dep'ty Ool., will bo ut JacksojiTllJe from tbe 10th day C"Jar t the 13tk of JTHite, 180MO rcoelvc apd receipt for laws, In Jack tlcpiintyi d will bo at Keruyville on tbe 15th, 1 'At Urlt.'6' oh tbe iuiis, aud at Waldo en the 17tb. 1 1 UulesH payment Is made at tho tlmo specified, costs and penalties will be added, in tbe roan nor prescribed gtJAWF0IlD CoUeotor. v)tay Idb, 1868. ?B BDOT AND SHOE MAKERS. "iKOTICEf navlng disposed of our Fac twy..we air now prepared to jrlve our whole littw Ion to our Leather and Finding busincw. QBrband.,. direct from I ranee, Can Kip, p(esUftX.eathor, Boot Legs, etc. t.,., i. iinv it,. Vairk. I John Biur, .-o'Now York. I Paris, Ban Francisco, UlAddrss, HEIN BKAY, iSUn Francisco. tl ' 416 Battery Street, H .' t rrto affoixxs.clx-yxics.. J?rrj-ACiiTHS. e C,uaiUiUn(l and tobls" COAL sod VIO JBON V, , , 1,000 "oasp H u 1 1 yCfSk ttasm yoh. xnr. BUSINESS NOTICES. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. JLnbrotypoi, Photographs, Cartes de Visit DONE IX THE FINEST STVLE OF ART. Pictures Reduced OR ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. OVERBED Physician & Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Offlco at his residence, In tho Old Orcrbeck Hospital, on Oregon Street. . i i i - i K.II. t.KEENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SUHGKON, OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. He will practice In Jackson and adjacent counties, and attend promptly to professional calls. fcb2tf DR, A. B. OVERBECK'S BATHROOMS, In tho Ovcrbock Hospital, WAKM.COLD &SHOWEK BATHS, SiraDAYSNDJVEDNESDAYS r. ghuiii:, m. i., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFFICE removed to Oregon Street, near ly opposite the French Restaurant. JmkMiiitllU'. Hie. I st. IMiT. dcciljr 1)11. MijVIS tlANl'NC, PIIY.SICIAX & sriir.EOX AND OldJltotXlOlAXl, T1TII.I. nlliiul lii nnv who lur if in any wl0 may rciulrc hl VV ..,rilf.. Ufflce uillnlllliu: N. nine .. l. anj;ei ...,. t.. t? inn, on norm mio uuuiuniin rimi, Jncksniullle. "z" SI'KflAL NOI'ICIM. STA1101 Tll&UXION 5 CELEBRATED 8T0MACH BITTER8! t Tlii ilollcloiK lunmli lillltrs ar rnilrrlr Vrt'Ctntlt, iil frw frumsUvliul slid cry liurt- TRY. "1 DH THEM!' - FOR TRY BK iY0UR THEM!. r SELF! . rfut luirrMliriil. A vUsunt loWe. ana nw V' "Ti.Cj.i..i. t'.. i.irktl l Ooc.lnl with !""" "."-...... ......H.lvVI.Ul. r. .nidlf arrt 1. "rta. ate abmiribly S.nt. a to rty cur. of) all sffccUou. of lli Moron-U. Klunj s,I J f r snd J DR. IIUPELAND'S l-mulUTKD SWISS WiCrf BITTBBS! pky IT! Tlio !! I'niitltrvf Hi llloudl A ncMl Tuuic A ivy AiirsW Dilukl Uu.unnuM fcr lf"S lursl tmt sntly " th Mrellons of llw KWu., UiU, tloaisrUMvllUtrt for Ml al all wliutmat and ratal! lliuor, I Ami aad gnKry atataa. t ii y IT! MOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 J'0'i!fTOwiKt.Wslp..U1 lWjr apjKi. 413, Clay St. Sa Frawl-o, I. O. G. T. . t rf.v Vfl 1 T I10I.D3 A Its regular mc'ctlnRs on Tuesday evening oTesib weBek, t the pfilr lei iBehool llou M JackMOVJlic.i.vuu.:Vw.. -..,---" DKOREE JiKr-i inuo iuo '"VITu,nnhlNATE month. ofK-r adjournment or bUBORDINAlb "uLbers of tbe.OrsJes injgopdjtajdlng n nn . s?AAT i JKm 8th, 16C8. felS tf Wturre Lodgp K, 10r A. F. A. M jv HOLD their regular communications on the WcdneAaj Ercnfow or preced- AA 1P5 b r rooq'JniCHiM' Wsl eaov. A MABT'Ni "' "' 0. W, 8,AVAa, eeo'f The Best Remedy for Purifying tbe Blood, Strengthening the Nerves, Bestoripg the Lost Appetite, is FBESE'S IUMBURO TEA, i.'i.ii. tu.l nrou funllcfl 'airatnsfal most any ilcknees, If used timely. ,qompoed ol herbs only, U oan ue given jaieiv w mm. 5"" v ,A..iinm in Rnffilnb. French. rWisn and Ger Low U AM1I'. i "1 " V lM' man, wltbcrery package. TRY IT I For sale at all tho wholesale and rcUII drug stores and groceries. KMIL VRKSE,1 Wholesale Druggist Sole Ag0t,41O Clay street, juyllyl 8n rmwlfo- JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 18G8. THE OREGON PUBLISHED Every Saturday Morning br B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, CORNER 'C THIRD STREETS. TKRMS OF HU1ISCRIPTIOM for one year, In advance, fonr dollars If noi paid wiuun inc nrsi six months or me year, five dollars ; If not paU until the expiration of the year, six dollars, TERMS OP AnVKnTISINO I One square (10 lines or 1cm), first Insertion, three dollars ; each subsequent Insertion, otto, dollar. A discount of fifty per cent, wilt ta made to those who advertise by tho year. Legal Tenders received ai currint rale. Snow Sonic. fr-"ire Gathir ShtfU." Ono wintry day with careful foot, I wandered o or thosllppery way ( Tho snow, In balls beneath my boot, Made It a task upright to stay. And so I waddled In my walk, I jostled every onn I met j Fo lliat some, In familiar talk, rtemarked, " Ho's very light, you bet I Remarked, " He's very light, you bet.1' I stoopd and stood upon ono leg, Willi cane to clear my n hampered, tread ; But o I Hooped a Ixiy did " pec IF AnM1ip snnw lit tnv head. And thus I said, as down my neck I felt Tim melted snow ball run, " Wo gather balls, and llltla reck Where'rc they po or whenco Ihcy come. Where're they ro or whenco they come." Ilysun of tlio Mnrsclllaltc. The Mnr'eilhiNo was inspired Is' genius, jvtiiotiMii, youth, beauty nnl ehainp.igno. Itouget do 1-islo was ai ofllrer of the gairison at Strasbuif, .ml n iiniivi. nf Mount. .Turn. lie wis nn unknown poet and composer. Ws I had a iieasant fiiend, named lictris wlioo who nun naugiiier were up "-V ... . i Y i .1... ...tin. i tkn. e 1 I ..l.alllltk.. . . . . .. aais critics nun nuiiiirers oi inuru-"-- i- IVO tllO COIiniUW Ml I. rw...... lieaiC; I Mill linvo ono liottlo lelt in the collar in nig 11, my uiiugmur, nun let in drink to liberty mid our conn- rv! The young gill brought tho bottle; it u-nsHoii oxhniteil. and DoI.iMo went Ktaggeiing to bed; ho could not hlcepfor tho cold, but his heait was wa.m and 11,11 ol the beating of mil iiatiioliHiu Ho toik a small clnv iconl and to compose "O'ln woimii iiiriieii -an-, . "IJ ; " rj , then biin.1 forth into a cry of cutl iim , pale, then they wept, into a cry of outline num. Jt was the soiil' of tho natioi nml nf tnrrnf. Two months afterwards, Dietrldc wont to tho scallbld listeninjf to tlo self-Mimo music, couiPObcd under lis the inspiration of its own root, aim uy lastbottlool wine. Iho people satg it everywhere It Hew Irom city .0 city, to every publiq prchestra, Mw seillcs wloptcd tlfp song atthpopcniig n.l .nkn nf its clllbs llCIICO tlO inline, "Hymn of tho .Marseillaise;" thcii it sped all over France. Thoy sang it in their houses, iu publio as semblies, and in tlio stormy street con vocation. Del.islo's mother heard it and said to her son: "What is this revolutionary hymn, sung by bands of brigands, ami with which your name is mingled -f" Dehislo hcaid it and shuddeied as it i-otmded through tho streets of Pails, rung from tho Alphio passes, while lie, a loyalist, fled from the infuriated people, frenzied by his i,., ..v.' -- - - own words. Franco was a great am uu v.o. ....-- , i 1 1 phitheatro of anarchy and blood, nipl l)r.!lo'fl gonir wns tho battle cry. There 14 no national air that will compare with tho Marsellniso 111 suo- limity and power; it embraces tlio sou cadences lull of the peasants "". . .. . ia...aM ii slli'nr mill aim tno sionuy ciuugui . ; .i 1....1 wlinit nn empire JS over thrown, it endears tlip memory of Ihpf j 1 ' ,- ..... .ml tnnkff, tllO VlllU-urvBBi;i o - .--., Ficnchman, in his exile, cry, "La belle 1.. ii TAtinl nf tbo torch, and """'' .""tiTrir.j :..i.:i.i.v'n.i Bword nn'g?l0l"":"',f,T1"" : Tn J. itoinn tr. u auiif hV n compaiy pf Vf .in.w. r , r - , , . exile or oxecutetii oy "u '"' clans, without feeling that it is tlio pi- broach pf battle, aipl .var, Tiik DiKFEiiEKfK. Tlicye nrp l,iP3 fionvicts iu tlio Illinois oiare s:iiy 1 coiivicib,.. si -. ;.":- ',- tiary. lliat mBtiiuon "". ctV song. Ono night he wcntsiipptr t0 ,,lrnrVf j0wocr, its slavery op with his fiicndV fntnilv, " tlioy liml .,01j,j0l, to cu0 (,)0rj ,s i;mv N,(l,. only coai so broad ami ',CI! ol , ,1"' 'lug iieiHcciition and opposition to tho Diet rick, looking soirowfully nt lie- f,,,.,,,',,,, H hitter opposition to freo UMc, said: " 1'lonty is not our foa-t, h(.OUN ,01. ul0 i,orcr ilH ced at i.ut liavo tho coiinige ol a Mimiers ..... o foivo slavorv inioii Kansas tried ....... il u.i.i ..- oiinnnuiwi somcuine uiu viiiu i"- Vii"inia iilong the ImiiKkoI tlio iliick- (IrM sometimes tho nir. Diicctly he , e n,,.,,,,,,,,, thu .lames loll iihleop over tho instrument, and , Aptiomaltox; Its sae.ed dust waking nt daylight, wrote down what t,;B,0I,M ,y Gaines' .Mill, by he had conceived in tho delirium o "a . tjroftou, along the illlll PilllU inn miuuuvhum. ... -I "" I..I !..... nml n I inl I VHlllll mt&ind. ii 't t Tun in (From tli VairalTllV Mswin(fr Naturalized Citincnn, It is an iiuljfttmtnMp nnd uuaccotmt nblo fnct that n Inrac umioritv oi for- ( clgn born citizens habitually ro'towith ' tlio Cpjijcrhca'l .party, ignoring tlio I fact that in so doing tlioy nro lending uiuir niu 10 viuviuc iu jiosuiou iiiobo who ha,vq ever been opposed to their interests, nnd tho interests of frco labor those whoso boIo aim hat been and, Is to keep tho foreign born citizen whera ids voto ran be controlled and mado subservient to their sclfisli qd4 Tito chicfend nnd nim oCninc-tenths of Uioeo bont on foreign soil, who seek this country, is to find a homo, whqro tlioy may by tlielr own freo ni)d well paid labor1, gain a position nnd nu hit pottanco as frcb men among men, wliicii tlioy had longed for but were unablo to attain in thoir native land. Tlio cmigraut lands upon our' Micros and what does ho find? Ho finds (or might ltavo found a few years since, nnd it is practically tho samo now n, far ho is coucorncd) tlint tlio opposition of the Cnppcthcnd pally to lieo labor has practically closed to him all tho south ern portion ol tho country. Upon tlio poitals of oinc fifteen laiga States, ex clusively controlled by tho Democratic patty, ho finds pouted tlio wanting "no lieo labor wanted or ttllotcal hero I" Where he could soonest gain a compe tence tho Democratic party foibids nix going, unless ho will saeriiico all tho attributes of manhood and Aecdom which ho covets. Of tint millions ol ncics of laud lying idlu there, not an aero was tor nun, because no wnsntico litljoriiKj man, and tho terms woio I " such nono need apply." Let tho for icign born citizen ask himsell what tho Copperhead parly lias over doiib for him that ho should give it such ii hear ty suppoit; in what manner linsitcvcr sought to olotnto him in tlio social sciiK1, or encourage him in his dibits to liceoiuc nu cuiiLriiieiiuu uhi'lii i whore in its record can it point to any tliinir it Iiiih done to entitle it to hi ; fiiumlly cousUIeiation eenr liiero I. . ... ... r. n noiiiiinr ntiso titoiv iioiiunir. wn ,,,, to ll ,() ,10 t,xe),lsi 0 tliu cmigiiint its in,sro lc,,or,i fity years is lint a IHh o( y,, Ojtf0iitloii to fioo Inboi mil freo emigr.itioii. Tut: N'uw York Ti'lmnc m tho fol , . ' ni ,' h I ,cf S,;.'";,,, X nml touching words iconic of tho 60,000 majority which .miw irn put- n make A'iiiia ham I.i.m'oun liviulcnt: Its blood fertilizes tlio liungiy foil ol a i Uood-soaked Wildeincis where our .. xvadswoilli travo his life to his whore countrv, nnd along tho deadly lines or Cold llnrbor where Porter fell nt tho head of his men. 1'ioui tho spot by tho Potomac whoro Kllsworth mwin massaorcd to that far Louisiana end nunco where I.uwis lieuodiut met his fato, tho iiiuii whoso votes decided that this should bo tho land not of Slavery but of Freedom died iu making good ilinf. vnnlict. until 13.780 wasall tlio ma jority lea us iu 1800, after our soldiers had coiiiolioino to enjoy tlio peneo tlioy had wiought. And that is just about tho measure of our actual juniority to day, after offsetting tlio monstrous frauds iu naturalization and in. voting whereby wo uro inevitably swindled iu thh city, Tub Spiiit pt DuMonurny-1 he truo spirit of uiironquorcil rpbels crops out iu tho following extract wblcb wo tako fronua California Dciiocratio ox change, Hear w hat it has to say about Hill l'll"('l'l"t, i'"tf.;" -T-... ,-.. tlon nt'oiticagp; Tho cditpr 119 doubt i,t(inu to tliu Wilkes liooth family: JSulItl a wj(rvimi. In no other , outside of hell would such a mob e(1g bp ,,CflI,el (q congrogato to conopcltliordninnalosqlicmes, Hujld ' E . -ir. t . ....Ajl. a w L'wam 011 ao owihiwv "i(n tr A(t( JstncoiH mm trie cmwn jrii, protJvce qnothcr John Wtlket Jtooli ulft (c at)i))(r lyriinnUJ' in nccor ilnncfl with tho La Crosso Jhmomit, TOVT-- ; , di .....,. .,; and tho m'an Is cyoi now icndy for tho ",,.v 'oit Tub telegraph informs lis that tho Democrallo Governor ol t;alornin prcsmeu yuHicruiiy rv"'""w 1)or, in Spn Franeisco. Of epijrso a.11 tlio pemocratio celebrities were pros- ii i--.l n Pltifinun lln- Chincso din nut '. ' .. ' . Ii. 11 ...l.!l wifai is nut uu"j t,wniiH wncn tinj cnampjons oi mu imu man's iroVernincnt " will thus put 1 .imMivM on nn "efiualitv" with a 1 ,-"". f0(rftded. rice-eatlhir China- NO. 10 t tt Female Friendship. It is a wonderful advantngo to a man, ,!n every pursuit or nVocat!on,tosceur.q an adviser in a sonsibio w6man. In woman thcro is at ouco a subtlo deli- cacy of tact, a plain soiiudnoisof iitdrr-. ment, whch nro rarely' cpiubined to nn, etpini iiegreo 111 man, a woman, ttjiio boivnlly your fiiend, will hnvo n sfcn sitivc regard for your oharncter, of hon or ami repute. Sim will sold 0111 coun sel you to do a shabby notion, for a. woman fiiend desires to bo prqud of you. At tho samp Umo bor constitu tional timidity makes hqr moro cau tious than your inalo friend, blip thorc foro seldom counsels you to do nu. Inn prudent thinir. lly fcninlo frieptbhiu 1 mean piiroiiienusinii tnosoiu wnicn thcro is no admixture of tho. passion oi love, except it; thu married ntntc.) A man's femalo friend it a wifooj good sense ami good hentt whom hn loves, nnd who loves him. If ho hnvo that ho nood not seek clsowhorc. liut 'sup pooing n man to bp Withuul such a helpmate, femalo fiicpilshiji lie mitsl still have, or his intellect will bo with out a ant-den, nml there will bo many nu unheeded gap oven in its strongest teiice. Hotter and snier, ol course nro such friendships where disparities of circumstance put tbo idea of lovo out of tho question. Middle, life lint rare ly this advantage, but youth and old ago have. Wo may lias c female friend ship with tlioso much younger and those much older than oiirsclvcH. 3lol liers old housekeeper was n gieat help to his genius; mid loutnigiio's philos phy takes both gentler and loftier char acter nf wisdom from tho date in which ho finds in .Mntio 1)d d'oiirnay, nu adopted daiighlei, "certainly beloved hy me," says tho Horace of essayist, '1th moio than jiateiiml love, and in vohett In my sollliido of retiromcni as ono of the Wit pails of my being." Female friendship is, indeed, to n man tlio bulwnik, sweetener, ornament of his eitencc. To his mental culture it is lnwtluablo; without It all liW kuowledgo ol books will never givo liiui kuowledgo of tho world. Lytton. Dknohinationai. Oxiis,--A gentle man Inn cling in Toaiis mot on tho load a w agon drawn by four oxon driven by a countryman, who, in addi tion to tint skillful flourish nnd crack of tho whip, was vociferously encour aging hnrH-s after this fashion: "HawPnsbyleriaiil" "tico llnptlst!" "W0.1I1 Kiilscopalonn I" " Get up Meth odistl" Tlio trneler stopped tho dii vor, remnikiiig to him that ho had strange names for his oxon, nnd would liku to know why ho thus called them. H.iid tho tlnvcr: I call tins ox rresny- teriau because ho im true hhio and novor falls, pulls through nil difficulties and holds out to thu olid; besides ho knows more than all tho test. J call this Hap tlst, becauso ho is always nfter water and coins as though he'd never drink enough; then again ho won't eat witli tlio oiners. 1 can mis ox r.piscnpiiii" an n. because ho has a mighty way of nlilliii his head up. nnd if tho yokes ll get n little too tiglit, ho tries to kick and draw clear out the track. 1 call this ox Methodist, becauso ho puffs and blows nnd bellows as liu goes along, and you'd think ho wrts pulling nil creation, but lip don't pull a pound, unless you continually stir I1I111 up. Mitryavllle Apptul. - Tint Hkm- Yi:at in nu: Wouuv Boll n pint bowlful ol hops in two gal lons of water, strain and add a teacup full of flour, ono ol sugar, a teaspoon full of salt. No yeast is miiilrvd to raise it. Let it staiul lor tlirco nays iu n warm place, and H will then begin to foam. Then lioil threo pounds 01 po fntnnx itinhli fliio. mid add thoill to t yeast, and stir llo wholo well tegofe or ; then put it into a Jug and cork light aud set in a cool place. It should bo mado at jcasi iwq weeks neioip usepig. nnd It will kepp good any lopgtli of time, nnd grow better all tip wjillo, small tenotipfull is sulllclent for six loaves of bread, Wlipn this nJ gonp make ;i now jye M i tbo same vay. and keep cbrked tight, and you need npver go fp bakers' or brewers' for veast. Slnco wrltlnir tlio nbovo, my wifo opened a largo bottle full of this viMist that had been sealed and put in llio ceuur lor niuru iin I ' tho usual nunntity risvl nor bread splpnldly, Jlruf Nm 1 ofr. In tiik Kaii." A farmer who had omployod a g'ren Kmealder, ordered him to Ky tbp nmlo somo corn in tho ear. On his coming in, tlio fanner flHrCCMl "Well, Miko, did you givo tho nmlo tho corn V" "To bo sure I did." "How did you givo M" As Vp told 1110. In tho ar." "How much did you givo 7" VWelh you soo tho old crathcr wouldn't hold still nnd kept switching his oars shout so cpijldu't ml llt ftbout a liflinui ,.. ww r -i Fijiit, Dried apples and i Portland CerrtinerfdeHce. 1'ortlanp, Mat 20th. hPiTonSKNn5r.f.: I send you a few items which may prove of somo inter est to your renders. Tho litmht of tlio 17th hist., published a slandcrotn charge against B. J McCormic, the Itcpublicnn candidate for County Trcas uror, stating that, a certain amount oH money (U. S. coin) lind been placed in Jiis charge by tho Church of wliioh ho in a member, for safe kceninir. and had paid oVor U10 saincj-yhn' callor) pf.lif grtonbheks. Tho" nhoVo was 'contra dicted in this mornings Ortgoniam "Kditor of tho Jftrald. I hcrby pro nounco tho chnrgo mado against S. J. MoConuiok; in tli'd Jeratd otlhe 17th, relative to his having paid tho Church any pjonoyln gtanbaeWnHtrnc.Mr. MeCormick nover was tho custodian of any money belonging to tho Church; novor lost any money through, or by any action of 8. J. MeCormick. The chnrgo is entirely Jalse. ri Ahciniikiior "ni,ANcrtET." Hcriah lirown tcfuscd fo publish the nbovo canh ' Our qity was in a groat excitement this morning. TUcn wife seen na'rryf ing from nll.dtrcctions;. draymen run ning their horses towards the Jnrald ofllcd, the mora oxcitod ones shoHtinv flrOnOthoniA fight; tho latter-'pro vod domot. 8. .VMoComilo 'had called' 'oifDdriah Jl., caught him by the coltsr as no wns ascending 1110 stair, ana gnvo him soma striking illustrations in the rear with his heavy boots, "drawing blood which was black," sofcaid McCer mick, whoMiuincdiatoly called on the Itecordcr aud paid his fine, s)3&, bsfere n ohargo was mado out ngabist.hiM. It is reported this aftornoon that Me Cormiclc tins coinincnced suit against Uoriah lirown on account of tho article of slander, placing tho damages at I OOOO. Multnomah county expects to do her duty, Juno 1st. Every man will stand nt his post, Wo hnvo a good ticket and expect to elect our candidates. Union. (Irom lli San Ir.wUpi Jtlalnf aad SctsntlA fraaa. Zlno to Improve tire rtetlea sf tjuirksllvrr. It seems not to ho generally known thnt 7ino nnd tiuipksTivsr about one ounce or loss, to ten, pounds of quick silver InercaRO tho retentive efllciencT oi the ipiieksllvcr for gold and silver to a remarkable degru.. This may be attributed to tho rough and barbed edges peculinr to the fracture of cast nrscml-tluidziuc; similar to tho stato In w hleh it appears iu tho amalgam. Somo similar nctioti Is effected by sodium nmnlgnm, by tho use oi gritty silver for amalgamation of battery nprons. and finally by tho uso of amal gam, rich in gold, iu nrastrn, batteries aud pans. In olt,hcr enso tho effect is superior to that of plain quicksilver, tlio suifiico of which by its smoothness, oilers less resistance. Zinc, of all met ats, exhibits tho strongest inclination to this peculiar barb-like crystallization. Kven In tho melted condition, tho pas sago between tho particles is not smooth, but rather, ns it were, bristled with In numerable barbed hooks, which grap ple tho gold and silver, instantly tak ing it up Irom nuy siibstnnco jinssing tliiopgh it; mid to this peculiarity may bo traced tho extraordinary rotontiyo faculty of tho molted rine, for gold and silver, far surpassing that of any other substance iu distance. Mlllmcn will find it of gieat ndvanatago to use slno with their quicksilver. The uso oi it iu this manner is not patented, but has. been employed in Mexican mines, and is therefore freo to ull. It requires on ly to bo known to bo uppiecialod. One dollars' woith ol zlno saves pounds of croid nud silver. It fchpuld bo remarked that it dose not Injuriously nller.t tho bullion, for. iu molting this into bars the zlno ia volatilired. H. iVIIkuukusk. Hau Francisco, May 7th, 1808. - a Tin: Knrroii-iN-CiiiKi' Takks a JIen Efir, On Bunday last tho Portland llerahl published a foul lip ip rela tion to Mr. S. J. MeCormick, to tho eff ect that )io had borrowed money be longing to tho Cathollo Church nnd re paid it in greenbacks, lllshop Mian qhet ut ouco mado out n contradiction aiul hunt to the, JlnraUl, which refused to print it, or muko tmy oxplonalioa. Tho Uibhop's card was published in tho Orciviiiuit. after which Mr. Mo Coriiilo wont niter lleriah llrpwn asd gave him a thivsliiug. From tho re marks of tho OrtgpnUm it is inferred thattJiocitUonsof Portland coustder thnt Mr, MuUoiuuck ant right, lionah puts up a wolully pitiful Up. about it. gie? thp physical dlmonslowt, of his aiiversnry, togothcr with his own. ago and corporeal 1111 rupiy. anw do haves nltOKothur contemptibly; Th foul-tongiiod old kna.vo, hrts tfoserved that a long timo, nnd pcrhaM will kceny a civil tonguo u h hoad; in tho fu ture. evi ion W, KMimiATiON. 'le travel to aad1 from Orogpn has aommonced, aud emi grant teams pass our offlco daily. Tfce OregoniaiiB ure probably leaving he nnitn thoir countrv is too wet. and the L'alilornlaiis from below are golag N01 tli on account o tboir sectiees Be ing too dry. Anything for content' tncnt. filch is life. Yrtf nuk In Germilp the moon is inaseitlsae, tho sun feminine, and a maidea kcuter geiidqr. Will nop, somo gr4u4SB.au1 aue ionary voluntcor to refprn the Us gua'go ovor tho jhlnoi lkueflts, like liowers, please ouljs when fresh. In Slyw and Aftout, fur 1 br bricks. f H11' J. 11. DOYX.E, 8 1 i!3 awl 415 I'aclfio 81, Bin iraucljco. port them.