1 TOKfllMfilNa WML Saturday Morxixo, May 2a, I8.O8.1 A CARD. Bellevlnaj th4t the "Inlereits . of education, should nol be blended with politic Unci, ot ihekl4 VUh Pf '7 fchlcanery, I hereby aa nounce myself an Independent candidate for the oBctof Apcrtatcndcnt of Common Reboots in JacKson County, Oregon. K. WATKIN8. Pboosalx, Oregon, May fitb, 1868. $atcai Ccjtrosrrr. VTe nw In the garden ot Wr. L. J. Hull of tht town, yesterday, six nectarine growing on the tame Ibab with a number of peaches. The limb on which they were growing wm budded Into a eeedllng ttock three yean ilnce j and last year It bore a hoary crop of peaches, and two nectarine, which bctag accidentally tbaken off, never matured. 'Ihliycar. the nectarine hare appeared on the name twig. There I no deception, a the nectarine-bearing twig la one of the many from the, butt ; aad It I quite cvjdcnt thst It ha oot 'been bwdded In, but ba appeared by some no acooaatabls freak of nature. We have never seen anything of the kind before, nor can we ifiod anyone who ha, and therefore relate tho incident for the benefit or too speculative In euch matter. 1 Quarts Mm. We were up at tho Occiden tal mill IhU week, and found everybody buay. Col. Drew bts been running nigbt and day for about thirteen day. The quartx being cruihed now" from Timber Gulch lead, and ba the appearance or uemg very ricn. me iai run paid ten dollar to the ton, and it I confiden tly -.expected that It will run over tblt amount tbli time. The mill I In plendld running or der, and when mall amalgamating pan ihall hare been added. It will bo the best gold mill In either California or Oregon. Col, C. 8. Drew b deterring of gnat praise for the man ner. In which he ha stuck to the work. We want more men of the ame kind, that when the? take hold of aj enterprUe, they will not null antll they have lueceednl, or the thlug li demonstrated to be a failure. WaiTiNOp&soou-Mr. 8kaw, late. of San Frtmioo,'U teaching" iclkssHn penmanship here, tbi week. We understand it la hi inten tion to form another data when thla courae of letaona hall bare been completed. Mr. 8. leacbr the Epcucerian tyttcin, which la ackbowl edged. to bare no superior. Spencer reduced prnmaunhlp to a system, iod taught It bapal ytli'.to that anyonccan become a good pen man by study. Mr. 8Uaw haa displayed" hla spcclmcna In acrcral plates about town, 10 that people may judge ol their excellence Ibemaclrci. Rax Away A Lotjo and buggy from l'ly male' stable, while, being driven along Oregon Street, tart'oiiday, got rrlghteacaV aUtosae thing arid commenced kicking, and "root! found himself partly uer one or the lhllla;he then cotnioencl,iuiittlug. Oue of the mcu jumped nut and the olhir one waa thrown out by the unset of the buccv, on the corner of Third aud 4) Street. The menu no uot badly hurt. The J Jiurra cut hla hlud lega severely, aud the ublclc vaatnuuhedup. aWaninro. Lat Moudy two njuaw were go lug f Jackson Crvvk, laughing slid talking to gilbrr, when one turned ti the other and ricicc ly told tier that the owed her an old grudge' r a years standiug, and linmvdlakly struck a kutrulu(oJur,rlilit sUutilJir. The wound lu U!clfd.waabet two Inebe deep and "lK-nelra-led the lung. The wound wa dresul by Dr. Urubc, aud the pAiUut at lot accouuta uai re turning. lH Cuanuk of ItKt. Mr. M. Mensor baa pur chased the old' Maury A lav la brick ou the corner of Orcgou and Malu ttrrcls, aud I gu log to Imlld a new front and repair It for a ture. Thai corner formerly waa the biutuv- veutcr but of lata yeara It ha nut Intii to pupu lar. It now promise to bvconie, a op old, a IWcly buslueu place. JUialMJ. CiusUks in Ashland. Mcssr. Km try J: Illake have dlssulu-d their co partnership in tho cabinet business, and the latter geulle luauhai uittrrd Into partnership with J. It. lleluiau, In the carpenter business, uuder the name Of Illuke A llrlman. They are prepared to do all kliul" of building at the very lowest ratei. 'Dut Lkau. A vein ol decompoaed quartx ruolng acroM Kanaka Flat, baa been struck and tbi weik la being prospected with a view ofauarrvinif rock to be milled. From urraeut Indication the lead will pay fully a well aa lb Timber (Juki) lead. The viln of quartx 1 betwecu three and four feet. Kiixku iir Jmmax. We have been permit ted to tee a private letter from Capt. tyrague, written fruw Lluk Rlrer, May ICtb, Iu nblcb heaay that' a. man named liornbuekl naa killed by a "Modoc ludlaii, about sevcu mill Irom that place ou Ibe 13lh lust. We hope to brr thenar Jlculaatei twee Vu, - , t, vlsicV' cii&UTK.-Mr. i. S. Howard respect fully Inform bia friends that the card Iu lM wcteaawiouo(ng him a a candidate for CcHinly Surveyor, Vaa Inserted without hla knowledge aud that he U uot candidate lor that office. .pfAtTiox.Nomx". Attentlou la called Iu the carda of the aevcral Iudea-udeot caudldaUia for County Office. Tbey do not preacnt themeelvea acpolltlcatcandldatea, but aak the aupnort of the people' ou aeceunt or their fltneaa for the virloua potltlou tbey ask for. 'ji! Maia Our Washington correapondeot caaaplaloa that hla Utter and paper have been, (a many InaUnee1 aufy day on the way from bUpoIkt toiWaablngtou. Cau't Mr. Special Agent Btwofca find ovt why! I ' !jj(Ttajr:B. Maor Gleno, of Glenn, Drum 4 ,Uo.jca(xi4frota Shu Franalaco tbi week. WitUetiKtMri U purchased a large itock of aprlog and ramwear good which will be here next, week. Ktmuj.0 The claima In thai protperoua .cam iolrf'rfa7yWanuocVda,to.tbe uum hand. Nxw Diuaisa We learn that new dlgglug .Weifetruck betweea Uogu Blveraad Gar lice letK,uav proapect wen anq HM)f jFfF" aome excitement lu Joaepbioe county. aW rv luealv. and aoxlou to be taken At Hand. The MysterlM of the Neopolltao GeMveat, for which Mr, Koork ba been eanra log,- have arrived, aad be is uow delivering the work to f ubacrlborx, Gox Komu. Rev. 3. A. llanna left with tcMsSM?MrMerla4 laboraat'lfeat pUee Immediately on hla Arrival. Jl3iT0 tit .... , , . , Glad to IIka Jf.-r Ifce Boy ftlcoda of Hi bTaneTuoSlr.WWIby, ef f anyon; rrum lha Uho wotUof Jlarth 4lh, IMA Politic ia Ada Count?. Tlfe following from a private letter furnishes the most iutclligiblo Recount of the moim operandi of the general breaking up of tho lU'i)ubllcii party in that county J "I rooivcd your letter dated tho 18th inst, and would haic inswerod iaaihic diatuly, batjtlwught I would ..be ablo to give yon more news after the indom itable Ilcpubs had held their Conven tion. A lew days ago, and subsequent to tho Democratic Convention, a few of the sore-heads met and circulated n petition, calling on the Union-loving citizens to clcct-iucu to to rcspcotiyo ofliccs to bo filled in tho county, Irrcs icctivc of party lines; and it appears that tWo orthrce (Blossom, Editor Reynolds, DttRcll, and others) had already select cd and nominated ; thoy obtained a few signers, and, when tho Convention met yesterday, pursuant to call, they under took to force them to endorse the men whom they had selected ; but it Wait a dead failure. Tho Convention mot. orgonUetl niul piitrccded to business nominating Leach for Sheritr, Itoynnlds for Probate Judge, (ho is tho talented editor of that intercsotiiig Bhcct yclept the Idaho Statesman,) and Shipley for County Auditor. Shipley was beforo iiiu jjciuocraiio uonvenuon nuu was left out in tho cold ; so he fell back into tho ranks of tho mongrels, or, as Dr. Talbot remarked in a speech ho made last night, "lie is a hyurid, or hcrm ophrodito." Tho result ot tho last nom ination was a split. Elovcu of tho del egates withdrawing from tho Conven tion, the remainder adjourned for an hour; met and adjourned to meet a 0 i'. m. In tho mcantimo tho Scccdcrs called a mass meeting nt tho Overland Saloon, for 7 r. M. ; met and proceeded to business, Capt. Davis iu tho Chair, te. ; chose cloven delegates from the people to fill tho Convention ; nomina ted tiaylord for Sheriff, Montgomery for Auditor, Cook for l'rohalo Judge, (tho two hist named nro tho present in iMinibcnU,) and the balance ol tho tick et, resolving not to compromise with tho opK)sitlon clique on uny accouiit, previous to tho balloting. Due Till not made a very pretty little speech not much political matter iu it. "They (liuth cliques) have resigned all hope of making a respectable cllbrt mgtiiiu the old Dcninenioy their main object is now to sec hich in tho strong est section of the party. It it pepper in our soup, ns our friend Short ttuys, aud there is uot a doubt but that we shall elect our whole ticket by glori ous majority. , -. 1 m - Tin: Yroka Journal says that n num ber of the old .settlers of that place are leaving. A. 1). Crooks, J. 31. Han sen and families, and F. A. Rogers are among the number. In3opend)nt Candidate. I have tho honor to announce injaclfna an ill depeudeiit candidate fur Oonntjr Couniioer. Mjy 151b. 18C8. 1IOYAI. IinSl'DicT. Ihtitbr annouuee myH'lf ua an liidrpeiidvul caudldate for Ooamty CoMaaiuioaer. May 13th, 18C.H. J.J.FRYEIt. Ilaieby aououuee myaelf a au ludcpendiut caudldato lor COUNTY ASSESSOR. May lSih. UC8. l'AT DUNN. The uodaralguud herrbv aunounce hlmKlf an lndeeiident caudlda' fur the office ol SHERIFF of Jackaoo county.' May Htb, 18C8. --t-yf "T ----( WM. V. Turner reapeclfully a'utmlta hla name to the people of Jackaou Couotpr lor the office of COUNTY CLERK, mbject to their declalon at Ibe ennaulug cltc tloii. May ICtb, 18C8. Being aollclted by many frieoda, I hereby an nouuee myaelf a au Indepeudeut caudldate for COUNTY TREASURER of Jacktoo Couuty. MAX MULLKU. May 13th, 1868. . mayltwS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST! TUB UNDEB8IQNKD OFFER VOU isle at ouprecedently low prices I OlllOTDi UOKRVli Reaper and Mow erf Self end Hand rakei McCORMACK'S IUaper td Mower ) 1 2 anoA,eoe ami -w HAINES' Impfpved Wfiqb Header; , PITTS' Improved 36-Horse Ht-paralori PITTS' Improved 12-nore Powers HALL'H lippioyid.lorDaafJOvpafawr, Secd-s5wer. Cultivator. Plows, Ac, of recent Importation, aad imoat approved ityle mkfv J'Wmefs will ty weU Q alj before pur chaalog fehjewber. , Kaiet) to IK Tmellu PnWlc. .o '-ainDiiluum tiivua WAGON 7MayltoT?868. inl6-m3 J, Road Vaabeeo' fully opened alpca tka tU day of April. Tba road 1 now aud alway wlllbelattheUatof coaditlou. Tbi road from Yreka to the Amef lean Raacbi in acrameoto, valley. 1 tweotyteven wllea horter?andvfrbm Andtwou'e lUnchi near the Klamath, by way or Mttle 8bata valley, for y. Uiree inlfw alwrUif than the Ug. foad, l.ul' road paaMa prtrljo high moliQtalna. JTI Ma; ltW,-188e; T r ml '" DOWN I DOWN I! MWNI!; WITH HIGH PRICED. NEW GOODS AND 'LOW 'PRICES , AT .THE SACHS BROS' AUK NOW KECKIVINQ TUK liAKGlST. Cheapen, and beat eclectcd Slock of Spring and Summer Uood ever offered la tho market, CONSISTING ' OfLadlea, Mluca, and Cbtldrou'a UATdi aud UliOAKS, of Uic lteat tlylr. Alio a Com plcto aMortmcnt of URY GOODS, STJOI-I A.S sheutings. cottonadi; '; TAIlI.KI.INUN.f. . TOWELING, PRINTS. CIIKCKS, HLKAOIIKI) AND UNUI.KACIIKI) MU.V- . 1.IN5. DENIMS, I'OPLINS. UKLAlNia, A'l.t'ACOA.9, 110JI11AZINIJ5, . , , GINGHAMS. A l f.AWNS,- ' UIIAMimKYS, JKANS, PLAIN AND iOTTi:n swiss, ' CA.MDUIO. , ...NAINSOOKS, And In fact cwrylblug usually kvpllu u Flrat Clara Dry Goods i'torc, at mm wiiim defv iohpetitiii.v. OUR A80ORTMENT OF UIIKKK1 TIIIMMIMAM, rtlllMU.S, IMIII KKTI, IILTTIIXN, lUIIIIOXK. KMBItlllDKIIIKN, J.At'RK, " HII.KN, 1 . l'l.AIM AND PAM.'V IIAMHCKIICIIIKKH, XIIUNIEItY, , Cloak llrnauitiil aixt Noltuiia, mu:' or tub ciotcKsr suixtjux. . r OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, IIOOT."?. SllOl'jy. II.ITS AND 0V8, Imvc boen atbctrd with inoro than umul care, unci wo arc pltvi-d In ay Hint ni) Imiukv IhhValilr of Suit r'ranclrco caii eACill us In iwlcly ai.d itjte. "WE -EL-FIE1-F Aa iirtial. anpply orOUOOKllllW. I'ROVI.f 10N.V. I.IQUnil.sCuiR.IR.V,TOII.lCCU, MIR. ItOlt.S'miilQUKIINdW.lIti; wblcli o prumUo Io k;II ut cry low prlcca for CtSll. Call and examine, and liarn our prlcci", aa o arudi I'-rmlued to accommodate the iiuut ccouuiuical but era. mayOtf SACHS BROS'. The CcleUralcU Uoiae, CAPT. SLICtAKT WILL STAND AT Till. MVKRY STA ble of Comtock 4 Cawley. In Jackton tlle, on Tuirday'a and Wedui'kday'a, and at Ibe ranch of the riilMcrlbi-r, near Ablnd Mlll, Jackroii County, Oregon. 011 Friday 'a and ,Vt mday't, tho tmuliiK rcaiun, comiueuctug April 7ili. and eudlnu Julv lat 18C8. Ipurihawl Capt. 5Hgrl, In Mckng county, Ohio, and br9ught him oiit via l'anuma,, In the Spring of 'CO. lie la a beautiful, dark dapple bay i ha weighed 1,440 pouuda, aud trotted hla mile In 2 m. aud U He. ; haa never been Iralued to any great extent ; la near perfect n bl proportions, of the finest atyle In, muscu lar power la rt-markah! welt den-loped; la a horse of Oral clan action, and was, by the best bono men. acknowledged to be the luost per rutformtd horse In Ohio, for fpvtd a a trot ter aud size, PEDIGREE. Ilia aire waa a large, beautiful "Sir Thomas lloraej"g. tire a well bred turf bora, known Ufin.lufa.l'a CI a Yluttiiii as H 1J lit f tltl IBlrtllil aj i ynwiai m ai tsiuimex j a jr., aud be by Imporkd Dlaiurnd. Ilia dam waa a wm urel "rarinir ueiiKUi.'auu 111 me couuty haa eur stood uneiuakd aa a Roadster ami mam for veuvrul nurnosef. CUT, SLia,llir la a half brother of Capt, riauer, now umira iu uaiiiuiui. tv pi,iuu or bia alto baa equaled bl lime 'a a trotter, lie I alto a halfWother to Moll-Brook, of Cin cinnati, Ohio, ubo ha shown a jaltthaUtaod unrivaled lathe aunale or trotting timer also a half brother Io the celebrated Lady Llgblfopt, of Chicago, Polly iVblteof Sau FiaucUco, and Wild Hill, orUutfalo. I team thattuiolber hH brol'icr called Capt. FahtJeld. y awarded Ibe r'list Premium at.lhe gfate Fair In Ohio, aud waa spokelfof n thefr report ff t.be beat borae for general mw. (See report now lu my po- Slfcalon.) -I llence II la pW 10 uo aecp, iu ui family of Ibe best stock of horses for speed and size lu Ceulral Ohio, Ilia colta, wheu grown, are large, well formed, with good action and aneBtyle. and bring the hlgheat price for the Kaatern market. WV-Mthe "mJKY Sol- ' O. addrf. Ahand Millf, Ogo .q 4hlnd Mills, March 271b, 'C8. marifB-td rnilK ANNCAL MECT1NO OF TIIKSTOOK. 1, libUer U the Rogue'IUver Valley Wool en Manufaclurlng Company will be held at AshUfld, on Wednesday. jlhe3Z4 Idy, AwU. 1868, for the purpoae of electing a Hoard or Dlreclory for Ibe naung year, and taking Into cooalderallod lb propriety of 'Increasing the upital slock or the Company, and the Iran, action of such otjier busnns a may come bc- ",re,bC,D' - J.M.McOAUrrc.ldut. (J. K. Ki cm. Secretary. v ..j ApriMlb, 1808. ' ' W. JB" NOT " IOIT Ol MTOXiBlVt taOOO Rwnrd WILt, b paid for tho arrest and conviction or any person who can't bur Dry good, Cloth ing, and General Merchandise, cheaper from u than from any other mercantile es cstabliahmcnt In town. The arrival of our largo AND WM.L SKLICLTKU STOCK Of FALL AND WINTER GOODS k.siuij! nj to mak Tnta uvt ait. orrkK. OUU DUYOOODS DKPAUTilKNT I stocked with the lateat ttylc of Figured stress good, French anil English Merinos, Empress cloth, Fiillnnt DelitlHes, Alpacas and Mohair, Veol Plaids, Wool Ik cotton Delaines, French, English and American Prints, " 4 All of which will ho told at tho very lowest rale. Our assortment or iniSIt LINKN8, TLAIN AND DOTTKD SW IM, J.tlX) NLTTJ, CIIO JS-D All, VlCTUIllA AND UtSllor LAWNV, NAMOOK8. CAMUniCA, ETC, ( la wcit selected, and cheaper thau ever be fore offered lit thin market Our Sttlis and Jaconctt Kmbroldctliv, Linen, Three J X Cotton, l.nce and Ruibroldrrrd llaudkerchtcN, llonnct and Kelt Ribbons, are the latest stylet, aud sold at price to defy competition. We also bate th newest fashion or LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREHS' Hats and Oloakrs, and an Iraaenie ttock of all kinds of TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS, 1IALMOUALSK1RTH, 1 1 ' HUEAKPABTCAPK8, ' WOOI.tiK QLOVr'H, ' " " XUIIIAS, SHAWLS, Woolen and Cotton Iloie of ercry dcscrlnllo'i), Al'o au entire new stock of Ladles, Misses, Children and Infants' Shoes, all of which will b sold at tho most rrasonablo price. 'Our Illiachtd and Unblracli'-d Muitlnt, Sheelinga, Table Daniarka, Napkina A Toweling re of the very latest manuTwctutc, and told VKRY low. MEN'S CLOTHING and ruriilahliiu Goods, Hals, Cap, Root and Shoes Kxlein Clolh and lllanketa, Carpets, OI-clnhs, W4II Paper. Willow Ware. Crinktry. Hardware. Grocerlea, Tobacco, Cigars and LIQUORS sreIylog(noMh ibslrtaand In the vtanhohso In great profurlou, aud will be told at a Great Rdootion in Priota. I'lcaoo glvrf ua a call, and examine our Mock uud prlcia Ufure purchasing dwulirre. MULLF.RAIIRKNTANO. Jacksonville. Sept. 12, 181,7. tf iW4hartafi STAR OF TJIB. UNION 8T0MACHJITTER8! Ttirt dslklaus alutnu-h IlllUrs ara mllralr VtiUtls, aud h from slmlulujstrrliiut. TRY JUDOE THEM! TRY THEM! FUR YOUR SELF! til 1iirilLli i.tMAjtt tniiU. and ft Sum! crttwlilt ttilnk, fUtriri It aVKhjfM Willi .i.,...i&nmr.K.ia itiiTi rxc diikrm in alii a irrwuiv usssH a " ; ".... r - iiwivuw"",",i ...--....-,- ilrn lb iwrol ettntla of taliutU ruuls, Uri t at. a.- u ..I... (il.li Ki4 iiilul In ! A rl fit alUffbi.tlo-M;iltbU'iuWklUwyJJurMJJ IKlwcia. push sriry s, -Mva1 IaOHof AprxllU. Ut. la. Yor U irjhttt.t u.. I, f m.. k..a. faaa. 1r. ..!... J vwawfTY"' laAVlSfOnMI T l).AIlTHUH.BONNOW OF- J. ftr for f lo the well kuown COMRINKD REAi'LR AND HOWEIt, made at Hiringned, ,Olilo, called tho NKW YORK IMPROVED, or .SKYMOUK AMOIWAN .Machine. A a 'Reaper It bin uo e(ul :aud with the Improved fftwlUuttexlUr, which will ci(t close 10 tue ground or twp 7eet high, It equala' lbs beat mower niuse. Uli tne sue-ailis. 11 is me ocsi Machine known. It conlluued high standing, In competition with In various kind brought to lhltuvkfltinMauotcouvInelng prixd or the tuperlorlty of the NFfV VOItK, IWl'ltOV Ep REAl'SR. It will cut more acre per tTJav, aud jaat longer than any other Machine told. Wu also have for tali the N'w Vork Improved 1EI,P RKAI'KR, This Machine ba been test, ed for (our years at the East with Ibe highest apprpvsL AUo.GJANT REAPER-cuta asev-en-fool swath.' Alto WOOU'S8ELFltAKEU8, ahlch, are HI well (iowa o raruera. Also, Illnea Iladrst IIEADOEU WAGONS OK THUCK8.J ACEW)N (Michigan) PARM WAGONS, HOR8EAMULK OARTfl, HORSE l'OWER8; PARM' MILIJ1, FAN MILLS (all leO THKBrtHBRS.' RK VOLY1NG KAKH, WHEEL RAKBfl.OllAlN PORKB of all kind. 8CYT11 AND SNATHS, PLOWS, If ARRQWS, CULTIVATOR, Elo, with a full and general assortment, of Agricul tural Uood, all of which will be sold low by I l. I'. A'M'SvU a.njn, 1 V Iui.I.u'.hJ SIaaIa.. u May J 'Jin mpuiiv, wy .VW.fc,., a KiwBclico. j Jaius T. Qtsvn, Jous S.Dmh AUIA.NI NlHTIV. GLENN, DRUM & CO., CbSALKSil l3 GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 1W FIRM, NEW HOODS ...ANl.... ISTEVV PBIOES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I THE AHOVK NAMKD F1HM take pleaauro In nolirvlng their IrUnd and the puldlo generally, Ibat tbey are now receiving and opciilug a very large and ex leuilvc slock of STAPLE DRY GOODS. READY MADE CL0TH1NQ, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, UIjAMCKTH, HOOP SK1HT8 CTC, KTC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladle', MltK' and Children's Bkocs. CoJr- W'c have, also, In connection with "tjatg Jb the above, a vciy largo and j)r extensive stock of choli-o -s tT Groceries, llanlwirr, 1&l txr Qnmitware, t!a IRi- GhlM- -tc t&r ware, Cutlery, -a oT Points and Oils alao, -0 ftcjjr Window GUm, Kails, Irmi-ual tiir end Rttcl, Cast mul Slctl It ir Plows, Woodia sud Willow ware, -xjpia Wu are ready Io sell anything iu our lineal the LOWEST CASH ritlCi:. Person wlhln Io buy gootla, will And It greatly lolbulrad- ?ntgu to examine our tuck In foro puriba ng rlscMhrre, aa wo nru determined nut to, bo undersold by any house In Jnckwin county. Glva ua a call, and then judge lor yourself aa to our capacity to furnish goods aa above. GL.UNIV, DHUM, . Co. JackaouvllU, March 2,1807. If' NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS STOKE, "ll.l.OW Sl'HINUM J.UKtON l., WM. UII.GKH, l'KOI'UIKTOR. The iindrrslgHvil Iitrbv uh nounce Io the cilliena of Willow Spring, and vicinity, that be haa opened a alore In Ibat place, and ollrra lor ail hla Isrte aud well luU-cUd stock of CLOTHING OP ALL KINO!, II0QT3 AN!) HI10rS, IIAT8 AND UAPH, OUOCKIUKH, LIQUOnS, ' ' ; TOHAUCO, ' 'OIOAIW, and all klnda of general merchaudlte. Terms tale are easy cash down. Call around allow yoursilr to be eoavlnced that Goods can be sold Just o9 Ohaijt im JacK'wttville. WILLIAM BILQER. Willow Spriags, Oct. 0, 18C7. octtitf DiMolatioki of Oo-partBriliip. I Notice U hereby given tint tht) eo partner ship bsrrlofora txtillng between J. M. Button and W II. H. llydt. known 4 Ibe firm or But ton A- Hyde, lu (he Oily Drug Store, In Jack-onTl)IO-Oregon,llbIday dlrtolved by mu tual COBMBt. f . AlldtblfduftUwUtaflnu will In received and reotlpled fur, by Button A Btrarna, wbn will also' pay all Indebtedness against the said (Inn. j J. M,SUTTON, f W.JI.8. HYDl. Jack.ouvJIIe, Oregon, May lat, Ib'CH. The undersigned would relpectfully say to the old patrons or tba Civr Hflit Svomsj, that w will continue bsslues at the old stand, and sollcjt, t continuance pr the liberal palropaga hereauraru-citeudsd la tkn House. '''' ma9wl BUTTON A HTP.AHN8. I M "Ml!" f J' MataUr's amd M&rUmmn ) trktra iHTfi 'nwHinvuATinv that (h. ..n.lb..li..iu.l Ii.h '1K Im.1 feink f.f rifle, patentry boioe made shot-gun, single and double: rtvemro, Ue lateat and best pat ents; pocket pistols, neat and small, ttlll power ful i derrbis r.,lb lattit and best. All these goddi'wsrradted. J T " Also, the beat kinds of powder and powdtfT dssks ; all sorts of shot and shot-bag j asd last, bqt not UmI, everything sold st very rev Reparations, eseeitcd prompt and cheap, and whoever does not trust tbeso words, only ned to coma And convince himself to JOHN MILLER, em Third Street, out door south of Uv Pow ell' Law Office. Jaektoavllle, Fsb, 17 Ik, (IN, fsbKJr-k - - i.i. - .wri s.si r i ' i' TklLIi-nKADfl PU1NTKD AT TlIK H tlrHcTiNKLTOatii0K at sUl nsr lltausaad. I ' UEDIiGTO & Ci ESSENGE OF JAMAICA GINGER. This valuable preparation, cooUlnfnf Io a highly concentrated form all tba properties ct Jamaica Glogtr, has become 00c of the tscsi ' popqlar domrttlo remedlrs for all disease) of the jtoroach and digestive orgaft. As s tonic, it will be found Invaluable lo all portont recvtrerlng from debility, wbtthsr pro (lucctl by fever or otherwise, for whilst It iv parts lo the .ltni all the glow and vigor that can be produced by brandy, It I entirely frco from tbo re-sctlflijsry effects of spirits of any kind. It I also an excellent remedy for lemaln who suOer from difficult meosturstloo, glvlog n'ntosl Immediate relief to the ipasm that s frequently accompanv that period. It glvta Immediate relief to Nausea, caoscd by rldieg in a rllrod car, or by tea IcktK'S, or other cause. It It also valuable as an external applica tion lor gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, (to. RFDIMJTO.X k Co., ACI'.NTS FOX THIS COAST, Datcl April 24th, 18CT. ap27-yl-lnt Stop that Coughing! Some you or can'lj we pity you. Ton Uve tried every remedy but the 00 detllnee) by it Intrinsic merit to supersede all similar prepa rations. It Is not aurnrlalng you should be re luctant lo try something else, after the meuy exK'rlincnt vou have made ol trathy cota nouod folsled on tho public as a certain cure, but : NcwelPs PULMONARY SYRUP Is rvully the VEflY JI1CST remedy ever com pounded for tho cure of coughs, colds, sere throat, asthma, whooping cough, broocbili and consumption Thousand of people la California and Oregon have been Already beu culled by the surprising curative power Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP and with on accord give It their unqualified approbation. We now address oorrelvee lo all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest PunaerA of the age, for the healing of all dla carti of the Throat and Lungs, assuring you (hat Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP has cured thousands, and It WILL CUKK YOU Ifyoulrrll. This Invaluable medicine I pleasant to tbo laitr; soothing, healing and strengthening io IteiOVcUj entirely free from all polsonoua or deleterious drags, and perfectly hsrmlrM under all circumstances. Certificates Irom many prominent cltlares sf San Prsocltco accompany every bottle of Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP. ltKDINOTO.V k CO. Agent, Bin Francisco. Ahead 9f allUn is tk 'Martha Washington' HAIR RESTORER. a rsarscr UAIR HKSTOKKR AND IIAIK KASASSA Hash MiwbliiMt Im . Ti.tl aoalbtr, buw.t'r pIssMal Kvn cu au btt Ibis has Aouh Trt ll n4 l4 Imp II yrM.nl ;l'.. ibi Msilba VMblilva.N Ttitjf Iboatam! btsJ. isuttM 04 bl a auVU lul It's stowl, Ulllkwa km sbU cum Ublo aa, Wllb Ibflr IrstMS all imiI. Will keep the hair soft sod glosey, II change gray hair to Its original color, prevent tb hair from falling oul or t ting tiln, make old head look young, aad Is do all thai cau I reasonably sjpccled of a geuulue, drat rat Hair llestorer. All ua who have und It pionounta Uuprl aye to svrrytblug of the klud, aad Ulog a .. t'Ol liala lttK.t hcU mi piiftst Trr Hair Ktttorrr, it I aa aoiulsilloe in r ery toilet. Hedlogloa Co., Wkelstal Ageuu, San Francisco. II. CRAFENBURC UTIRNHE Catholicon,"' I( bilihfuly used sccoidlag to direostoas, wUI cure every cats of Dlabelrt, aai greatly saIU-, gate the troublesome efltcia eeastd tf a relu atWo of the outlet or ibe bsssUer. H is a aeast succcaaful remedy for Grass) atsi esaer dwsasst of the Kldaeys and Bladder, aad ter ssssahsaH SAAts u uneuosiieu. tb va I tevbiwrt uoUormilv cures Prohawts, Uteri," WsJlse, at) Irregularltlta (Kilw, Me AJy Terns, Suuwe. sloo. Incontinence ( VrlM.'Sseatlmt and dross tlcal Swellings, end aN dlatasrs of IVgnasey. The specific action of this seedicme le rstassaH ale and certain upon ibe Uterine aad A Mesa tnsl Muscle and Ligaments; rsssoriag laseaU as healthy a stste as those ol cblldaood aad yotitb, so tbst patleosi srao kavs eeealitaa OAAVJiNssao CoxrAsx's Usasma Oathout can cannot lufncienlly express their gratiteda for the relief afforded. 11KDINUTON A OO., Agentsv 4U and 418, Frost HI. Htm Vraaettc. JUtJieaftM-V riTrJaf Rj'as) a,l ia4 RMa frb rruUa. AmS( SMIU btU laic u such aa an? eik.r teaait la lb saarsst, cooasqaxally Usy r Iks i.tasdtktlMj'U&XteOjWfl.c ) 1 J I Odd relloni, 00 Tburdiyi lsf.