iis l . &P f 3' t M l 'V , ; TUB 0RE60N SENTINEL. TOR THr MIKSIUBNCY IN 1808, UIlflflKS a. GH.AVT, or tni crm mtu. "WiU na, tboo. good tad filthfol tarrant." Tbt to pi ba-t"lwnl for ptrtot pnuhbmtnl for trkrlort. I TOR THE TICK mESTOKNCr. , BCIIirrLKR COLFAX, OrtXHUIA. D..M..C.QAULT, - - EDITOR. Saturday Moitxixa, "Slay 23, 1808. Union State Ticket. Fon' Congress : 4 Of Xtltatvak Comity. Fon PrksiwextiAi. Electors : O. JACOBS, Of Jacksox Gouty. W.XOWXXT, Or Waihiagtos Oowaty, CH Pmi Camaty. Jukwa CewtyLegialaUTe Tick et. J. C. TOLMAX, R. LAXKENEAU, 0. SCHEIFFLIN. .4.JMrliiaeCHHtr Ticket. For State Senator: 1VM. M. EVANS. r.' , For Assemblyman : SAM'L IIARKXESS. . For Couutv Commissioners : G'EO. E. LOGAN, C. C. I.UTIIEK. ii . For Sheriff: . iM TIIOS. F. FLOYD. """For Clerk: R..J. FORRES.. For County Trensurcr: W. G. OHAXDALL. ' For Supt. Common Schools: - S. McALLlSTEK. .. For Assessor: TIIOS. L. KNOX. For Coroner: E. L. OSBOIIXE. H I Tiix trial ol John II. Surratt is con- tinued to the June term. - Tiir. State Fenian Convention met . nt Louisville on tho 16th, General O'Neil Fresident. The brotljerhood made a stirring address. uv c,uVv ir Mr T T 1 mi. i "eeii so oacuv couuucieu mat u is me warning uiui eouuuci uiiiimmi hi ii man- i. LANTfeLi, U. Jlr. J. l. wu , dreftd of ojr bkk nnd n d,b nt.r Wcointii-- tliu Chief .Magistrate ol den, who Is on the so-called Democrat- gracc t a dvjjiswl commuuity ; and if ' a great people. While the trial has io ticket for the Legislature, declared people pay a tax for its support, they been progressing, the woik or Recoil at Ashland that tho charge against have a right to demand that it be ox"-1 struetion has been going on at the hi in. of beiuir a Kuow-Notliiuc will give him fifty more votes. We can't i,iiu mm n; w bee it m that light, nor can the natu- rulizcd citizens of this county either, Who tried to force negroes into tho schools in Portland to sit with the wh'Ma? Hon. Dave Logan. JM Co. Siffnak Who laced uegrOes on the face of Grant nmt Colfax, the earth to contaminate the air that ( - iuublicau National Couven some piejudiccd and narrow-miuded . tjon Jnct 011 tie 20lj,f ,mj 0I1 lll0 2lBt white men thmk is to bo breathed : n0IU;,mted U. S. Grant aud Schuyler alone by themselves? A G renter thnn f Co-fax jor prc8-Mient nnd Tice Prcsi- the Hon. Dave Logan. At the demonstration on Saturday evening, Mr. Loudeu raised his voice to a tremendous nitch. and tumniuir up nni? rinn-n frnntirflllv. like a "lUinninL' jack." exclaimed: uTm a hor amid the stormy clash of the forum and nc ' . ,, 7'"'v . , . found true, when questions dear to all The Indications are that tho people of, wLo Btrng0 ngainf( ti,0 chains of ty- Jackson County dpu't want any . muts vital to all who prize or pine ' equine" representation in tho Legls-; for freedom, wero trembling in tho bal lature, ond will scud a man to Salem r.ncc, nrc to be our standard bearers. . j c .1 i r i .i i j- No eartliiv power can stav their elec- nuu-ad of this wonderful Kob. that 13 ' w, fi -t,,0 country -asking for their suflrages. with a torrent of popular ajiprobation r- Vr '7 ,,.. ., wild ami resistlcst"', d tho yearnings ,..Gpop nut Uncxk Ijillv.-AN hen the r liberty that haniT trembling on the bo-called Democratic candidates had ii,)g 0f lmJ down-troduii millions of uxhausted themselves on Saturday Europe, will surely be fulltiiVcd. Grant night on the political issues, etc., they is a lnaguanamous soldier; Coi'wNk" .got u druukeu "-brcad-aud-buUer" mau c,ral aud eulightened statcsmaii; ' on. Uic stand to finish the performance , ?r "ftHS $$Et tand giyo it tone Just ashccommenc-lTirco j,wlrty c,een, Jor Grant u,i ed gesticulating, " Undo Billy liurko" Colfax 1 came along aud enquired in his pocul- - ' ,,., .. ., u. it, Oti: Lkoiulativk Ticket. o call . iui-'WAy. "if it was tho sjieaker's dis-. . , . . . ' ... . , ' , . the uttcution of the people of this tinguished privilege to close this moil-, . . ., T i .i .-i . b . county to tho Legislative ticket put in ey suow nomination by the Republican Conven- . Tiik Democratic papers try to make I tion on Saturday last. Roth the min apcople,beliovo that Congipess has foro- ing aud agriouUural jnterQsts arc rop ed negro children iuto the sc&ools with , resented in it. Men of the first ability "white children. Why do they not , "" sagacity have been selected, and no , . . i prove .the assertion, l cage was nca .ip.Porliaod. in this State beforo Jijdgo ? Shiittuok. fa Uenublicau UuJ Civil the Civil ' Jtiahl Bill was thoroughly tested, .and 'it was' found that Congress had not""cai isiuua in mc x.v-gieiiuiu mini V chanced tho rolativo position of white year, aud iiow is the proper time to1 and black -children in any way whatcv-, send wen there to guard our local in- cr' IfCo'ncressbaspassodsuchalaw'terests. The peoplo of this county i ' t'yri'iiA iosee it in operation, even in will do well to Bend every ono of them i ' the rcbol States, and think tbf.ro Is some , as .tbeir Jleprfiseitati vosjto Salomj and bl" mistako on the part of our Demo- thcro is little danger that they will ..rat.o cotempornrics over regret it. . Facts for the People. A speaker at the "bread-and-butter" meeting in Jacksonville on Saturday last mado a statement that wo cannot allow to pass unnoticed. He declared that when the Republican party in this county, went out ot power the County was JJccjViy in debt, and County war-J ramyworth only UiirVj-fico cents on tho dollar. The revcrso is exactly the case, and ire dare an; man Jo (llitprovc if. When the Republican party of Jack son county came into power in 18fl2 the Oountv wbb sixteen thoiuand dol lar in debt, and its warrants felling n low as thirty cents. In 1800, when the " bread-and-butter" Democracy ns sumed the control ol tho County, not a singlo dollar -was owing; there was money in tho Treasury, and Scrip was payable on presentation. These are actual facts, well known by ciery citi zen who has been a resident of this county since 1802. Thev are proved by the ofllcinl exhibits of' the County, and any person who can stand before the people and make such a talsostate ment as was mado on the occasion re ferred to, must cither bo very ignorant, very unscrupulous, or have a wonder ful degroo of effrontery. Now we ask : What have the " bread-and-butter" administrations dono ior tho Countv? How have thev lichtcn- cd the burdens of the peoploV Let us sec. From the organization of the County in 1852, to the present time, nearly our hundred thoutand dollar , have been taken from the rockets of thepeopleiuthe.hapeoftaxe, -T 'ere 'has tins JuiiuCliH' sum "one V uOWlias ' it been applied ? Loofc at our Count V ! buildings. A Court House scarcely fit for a barn, a Jail somewhat like ii "snring-housc" on a first-class Pcmi- sylvama farm, nnd n dmgv and dilapi- dated buildine, in which are the Clerk and Shurifl's "offices, comprise them, I Look round at our roads and bridges ! Start out to California, and it is over a toll road. Travel northward, anil you pa toll at the crossing of Rogue river. Go east, and a ferry on tho same stream compels you to'put your uniiu in your pochci ngiiiu. u csi- i ward, you'nrc stopped by Applc'gatc, which at times is impassable for want of n bridge. How many head of stock havo been stolen since the organiza- I tion of the County without the thieves 1 being punished V Facts arc stubborn will look around and ask themselve'sl , . i i i i . .. tilings, nun ii i in- copic oi mis county how the taxes have been applied, thev will fail to find any tiuswor. The peo - pie of this' comity pay a heavy Mini annually for hospital purposes. "How ."! " r .. arc me sick poor proviucu ior? n: , nearly every instance by charitable contributions. It is not a month since t u collection was taken up to aid a tick miner and enable him to co to Sail Fran - l cisco tor medical assistance. It is no- i torious that the county Hospital has pemleU to some purpose. He it under - 8lood thut f "ol, ?B fuil on I any person, but sav that ti thorough ,, bcarci,ir, rt.(onn m.eded in the 'administration ot our county affairs; and wo presume the people euro more for j-ut taxc8 nild jccurity fo , rroiertj- tlmu tliev do for th 'oi .Political wire-pullers. - - lor lite nuu he success dent. What mau in whose veins runs the lire of liberty, wants a better tick- ct than thtsr iiie souner irieu oymei stem nlohcmy of fiery war, the firm au" unflinching statesman, weighed one can ueny i Q w.. j ay legislature, ai interests of th VI1U Vtl VVP fcMVJ MIW kVUkl.UVII ivo much weight in thel ana in whose bauds the interests of the county will not bo nl lowed to suffer. Thcro will bo no no- Misrepresentation. As our neighbor accused us last week of mis-representing the fair party record of some ot the candidates on tho so-called Democratic ticket, we tako tho following from the Suntikkl of April 12th, 1802: ., "Union Ci.rn. In pursuance of a call for a precinct Vnioh Clttb, on lie Pth of April, at Mr. Humphrey s school house, quite a number of persons (com posed mostly of young men) responded to the call. Tho meeting was organ ized by electing Henry Dcnhngor to to the Chair, E. F. Russell, and T. Jl, Ii. Shi4cy Secretaries. After trans acting tho business of the evening,' the meeting adjor.rned. The Club meets again at the same place on Wednesday evening, April 10th, at 7 o'clock." The following are among the resolu tions of the Club: Jitsolcedi That the Democratic par ty has proved recreant to itself and to the principles of our forefathers, and can no longer be safely trusted as tho guardians of our sacred" rights bequeath ed us by the founders ol our Govern ment. Jlesolved: That rcgnrdless of nil former ties and party pi edjudiees, we the members of the Young lion's Club of Jacksonville, Oregon, in the present crisis, involving the existence and per petuity of of our Union, cheerfully no cord our support to the Executive of tho United States, in ndmmistcriiig the laws of the country, practically nml impartially. The forecoimr. toccthor with extracts from t1ll. !,,, WorM bcnr m ollt ln a , .j b - - f . '" dividual who comprises part of a ticket representing the tunc honorcu j,rlnrljU of Democracy, and we hope .,, .t.t.tl7t. ,vill exonerate us from anv , ...... . . . . ,. : tk,sirc t0 wls,f.v or n-tnle the politi- eal record of any candidate on the ' miss-called Democratic ticket. The ' political complexion of the balance of mo hckci may oo jungou y mm oi any cue candidate on it, and ii the poo pic of the county decide that it suits them all right. Act-uittnl of Johnson. Last Saturday, the final vote was ta ken in the Senate on tho impeachment question, nnd Andrew Johnson went scot free by a vote of nineteen to thir ty-five. Seven Republican Senators, lWcndon, Fowler, Grimes, Trumbull, -. .:.. i.i.. i i ti i..... i Van inkle, Ross, and Henderson, ! voted against the articles, ft is hard ( to, judge their motives; but it n quite i probable that the unpopularity of Sen ator Wade, who would have succeeded to the Presidency, in ease of Johnsons conviction, had much to do uith the final vote. The result has not changed 1 the opinion of the Republican partv with regard to Andrew Johnson; mnl j the only hope now is that he will take ' -mmuii; ami miring .lounsou sbiiomen tire of office, it will scarcely bo undone. Whether tho seven licpuhlicau Senators who voted no, were actuated by bad motlvos, or not, their action will refute the charge that the Senate is a partisan body, and incapable of divesting any question of political and iinitisaii asso ciations, mnl judging i'airiv and impar tially. .Mr. Smith not n Hondholder. Some time since wo stated that Jo seph Smith was a bondholder, but in accordance with the request of Hon. L. F. Grover, we correct tho statement. We were misinformed, nnd uow think less of Mr. Smith than ever. Mr. Smith, tho wealthy mnu who accumu lated his fortuuo iirosccutiuir the early pioneers of Washington Territory for trespassing on tho Government land, noes not own a dollars worth ot gov ernment bonds. Wo regret to hear It. .Mr. Smith, the chrlxttiln lireachcr, did not lend a dollar of Ids immeiiso wealth to sustain n christniu aud cu- lighteuud government Mr. Smith, the patriotic Mr. Smith, who can scarcely speak to an audience with any spirit without the Stars and Stripes tloatitig over the stand, buttoned up tho wull filled pockets of his pantaloons when that sumo Hag was in peril, and would not lend n single cent to save its in tegrity. We are sorry for Mr. Smith's own sako that ho is not a bondholder; sorry that his new-born patriotism had ju't cropjKsd out, when a small sum from bis ample means would have ren dered material assistance to the strug gling caiit.'! of hiimail liberty, ot jus tice, and o.' civilization. Tho Rev. Jos,S. Smith is 0"ly a demogoguo not a bondholder ;anur more's the pity. Tke JViitionat Platform. Senator Corbctt f elographs that the platform adopted by th? Chicago Con volition is the sarao as the .Republican platlonn of this Stale on fqrelgd tuuni fratton, public, faith and auffrt!ie iuc carnesi nopo oiino ucmocrucj that our national articles of political iaun woum cuiutuu uu uiiuorsuiuoni oi negro 6U..Tn.gc. Js gone forever. The Democracy can take tho opposite po- sition, and advocate it if they choose. Read our Stato platform on thc fourth pagCj and askygurecl ves .candidly if every American citizen cannot stand safely and securely upon it. Correspondence. Editou ok Si:ntini:l: Sir: You yen well know! am a Democrat, and I to use the language of St. Paul, "of tho strictest sect, so far as national politics are concerned.' 'I have been voting tho Democratic ticket for years without j dotting an "I," or crossing a "T," from Presldent'down to Constable. TTiave j alwnys waited until tho caucus "sot and hatched" beforo I ever expressed an opinion. In fact, so far as offices and nominations were concerned, I have occupied tho position of the man who was asked what his religious opin ions were: He said,"r"bcliovc what the Church believes" "Well what docs the Church believe?" ''Tho iChurch believes what I behove.'' Well, what do you nndtho Church both believe?" "I and tho Church both believe the same thing." So it has been with my- willingly surrendered my right of pri ri - u- p. vale judgomont to an irresponsible can cus of iiolitic.il demacosucs. Som mucs mey nave reuecieii u.c puop.UB ., ., , .. . i ., , i win, nnti sometimes tney nave not. 111 either caso 1 liavo onened my mouth liku n vouiil' bird, nnd swallowed the caucus dose. I tried hard to swallow the , ... , . . , .. dose prepared after a short incubation uy me lasi emocraiio caucus in uhr county. There was plenty of bread nud butter, but where could a man of principle stand? Let me ask men of '..', . , principle of all parties, was there ever a more shameful surrender of prhiel- pies for n mess of pottage? As a Dem- oCr.it I am under no obligations, villi - ,. . , . ... . ... cr political, moral, or divine, to I - pon such a iicierogcncoui iuiicii-j.on.ii as eomtiosc that ticket. Let any sound Democrat look at the record of the men whose names stand upon that ticket, mid then let him consider that he, as a Democrat, nnd because he is n Dem ocrat, is expected to vote it 1 Shade ol Andrew Jackson ! are they in earn est, or is it some stupendeous joke!! Well might they employ as their prin cipal attorney, an accomplished gamb ler, for it is a part of the game of now vou see it. nnd now von don't I! ' ; that .,..,.. v . 1 ticket, for the simple rcn-on that such n vote v.ouiu not lurtuer iemocratiu ideas or piiiinples. Nor do I believe that any other sound Democrat can support that ticket without st ul! tify in 111! CS liimsell nud surrendering iusriuciiles On the same principle these hungry llrcad and Uutter Democrats might be expected to suport Thad. Stevens for President, and II. V. Rutler ior Vice President, provided the loaves and fish es are secured. Thev say the record amounts to nothing if that be true, nominate n staight Union ticket, which then I know not uliv Stevens should 'dieyil.d by nominating the following: . , i i i t . Gavlord for bhenll, Cook lor Probate not be considered nsgood a Democrat j,,. Montgomery lor Recorder and as some men on that ticket. Auditor, and the other nominations I In eoneltiMon let me nsk in all can- did not leant. They made night hid dor. is it true thnl the Democratic i.ar-. ous after their adjournment, by shout- tv of Jackson county, Is held together by the cohesive tics of publiu plunder of bread nnd butter? llm Rock. P. S. If you publish this I may writo again excuso errors for I am not ac customed to scribbling for newspapers. Politics 1b Josephine, From an nfiidnvit in to-days issue, in ml...,w. .n tmn ( tl. 11 ....l .a..V....W .V MW...U V. ...w a-l.,.V1V ,, W ItVHVV. Bl llllt OIUOB Ulllll W0llJJ, candidates iu Josephine Countv, it lJunel'h. 16C8. for auppllai. -i.37y lb.. 0f u ., , ,.,' ,. .;'.. I con, anil fi3.m lbs. of flour, for tho uk oflhe seems that some of theold Ivnowoth troop at this fort, ingshavc crawled among tho Demoo- Th lcop iaut b or good wircbantahle t .1 . . ii iualitr, well cured aud put up In packacva or racy of thnt county, also, and aro run- loo lt. each, to be tlellvrred at place 0f ,tor. i ning on their Domocratic record. Tho Z?W Mo ,,te 3.l,l dtt r Jul' 6W. principles and ideas i.romulKnted iu the JfcX ttVSZ l.lf,hA. !'.; lr! .!?. 5" I Jvnow-Nothing wigwams are powerful arguments to electioneer with among tho naturnlired citlnens aro thev not V .Men who stood belore God and took solemn oaths never to vote for a for- . .. V ' iigu-uoru eiiueu ior uuy oiugo wtiatev- .. .!... . . i n vi, iiniBi uutu ii un-uv uiiiouui ui conn- denco in the forsivliiir nnturfl nf 1,,.. inanity, when tl.ovl.xi.ect tlmt rtn.Z23XJZ. ... --- ---I -- u uui kiiiKviiB io Bmipon litem ior OI- I? f ..l -. 1 . nee. -ueu wno iook the oath reouired .1 . -a.... a 1. iu mi; 1MIU naturalized as they di inred men Tho oath er, with no reservation, aud if thoso who were known to bo Kuow-Nothings ten years since, now protest friendshii) ' for their forcign-born fellow-citizens, they have no honesty, and no right to lay any claim to fixed principles. Who can blame naturalized citizens, if at the polls they vote against thoso who have taken a solemn oath to cmIu,! , n-.o.muir wicwams. nate il .u .. i . . ..n .. , " :"'l"'u' eitina tlnu 1.1m-M.. . . ,,"T.;,.r",.u' "'Bur' 1-uveiope. d then, or else thoy aro per-. ce." and to bo addrcHd to the uudraluned al i, and recreant to tiriiicinle. ''er'KlamaibOgn. j.f. SHALL. 7- - v uaaia iiu unaLi i 1 a,u ain aiiKi .ni. w niiu.iH ma a ri l . . J - w. m m varw-i-iaB m UI r r III w I I aal atV . was to be held saored forov-1 ,"' lMut" '" c'-. A. 0, S. from all participation in tho SQ'em.M".i&ftXx&& ment of their adopted country f They , XZl mot ' ennjunc only uxerciso the riuht otnnfornlZZ2P'"irmtihto0n nnd political selMefenee. ..i it n.a. do not avail themselves of it, they are not wise. CoJiKEaio.v.'VVo were in error last ! week when wo btntcd that .Mr. Shipley was OTvreiary oi uic ilcuiocratlO Con- vontiou. He was not mi officer ot that . body, and, therefore, is not nnnnMn ' for .tho perplexing statement that was i current abo'ut the'tinal ballot'for School I Superintendent. j a .' ' . . r ' .-.--.a aaa rrrora tbt IJ1 TftU Mwcli 4th, IMS Letter rrom ueitc iiiy. -- JZ-" " f ,1! ' tioiTon Would :-Thc Republican Learning Itat llr.'WlllUn Chpn.nVM Ja Consent on was ono of the grandest aft- f ! . tooMort m . fsU ain ftU ever came ofT in this part of oi. tU cme uXmihjm Ptr.U coo. moTerritory, Yoj.rWr-rf.n.1 '"Pitch- "???St cr. uiu "'i "- -- " I-- .. 11.1 -1,:.il..f nfllin .V,ji)ittl. itt.irl- thcToiso City dclegaiiton to iho Coun tv Union Convention, but having a strong desire for tho loaves and fishes, and knowing the, weakness of the Re publican party, ho crossed the line orjln tho lauguago of tho immortal Tom Coflec. who late announced to the people of Ada county, ho knew no party lines. Otthc strength of that lie or his t6ols. -went 'ronifd with a pe tition and platform, which was jiumer-1 ously signed, "and in his issuo of-Tucs J . . .r :...i i. .i.t.. u.. ' jttV. out conies tho whole thing. En- clo'sed you will find a copy. I 'ovv c'cs the othor clique, or the UouusiKUonigomcry wing, wiiu a count Jr petition, of which I also send you a copy. ( After all this wrangling they went into the Union Convention and organ- ired. Tho Reynolds clique having a iiiuiuniy, iiiuv iiiaveu i !... .!. .. 1 I.. placed tn iiomtuation II. V- l.p.'u'li. n tnnn iiiaced in nomination I. W. Leach, n man rnniiiin nrbfinirlinrno fortuno or being borne 11 being questioned by nonl:nntpd i wj10 1A& tue ms very young: upon apolitical wiseacre, hu stited that be- 'u l,,c Wf ' was, n Den.ocrat, but at present he had no politics but W0UJ(, npccpt tie llonilnBon from t!l0 KcpuUlU'ail tonv.eiltlot). Tim next was your friend ol the statitiuun, .Inmcsb. Reynolds who received tho nomination or Pwbato Ju.Wow -comes tho , tug or war for Auditor and Recorder, Tf . . d ... ,10Mliniltioil Mtsr. Knight Monttromerv and Shinier, and j balloted four limes, )iit still unntceess - , ;-;.v 5 on thc wco,,,i1 lHot Shipley iiimI Montgomery received each twelve 1 volwJnilli fo.ht one, nml ll.eii Mont- UOmery and one or the delegates with drew j nt the next ballot it stood thus Knight four, Joo Rogg one, Win. Yates one, 1 JInnk t wo, and Shipley elev en. Then theChalrmau arose ami said: "Gentlemen of the Convention Here 1 ts 11 question for you." Mr. Reynolds stated that he thought Mr. Sliipley I should be pronounced the nominee; it wn (rue that it took thirteen to nomi nate, but how in the name of God were they ever to get them. The Chairman then announced Mr. Sliipley the nomi nee; he also stated that he was aeered- . . . . . Ul" "" a ueirgnic 10 n t uion conven- !.... .....1 tA -If 1 . !""' ' "er 11 nKii g sue. n iioinina- l," ns 'r- Shiplev, he could U I70u Convention, and I Hot Call 1... ..nt. I HU itUIIIII withdraw. .Mue other delegates lol- lowed him. Thev then moved nn ad- .-iiinni .ti 1" ..l...l- JOIirillllOllt Ulltll 0ClbClM The Seeeders then nuiiuiiiiecil a m.nss- ... .. a. a .t . . I I . .1 t 11 meeting at 7 o clock, nt the Overland -iln(iii Saloon. The RevnoldV clique met in pur fiui'lied umineo to ndjournmeut and their nominations. Now comes the Ilodfish" Mont ;omery clique. They met at 7 o'clock nud n point eleven "delegates to go iuto the Convention with the Seeeders, nnd "' Itn,l.v 1ouml ,,' '";, "".v." jj0ibC CjtVi pvuniarv suh." 16oV. ' !S . . " NEW TO-DAY. ARMY SUPPLIES. OriVK or Tin: A. C. S.. Kdiit 1 Klamath Oon., May lllh, 1HC8. f Kltll(Ml nrtnAtala u-t.tal. In. t.. .l....tt I. '. .,.'... K .r.-": ".? VU u" "" "u?'"c',lc. place or.torace, on nrUfore the Slit day of! ,JuJy. SC8i the whole (article and pcknKf.) I J0.1" 4bJ.fCt ,0 lw'otfou at polut of dellrerr I i ttflnrA lutlftl ctuiIiia..! Tb lit. a . a .a 1 Iir.ce. Ooio. ticrnound ill i which ii..rtiri U lW?uK W JJloffio b5 !? gl uniance wiiu me lernu ol Hill notice, and BCCODinaillnl Ii a minnln ..I lun . 'l., ;.;, rr . v ,1 --"'" -'"i-.ju.iuic P"1 1'f'iK"1 iW ?W , rd.-d. con- i --r'--' """' .viiii. hi luuuuci : uiuat-r l ""f ' prvaeni ai me untiiinc or Ibe bld. The ' I Tail I Ail iwlal. - A... ak. . 1 a a . ""'v""'"""""'"!.'" o n-jeci any Or. all llMa TtlM tV-aanaal nf ll.l. .1 a -. O.K.Ulaks. j r, u. B L A K P A u ir'i m IV HUAt HELMAN WOULD CALL TUE ATTKNTIO" nv ,L',..,,u,llf1er,'la" o bare bu iMhv In SewZ'w W f?tl thtt tMt tf 2tW?fcJ$.,in,.ta., ,fnl OKrutloo, Irfl7rT.:.T.:V""? ,r,B1?.. furnl Ashland, Oregon, May 19th. 18C8. ' tf "'Mlai f CiMirterlili. rVJUTICE Ii hcrebr ElTen that th. ,-. f ff.efwiB Henrr tii "J a..CU II Bl .UN NA.ata.a.a.a. Blake. lnite'iMj;..e!.?,",irn .M..Ka)W wxl 1 , . - T - --. M V. UU81U Pattl . I n 1 h lnan aat cd to hcau on iuo pnucc oi uriuium-uu ..v-., .. r. -- (-.-.., Dolitieians, properly called Codfish, but principles, nfl bcllcrlng tbt I ctonoi; wftb L-,.nmislv tit ed Rodfish. bv securinc Jostlco to mjielf. p unnoticed so public and i i-.i. - i r ix ..i.i iihii imi inf. nil ,p xniprir.n. nr Knnv nnihta. A,'h,,aDd 0rfin, U'tUa daTdiaaoirati iuJ?. ' '"'sUJ"ur"'( W'-' "' ' 'Sliria AtLlan(li 0.D OK. BUKE. 'l Te tke Citizens t JeseBklnti i i ; : i .wvnnij ,bmiiiwi"i " e- direct sn tsssnlt upon my rersclt, I feci compelled Uim pubtlelj to rcrm n'iUU ment, and to rostalo It b tb UtUtnony of oilier well known gentlemen, wbo r, cojnl..., tant bf llie Mine TacL Wm. V. EYxttS. ' We, tlic nnderslgned, wera well aeqaainted with William Chapman In IBM, and arc aware that be did adrocate and support the Know Nothlnc doctrines, and that lbs 'abote state ment of Mr. Erana la strictly true. I11NTOS MIM.ER, 0. COLWELt, WM. WINSt.OW, 8AMUEL, WHITE, K. I). SOUTH WORTH, O. E. BRIGG3. ' It. n. ROWLCE, C 0. LUTHER. i ntcn.Ttie claim uelooRlng to Mr. Will. mf or, jackaia Crrelr, Jiot abort that of i nucKocr & jo u rajmg ireu (di is qi dollars' per day to the hand. I fa ock of ooit on ,, w, WcUco,ndcxn:cttarccelTe.and ' about Wednesday or Thursday next. Goons Comiko. siuller & Drentano bare a' from 5a and open them , , 7- ' . -7-. . Hiix-Dorlng lb. forepart of the week t,r wealhcr naicool'and cloudy, with some rain; M(J M wc o tlJi TMk trenlog, rali ,, fining. B w mucK.-Mr. P. r.hely b-rned . brick kiln thlt week una now Lu any amount of lhl nDC building msterlal. - RKuorriuNii Mm . 0. W. Rooik, wbobaf been sick for sometime ti now recorerlng and ablo to lit up part of Ibe day. Contracts. Nolle Lieut. Sinall'a adtetlto- mcut thliwcck, for propo'! to furolih Foil ' Klamath with fionr and bacon. 1 !MIM' " 'A ST-1860-X A ctMt rrretlt rkt.kUn ! " Mar tkw bfof IU i!l,r.r In lii uflJ ruuiti frvu Hfll I tufllfjr lb f l.f. aifH.1 .IkAttKB. tkt rllmal. kufk.f khil .hI k. pmmi4iirhbutokM.iwrutiifihft Ki-li BI..I III...I C-hmIb at.J MKll.l ..ll.il mt.m.m. . ! n3 wTKmiirrTimiVV,," luWnrri.(tl.t Ulr.od.fTJ i)Im. -w. " " ' l-HI' ul c!lkiwn, lbl tbtt h h. .ivh i.Hi..ib .ij ..i.i.hi r.. 11 m,A.uk ... a. a.... m m mn. t.iaiai. .ua . mtw r.'aaa Wm n.XTATioi mittkk. TtU p.mJw Tik ( nowu-tiij.iiciMMiei- u f" M7WTy'a,iiib "ilrfwdw," HtctrlurilllMi llwuii anifnarrn. " ,r.", ''.' Jlrr ft sinr.i. ii lu ucbi.f '". l HM II Io rtlC Mid IbMW ! IW SMI W- iut.uu.r. Tb? tfn-Uwr.ti.. 11-t.iiuMuK.iur.u alw.j, lo.nM. rule all ibt lift. U Hula lalttur. liilll II u la lilp ir uattit (lu, irullr, ftl yvwtrS.1 Tmilc.lbAu lu iMuf i4 rlivti aihltltft ttr remit i tur nt-rf umr. urm uimu mur K"i" llb .4-ub., iliufi oJ R-TT mlllaiM, bkb Pbl tlUfIjr alKl lut Ibt Mfilt ul iMlf hi Uti dtHk. iBspertaut Certtflcsttes. luwi rowb lui-j. I trrllf UII.- lb tlrr. Lar--Jtar lib. l-UnUtlmi Dll Ktr. W II. VAIHIONLIt, UtirU, X, T." Tbo llti4a. two Iwttl- mart cf Ibt HnUtloa Ilium. lllbMbirraUrbiau4b tUlruM. Tbrlrl.bJ, X- ciu. 1'blbul.lrhU. ra. - I h Nii a ami ,Bntt tnm l), .(, aud bad la Ua4iu rratbla. Tb naaUlba Ultlrl. Lt rut4 tut. IltV, J. S. CATilOK. lturbnlrr, N. T." ! bait jiiro Ibt Hinlall-a Biltan U . tuuJi-J. uf vur dliallJ avbllrta ltb tbt tuoi ttU. lug ttlnU ' 0. W. D. ANIiRKUS. SuitrlultiKWbl SuUkm llvow, CloctoaIU, 0." T llanlallun Uilltnt pukt lb tb ttnmr. tbt laa. pi!4 brilliant, and ait tibaiulnt .Naturt't (rtal rttlurtr, Tb.' public uiar ml ka-tirwl Ibat In wc-M kill Ibt irtWi.T it tundanluf tbt I'LANTATIO.X B1TTCM ! U d-irlwl (rvia. r.rrj buttlt Uan Ibt UctimlU tl i-ur tlgvaluit on a tlttl lalt tnpat loj, or It caaavl U Ctuuint. , AurKvtirtttidiu(tiixiU 1'LANTATIOX B1TTEM In bulk ur by Ibt j.lluu, U a ivltrdlrr and Inputttr. 9- irart of rrrllM bvttlrt. Stt tbat our I'rliatt Staaw U I'.SMUTILATKl) ortr ttory ouik. Suld bt aU llruFvl.t. flnHra Abat flrl.r lV-MLL.Iauul tbt world. P. Jl. DRAKE, CO., IVcw YrlL, tlc Prr'" KEDINGTON k. CO., 418 ana 418, ftmmt Street, Kan Fraaciac. Agents for California aid Serais XKAS. I i'!1?,fM.'Kl" '"" &X$&l'rinkm lOiAt'aliaciitilt UKn fmrdtr U nrt aad rtrtaa atari. it Kit i .,.,, v ' "" IWIA.TtV .. ri.u' Wbat UjMrullMljr anrprUliU rtMd tolotbitani- itC!W.-?.CS1taa72S !. . "intianmnc If lottaal daatb Io laaivu. it VllllCllr aarmlaHa. I. aiaa.Ua ..l.laa. ..a aalaal. , ,' ttttluonjr of tulntnl dUlli.ful.b-d cbtaiiiti tbat It U IBXII !R0M iOISO.V. 'o an Wit hai wrr (ires (ach boalUrt aalialwlita) U lit utt, III rrpatatlou U wtll known. It la ns.ll and raaddt ran oa inlialsd tw ..i.. a.m. iH.-...i.. t. ,k. , u.ixl dirrrtluna acromnanr tach Saak. Bawara aTcwa- " terfcilt. ' ' I Tbt imalnt baa tbt tlcnatnra i4Z. Liox, aad Hit pri , att ttaiuii of hum Biaau A Co. A or Ibiaf tlttullblt kludUaulniltalloQurcountarftU. Aoj dniffuiwlll ! curt tbt ftnulnt If you ItuUI you will katt uw Uktr. "- n9 -mayau- na flaatn to ut ractaa nan. MRXll'Air MVVrXMU JJ UNUUEaTV It U an adtullttd (art I bal tha'tltikaa Mattaac Lial lutnt iwrtorua. mor cunx lu a tborttr tlt. oa laaa aa Uut,Uiauaa- artklt trtrdiacottrad. MtguMuadXaiairrUaliauUapAiaafal audtd caclout Ju curio ttHKCMATisM. i Som Tuiuur, if Srirr Wxak Joixth, Bcuca, f Bbuisiw, Ka, Atsanc, Jriuixs, StrxLusod. I Yukon Cvw M Wpc.n NaiiTotharrooipUinUrwjttlriojanrrittraatarpbcatito. I roa HOKSH ' II Uan lndinotiuULla al aaClaU imoJ. In aUrart .' ' .".-. .'aiaais. .. IH ..a.... a.. BIB. I . V - ( UrKlaltln. tnllnl ltl..a-lLa.a MT(a3l .1.11 I..I.U ril-tt-aM. i. .bouid i- ir,, m ,.. k ... ..a.,..d..v. Ac 'f' J""-'?-?-; acjr. . . ' AUtnuluUr M U rappad la tltid nlali taanrlaat, Uarlai fold. W. WtatlVclui. aodTbt pril ofBtiMAB tUilNHA Ou ortr It loo.1. Uarlac Urn niadt to coujtf-yKll M ( IaMikrliMa.lr I Uruirwldtl ami M..-M In .l.rf foauand Mia -rrr JX ,iux camp on I'aclbr to-iil, ,