(EKM pUAKCpr-ApiEHjqAN, HOTEL AND 'RESTAURANT, - OPPOSITE THE Odd Fellow's ' Hall, Jacksonville, Orcten. Travelers And resident btttdtrt will lint MADAUE D' ROBOAM'S AMO BSDDZMO PliCfd to first class order, and In srery 'If superior in any' In this section, autl ' surpasscd'hy any In the Slate. HER ROOMS ARE XEWLT FL'RMSBEp, AtjiI a jdentlful supply ot the best or every tlsU ' market affords will l ob- talmdjor JrlER, TABLE. Ko troubled will lie spared In df'erve tkf pat ronage or tin- travclltigas well as ibe perma nent coniuiuutly. Jack-onV".Marcn31,lBCC. it P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, TS NOW IN POE'slON OF THE KNTIRK X flock nf materials uuil tool formerly be IoiikIuk tn Co'li'llo X Coffin. Mr. Coti-llu bavin)- wllhdiswn. I'.II ttiffln will continue the business, nml CMti bu fun ml at his rliop, ..Corner f V mid Tlirld Strerts, arepsrml luiln work lu a workmanlike manner and af r a-nuahle rale. Jacksonville. Oct 15, 1667. oellStf EL DORADO, -t.E.Cor.Cal.&Ogti.Mli.Ja'kiouvlllc.U. S. M. FARREN. ( HEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN! TltpL iif (f PREATfiK BROfcNh-MANUFACTORY and iin the uxi IN the market, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Faelnrr tin corner nf 0.'-on mid Malnt-u ) the OiM I How's I Ml. nml njpnIte tin ranci A")' i ichii lt .luiimiit. Jnckiit ille. N'lT. Will. IfliT. ,m 30 tia PAY TTP-XAT CALL. Al.i.TIIOSr. IVDKIITKIl TO L'.S AUK lnieMr tifiiifi.it in euine fiirwiiril unit pv )' liy.ilielin.1 tl.J nl .I.littry ri'eilit', Mil wilhpvriitliily lietitlheir Inteie-l liiil.ifi. c.iiilWl tin bailee.-. iinitl ninnfy tn meet imi (iwji JimUiiiIk e : mxl riirllit'iiui'tf. )r mil if II fur lit- lci mil ii j'l nil ciiiiltiiil. f liuvr ilrirriHlislI iHsMin if.sirlci rnsn IimI In bnsitu' i)irr the fiifi tiny (I Jiiiiunry, IBCH and ill urn iliiMti l"nii i ' ' ' ' siirrov iiyiu: JerkM'i vll'e. Dm-.' lSllh. I HOT. tlrtltf LIME! LIME! Bt'ii.ii:it anii 111111:11-who hksihi: I me. tlill Unci Cim-tHiil supply, nl tli' Ih-I imllt , In ., till' In mil, el my bop 011 Mkiu riii'vl. I Imii "nciiii mil Tli'ld. n f.lH Vhtllir X ItrfiWlio't- nre. In nit l SCHCC. .Mr. 1)X, Jluttlll lll Mll IIJHMI cliiti Ite. '-i3:ro,E "cutting -. AMI Sluue .'MastMt Work ' dntir on l,Ti'i' lii nii ll'i' tlmn-. Onl-i fioui tinCuUUtr will ll-C''U" iliiiiit Hlli-iltl'.ll. .ions 11. i'kAcoijk. Jck.liTllle. April Stl. IHH7 ptT rr 1 . 'ii .-. , ,tn hrirK'Cni.. ijiir'tm.'!. IU.M'K NOTirHIMIKWKHY ISIVKN THAT llli: AmiimuI Llur r Taxn f-;r Hi yrur JMif.ciuiMrtlii); nl SeeUl Txr (l.lce ), nci'in"Tir. Hull'''' " Mulclim, I'i-F' rlttj!i, ilc.. Lmi let'ii Htiiriixl t iiiu fur iuIIi-w lion. All tux jiHycru rolillnj: In J.ickm nml Jie iibliif cmiiitii . ru li ril'.v inllri'il llmt Jminr M. Siiiiiin. !' ''',Vy) till '" t tlwckowiivlllr frvw I Uv ,IOl h dny -v of !lur tollii I'Jlh or JilMi-, 18C8. in pc im-i.d nci'li'i fur utii. lu Jnck' tuu cmiiily. Mr) "III I" m "."", JKvravJII on Hie I5lk, At llrii'ii h 10th, , " mUi Wuldoen fhr ITtk. ' ''tlnlei-ilwyineiit,' li-tnlL'l tli tlmefpeclfl'tl' ,,.CiiI.UJ.d ifjiilltlnittjll l luUrd. )U lliv Jimii' !ier p'fvMsrib'il l'Vl. M. CHAWFOHD. Ci'llrclor I" ! ' ' ' " r i.dl i.11' 1. rrniti ivvni! P b asF P m mm ibm wmr m AI.AIIOB SKI.KCTION OK FKIII OAU ilrnHiiil. fiiiin the Halun rVcd GuriK-li Ju-l recelvnl Ht the City Knit' r'lore, All kiiiiU nf will-, iiclndliia M.Ol.l(. 8IIIIUU nml TIIKB sKEU, orairj-d, ffwn Eu Friiclcu whin Vlrijl,. TJMkiMvllv,'Fi'(. 2I(. W. feb iUt ! imiuV 1 aif nm HIDES : HIDES! . I.. THE HIGHEST CASH IMIICKH PAID FOII llldi- ofiill kliiU.'lellvvrcl at thu inarkil of tU'UUliirliad, in Jackioiivllle. .wi! -. JOIINOItTII. DeoMibertli W.C., If LOST,. GV MAV 12ril nBIVBPN nYRPBS Fi-rry mul Jnckioiivllle, a -K-lrl iwinociire "ithtlfnUit Tlie findfr trill confer foror by Ving mM txok"l iijim't Fttij, or Ibe tt0 VOL. XIII. llUSlNKSS NOTICBS Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE. OREOOb'. Ambrotypoi, .Photographs, Cartes de Vislte nos'K i.v the finest srri.E or art. Picture llnliiced OR ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A: B. OVErtBECt Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOXVJUR, OREOOX. Office l hl rentdi'DM, In the Old Ortrbeck HueplUl. nil Ort'tcon .Sttvet. K.II. UBENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corner of Califotnln and Fifth Streeti, Jacksonville, Ogn. lie will practice In Jnckiou mid nljicrnl coiliilltK, und attend promptly to prufrirlimitl call. Milt DR, A, B, OVERBECK'S T3 A.TI-3: HO OMS, In the Ovorbeck Hospital, WARM, COM) t SHOWER BATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDSESDAY3. F. GHUIIK, M. I)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE removed to Oregon Street, near ly opposite the French Restaurant. JnckMiMllle. Ibe. Zlit. IM.7. ilrc2l-lf uit. i.i: WIS GANUXC, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON AND Otodtotvlolau, IX7II.C i leml to any alio my rrnnlre M. V MTrlce"'. Ilftlce mljiiltitiiir N. LiiiflV kliee ilii'ii. on uiirlb ,Mu Cullfurnta I'Cil. ack.eiirllle. horKlf Hi'Ki'iAL Noricr.s. HUPELAND'S ip.tiNT,n mm bitt brs ! aSWISS r k y IT! T H V IT! Tht l.t I'atln.r ! Ik Cloi ' A n.ut T.n'i-J A ? Atli.ll Ptlulil Vn'Uipa.ie'l f tllo rrlr t-l ,i Id, .Kinlou. rf L aMnoy., z.allr ei n7, tvvtli, .UiaxIi atiJ llirrl for ! all liullt b.I l.t.U ll-)ljr. tuy bimI f rirf iiwai. yiOBODY SHOULDUE WITHJUriTl 1. (1. rairtaPivprltttr. TATi.yn- OK.spru M, ai. J.lMr ,p no. 413, C1J St. Uu tfiultt ' v. O. G. T. AM'llA i.ni)RK.NO 1, 1. 0. t.. iioi.d ile rrjiuUr inirllni.". mi Tiiewla Meinii( i.f ui'Ji Ufik.llt the lil.trlct'chii'il llile. In JacU..inrllle. I.OIMIK 'Hna at 7J n'clmk IHXIItKKMKKI'lMSStliela'l Cii-dn iifrnrli nili. kIIi rniljuiiriini'iit vT ,-UllOltHI.V.l K unci': All im mlT or ili Order In jrond taml'in: are cordially lnvlt.il to I- orient. II. l 0. CJAUI.T, W. 0. T J, ll. Wauk rS-u'v. flwtkomllle,Keh yih, IHi:8 fe If Warren Lodce Ko, 10. A. F. o: A. Jrl A HOIJitbelr rexular coiniuuiilcatlou hr on lb" M'edui'wlay KrentiiK "r pri-cld AA llltf Hie fall 10'Klll. in JliXHU.K. on ,.ov. A. MAU1IN. W. l. 0. W. SiVAUK.Sec'y. Thr Utat llrsurdy for Piiriry Intf ibeliliMMl, rirnnibeuii tlw Nines. lUtorin: Ibe iMt Aip!lle. la PIIKK.'S HAMIIUKG-TKA. I the Ix-i" preMrviillve aaln-tHl liiml any Ivkpet. If in-ed llinily. t;ni-ie.d id lierl onlv, lt'au Iw jslieii mfeh l idait hulldi nttlon u KniilMi. French. Hpf..in and Oyt man. lllnvrr iwckae. Tit V IT I For Hale at" all llie wbleie and ntall drun loree and Krue.-rlee. KMII. FltK.SK. Wholeeale llrungM. tiulu AkhiI. 4IO i:U treet. visylfjrl ,4 -7 aPy Frsnelwi. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS; K,OTJCB.-Uarnjr dIpoH"' "" ?"?' lory. ve aru pow pretwre.1 in ilv our whole Hllitjon to ou" l'aUierHud FliuDay ImrfneM. On band, dlrcl Opm JfauciM Calf A H'!'' )ioiylIf J-alher. It..' ,eV,10 John- O. IIki.v. I U Ftkk. I Joiiv nasr. Nea- Yiirkj I'arie, ) 81111 Franclwi. Addrea. IIKiy & IIHAY. an Franclco ' 4li M'lli'Tt Flrel rpo qrow.xs.cJx'y-Jtxkeja. , AND JLACXMITH. Cambfruuvl i)d UklU COiL an PIO !K0 l.OOO Ton, In Stoi, and Aflif I. for ' tT m Jm I JH. DOYI-Ft ' 4W as4 SIS raelK w, aaa raai rU-ljr JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, MAY 23, TUB 'OREGON SBiYNNBL. PUDLISHED Evcrr Saturday Morntnt; by B. F. DOWELL, OFFHIS, CORXKR -C If THIRD STREETS. TBttsts ov tBcnrpTioxi For one rear, In mlrancr, four dollar 5 If nm pitm nnniii me nrn Mx mnniix or the year, tire ilulUra ) If lint paid uutll the esplrallou of the year, rlx dollar. TKRMS UP ADVERTUIKQl Onerqnre(10 llne nr lep). firet Infrrllon. three clolUri" ; each tuloequrnl liuertlon e ilnlUr. A dlecoiint nl HliyiHr cent, nlll be lumle In lliii who aihvrtlw by Iheycar. "LeRal Tcndrrii received at current rate. Don't Lvrtc the Fartu. Come boyr, I hare emneibtng to tell yon, Come near. I would nbtper'lt low Yon are thinking of Iratlnjr tbt houiciUtd, lliinl lie In a hurry IoruI The city ha many attractions Hut think or the vice and rlnr, WI11 11 oneu In the rortex of fieMon. How moil the courro duwunard begin. Y11U talk of the inliira of AuMralla They're Healthy In gold without doubt, Dm nli I there I gntd on the Tarn, boys, It only you'll hovel It out. The inrrciiillltf trade U a hatnrd, The ko il are llril hl)th and lb-11 low ; Iletler rlk I do old farm it while lunger, Dou'l be In a hurry to go. The prcat. buy Wct ha ludncemtnt, And in hi the buli't tn ut. It'll wealth I lint made In a day, boyt, Don't b In a hurry 1 1 tar! t The banker nlid htokir are ueallhy, Thi'y lake lu lliclr thunai,il or ro Abt think of lh frnud. and drciplloui, tluii'l be In a buiry to got The farm I the afet and uirt, The nrchardu are luadiil to-diy. You're a free an the air of the muuntalui, And mounrch nr nil ynu mrycy. Uitli r lay on the farm a whiln longrr, Though prolll coins In rather low, lliimtnbiryoil'ie iiolhlnx lu rltk, buys. Don't be In a hur'y tu ko I The People of Southern Orrcnu aolil nut of 11 Itullroutl by Jt kt'iih S. Smith. (rroui tk, llo ,bur(KBlii, Mit. EiHToit: Difiniiijj tlit nliovc miilter ol piir.iiiioiiiit iiii)ortiiiii'i to the pi'MjjIo of our rirtion, mill Ivclin tluil my own ihilniiluul Intercut in omnium with my fi'llow-i-itizfint io in ji'Hi:inl, I liitw i-Diivliiilt'il tliiunli the ini'iliiitn ol wiiir Journal to m einiif l.utii ulilti 111. iy I'liiilili-tin-ciii-. ih ol Soutliiiii Oit'izon to innri1 liillx t ;'ii.'i'i:iti' tlivir I nm coiiiii'i'tioii ivilfi 'lu inthvnl iinjioii'il railro.nU of Oiv tfotl. In 1600, our Union Con.'ii'X.i i.iset.l 11 liill grunting o a t'otiiiiiny ivho uniilil liiiihl 11 niilniiiil from Poitluml, iIikiii'Ii tlu Wtljiiliirtti1',' Uiiiiqiiu iiimI Rojxiio Riifr viiIU'vk, i-vi'iy nlU'iimti' M'ltiini of liiml on I'ltrli eiile o( tin' mm I Inr Hwiny inlli-e in wiilili, wiu-re iIik e.iiiif liml not iiliisuly Ihcii n)uo' iriitteil ly iiuliviilualx. In OctnlitT 1800 11 i'iinii:iny una IWrnieil mnler iIii'IuiiihmiihI htyieoriliv Orison Ceiiliiill Kilthoiiil Coiupisiiy ; nml clrt'teil Col. F. It, Corni'l:iH, .finite Wlittfon, Ciiii, Ainaworth, Win. T, Xinli'V, nml. I, (iiioi iliiectoreol P:til oiiijuiiiy, witli tut express iroviion in it iiifirlcaoriiH'oijionitiiiii o nm tin r.nii ilirntili Umjiriiii mill Rustle Kit. cr rullien. 'I'liia 10.nl in nnw iiiielicl lnrwiinl tin the Wot eiileol I lie Wi. I.iiiu'llc river, nml the I.ej,'!ifiitui-e ol Ori'UOII, lit ill lllt eCelillll, IUIS('ll (I jilint repolntinil, iiiig tliiv coiiijuiiiV llie tiitnt.l iiiini Hiiule by C')iUti, nml a!eo f,'imriinte'iii; tlin iuteieet of i, niillioii of ifiiUitrH in bowli, iseticil Ijv t)l(' coininiH', nml iii mldilloii to fill I hia '(Miiliininli, Wiie)iiui;ii, imI Yninlill ciHiiiiii'n liavc hitliM'iil'eil over $000,000 fur ml vnnci'iiii'iit nl tlio ro.td. Ami I cniilefn, .Mr. FMitor, that lit one time l'tiouli tuu tliroiti (lie niirti of tie iiiOirp, 1 coiilil tr,tliejoi Ciif' rr tlni'U'Unjr the Inlnyiitli o(ourlieaii tiful viilk'v, uuil rnrrViiitrotiriiiiiiivfolil' proilmtioiiH tn the inurkctK of iho woiMl Rut aiuMenly lliPfeeiiethiiDgC'l, another cninpiiiiy wiih nr(.'iiiiizcil in a'liout fix moiillis nflerwnnU, nml nUo arrptiiteil to thrmselvea tho unie name ol "Oregon Central Rail Rond Coin pany." This company was to run the Railroarl up on the East tide of Iho Willamette river, and it ia ignfcast, tniiml 1868. fact, that In their articles of incorpora tion they tnnke 110 mention, whntuvcr, of running through tho Utnpquu and Rogue River vallics; nml their Prcel tlcnt (ieclaretl tn April, 1807, that tlir.v intemleil to go by JPtngrd'i IltimbotJt route. Also one mouth later, It then nuting Prcalilent Btnted to Jutlge Whit con that the Salem compntiy intended to leave tiu Willamette valley at Eu gene City, mid go East over Pcngni'a Humboldt route ; mid When Penirnt ami E. L. Applegnto got up their H..m. boldt company every one of the Salem company, including J. S. Smith, went into, and beeamo Incorporator ol Pen gr:i' company, and did then mid are dmng now, nil they are capable ol do lug in favor of that route, and (or the defeat ol the railroad in Southern Ore gon. The reattll ol tbia wan that Pen gra went to Washington and gets 'Mill ion to introduce a Bill (a copy ol which in now in my lunula,) of which the following ia thy title. "A Rill to nid in the construction of a Railroad ami telegraph Hue from I'ortlaml, Oregon, to connect with the Ceuttal Pacific Railroad, nt the tiottli- em bend ol the Humboldt, In the State of Nevada, ami to secure to the Gov ernment the use of tho aame for Postal. Alllltfl rt ft In I fit f.llii-t iiiittiLnund " t'siiiiiM t iimm irs tii-4- lint iiurt r Petigni fiiKt proponed to hnvo the Dill apeeify that the roibl waa to turn 11 autulii'iiMci-ly coure from Eugene City, but upon reflection It ten to bold and hare-faced 11 fraud upon the tigliti of Southern Oregon, Mini t-o tho Rill, an finally printed read ns follow: "Be ginning at, or near Portland Oregon, thence in n southerly dlicctinti torome eligible pan in theCaacndeuiountaimi, to be llxed by hu surveyor of'tuttroni' puny theiico in a southeasterly direc tion ami pausing nc.ir the. Notth cud of Gooe Lake, and croiingthe42 deg. paralell of North latitude between the 0110 hundred and nineteenth, thirty degrees iiud twenty minute west front Greenwich, nml thence the most eligi ble mute, as shall be ilrterinlueil by raid company, to connect Mtth the Pa eillo Railroad nt the South bend ol the Iliunlioldt river. It Is believed tli.it by the words above Ihnt the people of Southern Or gon can be induced to fivor this road until it leaches Eugene City, when llie lion horse will fiiort defiance nt our people nml l rot off on PengraV Mill tare road and thoe thousand of netes iv ill be cuh'iurci! u huudreil fold. Now J. S Sinltb, Demoi'mtli' noml nee for Cotiirrt-ss, iiotwiihstniiiliiig hi caninir-fnik wonml is still nbleto keep an eve on lin-Inces, nml It beeomea me. eHirv if .Mallory should fail in icltiii'.' the bill ihiough to have a innn there who is oieof iheDiieeloisol lid Com jinny to pti-li the bill (liroii'.'li and J S Smith is tie man, he nml Peng 111 an directors in the company, and our com piny and our citizen nre comitnmleil to vote for J. S. Smith when llicykno"' or should know that the dearest inter cats of Southern Oregon nre postponed for years, perhaps lorcvcr. On the con tr.irv Lo!Titi resldei on tlie west side of the Willametle; there in hi property and his interests and' he publicly dr. elared in Portland nt a tneetlntr of the ell ir,cn there, that he favored hirnai tlirouih Southern Oicgoti which die laration he hax repeated on every nyail ible oceasioit, ' Could tljo jienple fully understand how gently our prospepiy tvflub) be enhanced by a Railroad through South ern Oregon, they would sternly w thejr faces agaitisi any scheme which Would deprive them ol Jta Inestimable boon. lustniicc, )u Iho niticle of wheat dining the p.isf fall, wjnti-r and "liring, the average price Id which hn been two dollars per bushel in San Francis, co, here only fifty cents. Now run a Railroad through fjouljiern, Oregon, And wheat can io transported theiico for twenly-'fivc cent pr. bushel, fcav. ing the .inner a martriu of $1 7fi for his wheat instead of fill v cents as at present. Run this road through South ern Oreppn, and at one the elect rie. fin ofproperitY would stream through eyrry 'jn, and we would nwatyb roin pur lclnrtry and exflalin "wherena I was once blind pow T aee." -Ti F, Gr Roscfciirg, Mhy U'ls IP""- Wliv s a kiss like scandal f Be cauae Jt goes frosts noutb to moutb. NO. 18 Prececaistia ef the Jeteishlkst Count Union C'onvciitlnu. Punutant to the call of tho County Committee, the Union Convention of Joscphliiu County met nt Kerbyville, May Oth, 1808, and organized by clio lug A. B. M.ullwnln as tempdrary Chairman, and W. M. Evaim Secretary. A Cmnmittco on credentials wan then appointed, who reported the names of tin1 delegates entitled to scats in tho Convention. On motion the report was adopted, and .Messrs. Moll wain nml Evan ,weru retained as the officers of the Conven tion. The Convention then proceeded to select, by uiu voce vote, candidates for the various county offices, with the following result: For Senator, Win. M. Evans; Assem blyman, Samuel Ilurkuc; County Coininiioiier, Gcorgo E. I.ogan and C. C. Luther; Sherill, Tlio'a F. Fhtyd ; Clerk, It. J. Forbes; Treasurer, W. G. Cr.tndnll; School Sup't., S. McAlliter; Assessor, TI10V L. itnox 5 Coroner, E. L. Onborne. Oil niotion the Chair appointed a Union Central Committee, consliliug of W. M. Evitits, Isanu Thompson, C. Caldwell, S. W. Sawyer, nml M. D. L. Crooks. And a corrvspniidiug commit tee, was clioii'ii, consisting of A. B. Mc II wain, ol Waldo piecinct, Chtis. Cnld well, Brlggs precinct, R. J. Pol he, IverbyVille, C. C. J.ttther, Aiplegate, Alex. Walls, Willmiiisbiirif, Joe Wild er, Shite Cterk, Em Peck, Canyon Creek, M. 1). L. Crooks, Deer Creek, Tito's Perkins, Rogue R river, Samuel Harkiiess, T.elnud, On motion, the proceedings nl tho Convention weto oideied published in the OitEOON Skntixkl, and tho Con vention ndjoiirneil, sine die. A. B. MclLWAIN, Chairman. Mm. M. Evans, Sco'y. Proceedings .Inckauii County Un ion Con sitless, The delegatea elected to tio Union County Convention, met pursuant to notice nt the Court House, In Jackson ville, on Satin day, the 10th lint. Hon. J. C. Toliiinn was chosen President, and J. M. McCall Sccrctnty. Messrs. II. Root, P. Dunn, and S. R, Tnvlor, Committee on credentials, re polled the following name of person entitled to seals in the convention: Pleasant Creek, II. M. Clinpin 5 Rock Point, C. SehcilVliir; Jacksonville, R, S. Diinhip, Ed, Smith, R. Lnnkeiieau, n. 'I hompsiin, Max Mnllcr, M. Mauley, J. R. Peacock, J. A, Curd well; Apple rate, S. R. Taylor; Ft. Khinmth.C. A. (loot, nml pioxy for E. Overton, O, T. Brown, 0, 0. Bailey, O. A. Stearns; Forest Grove, John Mckcej Willow springs, W. Bilger, J. P. Kellogg; Foot Cieek, C. Nye; Bitte Cieck, j". J. Fryer; Eden, II, Rool, HohaitTny. lor, E. K. Andeisoii, John Vandyke; .Wiinz.inita, I Constant; Unlontown, Todd Cameron; Ashlaml, J. C. Tol mini. J. M. .Ah Call, Pat Dunn; Grants Pass, Win. Knbler. On iiiiiIoii, ri'iivvlitioit proceeded to tho noniinatioii of candidates for thu l.egilitive. Messrs J. C. Tillman, O SchellTllii ami R, Lajikcucnu were uiiatiliuously chosen, On mot inn, tho convention agreed In make no further nominations. Op motion, the following persons wciu chosen as a County Central Com mit tee, viz; C. 0, Beekmaii, of Jack sonville; J, M. McCall, of AmIiIhimI; John Campbell, of Pleasant Creek; Isnao Constant, of Manznulta; and II. M, Drako of Applegalo. C. O. Deck mail Chairman, Oi motion, it was ordered that tle proceedings m published n thu Qk. PP.f SKtfTINIfl. On )oioi, the convention adlgiirncd, fine fe, J, Ai NPCAIJ,, Scorefary. 1 t ' - m i Capitai, Ipea. Thero is fn St. Pe. tQisliurr a good old custom, rcqulrijig "VVf.V pernon taken np.iriiik, muluand female, to sweep tho st rcctn the next day fpr n nuinher of hours. What say tho ) lowers that b6 to having the custom in troduced (t) San. Frinciseo,? If Jt wt-te dnni'i theio would bo a small army at work and a fair prospect of having pleat) streets, yfha spsMlu ?-vio Age. "SOfTAT, ISTKUC0UC5K ,n "Wlf-i TUX.,. CittiE.HThtIaryvlllk (tsi.) AMI I peal, in speaking ol the grand ChmtM banqttpt at San Francisco, which WM presided over by G6vf. iralght who Was aided to his present position through prejudice created by h las self and partisan against llie pcoplo whose representative, he now hob-noW ami toasts-tatysr ''Nine montWao Gr. 1 Halght and other Dcmocratla sptaksr wcr traversing tho Stato denouncing thCltlnoao-a set of, .bf utea, wjifft presence on this coast should hi pre vented at all hazards ns heathens, the touch ol whoso leprous bodies should bo'iivon.IeifalaimsBcS: Tht prejudltjcs of, the Ignoranand Uit jeivlonVles of'tftointellfgtht we're great ly excited against Chlncso lmmlgra tion, nnd no ijicousidcrablu political advnntngo inttreift) the so-called JJetn ocratlo patty rom this agitation. , Tlie Union nomiuco for Oregon was pla carded na packing 'ti long'qneacd Mon golian upon his back, and nil the clap trap which partisan Ingenuity culd devisu was improvsed to tnako it ap pear to the excited and ignorant rab ble that the success ol Gov Halght would' lead to tho expulsion of all Olii nese laborer 'from Tthe' Stafr and an' interdiction of Asiiilfo immigration to California. Well,' H. H. Halght was elected, and what do wi sVc? The very man who was clioscn its an antl Coolie Governor tho man boil rid bf' a thoiWand pledges tb tise hbi Kr'ecu tivo ami personal inftiieuco to drive out tho Chinese already iirre, and pre vent litrther immigration this man accepts an invitation to preside over a banquet to Chinese Ministers given for no other rvasou than tb break down tho hirricr betjvvct American and Asiatics, nml lend to Increased im mi gration, closer business relation; and a leveling of Ainet'icau Tabor to that of a Chinaman. Tun CtitNt'HK UtNUTiivka im Otx uo.v. On Salttrdrty owning, tho first Democratic Club ju Portland held a meeting, 11111I paired resolutions strong Iy condemning thu employment, ol Chi nese workmen by railroiyl companWt and others in Oregon. The sentiment ol the resolutions is concct, and th'ey nro exceedingly well and forcibly word ed. Nothing could W much 'derango and degrado tho labor Interests' of Ore gon as the introduction ol these yellow' vermin, who now infest and overrun California, While tliviir presence Jiers will deprivu hundreds ol civilized men of employment, it will benefit no -one savu thu corporations employing them, nml a luw importers of rice and dried ratH. So long as our own people, nnd oth er civilized men who may come liero In the hope of employment, are will's' to work, wo eat nest Iy hnpe. that the cor porations will refrain from thu whole sale Introduction of these barbarians, who are littlu better vjiau sUyes. Whlloov cry good citizen vyUh.es the enterprise to advance succcsslully, all will liopo that it may bu benetiula! te Labor as Well as Capitol. ' NVo think, however, that remon strance comes with an ill grace from a- Deuiooratio Club, sinco uu are credibly luloiiued that 0110 ol the lending moh eyed men of tho enterprise, amlaDein' ocrut, oxpressed .himself to tho effect that "no d d Iruhman shouh work on the roaiU" f-. js, tbe;efore, q'iilto- foolUh for thu Club to mnko political claptrap out ol tho conduct of a ' inoie corporation composed of both parties. Vniohiit. ' ' 1 IK' Chlrago, when they ask you to tako a drink they say; " Noiuioate your fatiiily disAurbatieo." ( In St. I.ouls: "Choose your cold, pizeu." In Ciholnnaitl: Do' you feel like driving n null lu your coffin.:'' 'In Louisville; Let's put an rnesny' in our mouths," ' ' In New York: "Let's mlnco oiir. selves below the level of the bratv.'" Iiv Boston: ' Let's Violate!?. (Use liquoi" law). ' ' I In Frank filrt : Let's al-ork' In New Orleans: Shall we ftfti fyV" ' ' '.1. .1.1 In New Albany ; Suppose we tnsg oirsevcs.; 11 Jn Indianapolis; .'Let's ' atari fee- .l tfie- walvh I'Wv." Inerra Iluto; "let us perjure ourfvW?v" In Buffalo: "Leff fltsualjiy.1 ' In'Lexiiigton ; " Wjll you hve tarn nottrishmeiilfP' Iij Jacksonville, Oregon ? M LH fie. oonstrucl,," '' A; fat randldata for 4oek te A-tsja bawa, aaksjbsj people , ,44?; wUy,Ww, ...;, Viv - " ";1 'i 8 ,ti -j 4 .' it V.