new EnS '".. MMHQJ MB OMGON SEiri,Eh. Saturday HlouNtxo, May 2, 1808. Fatal Accident. Oh Monday of last neck n Swede, named John Carter, met with a terrible aeeident that re tutted iu the loss of his life. He was going into the house of Mr. Sexton, between "Jiimp-Ofi-Joc" and Grave crvuka, and earlessly attempting to draw ltis rifle through the railing oi the porch, the piece was discharged the whole charge passing through the upper ami, shattering the bone and severing the main artery. The injured limb was amputated by Dr. Grttbe of this place, but alter a week ot sutl'cr- mg, the unfortunate man died at 1 1 o'clock, on Monday, tlio 27th ult. Bcutifcl Makdlu. There stands in the marble yard at Ashland, n shaft oi Southern Oregon marble, quarried front a vein at Williamsburg, that surpasses in beauty and fluish anything we have ccn on the coast. The grain of the block is very fine, streaked with veins of black and dark gray, and its polish is cxtpi'iMtc. The col uin n is intended to mark the lat resting place ot an houoa-d citizen, John &. Luvk, who has gone be I ore us to the unknown shore; and it is none too good lor him, beautiful as it is. Fon Sax Fkaxcisco. Mr. 0. C. Ih-vkmaii, Agent Wells, Fargo A Co' in this pluiv, kit i'iiuraday morning on a buiucss tiiji to San Finn., ami will be gone about three weeks. Mr. D. is a delegate to the .National Union Condition, to be held tit Chicago ou the "Uth, Out biuitiess eng.igitmMiU Mill not penult him to ntleuu in per son, and tils piu:Cy has been sent to a gentleman in the iiast. Accidukt at AsuLAXiv Thursday week, while a number ol chitdicit wctc playing in the marble yard ol Mr. ltu iell at Ashland, a slab was thio'vu down, falling ou little Mary ltum-ll uml fracturing her right tu'igli iimr the hip joint. Tlie tinctured limb una act by i;r. (Jrube, unit Hit: Iittivaiilk-ur it getting along liuely. AnntrrcD FsCAi'E, The pmoiier iu the County Jail (Chadwick) seeitiS lobe "on it." He procured it can? kuite last week and went to woik ou the rivet ot his Gaidiier shackle, but wa discovcied before it was eutiiely awed off. The rivet was leplaeed by one of cast steel, which will probably ltly hl ellbrts. Ciianoi: or Fi:m. W. II. S. Hyde ha hold his interest iu the City Drug btore to Mr. Oscar Stearns. The new tlrm will be Sutton and Slcarn. They will continue to kecpbookMulioucrv, toilet article, and everything tuu.iliv found iu a llrst-ehiss drug store. Call and see the usw partner. Ciianci:i Hani s. Our friend, Jas. Cardwell, has bought Mr. Klippel's in terest iu the "Pool and Klippt l" ntnuli adjoining town. The pi ice paid was 3,0Q0 gold coin. Wo arc glad to learn that so valuable a citizen as Mr. Cardwell is to stay among us, as ho was just ready to start lor California. Xuw Fikm. We learn that Messrs. Win. Hoffman and Henry Klippclluite made arrangements to open a iirt-da tin and stove establishment in Jackson ville immediately. Mr. Klippel it u practical tinner, and as both gentle men have many warm lrieiuN, they will probably be successful. I'kkso.val. On Monday we had the pleasure of a call from Captain J. M. Mi-Call of Ashland. He reports the Union men ot his precinct ti unit lor our State Ticket, and for any county ticket that our convention mav present to them. Immiovjkmuxts. We notice that Mr. D. Hopkins hax a new hom-e iu process of construction on the site of that which was burned a short time since. A veiy linndsnino dwelling, oppoMto this of-lie-, has jut been completed, and we hear ot several others to bo built soon. Goods Siiijti:u. Mullcr & Broii tano flipped a large invoice from San I'lautiseo on the 21st ult., which will nrrio by tho firm team from Crescent City. Mr. Muller is expected back to morrow or Monday. Rklujiol-s. To-morrow, at 10 o' clock, Iter, Father Ulaiiehet will hold divine services iu tho Catholic Church. Aim services to-innriou' at the Meth odist Church at 11 a. m., by Hev. 3Ir. ISice. Vacation. Tho third term of the District School, endi-i) 'Ihnrxday. Tie scjiolura are to' have' two weeks vaca tion, when their studies will be resum ed. AsitLAxn.-We paid a visit (o Ashland this week, aud find that it has out grown any place iu the county during the past year. It now numbers two Stores, a flouring mill, a woolen mill, which will be in running order this fall, two Mw mills, n hotel, a blacksmith shop, n cabinet maker's shop, marble tomb stone works, and a nurscrvforgrowing young fruit trees. The vi'lln it nlo.-i. antly located on a small stream of the same name, which supplies abuudant water power for all the machinery that ts used, .before Ion?, ft tie ptnce j,. proves as it bids fair to do now, it will rival towns of more pretensions. Quaiitz Cnusiuxo. The work late ly done by the Occidental was an ex periment on the paitol those ownine mo rock, it lias tiroved sat sfnetnrv. leaving a good profit, after paying ex penses of nuarrying and crushing, and the null will resume work as soon as sufficient rock can bu got out to com mence on. The Occidental Mill mav now be regarded as a permanent insti tution, that will bring considerable wealth from our undeveloped ledges. Success to it. iHOmoXXXOKIOIXXOXXXOXXXOXXXOXXX" G. T. T. C. D. S. xxxoxxxoxxroxxxoxxx-oxxxoxxxnxxxoxxx" At Wonti ix Docolas.O. Jacobs, Ksq., was to speak at Hoeburg and Oakland iu behalf of tho Union Ticket this week. Ho reports tho urcatest enthusiasm among the Union men of that county, and a certnintvof their majority iu 'CO being eoiiMderablv in- created. Mr. J. ts expected home to morrow. Book Lost. A book entitled " Or- gnu Indian Wars " has been lost. The volume has C. S. Drew's name printed on the back. Anyone knowing where it is, or will leave it at this otliee, will confer a great favor, as there are dates and statistics, which at this time are valuable. Died. The wifo of Ilev. I. D. Diiver (former! v in chanrc of the Jacksonville circuit), died iu Salem ou Thursday, April 2'ld, after a tedious illness. GovEitxon Woods ni lived iu Port land on the 23d ult., via Salt Lake and BoIm- City. AN OKIGINAL. 1'OKM. BYTIIK VAX WHO WROTH IT. Some write for fun. and some for fame, And sonic lo make a splutter But we, like all true poets. claim To write fur bread tnJ butler. 1 hut you ee our very laudable object of do lop Rood to ourselves, If wc cannot do good lo anybody rife. Wc only wish to have It known. I list nil our goodi wuif sell, And then the people all will come , , Vou bet tbry will. TliUS Klrloe Ul a fine ontiorlnnllr nf m.t lug money, We've fancy Soap and pood Colognes, nuu iimr jit oy me uo2en An emltee lot of good I'crlomtf, Put op by old If. Hailr.. That giving nil the young folks to opportu nity of becoming "sweet-scented." We hire Restorers for the !!lr, Mach bctier ilisn your dye : We've n ens rat Ion J for the Ear, And lotions for the Eye. Thus giving old malda and cnttv bachelor on opportunity of flxlnir ud for thi malrlmnnl. 1 tasrket. IOIT Ol sor ITO&1N1 FIXED TO STAY. JL-CALI-UTMOMK-Mmlcl, n Arrll h i.i:M.f at tt.V, i4n.u. . l:r J. A IhintCit J. M.lci.,Jl,,'r,.i, uueIiUi t f Lud.t A iTlt It J , ill t A'luut, a t!i! csQ. l. CJONJ2. SII.WAKT Hlo.1 la CllrniSnr, Curry cvmt 0u,cf C-4iuniilivli, Haiti l. SlKisrl, Mil it lrlik A. Mit. ni.J Jiuttilrrif Mr. nJ 5lr. 51. Mlj Fjrt K ctn, u ijllit cJ 1 itf Haw i willful ! ritni !. Hit im. in .unuir't Utic'il! tit.tif'tr p-l tvnl IlUt lit r t r-il, villi tuh qultl, l'tj tut . i . ...ii. . .nil, o ipl I'tiOIr f ilr. At nn.tllirrt.nliii frvni ll fpll, filr turn, w.iljloxlii-r nr Ilii'.Jiitivl) l;tt. MAY DAY PARTY We're Dins nd llooki; we're Oils and Plnts. And irlnkels of all kinds; We've Nntruni iinod for ill coniplulnts, And Ml to suit the times. Tlmt irlvlns old and yuun an opportunity iur rjivcuiaiiuu. N'os-, ill who km Ihe rrady ch 'in mil iMiiml io-inirru, For iln-y run find Just wlmi they want .Muuii cii-ti r Hun in iirrw. And will ttiu- tire the Oily I)nuc Store M lm n lii't- nip'iriiinliv in il ipl.iy their ex-lerslri- Mticknf NIJW' UO0HS to much bet ter mlvnniMire limn they eould pily J on poper. They will u"y, however, tbat they I. me a One nmirlim-nl i.f IMIOTOUI'.A.M AI.HUMS, from S2 23 lo SI AO-forSO picture, Oiihl nellt, Ink H'iiikN. Uu'i-s. Funey IVn holders, l'ui-r Heluhii, Letter Ullpt, llorr.1 Ullpt, ink' l.intrr, $1,000 Reward bo paid Tor tho arrest snd conviction of nny person whucan'l buy DrfRootls.UloiU lug, and Oeucral Mcrliaiulie, chiuper from Ui than from uy other mercantile ci- eiiauiuameni in town. TUt arrival of our Luce ao wctx sslxctcd srout or FALL AND WINTER GOODS tsitix ts to UiHL tun LinxnAt. orrxn. OUIt DUYGOODS DEPARTMENT It stocked with tho latest styles of Figured dress goods, French and Uugltih Merlaus, Empress clotb, Fullnrd Dclalnea, - Alpacaa ttnd MohHlra, Wool Plalda, Vool&col(ou Uelaluea, French, EukUsIi and Aincrlcuu Piluts, Alt of which will be sold at tbo rcry loweit ratci. Our aitonment of J AMU T, OUNN, ALtXANtxn John 8. Due-UAan.t. GLENN, DRUM & CO., CcrAt.vM inC GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALtronNiA STiiKirr, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. If FIRM, Mill' GOODS atAND NEV PBIOES! LOW PRICES Villi WIN I RED1NGTON & CO'S I'jlier SpllUtM, sralini; Vi. lntsitnNKNs, ruts akd dotted swiss.jaco NETTS.CnOSH-nAltS, VICTOfltA AND 1JIS1101 LAW.NH, XANZ00K. CUIIUUCS, KTC, Is vicll rtlectcd, and chcier than crcr l: roro olfered In lliU market. Our Snlu and Jneonelt Kmliro'.Jotlo, Linen, Thread A Cotton, l.sco nnd Kuibruldi-red llandt.erchlef, llonnet and licit Itlbbona, are the latest tlylrs, aud sold ut prices to defy competition. Veaio have (he uewvit fiiihluns of AT vrrYjiiYi ov.YTiivir vx A r t v j. jci JL 2j:j. J j. .i t.j.j.ijj, o.v Tho EvciiIiir of .May 1st, IBU8. H-o-t- TIIB UNDKItSIONff) HKUUUY ANNOL'N cet tbat he will pirn a craml parly at liU houte on Ihe ercnlug of l'rldar, )lay M. The hett of inuilc I e :4Sl'd for lue occasion. S'o paint win lt! arid to make Ihe intert4lnmciit u hiccim, and to (rlre jj-ncral fatlifactlon to i-verybvdy. A gvnvriil larltnilon to all ft ex teudid. ' ALSO, ON THE EVEXWG JULY Ud, 1809, OF TiiKUN'i)i:it5ir,vni) iii-.he'ivcivi-no lie"- ilMtiiMMrill itivi-n rtr-y at 'tuck I'oNii on I-'ltlDtY KVKNIN'C. II W Itt. at w h eh time he hopia loteitullhUfrli'iiiUandsriiiialiit ancei, TIik accoinmivfallmit willlw of id.'flrit onli r and Ihe proprirtiir fl4lteri hhnttlf that fil lip) alli-lacMnii lll Ii" iven. Oout muile la nciifil fir the xccatlon. L J VVII1TB. 1'ruprlelor. Hock Point, April IOiIj, IUU7. apt I tl Pfotico of riaal Settlement. TN TIIK QOL'NTY COUaT.FQU TIIECOJJN J. ly of Jo'eptilue. Statu of Oregon. In Hit- waiter of the citato of Itobt. JclLn. ili-eeanil. Thev wero iIi.iM..1 il ' . S' '? V.r.'J "" '" . "T '"'?"". ii : ,,. rt. - ii in. iiini iiiiiiuin iiiaHiittn, iniDiiiiriraiur in -"-. iiiuu, unit aiu oi mu very laivav i niu ettnte, ban inert: lilt account' liierem ; aiui On hoth of vtbtch ocealout Ihe uWriU-r will lie (jUO lo a-e all hit frlendt and utroht. und uure ihem lhat etery effort will be made to Insure pltature and enjoyment. VEIT SIIL'TZ. Juckionrllle. April !ih. l"t;b. nots id. M PARTY, HI! 1ST, AT ROCK POINT. roilfollo. I'litlinoniti", v n!H, rurres, IVfliel Hookt, CViivuns, IViiflls nf every thtcrlpllon, lied, line, lltuek und Copylnir Ink", tlwtlt Lima. F shlnif Taekle, Vlulln .SiriPL't. 'I'rtll hoard and It sin, Helmut H'M.ktuI i very mrirl) at nifueeil pricts.Coliy II H.j in tnrieiy. Slotet, I'arlor (Jjiiiw, and u lhoiind other ilur.L" In this line, tlmt can bu Ktn by eullln at Ihe Ciiy Drn Stnrr. Amonir the stwile arlleles may be lound l'eper. Allfplee. .Vutinik''. Mure. ChiV. t, Cinimnion, ('u'ln lludr, Ulner, .Mimnrit. C'rrain nf'I'uMar, Suleialut. Ilren'1 iireraratlon (iiiclhhii; re) Kviraetsof Iiiiop, YanncllJ, (JiuH., Celery, tie. I'iuiii, IIaiiikv, IIi.ckiii i: IUm., I'l.A'TI..-. I'aiii ami (!hai. On U'e would rail on uur fileielt loelre us a c-ill. If we can't sell ihem niiylliln, we will take pr?ul pleutnre In hniliiir ihem roine tlilou' i .ew. Sl'TTON . STi: A HNS. .Iiie!.ninil!e..Seiit, 'jy. IhO". I'ikst Ooods. Messrs. Sachs Bros., as nsunl, Imve tin first iiixtnllnifiit of ftpiintr Goods, styles and pattern. IJEr.ow.--Mc'ssrs, GImiii and Caro arg liclovv to piireliase, and will soon returu with plenty ol new goods In Jluir icpirtht )WSi it U Ihereiipou ordered by Ihu Court that the 2.M day or June, A. I . U08. lw Kt apart for Ihe Dual Mlllement or faid ela'o. Jtv order of Uainpbrll Caldwell. County I Judge, Hilt S1 day or April. A 0 18CB ItAH'll i, FOItlJKS,,County Clerk. VprU""'!! K! oprJ'iMl The CtUbrnted Iloiie, OAPT..SL1GAKT riI.L 8TASI) AT Till: LIVEItY STA- T Me of Cmn-tock A Cnwley. Iu Jack-on-vllle. on Tnenlay V and U'ednetdarV, and at Hie ranch of the ubcrib-r, ueir Athland Mill', JackM.ii County, Oregon, ou Friday 'a and .S'lt urday'f. thn enuilnu x-nron, cotninvacliii; April 7 Hi. and i-ndlm: July lt lfcK8. 1 ptircha'el C'apt i'H?art, In Licking county, Ob'o. and hrotiiiht him out via I'aiiama, In t!iu 'prlu of 'i!U. Ifu Ii n Vautirut, dupple bay ; hat weighed l-KU pound, and trolled hlf mile In 2 in and VI nc j Im purer been I rained to any peat extent : It mar perfect in hl propoitlniit. of tt.u Hunt title In miiKii lur power It r mat kably well dereloped : It n horxi of rlrrt clati action, and wat, by the b-tt lior- intu. ackuowlrdKeil to bu the mot per fict formid horse In Ohio, for ipetd as a t rol ler aud t!ze. PEDIGREEi Ilia tiro wat a lame, beautiful "Sir Thomas florte;''g lre a wll bred turf hone, kugnu ai Woodward'aSIrThnmat;'' be by Diamond, Jr.. and bu by linporltd Monroe). Hit dam wat a. wi-ll bred "I-'arm'-r' IMIjtliV'aud In the run nly hat ever rtood unirjualed at a Itoadtter and mare for cen-ral purpotvt. GAIT. SUO ART U a half brother of Capt. Fbher. now iihiiiiI fu Calllornla. No stallion ol hit f ba eipiuled bit time at a irollrr, IIt It l-o a half brother to Moll-llrook, of Cin cinnati, Ohio, who hat thouu a all that Maud" uiirivlid Iu Ihe auualt of Irotllus IIiiih; alto a h'llf brother lo 111 Celebrated l.i'lv I.lKblfiiot, of Vhleiivn, I'idir iVhlle of .Sun Krimcl-co. and Wild lllll, of llnlMo I learn that Hiiothcr half brul'iercalliil IVpi f-'tiliHi Id. wa awmded l lie Klitl I'remlum nl llm Hlale Fair In Ohio, and 4 tpnken of In ihelr niKirl at tl e U-tl lotus for (.'eniral U4e. (See report now In my pot tlnii ) Hence It It plain tn be een, that he Ii of a fiunily nf the Ix-tt ick of liofwt for (peed and a i" in Ceulral Ohio Hit collt, when grown, ire lurife, w. ffirm-il. wilh good action and fl.ei.Hli', and bring the bljjbett price for Ihe Kvlerii inirkel. Th'UJlStit the teaton, In U. S. coin. f. 0. adilrett, Aililund Mlllt, Ogn. )Y. u. sir Kit. AthIaii(J )lll, farch 271b. '68, mar28-td i ,. 1 1 i " - Stockholder's Meeting. TUB ANNUAL MKKT1NO OP Till: STOCK hntdera nl Ihe Itogue Itlvir Valley Wool, eu Maiiiifaclurliia Company will be held at Athlaud.fin Wrdnexfay. Utt'i2 day of April. I8KS. fur Ihe purpote of electlnK Roaid of Directory for Ihe entulnir year, and taklnu Into contMeratlon Ibe propriety of Incrtatlnx tl capllal flock or the uouipany, sua tne trans action of iucb oilier butlueu as may come be fore them. j si, iicuAi.i, rretideot. 0. K Ku'X. Secretary, April VU, WH, aprJtf. LADIES, MISSES AND OHILDRENS' Hats and Clonk , aud an Imscme ttn.L of nil kludt ef TIlIilMl.VHS, IIOOl'SKIIffS, i;.L.Mon.vLSKiitr.s, UHKAUFASrOAl'KH, WOOI.K.V 0I.0V1-S, NUIIIAS, SHAWLS, Woulru aud I'oltun lloo of ivery dctcilpllon, Alto an entire new Hock of Lndlir, Mltrri,, Clilldrens aud Infanta' Shoes, all of which will y tolil l lb inn.l iomiiIiIsi jirlcrt. Our ULachvd and Unbleach- d Mtltllm, Sheei liujt, Table Dimk, Napklna A Tonellnit are of the nry latest tnviufucttirej und told VIIUV luir. MEN'S CLOTHING and I'ntuMilii' ttnedt. Halt. Cans. Iloalt anJ oncm oHiem i,io,n nuu iiianKeli, Carpclr, Oll-clotht, Wall I'jpur, Willow Ware, Crockery ll.ndHare. Oiocri let. Tobacco. Clar and LIQUOltS ure lytu on th tlirlvet and Iu the wari-houtu Iu ervat profutlou, and will bg told at a Great Reduction in Price. i'leate glee in a call, and rxamlue our Hock and prices btfor iiurchatlng eltewhere. WULI.KIt AllltKNTANO. Jacksonville, Sept. 12, 1867. if TyaTaraaafca4yaarawaTiya,a' .STAR OF THE UNION CELEDRATED STOMACH BITTERS! Ttit dillclout itciuch lUtttrt rt mllrtlf t,uuie,bi.ijirta irutuauwiwitua ivcrjf Iturt- TIIK AUOVE NAMED FJUM lake uleaturt In uolirrlng their IVIvadt and the publlo generally, that they are now receiving and opening a eery large and cx tcuiWe Hock of 8TAPLE DRY GOODS. READY MADE CLOTHINO, UAT8 AlfD CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, j1lankkts, hoop skiiits etc., i:tc. BOOTS AND SHOES, Lnilioi', Mittcs' nnd Cklldron'a Bkoes. Pa We have, alio, In connection nlili -a Oaf the above, n very larcc nd -Tj3a trff rxlentlvealorkof choice -1553 W) (iroceilm.lfnrd.rnte. lEu Mr QitiTniware, -vtya CaJr (jIuhh tia W ware. Cutlery, OSVa I-aV I'nlnlt uml Ollt; uLo, -foa tofi-Wludow Oliu, Nnllii, Irnii-TBa i und Steel, Cut nud Sleel -Vjyj ,' tr& I'lont, Wooden nnd Willow ware, -fc) i - care ready lo tell anything In our line ut the LOWKSTl'ASII I'ltlCi:. rirtontwIthluK tobuyROodt. will find It Ktrally to Ihelr fid vniitigu to tiniulno our cluck Ixforu purchat. Inir eltcnhcre. at wo are iloterintuid not to be uuderoId by any boute In JucUtou county. (live utn call, and then Judge luryourrcU a to our rapacity lo furnlih goodi ai abntv. :LENt, DllC.M, A. Co. Jacktntnllle, Match 2, IEC7. ThU ralnable ptepnratlnn, conlalnlnff lo a Ii Ik lily concentrated form all Ihe proprrilra cf Jam ilea Olner, ha hrcome nun of Ihe most popular ilnmetlio remrdita for all diwnie of the toninch aud dilutive oritnnt. Ai a Ionic, It will be found HiVklunlite to all peraont rceoverliirf from ilehllily, whrlher pro dncid by fcref or oilier wlte, for ithlltt lm. Mrtt to Ihe ayVrm all the plow and vlrnr lhat can be produced by brandy, Il ii entirely frro Irnm tho re netlonarr effect nf tnlrllt of any kind. It Ii also an f xeellcnl reftinly for leinalra who RutTcr from dlflieiilt meottu'rallon, ctrlof a'motl Immrdinte relief lo the tp.iamt that to frequently accompany that period. If jtltra tmmeillate relief tn Xautea, raoi d by riding In a railroad car, or by aennlckoi , or other came. It It alto ealnaWe en extrrnal applca mm iur ((uui, rneuiiiaii-m, neuralgia, flc. BEDlXnTOX k To., Mm FOR THIS COAST. Dated April 24th, 1 867. ap27-yMea If JUDOE FOR YOUR SELF! A j,ltnl InnU; tnt a inotl T.t lutlltl It Citalri) villi TRY THEM! TRY THEM! ful Inmdlrnl tcrcuLlo dilnV. KJtDbUtlOUlpOUIIdt!bUllllfcM,UIIlt,IUdU( 'roinltiaiiurrliitraeitcf ttlutliUruots. Lrkit tr d hrrut, ru Mruireur kumiu lo ilia rurt ol til tStetinat eftkt hli.niirb. Lldnrt i.l In r tml llotclt. run tt Iijrtprpilt, etcr, HUnlo-t, . ixitt oi ii'ui, ri. cic. rorHierTr-twn Lruvmrui u k,...ii.,M,..J.... . A ,VM..nW.-. I't-m, at.A !. enr ftnu'in K Jtrltnn. t-tll lltnlxp m r m 4 Icrt.f a. rlip BILL-HKADS PRINTKD AT TIIK Pkntikei. OrricK ut 12 per thoiijand. B19II IBBBI! PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY II. ti. DVNIiAP Having permanently ettabllibed hlmtelf la tbo Oardea aad aVaed-raisiag butlneta In Ibe town of Jackaonvllle, would cor dially Invite the attention of the public to bit line Hock of FUFJJII, HOMK-ItAISfJI) Garden Heedt, coutlatlng of l'eai, Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Corn, Lettuce, Onion, Dean, Itadlib, 6plnacb, Tomato, Turnip ; and, In fact, all kind of vegetable teed n.jully railed In thl vicinity. The ttedi are raked and carefully put up by himself, and are warranted. For ao at thu ttore of GLENN, DRUM A. CO. TIIR UNDEH8IGNKU IS TIUNKFUL FOK the patronage received lait year, and hoiie to be ablo to give entire latlifaetlon Iu the in ture, aa be flatten Lloeelf hat been dona In. the P' ii. a. Jackromllle, Feb, 20lh, Wi, f(.b2;.3ru NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS STOKE, II 1LI.UW Sntl.MI1 ICIO.V fo., W.M. 1I1I.GEK I'KOPitlETOK. rPhe iiiitlcraleiifil liiTt-by au- X uouncet to ibe cIiIk-ih or Willow eiprlnu', aud vlciiilly, lhat he baa opened a Horn In lhat place, nud oner for tale hit large ncd well I- lectcd ilock of CLOTHING 01' ALLKINIW, 1I00TS AND HIIOLS, IfAT.S ANDCAl'H. CUOUKHIK.S. LIQUOHS, TOHAUCO, CIOAIIS, and all Linda of general inerchandlte. Tirmi rale ui eav eath ilowu. Call around allow yourtelre to be CotjvluciJ lhat Gooilrt can bo sold Just aa Ohatj) aa in Jacksonville. Stop that Coughing! 8ome yon of ean'l) we pity yon. Vou bat. 1,,'ril every remedy but tho one ileal ined by I la IntrimMb merit lo atiprrtede all tlmlltr prr pa ra l loin. It ',3 not lurprliiuir yon thould tw r. luclant to try pntiirlliniff eltp, aner itir mau; e.xierlnifnti you have made ol Iraahy com pounds folilrd on Ihe public at a cvrtalo care; but : Newcll's PULMONARY SYRUP I really the VlitlV IIKSI' remedy ever com. pnuudnl for tho euro of couch, enlda, aora, atthnin, whooping coiikIi. broncMll aud conuinpllnr 'llumrundt of (aopla fa t.'nllfornin nnd Oregon Imve been alreudy ben efitted by tLu turprltlinr cuutiu power of Newcll's PULMONARY SYRUP and with one arcnnl give It their tiiioinilified atiprulmilon. We now nddreti unrmm to all wtio ariMinariiiilntiil wild iiiit, iiiegrralrit raiiacru id the ni;e, for Ihe hr.illlir of all ilia eai of the Throat and Lnii, aiiurlnif you that Newcll's PULMONARY SYRUP Imt rurrd thouaid, aud II WILL CUHK YOU If you try It. ThU Invaluable imdlclrie la pleatant to the loto: anolhlni;, healing and ilreiinlhenlnx In III rflerla; entirely freo from nil polionnu or deli Icrlnnt diuca, and Hrfeetly haruihi under all clrcuinttiiiict-a. Crrlinrulei. Irom uinny prominent cltfxrna of Han L'ranclico accompany every bottle) of Newcll's PULMONARY ULDINOTON SYRUP. A irente, FrancUco. & CO &iii Willow Rprlngt, II, S. Hum. WILLIAM Oct. 9, 18'fiT. DILQER. ociizif C. T. IlLAkr. EMERY & BLAKE, WOULD CALL THU ATTENTION OV buildera, and all who hare building Iu contemplation In Ihu fact that their tplvudld new I'LANINfi MILL It In tuccettfut opera lion, and that they are able to do l'LANLNO OF ALL KINDS, TONOUUING AND GltOOVINO, And anything In lha line on ihnrt notice, In Ihu hett alylH. and at reduced ratei. Other u. nerlor machinery. In conjunollon wilh the l'LANIilt, enable theu lo furnlih HOOKS AND SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW FltAJICS, AND FURNlTUItL', At low rate t In faot, we aro determined not to l underndd by any other manufacturer In our line, Give ui a cull. EMEUV ic I1LAKR Athland, Feb. IStb, 1868, ftblS3ui Xaater'M aad alportatmea ) rpAKK INTO CONHIDKKATION, THAT J. the undersigned baa Ihe betl ttock nf rlflfi. tialcnt and home niada thot-aunt. tlnalo i and double; revolver, Ihe lalett and hot pat emtj pocKvt pltloit, nrat ami iiuall, Hill power ful derringer. Iho Utt-at aud beit. All thuio good" warranted. A1to, iho beit klndi of powder and powder flatka ; all torlt of tbot and ttiot-bam j and latt, but not kail, emylbluj; told at very rva onablo rate. Reparation executed prompt and cheap, and whoever dna not trutt ibvim word, only need to como aud convluce blmttlf lo JOHN MILLER, on Third Blrel, next door aoutb of U, F. Dow cll'a Law ORIce. Jaekronvllle, Feb. I7lb 1P6B. fubjadf Ahoad of alKothors in tk 'Martini Wnshingtoii' HAIR RESTORER. X l-KlirKCT liAiu iiraTOULU ami hair iiktaim Unlit cnmtilutil In mi. Tiuit no tilier I, x.i'r iUnl . Nti.vcuul alitt I hi. Itttikiuti Tl II ll MUX). ll.ll .MUt "L'tt Hit ilaillm tliKlilistua." Tw.nlt lliouttuj IimiU rrmliiil a Vt b.l a nuUt l.-l II'. .0. Mllllt ut mui illl ruin. UlilaJ at, Ytllti lUIr lium ll nuJ. It la no dyo Try It. Will keep thu hair toft aud gtouy, chaiige giay hair to Hi orlglual color, ptevcut Ilia hair from falling oat or get liny tblu, unkc old btadi look young, aad do all that can bu reatonably expected of a ecuulne, hnl-ralu Hair Reitorer. All who bate uird II pronounce It niperlor fo everything of Ibe kind, and Ulug a perfect Hair Dretter ai well a a perfect Hair Iteiterir, It I an ac'iuMlhjn to ev ery toilet. Itcdlnglon X Co., Wbolieala Acenti, San Frauclaco. GRAFENBURC UTERINE Catholicon. If faithfully n-rd arcnrdlu to ilirectloua, will cureevtry eue of llialniir, ami greatly mill gale lb Iriiki'-'etmiie effi-i-i caiiitd by a relax ation (i I Ihe niillel of Ihe bladder. Il I oioat nuccettful reumly for (Jravel and other dUeatea of the Kidinya und lllaililvr, oml for femah-dia-eaita I umqiiallid. The OATIIOLICON unlforinlly curia I'rnlnpgnt, Uurl, Whllr, all Irreguluritlea of tin- Mn-illily Turn, Supprea flnu, Incontinence of Urine, lllnallng and drop tlril Bwellipga, and all illn-ua-a of i'rtgi'incy. The ipecifio ueilnn of I hi medicine la immedi ate und certain upon ihe U'erine and Abdom inal Mukclm und L'gpiniiiliij renlnring tlieea to aa lieullhy a Date aa thote ol childhood and youth, to that iiutienu who have wed thai (imi-KNUKiia Vuurx'u Urxaiai Oatuou (un caniiut auflleleiiily ex pre their gratitude for the relief aOiirded. ItKltINU TON & (H) Agent. HO and -118, Front Hi, Suu Kraaokco. Haiaf toa'n liaveriaf Bxt'cta ar diw Iioni rrtih null.. ImIi WIIU boUt Inlet at onicli at auy otbtr Wal Iu lb uira.l, couio-iueutly thtjr trt Ibt cbety, til tad tbo till Vit NO OTMIB. ;j