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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1868)
THE OREGON SUM MX. Saturday Morning, April 25, 1808. Democratic Meeting at Ashland. Ashland, April l.Uli, 1808. Tlie fat tli ful and iintcrritiod tnrt at this place on Saturday last, for tlie purposo ot " renewing their unswerv ing lllPI.inrO to tfio timn.linnnr1 principles of Democracy." It had been provlomly announced that tlie " leader's" candidate for Sher iff would bo present on thu occasion, and enlighten the "bed-rocks" as to their duties in the coming county can tubs. Tho candidate, however, failed to come to time, but pent the "young Attorney" to attend his interests. There was also another candidate present, a conservative gentleman from Eden precinct, who hopes to come in as a compromise between the present contending parties. Some time was spent in caucusing, button-holcing, and " renewing of nlli- giaticc to tho 'time honored prilfci pics'" over "liaum's best," when the crowd repaired to the School House and organized their club. Tho gentleman from Eden was called on for a speech. IIu said he had not ome to mnice a speech, was not pre pared, but would say what he had to say very quickly. " Our country" saiil he, " in fast go ing to decay; our commerce is foiling off our financial condition getting -woreo and wo: so in f.tct, going to the jtlogs as fast as time can mow, and the Radicals aro responsible for it n!!." ,fA Iiudical Congress," said he, "arc now trying Andrew Johnson lor treason, yes, for tica&on, and that for simply wanting to try the consti tutionality of tho Tenuio of Ojlice Bill, wishing to bring it before the Courts, Only that mid nothing more." The "young Attorney" was thin railed on, wheu he mounted the stand and glibly said lils piece." Ho took u rather broader field than the gentle man lrom Eden, iiad talked quite bold ly of constitutional law, taxation l government bouJi", negro Mtll'rjge, At., and wound up " Jiin piece" according to tho "titne-houored principles," by saying: "II a tftvMilout was eketed through the ItiMriiincntalltv of negro votes, he was in favor ot resisting it, a, resisting it so the bitter end!" An imitation was then extended to any one of the Union paity to reply. 3Ir. S., a (peiinjogne of uiiassuniiiig jnanneie and Kindest prctcuon, being loudly cnllfiluor, took the r-taml. He briefly ici'utl the iropOMtiiUisof the 41 young Attorney' and warming to tint subjerl n. hciprogresjed, wilhapt i'lnn tratlon and anmiing ancedote, scatter, ed their t-ophiitries, and brought down the house in thunders ot applause. The "voting Attorney" looked blue. .They haiiovidotitly caught a " Tartar." tit wasfl-stH.iic.uot on the bills. Loud calls aero untie for diflVreut ones to replv, bm.jioii? r ciui-d anxious iur tlie conflict. Finally -the iircprc-sihle Capt. S. arose and T;ii1ied in his usual c,aeU .nnd pure stele (V). In the couoo ol 'his reinaikfc,""a icgards the I'rerideiit, he mid: "He is none of our kettle ol fUli not our bull puppy. Ho had often sakl'jf A. Johnson had his jtial lesertji,Ju' would have been hung long ago,"" tiXTfau gentleman from Eden witicoljuider this, and remarked iolto vccz "J)n tool has no policy," ) After tome tikirmithhig on both side, Uic Club adjourned. The Chair man -vas heard to remark, while a -lect jiaity of them were renewing their allegiance to the " time-honored prin dtiles": "Thud d Ulaeks rather flax cd us; wo miiht come better prepared next time. Thought they were towed like they are in Jackbouville, and -wouldn't attempt to f-pcak; but that d d schooluuixtcr has got no more fsoribo than to nitcli rtelit in." I am inclined to think that the t' compromlko candidate" from Eden ilia got tomo bold on this community; i.... s "but no more now. C. Local Toutics.' -Our Democratic brethren have held their precinct meet ings throughout the county, and the proceedings 6ccm to have given great dissatisfaction. The " bed-rocks " open ly charge the "independents" with fraud and the latter wing accuso the " bed-rocks" ot bribery anil corruption. Tho "bed-rocks" got cleaned out badly and are not in a very good humor, which is quite natural. Thing look very harmonious (over tho left), arid it is a pretty kettle of Democratic fibh anyway it is fixed up. They hold their County Convention to-day, and a lively time is anticipated. ItosKBimo Essie. This sterling little Union paper has entered on it- necoiid volume, and appears to be pros- ' pering. Tho first number contains an iiiterestint? article on railroads. We linnn tt v.. IIwa .a tYin .lnttpr nf the cars through tho valley where it is MmblUhcd. Quartz Mininq and Mh.lino. The Occidental Quarts Mill has been run ning the past wcck.ond wo understand, that as soon as tho "clean up" from . ..... t... j- . V , .. . .... jubi, umue is compietea ttic mill will be set in motion again. The amount of quarti crushed last week, was 04 tons, from the Timber Gulch Ledge, owned by Messrs. W. A. John son and Louis Ballou. Tho mill is driven by a thirty horso power enninc. The crushing and reducing machinery consists ol two high mortar batteries, five stamp each, two Hettinger boxes, two Huugcrford's improved concentra tors and one seven foot amalgamating tub. nrranced similar to nn nmtr,r 1 he machinery, it will be remembered, was put up two vears since, but it has been left in excellent condition, works to a charm and reflects creat credit no on its manufacturers, Messrs. Howland, jingei tw iving.oi Ban l-ranciseo. The saving process ot the mill is near about perfect", and thus far gives satisfaction, i'lio Hettinger boxes arc a new thing in American mining, the ones in tlie Oc cidental mill being the only ones that arc known to bo' in use on the Ameri can continent. A ml'lics companv in Imn Ynlley Cal., tnlkcti at one time of adopting'them, but we lia.'c .Mover heard whether they did or not. TV i quattr cruslied at tho run Just made, paid 10 dollars per ton. The lead from which tho rock is quarried is about a half mile from tho mill and at thit rate will pay well for working. Su'tcu RorniKnr. Messrs. Wilson fc Davis, mining on Apple-gate, have had their ground sluice robbed of fivo or six hundred dollars. This comes partieulaily hard on tho parties at this lime, as they had jnst been to great ex pense toget a hydraulic erected and their claim open lor woiking. May FxsTirAt. The Jacksonville Shooting Club will be on their grounds at tho Hyhy Grove, on the 1st ot may, with games and amuse ments for tho young folks, similar to last voar. HuLifiious. To-morrow, at 10J o' clock, Hev. Tather Blauehet will hold divine hervices in the Catholic Church. COMIC. .Vnt.-lnrn.lM jMktittU.', April 21it, lk lfiJ.l. lt. ( Svl. Ur.l'.XT.tN.t-n.irti.ln 4Vtill!, .if-illIM, IL H. f M. A. Uiralai',.faUtuilittr. PV.N'CAX-nn. In Keitytillt, April Kill, IL. lfi cf lLai Imijoti, of .iu;l.itr miaiKiaraBHaWBOTaMmanOTai MAY DAY PARTY AT VIET SKUTZK ALL, on Ttic Uveulns of .Mny 1st, 1808. rpili: UXPIIR.MGNKI) IIKCKIIY ANNOUX X ri'i t tit t lie will k1"' riand parly t lit lioui en the iutiIiic or I'lldar. ly lt. TI.e Ih'.1 rf imi'lc I u tiijrj iur ilic ccslnn. No plii irill In- fpnrnl to iiiuk I lie riilvruliimriil n wiccr. Bin lu flit- X'lurul fjlllfncluui tu rurjlxiiljr. AfictMl luvIlMltn loalllMX U'uJid. ALSO, OX THE EVENING OF JULY ai, 1 80S, Oa Mih of wh'cli ntcaln Ih utcrit''r will Iw glad to -e til M irliniW mul pitrnni, nnd a.turo tlicrn lliat tveri (Tort will U mid tu insure tiltoiure ai;il ijojriuriit. VKIT SllVTZ. JocVfonrllli-. April ISlli. lfCS. no 1 3 td. HAY PARTY, M ST, -AT- ROCK POINT. THE UNDKRSIGNED HEREBY GIVES NO-lie- llmt lii-will iriva s p-ri T lit Rock I'olut. FHIOW KVKMNG. MAV 111. t wllcb lime b lmp losrealt til frU-ud't kiii m-ouh unc'. Tbu nccomnnMlnlloii' will l of lliu i Int- iu lint order snd Ite proprietor flatter bltaielf Ibit tu- tire intwucinm win im unto. Good aiul it Kcun-d for the occIoo. I. J WHITE, I'roprldtor. Rock I'olnt. April 101b, ltu7. spit td Notice lit Uankruiitcf. IN Tlin DISTRICT COURT OF THE ltd StxtH for Hi District of Oregon. UNI- In t!i iiulUr r Arlbtrr I , n iUD(,- Udk.II. Hankrupt. f In u "'"PK- At I'ortland. la said UTstrlct, so tbe28tti ds of Usrvb ltU8. DIBTHIUT OP ORr.OII.V-H.T" th rrl. lion of Mia Uiibrt, olhcrMrMius In lnlrtl. Takt notice tbst a petition bis bren filed In ad Court, Arlhcr Lsnuell, ol Jscktonfllle, In a!d District, duly declared a bankrupt un der I be Act ol ConxrcM or Kirch 2d, 167. for a dlKb&rga and certificate thereof from all bii debts and olbcr claims provl.l under rdd Act, aud that the 10lb day of May iicjiI, at 10 o'clock. A. M. at I'ortland, In tald Ui.trict, It aiigued fur tbo bearing of tbe rame, when and where you way attend and bow caux. If any you bare, why tbe prayer of aald petition khmilil not bo srautfd. ami that tbe Kcond and Iblrd wetungi oi tne creauori oi fain uii rupt will be hcjd before aald Court at raid time ,; ,lIilttft J iffiwl' . I". jjSM JA1 1? ft f A It. HILVUA, Viicia. sprtlwl XOXXXOX1XOXXX3XXXOXXXOXXXOXXXOUX 5 G. T. T. C. D. S. I M M M xxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxorxxoxxxoxrxoxxx AN ORIGINAL POKM. BI THE MAN WHO WSOTS IT. Some write for fun, and nome fur fame, And some to make a splutter ; Bat we, likp a trur pt: claim To write for bread and butter. Thut tou sec our rcry laudable object of do ing cood to ourtclw, lr we cannot do rood to anybody tlc. We only wlli to hare It known, i rai an our RfKHM MHtf Sell, And then the triple all will come ' You bet Ihey will. Tlitu irlr ing us a fine opportunity of mak- W.'Tc.f?.ncJ' SoaP n,, B001' Colognei, And Hair Oil by Ihednrcn n rnuirss lot nr poo. rrrlumei, Put up br old II. IUiIr. Thu tiWInp all the young folk an opportn- in vi mvuiiiiiig iwcvjiceuieu. We bare Ilrtlorcrs for the Hair, Much brlicr than ynur dye ; We've preparations for the Er, And lotions fur the Eye. Thus glring old maids and c-uily bachelors an opportunity of fixing up for tbe matrimoni al market. We're Drags and Dooks; we're Oils snd ratals, And trinkets nr all kinds; WeS NoMrnnn (tood for all complaints, And sell to suit the times. Thua giving old snd young an opportunity for speculation. Now, who bare the ready cash Can call around lo-morrow, Tor Ihey ran find lust what they want Much chiitprr limn to borrow. And will thu give the City Drng Slore fel low a fine opportunity to display llielr ex tensive nock or NBV GOODS lo mnch bet ter adrantace Ihan tly could pnvslldy do on paper. They will uy, howetcr, that they have a fine nMitrtment if IMIOTOUIIAM ALliUMH, from 82 25 tu 8 SO-furSO pictures, Oolil prnl, Ink StamN, Itulrs. Fancy Pen holder, rujier weiKius, Letter Cllp, Uored Clips, Ink Kttttrf, Taper Bplllten, Sralitiir Wax, Portfolios, Poitmoiilrf, Wallet, Puisw, 1'iickel Hooks, Crayuns, Penelli nf every description, Iteil, Ulur, lliiiik and ('"pTlnc Ink, Chalk Mum, FiMiln Tackle, Violin Slrlnc. Tall Imnrdi and Itnsin, Hchoot lliK'kn nf every variety nt rtiluced irief,Cnpy lliHk In variety, Stall, Parlor (uinc, and a llinii-mid other tliincs In lliU lir.i', thnt CiU be ecti by rallinir at Hie Cily Drtijr Slnre. Anmng l lie staple articles may be luuud Pepper. Allilcr. NuliiiekV. Maer, Clur. t. Ciurninon, Caain ll'ids, Uluyi-r, SIihiuiii, Cream nf Tartar, ijalriatuf, llimd pri-raration 1orr.ttblns rc) Kxlrarlnof Iinon, VauuelU, 'luvtv, tlranui, Crluy, ilc. IVat.i., is Hail, Pi.A-na I'aiiI' ami I'hai. tltu Wii would call mi ntir frier) Is lit litre us a rail. II we can't nil lliem uuylliing, we will dike prat pti'jiiire in aliowine llitin some illn." i.erf. SUTTON K 1IVDK. tuiliiPfiiilV Sept. 28. IfC". The Cclcurnlctl Horse, CAPT. SLIG ART 7tl.L STAND AT THE MVERY STA. lite of Cmq-tock A Canley, In Jack'on tlllc. on TuiNtay'a uiid Widni duv, and nt ll.e rnttch nf tlie sub-criber. m-ar .tilai.d Mill-, Jack-on Cniiuly, Oregon, on Friday's and ,V,it iirday's. the intiilna union, cnmturoclng April Tib. and rmllus July IM IbBS. I purcha-ol Cupt i'llpnri, In Mcktng county, Ob'n, and lirouhtbim nut via I'anainj, In tV -JjirliiR of r6rt. IIv la a Uautiful, daik dupple bay li wclirht-fl l.ilU puuiid, and Irottrd hi mile In t in and 42 rrc ( ha nvrtr Uen trained to nny great extent J U near perfect In h prr.rilon, of tnti limit tlyle In rourcii. lar iotr Is runaikalil well developed; la a hotm ol tlret cUt ocllnn, and was, by the lxt horw men. acknowledged to Ui the rool per fect formed boiie la Ohio, for tpvid si a trot ter aud size. PEDIGREEi Ilia tiro was a large, beautiful "Sir Thomas Hordes' g aire a well bred turfbnrae, known ni Woodward'a Sir Thoman ;'' be by Diamond, Jr., and be by Imported lllamead. Hl dam wat a well bred "FAnn-r'a D.,llhl,"aud In tb county haa trer itood uniqualed ai a Uoaditer and mare for general purwiei, CAl'T. SlIO ART li a half brother or Capt. Fither, now owned In California. No rtalllon id hla lz has equaled bll time as a troller, H Is aln a half brother to Moll-Urook, of Cin cinnati, Ohio, who kaaihowu a alt that alanda unrivaled In the annals of trotting time; alo a half brother to lbec'lebratid Lady Ufthtfoot, nfChlrairo, Polly tVblle of dun Franclco, and Wild lllll, nr Ilutr.ilo. I learn that another half brut'ier called C'apl. Falrfitld. t auaidrd the Fit at I'rtrolum at the State Fair In Ohio, and waa poken of lu their report aa He Ut borte for general ue. (See report uow lu my pos sesion ) llenco It Is plain lo be seen, that be U or s family or the best stock or horaea for speed and size. In Central Ohio. Ilia colls, when grown, are large, well formed, wllb good actlou and Oiieatyle. and bring tbe blgbeit price for the Ea-tern market. TElilXM the seaaon, In U, H.coin. 1'. 0.addrei,AihlandMllll,Ogn.v Aihlapd Mills, March 27tb, C8. 'rnartS-td Stockholder's Meetiag. THE ANNUAL MEETINO OFTHESTOCK holdira ol Ihe Rogue River Valley Wool en Manufacturing Company will be held at Abland, on WtdneMay. the 22d day of April. 1668. for the purpoae or electing a Hoard or Directory for the enmlng year, and taking Into conalderalion the propriety of IncreaMng the capital Mock or the Company, and Ihe trana actlon or sucb olber builuew as may come be- '0re,bt, J.M.McOALL.I're.lder.t. C. K. Kix-x. SecrtUry. April lb. ISC8. P" B1LL-HKAD3 PIUNTKD AT THE SryriNsi. Orncs st 812 per tboonnd. 0T OR l1OIllf $1,000 Reward: WILL be paid for the arrrat and conviction of itiv pron who can't buy Dry Rood, Cloth. leg, and General Merchauillr-e, cheaper from ns than from any other incrcanlila cs- establifhment in town. Tbe arrlrat of onr largo iXD WrtX SKLKCTCD itoct or FALL AND WINTER GOODS kmslk rs to mikr thu UDsitiL orrsR, OUU DRYGOODS DKI'AKTilENT li ilocked with the latest styles or Figured Oreas goods, French ami ltaglisu Merinos, Empress cloth, Fullard Delnlurs, Alimcas mid Mohairs, Wool IMaltls, Wool k. cotton Delaines, French, English nnd American Prints, All or which will be sold st the verv lowest rales. Our assortment of IMSII LINENS, FLAt.S AND DOITED SWISS, JAM NtTTS.Cn03J DAItS, VICTOIttA AND manor lawns, .vanzooks, CAMDincs, lrra, Is well selected, and cheaper than ever bi fur ptTercil In Hill market. Our Swlu and Jaconrlt l!i2broldcrier, Ltuen.Tbrcail it Cotton. Laco snd ljulroldrrcd llandkerchlefn, llonucl and Hell Ribbons, are the latest styles, nud sold at prfci'i lo defy cumnttHlon. We alio hare the oewcit faiutoui of LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDRENS' Hats and Oloalcs, and an Imminio atock or all kinds of TIMMMINOS, lIOOPSKUtTd, iiAMiOHALsicinra, 1IRKAKFASTCAPK3, W00I.15N OLOVP-S, NUUIAS, .SHAWLS, Woolen and Cotton Huie of every description, Al") an entire new stock of Ladles, Mlirra, Clilldrciu and Infanta' Shoes, sil of nblch will be sold nt the mntt renionablo prices. Our lileachid ami UnblcAched Muillm, Sheeting, Table DamaOcs, Napkins A. Toweling are or the very latest nnnuficlurc, and iold VERY luw. MEM'S CLOTHING and TurnUhlng (7ocd, Hats, Caps, Roots and Hlion rialein Cloth and lllaukela, Carpels, Oil-cloths, Wall Paper, Willow Ware, Crockery Hardware. Groceries. Tobacco, Clgara and LIQUORS are lying on th shrives and In tbe warehouse in great profutlon, aud will l aold at a Great Reduction in Prices. i'lea'o give us a call, and examine our atock and prices oclore purcliaiing i lee where JIUI.I. Ell J: IIRENTANO. Juckionvllle, Sept, 13, 181-7. tf STAR OF THE UNION CELEBRATED 8T0MACHJBITTER8! Tl.ertllcimn atatiuch IMIIr art rnllrtlj Vs(Ull,audlis fruuiaUcLoUDit currburt- TRY JUDQE THEM! TRY THEM! FOR YOUR SELF! fill lnrrUni L A I. iilaauot tonie, an4 a mot re4kl dilul, T.i uimkt U t'..iil IIU uolwuouieoiupaunUii but I llt-t.buier, mails Irofnih oure.i of a!iuM roola. tart ar.a Ueibi. aro a.niirtbly adaiileil In Ilia i uraol all EM.Uni uilba riUiiuarn, muue)r.i ptr aim lu.l. amli si braoeula. i'ttcr. I'Unliia Loaof Ai'Ptu. ie. tie, tor mI rvnl ere, 'caftiiAi'Oi . pi Nivirtnipiv, rnr finumiK Jiiliun.Mullirilxl'l I11DII BBSDS! PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY I II. 8. I)ULl Having permanently eitabllihed blmseir In tbe Oardea aad 0ecdrabig business In lbs town or Jacksonville, would cor iltallv Invite tbe attention or Ihe publlo to hi fine stock ol FRESH, HOUrvRAISKD Garden Seeds, coutlsllng of Peas, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Corn, Lettuce, Oulon, 11. aim lib l laita Eplnacb, Tomato, Turnip ( snd, lo fact, alt kind or vegetable seed usually ralwd In this vicinity. Tho seeds are railed snd carefully put up by himself, sad aro warranted. For sale st the store of GLENN, DRUM & CO. THE UNDERSIGNED IS THANKFUL FOR the patrouage received laai year, and hopes lo be able to give entire satisfaction In Ihe fu ture, si be fiatttrs himself bss Uci done Id tbe PM,, B. 8. DUNLAP. Jacksonville, Fob. :0tb, 18(8. fcV:!-Sm axis T. Ousm, Josui 8. Dscn AUXANDSK MlRTtX. GLENN, DRUM & CO., CnsaUM i3 GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA 8TRKKT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. ii;' FIRM, ,M,W GOODS iiiiiKDsiis N&-W PHIOES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I THK AIIOVK NAMKI t'lltltl lake pleasure in tiolirylng their filmuU anil the puldle generally, that they arc now receiving and opening a very largo snd ex tcnilve atock or STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHINO, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, BLANKETS, IIOOl SKIKTH KTC, KTC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles', MUtcs' and Chlldron's Shoes. &Sr" We lme. alio, In connection with tslm t3r. thu ubnvc, n vny laiga and "tS t&T rxtrnsivr atock nr cbolcr- t3 Groceries, llurdwure. nl a) O.IUTHSWSN', "Ma tsy GiuM- a 65T ware, Cutlery, T5a OSr i'ulnts and Oil"! also, -XryK isJrU'Iiidon- Gliiss, Nails, IrnifXa &r ntul Steel, Cud nnd Steel "toa tiSr Plows, U'oodrn nud Willow narr. Wc arc ready to sell nnyllilnr lo our line at the LOWEST OASII PRICE. Persona wishing to buy goodMvlll lind It grrnlly to their ad ranlagu lo examine our Mock before purchas. luj: elsewhtrc. ai we aro determined not lo be undenold by any house In Jncksnn county. Give ua a call, and then Judge loryourielT ai lo our capacity tu rurulh goodi as abort. GI.UNN, DUU.M, ti. Ce. Jacksonville, March 2, HOT. tf NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS STOKE, " H.t.uv SrsssNox J. ituoy to., VM. JIII.GEK, PUOIMtlKTOIt. Tlir iiiiiIitsIriiciI hereby an liouncia to I Im citizens or Willow tipriiiK", and vlclnlly, Hint hu bat npemd a slore In Ibat placi, nud nllira lor iaI hit large and well iclccted stock or CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, HOOTS AND SM0F.S, HATH AN I) GAPS, OHOCKHIIiS, LIQUORH, TOHAUCO, CIGAU8, and all kinds or general merchandise. Terms alo are eay caili down. uaii arounii allow yourseive to be ronviocea that Good a ciui ho Bold Just as Cheap nn in Jacksonville. WILLIAM DILQCR. Willow flprlng. Oct. 9. I8'7. ocllJH II. S. L'xisr. G. V. Hukk. EMERY & BLAKE, IrOULI) CALL THE ATTENTION OF V v builders, and all who have buildlnir lu contemplation In Ihe fact that their splendid new nAMMJ iiii.Ij la in succcmiui opera lion, aud that they are able lo du PLANING OF ALL KINDS, 'iONOUEING AND GROOVING, And anything In tbe line on short notice, In Ihe best style, and at reduced rales. Other su perior machinery, lu conjunction with the PLANER, enable! I bun to furnish DOORS AND BASH, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, AND FURNITURE, At low rates tin fact, we are determined not to bo undersold by any other manufacturer In our line. Give ua a cull. EMERY & IILAKE. Ashland, Feb. 13th, 1868. fclili-3m Xaatar'a aad pertitMDar mAKB INTO CONSIDERATION. THAT X lb undersigned has the best itock or rifles, patent ami home made shot-guns, slugle and double; revolvers, tbu latest aud bct pat tut; pocket plilols, in at and small, still power ful ; dmlujters. Ihe latest aud but. All these goods warranted. AI'O, the best klndi of powder and powder flasks all sorla or shot and ihot-baga and last, but not least, everything ioij at Tery rca aonablo rales. Reparations executed prompt and cheap, and whoever do not trust iheso word', only need to come and convince blmseir lo JOHN MILLER, on Third Street, next door south of D, F, Dow ell's Law OlBcs. ...... Jsckioqville, Feb. J7tb, 18l. feb1tf REDINGTOIV St v ESSENGE OF JAMAICA GINGER. This valuable preparallon, cootalnlsf la s highly concentrated form all Ike properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of lbs ssost popular domestic rcmnllis for alt diseases of the stomach and (llarrstlvc orssns. r Am tunic, It will be found Invulnabts to sll persona recovering from dcbllliy, whether o iluctd by Tevtr or othuwlte, for whilst It lea. parts to the srs'rm all tho slow and vUor that can be producol by brandy, It Is entirely Irro Irnm Iho rc-actlonary cOicta of spirits of anr kind. It Is s'so an Mfellcnl remetly for females who infTer from iliulcult menalnratlon, giving n'mnat Immediate relief In the pm that so frrrnenlly accompanv that period. It stves Immcillale relief to Nausea, rausnl by rldlog lo a railroad car, or by sea iickots, or otbtr cause. It la alo valuable aa an external applies lion for gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, eto. REDIMTOX k To., AGENTS FOR THIS COAST. Dated April 24lh, ISfi". ap27-yllm Stop that Coughing! Horn joo of can'lj we pity yon. Tou have tried every remedy but the one destined by Its Intrinilo mult In surxrmlo all similar prepa rations. It la not surprising yon should be re luctant lo try something else, after Ihe many experiments you have made ol trashy com pouoJi folilnl on the publlo si a certain corsj but : NewclPs PULMONARY SYRUP Is really the VKUY IIK8T remedy ever ceiss pnumliil (or tho cum of coughs, colds, sort throat, alhma, wliooplng cough, bronchitis and consumption Thonsanda or people Is California and Oregon have been already ben c filled by ihe surprising cuiallve powers ef Newells PULMONARY SYRUP' and with fino accord giro It their unnnallfleil: aniirobailon. Wc now add rets ourrelvrs to- nproliailon. vc now add rets ourrrlvrs te all wbo arc unncqiiifntitl with this, the greatest Panacea ol the agr, for Ihr lirallnir of all dis rates of tbe Throat and Lungs, assuring yoa mat Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP haa cnrr.1 tliomanJs, ami It WILL CURS YOU If you try U. Thta luvaluafile mrdlclne Is pleasant to the laMri sixiililng, healing ami atrrngthrnlng la lis eftecli; entirely free fiiim all poisonous or iK liter lnu driiirs, and prtficlly harmliH under all clrrtiinlun(T. CerlHIiiilm Irnm many prominent clllseostl San Fraoclicu accompany every bottle ot Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP. ItKDINGTON Sc CO. Agents, Han Francises. Abed of all(othera la ta 'Martha Washington HAIR RESTORER. x rssrrcr IIAl.t RESTOIIKIt AMI IIAIIl U II MISS Umli riiiiililmil In ana. Truii ioihr,lK'r l.ol Nmi can iU llil Usilvat Trr II ami !) k-II ii.ot "l'i. IL. l i IU4 lilnloo." Twtnljr IimJ rftiln4 aa tl hil a nMt I..I II'. slml. UIIIImii wui ilxll iuu Ukla4 as, Hltlt Iimh. all r.axiaJ. Will keep the balr soft and glossy. J( change gray balr to lis original color, prevent tbe balr from falling out or gel Is ling thin, make old beads look young, sad do all that can be reaiouatly eipected of IIU a genuine, Brst-rate Hair Reatorer. All' who have uied It pronounce It suserlor lo everything of Ihe kind, and being a perfect Hair Dreaaer as well m a perfect Hair Restorer, It la an acquisition, to ev ery toilet. lUdlngtou & Co., Wboleesis Agents, San I'rsnelsco. dye Try It. CRAFENBURG UTERINE Catholicon, If faithfully urcd according to directions, will cureeviry coe of Dloheter, and greatly stltl gate tbe trGvMeome efltcla cauied by s rstel ullou ol ihe pullet of Ihe bladder. It la a ssest socctWul remedy fur Grsvel snd olber disessss ir the KidiM-ys and HUdder.eiwI for ffsasWdis ruses li uneiiuulled. hv OAT 110 LI CON uuirnriully cures Prolapsus. UlrrI, Whites, sll Irregularlilis of the Monthly Turns, Suppres sion, Jucontlnriicoof Urine, Ulosllogoddiy klcal Hwelllogs, sad sll dlsessrs of (VatsoV., The speciflo action of this medicine Is nsdf ale and certain upon I be Uirrloe sod Aoaloaa Inal Muscha and Llgameoli; lealorlng tbessla as beallhy a stute as those ol cblldMssJ so4 youth, so lhat patients who bars uf4 ths URArsNusso Courixi's Utssiss Oatvoiw pan cannot sufficiently express their (taltts for Ike relief afforded. KKDINGTON A CO., Agents,. 410 ami 418, Vtoat St. aiaa Frsasawax - " .J i stasia,. JUdiagta'alaT4-lJMCirta arsss4saaa Iraab fisM. aTash sUU kcUaltas saaak aaaajr alkae sraaS la ifce Saartsst, wesxaaaUj Itay aw tka astaas) srtsa4lkeMs- 9HK(sia. I'