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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1868)
M im -SENTINEL. 18. 1608. wojr cwTSIom"0. Apr.. 'lVftrxls'Kyxille, wnW Vtnbss ot n x". Awinrsl1. On Saturday i mihllw'.3 return ne from Uw ' . n Tjtckgoif creek i s- ruiiiitv " vtwi HitOM". -" ,. , ,. accident that re- ? . r(tlv. Deceased was in n 'lllCiS the crcek,ho fell from rLtotho bottom of a prospect (lecn. , .nclvo or imccn ho!e,T,hto that lie was stunned by , ib!a tlifl ".l "" i. s found lying "en. 'W "V'tl.o water aifd mud. v- i .Monlr fc i"c,,c,' lc?l'' nl,d ftSK bi evidently been ..local- I Sone Grcenman was at once illnn innnct wirt held,-and n 3 k S 1 25 In accordance with Teraiw.ii (jiilvn ow dollars SSilJnlortanrtotann :S;ll Ids burial became a charge on tbc county. Rbe V.innEKS.-A. P. "VVnll and G. M.Hnk., appointed Fire Wanlen, attklt meeting of the City Fotli crJ Livcbocni-nffagcdlunng tho week fiininine the flues and stove-pipes SgBt the town. The Ordinance lhorizM tlicm to reoniru flues to bo bailt when, in their judgment, flues at e MW, "' t0 enforce sucl. men nn ns will prou-nt fires from taking Annuxn School. A six months .-i.nnt inirht iii ibis nlnco by It. II. ,t"uv". o . '. . TJmiIap, rimed on t rnlay last. Tho exhibition in the evening, under the mAMScmcnt of 0. C. Applegnto, was i crand iticcws, consisting of nensa tioii dramas, dialogues, declamations, ikcaml intcrspcri'ed with vocal and inrtronicntal music. The audieiiee wns Urn siul aiipfaivd highly gratified Kith tho entertainment. The Mixes .at $n:i:i.i.r The mi ners in that section will commence eleanlns tin in a couple of weeks. Titer have the inot flntteriii .- .1 . !.? ..!.. 1.. Million- uoni of n biz clean up. In tucbalt-I..I,,,,,, numli clatin.'txYO niiscci? wcrifiplcked ) up fast week, one of which weighed a little over forty-fit c dollars tho .other nearly lorty. The Wkatiiuil Dining the week vt hate had copious showers of rain, jhat has started the grain till it has idled the valley lit beautiful verdure. On Tuesday night there was a slight fruit, but not enough to injure the fruit crop, winch promises to bo very large. The continued cloudy weather will liNuroTa very heavy grain crop. Snwn nv a Scoitnox. On Tuet dar, while Miss Jane Karris, of Wil liamvburg, was on her way for a buck t of water, she was stung on tho arm by a scorpion, which the. alterwnrds found ilingiug to her dress. Her arm cnminuiccd swelling rnpidlv, but bv tlrinklfig a.nfir of ivhiskey Tio poison as arrested and she soon rtcot ei ed. Qcautz MiS-iso. We learn that tho"IviV" Wad near Sterling is now paying hauiUonuly. It was purehas cil nhput a year a parly from .MnrraneiM-o, who, from NiinoVaiit.e, became dicoura. It is being vvoik d with an arastm, and its owner nn cars well satisfied. M PAirn-.-Veit Shuts gives no- hco to-day that the public ar invited V;a piul party at his .melon Hall o l.U evening of May 1st. Mii-i,., bu per, and genend aceoinmoiltttioiii ill be of the verv first order. Mr t-wBo, TuKrT,ZIr"Mbnday , person borrowtd-n hone mid not n'm-Jh" McCy. fu- ' t'- a:i7'U Either horse or I,1'1 'f1'" lnee.niHl ihoowne, "as jjone In nnivnti ...i bate not 1.,V ",mt twcVb9 W uiUhao tho finest installment dav?!!"J',Si5.0,mU.T .M?"ayor Tues- p;ii,iG:r .',l;,e,oiM k' p......ujf iiniK aim thread- JyrS1" " IJ bco tho nevv ,; 5C1,0t- Hol-bu Ksou.We. vum resneetru v ... ... .i ,-. hav ?! U,r? '1,i8lrig, tl,u 'fcossity of r . ""iov!,k V" mo u- !5..u, uas received ti uiifiiumoiiri "" ion to supply t,,0 Prcsbytcrinii TTEI AT At,.. . menVri u ,' """"--me union Cth'2'7,,,,rot,W' thbj,,. clcc.ult r7i CJ,morrow. t 10 o'. rtSfTii! h B,"t- win' hoia 1S 1 r DrsrsnitK CoNmcr.-On SnndaV Inst, ain, Eli Taylor, yrhtlo traveling i" "u v "i iiccaio. to. """' """ -wry conllict be- nvi;u uiiuif ami n panther. The flccuo of this desperate encounter, was on the bank of Iron Creek, a tributary of Ablegate. "Jlr. Taylor approached to tfitliin forty yards of tlio combat lihts, and represents their mode of fight- lng as perfectly terrific The- panther appeared lo bo the attacking party, utttMnmnrr nn lit nulnrAi.! .. !.i siymging on his antagonist with des perato energy, Litlng, clawing, anil d rfacreaming with rage. Bruin would a wait tho attack, on his haunches and sovcrnl times hugged his adversary Willi such force ns to compel him to re sort to the use of his hind claws, which Atuvnrmit I llil tiit.-!!.!. .v..itit.. . i "li - jt . .v.tiuiu i-Avciuiun aim made tho bear relax his tremendous grip. Scleral times the bear struck tho panther with his fore paw with such force" ns to send him whirling from him, but ho would immediately return ii ml renew the battle. .Mr.T. watched the fearlul contest for over an hour, until the enraged beasts had fought in to ft brushy gitleli, where he thought it was Imprudent to follow. It was diffi cult to say which had the best of the fight, both being completely eocrvd with blood ami apparently much ex hausted. Thanks. A donation w:i was made to the Pallor of the 31. 11 ChtircJ), on thca evening l the 8th inn., by a num ber of tho ladies and gentlemen of tills place. All seemed to enjoy tho occa hinti nnieli evcrv one being deter mined to make it n pleasant one.' The leaving enili and useful article, utnounlinir in value to filtv dollars. i.'or ,- whieli, the Pastor, At. Koork. desires to express his wnrmcl thanks. ' Quartz 3IituRu.vNtxo', Col. Drew stni ted the machinery of the Occiden tal Qtuitz Mill on Sunday Inst. We will mve a lull (le-ciitiui! ot the im provements aud'lfopo to record a good ,, .. u-,.,.1- . No I!ooji. An exceedingly interest- iiignceountofnl)emocratie"povv-wow" at Ash;iiiu is unavoidably crowded out. It is rather lenirthy, but wo will Hud room lor it in next iuc. iTii'ur.ious. Uev." M. A. Williams1 ( Prod, vterinn). will iireach at the Meth- odiit Chuichnt 11 o'clock a. .M.tto-mor row. IIkavv I'iiost. Yesterday morning thcio was a tcry heavy frost ice a (juniter of an Inch" thick, and consider nblu damage done to fruit. Si'KAKtNG AT AsiilaXU. 0. Jaeobs, Ks., will tiddres the ieoilc of Ash Inuil this itften.oon. Give him a big audience. COME. On ATT AN- Jl-wn on 1. 1Mb ! iw Hlt ,,Ja, w the ir r Juiiii imiii". IXXJiD TO STAY. K KXui-Cr.O.TOX-MrrlrJ. In '""j Af' I lib. IBM. Mr. I'll l.wfccw " Ui" lrllt. Jnurfilcra Hvn TUu.Cfwl,I ro GONE. McrAIII'-I)ltl.onlhtlOll.lnl, braUal m.lllUl.. McfoI J )' BAniS-On JU ncrk.Arrlli:th. liWn.t U.icf I ruct f J lwut ID M' AT lioCK POINT. IIIB USDKRSKiN'ED WMW GIVFO ilCHlMtl..-wlllaioi'"-7'K '?. w,cl. FI1IDAY KVCNIN?; MA !. T .... 1 till l- IKVii lliuoUulmpvslotee iJllinFin". ,,..,, ui.ei-t. Tho occomin.KlftUoii' win ..rdirand th proprl. t..rBi.rblmii KlftllOU-W..... -" llro siliuilii.i will '" loa. ' CoudU.lcrecrrH.n.Mhe-c Notice lu IlonUruplcr. tn nin J)1wbiot oovKtwrue UNI- 1 ted J5lit.' foe ruoUls'rlct of Orefaon. In the Sutirrif MKt In Da kruptcy, At I'orllaiid In said D s'"01" "u of vmrUl ''" ..., Tallwe"'1- UlTMITKIIr.w..-- utryitW lu Intrrvtt. ... fliJ li -" - m I.Ari itrii 111". " IMkHjioileo tlmt ft n?,,on.,"", .ckHiivllle, iw "... l,u Arllll-r I.UI1U In mid l)lairlct..luljr 'yZibaiJ der ih Aoj r" $ ,o .lltoburua tt...l c-r II cti W J u im'isi"!"- " I com all I.' nder r"i ivMXl r ' Y. V a..d rhov (vnc. li J-ff'""7..ttlf:, terof said prfUjO" yoil liuvi'. wujr ,,,u.r"'i,i,at iio fcconu '" 'liouU not br?..Ud. f ra; l07;gI,l lltink ll,lrd mectluK" oT lUa f oJurt t laid li niPJH W4 KfoT,ViloOX, Clerk, nrtd place. i. "'v' uprll"' I SI I I i ,toxxx6xxxMlu0ttl()lxmW0XK, 8 T. T. C. D. S. S "t0"IOX"omoixroHTnrTrW AN ORIGINAL I'OKM. M"lS1VU0WS0TKtr. Torilcforbre.d,n,bnttcr. W ,on1y .T111 ,n hW tl known. ' Tlil ll our rooJ raiu, j,, And then the people ill will enme T. --Von bet will. 1 hus plrlDg ui fioc oppotluoItT of mak ing tnoDcy. We.,rc,ff.DCJ Sol,P, Mi Rood Colognet. AmllIairOilibrtl.eilon An endlow loi of cnod IVrfomes. Tot up bj oM H. ll.iin. Thn. Rltlnp ill ihe yong folki to oppotlu. niij or becoming "uteet-iceotiil. U'e Imre It-storcri for ibe Flair, .iui.i man tnur yr v e ve prrpiniloM for the Ym, And lotions for lU Kj. Thus gltlns old milili and c:ntj bachelors an oppflttonllj ol fiiiog up fur Ihe natrlmool I market. , , - We're Diom and Dooki: we're Oils and r.lals. And trinktli of nil klnJi; We're Xotrnm pnod for all complaints, And Sfll to rait the times. Tlia plrlns old and joung an opportunity for rpcculatloo, Xor, al! lm liaro the rrsdy caih Can rail arnnml in-morrntf. For ilirj can find Just what ther wsnt i!nch"li'iiir inan In burrow. And ttiii 'fin civt ilic City Drog Store fit low a Gne npp..n2"lty to iVspliiy llieir ix lerslre stock of NKW (JOOI'S lomnclilH-t ler adranim'C llian theyoinlii piwl'ily do on paper, 'llity will sy, however, itl tc'J tiarea Bnenirlnini nf IMIOTOMIIAM AWOMS, from 32 2i l 8 60-fr50 pliturti, Gold rvni. Ink Siund. Rukt, Fancy I'tiilmMerf, l'aKr weliditi, Utter Clin, Dorrd Clip. Ink Krairrs, Paper Splliteri, HealltiB Wax, Porlfdllon. I'nrlmonlcs, Wtillel. l'nr.M. Pocket UbU, ,Crjynti, I'rliClU nf everr ,1o.t.U.. n..i, nmr, llbck and Cnprlnir Inkr, Clialk I.lnes, Fislilnp Tackle, Violin Slriitf.TaII li'mnh and U"!n. Sihool Ilools nf ercty vjrltty at rulccnl prlcis. Cny llonki In rnricir. Slatrs, l'.ir!or Ouinc. snd u ihno.and otlx r ililncs In Ih's line, llut cun be seen br callin? at the Cily Dioj Slnre. AiiKinj; lie l'le arllcld may be lucod Prppir. Allfplee. .UU!irj;r, .niv. . r. Utunsronn, Cln Hud;, (Jlngcr. Muitaul, Crrsm of Tartar, h'alciatnr. UreaJ prrearathm (wmtMns ew Kxtractinf I tnon, Voinells, Cloves Orsni: . Celt ry, tic. Pr-Aiit. IIj.ri.kt, llu-Msa ix lUit, i vnru I'aki ami Coai. Oiu t unnld call on our filend lo itlve us a call. H cau'l sell tin m nnyihiiig. vte will tl.lni: i. hi " ");x - " "'" Jai knvnville. Smji. 'ii. W'" The Celcbriitert Horse, CAPT. SLIGAKT .... ivn it tup I.lVnilY STA- VV LleoftWtukl Cley lu Jack-on; 011c. 0. Til.rd.y-. UMl tVrfn.HlV wrf avl .be rand, oftlie WnUffl Jack " thn iniulBB ruron. commencing Apr.l . in.1 .lln Julj J?1.."'.!: . f-w iinl 7lh Ohii p bay hlt IMlncd 10 y grr hi' lar fcciionniu Hvi --. icr si.d tlz- PEDIGREEi nt.cwa,a..rgeU..U;.;;;S-K tlnr.e:''2 tire aw I bred lun ' ,1. Mti Jr aiidb- by Is i J-" " iViI-tt . " ' ,t"' i . . II br.-l Farni-r 1 1''"'"; uo.j.irr n;'ie.;;rai,,rp-. cmnt SKXcK SUUM '." . -a .UlliOM troiir. lie It al-na baH l-roll Mfio m.iwa, '' 9 W.b: -Vi. ir...rfn .ir. 1 V: mirni"i ' - ,." ,ri,brai.d '') iK",H'V hir broWr toHZZrffrn Frioebco..." f Cldrsan. I'olly. ll ;irl) ,a, aootber half tviid mil. ;r 'J ";, lftw ts.i.d ih; l.rol'.ercl'dCH ' yiU , 0U0. and Fhil Premium si the "", , u.t hre V"rrxjr iS rvrt now iu w, r t ... ..r in listii 1 !- ... .., ,.,iH for pi " iioii ; fiimily f v in 'A:,miW' ,, ,Ukt. , nU.S.colu. V oSa1 nc.rrf. AtliUlKl Mil'1 .,.... ?Ilb. 'HI. l"" " rT-Mnr's Meeting, , f", e. . ulniifaelnrlaX V .. '.i. 2d dT of A OFTIIBSl.VCK- I at 7d dT of April S-uV.ff.,2K&ri w.ilnir Ho"" of iffir-'S'Tn'rtS Mui"ir ''.i.ukiff 01 eiv'"' ".I....IOI, actio" ruc" .,,,dent. lore lb"8- J M. McCALf-, I " o.K.Kv""' . it.i(-uflr f . aprMf. 'STsWl".!"" nurcua-e-i vapi oi". " " ". ." ' 7. .(' i..i.iisfc.?""i1Ta.;;.,.i; nfw ',: 7 ,,,,1 : ha ! ?'ii '" i""', ... i. .ii ilb, IP ,''l.n'M Vn ll fllllll l l"l F" ..-." ., .1 1,. I. or a .... -1.1. m hereon, " 1 ....1 Hence Hi' "" " ,' i, or horn, ror p- ' of "".,,. 1 .iii' cU'. '"", '""; V." ,i hkbwt price iv. rll !- "V- . --i-: "T7.KISTKD AT TJIK ... nVA3 1 IUV. ... ihontani). D LOUT OR ITOLBWI $1,000 Reward WlLIi b paid for the srrct snd conviction of sny person who cnti'l buy Drygoodt. Cloth. tng, sod Gcm-rat Merchantiic. chenpir from d thsn from sny other mercsnlllo cs- cilkbllrhmenl In town. Tho arrival of our AND WELL SCLtCTCD STOCt Or FALL AND WINTER GOODS vsiutjs ht to Iiakr tun URKftiL orrsR. OUH DRYGOODS DEPAUTAIENT Is stocked with the latest stylet of rigurcil dress rooiIi, French nml I'iirIUIi Mcrluos, Empress clotli, Fullard Dclnlncs, Alimcns ami Mohairs, Veol Plnldn, Wool k cotton Dclninrs, - French, English ami American Prints, All of which will Ik told at the very lowcft ratci. Our nirortment of tnutittNrvs.rntN And poTTro'svviss.JACo NLTTS,CllOSS-DVttS, VICTOniA AND BISHOP LAWNS. KANZOOKS, CAMtmiCS, LTC, It well relected, and rhcapor than ever bo foro olfrriil In lhl in nket. Our Swill and Jacniirlt Kinbroldcrli'i, Linen, Tliresil A Cotton. I.sce nml Knilruldned ltnnilkprclilcr. llonurl nml Hill Itlbboni, aro the latest itylct , nnJ wjM at prlcvt to dify cumpvtlllun. Uc alio havo tho nevviit fmblom of LADIES, MISSES AND CHILTJRENS' Hats ana Olonks, snd an Iraaeme stock of all kinds 61 TIUMMINUS, HOOl'SKlHTd, liAI.MOnAI.SKlltTS, tiitijin.r as I CAl'KS, VOOLi:N' (iI.0VK3, . . rtM NUI1IAS, ' -""- 8IIAWI.8, Wouliti and Cotton lloo of every dorcrlptlon, AIM) an entire nrw lock of I.ndles. Mlsrrfc, Cblldreui and Jnfunli' hhou. nil of which will b.) told nt Ihe iim.t rraonalil pricet. i)ur lilischvd and Unllracli'd Muillu,.SIc4llliK, Tablo Uiiinail:, pkliislTouilliiK are nf tho ver) latent mmiulacturc, and told Vi:itY low. MEN'S CLOTHING and I'urntrblng (Joodr, Matt, Cnps, Iloott Slid Mich I Salm Clolh HliU UUllkelt, Cuiik.I, (Ml cloth', IVltll I'ftlM r WlllOW Writ, Crockiry lUrdware. (irocirlet. Tobacco. Clliurt and' I.IQCOIIS ore lying on lh tliehes and In the MKhout lu gnat prorutlon, and will be told la . . Groat Reduction in Fttcea. I'll a" pi to . a call, ami ixaininu our hock nJpHev.Ufor,,rcha...e.a Jtckionvlllc.r't. .. lfe''7. . tf 5TA110FTIIKUS10X r.FI CBRATCD (' y STOMACH BITTERS! TRY A JUJOE THEM!; J OR TRY Y0U" TH MM "m . .'." ..:.! . .,...... imiIt. mil a mo. Nl W" '-... V...".L.i 1.1-.d wlib i IEEDII SBSDI! PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY I 11. S. DUNLAP Having permanently etabllbcd Llrnrelf In the Oardon and tfccd-raifciag iHitlnest In tho town of JackronvllW. woubl cor. ul.lotUlbotlfllt'''"' ll"- piibho lo Ms SlS'sCk ol Kll, HOMfcrUAWKU (Jardc. St.-d",eoii-llliifc'of l'a, Liti'liaur, Carrot. C lery. CucuiiiIti', l-orn, l-llucf. Onion, Ifvtt.i. lUdi.h. ' Spinach, Tomato, Turnip J , and, In fact, all kind of jjHabluKtdto.ually "K iJA'liWft -a carelully P?t ..tar ;Uud arc rrVuted.' For Ml " blinwlfi tore of GLENN, DRUM & CO. milC UNlinHIONKHIS THANKFUL F 1 hi. pt ' rMM l.tytar.a.dh. i le w5 I "wis entire tatltl.elloH In I .w !! 1 : .i.iin. blmielf bat bw douo In FOU ho.iea he In- lure, a bo Uttert blmtelf b,as bw the Pu' ' It. 8. nUNf-Al'. jtcksoDTllle, Fb. 20th, men, fv' 3m ri'awnilrliitHJuliUiwA. Uil SSatiM lLNKIIALhlS. M :''." I turn Ti Ounh JOHN 8. MiRTlX. Dni'U AUXANDtR GLENN, DRUM & CO., Crr.Ai.KRS tsC GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAMKOltNtA 8TIIKKT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. m firm, im GOODS iA N D NJW PKICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! THE AltOVR NAMED FIRM tnko plcarura In nolllrlng their frlmuU snd tho pnlillo generally, llial they nro now receiving nnd opening very lrg aud ex tiuilvn ttock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHINO, IIATS AND OAFS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, 1JLANKET8, HOOP SK111TM ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles', Misses' nml Children'- Shoes. tQr Wo lisvc. nlo, In connection with "TJai && tlio ulinrc, iv vciy large hiiiI -T3 CiS" rlnisl(itslrrkif choice "XSSt Jr llrocirlr, Unnlworn. 0 ) filii'nawurr, "Tjia tiir tJluM- -ttVa && wrarc.Cuiliry, -TSi y- Talnla and 0H !aii, 0i)-Window (Jinn, Nails, Irotifjistl SQr mid Kttx'l, Curt and Htrrl "li ftr Plows, Wooden nml Willow narr. -t&a We aro ready to Kll nnylhluR In our line l tho I.OWr.STCASII I'ltlCi:. I'cr.ontwijiiln lo Imy rimhW. will tlnd It Rreally lo llulr nil vaiiiugi1 lo rxitmlno our lock Uforo purClia lug ilsrvvherv, at ve nr ili'li-rinlucd not to be ...iM..i.i ! Mti tuiii.i. In Jiifkvtn rotinly. '" jivc1 n s call, and then judgo Inr yourtelf at to our capped to fiirnUli guodi at aboio. , !.ENiV,Isi"kC- Jackoonrllle, March 2, U07. If NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK J WILLOW SLMUNGS STORE, W11.1.0W Srmas J , tu vox lu., W.M. DILGEK I'HOPIHETOIl. Tlu iiuili-ralaiiril lurrlv mi- X lioilllCi't lo the cllUrnt or VVIIIuw 8irlUK, and vicinity, thai lis bat opened a ttora In thai place, and olf.ri lor salt bit larut and well nUctid ttok of CI.OTIIINO OP AM. KINDS, HOOTS AND SIIOHS, HATS AND CAPS, ouoci:itu:s, LIQUOUS, TOHACCO, CIOAHH, and all klndt of general merchandlie. Teruit tlireay down. , Call around allow younelvs lo bo convlnceU Goods can bo bold Juvt cm Ohiup as in Jacksonville. WILLIAM Willow Hprlngi. Oct. 0. 1T. DILQER. ocH'ilf ILsTkxssv. 0. I'. Hukk. EMERY & BLAKE, ixyouui OAI.I. Till: ATTENTION OF nil wlin bare biilbllnit In Imlldrrt, coiitMiildalnm lo IbH rel liHir ti.i.i..i new I'l.ANINO In mcctful opera lion, and thai Ibey are ablu to do 1'I.ANLSO OK AM. KISD8, 10NQUUNU AND CltOOVISQ, And anything; In Iho line on ihort police, In tlit l.-l HJf l. BO'. rruuirru i"i ;. .... ,.. Ulfll HlM nwrlor niacniorry. hi wnjumu n,.i. .-v LANL'lt, enablctlhem to furolth nooita AND 8A8II, DOOIl ANU WINDOW FIIAMK8, AND FUUNITUIti:, ai i rlr 1 Iii fact, we are dtl.rinlne.1 not to Ihi uuderMild by any ollur iiianutacturera In our Hue. (live ut cull. KMKKV A M.AKK. Ahlaiul, Feb. lAlh. f.lS JU IlMBter'u aad ffportitmea 1 rnlfl! INTO r.'ONSIDKItA I ION. THAT I Ilia iindumluni'il but the Ul tlock Of rlU.t. pan nl ami home ml bul-(iiio, hliijrltf and ijouble; revoltert, Ihe Ittml and U1 pat till. 1 p(H.k. I plil.ilt, neat and .mall, tllll power. ful 1 drrrlnvirt. Iho UUtt and ll. All Ibew gQin., Al-o. IhoUfl klndt of powder sud powder rlnkkt I all tortt or sliot urn! bol Itua mid ul, Iml not Uatl, everylbliiK told at my rva tonabli. ratit. IU (mmlloni ejeculcd prompt and cbtp, ) ml whoui'ir'.lo'-'a fini Irurl th'-to words, ouly utod to coue und coimlucu blouelf to , JOHN MILLER, on Third Street, next dbor touth of D, F. Dow til's Law OlHce. , i Jacktoovllle, Fob. 27ib, 188. febM If REDINOTOft & CO'S Ilils tslasldc prfjurailori, oonlalnlnf ln lilghly conwntrntril form nil tho properties cf Jamalc (linger, has Income one of the most popntnr doimsilc reme.ll.s for all rlitratrt of the ttomscli and illcMtirQ organs. At A loiuc, ll will Ik- found Inf nhtbla to all persons recovering from debility, sihether pro ilucnl by feter or otherwise, fot whllet ll lm ports to the Syileni nil the glQ tnj vigor that csn be ptOducnl by brandy, It Is snllrely frro from tho rc-sctl6nary cQVxta of spirits of nnr klotl. It It nbrn an exwllent rcmeily for lemsles who snflTer from dlfflcult mrnttnratlon, giving a'most Immrdiutr relief to the spaunt thst to frequently accompany that period, ll cWrs tnimollate relief to Naucft.cauvd by rid log In n rallrosd car, or by ten tlckmss, or other came. It l a1o vatnitbte at sn external sppllcs tton lor gout, rhtumathm, ncaralgls, etc. RKni.NGTOX k ro, AGLWTS FOR THIS C01ST. llatH April 34lh, 1SC7. p?7-yMM Stop that Coughing! i 9ome yon of can'tj we pity yoo. Ton have tried every reim-dy bat the one destined by Its Intrintlo merit lo topirtnlo all similar prepa ration. It It not turprltlng yon aliooM be re luctant to try something else, after Ihe many experlincnia ton have made ot Uathy com pound lotitcd on tho public at tv certain caret, bat ! Novell's PULM.ONARY SYRUP It roelly tin VKIIY II KS I' remedy ever com. poiindid (or the euro nf coughs, colds, sore throat, sthma. whooping cougli, bronchitis utiil con'ilinptlnp 'UiiiMMiidi of x(ipl lo Callforiiln ami Oregon have been alrcudy ben eflllcd by the rurprlilng cuiatlve powers ol Nowell's PULMONARY SYRUP ntiil wllli one occoril give ll their uniiualifieil iiproliAilnn. Wn now iuldrm oiinrlvrt to all who are tinarrpltlntiil with llilt, the greatest I'auaren ol the air, for the healing of all dlo isirsof the Throat mid Lungt, auurlog you dial NcwcII's PULMONARY SYRUP hnt cured llioiirandt, slid It WILL CURB YOU irynn 17 II. TI1I1 Invalualili infd'clne U plratanl to lbs tatrt tnolhlnir, brnlln ami atrrnjr llirnlnjf la lit rlli'cti; cnlln'ly freo from all poisonous or dvlttrt lout drum, ami perfectly litrinksi uader all clrcumtl alter. , Cerllflcalm Ironi many iiromtnrnt cltlarnssf 1 ao rrsnclico accompany every bottle, of Newell 's PULMONARY SYRUP. RKDINUTON 4 CO 8n Aittols, Francltco. Ahead of al)etherji Is tt 'Martha Washington' HAIR RESTORER. a rssrrcr luin nrsToni.u ami imih unrssisj II01I1'.t.l l " Trl, IV ,.!,. Mil U twu l ! Tr ll-i..l Un V.i II ih..bI Ih IU. Mailka Ma.l.liil).H Tw.nlr iI.oumJ l...'l r.KiUd f VVI..I .h.U.Ilir"'" , Ulllbwi .w .lull UWI ut, VV III. Ik.u- - ll laa4. Will keep the hair sofl sod iioety. It cbanK gray lr l " orIlnal color, prevent Ihe balr from falllu out or gtl U ting thin, wake old headt look youof , w4 do all thai can bo reaionably etpecttd of no a uvuuloe, flrtt rale Hair Hattorer. All who have uied It piouounce It tuperlor to everything of Ihe kind, aod belog s I yet ptrficl llalr Dreiwr as vtsll at a peifesl Try Hair lletlorer, It la an ebullition to sv ry toilet. Hcllnglon Co., Wnoitsau It. Agent, Kan Francltco. CRAFENBURC UTERINE Catholieon, If fillhfully uied reorillog to direcllom, still currrv.rv caie nf IlfalMltr.awl grrally mill uaic i iro'-'noiiw t-iUci cu.ii oy s rti ol Ihe outlet ol Ihe l.lmliVr. It is toost auccWiil mmdy for (Iravil i.d other HfH of Ihe Kldinvs and IIUiLlvr, oiwl f"'X""!lr)H': ruHs Is un..ii.llr.l. Th- OATHOLICON uiiir.irii.lly tuns rrolm, Uurl, Wbllrs, ll IrreKularllbaof Ih Mi.-ilbly Toms, Buppref ti.ui, )iicoiiHn.rrtor Urine, HfuulIirfkrMlufOp ImI BflllnK'i and all ill'isfs of i'ngnaner, Tin- spccilla ncilpi) ol lhl midltlnr Is W"fv' ulp nml n-rlaln iinoii llu Ulerlnr and Abdom inal M.Mvhud Ugamrnlti irsinriiw UlK at l.rlby a iHtc tbivo ol tblldhood U4 thai psllHils wb" bats uta W (HArKKUKU.1 roarAMii'a Utsi Oathw.1 HAir cuunot tufflcieiiily exprtm tbIr grtvlnvwe lor tho rlf KKHINdTQN A WK AKf 410 sod 416 Kront ai.'Btn, FfSMkxo, lUsliagtM's riavswiff Sxt'tta ' ar mu Oocu li-U rtwlu. K(b botlU bvlJ. lUM nufh m pjr elbw Wan4 Ibi auikil, couMuullr Ibij in Vkt kMP MllallhltiMl C8I) NO OTITia. I i 4 lirStlKtymr-'1" -niJ.TJ-rt't,'""