THE - " i "1 OREGON " SENTINEL ron the presidency is 1808, ui.vsi-:- i. mtAvr, or tnt vmtid mm. "Will -Un. "" ,nJ W,llfu MrTnl." Th po p biTt ranl forrMnott-punltltnunl for It.llor.. fou Titn vioi: piiksidency, OVA). II. WII.I.I 311. or osiooi. . ., . IkMh lutjMt U Jll" ' " Nton4 Cslon Ooortntloii. D. M. C. OAULT, EDITOR. Order Out of Clinos. At lust, now tlmt tlio power of a wicked and traitorous ruler has-been broken, tlio Southern rebels nro to feel the iron rod that their backs have bo long been itching for. Tito system of terrorism nt the South has assumed a iormi(biblc nud tangible shape; and nn organization, having for its end tho suppression of lrec oiinion and speech, for murder, arson, political ostracism, ns n vent for tho devilish animosity that has never been half disguised Bince tho closo of tho war, Lf,. been discovered nmong tho Btippimnt and down trodden (?) chtvalry. They have boon sowing dragons' teeth, and if they reap tho iron rule they so well deserve, it is their own fault. Order must come, even if it come through disor der; and if tho Southern traitors have not had enough ot fire and sword, they are fast approaching the point when they will have a surfeit of it. Johnson The Mnn Up the Tree AgaiH WHAT HE SAW AND 1IEA1U). 7. .t.,i tin. !-,, enough in town r;;.rcd satellite, "there -. . , danger nt all." t fl,.nM itllV fn..1lV. SO as tO UO H.H.-V - v Satuuhav Mouninii, April 1 1, 1808 Ujndon State Ticket, Fok Congiikss: DAVID LOGAN, Of Multnomah County. Fok PitEstnKNn.iL Eluctous : O. JACOBS, Of Jackson County. W.XOWLBY, Of Washington County, A X. MEACHAM, Of Union County. Tun statement of the public debt just issued, shows a total of 62,0 f 1,7 10,. JJ32. Cash in tho Treasury, 8122,600,. 046. m The California Union State Conven tion met in Sacramento on Tuesday, March 31st; It declared unanimously for Grant. " An opinion has been delivered in tho Supreme Court reversing the decis- counsels ot Northern politicians they wunj 10llure,i wn, two ion of tho Circuit Court of Louisiana, i have readied a climax mat iiomanos . jluni,5ly 0f tliul . !.. t. .! ..! II . .. ..f !.-.........(' .-. .- ...... Btnn.1 it tin lnnrrer. ' Iu,.t. nn tnore S no He promised the bed-rock democracy, ' ., AH right then," said li s iimjirt , if they ever craved out of their holes ( if wo cn ly drive the i.x . again, they should hear from 1,im' ncr and them dn 'nougj The warmth of the sun and of the po- ,,, ovcr t0 the " imhT " ' J , JJ,, litienl canvnss has made tho "snakes" ,gc0 ,1L. wny clear; it look '' b wrigglo around so very lively timi our ; voU k0w, to nave men. ii....j, reporter concluded to climb again and j our fikirls. but some of them arc roe. see what they wore about. What a lc10gll t0 think if you arc omimlta i.!- ....t.i....i nn! From t.i -..., n Imlf black and halt m- RTCI1U II1UL il.D UPlulll.-inv.. .,""- - . LI1V VI. i. . . . I . .ill nun tho head of tho valley to the foot there-1 ,iopendent and wipe you oui. of, the snakes wcro In motion, wrig- )mI m laughed the "leader as lie gling, squirming, crawling, hissing, ' mnt.ked his lips over some more ap and distilling falsehood just ns the obi J ,,le-jack, "I have the bit in their mouth Serpent did 'in tho Garden of Eden. ow nmi y BMOw them that when a r, mmi u-n nlmiit to descend nud re- !, nuPIK n colt, he can ride it just as nortthat tho "bed-rooks" would cor-1 hc nt.nses." Aftorfcclingtlicedgcofhis talnlr cobblo the "calico" or " uth his thumb, the lead and;huttor" wing of the Democracy, when he heard a most terrible hissing, and looking down, saw a couple of Copperheads approaching tho root ot is almost powerless uow to assist his i ,.. tni0 i. occupied. One of them fellow traitors in the South, and the wng ft fontem-jawed speeLnon of tho 0,rjCC ,t i,ns f0c scruples as to the good sense of nil men must teach them that the peace of tho country has been long enough disturbed, and that jus the and thu laws must be enforced re-atlirmiuc: thu leiritimaov of -Mrs, -General Gaines, nud continuing her in all lior rights ot property. o Our. neighbor atl'ects not to perceive tho "split" nmong the Democracy in .' th'is county. If hu had heard the Chair- J mau of the Central Committee reading ."the riot act to tho "leader" oil i Monday morning, he would not be quite so ob- tuse. ii -s. cr" slipped it .down his breeches leg again, nild carefully folding up their documents, the pair retired and lelt our man to note down tho result of his ob- .. sv ....h..tM t tit unnil nf nervations, vur njiunvi . " ... i ... i . .... nrimlnc ns In llie was ft iaiHcrn-j- -i"-- - oincc, nui mis sumu r.i....- - - " lost cause" Democracy, nud seemed I mcnn. t0 got ;,, Hc thinks ho would to speak with nuthorit. Glancing I j,c )oru Ci.ran of reyard vith the furtively around, ho irew mini "i hed-rock" tribe, nut is iiiiwiiuii; ' ! ,.nrkit n iiinn of the vinous precincts , ,;, ,i. ,i0 .1..,,. 0n K. leaner 8" icei, no matter by what means no matter t()0 cou,,ty, and frcm his biceches -j ms y resolved to light it out nt what eost. We have heard a cry of I jlg n nwnl lookiig cheese-knife, j wjlj, i,js ,m. jdependents,fliid make " tyranny to the South "Irom Northern j w.Jj,,, ,c laid on tho aper to keep the ,0 comj,romic; and il hu can't be poiiticians, but. every day gives addi-, wnul ,yom aisturbln; il. " Hri"g ottt Constable without looting Ids self-re- tioiial evidenco that the only and real tj)Q jj p. K,,j, IL, t0 lis confrere. The I fCKl lt. ,i01,'t Want the otlioe. lie ex- tyrrfnny is on the part of the Southern J j. waJ ortH.omHig It was covered 1(CCls t0 ,c 0n hand ngnin when the people towards those who are inclined i w.;ti,tliC names ofnilthe" harmonious" .,ajr ncxt meet, and if they don't want to obey the laws and nsslst in restoring I f.njv this couiiiy, nnd opposite the' l0 h exposed they must talk very order. Flushed with hope and "' ' lm,m.'8 ni.nrlv htlV of them was the 'j0Wt ... i i... it... ,i,i..ii.ti i . ..,.. .(-.i...... - - iinimy euviMii.igv.. ".'- bhicki-st kiuiMH it nmrK; some ..v... .. v,l1i..n for Cuii- marks to show "" ieir (iisaueeuoii. TkiTkohaiihc CniCAdO, Oth. In tho Connecticut election ninety III es -ind towns give Kngbsh IB one cities nun t D . no5 votes; Jewett 6,0.1. ' -. .,.'.- .iu.ut a thousand, lhe m mipkf- h.m. Y(, ,;, 7l,,. . . ii..i,r- .wfinl wivh' Atlanta (ta-) mu General Jleade has issued an ii.'Mor tant order, referring to numerous nctj .1- ...,i,i- abmiltniipoiisly poriietrntcd ill mi.'M'j - , . , i with publication of incendiary articles and sending of threatening letters, indi- eating concert ol action to euect elec .:.. i... liiiimlilation. emanating from a secret organization. General Meade warns nil from participating in u.i.r cAtiiaitinn, nnd assures nil law-abiding ..!,!,.... nf nrotcction. lie forbids the publication of anything counselling in timidation or tending to bloodshed, nnd warns newspapers containing such ar ticles that he will top their publication ami try the oll'eiident by military com mission. Public writeis nnd speakers ilmmiished to refrain from iiillnm "lUF" S.T-1860-X .Il..f In th. wail.1 wi,, tLSaJili, mi HKniim intnu. or tllm.U. Mlk.i 'iZiVf Krrat .ml .if hmllh h H k.7itS,S.i. ! kI. nn.1 I1I...I rripiUf Wnnlt.SirVf'lMi: iimi 10 uoi i. mini Drjr to lunm. mi ..r " ' Now. Il I. n tl. I--ltlT tn.1 ,IHL tku ,. . w, tucii biilwnrk ml wiiiml Ut Ih.ftaii ""ti PLANT ATIOJ1 MITTKUll. T)ilf?'i'n'ITon'cl, lnrn.MiTtll,lL.j tor nrrj tjmfmi oW'ttrmm), mi.,!"!!, The Mtt or It I. II. 1. 1 ricnMiU ltmm'.- to corr.f t Hit j lilt nf Hit StuWKb uf, SiJ1 .. work, nnil tmibk It tnrwl.t.n,l L..J'."l'"n -' .! .r... I .. "-"iilIflM.... IllVtl, Ins nn-nit"- Jin l.n-lenry ,4, tttnn,, i'JP .w?;. ,.. - - - ;?-- j- 11 mi iw,,- .. ii.. .......- time. ... ."IT '' . ... Hin.lbbi It I. lu iiO'l' Mf MMUTBHit n,.,iL2J Tonltf, limn tiiil.biKrnil 'kf HJM lni T prucrri with ilwnoiH i'l" M flirj fchlihi, JZ! onljr ttiipafjr anil fliuit Ibr ttM of diiOH lot inti"" Itiipnrtniit Crrjlficntti. ritoUtlM llltur. Imtt Wr.( BIT f. ""' Ulin H 1!IT. W. It. WA0l0.lR,)MrU1j,it. " Tlmu wlllMinliMtwt Iimj. riMitnllm llltltM. rlhlil,niH,?2.llJ .1... Tb, fiUmi; At. ., KSAiXk-' t j litbwnni ;,,,. Mulht.llualMtHliiiiirKbltc. TKTSW' llllt.r. bat turl m.. 1" "Wk IlKV. J. 8. CATII0HX, tKiHn, X.I." ii .... I t (n th, rUnUtlo, Liim i. bunilrril nf irnr ill.illfd .,101m olib, th. mLTt22 ln( flMt. """ O. W, D. ANIttTi SiiH.rlulrnJ,nl SIJI,M' If our, Unclaut 0. 1 The I'hnUtloli llltttr. umV. Hi. ,k itrm- , l I rtiil.l l,tlllUtit.nn.tiif.iliau.i.l V.i,,..'. . ". severe nnd decisive action on the part of David Logan, the Congressional noni ..& .i .. . .. d t .. II ttifi tl Xn'." Hillil lie ri llc-llliiBii:i. ui.. . --. . . , .. .... i..!.!.. i t...i..:.... I ' : .: . " . . . inniwit tlio Ki'iiiiuieniiiariy in vivuwii, u.onii.iiaryu.iuK.r.1., ..... j .. B...B ,l0 0,1 chief nt Kock mini: ne wonv v () jtl - .j,,,,, 0, Irom the tone of General .Meade s or-, d ,(J a jbICIi l0 think that lie can Siirlii"fivlf, Illlnnla. He wnt. bom in der, the "milk and water" policy that t() ,i8 0WI1 business, and that Xorth Calilornia, but went to Illinois would treat them otherwise than ns , Sm mnn g,,ot tho old veteran; at an earl v age. In lbM'J hu eiuigra- half whipped rebels, Is likely to be dis- ho ., ng unl slur our ted Irom Illhrnis to Oregt , wljjn, he ,:oml,,uu,L nieetings. Give the Judge another J'" " i;i,l,lk,yicn,ll,M.rtcfljrcSWN aie ad matory appeals; the military ouinjiinn. ', 'W. Am are instructed that when in their :t,llo)rrS!!,Tu,l.T,flSl:urt judgment it is neees-iary to organiw .mr.UAtut w. n,i rUi.ngT.U,wumMi, lorces limn amoi.gsi iuw iniimiig .-, -VK'Hi.VifflSiyST! .ens to preserve order, the expenses of : ,.., .w 11 .m,, mi-i , rn,. ,u, such lorces are to be assessed on conn- ( sohi i.t ii nrujtRio. onM .1.1 rm UMku tics nnd municipalities. 'I ho l.cneiai i, n. nitAKK,kC0 A man that can carry water , . . j. nl)l)lll ,00 vuU. .' Vi TiiAVii in 1111: .'prominent Democrat from -Eden prc- .cinct in town on .uomuy. nenppeu. " appeared to know everybody, and went round'slmking hands with ev c uryone. ns it lie wns mighty clml to see them, or "any other man." May .Mic he would like to bo Sheriff? Ho fgo6d!loolaig fellow, nut iiniuriiiiinw MiyAyJzr .tlllH IUO iiemni oy,ti..fcf.. Yrf. Wnrt l-'AVfii! Cuin'ksi: L.viiou? Tho , mark! plissotiri Jltpublicun, the oldest am'. u both shouhJ'M.. 11 entitled todouble Inthelollowing vearhetnnagainoutlie 1 mon inlluential iromocnitlo paper in ' infamy, oud lie can't fill hi bucket at same ticket lor Congress, and wax only tho West, is uow advocating the Intro-1 our spring-we'll live to kill Mm yet. my ."" " ,, Mn-V. When diiction of Chinese or Coolies into that C.ive the Chairman two more cme i..,,,,.,,,, nartv gm-u-tided 1 Suite, and recommends the farmers and him !he is n thorn lu our side, and lie whig, he trnuslerrcd'hi" allegiance Suveku TnsT. 'llio "leader" of the niiiius mind cltit'iis to aid in tlio nr- rest ol those 'minting litis order, nnd mlmoiiMies them that unless nets of intimidation and violence are cheeked and punished, bloody retaliation will be provoked anil public security endan gered. "A secret oYdcr, calling' them- nelvc tho "Kukklux-Klan," has Keen d'Hcoveied nt Mobile; they placed pow der under n building where n Kepubli can candidate foi Congress was tospenk, Mouii.t:, Otli. r:... ...... I s1niiiiitirit wlll.lll-llllllllir Hill). liiauufncluieni of other States to net (ought to have a blaek mark ns long ns (,. t tv U imt nyr never was tie- ... . . llf ,,. , ... , vs.,.ti .. v..,.v on itsadvicea,,dprocurethei,Maborerslhis own yardstick. ''Spot tho drug- vo a 11.!..- n't... r ...-..,:. ,.. 1,1.1 im u-mit KitMini-i our minority 1111111 m -. . ... - - . irom uiiiiiii. IVl.lV Vilflf. iAn t).1. ..... . ... n, ...v . .up I. IlKDINUTON . CO., 416 and 418, Front Street, Snn Frnnclic. Agonts for California tied Ktrih the to The Dcniocnitle imi.ors git,lic wnul support ouriinportud lint nt itio nuili rrpiinrallv advocate the tor School o ... in. .,..... 0. m- im'ii.ii i 'ii in'i" ... ' .-; - . . r . , 1 . . .,.,...,)) 11(1.11 eillv with Congre and nganiM .lohn- mpennte lent. So, (o. mg , " leader," by the eternal ! tM)mvorpoliticullr. rile and his Dein- tmtinrt-iilnn nf CliluoKu .laborers, nud nrocceded the .,..... fr..liili..rn,b.(M-ndiiiLMo white I will mark their dooi-.po-ts n those ol l0crntio onnoiieiit (.losenh Smith) me men. Tho Union party has never, in , the Egyptians were marked ol old; l.j well known throughout the State, nud ..... . .i. .. e. ...!. ...:i ul...... 1I1. mi flmi 1 miiiin nn. imrlv. i '"""" "" ".' "Democracy in this county has decided J -; ' , , cJiuon. ,. Xo;v ' to exclude nil from the blessings 01 ut-i 1 , ' , , . 'filiation with tho '"'who cannot show ted nnd iiiterestin l.ogan is a lawyer by proresion,iiiul " white man's party" w"t".n,yi "'ways declared in favor j for the progruniine," continued he, al- aullf .j yt..s ,, nKr dH jrv .,u. ,1 , .:i,n,Lrv of free "labor nud the rights of poor ter soothing hU riing eliolcr with a ,yer, he isVaid to have no superior on . ' ",,"1 T." j ,ZZ I white men. Democrats nud I draught of apple bnindy," how stands the l'aeilic Coast. Ills strength Knot elevate. Eden m ,m l u',"Tl!,;ai "" , '" i'"ti , . . , , sagacity, intuition, or whatever else we nig one, liv n . tlIj tHHt iiu'iilih-K or elements rr.rjAK. I.jmn'. iUjn.lU lii-rrt rotnlrrlinnnklnmiM tufrrrTlhlntiif Hit lu,t t(m-1w,latM,i I qitlto. Anil, Hu,, ITK1LU1NSTANTLT, What I, ulUilr .urriMix In r,(wibtt" tie l. tbl iMiltlliiliiJln lit Imutl datkbiwl I, iwifitlly liuriiilfM to ni.nVM J " Il Miillnb.l.l nr tiltn llh Immli. Uhvf LlMllnwny uftmliirnt ilbiiil,MclimWMUII t'HKK 1110)1 I'UIIUJ. ittlldt Iim em l,niwb4iiiih4 KiikktiiK-Kliiu.! Judge Underwood Hits prdereiljlcil Davis to npyviir lor trial nt the -ny ;",, ,., ,n kwmll. n uij-4r-f 1 .1... !-... 8. ft 11!.. 1 1 o-.l-.1 irtlUu. McunnitnT rfh. Iiif UTIII 111 IIH' V,IIIIIU VIMIIl 111 lilLIIIIIIMIH, j , (, when it is asscrtcd.lhat Chiel JusVce .'SKyi ,;WiiVa""E lln 11 n iDiliaiitft r mumtiwii ItanlnillttlliiN urmuniflrni. siilH'r" curt Ibe K.niiliit If yuuln.l't jiI1IUi,iW. " SuU U Urnilt tin! ''rtl'f' wilkthr!li. ed in the rebel army, murdered at least ' ono nigger or wallowed right smart in crutic newspapers linve tho splehouorof 1 the roll? Aihhiud oiiud ;,..v ...h-. - ......----- --D-- - -,, . . . - , . . ... I .... C...I! I. - - 111 1-. i. a.......... i...a ....... . 1. ... . . ., . tniiiiuiii.v iim in asi 11111. 1 mill t iiiiioiriiiii unit .iiitriiiiir . 1 'tllO lllal llllUII. JVliyiino linn mini 1 iiiivui;iuiii 1..111 i.ii.'.'i.f, iu iuh.hiuu- i uhv, ......j,...- .., 0 ., -- m,,.. ..I. II ...I..... .1... ...I1.1U .. , ., . -.I- l.l !..... .1... I'.. :...! ............! riVm.i I. 1,11.1. ill. 1 11 I .III HIIUII lliu luiivin fu. I (OH Ol VOIIIte III.Mir llllll HIV lllllll. IIIP VIVVK unv, jiiuiii i.iiii.iim. .... v air." hurra B( is ;o bo considered p " black 2" V1, -iloKC SfUiTixii. Tho splitting, (.oj "::'ar, uinoiig our Democratic brethron,! " has been confined to questions of prul " crence for candidates; but it now seems ns if somo ol tho " harmonious" fellows tood n good ebance to get split wide 'Jfopen. It Is said that the " leader" has '-procured nn immense knife nbout ft ft yard long. We earnestly hope be don't .44;iutuiul to slice up the " brvud-aiid-biii-n.erV Democracy with it! m .- .-: ''Tun Democracy in tho East are dc ''"'noilucing General Sickles, for charging "' ono hundred dollars for two speeches "' during tho campaign in New Hump "' Bliire. As the speeches were not, made ''in their behalf, it is none of their bus iness ; but wo havo heard of i cuirge .that tho gallant soldier made in a cer ' tnin campaign in another State, at t Gettysburg, thut cost Democracy cv 'P'crulivoicviiml sticks "till yet" iu (the j,, .Democrat iu crop. ' '"We heard nn old " bread-and-butter" Democrat remark yesterday that he ''was voting tho straight Democratic :'" ticket when thu "leader "was dodging among tho brush of North Carolina with n tow shirtun such as striplings 9 wear in that country. Almost evury Democrat 0110 sees iiow-a-dnya has ei- 7ther voted for Jackson or served in c,iL'eo'fl army, and they nil seem extreme- -iuJy:anxioiin to prove up their record. tu-. xliY Daiuiomoub. Our neighbor is inexpressibly astonished at our con. tinucd reference to tho local troubles ""ninoiig tho Democraoy. While nssur- V" ing the outside world that tho most fcfl'intouso good feeling prevails nmong ow tho members of his happy family, ho ''3 Isjierhniis unaware that numbers of them go nriued in anticipation of per- I ...........Iah Oil. llill.f llllll Ifl fllM. e'iitly ashamed to neknowledgo that a largo luimiior 01 ins puny, won nun MeoiiHtitiiti6nnl obieciions" to fightinp; ,for thoir country when it was in jinn "or, nro very anxious to fight for a lit 'tlc jiublio' plunderwliell tin opportunity jc offers. An funis tho desire for plunder is concerned, wq ,piust ndinit tiat, Du mocraoy "h governed by the utmost harmony "" , which enable their fortiiiiule possessor steal one nu them ns we did before), to uiiilerstuud, sympathlo with nud ' Slates, and u ith them alone rests the ri A j. ! I.. ...... HllH..illl.lllllt II lllllilllllllll .... -.,.ll...l. ......... ........ .III...... iPiiiMiiuii 111 iiniiMiin in .1 in jiiii.iv.i Willow Springs OIIC, UanlaUCllS one eiiiiiriiiiiu-in.iiiiu. nnuui-in in. imnnr, ratio of heathens into the co?rotry, to ' ,.ri.l.i.w fc.,,.-....i ,u ' If eh-fletl, he will tnke high rank compete with poor white httmren. who , . 1,l,t BreBk; ""SJ-'Ml-! " .j tho Holl!tu , l,.,, as n earn their bread by honest toll. companion. "Curse Untie creek to the ! avlulvr. particularly iu that ruiiiilni!. - Ho west depths of h II. said the "lead- inrli.iriiiiiii!iiii iliiliiitniiiidliiinil tulmiul , er, iventv nine names , , Tin: lollowiug resolutions wereuuan iuioiisly adopted nt tho ratification j l,,t.rot,nl j,n.c meeting last Saturday. They have , ,wvo ft j,, the old ring uhoiit them, anil show that there Is 110 faltering among Union men iu Southern Oregon : JUtuh'id, That wc heartily endorse tho platform adopted by our Suite Convention each plank individually, and tho whole collectively ami that wo agree to stand upon it, and main-, phty them out on the bi tain it in our caudidntes at thy polls. t j, ,, 0 wroI or t,j litoleil. That we have 111 David ,,, Vi . 1 T.. .,,.., ,1 nnliiicn! thi.iker. nn C will spring the tWO-th nblo nmtor ami H truo represeutntivo them nnd light them till they compro of tho Union party ami piSt'onn of our miso on ono of our reserves; nnd if we young State; ouo'who will do honor nre nblo to accomplish that, wc can to yri-aoii nun 1110 nan 01 nngrcs. fco t h , t0 c,,.,,:,, Jl&olved J hat wo recocnuo in our ' . ... , ..,... .01 ' candidates tor Presidential Elector viz: aim w0 w, n.akcino-nuori.iy.ocuooi O. Jacobs, U. lent-hnm mid Dr. Howl- jSHpeuntendeiit, ns wo must provide for by men of sound political integrity I him." " Wont them independent fel on whom wo cnn fully rely during tho I i0W1, wllco wlt. ,our hundred nnd npproachinp; political canvass. twciitynino march down to tho "prL Pouticau Tho Demoeratlo pre-1 "ary I" They have no ono nmong cinct meetings are to be held next Sat-1 them to ninnnge a precinct but tho old "there is too much intelligence eouliict, which so olten decides iu n inct is lost." " We inmeut the late ot measures which tidtweotvnit.e names ' Imvt-tost yenin of labor nml nursing .nr.xitAV S1VSTAU uninBI inni iri'iiii" nin .in.. .i . , -- Uit, Ibmiiiiir nrllcltrirrJIminsl -Mul r iitmiii".!." " iinlny. The day fixed for their Coun ty Convention is Saturday, tlio 25th inst. Ilujfovun. Tho Telegraph oflico has been removed again to tho Suntinkl tn lirilwr ttuiin til flitii rwiitit iu Jacksonville; nnd it n single man The Ttepiihlienu pnrtv have a small winces nt the primary, I'll twitch the majority iu Oregon, to which the Pre-, nose oil him." "That gives ushixteen' canvass mut give strength votes in the Convention, nud that's nil , riU,,l,'r tlm" otherwise. Logan's per il 11 hi 1 1 1 1 .1 . soual stteiigth nud popu Inritv lidded wo want. "Ah!" chuck ed hegren , ,t, tl,H mw?vunm is Vlecthm. The Aeiuocrauo . nangtioooie, - wo win , t,ird time is the charm. S. J- Hullo ballot ( nnd if j tin. s look scnlv. ... . - t . . . irds rule on I . 1,".: owS no of the resolu- nous 111 me riatiurin just adopted ly the Union party of California. It is identical with tho expression of the Union party iu this Stntc in reference -fto the rmhts of American abroad. It is somewhat remarkable that tho Democratic party, with nil its of nympaihy fur the oppifssedot other lands, never takes the lend iu deiiinndiiiL' protection Ltor our naturalized citizens abroad, n'lid i-iin-B iiiuiiiiil; uir nielli III IIOI1I0 CXCCpt on election day: Jimilved, That it is tlio bouiideu duty of tho National Government, un der all cireiiinstnncfs and at all hazards so to use tho national powur.fn iu fn! est extent without hesitation and with. Chart will preside. . W.MiiMiroi.,,th. . Tltfiuas a pus cut nt the usual Cabinet meeting yes terday. General Grant positively re fused to net lu the removal of Govenmt Pierpoint. He telegraphed tn General Schollehl to carry the ni tier iippointing Governoi Wells into effect, . I I . l M.I ii.., v....n,;, ijirn ,111, I At liiill past two this morning, 1. D'Arey .MiGeo as shot ilvad ly 1111 ! eJiS.STKurtc1' " unknown assassin, llu wits just leov- Kiucmatixm, 8ihsTihIi ting the I'lirliauientary-houso uid.wiis St.)k Si"yv'' Km Acsi. iililnriiii, ll... .1 l.l- I. ., I. .:.. ""'I'l... I 'r '. KmiUMM. .,.. 1 H.p iiiv iiimij wi inn niiiuir, a i.v uniisn,, t 7 llftoH I ball pas,ed through .MeGee's head nnd . TZ lodged ju the door. The city ot Oitn-, 1011 nonsu wa is in-the deepest gloom. Pnrlia-I uSxM mat .a ... " I l Vl'MIIII " --. -f ineiii iiiiiiieiliatelyailjourned; the Hags, . ... , .. ..m"! ..... ..I i...i, ...... 1 .1 . -.. . .. ... . .1 iiiv 111 iiiiii-iiiii excite he other Fenian raid is feared. Chicago, 8th. The election iu Wisconsin yesterday for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court nud Associate Justices, icimltcd iu the election of ltcpulicnn candidates by nn estimated majority ol 4,000. Cougi csiimn Axtell is lepoited to ho on his way homo to California. JIM,., if. ! . . . .... ..viDiuiiu 111111 ai Austin was veteran nnd tho "counter-jumper," and as tho first is standing 011 slippery ground, ho wont be in the wny, them calico fellows nro nil wooden-hends, nud I nint much afraid of them, " To. Catholic I.nteluoknck. To-mor- morrow " said tho " leader "" wo take . out lelay, that the rights of iiui-rieiiii ciiizcu, nnnv urulized, shall bo full homo and nbrpad ; nud building, where the oierator can al.j.l01l ,, t,ero we ,,' American citUen, ndtiveborn and nat- ivii vii mi iiiiiiiii hi, inn mitj.ti. kviii-ii mil '" - -- --- - viDwiiiiviv. I r II IT I1 1 . luimtv mi-, 111111 a win snow up tueir record 111 such 11 wny thnt it wiiwf ..w.i:....i ..i.n i" 1. ii ."- then, on the hip; they havo no one to , a Jd " J . tf. , " no foreign nation should b? permitted 0! 00 ul row (haster fjundayj, -nev. outlier i stick. o must help Chad wick out ltlanohct will hold high mass in the 'and charge it to ltenms; that will floor Catholic Church. Jleuaon and Jfiiith 1 tho gentleman J" D n that Express will bo tho subject of tho sermon. corner, and them blacks thnt havo Eactku Monday. Thoro will be a j tkc, the stump for us at Ashland gnylimoattho IT. S. Hotel on Monday they hurt! because they play out our next. Mr. Home is to give ono of his, dodge; that tho blnckH nud bread pleasant parties, and everybody is in-1 and-buttors are affiliating together. vite1. ! For God's sako-can't wo ohoko them or ' ,. V,T ! shnke them off? That infernal 'fool, hi-Bitcii of buN.v.0,OiLj4AM.- the mongrel Chairman, bleats nil round 1 "StSrS ' town .that ho is with t.s.and the cursed structiou, with which wo present tlicm Sentinel hits tho Independents just as . jm-nt iaal. this week. hard ns it does us. " Vim don't count twentv-fimr, to arrest and punish nnv Amerii-nn ,.w. izen for any offense committed upon our own soil, PuospKitnus. Tho Mnrysvillo Ajh peal, one ol the most nblo Union p.v pers in California, seems to bo prosper. ing. Jt comes to uh regularly with ft miu ruiiiuiiu.'iiiiii sneet. may It and its principles flourish. Wiiii.. it...!.?... . ' fuiiiuuiiiiB gain voics 111 Connecticut, tlfg llepublicnns gain thirteen membors of tlio Legislature Jnst year tho Ilcniiblicnu mnioritv on llllll.t ..... 1 II " T. . iis eievcn ; tins year it is unt plot lublt. l "'' ' ,. .,. io u liifctmp on iK5iiie"-i- Summoni, -TN TI1K OIIIOUITCOHBTOFTJIBJ ClirUlliuiim HlsiVrutb. l'l'',ir' ' Slnikriilli, Durt'iiOaut. suit iii Kauitr " D,,JiM To Hmiry filii.l.Tolb 1 ; You M W ppsr hi MM conn, mm ",. ,iluW 1... ....! I ..yi.ii.ii on me 7t , Jt W(8 t finii.t ei nuinuiiiniiir. iui ""' -'j Mm uruiiimeU-,, , (?(, 704. mo of ic,mice ; or If '"'".'"JfrflJ p.... -11 . snowing pithy correspondence Irom Hock lV,t iw,.aU, l)mt tho Democi-acy iu that section don't nceni inclined to "enthus.e" ,!,. Tiey probably l,!lVe more profitable-employ incut : ' J ' ., '1R)CKl,owT,A.niLfltli,i8fl8. u:nuSkn.nkl: We had one of " 'u....s.ast,e Democratic meet gs hero on Saturday k I over witih to eo anywhere The speaker ca,ne,n,, so dth0aU(,lt,lceillahor ' ,.T7tM-c.anru,, thispro! cinct without any advice fro,,, ,...,' n::: r. "UQo''ordecwZ,.,"f..,10i mention the the sue .,-. iMilil IUIH IllL-n, i,, .. - II LMfHUrtllliniB. WW.". !uuoyucnuraiiw,r '"'k,"immi 1 ;:;: :v,B.,.. Oad "w fun. No morn ;" "! hurrah if"" '". ' l ' J nt Present from 1 everywhere. .,t.f, .M'ifAu March Bntli, 1M6. " ' of the Hlnte or On-irnn. , "Ijfii m Ibe court Hint pul.llculli'n M",, ' wwk In the OitKU.ix Sbstim!'- JJ,n ncoiirt .Mnnilnr In Junfi a. ",'"" unu Ami you nre iintlfM har. If JM " a, ser fUl complaint l" M " &l pUlnllirwIII iipplv to lite com! '" (i-rf ilrinnii(l..l tbiiiclii. to ttlt 1 7,!jl,tfli Die bonds nf iinilrliiionj. "1,'?j Mrti.Qh ?0lh, 1868. J-- " SCOIIET OF BBAIU"' I'fiC arcORGF, W. T.ATPJ