Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 28, 1868, Image 2

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1 i .
or Tilt CMtin artm.
"Walt ilana. thou (tl anil f villi fill acrtant " Tha pw
fla bar reward, for patriot. tinnlihmant fjr traitor..
rou thi: vici: t'ltusnuiNCY,
or cumoi.
Itolli unt'Jeil to tha iltrlilon cf th National t'nlon
Satukday MoitNiNfl, Mar. 28, 1800.
Union State Ticket.
Ton Coxgiii:?:
Of Multnomah County.
Fou Pjiksiukxtiai. Kluctoiis:
Of Jackson County.
Of Washington County,
Oi Union County.
Toiinson explains tlmt li i removal
of Stanton was only part of his pro
crnnmie to get the Tenure of OHiee
JJill into court, lie seems to have it
'it there and hinnelf with it. We
trust lie is sntislied.
Dmociiacy Movt.su. There seems
to'bo considerable activity among the
"unreconstructed" in California, as we
learn from the Star and itripc.i tlmt
the safe of the Comity Treasury at
Auburn wan robbed lately ot about
$1-1,000 in gold coin.
a -
Andy Johnson is n most accommo
dating oflicinl ! Ho breaks the law in
order to test its constitutionality, and
reminds its of tho quack who always
threw tiie patient into tits, "as he was
death on 'em," except in this particu
lar that Andy will catch tho "Ills"
Joiinm).v described Congress in one
of his speeches as "unconstitutional
law-makcrri, hanging on tho verge ol
tho Government." Johnson might
well be desuribed hut now as a consti
tutional law-breaker, hanging to the
Executive Chair by the skin of his
Tin: ground-swell in Now Hamp
shire must have shocked the editor ot
tho r.tijiiette Courier dreadfully, lor
lie immediately went into spasms and
e.xclaiuu-d, " To fleam l.andamun"
Vo don't understand " I'reneh," but
our dovil explains, " that it is n sup
plication to tho Almighty to land tho
Democracy high mid dry when they
go up Salt river in November, as their
health is exceedingly delicate and wet
feet might prove latal.
"Why Not? We have seen a white
congregation in this town, many of
whom wero Democrats, bow their
heads dovoutly while a "colored
"brother" was down on his knees pray
ing lor them. Now, if a "Nigger" i
'good enough to kneel as an intcrcwor
between a Di'iuoeratio (.inner and the
Almighty, why in thunder is he not
gooil enough to vote a privilege not
denied to the lowest blackleg and
drunkard in the country?
In ANomiiit Liuiit. Last week a
Conservative Democrat was standing
niii front ot tho Express oillco looking
i very sad, when a friend of tho "lo.it
catisu" stiipo npproaehed him. "Hal
lo, old boy! wlmt'biip?" hays tho Con
federate. " Ilon-hoo, boo lino," whim
pered Conservative, wiping hi weak
looking eyes with his dirty coat sleeve;
' 'didn't you hear that "Andy" was ini-
'peached? "Why, tluitV nothing,"
1 ways Confed.; Uriel; I'oiucroy is all
.light, and you know Andy hung the
widow Surnitt thodinnken old bloat !
Let's take a drink." Thonlllictcd Con-
"rcrvatixo saw the matter in another
-diglit; he gave a convulsive biiiiIIIIo or
two, blow his no.iC, wiped hU eyes
again, and the parties adjourned to the
El Dorado and swum; round tho circle.
"Can't Accohmohati: All. Our cor-
t rcspoudcuce lrom Democratio sources
is so great that wo aro forced to reject
' many communications. As a matter
of .public benclit, and out of considcra-
ration for our many Democratic leaders,
i .wo have given placo to the viows of
"several independent members of the
' "harmonious" family on tho subject
' ' ol their troubles ; and wo aro satisfied
I 'that tho dissoiuination of enlightened
rind iiidopeudotit opinion among the,
Democraoy is bearing good fruit, and
- must eventually convince tlieui that
. . thq.Kojmblican party is .the only one
. ' in wneh men can enjoy intellectual
"'.freedom in its broadest sense. "Wo
"' 'jtvould, bo glad to accommodate nil of
burDomooratio frionds, but must do-
; ' vote Bomo space to tho oviscoration of
Coppcrhcndlrf and traitor generally,
and thorofoio beg our sore-headed con
UibuUirs not to crowd US'.
The Impeachment Trial,
As will bo scon by our dispatches, ' To-day wo swing at our mast head
tho trial of Johnson will bo commenced the nanio of Dnvld Logan ns our Con
on Monday, and tho necessary tcstimo- grcssional nominee, and also those of
ny will then bo oll'ercd by tho IIouso ' tho gentlemen selected by our State
of llopresontntivos to cstnblish his Convention ns Piesidentinl electors,
guilt. Tho indications from tho pro- Ve want no better ticket. 31 r. Logan
cccdings, so fnr, arc that Johnson will j is known throughout tho State as its
bo convicted. The Court, by a vote
of forty-one to twelve, denied the re-, in it in point of ability, and arfn debn
quest of his Counsel for an extension of ter and logician, far the superior of his
thirty days further time in which to opponent. Tho Hon. Wilson Dowlby
prepare for trial, and it is easy to per- was the ablest member of tho Lcgisla
ccivo that he will not bo allowed any. ture ol 180l; is n clear thinker nnd n
unnecessary advantage. In his denial ' fluent speaker. Mr. Jleacham is a ris
it will probably be proved that ho has i ing and prominent young lawyer of
fallen back on deliberate falsehood, , Eastern Oregon ; ami we couider Mr.
showing unmistakably that his cour- Jacobs as a stump speaker, inferior to
age is of the "Hob Acres" type and the
coward's weapon, mendacity, his only
iliifitii Tlieri. nci'il be no (ear what.
'. . ... . . - . i
ever inni .lounson win uoi no convici
ed. By appearing for trial at the liar
of the Senate he acknowledges the
right ot Congress to try him and there
fore cannot question its right to pass
the Tenure of Otlleo Act which
he is charged with violating. In his
answer to the indictment he does not
deny shut ho violated that Act, but de
clares that it was simply hi- intention
to make a tc.it case in order to biiug
tho alidity of the Act in question be-j
foro tho Court". This subterfuge will I
probably avail him nothing. The Act
vn inibrcc and to be regarded as law i
ot the laud until declared otherwise; I
and on the President, particularly,
rests tho responsibility of seeing tho
laws enforced. It is scarcely nccessu-'
ry to promise that it will bo proved
that ho is a law breaker; the same Sen-
ntors who passed tho law over his ve
to are to sit in judgment against him,
and it is useless to hope that they will
go back on their record and futility
If his nnswer to the eleventh article
be true, then Andrew Johnson has
been sadly belied, and tho thousands
who have listened to his denunciation
speeches against Congress, n pack of
infamous scoundrels.
It may be however, that tho noon
of Monday will see Andrew Johnson
rise from the seat of thorns that bad
men will always find in the Presiden
tial chair, and return to private life.
Perhaps not. Johnson's desire for no
toriety is such that lie would rather
have his name go down to posterity ns
the greatest of modern criminals, than
to be allowed to slink out of oillco un
noticed. His resignation ns n matter
of economy would bo quite acceptable,
while the people me demanding io
trenchmeut, but it is cry doubtful
whether he will ollei it on .Mondavi
Democrats seldom resign.
Ni:nto OrritAdi: in Soriiiiin.v On-
i.".. 1 . V ll.ltl- .11. "-i (IV... I. .M .,.'
. ,. , , . ., . .
most diabolical outrages on the pait of
., ,, , ... . .
somo of our "colored" population,
...,,. ,. , ' I
against the Democratio recoid of the
i:tio.N. We have just heard ol two
gainst thcDciunc
"miisrcr. which our Coiiiiorhenil ex-1
changes aro weleomo to gobble and
pass louiid. A sh'ort time since a "nig
ger" old n quantity of gold dust iu
tho Express Otlieo, received the "coin"
nnd left. Scarcely half an hour had
elapsed until he leturned and oppioach-
ing the counter in n very mysterious
way, announced that he hail received
ten dollars too much and iuitcd on
returning it. lho banker was not '
aware that he had made a mistake but I
the "infernal nigger" was positive nnd ,
handed back tho amount. The second .
atl'iir is not so extensive but quite as!
"diabolical." A gentleman of this town i Dist., W. . Upton, hor Ditnct
hired an "infernal black scoundiel'Mast j Attorneys, Second Dist, D. M llisdon,
week to saw some wood, and meeting i Third Dist., J. S. Powell. Fourth
him on the street when the woik was Jl-. A ('. GIWin Fifth Dist., C. M.
Scarcely had tho gentleman leached, ,
his home when tho man presented him- Delegates to tho Union Stato Con
self and handed luck half a dollar' volition ftom Eastern Oregon, icpre-
which ho had been over paid by inU-1
take. Tho above cases must strength-1
en tho Democraoy iu tho belief that I
"niggers will steal," and is, iu nianyro
spects, actually "stealing" a march on
tho rag-tag and bob-tall of tho "white
man's party.'
Anotiikii OtniiAtiu. "Tho infernal
band of tyrants" who call themselves
Congress, liavo committed another out-
mgougainst Constitutional Democracy.
Tho Ways and Means Committee lmvo
iloniilnd tn rntnin tlintwn ilolltir fnv on
whisky, whicli tyranical decision must
result iu painful iucoiivenicuco to tho
nomocracy, andhas no warrant in tho
Ciiuai. Tho rates of passage to N.
Y. by tho Golden City to sail on Mon
day arc, 1st cabin, outside, $120, in-
..i.T.. asi . a-..! 1 .. Aif rri . tJ
side, 870 ; 2d cabin $40 CO ; Steerage, I county wants to seo " Demooraoy com
35 50. I ii(r from the lour'Qorncis of tho earth."
Gold in N. Y. yesterday, 13g. Lo-
gal Tenders 71 1 (i 1'2,
The Stnlo Ticket.
ablest orator, and the poor of any man
none ol those whnc names have been
mentioned. It will ease the minds of
the anxious Democracy to know the
candidates we have trotted out for the
approaching race their colors aro red
white nod blue, and all the jockyiug
and ttickerv of bastard Dcmoeraev
cannot crowd them oil tho track or
outstrip them. Tho Union party in
this State are confident of another vic
tory, nnd aie going into the fight to
win, nnd we here pi edict that the
champion of Democracy will not dare
to meet our Congressional candidate
in debate before the citizens of the
State; and if he does: the farther he
will he crowded to the wall, and the
more signal his defeat. Union men
are united as they should be and under
the national colors they will once again
teach Democracy, stained with treason
and dishonor, that all that is left them
I is to still coweron the light of freedom,
and that those who loved the flag when
Democracy trampled on it shall forev
er rule the country.
Dumociiaoy Tuount.i:i. The news
of Logan's nomination for Congress
seemed to create considerable excite
ment among our Democratic brethren.
In various parts of the town, knots of
the " faithful" could be seen discussing
the event. The rank and file looked
despondent, and tho leaders tool: to
whittling in a most spasmodic appre
hensive way. Wo remarked that they
whittled towards them, ns a Yankee
does when making a bargain thus in
dicating their doubt whether they have
a very good baigaiu (cougressionally)
or not. .Many of them think wo have
the best oftho bargain,and we venture
to say that if " puritanical Joe" dares
to stump tho Stale with our nominee,
tho Democratio candidate will get whit
tled down so small that he can easily
crawl thiough a knot-hole.
No Ni:wi. We liiito scanned the
I Lafavette Courier fuithfiillv this week
in search of a local item without sue-
cc!. It contains mimic foreign news,
however, not found in the dispatches,
i..., ... . I.
but ol the utmost importance. Iu
.., . . ' ..,,,, .,
"leader" announces that "Hell Pop
. .. ... ...... .
peth," from which wo inter that then
,' , . .
lias been some terrible commotion iu
the infernal legions; probably incident
to the selection of delegates to tho late
Democratic Convention at Portland.
It is u pity the party can't bo harmon
ious even iu the other world,
Sai.km M.Mtru 'Jotii.
The Union State Convention made
the following nominations : David Lo
gan ; nominated for Congress on the
second liallot; the uomiueo enmo for-
ward and accepted. For Presidential
Electors, O. Jacobs, Wilson Ilnwlby
and A. It. .Meacham. For Judge of
Second District, John ICelsay Fourth
sent tho prospects ot a Union victory
in tho part oftho State as far moie flat-
tering thnn two years since. The "hut
tcrniits" of that section hnyo emigrated
iu largo numbers and tho Democracy
will not bo allowed to vote Indians and
Kanakas as at tho last election.
Tin: body of a man named James
Cowan was found on an island near
Victoria on Saturday last, with tho
uitial aiilifr ariinn.fiitiiwtit ltr uritli in
ax N'0 om'haH bo'0, obtained of the
Tin: "snakes" nro urging against
Grant ns a Presidential candidate," that
he don't know anything." Ho knows
enough to keep his mouth shut, whicli
is mine than can lie said of the Cop
pcrheads who aspire to tho position.
. . - a) .
A Di:siocatio " writiijt " in Folk
thus intimating that "Niggers" and
Cliinamcn will bo very acceptable, if
they only come in ii Democratic hhapc, I
Thoro should bo no such word ob
"can't" in tho English language. All
things within tho limits of human ac
complishment limy be dono by any
man. All depends upon the will tho
resolve to do It. Ambition, when uni
ted with the higher nnd nobler quali
ties of tho heart, is tho noblest nnd
greatest passion of man; but tho nioro
desire to be, or accomplish, with
out tho heart to daic and will to do, is
simply a mawkish scutimentnlism, un
worthy manhood especially American
manhood. The poorest mnii iu the
State may be rich if he so wills al
ways provided lie has common sense to
build upon. The most illiterate man
may become learned. The greatest sot
may become a sober, prosperous nnd re
spected citizen. Tho most miserable
and discontented man may become con
tented nnd happy and useful. All de-
pt'iuls upon the tciil; not thu di earning
will that contains a mental reservation,
but the linn, determined will, that en
tertains no "ifs" nnd "huts" the will
that knows no such wind as tail.
It is never too late iu lite to resolve.
If there is a trait or habit iu the charac
ter of n man, thnt hits ever stood in Ids
way of success in life, anil he Anally be
comes convinced of the fact, though he
has attained the meridian ot lite
and the trait of habit has grown a part
of his everyday custom, it is not too
late to change to banish or abandon
the bar that precludes his rise or success
iu the world. Let him trill to do it, mid
the thing is done he starts afresh a
now mini, with tho advantage, loo, ol
experience, dearly bought, perhaps and
therefore all the more valuable.
To tho young man, wo say: "Where
there is a will theie is u way." Ever
keep in mind the celebrated sentence
thatlliilwer puts in the mouth ol his
gieatea of characters, Hicholioii :
"There is no such word as,." 117
to do it and you may bun millionaire or
Letter I'lom Willow Springs.
Two Mii.i:k ruosi Wii.wiw
Si'iiiMis, .Maik.-ii 'J'.'n. )'
.Mil. Eniini:.-Xiticing that vou ne -
....., ... i i ,. ,
enmnilntetl a Democratic correspondent
lrom mis piaco last week, I want to
say that everything he says to you is
true. I was at that meeting and the
"leader" said a good deal more about
the little "counter hopper'' that 1 don't
see in print. It don't make much mat
ter however what he says about any one;
he is pretty well played out nnd will
find that Democracy won't let him lide
any longer its back in too mho for as
rough a rider as he is, lie talked cry
sweetly about only wanting to exer
ci-e the same influence us the humblest
member ol the party when it is current
ly reported that ho dictated the action
of our inciiihcrh ot the last Legislature,
ami told them whatever they did nev
er to givo "Nesmith a vote for Senator
but to elect (iihbs first." Nesmith
oneo compared the "leader" to a "ring
tailed monkey" mid that made him
mad, ami a man that is spitclul enough
to heat a good sound Democrat be
cause ho don't liku him personally,
won't do to lead the party. I claim to
belong to the independent wing and
can't swallow tho "leader's" pet candi
date lor Sherilf, for if wo swallow the
one we have to take the other too; and
.1 . .. . . ...
im-ii uvery man wuo noil l llilll) Willi
him will have to be insulted as a
"counter jumper," or a "lousy miner," I " tno mKl mwtliig, Houtwoll ineseuted
or a "dirty piesiimptious inechauic," I "I'"""'"", mlopie.lbv the House, to
... i . . ii ,i ..in .ii Johnsons answer, which siiuplv denies
nnd to tell the truth, Democratio lead ",.,, ,, ,,vry uV,.rmi.t iuth'eMiveral
ers are throwing a little too much of i answers oftho President or iu either
that, kind ot slang uow-a-days. I send of them, which deny or traverse the
this to you nnd hope vou will prim it, '"'"' -,'iiue or misdemeanors charged
and I acknowledge that I have learned "n,,'h' A,,,,n'1w J1ihmi n said nrli
,.. ,i... k,....v... i.. I,l? 'f iiii;nflimeiit or either of them,
moie from tho Si:.mi.ni:l lately, about
"bod-rock" Democracy than I eer
knew before. If the AVeiliVo did'nt
belong to the "leader" ami other reb
els, I would scud it to them, hut it is
n little too strong on the "lost cause"
to find much favor with
An Iniiju'iini.k.nt.
lti.TUii.vixi. Si.vnkiis, Sinco Saint
Joseph has been nominated for Con-
gress, wo hear of numbers of tho Do-
mocraoy who hnvo been howling
against puritanisni, preparing to " jine"
tho church, (South wing, of courso;)
and wo hear of many who ao been
awful sinners, coming.forwnrd and bow
ing down to his reverence. Somo of
tlio wioked ones of th? Democraoy hnvo
not yet experienced any softening of
,., ,' ., ' i .. . . ' b
tho heart, nnd say that they wont near
stand burnt Joseph," as Uriok Pomo-
roy never was consulted, and ,thoy
know ho wont ..inlnrsf. u,,. .. .
tanimt, wAtuiw, hmmritteuL Jinllv.
.. , i ..,, """Wt
rantiny, jiharimk Gotf ami moral-1
Uj canttifatr."
T B L. K O It A V II I C.
The Impeachment Trial.
It is impossiblo to give our readers a
full report of tho proceedings, but
wo condense the following t
Ciiicaiio, S2d.
Orcnt interest is felt over thu im
peachment trial to-morrow. It is be
lieved tho President's counsel will ask
for further delay. The impression gnins
ground that after using nil dilatory
measures possible, when 'the Sennto re
luscs to grant further time, the Presi
will tender his resignation, claiming
that he cannot hnvo n fair trial.
Oiiii'aoo, 2nd.
The Senate, at half past one, resolved
Itself into a court of impeachment.
The President's counsel regretted thnt
longer tune had not neeu asked, lint
....! .1... ....a....i..,i ... tl.i. ni-tli.lua .if tin.
iraiiinuumnuB... u,v ........v.,... ....
peaehmeiit which were denials of the
barges in detail, or denials ol any in-
jtentitm to break the law where the
charge was too plain to be denied with
any show of success. In the denial to
the 1st article, he oilers the excuse that
Stanton was appointed by President
Lincoln, and that ho was doing the pub
lie service great injury, and when re
moved, was it ot iu lcg.il possession of
the War Otllce.
Theieply to the 10th article starts
with un allusion to the Philadelphia
Johnson Convention. Tho President
goes on to say: The Convention
adopted a declaration of principle, and
appointed a delegation to wait upon
the Piesitlent and pieseutsaitl declara
tion. Ho then details the interview
which took place in the White House,
between himself and the delegation.
He says his speech on that occasion
was incorrectly reported, nnd that ex
tracts quoted iu article 10th, in question
j l.y the House of I!epublieans,(?) aro
, nut parts of tlmt speech. He makes
the same statement with regard to the
j Cleveland speech, and ulso denies the
correctness of passages quoted lrom his
I St Louis speech. He protests that he
j has not been unmindful of the high tin
I ties of his olllee, mid denies having at-
. , . I . .
temptetl to bring tongiess into eon-
tempt; and asserts that during hisotll-
, ' , , , ....
! '"wr. noniwavsaeknowieilgetl tl.e
iiimmrii v urn i.-ii un v in v im izieii", lie
,,,,:, tfIM. , ll';illlfil.-lll.wnill w,.-!,.
l,,, . slid that Congress was not
n lawful hoilv, anil would not he till all
....it .
the Southern Slates were icpicsentod.
The rending ol the answers was con
cluded nt :i o clock, when liniitwclluu
uoiiuced that the uuiuagers were ready
with their replication. .Mr. Evart re
qucMcd a further delay of thirty days
iu which to piepaie lortrial. The mo
tion was up.: 1 1 ft I mid wus denied by
a nil iet parly vote, I'J to II. Evan's
then amended the motion, itxking the
i Senate to grant rc.iMinuble time. John
miii mined lor 10 das further lime.
tieiiiliug which motion. theSeualn ad
journed lt Tuesday. SpcuaU express
belief, that delay, till next nionday,
will be granted. ' lliughiim introduced
on part ol uuiuageis, their icplicntion
to President's answer.
Ni:w Yoiik, 'Jttlr.
A portion of the managers agieed
lust night to n general icplieation, viz. ;
tlmt Andrew Johnson is guilty ot high
crimes nnd misdemeanors; in manner
nnd lorm as changed against him, any
thing in his answer to the contrary not
withstanding, nnd the House of Itenie-
sentntives is ready to make the charger.
iu0,i w.m tlu ij,..Uo !s ...... ... 1" .,
Wahiiincto.v, 'Jttll.
Sennto: One o'clock having an i veil,
the High Court of impeachment was
orgaui.ed in the usual torn). Tho mem
bers of tho i louse entered ami took their
seats. AlU-r leading of the minutes
nnd for replication, tho managers do
sav; Anihew .IoIiiimiii is guilty ot the
high crimes mid misdemeanors men
tioned iu said articles, and that the
House me icady to prove lho same,
liever.ly Johnson moved that nil au
thentic "copy of replication bejnesented
to tho President's counsel. The Senate
then considered tho motion ponding nt
adjournment, allowing ten days time
for prnpaiution by PicsidoutWounsol.
Sumner moved to nmond by ordering,
unit in accordance wit,h tliu rues, the
trial is to proceed from day ,to day,
Sundays excepted, unless othorwjso or
dered, except lor cause shown by Pres
idont's counsel. Edmunds, moved thnt
Senate retired for consultation. Conk
.ling demanded tho ayes and nays,
wuieu iiciiiniiu was ordered, ii" ayes,
23 noes. Aftor two hours in consulta-
t5on tho Senato ve-appenred nnd nn,-
',oimcC!lit,lit '''.''"J.".',10 I)ro'
'coed with the trial oftho Pres dont on
Monday i.f.xt, tho 30th hurt, with nil
dispatch. After a moinontary pnuso
tho Chief Justico asked, if tho counsol
I for tho Pi esidcut had anvthintr to sav.
Co,"o"01I L-!Wed nCfl"icscncc, Butler
uotiliod witnesses to appear hero on
Moudav next ; the CoiiH tlicn ncllonriir
Cl, ' r' ' J '
' ' '' fiJJfc
'"r ' MYJ
. !
A urrt Vrrndi riijrulcfiin ! " More limn imtroftht "'
illnnp In th nnrlJ coiiim from nrglnt la funny Oit T
Irm Agnln.t rhnnff ir rlliuitte. wrMhrr Ami fan.. Tho
gri-itl ftctrt ufliMllli I. la kf.n ilia cnmllllon of the atom
acIi ami lllon.1 rrgulttr nttd uniform, totlml cliAtiRM from
Umi to Col I, from Dry to liiinip, Ml, mnnut upt tbo
mnctilntry of tlio lo.ty, Anil brrnl II.wa,"
fiim, II lm fic!,!lll!o Ami woll ltimnn, IIiaI thtra It
mi iucIi Imlmik ami ixllint for the Stormed m
Till, tpknitlil Tonic li tiiw u.M by All fUc ofrwplo
for f rcry (ymjitoin of "SMnnrli mil of onlr."
Tim uraol of II I. tlilt I l'lnnlalluii Hilton. Am nrlAln
tomrrKt IhoJulrMoftlia Sl.nnarli. Ml All III niAclilntry
At unrk, Amlrnitbla it to rp.l.t Anil throw otTlliPAppniAcli.
1 lwt timnl enrol nil the imU l lltll nl"ti-
lug U.IIKei ill' irimvuij , me I'lnriH.tuii vt i.n.nro
j t , proK,r n, nw iniirli
if li. Il'ln II I. In lirlp lirr nlonit with A Bvnltr, .let pontrrnl'
Tunic, tliAti In ilrliiim Ami Hnikrn Ami .lrfoAt litrcurxlln
mora rrinible Ami-
prurfMc. with miinnti. drug. Ami liny mUIium. which
only ittiprfy ami ptnnl Ilia .'till of ditauc Ami dnitli.
Iiiiltnrtnnt Certificates.
" I.iwp mi. tli tn vi.u, Air t tetlly ballera Ilia
riintittlon lllttrrt linrn mrr.1 my Itfn
Kit. W. II, WAIKIOMMt, Jlailrlil, N. Y."
" Tlmii nlltrmlm two UitllM moranf lha
I'tanMllon niltrra. Sly wlfo ba Wn trrailly lirnllltnl by
tUlrn-r. Tliyfilcml, Aa- cvli, riillultlplil, IV
I Imo Wf n i. irrwl .iifTcrf r fnim pT.p'r'lA,
AmlliAilliiAlMiiilmprmtliliig, Tlia I'UnlAtlon
Ulltrn lima mini ma.
I1I.V, J. S. CATIIOI1N', Itoclic.ltr, .V. V."
' 1 linra Rltm Ilia I'Untntlnn nitlrrn lo
hunilrril. ofoitrdltUrlililitra with tlia nuiat A.toni.ti
luir crTrtl.
(1. W II. ANIIimWS,
Sniirrlnlamlcnl SoMlrr.' Ilonia, Cinrlnnalll, 0."
TliaPlintAtloii lllttaramikalliawmk Imnxt-lha lln
ciilil brilliant, amlara nliiu.lr.1 N'Atnro'a KrMt ri-tnr.r.
Tim Mibllc rimy rwl aunrrtl that liitnKa.n will tha
rarfiTtb rra tlaii.1 ml of llir 1'HNTATION II1TTI.US
Uil.rmtlr.1 fniin. Ktrrr botlla Imra Ilia fartmlla of
Inur.lirriAturnuiia itaal Ut tnirlnit, c It cannot ba
Anrrvrvriiiprttrmllni-liiirll N.AXTATKI.V IIITTKI18
In bulk or lir Dip callon, I. a awlnillrr am lmxlr. ltr
. war of trtlllnl Imttln, ft tlmt our I'llrata Stamp la
tNSIITILATI-.il .iter atrry cork.
mm ay aii uriitgiii, uiKcri ami waitrt inraugugui
Hit wurjl
P. II. DltAICi:, K CO.,
lVi'W York, Solo I'rnii'iy
nnniNTo k co., .no
itntlilU, KioiiI Sfreer,
San I'Vaticlsco.
A fronts for California and Nevada.
Fi.n.tN. .
I.yun'a Slaznrllc Imrcl IViwiIrr l anrp ami rrrtan rlralhi
li.rt.rjthlnunf Ilia In.rclMirrlca riraa. Idauhra. Slua.
,,u ' ' '
. .. ........
I 11 hat I. ti.w,llltf .it.n.l. tim l ,M.h ..... .hi. ..l.
I" lif-Uy liirmlru In niankiiHl ami ibuiir.lla animal..
It caii l Inhalnl or Mian Willi Inipnnlti. II brara tha
taatiniony of ar.ili.ptil ill.lliiiul.linl rhrinl.ta that It la
mm: ntosi poison.
talkm . well Kmiwn. II I. ra.lly ami rra.llly
rllona aniiiiirvinr rath Da.l.. llawarabf couii-
ii.ri14lirrrllon aniiiiip-iny rath Oath,
111 (rnulna ha. lha .lanatitni cf Y. l.tni, Ami lha prl
rata .lamp nf lltMU lltrnu A Co. Any IhlmtalHioflhia
kin.iaiiliiiltatl....firr.iintarfrlt, AhyilrwraUlwlUiirw.
cnni lha iirnuliia Ifyrii l. I.I jihi will l in. nl liar.
VuMli) allil.uml.t.nuil Uraltravnlhr I'arlSornMt,
It I. an almlllnl fifllli.1t I hi. Jl.ilmu Mu.lani Uiil
maul prrfi,rin inura rnr4 In a .iH-ilrr tluia, un iwn and
lariat, IhiiiAiiy krlirlorvar.lin-oiaiMt.
,ur.i,iHM.i.i liaa arar bran Intruliltoi UKfal aalafll
cat luua in ruilnj:
ItiikitiATiioi, Sum: TiuaiAT,
Stitt 'y.K JolNTI, Ill'IIN.
IliiLia i:.,it Acio:,
.VntilNH, riirn.l.l.MiH,
Kiirsn Citb on Voi'.M
Oranyalliar coraplalnUrroulrliitanrxttinilai.pl icallun.
III.Anlmll-pan.UMaaml valuaali rrmailyiln allcawa.
of Slu, Spliut, IIiu-Iliur,N iuU flalla, Inula., Strauri,
It almulil I krpt In arary luMar, camp. aailaUbUr Ac
rl Irnta will (xrur I'runipllliraa l.rfflou-),
All Kviiulna la wrai4l in al plala aiiffrarlnfca, brariPff
llia.lfualiirvufti Watllirauk.ChriiililAtiillbapriTaK,
V. S. alampof IIHJIAS H.UINIIS A Co, ur.r tha lop.
AnatTorl Lw barn iiiaJatucuulaiMt It, -llliebap
ll'lir lil.tal.l.la. igkclily I
SuMhyall liruiiltliAiiJ Sloralnitry tuwnajiil rulor
lui;caiiipou eaclUoooajl.
Iteitt-inpUoii of State Keller
Orrici! Statk TiiKAkuiiKtt, )
8.1I.KM, IWy SUIIi, IRfiS. f
ii) l.y lho iiiiikrslpiiil. ul hi if!lci la Sa
K'Ni. tinlll IL o'clock. ,M.. llurcli 20ih, 18CH, for
lliu nwiri'iilir nf Iti'llof lltmila, I.muiI mulcr
lho I'rnvMinis of an ' Aol of llit. I.'!llalle
Ahm-iuI.Ijt of lint Stnlo of Oregon, prnntlng
H'lli'f In v(iliinleiir nf I III" StHli', ciillMiU la
thi' nrvlo-or lliu Unlit tl iwtnlc, nirnvtil Oct.
24tli, IMil," nl Ilia Inm-nl rult-a, nut t-xcwdlng
pur nliij. n mny ruli-cin tlt grittU'iil number
nr DuiiiIh.
T.'it Ihimaani ilnlUra nnw In tb Trcnry
Pillcalilc.to Ilif r.tlumnlliiii ul mitl llumli.
Illila u bo mlilr-M-il lo
K. N. COOKE, Slatojrnnptirjr.
March Till. IHl!8. iiicIi7-h4
Ketlemiitiaii of State iouulr
11 on ds.
OrncK Statk TiiKifiinr, )
Salkm. Keli'y 20th, 180B. (
ft bv thu undersigned, at Ins ofllce. In Sa-'
turn, until 12 o'clock, M.iMuroli 2Ulb, 1868, fur
lho surrender of Homily llund', lni-d under
tho I'rovltlons of an Act or (In- Ligl-Ullvo
Assembly of the State uf Oregon, graullng
boiinllea to volunteers of Ibis Male. cnllnUU
In the iwrvlce of the United States, approved
Oot.2lth, 18C1." at Ihe lowtit raK-f not ex
ceeding par vulua.ias way redeem the greatest
number of Ubnda.
Fifteen thouaand dollars, now In the Treas
ury, uppllcnblu to tho redemption of said
(loads. Ulds.lo bo ddresed to
K. N. COOKE. 8tate Treasurer.
March 71b, 18C8, oh7-w4.
X Hides or all Kiniu, ueuvereu at wb mn
of the undealgued.io JoekiqovUI
December 81b 1800, " Tf-U '