Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 28, 1868, Image 1

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    ISSS!S5!m!I!IS!SI3fa!!. ,.'n!S7'ri
jAG-EiivarM we
Jacksonville, Spl. 23, 1800 if
Corner of Washington and Front Streoti,
J.. P. W. QU IMBY,
(ijitk rnoriiiKToii ok tub "Wkstkiin Horn,")
iitnit cullrvly REFITTED I AT) REFURNISH
ED It. Is mi tirepured torcculvc nndiicciimtnn
dull) lit frli'i.ilf milt runner pntmus. ninl tin
general travelling public. Fur safely In ilio
Weill if llio. nnd tlio cnnvciilniicu oi' guests,
n SECOND PASSAGE hn I n opened to tin-
SLEEP1IV APARTMEXS, which i.ru cninnm
dlnus mid espi-clul iirruugeil fur llii'ticcntntiiiHln-
tionnrriiiiiliU WAllMJ COLD
BATHS "lliwhul lo lint house.
Shi liutuc la locnlril nearer llie Mlrnmbont
binding tlm n mi ntliirlu
will txi In nlleiidauce nt tliu S'-tcrnl Landings
to convoy guests ninl their Imggugi' In mid Irnm
the liiwsi' Kl(i:i: OK CIIARGK. The hi.usoha.
n large Fire-Proof Safe lr valuable. Tin'
I'roprli'lnr will inulurdiku Hint nothing shall he
lolt uiiifuiii to render hla bouso iittruclhu.niul
guests couilortuble. ocliill
St. Dl'OA.V.
1. 0. WALL.
33rlolx. XStxllclix-LC
Corner of" Front mill V Street,
Ing mill Inrwitrillug ol'nll kooiN villi unti-il In
thulr euro, with promptness and dispatch. They
liavu lltli'il iit two Inrgu buildings fur sinrlug
goods, mid liutc innO'i nrruuueineula so ilmi
inorclntiitK doing business through them will
mil sullcr by miy overcharges, ur loe nuyjiisl
clllllll 1 or guilds hist, ,
per 'Toii-luiiiii'iilr solicited. Merchandise
received uuliiriigu. Inr'.Mly
A thick iif imiii'rml miiiI tools Innm-Hy Ii--hunting
In (NmIi'IIii & Cnlllii. Mr. ("iilelh
having wlllldlllWII. I' II. ('ulllll will CllllltllU-
tint business, iinil cuii tut found nl his l'i.
Cornet' of C tuitl Tin Id Street,
iriniiiil in ilu wmk In ii Hinkmiiiillki- iimnnei
-miit hi r.KMi'iHiil.1 rwio.
JuckMinvIltf. Del I.'. IhC.T. (iCllUII
til. DDK A DO,
. J'.f.ii-. e.I.A.U(-n.-i..Tn li.omllli.O.
Kiictnrv uii comer id" On-gon nml Main Sl
liv tin- Odd Fellow's Hull, uud opposite lh
l-j-imcn-Ann rlcin Rtaiiruiil.
Jacksonville, Nov itlllli. IBM. iiovau-Um
t t.
iiiinll'il hii'iiiiH' fiirunril nml
iii hy tin-ilrii iliy nl .Immury eiiniin-r, i
will i-rrliilnly Im'ii llnir llihiri-l tinl'tWMW
C.Hiliiil ilu liinlnvM Hllliiml HKini'y hi linvl inn
iiwii liuliililiip : mnl furl lic-i re. ilc niiii! H
fur ll'clFml inlirill nr nil chiici mill, '! lum
iilcli-tiiiliKil lincliilili-li n clrici nifh lmix n
liii'imvx tiller ili" fi'ii ily nt Jiiiiiniry, 1808
nml will ikii di'iiiirl Iri'iu il,
Jncknnvlllf. I)u-.,19lli. 18C7. tlifillf
I ... w If -
lime, will nml n cniinimit nipply, nl Hit
' , biilquiilly,liiiiimiitilli'i K) mil, nl myVlinp
'on MhIii flrrt't, Uiwhii Ori-goii nd Third, nn
not Miillur A Drt'iitmioV moil'. In my d
miicc, Mr. Altx. Mwrlln will wait upon cuntum
1 cr.
, - t 'Steuo IVlauou Work
dnno'onMprm to nlt Ihu llinc, 'Onlcr from
,'hu country will nci'Ivn prnnipt nttiitin.
-." itilll' ii m.i i mjwilp
.IUII ik. I UiV nun.
,' icksonvllle. April 2. lM.
TKB Sci "l" '"" "''" ''' 1eon 3r"'t' ' P'1'
TUe flria'i imu will bo continued-under the
;,lIinWui'"wor the above changHt l.u
Imiwrative ieo "Ry ',,r ' '" " ," R" 'ht""J
NAM loVlhe ' "rm- ,0 tl,e at ouce
iMheflsi'bid.tey or note
'Thankful for lh e pMronogo heretofore so llb-
lSm torlt ft nu?nceEoMb.
TMjnb, 1MB. r7ml
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Ambroty pos,
Cartes do Vislte
Picture IUmIiicciI
Physician & Surgeon,
Onicnnthl" resilience. In the Old Ovcrbcck1
Hoiilliil, on Oregon Street.
OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
Hu will prnctlco In Jnckion nml niljnccnl
cnuntlcn, mid ntteud liromiitly lo prurensliitiitl
cull. lehitr
In tho Ovorbock Hospital,
r. niti'iu:, m. i.,
OFFICE removed to Oregon Street, near
ly oppomto the French llettnurnnt.
jiickoivlllu. Die, 'JM. Ihi.7. ilic-JI-ir
V.7 II.I. uiliMi'l lii miy who mny riiiulri' lil
V nlci. nnieo mljiilnliiir N. I.nntf'!'1
hue ,lmp. mi linrlh rlili CnlirnrnlH Sri-..
iii'Uniiulle, liiivl'ir
L 11 .
en iH'iiMi
SWISS M'llilJI IliTTIillS!
The U'-l I'm HIT u; lli IIUkI'
A rlnilil Tiim'I
A rry AkkiiiIiI)' Uilukl
L'iiinMl f..rfllnunrilv l.nl jcrnll.r mi
ll.v .mrll..n. nf II. o Ll.liivjr. Iaji.,
Iuiii4cIi ikI llitrl
T 11 Y
t'orfklrnt nil Hli'ili"l anil tvlail liquor,
ilrnir Hl tfnrrry klurv.
J, II, I'aiirn. l'n.rll'iT,
Jftwj- ji.iiii. tta, cur i"i. nii rrnei.
I. O. G. T.
ALPHA I.ODfiK. NO. 1. 1. O.H T.. 1I0I.D
IU ri'giilur ineutlnu mi 'I infdat i-ii'iiliig
if nidi week, nl tin' ItUlnel -cImI lluc, In
Jiicksiuii-llh. LOUCP. opi'iiii nt T) n'elnik
lU'CIICi: MCKTINCH Ihu lt Ti I) nfeHih
uiiiiilli. mti'r ailjuiiniuii'iit nl' iUIIORI'IN,Tl'
All iii'IiiIhts of tho Outer In goml standing
ure enull. illy luvltiil tn Ih pru-eut.
(1 Y. KOORK. W. C. T.
J. It. W'aiib Sic'y.
J.ieknnillle. I-Vli 8lh. lKli8. fu 8 If
v Warren Lodce No, 10, A. F. & A.M
HOLD their regular cmnmiiulcutliiii
. on tin' Wedimsdiiy Kvculiige or pn ciih
lug Ihu full imioii, In ji'isivii.i.k, ii-
Mm. A. MARTIN. W..M.
U, V. SAVAiiK.Src'y.
The Best Itemed)- for I'nrifyliis
ihelllooil, tjlleiigllii-iiliig the NerVei, Ktrturlug
Ihu LokI Apetlte. U
only, Il cah tm given sulely lo Inlants !'
lections In Kiigll-h, Fiench. Pp.i..isn and
Full dl
man, wiiii every imcKnge.
For bale at nil the wholale and rtlall drug
stgres and groceries.
KMIL FRKSE. Wholesalo Druggist,
Bole Agent, 410 Clay street,
jnvllyl San Francisco.
NOTICE. Having disposed of our Fac.
lory, we nro now prepared in give our whole
attention to on' Leather nnd Fimlliiit builness.
On iuml, direct from il'runce, Calf 4 M.
umiuiiiu i.iMtiivr, ni'ntiieas eic
J0"NS;"&. L,lU;.s. SFcWlthe soundness nv his posishen on the
Addiess, HKIN & DRAY, San Franehco.
-"--""- r I r
4ii ii.tiierj niruei
i ' ' I
"to arouxxclx-yxa3.exa.
Xhuabtrlot snd' lUgu COAT, pal PIO BOX
1,000 Tou,
Jaf tor. and AOoal, fur sale by
tu tad 4U ii'Mtac tf., m ytyfjfo
t-t . 'ir m
; ; "-K '
the mm ffiUfiKft.
Kvery Sntunlny MnrnlnR by
b. r. DOWHIX,
office, conxEn g a tiiiiw sntErs
tkhmv op HUiHrnHTitmi
For One tonr.ln mlvHticr. Four Dollnrn J If
nnlil wllliln tin' first six mnnili of Iho ycivr. five
uninn. : 11 uni nnu iinin 11111 viiiirniion di if c
:,..! . ,e .... -!., .....I. ., ,--.,' .1..
year, aix tionnr
thiihs oPAnvnttTtsixdi
One square (10 lines or lcsV flrt Inser
tion. Three Dollar ; (ach snlm-qnpnt liser-
ion. iiiiu iiDiiar. a mscoiint or nny percent
will Ih- innilo In lhiii whonilvrrlleliy ilipycar.
n- I.rpil TctiJirs rt ItkI t cmrent rlr.
Jlc Gentle to till1 Wire.
Re penile, for you lllllc know
How many trials tUv ;
Although to Iheu they may he small,,
To her of giant size.
De gentle, though perchance that lip
May speak n murmuring lone ;
The heart miy speak wllh klndueM yet,
And Jiiy lo be thine own.
De gentle weary hours of pain'
'Tls m oiuau's lot to hear;
Thru yltld to her whatuVr thou camt,
And all her sorrows, share.
lie gentle, fur the noblest hearts
At limes must hive some gilcf,
Al.d even In n pilllih mud
May (evk to tlnil relief.
He gentle none arc prefect hero
Thou'it denier fcr tlinu life;
Then, hnliaud, hear and still forbear
He genlln to thy wife
Naaby I'npem.
(Kn.ni the Ttl1f lllntr 1
.Mr, Nuktiy Insiica IiIa I'iocIiiiiiii-
Viiii to the Diiiioct'iicv the
Noiih, Lit) lug Down I he I'ollt)
In lie I'tiisiii'il Inliikiiieti Deiuo
cniilc 'lctory.
(Wieli is in tlieStiitonv ICentiieky,)
Janl'akv II, 1808.
Tlie time lie tit lenptli titiiv wlien
il V nveesxary that Mitliin must lie iliil.
Piot'ruxtiiini-lifii the Luster ttv Hie
eeMi, ninl fiicnt eA'eelleiife is only to lie
itlt.iineil ilinnijjli renl lalxir. In the
tnir file thut tlio l)i'iiiocrii.y hex aloiv
it, ii v uieli the ii'etiioiiitiiiy uotiw ih
iiuiv lieiii'; fiMimliil, it U wixiloin nut
to mt nny elmiieeK nv Mteeetd or to
m iil. mi anything that wood livv :t ten
.1 im v I" nil! in- on lo tictoiy.
M mkiiiil, or at least tliiee-liiinlli
u eiu, are ilivileil iiji inlneliiHMh, vir.:
ntoeaU niiil ninnies, anil I make liolil
to -ay that the leiulilikin party i tlu
iiinnii'!'. 'Theyhev n eertain kind in
eonrnre. I don't deny that dunlin tin
late tnipleaeaiitnis they fiteiil liatterier
i ml Meh tolerahly well, lint their nene
ill einlid with thai. They e.pcnih(l
theiielves a uarryin on the war, and
lift-nine tn ej.'jjMinMid in doin it to
pick tip I lie plunder, or to take good
en re nv their prisoner,
The next eampahei to lie fonjjht nn
two ishnos mile, viz: the linaiici'SMiid
the ni:er, ninl on holli the Demoeri
y ii especially otrong. Ez Deniokrat?,
on an average, ilon't pay taxed to any
alarinin e.tent, they nro tnepekoolyar
ly M'tifitive on thin Kithjitk. Antony
no ehifH do I find Mrh ardent ndvoealex
nv paying the hondu off in grecnliiur.
Only last nite, in Louisville, I heerd
one, who wnf n lenuiti up ayin tho hnr
nv the s'loon I )aternize, mi-eit with
fervor that tho money pond emiU" Inr
the lahrer wn good enulV for the ldnal-
ed lionddiohler, and that for his part
wver to pay another
dollnr in titxen to swell the estate of
those piiiso'pimul aristocrats. After
givin cxpit'8icn to pIcIi n patriotic de
fianoc, cood I rcfusu to lend hint the
ten centH lie desired to assuage the
thirst that was consttntin him? No!
I did it, nnd he tn wunst nsua?cd.
Tlie fact that ho attempted to pick my
pocket of my handkerehor vx I passed
liiui, while it shows n moral twist in
ids naeher, don't detractnnything from
great question uv finances.
Tlin nlercrer is. however, ourbcstnnd
strongest holt. Tho Democrat may
not precisely understand tlie financial
question, or not liovin nny bonds to ho
paid, orgreenbnx to pay 'em with, ho
mny not possibly caro it continental '
icussnboutit. But on the nigger ho
is aliuz alive, ulluz nctivo, .nlluz vjgl-
I lant Whenever ho Is brought fane f
? 4 1'flk Jl' 4 1-JvJW
z &sfcz
xtinktivoly strikes. Anil llie Ucpubli
kin is Jist w ceiifitivc on these ques
tion vz tho Dctnocmt. Dooiin tliu
I war, when tliev wnnti"! em, titer
wtiz a tcnileiicv towonl lookin tnoro la
voraWy 0Ml0 C-M1 bllt llint h rmKl(1
!oul- Tl "'g8-'p vl, wu n vvy
4. Iif. I 1 1 1 ! t 1
' "V0"0 '" "l,,r Wt " ",',, K,n" '" u,0
, and with a nuttket on UU sliotilder. it.
i ' '
... ... . '
now that he ain't neeiled tn stand
nlwecn n white man nnd a total Indict,
the same d. d nigger liu nlltiz wuz,
and nothing more. Tliu nigger stinks
cz ttv yoro, and in that sign we conker.
For the guidance ttv the Democrasy
North I wood say that we hev com
menced ourcampane. We are jist now
engaged in lixitt the niggers in our
midst, so we can hold him up next
year or. a nwful example nfoie nn ns
Intituled world. We hev organised
:dl thro Kentucky, nnd arc pttshiu il
thro the other Slates ez rapidly ez pos
fiihte, leagues of property-owners lor
their protection in the matter nv labor.
We hev agreed, nnd wu moottially
pledgu tu each other, our words nnd
sacred honors suthin ez folic is:
I. No nigger slid he permitted, un
der any pretext whatever, to lease or
liny nny ground whatsoever.
2. No nigger slid be employed upon
any plautasheit oiilesHhekinshowirom
his last employer n ccrtilikil setting
forth: I. That' hoi humble. 'J. That
he can't read .'I. That he regards it ez
his tlooty, under tliu decree ttv n just
Providence, to take whatever in set
afore him, humbly nnd without tuiir
miiiiii. .'I. Noniguershelbeemployeil ceptin
upon the followiu terms: Able-bodied
males, $8 per month ; able-bodied fe-
! mult, SO tier month. Where thev
hev bin married by ehaplins ttv nigger
regiments nnd sich, the marriage to be
cnnideied nv noakouut. Supplies on
to wteh they live shel, in nil caes, be
furnisht by tho employer, the price
wich he fixes thereon to he deducted
front their wages. Should they gil in
debt to their employer for supplies il i
evpiessly understood that they she!
hev the privilege nv winking it out.
We ninl so cruel . to ask that they
shi'l pay in money.
It Imi'i expect id that many nv em
will take service on these terms. Wat
follows? It is oIimis in the moil ordi
nary lutellick! They'll starve! Hal
Icloogy! They'll starve! Slarviu,
they'll nl tempi to take a livin by force;
we shel appeal to the Government for
protccsiouauiiitlii'iiiltiriatid monsters,
and with that help we think there will
be no ditlictilty in hriugi'i uv em to
terms. Willi Hancock nnd Sickles in
command, wu think thcie will bo no
trouble in bitstin the conspiracies that
will follow, and supprcsinnny uprNins
that may occur. Wu hel hold em
with a firm hand, may possibly com
mence onto cm afore they rise.
Then will the cfleck be made plain
tu you. Tho people uv Kentucky will
pint to the corpsis uv them wich me
strewed along the road sides, dead uv
starvation and exposure, and exclaim
sopiilcrally to the Abishuit ' Heboid
yotP work ! When ho wuz n slave, ez
he wuz oiiginally intended, and wuz
cared for by kind masters, it wuz not
thus!" Many o( them will die, but
wnt is the lives uv n thousand, more or
less, niggers when compared with u
Democratic victory.
I would recommend similar strategy
in tliu North, The nigger must bo
stirred up with ft long pole, nnd the
pint mtut he sharpened. In localities
where yoo hev niggers, let outrages
by em bo enmtnenst to wunst. Let
rapes by niggers upon defenceless
white wimmin become alarmingly fre
quent. Her niggers decoy white chil
dren into nnlrckeiited places nnd mur
der cm, choppin 'cm up into ininco '
pieces. It woultl uo well to nev occa
sionally, reel outrages, onto wich to
base tho noospnper ones. In overy
congressional decstrik you ought to bo
. ""'1 Democrat suflieiently
"-" w ", i(ui.v u.nn,
or two to tids purpose.
Where yoo lievn't any niggers wo
nre willing to furnish urn. Wo km
driyo onuff out qv the Corners to do nt
AwfotyMW W 'nft Northern Sjate,
NO. 10
Iwieh, ef yoo cood ittit small pox or
( measles thro cm so thnt they wood hev
to be ohjicks uv charity, wood he cnuut
, ive. Ez soon ea thev maku their nn-
licnrance in nuv townshin. let clothes
IIiips nml smoke houses bo robbeil let
n tniuatour hell be raised to wunst.
Uv course it will be.chnrged up to the
niggers, for whelt wuz a white man ever
kuowd to sich tilings? nnd tho result
will bo tho triumph wo want. Titer
ninl no danger in tliis line uv nckshen,
for cz the nigger liez uo vote in the
North there ninl nobody lo stand up
for iilm.
Eternal vlgllonco Is the price uv lib
erty. Let our vigiiencebeez near eter
nal ez possible. One null nnd we shell
have passetl tho Jordon. Let us inake
the most uv our opportunities.
Pimtot.i:v.M V. Nasiiv, P. 31.,
(Wieli is Postmaster.)
Tut: Slim nml Strim Union! nub-
lishes the following gem Irom lliick's
pen, with n request to "read and re
lied." Tlie request is needless. The
T.v Croe Jhiiwmtt is suppoited sub
stantially by the Democracy ns their
leading paper; the paragraph will not
weaken n Union reader, nnd tliu masses
of tliu Democracy, for whom it is in
inlcd, have neither shame nor icllee-
Hut God is just. Eacli dog has only
its day, so Lincoln had only his; for
on that long to lie remembered night,
wlillo the jailor and inurdeix'r of Aiuci i
lean Iroelnen wjisaln Washington play
house, iti one of the tlatk hours ol
Ainericuii lihei ty, when the life light
ol the Republic was about going out,
God, in his wisdom and justice, sent a
man of coumije who did his tuition
well, and, amidst the liugol the"ffl
i(iiijnr lynmni," Lincoln went to lih
account to warmer realms below, the
erics ami groans ol his victims tinging
in his ears to tlie first.
" When wo look about this land
once so hcnulilulMiml so productive.
nml whose peoplu were once so happy
ami prosperous, nml no how ban en
mid ileMilale and tlieaty nre lands and
homes; how maiiy new graves me
thcie; how red the eaitli is with hu
man blood, mid how many widows mid
orphans and maniacs me there, aru we
wickul or wrong in nssiiiniiig ami be
liciug that tho lluml who wroinht
this destruction mid misery is now tin-
Icigolng ilescnlng toituiu in hell?"
Uitici; PoiiKitov. Thu follawinu
pietnie of tliu notorious editor ol the
h; Lrossu Utmorml, drawn by ihu til.
itorof the C'tirrv fPeiiiisvlvnniii) lit-
! lam, mi old neqiiaiiitiiucc, shows
htm to he it model Democrat :
Hu was horn minus (lie moral utlii-
bittes of a manly character. Ilu is a
liar, di'iiiikiinl. tlili.l' mirl u !f...li....i,.i.
i 'i "? ..., i
to our personal knou ledge. Wuhave!
kiiouu him to lieat his wife mid chil
dren uiiiiierciliilly, uilhout tliu show
ol piovocation, mid forbid tliu uier
chants to furnish them with tho neces
saries ol life, while he himsell was ca
rousing in ileus ol tirottitutinn. And
such a thing tliu lender of tho Demo
cratic paity ! Wu have known him lo
slnir bawdy umirs and crack obscene!
jokes over tliu dead I cumins of his
. - - . w .
ttieml and companion who was stran
gled to death in mi attemnL to dtiuk n
gallon ol whisky on u wager, in the
city ol Milwaukee,
There is In Vickshitrgti veteran prin
ter, eighty-tlueo year of age, mIio has
worked at the " easu" seventy yeats,
without ever losing u day on account
ol sickness, He is still hale and hcmly,
and able to jicrforin the duties of his
A Hrookllu man accrmplishcd n feat
In tho way ol bigamy. He courted for
two years and finally mn tried h young
woman residing within n stono's throw
of the house whero hu lived with his
family, nml sustained tho two estab-i
Hshmciits for somo tune.
An Irish scrvnnt girl was requested
by n lady to go to n certain dry goods
house, and obtain a bed comforter for
her. About nn hour afterwards she
returned with one of tho clerks.
Miss Grace Hilton, of Albany, is said
to bo tho young Indy to whom thecal-
lant, Phil. Sheridan ii ojjfi'acfd.
The ltlilHR GeticrntleM la thU
Tho followiifIron tho San Frnucli
CO Timts expresses our views, and it
contains tunny hints that nro applies.
bio to this locality.
No one can walk our streets', or rend
the local columns ot our dailies, with
out coming to tho conclusion thnt,
taken ns n clns?l tho children of Sari
Frnncisconru far from being trained In
tho way they should go. It is not
only tho poor walls of society the chil
dren with no one to care for them, or
whoso parents ntc ignorant, dissolute,
and degraded who display n fearful
precocity in Ml "that Is bad, but it is in
many cases the children of respectable,
Intelligent, well-to-do people. Thero
is evidently something wrong. Wo
do not think that any fault can bo
lotiiid with tho standard ol intellectual
education, but we fear the standard of
moral education is far too low, Our
schools ate good enough; tliu evil it
In tho discipline ol the family. Most
parents nre far too careless n to what
company their hoys nml girls keep,
and how they spend their lelsuru time.
They send their children lo school,
spare no cost to give them a " good edu
cation," hut take no pains to give.them
good hnhjts nml instill into their minds
those fiiudameulnl ideas of duty, with
out which knowledge, Is of no nvnll.
In their government of their families,
they nro guided by no fixed rules.
They tolerate disobedience, impudence
nnd waywartlhess livcause It is too
much trouble to restrain or punish, un
til their influence Is entirely gone, nnd
tliu child is abandoned to its own Im
pulses before jgood habits nro formed
nml Its Judgment Is suflieiently matured
to enable t to choose aright. That
fearul tliing-tii completely spoiled
uhilil which means u child which Is n
torment to itself mid nil about it, and
n disgrace to its parents is uo rarity
in this city, mid the legitimate results
may hu seen In tliu records of our Po-
lieu Conits, Industrial Schools, Magda
len Asylums and piisous. In u well
limed ntticlu onuhls subject, suggested
by the nnvts of children ol tender
age, Ihu Jlullctlii ol lastevunlngmnkoH
tin) following seiisihlu remarks:
Whether corporal discipline bo exer
cised in both the school nml family, or
whether it bo exercised in tho family
alone, it ought certainly to bo exercised
to tliu fullest extent which is safe, be
Into having resource to tliu police, tho
magistrate, mid tho penal regime of a
public iclonnalory.
Tho evil begins wilh Infancy. Tho
children ol somu parents never learn
obedienro when young, nml Ihcrcfoio
am illlllcult of control when six mid
eight yearn of age. Tho oruelestof
all wrongs to children Is to leavo them
to grow up like weeds, mid It would
he well If tliu law could punish tho
lather who neglects to train his chit
di en In good habits, as it does tliu man
who iipglcelN to supply them with
loot. Moral ruin is ns grent n rrlmo
against tho child ns physical ruin by
starvation, and thu law might as well
hike rogiiixancu ol one as thu other.
Willfully to rear, children to Ucunnd
ciime, Is moio iiijuilous to the well be
ing of thu community than thu willful
maiming of Individuals, mid il the law
punishes thu latter ntl'eiise, It should
punish thu- former. The child suflcrs
ill thu time hy Mug given up to bad
passions, mid never knows what nn in
nocent mid happy infancy Is; thu boy
sliders nftcrwnrtl, because even Immun
ity has to use cruel measures in the
hope of reforming him, ami then too
often fails. Society has criminals whero
it should bavu good member. In
overy easu of vicious nnd disorderly
habits being proved agninst n child
under foititot'ii years of age, the parent
or guardian is morally though not le
gally answerable, whenever criminal
negligence Is tho cause. Sot iety litis,
for yeais, tended toward leniency nnd
mild measiiies; but it is doubtful
whether tho acknowledged evils of
Puritan severity, great ns they were,
ever were so mischievous oh modem
laxity nnd Indulgence.
We do not believe in cruelty tn chil
dren; but wo do not think it safe to
entirely reverse thu maxim ol Solomon.
A wUo pure nt need never resort to un
due severity; hut will always exact
obedience, nnd villi feel the responsi
bility devolving upon ouo who hit, to
a great extent, tho charge of shaping
tho destiny of an immortal soul.
Mrs. Jvaehel Heath, t he oldest Inhab.
Itnut of TJrpwnavillc, Maine .died re
cently at i,!C ago ,of ope, huudrcdand
,two yenrs nnd .t'trvo UQjHls, Sh
leaves nino living chjidrciu .tfo.tMwt
ol whom is clghty.tw.0 ycara oJr,i4,
tbeywu)jrfitfl)ty;WfeBt '