a 4, 5 V i Democratic Ppaybiu Tho Dra matic ChronicU gots off tho following M an appropriate prayer lor tho De mocracy, just nt this time: O Democratic Lord t things aro al ready looking squally. Thou hast most unexpectedly favored us much' of late, and conscquontly.Vo trust to re ceivo a continuance of the same. Thit charge of bribery, 0 Lord, laid at Cus ucrly'n door, bores and annoys us. We pray thee, O Lord, to so eonlound and bother Howard, and all his associates in iniquity, that thoy may not be able to provo any of their allegations against us. Not that there is any truth in them, 0 Lord, but if Howard is not signally rebuked or silenced it will bo nn injury to tho party, yea, oven a dis credit to thee, O Lord. Look well of it, 0 Lord, it's lor your intorcst, you bet. Amen. An editor of a paper iuformed his rcadsrs that tho ladies always pulled off tho lclt stocking last. This as may bo supposed, created somo stir among his fair readers, and while in positive terms thoy denied tho statement, thoy insisted that ho had no business to know it, oven if such wcro the fact, and pronounced him no gentleman. Ho proves it, howovcr, by a short argu ment: "When one stocking is pulled off, thcro is another loft on: pulling off this is taking tho left stocking last 1" m Hrr Him Aoain. An exchange says that a man that would systematically and willfully set about cheating a prin ter would commit highway robbery on a crying babe and rob it of its ginger bread rob it church of its counterfeit pennies lick the butter off a blind pauper's last flitter pawn his grand mother's specks fora drink of whisky steal ncorns from a sick pig, and tako clothes from a scarecrow, to makon re spectable appearance in society. No photograph can so vividly recall to tho memory of a mother tho tender ness and devotion of tho children who have left her nt the call of Heaven, as tho epistolary outpourings of their fil ial love. Tlio letter of n tntc son or daughter to a truo mother, is some thing better than nn imago of tho fea tures; it is a reflex of tho writer's soul. Tim distance from Philadelphia to San Francisco, via Chicago, is three thousand thrco hundred miles. If, when tho overland railroad is comple ted, a train should run at tho rato of twenty miles an hour, including stoj pages which is perhaps the average rates on railroads in this country it would require littlo less than seven days to accomplish tho distance. A school girl of ten summers, pur chased a pair of boots. After wearing them ono day, sho found that they had broken out. Sho took them back again to tho man bho purchased them of, and after exam ining them tho man said : 'They wcro not taken in quito enough, wcro thoy ?" " No," 1' replied, " but I was !" The greatest man is ho who chooses tho right with invinciblo resolution ; who resists tho sorest temptations from within nnd without; who bears tho heaviest burden cheerfully; who is tho calmest in storms nnd whose reliauco on faith and virtue, and on God, is tho most unfaltering. "Molly, said Joe Kclloy's ghost to his wife, "I'm in purgatory at this prescntmoment," says ho. "And what sort of place is it?" says she. "Faix, says he, "'tis a sort of half-wav house between you nud heaven, nud stand It miglity aisy after laving you." Dunixo a recent revival a clorgyman accosted a young man gravely saying, my dear boy, can you repeat tho pul lican's prayer? "No, sir," was tho emphatic roply ; " I'm a Democrat." LvEaston, Pennsylvania, lives a Gor man, fivo feet high, with whiskers so long that ho can stand perfectly erect and step on them. Ho knots nud throw s them over his arm when walking. n A dancek onco said to Socrates: ",You cannot stand on ono leg as long as I cnu." "Truo," replied tho philos ophcr; " but a goose can." Why is tho man that blows tho buglo liko a schoolmaster? Decauso he's a tutor. Flow ! Plows ! Br cases ef ten each er set hb. Harrison's Cultivators, Farm Mills (til kinds), Cider Mills, Hay Cutters, (all sizes) Fanning Mills, (all sizes) COUN 8HELLERS (double sad (ingle band sod horso power), Wagons. Carts, with a Urge and full assortment of all kinds of AQIUOULTUHAL IMPLEMENTS, ajl which will bo sold at greatly reduced prices at wholesale or retail. J. D. AUTHOR 4 SON, Coraer c-rjteJjMd California streets. iVfUrgaS &o Francisco. DR. J. H. JOSSELYN STILL CONTINUES TO TItKAT tho atll.'ctcd with his valuable and never falling remedies nt tho ELEOTHOPATIIIC SNSTITUTEj 645 WASHINGTON STHKBT. It Is eoven year, up to February 12lh, 1667, slncu the Instllulo was cstablithul. The Di rectors challenge Iho world to show it more successful medical triumph. There has been over TWHSTV-FlVi: THOUSAND conrulla tlons nnd marly TWENTY THOUSAND con. tracts made, with only eleven failures to euro -. (In those cases the fro was returned.) Adaritc number of cares prescribed for. which, from the nature of the disease, could only bo tempo rarily relieved. The Doctor makes It his study to hlp sutler Inp humanity without regard to tho amount of money tho pillent rrny be able to pay. Ills remtdles aro mild and gentle in their notion. They are entirely free from all mineral poisons, or any substance that can possibly Injure the most dcllcalo system. The Doctor's mode of practice H the KEFOKMEl) or ELEOTitO 1'ATIIIC system, by which one-lintr of the dis eases in the catalogue cnu bo cured without medicines. In till rates he rarrantt ,t rurt or asks no pay for his services. It has been too common with persons calling themselves I'hyslclaus to treat their poor victims until their funds were ex baustcd, and then turn them nway, half cured, to die by the wayside or become a burden to the public wbllo ho lingers out a life of suffer ing and misery. To those aftilctcd with unmentionable com plaints, the Doctor would say that he can cure tho worst possible case In n very short time, without the persons allllctcd being exposed to tucir most intimate menus. To those whose constitutions have been In jured ly youthful excesses, the Doctor offers n positive and speedy return or health and man ly vigor. To tho Kucunutlc, almost Instanta neous cure. To Females, Either sick or In trouble, the Doctor wishes to sny that he Is thoroughly conversant with their delicate and sympathetic systems, the disease and troubles Incident thereto, nnd can assure them a perfect cure, or relief, as tho case mav rinulrc. Ills FEMALE .MONTHLY medicine's nro unmrpasscil by any other known. They aro pleasant to the taste, and will be warrant ed safe aud sure. Tho utmoit secrecy ob served, All you that are afflicted, Mule nnd Female, no matter what the case may bo, I will give you relief or n cure, or ask nothing for my troubles. Persons residing ntn distance whoe business or domestic adalrs prevents their visiting the city, or those who feel n delicacy In personal con sultation, can correspond with the Poclor. nud have advice or remedies sent, which will bo warranted to effect the result required, nnd the letters will be destroyed. In writing, care should be taken to describe symptoms correct ly. Stale how long the disease or trouble has been ruunlng. together with sex and uge. Always address thus: J. II. JOSSELY.V, Jl. i., nan rrancisco. uai Hot 1913; or. Ir sent by Express, fi!5 Washington St., Instead of the number of the box, Advice by letter or otherwise gratis. Onicc hours froai n a. u , to 9 r. it, J. II. JOSSKLYN, M. D Resident 1'byslclan Elcctrnpathlc Institute. dccU-ly BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit Orders for n Now ILLUSTRATED BIBLE DICTIONARY. (Complete in One Volume.) rpiIIS DICTIONARY KMIIODIKS THK result of Iho most re recent sludv. research. and investigation of about sixty-five of tho most eminent aim advanced iiitiiicul scholars now living. Clergymen of nil denominations ap prove It, and regard It as tho best work or its bled in the Kugllsli Isnguage, aud ono which ought to be In the bands of every Ilible reader In the land. In circulating this work, Agents will find a pleasant nnd profitable e mploymcnt. The nu merous objections which are usually encounter. fd In sclllug ordinary works will not exist with this. Hut, on tho contrarv. encouragement ami friendly aid will attend the agent, making his lauurs ngrtvauir, usciui aim lucruioe. Indies, retired Clergymen, School Teachers, Farmers, Students, and all others who powss e ntrgy, aro wanted to assist in canvassing every Town and County on the I'acifle coast, to whom the most liberal inducements will be oflVred. For particulars apply to or address " Subscription Department," II. II. HANOKOlT.t Co., Ran Francisco, ucnerai Agents lor ructuc Coast. dec2I.n)3 BANCROFT'S MAP OF TI-TJE PACIFIC STATES! FOURTH EDITION. THOUOUCnUV COIMKCTKD AND HE vised end brought down to date. It Is un elegant copperplate map of tho region between thu Itocky Mountains and tho fuel He Coast ; J. klnsjl In AAimllua .! !..... .t It il vu.vivM .1, ivuutict, allu luuniug an iuo new towns, and mining camps, aud the latest politi cal divisions. Sold only by Subscription! CANVASSERS WANTED. Address, II. II. Bancroft it Co., San Francisco, Cal. PAYUP!JPAYUP! THE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OF THE lato Urm of McLaughlin & Wall having been placed In my bauds lor collection, parties knowing themselves Indebted will take notice. Ili' nn.atm till I.a a.1.1...I .- ' " vwsis iiii w uuucu, umeu PKOMIT PAYMENT is made. No extension need be asked, (or none will bo given, James D. Fay. jaoKsontiiic, Oct. 22d, 18C7. oct20tf SEED ESTAUL.1SH MEM', 421 Washiagtra Mtrt, Ho Francisco, California. WE AltK OPFKRING FOK SALE. IN quantities to suit purchasers, the finest and most reliable assortment of SEEDS, PLANTS, &c, on Ibe Pacific Oowt, at the most reasonable prices. Trade Catalogue can be obtained at the ofice of tbii paper. EDWIN E. MOORK. or, xxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxx I G. T. T. D. . xxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxxoxxx AN ORIGINAL, POKM. 11V TI1K MAN WHO WHOTK IT. Some wrlto for fun, and some for fame, And somo to make a splutter ; Hut wc, liko nil true poets, claim To write for bread nnd butler. Thus von see our very laudable object of do ing good to ourselves, It we cannot do good to anybody else. Wu only wish to have It knowi That all our goods mtul'sell, own, And then the ptople nil will come j ou bet they will. Thus giving us a Gne opportunity of mak ing money. We've fancy Soaps nnd good Cologne!, And Ifulr Oils by the dozen An endless lot of good Perfumes, Put up by old II. IJjzii;. Thus giving nil the young folks ou opportu nity of becoming "awcct-sccnttd." We have Iteslorcrs for the Nalr, Much better llian your dye We've preparations for the Kur, And lotions for the Eye. Thus giving old maids and cuty bachelors nn opportunity of Axing up for thu matrimoni al market. We're Diugs and Hooks; wo've Otis and Faints, And trinkets of nil kinds; We'vo Nostrums good for nil complaints, And sell to suit tho times. Thus giving old and young an opportunity for speculation. Now, alt who have the ready cash Can call around to-morrow, For they can find just what they want Much cheaper than to borrow. And will thus give the City Drug Store fel lows a fine opportunity to display their cx leosivu stock or NEW GOODS to much bet ter advantago than they could ptxslbly do on paper. They will My, however, that they nave n fine assortment of 1'IIOTOIIKAM ALHUMS, from 82 2ft to 81 BO for 60 nlclurw. Cold pens, Ink Htniiit', unlet, Fancy Fen holders, Paper welithts, Letter Clips, Ilorrd Clip, Ink Erasers, Paper 8plitler, Srallnir Wax, Portfolios, Porlmonles, Wallet., I'urw, Pocket Hooks, Crayons, Pencils of every description, Ited, Hlue, lllaek and Copylnir Inks, Chalk Lines, Fishing Tackle, Violin Strings. Tail boards and Hosln, School hooks oi every variety at reduced prices, Cony Hooks in variety, Slates, Parlor Oamcs, and a thousand other things in this line, that can be seen hy culling at the City Drug Store. Among the staple articles may be found Pepper, Allspice. Nutmcirs, Since, Cloves, Cinnamon, Cnssin Huds, h (linger, Mustard, Cream of Tartar, Suleralus, Dread preparation (something new) Extracts of Lemon, Voouella, utoves, tironjTv, Celery, etc. Pkap.1. lUm.r.Y, IlLumo in nrx, Pmstkh P.n and Coai. On.. We would rail on our friends to give us n call. If we cau't sell them anything, we will take grsat plenum in showing them snme tlilnu' new. SUTTON & JIYDK. Jacksonville. Sept. 28, IPfi7. UNION LIVERY, SALE 8c EXCHANGE STABLES. 3Ui Efr Cojmatock Catcley, ?ropriotorg. The proprietors have recently purchased the above well-known stand, situated on tho corner CalirornU iili HI rests, Where tho very lust of horses nnd buggies can bu had ut all limes, at reasonable rates. Their slock of roadilers cannot be equaled lu the State. . IIUIUKH llOAItUBD On reasonable terms, and tho best euro and at lenllou bestowed jpon them while under their cbsrgo. Also llarM Haught unci Mold. Delngsalisllcd that they can give satisfac tion, the proprietors solicit Iho patronage of the public JacksonvnKNov.24,I86C. decOlf CLAIMS ! CLAIMS ! AT WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. MV I1U8INESS IS SUCH THAT I WILL necessarily be 'detained In Washington City until next Spring ; hence, I wlllboeiiabled to utteud to all collections entrusted to uty cart giving them my personal attention. All who have claims for collection, or any other lecal business in the Atiautlc Stales requiring atten tion, aio solicited to forward them IranmlUieW to me. Clients in Jackson Countv n -.i .. slstauco In preparing their papers, by applvlmr to D. VI. 0. !au It. at my ofllce. in Jacksonville. Address B. F. DOWELL, Washington City, D. C, est- jl an v SPOlTSSMiYS KimiiM. M. tU public a hi. frleoUsJlr!ti"ukii Utilr town In Bwi rrutlioo, wliera lit seltcltidkconlu. otlmmtofan. odctwMi rllw. sh.iu, rtroltrrs Dil til kiuds of uniauoltluu; srh u cirtrldi!7. iV... Alt oriWrawHIlM CtUd ltb- pronpiiina. ntittiisln ami e dUptlcli. Tb mwaCKturiag of usw tilts will u don " " T- vnt ouii4 111 two UWIt MMiroVCHl Mvia." Iful fvr put r-t(oau, I rpiru- KJW HUM of Hi HIl! Bion t'KiM.nJ. vl Wrest, first duoroatbof. r.Dowsll'i Uw oflat. Mm.U,,.-,IH. JHN UlUMtl. JSTOPTHAT THIEF Of m, OoucH! It is stealing from you your health, which is dearer tdyou than all vour wealth. Nine- tenths of the diseases prevalent in this climate spring from CdltlB and Coughs. ROYAL BALSAM Challongos tho World To produce Anything In the shape df Medicines that will rsraoro and eradicate a Cough or sore niiuiln the Chest, as prompt.no matter what form tho dlreasoi might assume,- '(Henley's Hoyal ilal.am" Is the best -Medicine livlhc world for Hronchlal or Pulmonary nlTcctlons. For Croup or Hooping Cough, thsre Is nothing on earth that can equal It. All mother's and nurses ought to have a bottto close by.lhcm It will Riven thlM relief In two mlnuiee. Ills entirely vegetable, and will prove a blessing to the humau family. For the Benefit or Buffering iiiniilty. Hll- Fito Mr. Thomas. We have used Henley's Koyal Ilaisam in my lamlly flhlswlnt'r. There Is no use In talklnc : It throws cvrrvl It throws everything In Iho shapp of Con ah Mi-dlelno In the shade that I over saw. .My wife was troubled with n'lhmn or smothering spells for years, and could (trt nothing to lm a any elTect until I struck this "Itnyni IMWni." Sho Is now about well. It cnrnl mu of the worst cold I crer had In my life In night. Whenever our children hnvo any thing like a cough, a few drops given on going to bed, that Is the lat of tho cough. I never intend to be without It In the boon'. D. THOMAS, lb. pspsr nan. From Jndgo Marquam. I have med "Henley's Hoyal Ilaisam,'' my sell and In my family, nnd llml It a flrst-rate medicine Tor Coughs and Colds. I hereby re commend Il to the public. P. A. MARQUAM. From Mr. Tittock. We hive used some of "Henley's Uoyal Ilai sam" In my family, and think It Is it splendid medicine for children, as well as for grown per sons. For Coughs and Colds, I freely recom mend It to Iho public. n. rinocK. NromF. DEWITT. Merchant. To the l'litiUc I had a bad cough for along lime. A friend urged mo to net n bottle ol "Healer's llovat Ilaisam." He said II cured him. I got a Lottie, nnd sure enough It had a splendid tflrct. It dried tho cough up In n short lime. I hereby recommend It to tho pub lic. r. DsWITT. For sale In Jaokionvllle by SUTTON it IIYUi:, AT KOCK TO1NT HY MiMtr ar. xs. wmrrai. Ahead of all others is the 'Martha Washington' HAIR RESTORER. a runrfrrr hair nmoru:n and iiaiii miraain llolli runililnril In on. Truil oosllitr.liowft'r lMnt .Son rwi do whsl this li ik: Trjr II snl ly krr It prttrnl "I'm llit Msitlu Us.Lligluu." Trrnljr llinnianJ lits.il mnln-l us W lt a noLli lut It'i ilu.0, Millions mor lUII ruiiit Utiln I ui, Willi tlitlr Irt.xt til rtntMtvl. Will keep tho hair soft and glossy, lt change gray hair to Its original color, provent tho hair from falling out or get is ting thin, make old heads look young, and do all that can be reasonably upecled of a genuine, drst-rato Hair Kcstorer. AH no who have used It pronounco It superior to everything of the kind, and being a dye perfect Hair Dresser as well as a perfect Try Hair Ileitorer, It Is an acquisition to ev ery toilet, rtcdlogton &. Co., Wholesale it. Agents, San Francisco. CRAFENBURC UTERINE Cntkolicon, If faithfully used according to directions, will cure every case or Diabeirt, and greatly mill gate lbs trot!esome effecis caus.d by u relax ul Ion of the outlet nf the blmMrr. lit. .. ... nccfnl remedy for (Iravel andolher disease ft intr iviuni-jsann manner, uml Tor renialedla eases U unenualW. The OA'l'linr.irnv uoiformlly cures Prolapsus, Uteri, Whiles, all Irrrgularillt-a of the Moaibly Turns. Supprea- son, inconiinenceor urine, llloallncanddrop sical Swellings, and al diseastn of I'rrgnjncy. I he specific action or this medicine is immedi ate and certain upon Ibe Uterine and Abdom inal Musclea and Ligaments; restorine; them to ashfulthyasl.Ho as Ihoso ol childhood and youth, so that patients who have used the uAr-.nuKHU UONtMNT fl UTKHINK CaTIIOH- oan cannot umcielly,expren their gratitude Tor the reliefaRordffl. . KKDINGTON & CO,, Agents, 416 and 418, Front 8l. San Francisco. mdiagttV riavariagazt'cta fr4from Frnh ITntlU. X-tlt'botll hold- twice M much u ny ctb.r Wsad la Ui mstkst, coattqatntljr thtj srt th ckttp -'Un.ltb.Uit. USE NO OTHER. tj r ' .... 9AT xovm vjkxmmr F ihl.WAX? f"1 THE DATEOV be SberllTa Offlce ready to receive delinquent XWA1 ,rxe',not PM within tlnle Will be collect by legal process. nd jeg,j feeachar. ed. ,Pay HP,mBUmy.andsaticou; . ,.W. A. OWEN', , v Bber ffanrl Tax Collector. Jaeatonvllle, Fyb. 8tb,' 188. v eb8-?W A CARD FOR THE SPRING &. SUMMER CL.OTHIIVG TRADER OF 3AN FRANCISCO. nDCER aIJDEiSUERGER, Not. 411, 413 and 416 Battery St., Cor. Mtrrlianl, Hmi PrNitclsto, ( 3DEALEBS. Entire New ami Fresh StoCh. We would call the attention of CountrV Merchants to our unusually largo stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article in ' OI.OTniNO .t FUJINISHINO LINK. Wo have constantly ou hand the largest and greatest variety or OASSI.MKItM AND WOOL 'HATS of any house In Pan Francisco, and our prices Tor thesa goods nro loss than Ihoso orauy house, as we receive them direct from the manufactur er's consignment. Our stock SPUING & SUMMF.U GOODS Is particularly attractive, and the great feature to tho country merchants Is thu unusually low prices Lcm than the cost of Importation I Wo also keep tho Stnplo Js.xtlolosB In the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have pur chased In tills market ui.dcr tho hammer, and arc olferlng them nt Now Vork cost, aud less. Wo publish this card In order that wc may mako now acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us to c II nud examine our stock. Good Articled k. Lew Prices Are the great Inducememcnts wo offer to all who purchase to sell again. .Merchants who buy ol us can make n good profit, and sell to their customers at a low llgure. We remain, re pectfully, Your obedient servants, HADGKU it LINDUNDHItOHIt, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse Nos. 411, 413 and 41fi Uattcry street. 8an Francisco. Oct. 28. Tift. m3 FUANCO-AMKHICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OI'l'OSITi: THK Odd Fellow's Hall, JnckNoiivltlc, Oregon. Travelers and resident boarders will flne D' BEDS AUD BBDSZMO I'lsced In first class order, and In every Way ruperlor to any In this section, und surpassed by uuy In the Stale. HER ROOMS ARC MIWLY FIlllMSIO. And a plentiful supply of the best of every thing the market alToriN will be ob tained lor PIER TABLE. No troubled will ! spared to deserve Ihc pat ronage of the traveling as well its the perma nent community. Jacksonville, March 31, I8C0. tf C rover & Baker's' ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY .oEWHIr MACHINES,1 Aro tho best In Uso, I con the PoiLowiND neAaoNB,! The aro tauro slropla aad durable I easier kept In order, mako a stronucr 1 ana moro clastic stitch, a flrmeroucl i moro beautiful ream than sur other Ttiorsow an niirlcs from two turn- i mon spools, rcqalro no ro-wlndloirof 1 thread, raiten both ends of Iho seam 1 I by tho'r own operallou. aud ihouch 1 i every nrtli slltclt Is cut llio scitn will ; not rip. I Thoy Stitch, Horn, Foil. . Cord, Bind, Tuck, Quilt,1 Gather, Braid, nnd Em- I I kV I I uroiuor. mo other ma- chino Embroiders as woll I . as sows porfoctly. HI j I .i.iiih, , m I icrover it, Baker's NKW bTYLES .SHUTTLE MACHINES For Manufacturing,, i Combloo tho most modern and titcn- I tlal loiproretncnts. Tbo attention la reauested or I Tailors, Manufacturers of Hoots 1 1 and 8boes. Carrlatre Trlrinnlnu-. uiotoing.anii an otnera requiring fii.ii.t ' . .. .1 .'."-! uiu uw oi uto moss cvecuvo Uik MNAtBMhtotrr To these Nw StvUa. which doum 1 i unmisuuaoia auvaotagea aver all 1 . ... - t: '. .. i lotaera, AgsjuU wantad far the sale of tbo QROVER IAKER SEWING MACHINES. in eTerr.i-ity aad Town not dm m. I ii.cuivu. tut terms sad clrciusrs I i ioiy to I r- n rt unrtnr.. ,. . I , u. DBunn, Anreat HO Monlaomery It., Sin rraneUeo.'l J" 'J DENTISTBY. Ar lilsrnwatiuvi Intnr,. n... i.. Jowphlne counWlhat he will remain for a llm Ited.tlaie at.Klrly villa and WaWo. ?Cs5 'ds iSSKlfT ln "!7.ot H,e "obw of i. . r " .! ' '"w a,u esliauiy. iDt. S. (50i,T,?-mL0,TY lDRUO TORR AND BU .OUB JBLUE BTOIVE. H JOHN BILGEJt! California Street (botvVdcrr Oregon- nnd Third), Jacksonville. DEALER AND WORKED IN TIN, SHEET-IRON COPPER, LEAD AND BRAfcg,, KEKI'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN Ail snrtmentof the -Ik-si Tin, Shrol-lron nn Comwr ware. Ilrns l'lps. Hydrniilia Nozxlcsr Force rumps, Chains, Lead I'ipe. nose, nAUDWAP.k! CUTLKUV ( TRAILS OF all sizes. ' ii liar, I'latc nnd assorted Iron) , Points. Oils, HI.CK itmlGlswal i All qualities of 1'owder $ Shot of all numbers , , finishes or ovcry variciy,o(c.,a(c Wooden and Willow Ware: Hope Ilrass and Iron Wlru; Illacksmllfi, Carncnlir nnd Minors tools of every variety. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS t Consisting ot , Citt-lrnn nnd Sleel I'lons; feir-shnrpcnlng Feed Cutters; Cauldrons and lion Wash Kettles '" Cultlvutors, Wheelbarrows, etc. , Stoves. Always on hand, a large lot nt Parlor. Cook- ' Ing, Olucu and Cabin Ktovcs, of assnrlrd sizes, plain and fancy, constructed nn latest rucl-sav-nc plans. Hollers, KctIM, Tots, l'nns. and ev ery thing connected with these stoves, warranto ' durrtblo nnd perfect. All articles sold or manufactured by him, WAUKANTHtf. Ills work Is made or tho best material und of choicest patterns. fetuOrderit attended to with dispatch, and Mi di according to directions. Ho Is deter mined to sell nt uw rim-Kit ron cisu. Call and oxamlue his stock beforo purchas ing elsewhere. Sept. 14, 1806. JOHN Importer of AND BiLGER, Farm Implement MACHINES. JEWELRY. CLOCKS AND WATCHED FANCY ARTICLES - AT- New Store? Next Door to Saclia llrtm. t Ni:mu:it has stocked his new slur with I. it I trtro nud MiliinUlo iiwnrttucnt it 1 tit-rt slvli-H mill tutterns uf NI'ltlN AMMVKIIJIIT li"ViV -.....--!.:;-....- .&"- -. CLOOICH. SII.VKR WAT0HK3. IMAMONM) .TKWKLltY I'KAUL. KMr.UAI.II, CAM 120 BIXS Together with u splendid lot of sillier saraE'wwaisaciawTK", . Ilreast-I'lns, llrDiiclitn. l-ir-ltings, Fingvr Kings. J."fl(ets, HiK'ltles, Clasps, llrucrlets.Hli'cti! Uullons, Nrclilan-i. U'uicli-Chaiiis, Cli-itel shim und Hi .ttit; Also, complete sell of Incnmwrulil C?xx.r-tin OTo-oeolry, in.iiiiif.ieliircil finin the richest mid imxt liei-utl-ful sHiimnin of (Jiild Hill mill I'ottli-r t)uatz! In addition to tlie-ulmvc, umy Im luuni nt Ida slorx tho beat qualilies ol TAHI.K AND 1'OOKKT CUTLFIiY And, in short, n general variety nr McU-XnckH K Fjincj- Art I tie. All of nlilcli will be sold ut fcnv i-imcm und unrrnnlril. nKI'AIHINO.-Ciocks. WntclK and Jetv elry repnlrcil with promptness, und in a man ner to ciiiirunlffsiilWaclioii. .MAUI'ACrUitl'll I,. nnW. n,.r .rlt.bnf Jt'wt-lry, (villi iiniiiet4 uni dispatch. BSJU Cull nnd sco his now slock, nt hi- new store, on Culilnrnln alnvl, iivst floor Mr-acLa Urt., JacKsoiivllle, On'gnn. Iucls.)iilf. Dec. 17. IBC2. tf GR0VENSTE1N & CO., Piano Forte sMAitirrACTuiiBJia, 499 Broadway New rorJs. TIIKSE I'lANOS KKOLIVED THE nidll est Awitnl of Jlcrltlntlho IIWTs t'tir, over tho best makers Irom London, l'nrls. Gt-r-many, tho eltlvs or New York, 'I'hllodHlnhhi, IjaUluipro aad Ijoston : alo the GM JMal ut Ihoiwiam Imlitutt. for FIVK SUCOESSIVi: YEAK8I Our I'ianos contain Iho French (riind Action, Harp I'ttlal. Overilrung Uass. j-ull Iron Fmmo.antlall Modern Improvements, bvery lnstriiiiieiit tmrronW f y(ari. Maile uiiilt-r Iho miKrvlsion or Mr, J. II. G!lOVESTEKN.ho has nr,.tlel . perlepcsor over thiriy-tlvo years, autliJs the maker or otr flntn Iftoumtut viano-forta. Our facilities (or maiiiifaolurlntr enable' Us to sell Ihew Instruments from 1UQ to 20Q thm than any first class piuuo. September tilth, i860. Sept29-ly. T7 $506 REWARD! The undersigned nould most respeotrully,c,U the attention or the public to bis new, , UVERT.1ID FEED IMm, pBEQiS.TRP'jc:; I have a flno'slcclt of llUOGIBB and 'TEAMS, and exoellont' SaddlaiHorset.always on lia,u4, as well as, a good, supply j Ab4 VMri0 shtre of tpuWIe pttrVafc aaHeit tt , irtdiojiMl.lrjiMeliir,rH JaokionVlllvi July i, UflTi ' ' 'M-frn ' ILJ