Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 29, 1868, Image 2

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Von ritn rhitsiiiKjfrv is-
or tiik cniti) mira.
"Well done, tlisn itjoiI an I f illhfiil lotwil." Tlit peo
ple Intra renatl (of patriot. rmnlitimenl for traltura.
' ron tiii: vidr. i'niim:.ov,
or oataof.
Iloth .nfcject ti Ike lcvikm of the National Union
S.VTun.VY MoKNiKfl, Feb. i!t), 1808.
Tlic Union State Convention Is hereby culled
to meet at Salem. Marlon county, Oregon, on
tbc 29th d.ty of March, A. I).. lSUfi, Tor the pur
pose of nominating n, candidate for Coiigre,
tu bo vote J for nt Ilia ensuing Juno election,
three Presidential Elector, iK'leg.Uca In the
Union National Convention, nnd lor the tran
notion; of inch other business ui may property
come before too Convention. ,
The following U the number of Delegate to
which each county In vutitleil uuilcr Hip appor
tionment of the IJalou State Central Commit
tec, namely :
' Ilakcr
Clackamas ,
- 'Lane
.... (
.... 1
. .. :t
UlllUU. , , ,
U'usblugton il
Wasco !l
lamhlll , C
.Total 108
illy order of the Union State Central Commit
tee. J. X. IIOI.VH, Chairman,
i J. V, Wiiamxv, Secretary.
JnckHoii County Union Conven
tion. The Union voters of lhl county are rcruieil
nl to meet at their various place of voting on
Hatunhy, 7 lh March next, lo elect delegate to
attend a County Convention to beheld In Jack
sonville on Saturday. March 141b, IMS, for the
pnrpoK of electing ilx (fi) delegate' to repre
sent till county in the Union State Convention,
to bo held nt Salem on the !!lth day of March,
A. I)., 18U8.
The batls of apportionment It one dolrgnte
for each precinct, and one for each 20 ote
and fraction of 10 or over. Under the ntmvo
rule, tlio various precinct will he. cntllltd to
Ilia fnllimlug mimlmr of dlgittei :
Aililaud .1 Table Hock 1
iKden 4 Fowl GVck 1
'Sterllugvlllo 1 Juckxmvlllo rt
Applegato 1 Willow Springs 'J
, Willie I.V.'k I Fort Klitniitlh .1
1'crUlnnlllo 1 Dirdanells 1
Maiianlta 1 Evans Crick 1
Union Town 1
Total yl
Ily order of Union Central Committee.
O C. lleekmiu, C'bJlrman.
. Jackcnvllle, Feb. 27ili, Into.
To tliu L'iiIoii Voter of Jose
ltliie County.
Thero will be n Mm Convention held at
Kerhyvllle. on .S'.tlurduy March 7th, at one
o'clock 1. M., to Meet delegates to represent
us. in the Union Slate Convention at Salem,
March 21th, lUUS. Ily onl-rurCu.Coiuinllieu.
W. M. EVANS, Chairman.
C55Our nuililiov is informed tlmt
our bottle of " Hoothlnp; Byriijs" bus n
J'amcell very similar to bourbon wIiIh-
ky. cryprobablo; forevcry time our
tlovil noes n Democrat sninjilo it, tlio
Hcniup ejaculates" farewell wbiuky J"
To-day the Great Dictator falls, ntul
loutl and bcarty will bo tlio giiflUws
that will yrcct bis falling. With ills
comb cut, bis lumbers bo-draj,'lod, bo
will retire into private life, and his man
tl6 will bo scullled for by the victor
that is, if bo fails to take our ad vice and
bo harmonious
J'outical. Wo lent it from Douglas
County, that Hon. L. 1 Lauu is thu
liroinineut candidate for J'rcsiiluiitial
Kloctor on tlio Democratic ticket from
Southern Oregon. 3Tr. L. is ouo of the
best speakers in that party, and will
probably carry tho delegations from
l)pugla, Josopbiiie,and Jtieknon coun
ties, which will insttro his nomination,
I'uoxv IIr.VTi.se On Thursday
morning tho "Leader" of tho little
baud of "Hod-Hock" Democrats and
a few of bis worsbipotK visited sonic
of the outside precincts for tho pur
pose, it is thought, ot getting a proxy
for to-day'ri convention. If ho ets in,
tho "Independent Thiukeih" might as
Well bitrreiidor.
Co.viioi.jjxoe. Like "Paul Pry,"
we bopo wo don't intrudo if wo oiler
tho " Leador" and his little band our
tleopest sympathy, together with somo
kindly ndvico. Quit trying to mako
.your Domoeratlo fcllow-oitlzoiiB fall
flown nud wondiip you; join tho right
.wing; take a bagk Beat and use your
jioekot handkerchief faithfully till after
ulcctiou, and "you may bo happy vot."
J -aeaaiB)aa.
"Wo heard tho " uiuii ttj) tho tree" say
yostorday, that ho nover saw" a 'leader
with bo littlo c.xcoutivq rtb'lllty as tho
fitly '(lint got whipped on Saturday last,
.jllo.oiico concltided tlmt jio, cqulfl hau
dlo n" corporals guard, but now bojioves
that bo will nover.inaku u mark, except
-ifmuuK "Spoons" or in thoQimrtornias-ijxiiill'nnnuicjij.
Sneering nt tho " illtic."
Tlio jioets iniagination lias pictured
tbc evil one stalking through tho aisles
of Westminster Abbey among tlio
mouldering dust of Statesmen and War
riors and Sages. Passing by thu grave
of the immortal " Canning," Satan spits
upon tho tuarblo slnb, and so befouls
tho resting place of him whoso soul ho
could not enslave. Tlio nbiuct mc.in-
iiess of the demon finds a happy paral
lel in tho present conduct of some of
our Democratic cotomporarios. Wo
refer to those who stylo thonuelvos tho
"bed-rock" Democracy. During the
struggle for national unity, tho peace
Democracy hissed and wriggled like
adders among tho moving columns ntul
in tlio camps of tho Nation's heroes.
They could not owervo .tbctn from
planting tho Nntional llanner again
over every foot of American Hoil. Now,
liko tlio fiend who loll bis slime on tbc
tomb of the Christian and tho patriot,
because his soul was beyoitd bis veaoh,
they spit upon tlio garments of tbo'Na
lion's defenders, and sticeringiy allude
to them as " shoulder strapped gentry."
Wo respect war Democrats ; they stood
nobly on the sido ol their country dur
ing the great struggle; thousands of
them wrapped in tho National uniform,
sleep their last sleep beside life-long
political opponents, with whom they
made common cause against the rebel
lion. Alany of them won honorable
distinction and bear the honorable scars
that only brave men win ; nud though
they may differ with us now on ques
tions of national policy, wo must bo
gratclul to them for their services in
bchiiKol national integrity. Porthoso
who sneer nt the brave men who fought
our battles, vo have a contempt and
loathing, such as we might have for a
scorpion tlmt turns and stings itself,
finding no other mark for its venom;
and history will bo false if it does not
bold them up to the scorn and execra
ol all mankind.
lniliencliitiuiit or .lolinson In
tense Incitement.
On Wednesday morning tlio wires
between here and Sacramento wore up
long enough to transmit the startling
Hows that Congress had impeached
tho President! Tho excitement in tho
Last is said to be as intense as immedi
ately utter the assassination of Presi
dent Lincoln, Wo aro unable- to say
what was the immediate causo of this
decisive action of Congress, but can
only surmise that it has been forced by
some overt act on tho part of Johnson,
in relation to tho War Department.
Thoro need bo no causo whatever for
any undue excitement. Congress lias
no doubt acted advisedly. Tho army
is under thu control of Grant nud Sher
man, nud it is but another pbaso in tho
testing ot tlio cllicacy of our constitu
tion. Wo hnvo no doubt of tlio truth
of tho report, and await the particulars
with anxiety.
Tin: Stoiui j.v Calikouxia. Tho
following is from Trinity Ccutqr, un
der ditto of Fob. 2.1th : Tlio past week
has been ouo incessant storm, and it is
still storming. Prom tlireo to ft vo feet
of snow yet remains on the ground, and
is so soft ns to render all efforts at trav
eling almost useless. All tho streams
hnvo been very high. On Clear creek
about two miles of telegraph lino is
washed away, and about tho bumo dis
tauco of the stago road is gone, Cot
tonwood creek and Clear creek, be
tween Sliasta and Hod IJlufl', have been
impassable (or a week. No stago has
arrived at Shasta, from tho South, since
tho 18th, and nocommunicationof any
kind South of Shasta since that date.
The Sacramonto Uiver, opposite Shas
ta, was four feet higher than over be
fore known. Fears aro entertained that
tho country bolow is Hooded.
Tin: Onvi.vc. Kvm Tlioportcutious
fact, as full of future porll, as present
disaster, is; that tho "Towii-I.eador"
ami his faithful live, since tho Demo
cratic party eamo into power in this
county, hnvo tried to socuro themselves
all tho power nud prolit. Thoro has
scarcely been any concealment ot this
purposo; indeod, it lias been avowed
as a sullicient reason, thnt their voices
and money has brought tho power. To
thoir defeat wucoittiiulv look forward
with inexpressible longing, oven if our
Iriond " up tho tree" is a Huh) undecid
ed. Stick a pin here, neighbor.
Ett'imjMKNTixu, Some follow, not
having tho fear of the law boforo him,
pulled down tho telegraph wiro. in
jSliasta Valley o Kufiday last, mid
pounded it in two with a rock, It is
surmised that bo vas .prospecting tio
lino to sco whorp tho lipws eamo from,
ur uiai. some iniot wniitcu to gain a
littlo time. If fho tolcgrajih boys
ciitoh him ho 'may got his bend pound-"d-iif
hi iS'iitit liMi-big,
Another Glimpse.
tih: man mux iiown.L .
Wo lclt our roportor in a quandary Inst
week. Thc'brillinnt oiler' of the tifllco ol
"Constable '"was before him. 'Irivita-,
tions to return to the Democracy wore
pouring in upon him. Tho anathemas
of tho "Town Leador" for disclosing,
his plans woro ringing in his cars. In
terest pointed to nu alliance with the
great Mogul of the party the "Simon ''
that says "thumbs up" or "thumbs
down" to his admiring followers. Duty
nud independence pointed elsewhere,
and a desiro for tlio balance of thnt in
teresting document haunted him. lie
determined to find 'it; but niixious
search was unavailing, and entering the
Court House ho sat down at a lawyer's
desk and cogitated. While wondering
why so many of tlio highly intelligent
nud time-honored Democracy allowed
themselves to be led about by thonoses,
ids foot touched something that rus
tled, and to his inlinito delight, he
picked up another nud most important
portion of tlio document. It boro the
nppcaranco of having been hastily jam
med into a lint, perhaps in a moment
of desperate excitement on the part of
the writer, but wns perfectly legible,
and opened tho eyes of " our man " ns
to the ultimate purpose of tlio Great
Dictator. Alter detailing how cun
ningly his wires were laid in the vari
ous precincts, ho proceeds : " Wu have
ti common interest in this matter," says
lie. "I secure a good fat ofllco forn
particular friend, who hates thu night
of a Republican, nud who spent his
time nud money for Democracy ; you
servo mo
by sendiii" delegates who
...rii 1 . . i .1 .. 1 . .
r,, . ,..,.. , . , ,
lUi'fliWIII 7 ji.w. I irnf illniitiiil null
.' , " """ -""
lilt t2.lf lllatC tfl tltik IWIHril tfill a..a,,..l
',,,."','"" "" ; "'
V "" """; '"' ''
carry the vote to (IS ll llgtOII. No
' , , " ,
matter wht'ther our man ets uleeteil
., . . , i. t i
President or not, I get five thousand
, ,, it i i
ilrillnra titt itiilf.rir.i-, ti'lui'li u ,i iitiut
uiu semi mo to 1 oriiami, 111111 wnen 1 1 wisiiy-wnshys" had better wake up and brow-beat every procinrt couveii
got tlioR', I intend to see that I serve ,,t tIB uvxt u.ol,W ,- thero will bo lion, and talk ns thoiitrh they hud a
myself a little. Don't you see it? ! weeping in Galilee. Tho "bed-rocks" ring in'nll our iiohcs. Hyde and Lynn,
The State Convention sends delegates lmvo counted noes nnd aro certain of , tne.v H".v IU0 '""".J'''1. '"' no better
to the National Convention and iiomi-1 victorv nll(1 0V1JI1 collee-mills uriiiil cvl!11!1, Vi'l i n1"1 l $ ""r"1 '1". wny
.....! pi-, .ini .1 rrt , . ,,l-'"r.""" " "" imiisfcriiiii ex , H,.d.ock men. low, I wmh tosav,
nates tho Llccton 1 Jicket! Hid Injl (Cec,ling lino when screwed iq. tight. Ijir. Kditor, thnt though I have vot.'d
h my game, and I'll show you how it (),,, ,,, j yct undecided he likes 1 the Democratic ticket nil iny life, no
will work. In the first plnco wo will tl0 ,duckv "Leader," but thinks he is '"' nu u ring in my noe.
enrry the State. It is not likely that nitlt,r unscrupulous nnd inclined to "
they will give Southern Oregon tl.o play his correspondent .... the U. S. yVAynxWhn-, re
chance for Congress again, but this end .MarslmlHliip, as it is already spoken .t.iml .,,,, ,he publishers, H. II. Ui.t
ol lue otatt must fittvi' a ulace on tin1 r..i... .......111... i.n 1 1....... :.. .1... ,. . .'....' ,
'"' , f' , " T "ingeine coin,, untiii wiiuniu geiung
iiiuu pimii anyway; aim uiai mnn-
gage on your iiirm iieeuiri stay
alter I got back. If our man wins,
All I WaUl IH to ImVO tllO Cnnl8 H llllf
wlucli is more than likely, I will have . In San rraiieiaeo there tiro emlileen 1 gorge ol tlio Columbia, small bodies l""1' perform. moieruir. in aiHitiu ni, wmun ,
the right to demand 11 Ming federal up- public school buildiu-'H, four oi which !" ""lei e.xist, none ol wlneli equal,' ,v compound ha. .ri.,rnintiu,li. u.cfni a..j..
pointment for a friend, nnd I pledge art built of brick nnd the balance of , Irnuirt'evmluJo rfS ""-'7 S,o: Tintoar,
myself to get you one, nlimit the sio wood. Tho contract price of thoc called Lake .Majc.v,' which is not far m " ""' lWMM, Act-
of the r. .S. larshalship of this State, buildings is l:i3,tfurJ. Total value of . Irom Port Klamath". -According to the aVkainh, 8ih.umw.
N'flW. Villi MH lliM ir'imn !) mmlo in. ' a.n1iMitl i.iAi...ti !.... ...Ita.. 1...II.1!..... tirif ltlllf i if f?Mlillllll 11 . 1 Mtifmrin iftn. ' I'j:L'NII (fi.lM llll W'nl Mil
- T . "" '- "v "' "iw !' . BWlllHil (wjii;i i 1 IHUIIIIIIIIU UIIIMIIItU
lied so that I get all trumps, nnd I will ties will iiceonuiiodato 7,.IUB scholars
teach tho " wisliywashy," " naniby- ... .The steamer Ajax, from isan Pnin
pamby" fellows thnt call themselves "cico to Portland, carried for the latter
" iiidepciidcnt thinkers," n now trick. J city lino tons of freight. . . .Tho weath
If I win, I will make a vigorous enm
pnigti ; but if they turn jack from tho
bottom or play a " cold deck " on me,
then politics may go to h 1 fur me,
l bog you to rustle net out overv
innu at your mooting, nnd voto tho
"gag" to tho delegates, llemcinbor
thero's bread and butter in it. If thoy
beat us in tho first Convention, wo
must rcdoiibla our efforts mid put tho
big ofiico in this county in tho bauds
of as L'ood a Democrat as uvor hm-nili.
ed for .Teir. or drank to tho Confeder-!
aoy. If tho "bed-rooks "do their tin-!
tv. wo can. and Kill namo a man for
nnothor ofiico ; and ns you aro a good I
scribe, you ought to bo tho man.
Work ! work ! ! but for God's sako don't
dlvulgo my plans till I can Hop my
wings and givo ono good wliolesomo
crow of victory. I wtis a littlo afraid
of Cox, of .TosephinoJ but ho is busy
canvassing for his book and wont bo ,
in tlio way. iJouglns county may bo
troublesome, as yoimcr Lnn
O ! u-nsn't thl .i li.llr.l..... ...n...ni i '
our indefatigable roportet ? Although
it br6ko abruptly off, ho had leaned
enough, folded the prizo carefully, 1
lilaced it noxt bis iicart. buttoned bis
coat tightly over it, and strolled up to,.J0 branded ns moral cowards, than
town to spit on his hair and shiuo up f )v,,lch no ol,lo(ly ireator. Lot thero
liis boots in time for tlio precinct meet- !'Q ," ,lol,,,"S . bnok) "t lt every
ing. Did ho se6nny thing thoro? Did ' "m man Ht,P t0 " frot at roll
ho hear anything? Guess not! itcnM "w'or "bore" liko a man,
was a near relativo of our roportor that "" "ot 8neak off ,lko ft dewrtwto tho
sawtho "Legdcr" and bis faithful five 0,10,ny'B ca,nI- .
working like beavers to got a majority i HKHKitnui). A Tiumbor of tpieries
in tho mcoiingnhnt saw emissaries J on tho part ot our neighbor Hast week
on foot and emissaries on horseback, l ooncerning tho strength of our party
scouring over tho product to hurry up its probablo tactics, our cboico of can!
tho laggards. It was somobody else didates, etc, etc., arc rcspootfully refer
that. aw tlio obepk of tho "Leader" red to tho "man up tho treo" for solu
grow palo and hollow ns tho indopend- kion, Hoseoms not only a knowlodtra-
ont thinkers " pamo rusliing down like
an avalanche, with thoir teeth set and
porfcnly nvidc nwakp( jil " indCpnnd-
Font thinker" waB Chairman; they
crowded tucnisicsoi mo woun tiouso;
they occupied the stand ; their naino
wns ftco to one; but the undaunted
eandidnto for tlio littjc Jive thousand
dollar plum was titiappalled. As he
explained to bis friend D Inst week,
tho "gag" wns ready but the mouths
did not fly open us usual to rcceivo it.
The "Leader" raised his voice and his
worshippers stood agape. Ho douinnd
ed thnt overy Democrat should 8wal
low a littlo bolus of nu astringent na
ture, in tlio shape of n 'resolution our
man predicted this last wcok that he
had prepared, but tho meeting snid :
" nary bolus." Mnybo our man's cous
in didn't "sco nbottt forty Democrats
rush for the door when tho, "Jcndor"
pulled the "gag" out of hhpockctl
They already began to feel a now ring
in their nostrils whilo tho gristlo was
yet tender, niid rather' than faeo thu
music, tlicy hastily skedaddled. Ono
trndor-footod follow was corralled and
thrown; be wns drenched, gargled,
purged, turned inside out, branded
alredh; and with a new ear-mnik, hus
ttcil into the fold among the "falthltil,"
ujler promising to givo bnuda.to bo a
good Dcmocrnt.nud follow tho fugle
man for the balance of his days. Then
eamo tho tug of wnr. Tlio "Leader"
asked fortho very unimportant position
bf delegate, ibtt no t tho " independ
ent thinkers" wore inexorable, and the
" left wing " were smashed, pulverized,
tlio " Leader's " tail and wings com
pletely soissorcd, and tho devoted lit
tle band who swear by him sndly tie-
moralized but full ol'pluck. The " faith
till" met in serious council tlmt night. I pretend to own the party and all its vo
Our man was there, and mivh the tors. Thev hnvo atteninted to stock
1 --,,--
"" "J """"" - " "
1 . 11 mi 11 i,...i
iiusiue.-H 111 11 small way. 1 ne "ciiiuo-
. .. . t .1 ,, .. . .
,"' "ll,ll;s 'e ""!l1 wmjr" "iiiJiii'M.Mdy this fall, futitlcd
.swindle mm onto! tlmt Coiistniileslnp,
,,nil is wnitili" foi-n bitliroiu thiMitlier
""ll " "ailing ioi 11 inn irom nu Miiuer
i - i.i 1 .........,., tu u:w:,... i..
i ,...., i j..ft.., ,n m.,? ,.i i.ii:
. r.,i ni t1L, lr,,0 wnndeiiiii! bow much
I f miicii
it i ii . i . .i . ...
tmi ilrtuik to ulimli iit,'tiiil.
Ot. 61.07.000. rrium w.Omnl fncili
er in Walla Walla Valley has been
unusually cold the past winter, though '
, i not so severe ns in 1800-01 1). Ap-
. i pleton & Co., Publisher). New Yorki
dred sackK of mail matter was brought
up from San Francisco to Portland by
last steamer
f.s'o.v Call. In to-dny's issuo will
1,u rol,,,' o U "' tho County Con-
tral Committee. As members of tho'
f5rcilt "t'onul Union party, whoso
vtleH "my ',0 0 tno Utmost importance
in the State count, it is our duty to or
ganizo immediately and work with a
will, if wo do feel that our prospects
of success are slim in this county. A
member of Congress is to bo elected.
A Presidential canvass is iinpcndini',
"jsu" """" e.Huwiicro nunc atntu
,w - comment ot success, l.et us not
'1(rt t,10I ''"t fltandlng shoulder to
I,.?"1,,' !,,(!ot th "oopiov ns tho
''0 an"' of t,' 1('l'"''lio met the
1','8, If ucat. l ' '" shaino; but
" hmon w ' elfort, wedesorvo
blo'ibutia prophotlo individual, and his
statomontsimay be considered pcrfoot-
ly cpnirct
II, HIT 1 I ...I
W .. . ' 1, IIL'll' L11IT ftVIIlIllllftl, I IV 11- IIII'IlftM I
i in liner. .1 , :, ;, '. t v
mo publishing a cheap edition of -lepresscd summit, m which thero tip
Charles Dickens' works, costing less ,' !UJ uo r. The whole mtr
fi.m. IK.,, ,in,.. iw... 'r -.- rounilings rif the lake, in thu opinion
than live dollai-s. Oliver J wist is now ,,, Uaptuit, Spingue, provo it to lie ihe
ready. Trice, 'J5 cents. . . .Ono bun-' mtor of nu cxtniot volcano.
.Letter From Butte.
We can't just understand the reasons
giyen by our correspondent below, for
wishing "his communication in the Sen
tinki. Tho Dcmoorney have an organ
boro and it is tlio pnper that should re
flect tho sentiment of its party. Wo
hnvo no interest in tho broil thnt is ra
ging in the ranks of tho opposition, and
do not desiro any Btock in it. Wo pub
lish this lottcr but will deelincnny oth
ers should thoy bo offered, iinlrss thoro
bo urgent reasons that wo think are
sullicient for their publication,.
fUTTll Oiikkk, )
Jackson Co., Otrn. f
EirronSi:.NTiNi:fr Snt: Iain n Dem
ocrat, and I mn not used to scribbling
for papors. Perhaps you may think I
ought to send this Bcrnp to the licvclllc,
but the renson of sending to you is this :
I said I Was a Democrat and cvory man
in tliis county knows it. If I sent n
pieco of my mind to tlmt paper, I would
bo coaxed, wheedled and badgered by
tho whippcrsin until the life is out of
ilut to my letter. Thoro tiro two
kinds of DotnbcmtH out-horo oitlhittc,
namely: the IScd-tlock fellows and the
wnr Dointfdrnts,. oralis they arc called
by tho Itcd-KookciH, " mongrels."
There is n great stjr among us. The
lled-Kock fellows believe thntsccession
was right, and always rejoiced at rebel
victories. Heretofore, the results in
Jackson county 1ms been doubtltil, and
thosu iled-Ilock fellows were tame nud
quiet. Jtnt now it is thought that the
county will go for the Democratic tick
et surely ami now the Ped-Itock men
, ,
viCr iV in j'liiliuleipiiia, a specinieu
I ' '
.mgc uf ,, ,. work .,,.,
will bf
a new system
ol- .tiyHm m.raphv, by John rcl:.
! t n . i m .1 t
'Icsbv. Prnl, of lathemath's in Irinitv
!.... ' .... .....'
College, llartlonl, Ctuineelii'iH. We
1 ... i . , . . ..
(xtrnct ono paragraph, w h eh (leseribo
i r t r
onr mit ,mturaj L.
lu On-gou, north wind from the point
vinitod tliib lake, it is marlv ciiciilar.
mill tiiiu ti iliniiiittrii fr.un uncnn tki.ilii I
til u U id .., 1 r
imhv.1i ifc n din i witiiMVM ir jnvxtJHVX'J I
of volcanui rock heen or eight bun
iiivu ivvk iii nigiii, h nii'ii lire aimosi
iierpeudiculni', tlio shores of tho hike
being reached witli great dillicuty.
Thu waters aro as clear as crvstal : and
near the western margin is nn island
about hnlf a mile in diameter, shaped
liko tho frustum of n cone, nnd with a
C2rTlic Vna Journal is going
after a road to (loose Lake from that
point in dead earnest. Go in, brother
llob, we nre too busy just now hitrino
nizing tlio Democracy to attend to out
sido matters.
rarTlw ..'itc7o thinks tlmt tlio
' mnn up tho treo" tunust tho Democ
racy muchly. A'ery likely, but the
" bed-rock" fellows enn't "exactly dis
cover where the laugh comes in.
Mtuiter's aad SprtsHef
X the underitgnetl has tlio beat itock of
rllle, patent mid lioiue-mauu tfiot-gunf, ulngle
squ uouui; ruvotvera, mo Aim ami bent put
enU: pockot plttola, neat nil email, t III power
ful ; tlfrrlngcrs.tlto lkt and beat. All thoio
gooila wnrrnnted.
Alio, lli0ibat kludit of pnwiUT Anil powder
flfuks ; all torU of shot and hot-bana ; uml
lait, but not leaaf, everything cold at vary rea
sonable rates.
Heparatlon. executed prompt nnd cheap, and
wbooverdoea pot trust theao words, only need
to come and coavlucQ himself to ,
on Third Street, next door loutb of II. iF. Dow.
oil's Law Qfllce.
Jckonvllle, Feb. 27th, 1868. fub29-tf
AdwiBkitratMr'a Mmtioe,
pointed by the Probate Oonrt for Jotaplilno
county, State of Oregon, on the fourth day of
BebfUMy,8fi8, AdmiQUtratorof Ute.f, of
Jrh. Hall, deceased, notloe Ii bertby glren Iq
all. perons bavnS claims agnlnt ealll itate
to present them to me, with the necewary vouch
ers, within sU.rnontba from this dte : and all
persons owing said estate are required tq mik
payment to,M, at mjr residence, Jump-OIT Joo,
io Mid county. r '
W. A. GIBSON, AilmuifetratYr.
iiuoiigii me vnsnuif Jinn'f, lo tne n i.a...i...uii r.n u,i n.e it..i. t,iun, n..i.
A nrMt French PlijikUn Mjrst " Mor Ihsn hlf of ll
iILnup In Hi world comr from nrglKt lo fortify th ta.
tfm SKitlu.t thsiijrM of f limit., wpnllifr and tn. Tli.
grMl .rt of linuth h to kixp ill condition of lh. Slom
nfli and Wood rvgiiUr And uniform, no that chsogM from
Unit to Cold, from Dry tn Dump, ret., miiunt iipaat tb.
owhln.rjr of. Ilea body, and brrpil dl.nua."
Now, It In a fact. txxUlm and Wall-kiinwn. that tlnr I.
11 no audi bulwark and nwlnlant for Uio Stomach aa
M ., M . . .1,1. 1,11 il.lll,.
TV" aptrndld Tonic I. now ti.nl ij all rla.n of pnnda
for arary ajniptom of a "Stomach out ofonlar.1!-
Thoarcrrlof It la tlilat riaiitiillon lllltara ttrrrvrtaln
tn enrrret lh Jnlcaa of Ilia Stomach, Mt all lla macliln.rr
-. .ft. .-.t ....I.,.. It l..Ut. H.I l... .Itl I. - .'
at work, and rnabln It lornl'land tliitiwiimiiaapptincl,.
Ins danirr. Tho tendency of tho onarallnni nf Nlii, i.
alwajr. toward, n rurv I all aha itacda la n llltla aa.lttancr
at Ilia proper lima. II, w much mora rcaaonaMa auil
n.lbln It Ii to help lier alone with a u.iille. rrt miw.rfnl '
Tonic, than tiidelng and wenkpn and ilefeallier curatlnt'
pMceMra wllh -ono droit, and flery mixture., which
onljr atupef and plant Ike ateda of dl.eaa. and death.
Important Ccrtlflcntcs.
- tnwo much torou, fur I tarlljr batlara tha'
I'lantallon Dlttera ham earn! my Ufa.
HIT. W. II. WAOOONKK, 3tadrld, V, Y."'
Thou wltt nd ra twn bottle mora of tha'
tlantatlon niltcra. Jly wlfa hat len atTatly henltlted hi
their . Thy ftletrd, An- cram, riilladtlphla, Pat"
Inuro leh n ureal aufferer from Tiff paplar
andliadtiilnml,mnirklm(. Tho Plantation
Hitler, hare cnreil me,
IlKV. J. 8. CATItOR.V, nener, N. Y.M
,,. I ham xl.eti tha I'kavtatiW lllllara to
hnn.lreil.ofoiirtlUabU'daoldlera Willi la inil Mlonlth
liiic etTrct,
0, W. Tl. ANMWrrlS.
Superintendent Soldier.' Home, Cliirlnimttr,fV
Tho Plantation Hitler" make tha weak ftmnK the Uh
(Cnldhrilllant,aiidaroeiliiu.teil Nalnre'a pre! reatorer.
Tho public may real awureil that In minuo will tli.
parfiTlly pure eUmUrdof Ilia N.ANTATIOX IIITTEIIS
l departed from. Krery Inula Ivara tha facsimile of
i,ur alirnaluroniiM iteel plate enitraTlnic. or II cannot lm
A nyperenii pretending toeetl PI.ANTATHIN lllTTI'.IIS
In hulk or lv tin- imlloii, I. a .windier and lnialer. Ilv
waraof reflllnl Intllea, Her that uur I'lirala Stamp I.
U.MUTII.ATi:Dorereer rrk.
Sold by alt l)ni"j;lit, tlmcera ami Dealera IhroiiRlimtt
Ihr world.
P. II. DltAKIC, K CO.,
R'uw York, Sole I'rop'r,
and dlH, Front Street,
San Francisco.
Agonta for California and I7ovnda-
l.jmiV Jlanelle In.eel I'nwder I. aiireaiidreitand-ath
Iftieierjlhlucof Ibe lllH'Claa.Haa flraa, lliMcliee, llga.
IJUltOna, Atll', H",
What l pertillarry aiirprl.lnr In rritnl In Intnl. aril.
rl I", thai iHitnllhftlandlue II In.t.ml dealh to In-rct.. Ii
I. vrftly iMfaule.. to mankln.1 nud ilomeftllr animals,
ll ran I Inh ilrd or Mini with luipunlt). II lar. Ilia
iMtliuony ofrwilaeiil il.iiiulhe,l rlinul.u that II l
.NoilM lia.cttrKli'liucli.lllteMllrjctlonlli ll
me, .
It. lepnlall.aiU will kiaiwn. II I. illy ami refclllj
iii-.lllinllun. acroiniMiny each lla.k, lleware of nuu
ThaRenuliH-lia. the .lanatnre of II. I.Toa.andthaiirl.
""''"""'"'"wi. Ahuntmv
, urll,wBninlfilii..ijiwlil,t,iinib,r.
I ...........
lalrataniunf licMt. Iliaau Oi. Any Ihlnf rlwrf ltd.
' mi:xica.
'' 1 1 Dill KH
It ln liMttrn-UMBiv.l tIuU rem. luUrvu
it r.UII, ilinif lllllg'
',, lukrlhw
lloiie,U lud Hall., IIiuI.m, atranee,
i every ho.., ramn. and .taLle. Ac
riueni. win ivrur. rnuipiine.. i.cmrary.
All tiennliiv I. wrapwllii..el-ptalnan.Tatln(a, bearing
llie.lKnatuioiifll W Mretbrtftil; Chriul.t.andlliprlrala
I'. S. li,iM,r DCil AS II.MINE.S 4 Os liter Ihr lop,
All effort l.aa barn mole In count. ifcll II wlthacliup
tone pUlo lablp. I.uk chwely I
Mdhrall DriicxIftLawl Slorealnarjr lownand mini
lugcauipon l'aelSoroui, '
Haying permanently cstnbllabrd lilmnlf in the,
Harden and Sood-raisiag.
builneM In the town of Jucksonvlllo, would cor
dially Invito tho attention of the ntibllo to lit'
line slock ol FItKSIl, JlOXIL-UAltSED Gurduii,"
Seed', collating of
l'cns, Cabbage,
Carrot, Celery,
Cucumber', Corn,
Lettuce. Onion.
Dean, Itadlah,
Spinach, Tomato,
Turnip ;
and, In faot, all kinds of vegetable aeeds uiually
raleiyl.in tblslqlnlly. ,
The aeeda ae ralnd and caroliilly put up by
himself, aud-aro warranted. '4'or talo at the
store of
tho patronage recelvefjlait jrar, and" hopes
to be able to give entire satisfaction in (be fu
ture, as bo Hatters bliucf bn,s bepq dpne In the'
Jaokannvlllf, Feb. S0tlj, lB,ti8. feb22-3m
annual election of officers for the town of
Jacksonville, to-wt : Flvo Trustees, a Recorder,
a atjarshdl, a .Treasurer, and a:8treet Oommls
toner, will bo held on the first' Tuesday In
Maroh neit, at the Town Hall of said town.
Polls will be opened at 10 o'clock, A. U and
olosed at 3 o'olock, P. M.
ily order or the Hoard of TnwUes.
U. 6. Hatdrn. Recorder.
Jaoksoovllle, Feb. 21st, 1868. febS2iw
L den Seed, from the Salem Seed Garden,
l.i,...lft,ul at lha flltu Druir Store. . ' '
All lilmla of scads, inoludln iri.UWMi
SUltUB and TBEE SEEP, ordeted ffpoi an
Francisco wbendetlrcd,
JacVionvlllfl, k;c,b. iijij, 08,. frMS-lf