;iC j m iMAiH MA'tiRssefisnnssHRS TUB OREGON SEffllL. ""Satuboay Moiinhkj, Fob. 22, 1808. nKMiiiotn. Rev. 0. W. Roork will preach at the M. K. Church to-morrow at 11, A. M. Convicted. Win. IJurchiforir was" convicted of n assault nnd battery with Intent to kill. iDKSTii" Dr. Shrewsbury Is nt prcNiit1 t Roscburg. H" will pay our placo a profession al visit lu ft couplo of weeks. Tow Ewcrtos. Sco Recorder Ilaydcn's nfe; ttcc lu another column. Everybody In expect ed to do Ids duty and vote for who be pleases tbals ua. TIain. The first rain we have hiul for n month and a half fell Wednesday night last. It was needed very much and will ho volc6mcd by both farmers nnd miners. Taxks. The tlmo allowed by ShcrllT Owen, (ten days,) Is just about expired, nnd ho Is bus ily engaged In filling up blank executions, as Ida number to bo issued Is quite large. TrxKOBAMiia The new TolcRrnph OHco at Ashland will soon ho opemd lor tho puhl'o. Jlr. M. Ilaum Is to bo "Operator,'' and Is at present busy prautlclng at the key. Had Buihok. A bridge on tho Stage road nobut a rnllu this side ot Mr. Gore's Is lu a very bad condition. Probably the supervisor of that district will attend to It when ha has to pay for the breaking of some horse's leg. I.oso Session. Tho Jury wns discharged on on Thursday evening last, it having been In at tendance on thu court for eleven days, Ilia long est jury terra of tho court hJ lu this place for scernl years. I.vckV Stiiikk. Last week a miner on Cay oto Creek, between her ulid Canyonvlllo, found a nugget of gold lu his clulm, wclglng a little over sixteen ounce nnd worth S27:t fill, so wc nr'o Informed by Mr. Homer Harkness. Siskioi) Mouvtajx. The road over tho moun tain to California Is reported ns very bad j tho snow Is still deep and just soft onoiigh to Im pede tracl. An u coiisupiciice, the Hugo from Yrckn Is arriving now, several Loam behind the usual time. Choice Srr.M. Our friend Dnnlnpnilvcrtlses this week that ho can supply ever body with pure nnd choice garden wed. Aside from the Importance or pan onllug homo Industry, thoso who purchase Irom "Sargent" will ba some one to cits ir tho reed fall to geimluuto. Thanks. Mr. Lyman Chnppel of Union Town precinct placed on our tublulbl wnk, u but tle nl While Currant wlnu, made by Mrs. L. Clmppol und Mis Mil, ItwusaNu. 1. urtl clc, ul u lluu and delicitto llnvot and not sur-t passed by ImporUd wluc. Cnmvnrd Oit. An Inlerisltng letter from a fellow -citizen or the lieinocrullo pcriuaiHiu, residing on Hullo Creek, Is unavoidably croud id out. Wooolnoldo with his -views, nnd If things In the Democratic camp don't go right will publish It next week. Hi'KKiiTHK 1'Ijow. Our farmers linvo been taking udvautugo oT the lung continued Hue weather and a largo amount ol ground Is turned up, mid much gruin already howii. It Is thought tlirt promt nu.on will bu unusually lavorablc; bit- i nlns being very probublo ulur to dry a winter. Tiik Nr.w Nation-. Wo hao received n priuUd pamphlet or '.'A pagis, conlalnlug the lecture ul C. II. McDoiumld, ciillllid the Xne Xalion, which was dtllund btluru tho Graul Club nt Allmny, on the 25th of January. It Is a 'lino production, and worthy of Icing read by tvery man lu tho iwt'.ou. I'tvi: Ykaim Moiik. Le Io Ong, the China man who availed llurctnlorir, lu the Jail, on Sunday hut. was lu Court iigulu on Thursday. The firand Jury were lecallid, nnd he was In dicted for assault with luluiit to kill, uud hav ing plead guilty, his lliiunr, Judge 1'rlni, gue liiui llvu additional ti-ura to servo thu blule, making eleven lu all. Tiik Cheat Pautv. I'miii cicry Indication, the purty lu bo given by the ladles next Krlda) c tiling will bo a gruiid uuu. 'I ho marriage ltociiLv lu bo Issued by the Cuuut) Clerk Inline dlately ufteru arils ure iij cud lu be numuout, Wo hatu In. aid of several M is.es who hum Uvu practicing ul popping thu nuesllou. W'v Lupo they will succeed. I.kii II til. Jauie Cliailttlck, who was In dicted by tho last (jnind Jury lor culllu steal ing. Tailed to appeur for trial ou .Monday Ho had given bonds In the uiiiiiiint of iiiuohuudrtd dollars, but gau leg ball on Sunday lut, und prultabiy leuuss enough ptopaly lu thlscouuty to savu Ills boiidsmeii Irom loss. Ills thought ho will make for Cullforiiln, but It Is most like ly tlmt lie la skulking lu this nelglihorhuod, us he has some lutluential frliuds. Jimei-iiink CiiV.stv. Mr. Caldwell, mall cou tractor between hero and Waldo, tells us that duller times w cio never known lu Joaepblue county. The miners havo done nothing all winter, everythlug being frozen u, The roads from Applegato Creek to Waldo uro very bad, not having thawed out yet. Nell who was a.--rested ou tho chargu of rape, ut Waldo, has becu glveu up by his boudtiucu, who liuagtued that ho was uuout to decamp. Cuucknt Citt. Our correspondent at this i placo says that Ouitav I.cwlson, a soldWr who cut hit throat at Camp Lincoln, died ou tho 11th Inst., after lingering ten days. Ou Sun day, tho &th, konieChliiuiuen got luto a row In a -Chinese house, whloh resulted In the (hooting of one Chlnanmu, who died of his wound on thu evening of tho lltb, llou. John 1. Ilayts has been appointed Judge uf thu bth District t ice, Turner retlgucd. Cii.tfir Coikt I'hockkiu.nus. Stale te. A. W. Sturgli Indictment for larceny. Verdict not guilty. Statu vs. Lu Lo Ong Indictment for usyault uud battery with Intent lo kill, l'lcad guilty, and sentenced to tho State Foul tcnMnry for five year. State vs. Wm Burcb dorfl" ludlclmciit for assault aud battery with lnteut to kill. Verdict guilty, as charged lu Iho Indlctmant. Senteuced to the Penitentiary for Tour years, lleuiy O'Jlaoley adiuitted Jo citizenship. Suape Tiikes. Our citizens seem to bo set ting out many ebado trees this spring. The proprietor of tho New Stnto has set out a dozen of maples on the Hast sldo of bis building; .Mr. Homo, of tho U. S. Hotel, seems to have a preference for Locusts, having set out that des cription of trees the whole length of hlspreml ees ; and wo uotloo lues of ditternt kinds be ing tet out In other localities. This show s taste, and will uot only add to tho beauly of tho town, but Increase tho general comfoit during thu hot summer. Coiioner's I.squi st. An Wjuest was held oo Iho body of Ja. Spears, deceased, by.Coroucr Grceumau, on Widuckday last. The wound , was examined by Dr. Grube, by probing and openUg tho body of tho deceased. Dr. G rube's cvldeuce was to tho effect, that thu wound found in tho body of the deceased was n' gun-shot Hound ; that tho ball entered from behind, six Inches to tho right of tho spinal column, and an Inch below tho lower aoglo of the right shoulder-blade, and passlug through the body In a straight line to the place of exit, which ,Wb mi tuqh above, .and an inch and a, h.airjo the Inside or of .the right nlppU.iThofoarth nnd fifth ribs woro broken, and a large absceas had formed la the right lung. The whole af the right lung bad collapsed before death. The y.ordlct of the Coroner's jury wm thai the de ceased camo to bis death from u guq-ehot wouod Indicted by Wm, Uurchdorft. Boaiui or TtrM"iFirtA U 18C8. The Board met pcrsuarit to adjournment. Members 6rcsentf-DJLInniPtlc)dcnt, MriFoaoli.'Ju9gc, artln, fJrlb iv full board. The following meMniwcro'rae1 ami approved. IMS to) F deed was granted to A. Prcater for lot on Ore eon Street. In block 27, and assessed $10. The subjectof n former petition for the rcmovalor, thir graven from, tho old barylng. gTonnd. cam up! nd "by 'motfotf the whole subject Vras rcfer-t red to Mr. Dunlap Sexton, requiring bim lo re port In fnll'opon the matter with his rccomen datlons. Toe Town Treasurer prerented his third nuartcrlv report, showlnir rccelnts In cur rency" nH qiitfrtcr HOI expendannre. waf- ranw paid UZ8 OKI Daiiacoonpana,4zu zvj Ilccctpts In coin $30 warrants paid in coin $16. Coin warrant No,' 164, for $31 60 presen ted and protested for want, of coin. The re port was entered on flics Tho Sexton prpdueeil to tho board a full record of all cemetery lots claimed and disposed of, entered In n book pro cured for that purpose, which being examined was approved. Dills prccntcd, Jackionvlllo Untitle, bill for publlshlne notice to remove the graves from the old burying ground, $4, Skv TiNKt, bftlco bill for blank licences 8. U. S. Hayden's bill for cash paid for Hcvcnuo stamps for the ue of tho town $3 76, G. M. Flank's bill Tor Tecs por ono year $!)G 60. Total $107 26. Dill ngalnst Cemetery: Wm. Hoffman's bill, (certlllcd by Dunlap, Sexton,) for prepar ing nook and recording ccrtiucaics or sale of cemetery lots and Indexing same, $ft 76, Tho several bills laid over rtndcr tho rules. Deed to cimetcry lot Kb". 251, ordered to T. V. Ileal. Liquor Llccnco was granted tn John Dick, awt-ascd $60 alx months, P. Kchcly's claim for constructing foot-bridge over Jack son creek was taken up and referred to tho Street Commissioner to report on the same. Thu annual election for town omccrs was order ed to be held on, the lit Tuesday In March next. Tho Recorder was ordered to give public notice of the name Judges of Iho election appointed, John McLaughlin, J. lloudabush and J. M. Sut touj clerks G. P. Funck nnd C. W. Kahler. Ilonrd ndjonrncd to the 27th Inst. Is it a Voicxxoi Mr. A. French Informs us that there Is a placo on Chrlsman Hat near the low but tn ncroM Ucnr Creek, spmetimca call! Skinner's Dutte, where tho ground bears evi dent traces of a convulsion. Tor about four hundrid janls tho trruund Is cither cracked open or upheaved. Prom the way the dirt Is thrown, Mr. F. conjectures that Iho Ihroj ex tended from South-Kant to North-Wcst. The beglnulngof this disturbance Is In a small ba sin, In tho winter lilted with water, but dry In the summer. This pond I now dry. The crev ice Is now about seven Inches broad, but when noticed last fall It was a foot wide. In one placrn boulder weighing thrco tons has lieen moved from II Ud and lu, places where the course ol tho ilUtiirlnnco was under trees, the roots have been, laid bare. Mewers Oher and Sketers loot August npllced n smoke raising from 'this place, which enveloped iho bill; It re port as oT an explosion was heard at the same lime. This fls'ttro Is not In eronnd that would bo likely to slide ns tho land Is comparatively IcroK This Is a snigular freak uf uatnru and oifr'only wondef Is that w havu nut heard of It before. Wchavii talked with Mr. Iledford llaly who, lives lu the neighborhood of tho dls turhauco nnd he curdboraWs tho statement of Mr. French. Dmi-hute CiiiXAMAN. On Sunday last, tho China burgler, who was smitencid lo six yinrs service lu the Penitentiary, msdo a vicious uud deadly assault on a fellow -prisoner In thecouu lyjall. Mr. Iliirchdorlf. who was awaiting his trial for aboottilg Spear at "Logtown, otrthe 8th Inst. Dolh were confluid In the taum cell, and wylo llurchdorlf wus stooping down for some purpose, the Chinaman struck him on the head with a heavy billet of worn! Hint had evi dently becu prepared for Iho purpose, having been burned at one end so thai ihe hand could grasp It easily. Fortunately for lluichdorlf, his cries for abidance wtro beard by persons who had Ih'cii attending meeting nt thu Court Hou"', uud he was rescued from his nsallaut ; but uot until his heud had liceii shockingly beaten up. It Is thought thu Chluninnn Intend ed In LIU his fellun-prisoiier, and when the Jailor camo In, try bis hand on him, and elfict his ecape. Ihe Eeiillimau will soon bu con slcued to Msjor llcrrry' tender cam, and he will bear clotu wauthlng. Goihi Koaim ami Mai-WAfloMi As wo pre dlctid i weik or two ago, the continuation of good weulhir bus made the ruads In lhli,coiin ly ulmo-'tirgoo'l ' Jhey usually aro In. sum mer, and yet the Qri'gou & Calirorula Stage Co. have nut oVn flt to haul on their mud-wag gons mid run thorough braces, as Is tho 'cufe miwn 1n California. Travelling at this eaou of the vrar Is uuUiurllcularly comfortable, aud It would seem to bo to the Ir.terert of the com iuny to pay sumo attention to tho comfort of their pairuus. HAIlltlEO, HKAIUMI TIIOSIWOV-AI IU r.l-ln.c of II lrUn lithsr, on llutl CrrtV, lelfusrjr Ulli, Mr I. TliiV um,J, 1', Ir llmlil II. HcrlictuMIliiuJuTliuiiiju, II uf Js'kwu cuunlr. NOHTO.V AMiEIt)Sr-AI th riukUnr of J.4iii Xor- loii Hr K.b. 1Mb, U)-Uer,ll,V.Uuuik,Wr. llfurjf.Nur Ion, J 111" Uaulv Auurwu. MYU.fl-lltANT-OiiTliiirUyiiiln. rU Mi, Mr. Win. llM.luli.iirUlUCIlut,lvlh vf rrl VUk, Dtt NorlCu,Cut. HOltN. IKNS01t-IiiJckunlllf, f.lOlli, tutl.o wlfo v( M Miuwr, tun. Administrator's Ifotico. THK UNDKKSIGNED DEING APPQjJiTED by the l'robate Court for Josephlno counly, Slate or Oregon, on the 10th day of Jauuary, A. D., ,1808, Administrator or the wtaU of Sterllog Daniels, deceased, notice is hereby glveu to all persons having claims against said estate, to present them to lue, with thu neces sary vouchers, within lx months from this date: and all persons owing said estate are rtnulred to make payment to me, at my resldcucc, near Waldo; In said couotv. i JOHN 0. ELDER, Administrator. February 3d, 1868. feb8;iw r sjrotice to Deliaqaeats! rTiIlE UNDEUSIGNED 1IEREDY NOTIFIES X ithose who are Indebted to blm tor; black smlsblng. to come forward and make payment, j I most havo mouey ; promises don't jvay my obllcatlons. An early settlement must be bad. Let one call he eulUcleat, " Jacksonville. Jan j ' i isonvllle. Jan. 8th, 1888. ' janlMw 4-rpf , -li tf j- FOR TEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OK t .tbit notice. Ed. B. Owen will be lound at the herlfl QQlco ready to receive delloauent taxes. All taxes not paid within time', will be collected by legal process, and legal fees charg ed. Fay up, Immediately, and save costs. t ' -'it - ? TiVV. A.OWEN, ' Sheriff and Tax tOoilectbr. Jacluonville, Feb. 8th, 1848. fc-iw j NetUe. THOSE Indebted to the undersigned aro re quested to come forward within one month from this date aod.tuake payment. . - '7 V rP- WETTKRER Jackeonvlllo, Feb. Ilfh, 1808. febl&lm -J-'- WT 'T71 JTJS.X xvua VM I f ! THE LATEST- DISCOVERY! Eureka! .Eureka! mi, -,i- .i, ..,1 . ,,-.i ,i C plnCC WllCrO gOOUS are HOt only sold ClIKALVbdtCh6Rl)? cr than the Cheapest m tins market. Where ? Whore ? . ' Atnootlicrlacefljkn'Jt; !J'j SACHS BROS.'' TEMPLE OF FASHldN. Wo having rccclrcda much finer stock of Fall and-Winter Goods1 Than ever before, now graciously Invite all lo "' 'Come and feast on the wonders of our f ; display. t Copious r.irulons or DRHS3 GOODS In all styles but the old. Woolen QoodB,'1 nonpareil, Ladi ea & children's . , O 1 o aks - i H - aro finer, cheaper and Uttr styles than any lu this market. Our Hi ' Ladies children's Hats those b-aullful lll'TTr.ltFLli:S"-dld not com? itriiuud tho Horn, but arrived by last steamer, direct Irom New York. Our Ladies& childro.n's Shoos are chiefly of California manufacture, and -superior lo nny brought here. Our , vTIIlTpUOODS, FANCY GOODS, TMM.MINaSjKTO., lielng from our own house In San Francisco", wc am enabled lo sell n lltttla lower than any other III in In Jacksonville. OF CLOTHING. BOOTS AND HATS, It U well known that wc bring only the very htest and lxt stlc, and sell lacm at prices bo jiuid competition. t GROCERIES, , LIQUOR8& TOBACCO will bo sold at a small advance on San Francis co cost. This I n n blarney. We are prepared lo prove all wu slate. And If, after this glorious "ciiun clullon," ii'ti will cnmoftml look, then rnnstas suredly will wu bviilgimuily smllu ; and if, fur ther, i on nhould buy, will ussiirrdly laugh very hinrlily. Polay not! Bostoal Hastonto SA.CI-IS BEOS' VJtS Cheap Cash Store Juckxiiivlllu, Sept. ZK, IMi7. , ( j, Annual Proclamation ! BEAD! READ! NOW, 'J'J 1 Kltr.FOUK, TJI AT A LL il AY be bcmUtcd. I ISADOR CARO, by virtue of ihe poer rcnosid In me as pro t . jirlcmroi the , VARIETY STORE', Corner Oregon and Califonia Btroeti, do priKlulm, that I have token great julns In selecting uiy slock Of Family Urocercles '1 obacco, Uigurs, Slecrclmum, Wood nod ImltatloQ l'ipc, Cundluj Nuts, 1'lsylng cards, DOOK8 AND STATIONERY, Fl.hlug Tackle, Cloth and Tooth llrushes, Feather Dusters, Albums, (from 81 to 820) and other article, the number of which is su greut, that spice is not sufllclent to enumerate. I will wy. however, that uraooK other rMfr9 I h'uve a Vtv large stock of 'JOYS. FANCY GOODS. WILLOW WARE, JKWKLUY. LAMI'S&OIUMNKYS,, OILS. I'AINTS, ' GLA8S. rOWDKIt. , , 8HOT, Iad, and ft large and well selected assortment V i f Cutler js Spectacles, Sp y-C lasses, I aod a-Kreatraaoy other article. t I Come, everybody, and examine my goods be fore "going down" after onr spare cash, MV IQTT0 is, I i-LAUCK UJiX.Kit AMU NMAI.1. PltOMTU vr- i ISADOR CARO. 1 tf Jackiionville, Oct. f), 1867. LEAP-YEAR CALICO BALL AT VEIT 8HUTZ1 HALL. THE LADIES OF JACKSONVILLE WILL give a Uap-Year Calico UaJl, at Velt ' SbuU'B Hall, oo the avenbig of February 28th, I 18C8, to w bleb all ladles and gentlemen ot Jack. sonville and Usvloiuity are hereby specially iu .Uoil Tlrkets. S3 SO each. Proceeds. In excess of expense, to bo applied UliiAii MUi.MfV W - -A IU VUV UUIVUBev V. w.,. .w. .mv ....v . n ,7TTT 2 ty ihVi Ooramiite'o in Invitation. Jackeonvlllo, Jan'y 30th, 1868. fchl-td. It O .T iO m- )S WO &S X ! C . A . $1,000 Raward, 1 , WILL, be paid for tho nrrtt nnd convlctloh of any person Who can't buy Dry goods, Cloth. Ing, and General Merchandise, cheaper from us than rrom any other mercantile ca- cslabllrhment in Ipwn. The ntrlyal of 6ur large ' ANO WKM. Sr.l.KCTKIl STOCK OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS EVAllt.K IS TO MAKI THIS UnKIUl, OHKR. OUlt DUYGOODS DKPAIlTMKtfT Is slocked with the latest styles of Flgurcil dress kooi1, French and English Merinos, ' it Empress clnlli, Fullnrd Dclnlncs, Alpncns and Mohairs, Wool plaids, Wool & cotton Delaines, French, English and American Prints, .fi All of which will be sold at tho very lowest ratis. Our assortment of IRISH I.INKNS.M.U.V AXP POTTKD 8VVI??, JACO Mm, citojMuns, vferoitiA and IIIIIOr I.WVNS, XANOOKS, CAMnnitti, i.tc. Is wcl selected, nnd cheaper than ever be fore oircrcd In this mhrkct. Our Swiss and Jnconett l.'mbrolderler, Linen, Thread & Cotton, Lace and Embroldvrcil Handkerchiefs, llonuel and llelt Ribbons, aro the latest styles, aud sold at prices lo defy competition. We aUo havo Iho newest fashion of LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDRENS' Hats and Cloaks, and an Imacmo stock of all kluds of TIUMMINUS, IiOOl'SKinTS. UALMOKALSKIIITS, . , lntKAKFASTOAl'KS, . ' WOOLKXCLOVia, NUUIA8,' SHAWLS, i Woolen and Cotton Horo of every description, Also an cntlro unw stoik of Ladles. Mlwr. Chlldreus and Infants' Hhocs. all of which will be sold nt Ihe most rvasouablii prices. Our IMeuclied and Unbleuchl Muslins, Sheetings, Table Diimaks, Napkins A Toweling are or Ihe very latest manufacture, nnd sold VERY luw. MEN'S CLOTHING and Furolthlng Goods, Hals, Caps, UooU and Shins. Salem Cloth, pud.Illuuketi, Carpets, Oil-cloths, Wall I'apir, Willow Ware, Crockery, llnnlnsre. UroeerKs. Tolmijco. Cigars and I.IQL'PUS arp lying oty tha ibvlvrs and lu Ihu warchouM) lo great profusion, aud will Lo sold at u Great Reduction in Prices. l'lcafe'glvo ns a call, and examine our stock and prices before purchasing elheuhsrc. MIII.LER & IIRENTANO. Jacksonville, Sept. 12, lHtif. tf risWS4jVsWSfcsTt'Sl 'KtAttOlfTlIRtqilOlf KUtDnniti STOMACH BITTER8! Tliru delh tons (tumuli llliurs ara entirely 1 VteliUo, tud ttve froaisluubul tut osrrburl- TRY i JUOIE THEM! -- FOR TRY YOUR THEM r SELfl (ful IntirMifnl. A llesssiit tnnlr, lli.l a Uifxt snralile ilriuk. The iutrki-1 Is (llnl with imlaon oils rouianiiiiis mil iiiMii.uurr,iitiIS fruni tha lsintilslsitvalHtls root, tarts ( and link, am tuloilrsUy aUiU4 U Ilia i uro ol (aiianauioua olll.o nioiuarn, Mane)S,iJn r and fltowci. am n as i))ju. rcrir, imrriint, 1 1a ot Apiislif. t. ele. for atl rvywlits. A. F1NK1IAL'N1J. HjlMiUltlltnlBi.u. ror Miuomi Jtikaou. hill rramlMTi w M.fy - HOWARD & SMITH, ,f A JIanufacturo to order, i t illl- SASH, BLINDS, if DRESSED FLOORING SlC. THK UNDERSIGNED ARE MANIU'AC torlug at their new steam planing mill Iho above named and many more articles, at great. ly reduced prlecs. Sash of all sixes on band or made to order either glatid or uoglazed, Mouldings, from ppe-h,al( inch lo t Ovu lucti crown mould. Orders for these' articles, and ull'work In Carpentering and Ilulldlng, done with dispatch, and In a workman-like manner. Persons wfee cpatesoplatej building, would dq well to call on us before making contract else- wfcfwJlilJTli' X f tut' i UNDERTAKING dono In a neat and appro priate wgjjner. Shop on California Street, near the bridge. HOWARD t SM1TIL Jacksonville, Nov. 29lbt166T, novZatf lyipESi hiiuvs; TnETHGnEST OASH PRICES PAID FOU Hldea of all kinds, delivered at the market of the uBdcrslgnedin Jacksonville. ' JOHN, ORTH, December 8th 1866. If vSTOPJTHAT THIEF It.is stealing fron ,you your hcdlth'. wlucli is doarcr io you than all your wealth. Nine tcnths of the diseases prevalent in this climate spring from Colds and Coughs. ROYAL BALSAM Ghalleagos the World To prodnto anything In the shape of Medicine that will remove and eradicate nCotlgh or sore ness In tho Chest, ns prompt, no matter' what form tho disease might num. "Henley's Royal Ualsnhi" Is tho best Medicine In tho world for Dronchlal or Pulmonary affections. For Crenp or Jlooplng Cough, there Is nothing on earth thatnn equal It. All mother's and nursrs ought to havo a bottle- closo by them It will give r child relief In two mlnules. It Is entirely vegetable, and will prqve ft blessing lo the human family. For the m-nclU of SnfTcrlns Hu- nianltr. From Mn. Thomas. Wo have used Henley's Royal Ilalsam In my ftmlW this winter. There Is no use In talking t It throws everything In the shape or Cough Medicine In the sbado that I ever saw. My wife was troubled with asthma or smothering spells for years, nnd could get nothing lo have any elTVct until I struck this 'Royal Ilalsam." Shols now about well. It cured mo of tho worst cold I ever had In my life In night. Whenever onr children hnve any thing llko a cough, a few drops given on going to lxd. Hint Is the last of tho cough. I never Intend lo lie without t In Iho house. II. THOMAS', Hi i-trrr man. From Judge Marqnara. I havo untl ''Henley's Royal Ilalsam," my sell nnd lu my family, nnd und It a llrsl-rate medicine for Coughs nnd Colds. I hereby rc commcud It to thu public. l',A.M.UqUAM. From Mr. PUtock. Wo have used soma of "Henley's Royal Hal sain'' In my family, and think It Is a splendid medicine for children, ns will as for grown per sons. For Coughs and Colds, 1 freely recom mend It lo the nubile, it. I'irrocK, NromF. DEWITT, Merchant. To the Public I had a had cough for a long lime, A friend urged me to get n bottle oi "Henley's Royal lUltam." Ho said It cured him. I got a bottle, and hi re enough It bad a iiilcndld ulfrct. It drlul Ihe cough up In a short time. 1 hereby recommend It lo tho pub lic. F. DsWITT. For sale In Jacksonville by SUTTON' fit HYDE, AT ItOCK 11)1 NT llY tcttir . r. 33. -VsTXIXTia. NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW SPRINGS StfORE, II if. LOW Sl'llINUal UACKMON Co., W,M. ItlLGEIt, l'KOPltlliTOH. The iiiiilrnlKiicd liercby nil iiouncrs lu the cltlrens of Willow springs, and vicinity, that he has npniicil a store In that place, anu uuera lor saiu nis largo anu wen sekcUd slock of orxrrniN'o of all kinds, IipOTS AM) SHOKa, II ATS AND OA PS, UUOCKItlKS, LKJUOH8, TOHACUO, CK1AU8, and all kinds of general mercbandlro. Terms salu aro eatycash down. Call around allow yourselve to be convinced that Goods can lo sold Just as Oheap ua in Jacksonville. WILLIAM BILQER. Willow Springs. Oct. 9,' 1 807. octUtf ' ' ( II-.'.liMjnVj. .. ,(v. F. III.AKK. j i r k i c - : . i EMERY &. BLAKE:, 'Ivl X. WOULD CALL TIIK ATTENTION OF builders, and all who have building In contemplation, to the fact that their splendid new l'LANINC MILL U In sacoojiful opera tion, and that they am able to do I'LANINO OF ALL KINDS, TONGUKING AND GROOViNQ, Xnd anything In tire line oh sbdrt notice, In Ihe Ust stylo, and at reduced rates, Other su perior machinery, lu conjunction with the 1'LANF.R, enables them to furnish DOORS AND 8ABH, ' DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, ' j, ' j jj AND FimNlTtniB, At low rates i In fact, we aro determined not to lo undersold by any other manufacturers lu our line. Givo us a call. . EMKUV & RLAKB. Ashland, Feb. IStb, 1BU8. feblo-Sm ... ii nl hi .-, Natlce ot Final Kettlemeat. IbTTHBcduNTV COUrJr, OF THE 8TATK of Oregon, for the county of Jackson. Id the matter ol the estate of Ruth Ann Jones, deceased t E. KGore having Moduli accoBota admin istrator of jald esta,te, praylug fpr a final set tleouat of theaaau tasfsfarsJbollea U here by given to all whom It may poncern, that Ihe xald prayer or application will be heard and eterm)ned In the County Court nf said county, on Thursday, tho Alb day of March, A.' !., 1868, at which tlmo all persons having oljeo tlonslto the final settlement and account, must aako the same. By order of the Court. W. II. 8. UVDK. Clerk. 1 Jacksonville, Feb. 7th, 18C8. i feb8 w B ILL-J1KADS lINTKD AT THE BEhTinKi. urncK at u per tbousami. REDINOTOIV & CO'S ESSENGE OF JAMAICA GINGER. This valuable preparation, containing la highly concentrated form all tho properties cf Jamaica Ginger, bus become one of the moat popular domestic rtnedlti for all disease of the stomach anil digestive organs. As a tonic, It will be found invotnable lo ill persons rreovcrlmr from debility, whether pro duced by fever or otherwise, for whilst it Im parts to the system all tho glow ami vigor that can be produced by brandy, It l entirely frco from tho re-actloaory cflbcts of spirits of any kind. It Is also an excellent remedy for lemaks who suffer from riiftlcnlt mcnstnratloB, giving almost Immediate relief lo the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives Immediate relief to Nnnsca, caused by riding in n railroad car, or by senslckoew, or other causes. It Is also valuable as an external appllf tlon lor gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON k Co., AGENTS FOR THIS C91ST. Dated April 34th, 18CT. apil-yl-lnt Stop that Coughing! Some you of can't) we pity you. Toa Un tried every remedy but tho one destined by Its Intrloslo merit lo supersede all similar prepa rations. It is not surprising yoa sfeoald be re luctant to try something else, after the many experiments yoa hare made ol trashy com pounds foisted oo the publle aa a certain carat but : Nowell's PULMONARY SYRUP Is really tho VKHY 1IKST remedy aver eom. poumleil (or Iho euro of coughs, colds, sore liiroat, asthma, whooping congb, bronchitis and consumption Thousands of people In California and Oregon hare been already ben edited by Iho surprising curative powers of Newell's PULMONARY SYRUP and with ono accord give It their unnoalllM nnprobatlou. Wo now address ourrelves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest Panacea of tho age, for Iho healing of all dis eases of tha Throat ami Lungs, assuring yoa that Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP has cured thousands, ami It WILL OURK YOU Ifyoutry It. This Invaluable mrdlclne Is pleasant lo lis lastet soothing, healing ami itreogtbefllaf la its effects; entirely frco from all poisonous ot deleterious drugs, and perfectly harmless assist all circumstances. Certificate Irom many prominent cltlseae af San Francisco accompany every bottle of Newoll's PULMONARY SYRUP. ItKDINUTO.V A CO. Agents, San Fraaelsco. Ahead of all others la tha 'Martha Washington HAIR RESTORER. a ncurscr IUIII ItrSTOUKIl AND IIAIIl DUKStVX llolh romlilurU In ant, Tro.t iHialli.r, booti'r flraMnl ,NMilaui.ikal llilt lias iV Try II ssii.l always kssp II rssanl "I'HllisMaillis WulililMi." T.liljf Ikuu.aiKl Iim.Ii ltoiln.1 us V hat a iw.l.l. It's .!,..!; IIIIIImiis mors shall coiua ImnIuJ ut, W llli llitlr Iismts all lnvn-l. Will keep Ihe hair soft aad glossy.. It change gray hair lo It erlglnal eolot, prevent (be hair from falling oat or gat ling tUu, make old beads look youag, aa4 do all that can bo reasonably expected of a genuine, first-rate Hair Restorer. Ail la HO who have used It pronounce UsuBria dye lo everything of the klo aos) belaga perfect Hair Dresser as wsktaa a perfect Try Hair ResUief , U l aa aejutslU to ev ery tolUt. BeOlogtoo Co, Wholaaato It. Agents, Ban Fraaclseo. GRAFENBURG UTERINE Catholicon, If faithfully used according to dlreettoas, will cure every case of Diabetrs, awl greatly miti gate the troublesome effect ceased by a ratal atlon of the outlet of the bladder, itlis aMtt successful remedy for Gravel aud other dlssassa of the Kidneys and Hladder.aod for fasaalasMa aasrs is unenualled. The CATHOLICON unlforwlly cures l'rolspsus, Uteri, WMtas, all Jrrrguiauties of the Monthly Turae, Sappraa sioo, iDcoutliitoce of Urloe, UloatiwaMcVraa)' sical Swellings, and all diseases of rrvgaaaay. The specifio ictlon of this medlclee la ssmsaM ate and certain upon Ihe Uleriae aad AasVaaa- ioal Muscles and Ugsmeotsj reator tag tkssja o . m healthy a stste as those ol ealMkoad m4 youth, o that patjeots who aava mti tU uasriMuiao uonrAMia imiiia uatsns oam eanaot sumcleotly espresa tkata gsalstalt for the relief afforded. RKDINUTON CO., Agesrts, 416 am) 418, Front St. Saa Fraaalaaa. JUaUagtaa's liaTariH&rt'tk aie uiads rrom trash traits, las bulJs Iwlts m much u any ytkw Ha4 lb marks!, ioojusolljr Uy are Ik s ila4 lbs Utl. V8IM0 0TUU. 4 I; r ; i !i I. f . ;!I i i'i i i i I'