Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 22, 1868, Image 2

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V or nuif Vmiti lUTts.
".Well ilon, Ihmi tC"l an.l faithful a rrraril." The r"
pita bin) rewarda Ar ftrlat punlubmriit for traitor. .
l'OUTJti: VIOK lMtlMtlM-NUV,
ftl'.O. II. IVH.T.tAMH,
or cn-uox.
U.illi iiiljcct to Ilia ilcclilon of tin; Nation) Union
D. M.
. A-I.
Satuubay aioiixiwo, Fob. 22, 180H.
Tho Uulon Stalo CoriTCUtton U hereby called
to meet nt Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, on
tu'o'20tli day of March, A. D.. 1868, for Iho pur
pose of noniltiallng n candhUlo fur Cougrcsj,
to bo voted for nt the entiling Juno election,
three 1'resltlcntlnl Electors, Delegates to the
Union National Convention, nnd for tho tram
notion of inch other builncu m mny properly
como before Ihe Convention.
Tho following Is tho number of Dologutoi to
vrhlch each county Is entitled under the appor
tionment or the Union State Central Commit
tec, naniuly :
linker .
Glacicamda ' (
ClfltfOp.i ! 4 '
.Colombia.... '.......
"V." iS'
. 1
.. 1
Grant ....'..' 0
juckkii. ... i
'Linn, ......
; . o
Multnomah .
J OlaC. ...... i
lUnlon, ..!...
- t t I
... -.,.
......j. C
, ilia
1)y order of Ihc Union Btalo Central Comintt
tec.' '
,. , . J. K. DOLl'II, Cbalrmau.
J. W. YuiUxr, Secretary.
To tho Union Voters of Josc-
Ithluo Count)'
' ' i
There will bo n, JUa Convention held at
Kerbyvlllo. on Saturday March 7th, nt ouo
o'clock P. it., to lelect delegates to repretent
in In Ihc "Union State Convention nt Salem,
March 34th, 1808. lly order of Co. Committee.
W.M.EVANS, Chairman.
(iGomi quoted in Xow York, Tliurs
tlnj, W8J; Greenbacks, 1 Q 713
weak, , ,
A DuiitjiK jury lias found n verdict
of guilty against Sullivan, Kditor of
tliu JVWfioH, for the jnil)Iicntion of bo
dltlous libels.
,Tiu: Meveille says " tho campaign is
opened." As we linvo no candidate in
tjie Jlold, W.c infer that tho Democracy
a, having, ti jirivato kind of "cam
paign." among thciusolvos.
Tin: Wnte Might Democrat politely
cnlU'GchiJral Grant a liar. "We'll hot
tlifa ' fallow a peck of Oregon apples
tli'iit ho dafo not say so to Grant's
Tuu gabbling blatherskite, George
Francis Train, has kicked up quitu a
muss in tho " old country." Earl Mayo
explains that it was all tho fault of tho
policeman who arrested Train, nnd
done, through general orders.
"Tim: correspondent of tho Meville
n't Willow SpringH istt very particular
kind of n follow. Ho claeH tho houses
a!" dwelling 'houses, vacant houses,
and China houses. "Wo presunio tho
tenants of tho latter class don't throw
. TiiK California Legislature has in
definitely postponed tho investigation
oj jtho alleged bribery iu tho late Sen
atorial election. . It is urged that it
would not only'exposo tho Democracy,
but leafo nothing in tho Statu Treas
ury' to steal.
Ouu neighbor is wonderfully face
tious aliotit certain hand-bills published
two years ago.(by somo of tho Repub
lican .party against each other. Tho
Democracy dard not do anything of
that kind when thby havo a "family
jar "it would bo an oflcnco ngaiust
publitj decency to make a full exposure,
" 1,Takk"iIim Down!" Our neigh
bor is bo annoyed by tho very truthful
fiiid graphic reports of our " man up a
trce,"Miut ho cries out lustily, "Tnkd
liim'do'rt!,t Well, neighbor, ho is
dowrijatfyou will porceivo in another
column; and if you like his last report
nu yiiuoro jtliau tho proyious ones, plcaso
nuorn) us of the, fact
I'fto' Apology. Somo of our Repub
lican subscribers think wo owo them
nuapology for .occupying so much
apapo .with thq affairs of tho Pomoc-
jraoyf j ".think otljorwisp.f 'JYtJ liavo
many Democratic readers who pcruso
Jjio Sknt;nj:i. with deep interest, mid i
,who knows how' many of them may
:.i v... . . t v,.y
ESSsT Our DZoZtiosid,:
wilbers candidly1 auknowledgo that wo
JWPJsompjthipgB-jii their propp.r, light,;
9jlI ,wo havo .heard sovoraj of that
party say that they noyer know that
thoy had political rinrs in their itoses,
uqtij wa.pointed, qut tho fact to them.
Therefore, wo ho'vo nb apolpgy t6 mako
fo any one.
Glimpse Number Three,
Our neighbor plead o(piteously last
week for our man to como down from
his perch, that tho good naturcd soul
concluded to descend dining court
J week, and circulate among tho harmo
nious democracy on terra ilrmo. He
has rotated among tho brcthcrn siueo
early on Jlonday Inst, and says that
just now, Jackson county Democracy
prospects "much richer from his
present stand point than it did from
"up n tree." IIo sees epiito as much,
and hears more. IIo hns heard curses
loud and deep from tho Dardanclls.
IIo has listened to murmurs from
"Uutte," and heard dl an independent
feeling nbout Hock l'oint that bodes
no particular good. IIo has seen small
caucuses of anxious plotters in dark cor
ners. IIo has seen the faithful five iu
dcop nnd serious meditation, somo of
them with thuir canes up to their noses,
like ancient physicltwis, evidently con
cocting a soporific f6r nervous nnd irri
table members of that great and harmo
nious brotherhood. Tho underground
tactics of tliu great dictator rather puz
zles bur man. He npproaeltcd some of
tho "lcit Aving," nnd with admirable,
candor they assured him that they had
(put all their "sliiubobery" and goug
ing,. aud things woio tnkingtheir nat
ural course; nnd our man (innocent
creature,) believed them, they looked
so unusually honest. Our reporter,
vigilant as ho tistisually is, was non
plussed; ho was about to hand iu his
checks and report himself without any
occupation, when ho stumbled on a
document iu tho
that showed him
played, aud that
Court House yard
that lie had been
the leaders of the
"clique," wero burrowing like moles-
turned iu fact, into a part) of sappers
and miners. What n uicu littlu prize
it was written on legal paper in n
bold and rather stilt'haud, nnd evident
ly the work of somo cunning lawyer.
Iu touching accents it appeals to the
faithful to stand by tho ship, lest she bo
taken .possession of by a piratical eiew
and scuttled ; but wo prefer to give the
document itsolf, which is as follows:
Jacksonville, 12th, lrJUti.
Diuu H . When wo met last I
thought tho thing was all fixed, and
we wero dead sure of the game. I llnd
now that there is considerable grumbl
ing, and hear that you aro getting wenk
in tiie knees yourself. 1 regrut this, as
you nro looked ,ou ns sound to tho core ;
and it such Democrats as you, weaken,
tho "mongrels" will whip us. Wo on
ly want ono ollice, mid we must have
it ; there is no such word as fail. We
must hnvo n mat) iu that ollico whose
deputies will bo of tho pure stuff, aud
have no mongrel streak iu them. Like
tho woodchuck tho boy was after, this
ollico is an absolute necessity "there
ain't a darned bit of meat in the house"
ami wo must liavo it. 1 ou must at
tend to tho precinct meeting at your
place send men that I can depend on,
and bo sure and get a resolution pass
ed that will hold every Denioer.it up
to the rack, "fodder or no fodder." I
wrote to JJutto (thcro is considerable
troublo there,) aud also sent a copy of
a resolution to bo adopted nt thuir pre
cinct meeting, that will make them too
tho mark after tho convention, This
precinct is till right; tho club will tako
steps to fix the voters hero and whip
them back, whero thoy will bo obliged
to support our man. I am afraid Tablo
) Hock is gouo up. At Hook l'oint cur
tain Democrats begin to feel their nuts,
and if tho old chief thoro don't do his
duty, I liavo a weapon to break his
neck wjth ; wu will beat his brains out
With that ballot-box nn-angoiuont of
last year, you know. Leavo mo to
niauago this precinct, I liavo got things
just-whero I want them ; but by all
ineaub, send ouo of our inou as deli
gate sure. Your own claims will bo
duly considered and recognized wo
will give a, good pull for you, You see
of courso that my plan is to introdueo
a resolution into tho convention, mak
ing ovqry man iu it, as n, candidate or
dolegatq, pledgo himsolf to support tho
nomiuco ; thcu wo liuvq got them and
thoy cant bolt. uVpplegato preoiuct is
not very -f
As tho lust'soutonco of this interest-
ing paper was unfinished, it is proba-
.bio tho writer was disturbed, or that
tho balance was on nnothor sheet.
Our "man" is looking for it, nnd if
found will ropocf. IIo is yet undeoid-
eawhethcr to e.imb his tree g or
not, tilings from a lower stand point
aro so exquisitely rich, nnd so vory
harmonious that our valuable reporter
-will probably stay down till tho Doin
ocratio convention meots and assist ;in
putting "things in applo-pto ordor. His
vuluablo sorviccs haVo already leeu
Bought by tho "clique." IIo can
Dcutchcrspraehcn, loves lagor, dulights
iu SkcIUo' kuze, aud won't choko on
prttzel, nnd tho "clique-" hnvo .tried to
catch him with tho oflicu of cous'tablOj
if he will only usu his many necom
plishmcnts in their behalf. lie thinks
he will hunt for tho balance of Mint
document before giving n decided ans
Kr.T.ioiiiii.rrr of Siinitirrs to Hit
j:t.KCTioN. It has beon, nnd is yot tho
opinion of some, that n citizen of n
county who hns held ho otllce of sher
iff for two consecutive terms, is notdli
giblo to that ollico for a third term.
This notion is probably obtained from
the fact that, iu tho counties in this
end of tho State nt least, tho samo per
son has onlv filled tho ollico lor two
terms. This idea however is crronc:
ous, us thuro is no biicIi qualification
made in the statute. There is no im
propriety for ouo' man to bu elected to
tho office of shoriirfor a third or more
terms than that a county olerk should
be so re-elected. There is this qualifica
tion, that tho candidate for tho office
shall be nn elector, mid shall have re
sided In bis county for ouo year prev
ious to the election.
Then it only remains for tho voters
to settle in their own minds, before
casting their votes for tliu candidate,
whether he is otherwise competent to
fill the office. If tho officer is vigilnnt,
looks well after the interests of his
county, always found ready for duty,
and is honest and iudtistrous lie has
additional claims over tho untried man.
It is our opinion that any county which
has such an olllccr should strive to ru.
tain him rather than to mnko nu tin
tried change.
Tim: arithmetical correspondent of
the Jicveillc nt Willow Springs " sup
poses" that tho Chinese in this State
are cnjoyiug.tfi'f dollar (li'iini. Wu
suppose John Chinaman will be de
lighted to learn the fact ! He also sup
poses that there are fifty mining camps
iu this county, yielding $7(i,uoo per
day, or $l,l).0,00i) per month. IIo al
lows out of this largo sum, one urn
dral dollar per month for thu support
of,iVi' hundred Chinaniun, who lire
supposed to dig it out; and then says
that $1,1) 10,000 goes to China every
mouth, and asks if it nint startling.
We should say it was, rather; aud so
would tho great earthquake at Fort
Klamath have been, provided it had
been true.
Tho subjoined indignant extract is
from a contributor to tho Jlcceillc.
The fellow evidently has reference to
tho ennrmus tax ou whisky, nnd seems
quite unable to do the subject justice:
"Congressional tyrants, minions of a
corrupt and prolligatu rump, jacobin
peace makers in royal livery, bloated
with unnatural pride, invested with
power never conferred upon tho most
potent prince, ride rough-shod and un
rebuked over the liberties of tho peo
ple, tho "still small voice of justice or
relief dies out unheard, or echoes only"
within her gloomy walls !"
A Grant club has been organized nt
Salem. Thu following is among their
Jlesoh'td, That wo regard Gen. Ut.yk
si'.fi S. Giiant ns tho truo representa
tive of tho great principles of tho Na
tional Union Party, aud that wo favor
his nomination for tho I'resideuoy by
that party, iu 1808, subject to tho de
cision of tho National Union Conven
tion. So says tho Jlecord.
I.s'ditATiTuni:. Old Tom Healy wont
up to Andy YnnShaaek's house in Shns
ta and slopt four hours iu nbed whoro
his (Van's) mulatto woman sleeps. Ho
went down town tho samo night and
spoko two hours against tho negroes
nnd said " this is n white man's conn
try." Med Jllajf' Independent.
Impoktant Almanoi:. It is under
stood that tho coinmnndor of tho
"Dnrk Day Dctnoorats," hero iu town,
hns formed an alliance with the old
"bed-rock" Abolitionist of Pliamix.
Tho latter is to perform tho part of
" spy," and is to cover tho Captain's
rear if ho gots whipped in tho Conven
tion. Moot. "Wo understand that a bill
will soon bo considered in the Mock
Legislature to repeal tho road law, so
that it will not conflict with Fay's
thirty feet road petition I
CST Washington dates of tho Oth,
repOTt that tho President and McCuh
loch havo quarrelled, nnd that the lat
ter, will leave the Cabiuct.
JIrso Ingratitude.
Our usually plaoid nndscronocotcm
pornry seeniB vory ill tumpored of lute.
Some timo since, ho promised'' to ensti-
gnto certain Deinodrats Very1 'severely',
if they did not patronizo Dcmooratid
papers more libornlly. Tho threat
must hnvo been idle, for in his Inst is
sue he placed his party iu the position
of the "heathens" in, "Jloriboola Gha"
which js a very ill naturcd way of inti
mating that many of them are unable
to rend, niuUshy no moans coinplimon
tary to thoso that tarnish him brend
uud butter. Wo aro accustomed to
expect anything from Dcmooratio sour
ces, and would not bo surprised to see
our neighbor publish a political analy
sis ofthuoriminnl calender of this coun
ty, to the disparagement of his party.
.Klsewhero in his paper he comes down J
like a whole brick kiln upon some
members of his party whoso names are
found oil thu books of republican
printing offices. To sny thu least, this
is ratherillibornl afid'lt shows just liow
much of tho pretended liberality of
the Democracy Is real ; ond how much
feigned. Democracy professes to be
tlioiolinmpiuii of free speech nndn free
press, lmt if an enlightened member of
the party chooses to patronize a re
publican pnpor, ho gots a rap over thu
knuckles to remind him that Democra
cy owns him body nnd soul nnd
claims the right to drive him. Such a
course is not grateful, it makes respect-
nblu mid liberal Democrats laugh, nnd tons of flour wns damaged.... Heal
has just about as much effect ns to pre- estate iu Portland is iiilvunciug. The
scribu where they should buy thuir ten, l Oreionian says capital is seeking in
nnd cofieonnd how they should tako it. ' vestment in land, instead of property
There aru some Democrats iu this conn-1 holders running after purchnxors as has
ty whohavojudgnientenough to prefer, been the cac for two years past....
Republican literature, us n general rule, Thu place of holding thu Union Statu
to their own, uud independence enough Convention hns been changed from
to do as they please, and wo rather i
think our neighbor will find somo trou
ble iu driving them where thoy don't
clioou to go voluntarily, but if thoy
will stand it, it is nonu of ourbusinuss.
T -, , , i has been snipped to San I-nmcisco, to
Lam. Sn:v,:vs.-As thu portion ofj,m ml ror ,,,,,,.. ,,lirMMC
tl.isbtnto lying east of tho Cascade cu ConioIlu , ,li:UnlH lMlu. ,,
.Mountains, uud known ns the Klniuntli wliet1iur Wellington countv shall as
IJusin, is now open for settlement, it is ,, ,,. .. llf ,i, :,,,, ,,
the duty of the Government to provlilo wo Qoo wuru r lIl0 () t, 1( ,.. tv
or Us mu.ediatu survey. Considcra- i)I1(is... The shock of an earthquake
1 1 1 ft lllllf! ll nu I mult rill 111, t'l.i I in t In, in, 1 1. It. '
"W "."' "MVIfcH
bnrhuod of hlamath Lake, much of
which has been selected by thu State,
but by far tho best section of country
has remained uusutveyed, on account
of the danger of prosecuting thu work
among hostile Indians. The hostile
bauds seem to bo driven far to the
southward, and, there i- every proba
bility that next summer's campaign
will lesult iu driving thu "Snakes"
into a permanent treat v of peace. ICv
erything indicates that there will bo a
largo emigration to that portion of Or-,
egon next Spring, nnd It Is duo to those j
ilin m-n mt ii,,ii alii.. n.i.n..li ... a......
...iw.,,w v,,.., j., iniu 1.-11111111 III IH'VII
up a new country, to allow them to
make tho most fnvnrahlu selections.
It will cost Government no more to
survey these lands now than nt nny oth
er time, nnd tho settler would have!
tho advantago of knowing exuetly how
ho was locating his land and whero his
lines were. Tho attention of our dele
gation in Congress has been called to
tho subject, and wo havo no doubt but
whnt nn appropriation for tho survov
of theso lands will bo made at the pres
ent session.
Tin: Dkmock.vtio Platfoiui. The
following is said to hnvo been adopted
us tho platform of the Jackson County
uemocraoy: 1st. A nigger is nsgood
as any other Democrat, provided lie is
n Domocratio nigger. Greenbacks aro
to b'o worth what thoy will bring, and
will bo taken by Democrats in prefer
owe to Confederate Shin-plasturs. It
shall be tho duty of ovury Democrat
to get an oflico it ho can. Democrats
who don't hold any Government bonds
should unite iu sustnininir " roimdin. '
tiou.Deiuocrntio bondholders should
bo paid in coin. To insure harmony, '
tho right of ovory Democrat to riiti i
.!-...! t ... ....
tho party or "bust "it, is recognized.
Tho direct tax ou whisky is regarded
as a direct blow at democracy, by a
tyrannical and wicked Cougress. Tho
last resolution invited tho man up a
tree to join tho Domocratio party Im
mediately. '
Cui'iiw Daut -at Otm Dkvii Our
Devil has boon siek this weok, and tho
cause of his illness was n mystery un
til wo found tho following sot up in
)iis stick under his enso. All is plain
now. It will bo readily admitted that
no one can work under such oiroum
Btnnoos. It is supposed that it was in
tended for a valentine.
To Mm
g Jlosy's red, o
Violet's blue, m
M Sugar Is sweot,
And so nro you. w
w000xxoxxoo-vvf.vr,wv.v P .
..luirAW.w j
In Uriel.
Tho Chronicle says that tho Hon.
Mr. Cox is canvassing Slarion county
for his history of, Oregon, nnd has al-
rendy over althousand signatures
Tho Oregonian says a vessel has
wrecked below Tillamook nnmo not
known.... Tho samo paper gives an
account of a difficulty at a dance, in
which two men Problo and McNn
nice were shot nnd liistnntly killed,
and ono Walsh wounded. Some of
thu parties nro fndor arrest.... Tho
saw mills at Gardiner, in Douglas
county, cut about 4,no0,000 feet of
lumber annually, so tho Jfnsiyn re
ports. . . . A great many horses In Ma
rion county nro dying of "staggers."
A prominent stock raiser John Jlin
to writes to tho Mccord that tho dis
ease is cnused by "dry feed.". . . .Tho
Male Journal1 correspondent nt
Washington, reports that Pengra has
not met with nny encouragement for
'tho Humboldt ilrnnoh It. It. aigit. . . .
Tho Jjaaiettc Courier thinks mem
bers of Congress havo souls hardly
knows; mnybo they hnve, and then
gets tho subjects in n muddle....
Freights from San Francisco to Port
land, by steamer, hnvo advanced from
five nnd six dollars to six and eight
dollars per ton. Portland shippers nro
very indignant thereat, and talk of an
opposition lino of sleamurs....The
steamer Kcho ran on a snag ten miles
below Salem and sunk. About three
J ortlontl to halcin.. . ,'Jliu exports
from thu oity of Portland for 1H07,
says the Oreionian, nro valued nt $ (I,
H':);7l!l 7fi.... Several bales of broken
flax straw, from the Salem Oil Mill,
was felt recently in Wnshington Terri
tory".... The coal bed of tliu Helling
hnm Day Co. is ou fire, uud it is thought
that the mine will havo to bo flooded
to put thu lire out.
Ouu of our most vuluablo Democrat
io exchanges, tho Lafyetto Courier,
comes to us this week almost unluteligi
glide. I'Vnni what we can make nut, wu
inter that it has hoisted the mime ol
"Fred. Douglas" for President. Wo
nlwnys thought his assays on "nigger"
would strike iu.
Our Democratic neighbor says:
"Some peoplu tnko nigger iu thuir cof
fee." Deiuocrnoy usually took tho in
ticlo straight, and their colleu after
IN annual election of ofllcera for the tntvn of
JncKtwivlllc. iit-witj l'ivoTriuteeit.n Ittcorder,
a Manual, u Treasurer, and a Street Commis
sioner, will bo hold on tbo llrst Tuesday Iu
March next, nt the Town Hall of said luwn.
Tolls will bo opened nt 10 o'clock, A, M uud
closed nt 3 o'clock, 1'. M.
lly order of tho Hoard of Trustees.
U. S. IUtmkx. Iteconler.
Jacksonville, Feb. 21st, 18C8. fcb222w
Having permanently established himself in the
CUrdem amd Seed-raisiBg
business in tho town of Jacksonville, would cor-
illally Invito tho attention of tbo diiIiIIo to li!
Ann tn.W nl.I.'IM'.'-lIT HflM ! .11 .1 ICl'll ..l....
"- - " - -, w-..-...w.. uuiucu
contuuiiK or
i, Cabbage.
Currols, Celery.
Cucumberi, Corn.
,Lettuctf, Onion,
llean, ltadith,
Sutiiucl), Tomato,
Turnip ;
ana, Iu fact, nil kinds of vegetable feeds umally
rained In this vicinity.
Tbo eed aro ralmd and carclnlly put up Uy
himself, and aro warranted. For tale at tbo
etoro of
the patronage received lut year, od bopes
to be able to give entlto tatltfnotlon in Ibe Iu.
,turo, at bo flatters blmielf baa beeu done In tbo
t . .,. . R s- DUNLAP.
JackeooTllle, Feb. 20tb, 1868. feb223m
den Seed, from the Salem Seed Garden,
J wctved at Ibe Oily Drug Slow. '
All kinds of ap.la lnnt.llnn l'r nropn
BHRUB aod TREE SEED, ordered from San
"" wnea aeaired,
jacneoqTiiie, Feb. 3Ut, 1808,
Vasiiikcton, foil tilth.
Grant's reply to tho.Prcsidcnt is
brief. If relates only totho 'chnrgVof
insubordination, in refusing to -disobey
orders issued by Stnnton. ITo snid ho
did not prose to discuss nny ir legal
order of the President, but. only gavo
nu interpretation1 of what ho 'wotild re-
fard ns satisfactory evidence of "the
'resident's snnction to orders" from flio
Secretary of War. IIo enclosed n copy
of an order from tho Secretary of War,
directing him to furnish nn escort for
public treasure, from tho Ilio- Grande
to Now Orleans, issued on npplicntion
of tho Secretary of tho Treasury to hmif
showing tho recognition of Stanton ns
Secretary of "War, both by tho Secreta
ry of the Treasury nnu Postmnstcr
General. IIo concludes by disclaiming
nny intention of disobeying the Presi
dent's orders when distinctly communi
cated. Giiant ani Joiinho.v. Tho Kasterm
papers contain nmiiv comments nil the
course of the President, in trying to
force tliu favorite soldiorof ihoitumtb
lic into u false position. Tho Now ork
Jforald has declared unequivoiinlly
for Grant for the Presidency, nnd' it'
seems that thu 'blundering iiicuuibcirt
of tho Presidential oflicu is detentiug
himself, nnd strengthening tho good
opinion of tho people for tho man he
seeks to destroy. Kverv trap that tho
"Piesident" sets for t lie "General"
not only fails to catch him, but exposes'
the consummate menuuess of Johnson
uud shows Grant to bu his superior In
strategy ns well as in honesty.
m 4mmir4KJ
J t
Tlio wurM rilo fifieim anil JiiJtfi-iriit Iip Inarm! .,
Iji., Mill Hi jrnitum. Urn. Ltd... llrnrlLxirn.
KvmMi M, Ib.l llrralli, Hill., Owplrklmi, t Mil
Iw enrol I'j uilnn 1'uxtatiii.i llinim. .
TliU I. tin tii.ot urrr..ful ton If nf III ). Votinir,
mUl.tltx-Knl 'l "' ' il'llf titrl Willi ll rtll.
Tlir Srit trlnl Alait Iimi it nurk-.! kiI rrTrcl.
Nn rliMKrir. Hit la nrrrawrjr. Hot llyiu ttMi.oMIw
Ixit hihI nu mI mililtl..u f...
II l tlir Krrnlr.t rurtrrlili'mlif.rniiuvri..lo.Ui..l
.tl,ltri.r. lu-lMdl, Mlilrli ll trtlrtca III f.'W liHilmhtl.
Wr Htliw tlirit vrr. Ii.tvr lilt lwit anil IIHMt .llUr mi '
li-lm In Ilio urM. p urn nut fnM l.i livr hnt till
Cunipi.ir. i.f.
I'mimii are coursutn to iitonxici it,
Cimt 1UK lw la-rn rltlnill fir iitrr ln liiix
ilrol jrmra.ainl wrw aoM ilurlnr tin rrlfttt of lmil . I.
KliiRiif Iranrr, fr lli riKjnn.tti. ,rlr)i.r Iii.hi Hl'..b
linllvnr. II l iriiirkMr.ir i.tul, Irtrf, iU
Mr.., lVn,tllloii, Ar.
('Aicintu HtnK. Fur liUrilira, C.llo, iimlill.nwfn,.r
III iluiiwli anil UmvU,
IiiiMliii-Kur ludamatiuii vf Ilia loll" ami llruj-l-Oil
CiHMoMiu Yuitti l'.HTnfrllr.l.ll)(rlluM.
Luiibia I'lnmiu. An.nwtlc tlmuluil aiul IudIo
liljcliljr ImlKoratliii; In iierrinia il.lilllty.
WliTtS'lttlt-t-yor SerofuK Itliriimntlani, Ar,
Alii An aiAmatle tarinliiallTl crmtlns flnli, Bitia-(l-
ainl mllki iimcli iiwtl hjr uiulhrra nimliiK.
Al. rloi-l.u.U, ura'igv, oimwuj, curraiiUr, ital.r
hit, 1c.
Annllifriii.liriit in:r-llriit, nf Ci.inl.li iirlnln, m
lllllii( UmiiIjt In ll.i r.iln.r.. ni..f lirll'luliri In tli.
inliol, l r.l unkiiumi Id tlir ounmcrrf u( lli ofil,aitl
rr Mlthlil. lla nama f.ir lh irnl,
Mlli Oil. rrrlH lf.i liar runii,iinitr, nn. mMfiii-m
uf tllrt-la liir.lliii: thrni on all aMr-a, ll. uniTrw of !
iMtsc aun. (.uu.lnl u-ui Hi nK of until, Alm.il
Trry family Iia. iiik c.uo of a urTrrliiB Ukrb Ilia I'LOIi
tiox UiTTiUMllUIUtUta.aii.lrut.
Ttiarar rm.iuniit.nl l.r Ilia IiIrIimI ninltntl aulli.nl.
lira, an.) ara arrautnl In inurran Iminnllaln lnrlrll
tffrcl, Tlirjrara rtrrvall)ilar aurraval.la, Ixilfwllr iuia
aul liarinlraa
Nultcii-Aiir rrwu irlcn.llni: In .'ll riinlall.Hi lilt,
trra In tulk w l.r Ilia (allmi la a ai,.rr ai.'l liiiiwal.xv
1 1 la .u up uilr In uir kv-rabln l.itll. Ik art nf l.llla
rrflllnl nllli Imltatlun .Wlflirlona alnfT, fjr wlileb ml
tra.an araalrra.1 In .lanu. Hrp that ovary Ivtlla ).a
uur UiillrallutMiUiiiiuTar the crk linumtlUlcl, anl
uur alitiuluia un tr..Uta M Hit I.
S.J.I l.jr rraKlal.l OraUra tlirounliuiil Ilia UaUUtU
lllul. P. II. DRAKK, k CO., New Vork, Sole Tron'ru.
i:i:i)IMiT!). i- ft),, nn Pr.inri.to,
Tlia mtrlUof Ihla l.lnhnant arr orll kn.mn. UaaCTrcK
art Inatantaiitama, ataithlnir, nial MiMi.lriful.
Cuta, bruUa, aitraliu ami aHfUJu,ara icuiihihii(Mi.1
carlaln lovcrur In atrrjr Cimlly, Dial a Uiltlanf Ihla Un
Inirnt l IhalVat Iniratnitnt that ran la uia.la.
Jl la mora rrtaln llun Ilia .l.alur It Ar lima In
MU.lli.ir fur Ilia ilurtor II la rlirar than Ilia ilvctur, auJ,
ahouM nvr U .llii..cl wllli.
" I lAk plramrr In nroniiiiu.llnt Ilia Mexican Mua
tank Llnlm.nt aa a taliubla an.l ln.llariiMl.la arllrla tr
Sj.raina, Voraa, geratrliw, ur Oalla un llm.a. Our luao
Imt iial It f.ir llnriia, llrulaaa, Surea, llliriinialltin, ic.
ami allaajr It arta Ilka nialc" J, W. IUkitt. '
ruraiuan fur Auirrlraii, Weill, Yttna't ami llariulen'a
"Tlia apntln of my iUuclitrr'a anklr, cMmalunnl mMU
tkatlnic lul winter, xaa entirely rurr.1 In una wrrk, aner
aha roinnirix;! ualnKynurrrltl.ralnl )liulnicl4nlBint."-
UluiKMtar, Jlaaa., Aujjuat 1, IStii. f..,Sair.
Quick ami aura II certainly la. All genuine la ra.el
In at.ilte eimrarlnxa, Urlii(t the alei.atnre uf 0. M
Weatbrook, Chenilat, anil tho rirate V, 8. lamp tf IM-.
Nil Jlianut Co. iiTertliolt.il.
An effort liaa Iff n loa.lt to roantrrfelt It with cheap
tone-plat label. Look clueely,
SoM by all Urujiilita, ami Sloref, at 33, to cti. ami tl.
II It well known thai T.yon'a Gennlna Hairoetlc rowder
will perfectly dMlroytverylhlug In the ehape of flea
llcke, Udbuue, luaobee, i that It la perfect polaon lx
the Inaect tribe, but entirely Laruileaa to the liumanape
clea an.l Uouieetlo anluiala,
Uetlbnice, Ante, Hoaehee, etc, are in every Iwaiae. Tbk
Powder la their natural death. It ahuuld U la eterycup.
tuanl. r
Jonir I. Kom, Ka Sunerlnlenilent of the-Near York,
City Hmpital, aayai "It U the only uraaitlda.
e hare aver uae.1." ' !
Niw Yoax Horn Paoi-aiitoaa aayi "We UaeduM
Jur exlerroloatlng luaecle and vermin, wild antlr mVh
CouiaiAN i STirreo.v. Atlor Houm.
8. T, Cozzknh, American Hoto).
Acrnkii it Tseadwkll, 81. Nlebolu Hotel.
S. I.kiund i, Co,, Metropolitan Hotel."
Teatlfflonr of thia character wight be ad.lfl to an
lenxtb. Wlaeraver II U nel II latvertUea itaeif.
Tlie icenulue baa the eleualuro or K, .TOM, anil tho
prlrata eUrup of Duui lUuu t Co, AiulMitf
of thU kind U an Imitation or rounterfcil. Any atrwa
glat will procure Ibe genuine If you Inifci you wilt b'
no other. . ,
Sold by all drugglala and general atorektepax In mf
lowniud mlngitu; coinn on the Tacinc. Com,