OTToiT&HYDE iirM7MB m- ICON'S KATHAIUON, ' LYON'S EX'CT GINGER, LYON'S ELBA POWDER, MAOlfOXXAWATS. AMERICAN EXCHANGE, Comer of Washington and Front StrceU, PORThASDOnEOOir. L p W. Q U I M B Y, (un ntorninoii ok ti.k -Wiotbiik Horn,") AVISO TAKW Tlin AUOVK uiiubu, H l . ..rMi'ii Avn iiKFmixrsrr- aml entirely ' .,, ,! UCcninmo- bi"r."J... -.i rrmrT natron, ami miii ii nnn- i likii . .. id Ilia n llio J"' '""..:;,. .lie. Fir Mfrly In Mnrni invi-ii""..! -, f ;u ui (JIHKlF, tllollie Jrrrmi AfARTMEXS. which nre cnnur .m;7ft7r.r"''"'vr:::::;r.. i niimmn. tOTmiil WARM "JOOLD V? ATMS Mlncliiil in iliolioii-o. PnillmKl. THE HOTEL COACH lllbe In nt the i-wnl l.nndlnp. inmrrTCiiHnii.l their lismtsu.. Ii iiwl from llhZ Kl M OK Oil AKRIi The Ionise liu. UFi'p oof Safe lor I...M.. The fwirh.r Jill nil.rii.ktf Hint iiollilnit shall I ...iirti nrrtinirtii ini ini-nt,iHMii'n- MiudW lun-ndir till uousc imntciiii.niiii gBCSUCOIIllullablc, oci5tr JLKOIX. J.O.WAU- DUCAN &WALL, fJRWAEDISG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -Qrlolt ZSu.lldllxa.Kf Corner of Front and F Streets, CRESCENT CITY. rpIEV WILI ATriJNI) TO TIIH ItECEIV 1 Inj: awl liintarilliijM'rnllpiiida entrusted to their cure, slibpnuiiiiiiii'i ami dispatch. They I jho mini up loi.iri;c bulldlnga fur lorhij: tfaods, nml date ninl! amweenit'iita so dint mrrcli tntn doing business lhrouj:h Mum will t ol suffer by any iircrcharRi-s, ur lose tuiyjust claim for phmI lost. pf Coiislgiinv-tils solicited. Merchandise jb x-i itl tin (irn jrc. uc2dly P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER , Ts NOW IS I'OSPISSION OK TIIK KKTIRE 1 tirk nf mnliTiaU mid tool fnimvlly itv Uipini; In Cci.lillii k CuRIii. Mr. Cii'li-llii Itting hIiImIihmii. 1' II. Cuflln will continue and mil In; fnund at liln flinp, Corner or C mid Tlirld Slrtils, ("Hrcd In do work In a uorkiuatillke nianiar M al rraxinalili rl. Jacl.onvllto, Oct 15, 1AC7. octlStf NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN! TJIE.V GO TO .'HEATER'S BROOM MANUFACTORY i.D BIT THE BEST l. THE SUBSET, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. hi",".n,f.nLmr.or 0rc6on nml MaluSta., yW Odd rcl.i' Hall, nnd unpoalte lb 'iintAin.rIciiii Itfstauriint. 'tctsiiiii lllc Nov. rJlli, u'r.7. novSO-Km TAY UJP-LA1T CALL. ALLTIIOSK IXUKUTK!) TO US AltK rt l.iil.y-noiilll tu coin, fnrwunl untl pay P fy Un- rirm day nf Jumury ensuing, us i l" certainly be In llit-ir inltrtyl lo tin sn. us we nnl do limli.c.a wii.iit inniM-y .0 nirt-l our Jn lablluli-a: and furlbeMnnri-, it ' nls inttriM of all cnncwnul. we have 'l(-imli,iijl,i0llli riricl cnsti Im.sIh in bMinw rtrrilta fim d,.y of Junuury. 18C8. MwilUoiilrjiarilfMiiii. " Jacksonville. D-t-. IQtli. 1 8C7. ib v'i 1 1 f LIME! LIME! BHWm" SN." "T,,ER8 w raiKK U.I u.J "",1 , Cm.i Hipply, ol tin rilslln MmiV -- Or.K u Third, op- m ' Wttrl1" wl" WB,t "l011 cu;i0l- STONE "GUTTING AMI htoue Iln so 11 Work tta,nuv,uln,',,,i,l', "" 0ftn iflanlry will rccelvi. nromni ntli-n lion. JmSum.hi s .."N " I'KACOCK. j"HovHie, April 20, 16C7. ttp2I Col TB Saliaaaaia. I A.Z;ffi Wi". B ODLIOBI) I leave shorlly t beCi to call .1 1 . ' . "'"-s neceswirv lor account l0"l1,'l,0 J.Uea lous bjlook ourrri;n;."r.,,,?..el,'e ' "nee. Ve bo nope , the owsyduv, r,ceoru, i!!hle,Dc.l2U,?8A67J.1 ' -"..., HACI1S DUOS. decW-tf JfUco. out ttTl "i''J " '"ft. y M ud U.ard my bed sud board wllb .by cuuan,.i r.??!crl0" " Porseas are Uere- ' CWltlna,.! T,', .TT" .' ".P couol. "! W,V r Harbor on y so- r'rrrz i I fcli 1MMIAIMF, I m 1 S.CCi.l'it.iS.O;ii.Mt.JackkaiiTlllr,.l ' l S. M. FARREN. 'wwsry IS jjjj. fepn VOL. XIII. HUSINKSS NOTK3KS. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OliEGOX. Ambroty pos, Photographs, Cartes de Vislte DOXE IX THE FIXEST STVLE OF AliT. Picture Reduced OR ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. OVEriBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOXV1U.E, OREGOX, Orflcuathl risldi-nce. In the OM Orcrbeck Hospital, 1111 Oii-kuii Street. 13.11. (fltRENaiAX, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. He will jirnctlcc In Jucloon ami adjacent counties, and Attend promptly to jrnrc-Iii:iil culli. Miilf DR, A, B, OVERDECK'S BATHEOOMS, Xn tho Ovorbock Hospital, WARM, COLD &. SHOWER HATIIS, SUNDAYS AMD WEDNESDAYS. F. GltUIir., M. D., physician&surceon, urxiUE) rciaovcuio vrcgUUOMCEt, m." ly opposite the French Restaurant. Jrckso llle. IiC. 2lsl. IK-. dfCil'tf 1). LHWIS GANUNG, PHYSICIAN it SURGEON AND Obaitotrlolnii, TXnM.Mli-ml to any who mny rwulre lil V K-rrlcr. onico ndjulnlnir N. Lanpd flioe lion, on uorlli ldc California Slreti. 1 JockMiillle. '""' HI'KCIAL NO PICKS. DIt. SWISS IT! T R Y HUPELAND'S I'r I.I.IIIUTKIi STOMACH BITTER ! Tito Lnt rurlflrrvf !' UIimII A -.nlTimWi , . , Acr3rABtrW.ln' IVumsfl f acllas surrlr Ul fnll on IU Mrrrli-Kii if lit Udufji, lU, riiauKliitiiJllr I rurwIralallwMtMtt uJ rilU 1'iuori IT! I JniiaiiJsn.rrjriliiref. I NOBODY SHODLD BE WITHOUT IT I I J, 0, 1'MKII. 1'ri.uritlvr. TAVLOU A HBSUKt. M J.lMy .(..uu. itJ.CUr Si. rrswlse I. O. G. T. U'HA I.ODOi:. NO. I, I. T.. uubua ...m.ili. utii r ndluummviit of bUUimuin.w U Alf members or the Order In good standing arecordlally Invited to U pre.,,,. G. W. J. It. Wahk. Si-c'y. Jacksonville, Feb. 8th. 18C8. fo'8tf Warron Lodge No. 10, A. F. & A. M HOLU their regular communicutlo. s JC o. ". wXcsdsTy KvenliiK' or pn c ' O.'w. SAVAOB.Sco'y. ""TtoJ liw't Hu'dy rr rff'"6 ih. IH.KHI, .r.g.U-ul..S the Nrrvc, Itetorlug Ihu Lo.l A,'ilHe. I . YK&WB IIAMDUKG TEA. a-avna-- ' . . i.l llltlllllB TIIIIMI- .,, II can k. ;g ,u ;; and Gcr- ritliiiif In Lngllsli. Inncn. ev man. wllb tvciy A,ackWll.n,ir tall drug I I 't uvciy I' a nil tli I'-M-MllliHt nit ttsw liwifo aud ritall drug MOrW,i:FS.Who,cnrngg...: :t juyMyl nnoT AND SHOE MAKERS N01JCE.-Uavlng disposal of ourjso. loiy. we nro now prepared I. g b ,,. att'-utlon to our Umber nnd HudioK, On hand, direct from France. Csir 'P Domestic Uatber, Uoot U-&: el. AddreM.liK.NUAV,SsnFr.ocIa 411! Butt, ry St"' . "3Poundry0 rpo AND BLACKSMITHS. Ca-Udaad aad UwTcOAt " M 1,000 TPo"f a6f.dAot, fur su 1L uoyLB, J. IIk regular ina-tlng on luuai nnm h ,tr;.ucl. .ho lltMrtct Hcl.owt lloosc, I.. Jucksonvllle. I.OIIRB oimiii at 1 0 clock. ...... ...... ..i'irlt'l'i: .l.u Tiii.i1.IV (if WCII lll.lilll-.l.. Ml.1.1 JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1808. THE OREGON SENTINEL. rvnusiiKu Krcry Saturday Morning liy B. F. DOWBIK, OFFICE.CORXER '0' A TII1RDSTREBTS TCrtMH OF MUIIKCIUPTIO-il For One ir.ln (lrnnc. Four DpUnr,. f pultl within the f)rt nix month of Ihe jrar. fire ilnUni If not paid until Iho Mplralloli of (be year, six dollarn. TEUHS OPADVRRTIIIXai One wjijure (10 lno or ea). Rrt Inter.' lon-Thrw Dollar! ; etch mi'iiient liwr inn. One Hollar. A discount of nflj percent will le miiV In ilmv vlm mlrrrllclij lie rear. f lrl Tcilni rlH m rurrtnt rait. Ma aaaaaaj m Nothing Hhi I.cotci. Nothing tml ImvcI the tplrlt grlcvci Orcr a wtul life Sim committed while conscience ilcpt ; Promlfri made but m-trr kept lUtrril.lintllcanditrlfc. Nothing but leavctl Nothing bat learer! no zarnerisl (hearc Of llfe't fair rlpenrd grain ; Words, Idle word, for carneit deed; We our our serdi-lol tarei and wtcdn We rrap with toll and pain Nothing but Icarci I Nathlng but Icarcsl memory wearci No veil to screen Ihe pant An we truce our weary way, Counting each Iom and inlirpcnt day, We find sadly at last, Nolhlnu but li-an-f I American Women and tlielr lle Inliuns with Govirnnieiil. The jiatriotio spirit and noble evam ornrv .nemucrs. Jiiey iiucim vaeii , . ri.i 1 1. 1 ...,.!. i.. r.iiv.. iiiiinlii.riiii' iiliilllt onu I 110 01 mo oiiiuii mines o. iiiuiinj , ,OOI mixiius to tucir niigcreiiiis wneu - . ; buildinit. nnd n breo ol hnnds nro ex- have s..g.,eted a train of reflections ils iaugIl,y Hag streams o.t In the .temporary reverses being a source ol "ft which it is now proposed tolollowout. ,mn,ee olthe winds. alar... they are ... assurance ha we yU , Vuinediately. In the Link These ladies, having conferred toge.h- The next strong point to bo made will return to that v igllanco and vigor or, walked in romny to the hall of .lepc.l- upon the Union ladies of Sa- of c lion, which Is always the guaran- J"1 J J, Vnppenrcd, tho Grant Club, which they entered ,,m. A Union Club has been organ- t ol success A few . traggl ng no- l h M .:..... i... m,,. 1 ILimier. mid t...i n.-.i ... uill .l.,..l,tlp. ' nciiitlrt limy float with tho tido over ?n" ",l " , .. ... . f. v. ... -I it..: i. .i:.. ..I III...... m . . Al 1....I.. l-iiiu un lllll IILIIII ! WW I ill 1IIJII1 IHL'flU "'"o"'?- '" w o .. - , UI-.I, - - 1 H1.l,lll.r,,l. lint H,,.!,. In.n U n leiiel.lgniHl Oilier lllipiiMl'lllflllP. riiir- l...t-.. ne..r aim... bi'i'ii re-Mf. ed as ion- ...v.!.t.. mImI.Io nliieo for week v ' to t,,e Uwiluf'i ,"lt l,,p,r ,0"'' " n . . ,. . ..., n....i. ...! ei.i.i n hundred, ...uut be regarded as thet,,1(1 n, Bvo countenance to the pro- (highest tvjK..olA...eiicauwo.n.u.h..o.lm.(illgK. Thence the ciamplo will mot ol then. it. the bright tluM. ovMvnA t0 other counties; and present- voulli or that matronly beauty nii.ljvtl0 moral influence of the Union :ii....i... U-I.J..I. . I.....n.a nnd control I w uill crushed the adver-' '"S"l "...v.. , , - - tho more enlightened and cultivated!,.;,! J,. of Freedom. If the ladies of of men. In a philosophic point ol js.ilen. will be persuaded to take an in- .t...!. :..i1..n.i... tlm. i.vliinili'il il....... !.. ..i.l nttmwl tlumn tni't'tiiiisa. it nrodHoiis and irresMible; and if we w, k. altogether useless for tho Ie - an prevail on the othe. Union ladies', mu.r.,oy ,0 make any contest here. v- I . . , ' . : . .... of Oregon to honor their example, the Dei.ioer.itio p.rty will bo absolute ly cruslicd to death by a moral power from an unexpected qu.irter. As a general rule, the manner ol dis cuosioii and the language used at Dem ocratio nieetiiig are not Hiited to an audience of ladies; and when ceitaiu orators have been forbidden indulgence in smutty stories and indelicate lan guage, their main forces aiogoiic. On "he contrary, Union meetings aro con- lucted with decorum, so that lames ..!..,... na.aifftllllfltililll I'll mav aticim wiuhjui. ii'i.v..v... ooiifukiuii or pain. Hence, the una- voidable conclusion that tho bnion t.tutv embraces the best classes o. no. :.. ,,! therefore M.ould cont.ol the .cnnneutoltl.oSt.ilft And it will: ltillMIK" " - ' . cic "overtime depend upon it, the Union party is go in to be hiicci-oIuI nt tho next elec tion. Ami to that end we now bring .1 ,. ,., ..I tu n llioil- to bear an 11 ' forces of aiiiiyiii "". ...omel. gooii am. .me . r j hen tno a01.11 jIOM,jw I the ghastly repn iiio S( in j they stopped oniy confederate graj 5 .!.t,.M rtf mir(!V c.arno North, they forgot the points ol the 1 . I.. .. vnO rvilm ast realm I compass, nnd saw umy ..... ---ol siiflering. They gently bathed the dcath-distilling forelieaus, a.... ....... teued the husky Hp wlicro the terrible cloud of war had been condensing, and where curse for the Union mingled with the bloody foam upon tlu-ir beards, That was the very chivalry of the war, which FroLMrt wn not permitted to .eeord, and which did ..otappearon the ed crest ol Mars, during hti or pre d.SU. So awfully did slavery lebase and demoralize ever, gentle and tender-hearted Woman, and so dantly did Freedom assort her su Sreraaoyavenintl.QBangu.iiaryoroi.i, w restrugsling triefK ? side, wrought deep and bloody lurrowi 'mtmU no doubt that the heroic spirit oMberooPftb80UtbprP" jetttteel longed tho war mora than a year. There ii such n thing as heroism in n ' bad cause ; and we are not disposed to deny that many of tho hot-blooded robe! women manifested n stern war- like soul, equal to tho mother of Gra- nmu "mr n"n,w w" m-itmi npiu chil. But unhappily, they were cruel "'" Wo don't liko to hear Re- nnd savage and liko Lady Macbeth, would havu tlionisidvus and torn the nipples from their bosoms." 1 Wo Iiavo actually scon and handled a finger-ring made of tho marrowbone ol a Hull Run soldier, and which was Francisco, lint, so did not tiio w-' men of the North and East and West 'even umid the deafening blare of trutn- ,M,n.,,1tl,..,Wl-..5,ri1i,sl.iilt.rm. birds, they never forgot tho gospel ol banner should trail in tho dust, and Humanity, and never withheld tlie 1 1,, Rats of the Southern bandage Iron, the bleeding wound Confederacy shm.ldHoat over the hum an enemy, or tho Crucifix from the ,Wwl National Capitol. Weak kneed shivering oul of the blood-stained mc' l,,M' ni "ow hvvamo -"ghtened tra:(on iiit the irospect, but strong-hearted Oroimti 14 full nf wnmoii liko. these. Some ol them have listened undismnv ed to tho stem oratorv of loud-talkluir -, :.. .1 i 1 i.nv ' -w -"- I F ' stood bv the altars of their homes with the hatchet and the rille; and now in tho evening twilight of a life ol hero- !ni fllii.t nrii aiirimini1iil In rri'iitlo mid ' beautiful ones, who have no more wil- . derness to explore, Uut wiio nevert ie-, i(t. ifiiinriL iiinL iiuruii: HiiiriL w u belongs to tho atmosphere of niouii." 1 liiius and forests uuhubdited. ihey love their country with its conquests and its glories, and their wuiiit young meeting , ami 11 is expeeieu 111.1t an m . . . 1 ii . . ?.. til...... tint I.. In., nf Knli'in will at.'"" V will always have the "' ""MI , speake, of t htntr I or iu j crcutusunees, n on or ho , not exert '''71,1 " '" J' be an anomaly o fin man n t w. ' ' T To , E .! J of beta m gained c ne, t me ti ng o he lein -rant Club .W by thnt which makes tho Willamette Valley distinctive. To the rational and en- lightened mind, there will appear no substantial reason why American wo- men should not be ns much concerned in relation to the purity and success ol the Government, as their brothers, husbands and sons are; and that nar - row si.irit which would deny them ,mt privilege and the perform- anco ol that high duty, is only a relio .... of a barbarism soon to l.o wholly ex- tiuct. American Vnionht. 1 I T.iul'itiN'rKit'hLiTA.Nv. From want of L'old. from wives that scold, Iron, (maidens old. by sharpers " sold" do-' , From foppish sneers, mock auction-, ct.w and woman's tears-deliver us I ihg,ng flill) jro1 COabh,ck , , ,. rti. ilidli-rr ns! down iroin inuiwjs.", ". '"-"i -" -- - From seedy coats, protested notes, 1 and leaky boots protect us I From creaking doon, a wile that sno.ts, and all such bores defend us From shabby hats, und torn cravats, flyin" brickbats save us I From landlord's hands, a greedy baud now infesting our land preserve uat From a "solid take" whioli is our tMii. sometimes to na take henceforth deliver usl tv. -.-,,..,- -. From making " pi," which docs an- noy, nud temper try us I J T R nnnf amor utn willi a man that neglects to pay tho printer it is wrpugT Ex. M. SV- -' --. .-, ...... , for "I will never marry a woman who J can't carve," said Jones. Why not V ho was asked. " Because she would not be help-meat for,ioe." NO. 4 4M. llackbaua, Wc fear that tho untoward result ol tho fall election, hns had tho effect of disheartening many of our party, nnd ,?" 'K "K m mo Mtmctmy of carrying this Suto for Grant, nor , 1, we t,,,uk "" S enn bo done, liy -.'t, " niiiiiiiiiiwiiieiu 01 "" on? or ",0 """"" 0I u,nl 0M "" BB Y "ve coninunteu on MicTr great vktory at lull Itim tbo 21st of, 1801, they were '"'V ""' ; u.ey conn. detitly predicted that tho Federal mends ot tho country, stood close in rn,lk '"d1-''1 ,"t'lr tJ'ct niul BWorc by t,,c Gl1 ol tl,lir '""'"i t,,!,t thing should never be. 'W ilh this oath upon their lips, irom inountnln, hill and valley, they canio in solid phnlaux, and before their irom arms tho rebel 1 ' ll.lffln. u..t nnllfim.l libit ntinlV lln.1 ..U...V.. ..v '"Hi".'! " v....... ..ill. 'y lIyetl less backbone, wc to-1 ilnv intitfiil iF lioltitr ft tmnl ntui li-nt I , . ' w"" " "- " "M nilli.ll luiribl. Ul'jlfllll lliv iiumin tJI Vlll- present, and fixes its eye on the bright highlands of success iu tho future, that blessing in disguise. Such cattle nre Incumbrance in a contest, an rle- j"'' f "f rather than a source !"f t'''t''' T,,'re ! nothing In tho -"c,cr . u, r ,vVn ,v wc ,. , J neither the l.alter-deserving lend "r U, "ornnt rabblo who fol ' low them, nre nt nil dangerous in nny ; regard. Their only element of strength is in ignorance and prejudice, and these ' " ft criim ilii.g before the giant , ot ' edueatiou. Tim iiKnnn liidlittvinira ni f :fitinprlunila llio l..n..n of ColiMcrhends ,.,,, ... .,., M. , ', ' .,..-1 n n T l"i" to discover the falsity ol the J . .Wndlng them. K. ery school house Is a strong dH,nrtloS . , ' ... , . . , ' ' ', . .' ." "K book ln tho land is a .. issi 0 ' !" - "k- hy "' w ' confident o victory now lMf0Ver wtT"? I1rut'',,ackl,l1,'y th , miserable traitor who... a publio en- bnily placed in tho Executive cl.ulr , " Gnpperhea. h have succeeded In , cnrryni a lew local elections, but Ibis J-ry muc ..sure, wer u-ea . barbarian, having defeated the R,. annua it rati Alirm iriililsiti t tltms fflui Ilil. '""""t v,(ts..Hv... " pcrial city, immediately set theinselves to plundering tho enmp, and In a luw hours were ilriink and brawling over the spoils; while they were thus en- g:g''l, tho Romans rallied nud scatter- C(, lhliI ko h,,CCl fi,illg lho ,,,, with tho carcasses of those so lately I thclrconquerers. Tho Democraoy with ' tho unerring instincts of camp follow- 'ers. aro alreiulv (inarrelliiiL' over tho - - ew omccs nun. , leiujinniry success " uirown imu un-ir y. 1 110 um necesii, wiio uad tno courago to snout their sentiments in thu teeth of Fort j Alcatrnz, nre growling sovereiy ut tho I "'"k and water bilks, who hung on to I tho skirts of tho Union pnrty during the danger, but come into tho Demo - j orntio camp nnd claim tho spoils. j Charges ol bribery, and throats of ox - 'posure, plainly presago tho coming - .-.-... a row, and when tho Union party springs to tho fight, as it surely will, the wrangling crew will scatter lino a nerd 01 lacknis uciuru mo iciiii 111 u nun. v . We will do this, and by so doing wo will bring back somo of tho old tlmo enthusiasm when tho chorus ol tho Union in an unbroken wave of tri umph rolled from sea to sea, and tho very earth shook with the troad of our glorious party, Buu-ebiag to victory, when DcmocrntR betook thctnselrcii out of tight, or honied from the dlv tnnce, afo in the occurity ol tluir own insignificance. Wo must still remem ber thnt tho Doniocmcy I.1 tho party, who nttempted to linml the Govern tnent, bound hand nnd foot, over to tho Southern Contcdcrnoy, that helped tho rebels Meal ournrtn-, nnd promised to aid them in the field, a promise that they never kept. They nre the amo who reviled tho soldiers of the Union, nnd cheered lor Jeff. Davis, and when the dm ft, wan imminent skedaddled lor Canada as fast m their legs could carry them. For tho Union party to feci timid in tho prcsenco of this herd, is like n lion to ihiiiII beloro n cnyote. Let us then stop talking about our do font, nnd harness ourselves lor tho tlulit. Talk back to Democmts. nnd Ljvo us good ns they send. If hey .call us negro worsiiippers, ten iniin that they betrayed tho country. II they say we nro responslblo lor the heavy, ta-feyjjurl l " tlielr teeth that it was their miserable truckling to tho lave ilitwrt of tho South thatencoup aged tlie rebels to hold out, thu pro longing tho war nnd piling tho debt to where it is. If they say wo lavor Chinese emigration and sutlVnge, tell them they do not speak the truth, but that they aro the party who passed the laws whereby thu Mongolians nro protected in this State, nud now with their chnraetenstlo inennncss they nt- tempt by Imrelnccd falsehood, to mako reHponslblo for their nctn. To nr- one with Democrats U a wnsto of breath. Plain words and hard knocks h what they need, and what they will net herealter. Yrthi Journal. -9 - , .,. . rOKT IVLAMATH, tl.V.V. --VUI, lOUtl. Ennoit Skviinki.: Hinco my last, notIl1R 0, ,tnrtIi llr,t IlM occur. cd. Tho weather has moderated consid erably, but Is Mill quite cold, the mercu ry getting uncoinlortnbly close to ero neai ly every night. At tho Agency, active preparations nre being innde for have hud over two thousand head of cattle hero this winter, nnd they sny it is the best stock range this side ol the Sierra Nevada. All wo want here is a road, either to Jacksonville or Yreka, over which to haul our supplies. The settlers are ery bitter against the men who opposed tho military road to this valley ; and say that If Yreka people will get a road through from that place, tl.11 tradu will nil go there. There i ' "0 Homciuing wrong lumiii till-, ns our trade ..attirally belongs to Rogue River Valley nnd ought to go lUvr,f ,,ul ftw t lu people out.ido ro more interested than wo are, as one '" ' " " " l )l ,'' ' '' ll K, U to us those of Y"kft nro ,',,;, ,0 U; C,;,",,,n:,,1 enjoying good health and anxious for Spring to como, so they can go flimko S R. p. hH,,t,"B- - ' needle manifactoric. tho workmen who point tho needles ftr0 ,:nstantly lu contact with excel- nhely ...l.iule .artlles ol steel' which y from the gilnilstmiii and Hunt in tho lllrf ,IOIIJ,h imperceptiblo to tho eyeas ,10 mnl ,,,u, ,,,,,, ,,,0 umi ;lll,,r ,ir,nllli Tho ellect is not obacrv T . .1 1.,.- .. . . .,..i .. !. l.j.aiu. .ni. en mi auun i-spiinii, .miv mt"h "'"' hln,lty repealed from day to day, It I produces a constitutional Irrlatlon, (generally terinlnatlug In pulmonary (consumption. I'ereons employed in this kind ol wok iimhI rcarcely ever m l0 gu ()f fmy ywrtt i va!l) xv t attempted to purify tho nlr bo- ure its, entry into the lungs by gauro or inL. g,mrdsj the dust was too flno ' ,i ..(.nifmiiiny in bo obstructed bv , , .-- a -- -- 1 nueli coarse expeilteiil, till some ingcu- oun person neiliougiiv nun 01 tutu won- dentil power which oery child who j tuarrlu-tf for his mother's ueedlo with J n magnet, or admires, the motions ami arrangements of n lew steel filings on ' u sheet of paper held above it, sees lu 1 exorcise. Masks ol magnetized steel ' wjro aro now constructed, nnd adapted ' 0 the faces of the workmen, Ilythwe , the air is not merely Hmhml b leilllll IIIIU WUIlin, l OIHKIJUII urillllj, tMtehtil it. its piusngo through them, and each obnoxious atom is arrest and removed, - 1 Why are young ladies kissing each other liko an emblem ol Christianity ? Ilecauso they aro doing unto eaoh other as they uould that men thouUi do unto them, Wht is a b1u8hllk;e a little, glrlt Jlucause it booosnes a woBsn. E I Jaai4