Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 08, 1868, Image 2

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    mr mm sbminel.
ron THE rr.KSIDKXCY in- 1808,
or tnt rwi mm.
"WU4i.thoapMiiii'lflthrulirTiil.- f Jw,
pi bara ramuvl. f pairl-it. punllinnl for tralwn. I
CJEO. It. WII.M 1.119,
)lh mhJKt to th drtUloa of the Natlantl Colon
or eutn.
SATimtiAT 3IoiiN-iNrFcb. 8, 1608.
,- !. -- t tt-t -r-rr- T- n i. .i
TM American inwum nas nm
made its appearance at tins ouice lor
over two week , .a nreyo oomg CIM1, f continued ,ow-er, the record
dovv'n there ? Have you torgotten us .' . ,"
- tines not show a single question of
Mom: LtflitT. Ltciit.-Oov. Holden, ' policy where labor and capital were
of California, i about to write "the J antagonistic; upon which the Demo
history of Democracy." Acce to the vrntv ,iartv (j( ,,, ,,rovo j,, l0t iu,
State I'ruon I'l-conN will enable him , ,i ' , ' Jt . ,,' , ,.
to throw much light on the subject. l" tl,c '" o! the mn of the peo-
: pie. If the question wa to guard the
Moninnn. The office formerly oc- wages of labor by a protective tariff?
cuiiled bv the Southern Oregon treason , Democracy voted im! Vn it tlmt
mill is being transformed into a whisky slaverv should be introduced in orv j
mill. It is believed the latter style of , Territory of the Tniled States, ft, com
machine grnuls out Democratic vote i . '. . . . .""'
tho fastest.
-. .
moK5T. it is reponeu. uuu uie pro-
jeetor of the thirty ; road wn too
modest to ask for n wider one, for fear, He doma, a home for iiothin-? De-m-oidc
might think he wanted to scut- , . ,w"u ,ur """' ' lJL
tlu the Countv Treasury all nt once,
Modest young man !
fined &500 by tho police Judge.
,.. ,. "l ... . '
Qcekv. The licwlh wants to know,
, ,, , , , , , . , i
!" lt .1 '.nn hi! UHMlnil llul ilHttilliid flT '
V-l-.-ill.' UllltlVlt HIV UKIVIV" 4'l
the G. L. W. It. Co. II it will inform
tis wbe Mr V v .1 1 I 1 f lis -ti.
.i.. -;........-.. ,.... ... f!i
IIUII IV'I l tF'V ''" It'tltt Vllt. IMI .
river no stealthily uith speci-il iiistruc-
tions to Mr. Nurse not to get n sigun-1
ture on this side of the mountains, we i
will answer ins query.
... -
K? The editor of the .Uhanu J)em
ooritt savs Marion count vis so "Mack" 1 1
rticripuf V H.TiWiMitl lisnil irw1 i . . . . .1
"" "" . : ' . ; " The hiMorvofthe" Homestead Mil,' the contrary, the issue of $7,000,000 You ut bet your life wc will hne prec.Mon, auer me -f,c,,-, '"
two shots at a villain, who aUemtitcd Mlwi,i,.., Ii r-. i i in i n i i i .i i i .. .:. i.... .., I gated and tliormiglilv purged of all he
to throw vitriol in tlu'facn of a wonru. ' T , , '0', T j,or ,,0"th w,,,l,l, I,ro,!i,,,,-V ,,L' fo,,!M .'l v , , ' .',1 ''' "'Ml- II " tryiim onlwil;
with whoui 'lie' wn-ialklnBi,n53!iv ""L"'' nL,l,,, 0"'V t0 ,,c 'I,lCt'(1 ,n U'1' l'"'le t0 "' ,'f coinmcrelal candidate WakeN.akes' we'll show I wry ,. Wl,n, llml, n,,,;.!,,,!,,;
n!"ht in San Fraiieixco. WiNou wu's hands of every working man in the wants of the country. It is related you that Old Mitte is around about swallowed his spoonful of hvssop, but
that he can tell when he cro.i- the i "omu t0 ,"1' "mwelw. louMilths of
line " by the different scent." The ef- thl' I)'-''ocmth in Congress, ii.cludiug
feet of instinct, no doubt, and elearlv ' I-""- ' t,'i ",,-,. v gainst the
indicating that the editor has had the ' """"- So repugnant to democracy
advantng'e of a "nlggah" nur.e, or was the bestowal of a "homestead"
had liis olfactory "organ " seasoned , to every poor man who choose to take
in the odoriferous exhalatioui of "nig-, jt( tm)lv u.t0 0 tt Democratic I'res
gah camp meetings. ,., tiitri..l n...l .. .....;i
we unJifi:. uur ueignnor spcans me je.iiinican party assumed uieiiuioi tiounie-eagies, they would never who prclemls to lead that party, was '1 "' """" ' " iio " - -. -- .....
of the action of the bogus railroad , whole control of the Goverumeut, did present a note for redemption, anil the to have hatched any amount of polit- "eal, and intire thniilikidyto win the ht,,,',.,,, n,y ,,,., ,nU...rirj,in,
meeting n. the expression of the peo- it become a law. new iu- would soon be the preferre.l i ical trial, ami n rich' harvest of politi- J Sjio .lin" i UiVli". --JT.lJa'L.WpX'fc
ule. Webegleavetoditlbr. The Ktli-. To-day, we doubt not. there are thou- currency of the country its far tin it I eal success. Like a foolish old hen. the ....n....i -ir......l.. ..r,...r..v.... .....I u-.. "'''. 's Aus"t 1. 1- innai.
... ,. ... . i.i... ii in.... . .
tor of the J'tvtilh is a comparative
stranger among us, or he certainly have taken advantage of the gitt of a
would W aware that J. D. Fay nt.d In ncpuWIcnn Congress, nnd who vet
faithtul five are not the people of Jack-' ' , ., ,.. ,, . . ,, '
son countv. The longer our i.eigbor . the LopiiWican party u th oj
stays with" us the more he will learn lrfor oj thejMor. fo-day wo can look
may be J ' round and see men, who got their homes
' ."" , , by IJcpiiblican bountv, cringing and
Tun VirriM. It npiiear that I 'en-1 "..., ,i : i-, . ". ,
. , , ' , , ,. fawning to their Democratic taikum-
d eton it the man choen by the Ik- , .. ,f ... ., . ,., . . . ,
,. , , ; , iters licking the hand that struck them,
mocracv to get his neck broke on the, . ... ... . , ., . , , .
., . , . ,r , . ' and working to place their lords ina po-
rrcideiitial race track next November, i :.:... ..Im. . (..,i
. , , , . mtioii to strike them again. v ill men
lus mav be regarded as a triumph . . . .. ,c ....,, ., ,
. , . " , ,, , . always be blind? ill they ntwavi
oi me vegetarian or tiiiu-uiomi wing.
War Democraey has hunted round -
among "Lincoln butchers" for a vie '
... . , .1 I
tim wnnoiii success, niiu ine vegeta-'
rians iiiiieiiuuntly win. We don't '
know of a neck that will be easier!
broke than Mr. reudletou's.
ditbCEM City. We are under ob
ligation to a gentleman of Crescent
Cfty for the following interesting items:
A soldier at Camp Lincoln, mimed
(lustnv Lewisou attempted to commit
suicide on Friday last (.Ian .list,) hv
, . .. 1x1.11 . It
..liwit on liiiiicntr lull Ii.l mil ki.i-i-.-.ul '
On Sui.Tlav the 2il lnt., he cut his ' "'"-''i'1 then are for immolation
throat witli a razor, and is not expect-' ' the altar of their country. Some,
ed tp live. The shocking act was com-' Cinciiinattis, are coming from the
mitted while n a fit ol temporary i. . . , , , , ,
sanity caued by inflamation of the1' . . . , " , '
brain. The steamer California camej I"0 vintage on their cheeks; some In. in
in on Saturday night from San Fnin-' every calling in the community, and
cisep took passenger and left for!
TELKOitAriur. .1. M. ltassett, Ksq.,
who is Division Superintendent of this
portion of the Telegraph line, since the
departure of Mr. WhiteNey for tln-J
States, left one day this week for hha-'
ta.to put tho line !n repair in that seel
tion. ere the line lit as good coudi
tion south of Callahan's ns it is from
that point north, we would not be of- j
teii without reports.
Mr. J. Waldo Thompson, the gentle
manly nnd efficient operator in the
Telegraph office here for the lam year.
tins I
iceit protiiotetl to the dignity and ' us last Saturday, and mistaking our
uisibtlity of agent. We have no ,,ieagnt coiiiiteiiauce for that of n Ger
it our voting friend will wear the' .,. i ... , .. .,
lfwilit nil. ir.itimr friiiti.l illl u-fflr llin' '
, . . ... ... i
linnnnl nt Cli.. liflll Ir.tl 11. Ill linfmillln.
" .""""r. " " "s --
modesty, will meet its rcspoi.s.bi.r "". and exclaimed : " We yvttf, hru
ties with firmness, and give satisfaction J tfer, leh count deuitcher jirarhen ; my
to both his employers and the public. great grandmother was a Dutchman,
X ow, " if he only had black curly hair!" you Im-i ! let's lake a drink ?" The lu-
Mr. James McConaiighy is located as' dicrous mistake was speedily rectified
3Ir. Thompson's assistant. The public' by the candidate remarking that he
will find him a pleasant gentleman as' was only rehearsing a little speech to
well'iis nu efficient operator. If there I catch tho German vote. Yaw!
ain't a whole team, we would like toj -"s-
know where you can find one. Yrtka t,00,) Koads. Me have never known
Union. ' the roads in better .condition at this
The second named gentleman is said season, than they aro present. A week
t.t. il.n ln.ll.-s to be the most uracolul ! of continued fine weather will make
'climber" on the whole line, and the
third, although a cleveryonng gentlo-J
man, can't climb oyer a ''Iinck" pUoJ
The Friends of Labor.
Who are tlicv? Democracy clnims
the credit ol being the special guardian
ol the poor man's rights, and champion
nf l,J. :,rl.uo Vnil rn ant-flint tlm
0I llls Interests. J I'CU W C Pay tliat tllC
claim has no foundation in fact ? Need
we Doitit to the hostile record nl that
i . .
party against every measure for the
, protection of our labor against the
, cheap and half starved laborers of Eu-
Irope? Is it necessary to show that
. Democracy was always in favor of
slavery, and therefore in favor of the
degradation of labor? In their half
r"- ,"i"' '"fji "in. "iiicpcuiicni
l". -- '".: in wemoeracv re-
. . .,.,.,. ...:. .
sponiien aye: War, it iiroi.ocd to
give every bnajldc settler on the pub-
uiocraCyth!U n.ptvspnted the great
hum owners of the South rose in n
j solid phalanx and exclaimed never!
eo"try to prove to him that the Dein-
'eratie parry is not in sympathy with
tlllulinn.,llniu1. ...i . '. 'r
the "jioor man, "1or whom it iirofesse.s
I SO llliwll tril.llllsllilt 'I'll.. nr..nt ..n...
... .. . . . V '. "' "'V" .,,H"
iveiiieu oy me passage oi mis net
wn. whether the land ess shnud hae!
. I
!U", whether every American trce-l
mail should haven home who deirel
it, or whether the public land should
- . .
be absorbed by capitalists for specula-j
live purposes. Every Republican in
Congress oted in favor of giving n
I "T " .." ...
sandh of Democrats in this State who
, , . , , .,, .. , - , . -
,,c, ,K'at "" .wlU t,,1l'.v cvw A l,'cn" i
"-,-'i ' willing tools for their own so-i
. ! ... I . l!. I . I . .. !
ciai nim j.oiuicai tiegraiiaiiou, a iney
Mirelv will if thev follow tin. f..l..,
i:lfe ,.r ..,.. ,i", .i,i i....... ,i,.
, '. t-MIH t'lllll lltl.i- III--
stroyed a free government in their ef
forts to continue the degradation ol
Tiikiu Xaj.ii: is Lur.io.v ! It is re
markable, now that the drums have
reased to rattle and the "dogs of war"
... ...t.,.1 l.n 11 .!..
411V .I.Ufc&.l'll, l.l'll ll.ill.1 I'l llll.l lillll:
' .
each more aiixioiis than the other to
serve the j.Po.le. And how j.olite
they nre! Clean shaved and clean
shifted, with tho unctuous and win
ning graces of Yankee elock-j.eddlers,
.,K.V ,M,, ai,out, L.rm.ri., the " tin-
-. , '. . .
UUS,'C( u,u'rs- lM"" "-'" n'"""t
ing their .ictiins while actually on the
ning pleading, fawning, iusinuatiii",
wjuu to be thrown into the .1..-..1K-
breach nt six thousand a venr, oi less,
in god cpin. One of them " snatched "
illiuil Ifllilli-uillil.'II, rrif.VH lib liv llll-
I '
them as gQod o they urc iu summer.
Hay is soiling for .thirty dollars per
top in this vallcy,it ".hcstaclj.
Senator Corbett't Bill.
Wc present to our readers this week,
in n supplemental form, the remarks of
our Senator, (Mr. Corbctt) concerning
the financial condition of the country,
and his proposed mode ol remedying
the evil of an irredeemable currency,
The ablest minds of the country have
been engrossed with this important
nblp..i one which we confess an ina -
bility to copo with, and wo have there-
foru no suggestions to offer. The
speech of the Hon. Senator conveys n
clear idea ol the simplicity and imme-
diute etrect of his scheme, 'should it be
adopted. Among the vp.riousnnd con-
Aiding plans to streilCthen the credit
of the Government ami enable it to
keep it pledges, we do not know of any
that presents so few objectionable lea-
tures ns this; and it certainly could
not fail to raise the Legal Tenders to
par in a very short time. Just as soon
ns people are sati.Mied that this Gov -
eminent is perfectly able to redeem its
paper on presentation, then will its pa-
per have n fixed value, as will be the
eas. with the. cold nnii-s nr.ir.osed to
be issued; and for purposes of ex-
change they would be tirefcrrcd to gold
i itself. It is very unlikely that any
. pressure could be
pressure could le liroitcnt ncaiust the
. .
Treasury to exhaust its bullion, but, on
that about the year 1514, the Hank of
Ireland was subjected to a very heavy
, J . . . ,
pressure, nml was in imminent danger
il l.nlnr. Mlftltlll.n.l l'nit unfii ml liillirs
. r V . , . .
us inors were nesiegeii oy ciainonius
hob ers of its notes. At hist, one of
the cashier heated a slio el-full ol ov-
;ii and rushed with it mining the
crowd. "Gentlemen." said he. "we
are coining as fast as possible; and if
.vou won't give the money time to cool,
. w
you nmt take it hot." The pan.--wa
over. I he crowd retired satisfied that
the security was good, and the bank
was saved. The last sovereign in the
b.iuk may have been thrown among
the people, but no matter; they weie
satisfied. So it would be with our
own. As long as thev thought the
(5ov erninent was able to coin a shovel-
..... .. ..
among the Democracy in Jackson
county for leaderr-hip and a fair divis
ion of the spoils, him evidently touched
our neighbor under the short ribs He
assurer-us that everything is lovely
in tact, that great harmony prevails,
and that all is tpiiet on Jncknoii cieek.
To a person uiidei a cross lire of grape
and canister, mixed with shell nnd
..!,..!.. .1 , ... :...:.!.. ..r .. I
v ....... o...-., ...... ..,..., .,,.,. ,,.
boilcr, with about live hundred rivet-
ing hammers phiying the devil statto
on the outs.de the present political at-
mospuere iiiigui seem perieciiy trail
...... io,:seensco,.s,.,era...ype.
lurbed. v e see things from n diH'er-,.1
., ri. . -lit
eut point of view from whit our neMi.
uii poiui oiv it vv irom vvh.it our neij,!!-
hordocs. It not our fight, lior Olir
funeral nnd we see thin-s i.is as thev
iitiiLrai, aim wt sti tilings JMst a iiuj
are. Harmony! O, yes; you are a ,
very harmonious set-about as iituel, (
so as a bag of vuldents-mcowii.g and ,
sjnmiig, ami scraicitiug; gauging and
ehiseliug, nnd cheating the outside
votersout ot their just share... the
plunder; threatening the cowardly,
driving in the weak, and bull viug the
. ' ' ,. h
strong in a most angelic manner.
Verilv, you aie a very hapi.v family,
..... , "J-'jJ"',M i """)
A Si-kck ok Waii. At the Demo-1
cratie club meeting, on Satntdny night,
n venerable Democrat aros.. mid tie-
. .
elared that he had voted the Demo-
emtio ticket for forty years, and had
never boiled it. The would-be leader
demanded to know "if ho intended to
stick to it now ?' The old veteran re-
plied that "it depended entirely on
circumstances. "lie evidently has not
got anybody's ring in if nose.
Till- MiVsrriTU. Don't tnr.rnt tn
Jill. .11 1. NM 1.1.1.. liOII l lOrgCl 10,
- aa-
go and hear the minstrels ne:
... .
ICXI Wed-,
nesdtty. Oulv four-bit, nnd
when '
the school Ik.I is purchased you will i
often hear the ring of your half dollar,
reminding you of the pleasant occa
sion on which it was disbursed.
Gopn Tun, Owing to the excel
lent condition ot the roads, the Califor
nia and Oregon stuges aro making
good time usually arriving here be
fore 0, v. II.
m ii..
HoiiriK Siioks. Mr. D. C. Miller has
forged out about one thousand ahoo
shapes, and has his shop lined with
them. He inteuds making about (300
more before spring ojiens.
A Good J eke!
On Monday last, a Republican friend
of ours was riding out of town, mid
when n short distance out, met a prom-
incut and nrtivc Democrat irom"Ibittc
creek." The latter was slightly ex-
cited, and mistaking our informant for
. a Democrat, reined in his horse and
stopped him. " Look here," said he :
!" What in thunder do vou fellows
mcMi by cutting down Unite creek,
and nllowing our precinct onlr two'
. .
delegates? Hepub. informed the an.,
gry Democrat that he knew nothing
about it, and wanted to know " what
( was the trouble." Democrat " Why,
' Butte has half as many votes as that
town of .Incksonxille has, and we only '
.have two votes in the Convention,!
while Jacksonville has got eight." 1 ,
I just want to know if that's n fair
t shake ? It maybe all right, but it '
! look to me like sheiianegan. That's
' what's the matter with Hannah. "(),",
nay- Hepub.: "I'm on the other side of!
houe; go into town and sec your po-
litiral friends." "Xoyou don't," says'
I)em.: voui'e one of them town fel-
low that wants to swindle Hutle out
of their candidate for Sheriff, and you
try to play off for a Muck because your'e
. ;..!... ii V ... .1 !..1.
nsiuuaeiioi vouririchery. -- iouuiiiik
we Mute fellows don't knowourriglits.
election day." Our friend assured the
Democrat that he was deeply impressed
. . r .i ." i .
with a sense of the injustice done to
I tilt In liriil-llllt ttint ll U'llk HV IlllUll 1 V
" ' , ... '..'... , ... . .. V...
an oveiTigoi, nun i.ui.i i-rrnuiuy r
rectified on application to the uould-
be leader
of the Democracy.
tiieud mentally ejaculated "In a horn;
and th
he excited Democrat turned his
V head towards town, consilient-
lily ti
mollified but w oiiderl'ully deceived.
In view of the extreme harmony
among the Democracy, the above may
be considered a very good joke.
" ' -BK-
The opposition to the G. L. W. 1.
has turned tiit to be a bad egg tor
some id the Democracy. An exceed-
ing bad egg ! From it, the bantam,"
? . ...
..i , , .
"bantam commenced the process of in-
cubatio... lie sat on It, he turned it over
I iiu.l ov er, he eve.l it in fond admiration,
and )irob.tblv imugiiied that he could
hear the chick within; w hen, to his utter
consternation, he discovered that it i
was badly spoiled. We knew it would
spoil. We said so. We announced
when the egg wus first laid, that it
un. .. i.i.lin.-.l mm.. .....I ,.- ii 1.
i "" "-"
a l.n-ltv I't'i' so lilir. so sliwii.lli mill
ti.,,,,..!.", ... ..,,,.,: i.;i ..r ..,..
. " . " " " " r-'-c-- -
,iM11I,Iirt.B ric., -u-ith thu Iiuvtaot till irlo-
,.iotH th 0 om almnVvi lie
wtrwlUVM (tt uur jt.dunmnt.' Week
,nw Wvl.k( ue tll,(, u u IK.Illouralit.
l-i'ir Dill llll-lll-llllll-ll ll'lllt-illl lint imvV
No, lt. ruH,d his feathers and rolled
i.. i.:. .. ;
ots . -..-..- , .,. .
' SF . '
blinking with owlish satisfaction, he
L.llluL..d mid i-ln.-k.-.l -...,. h. i.. ...... . ...
c l cU,l"ml L,,uU,, a""" MUTl a""
tu.,,mUoi, ol M,,ril.lt.,.. mU.rniiv(?)
n,,,, .,,,.,. ilia unguarded mo.nent.'the
,,,, H,1( vtitTi ll(m ,U ,
u (l.u.r .,,, Uuk ltUvrtiV
i egg was abaiidoned lor another at.d
jiiiiieh smaller one that the phi loosteri
,, iirollB, . ,..., was Mopped,!
and that egg, so lull of pumiise, was
..i.tii i n . ... .
chilled. U, the stench that aioselr-.iti
.,,. jRh, , h ,,, .,,,,
i . :. . . . . i. .
It.pmiou, and eodreadlul wan it m the
nu-trlli. of the bantam, that would have
,. . ... . . . '
wurnuti it into Ule, that he now raiMh
,,,t''1 iceUunis cackle and devluiehl
.1 . . i .. . . '
that it certainly was not a political
"SB- l wt,h something else, he baldly
knows what; and the deluded incubator
very anxious to prove that he never
wt it "t all. The history of this
egg U a solemn warning to all foolish
bantams, never to attempt incubation
till they know what they are setting
till they know what thev are settiiiL' on.
i . " i.i
mifl ii., .-nr I.i nri.timil t.i l-nt.,1, ..-,. ..
........,..., ,....,
;., . n ...!..: i .,
"KB "m"'. "IS- lisuvrillllllllg wucilicr
...... ,. , , ,., ,
1 thn inil.li.t u-n.it tlu i-lii.-L'i-ii m-in. t I.
' ".:".
'".? il,'"'g "'iage of tho past, we
will only suggest :
" luki' tlmt haiilatii nT, lie' tattered,
Ami lilt fiutii. r mIiMj rc-iiUml,
Aim Iil ulll' '" darkly blue.
Tall and ulnpa cmnpli-t. ly ;lorcd
I niuit.it skinned rrnm At Uzard
U, poor cock t-doodlcdoot
JaOBKiivnu Oox, Jan. ".0th, 1809.
i n . oi i . I
A I uiuii Cirant Club was organized
under favorable auspices, last nlirht. '
T. , ". . " .
lion. J. i. Uatfion l'resident. and I.
L. Williams Secretary.
Tho snow is off in the valley; not
much stock died ; the weather is quite
chilly; roads better than before the
torm. , g
Political Glimpse.
The political atmosphere has l.era
so murky for somo time, that it was
necessary for our reporter to climb in
order to pierce the nether gloom. His
first report will bo interesting to our
many Democratic readers. Our man
climbed and beheld Fourteen Demo-
cratic Ktchniontls in tlie licui, noiimg
.... ;ii u...i.iiHi aiiii jih nr in viibii
over who p-uri-Hr-m "j " "-
to the call of their Convention. O,
what a snorting, ami oeiiouing, ami
pawing of the earth there was among
the herd I Tho sight was portentiousl
It was appalling 1 For several days
the enraged animals tried to oomer
or corral each othei, when by the nid
of certain oflleioiis "Warwicks" they
were all driven out to pasture but two
"the noblest Romans" of them all,
as slnpely and fairly matched as ever
tried tin ir mettle Saturday morning
enme, and comparative quiet reigned,
A litlh grumbling could still be heard,
but the insubordinates were driven in
under a itioiig guard to the "Captain's
olliee ," and made to settle. How the
"otlice" was crowded 1 There Mr lead-
er sat in state; a chalk line was drawn
across the apartment leading to the
I I. .1 ...I.1..I. . I..... 1 ...
umi-k ihhh, nnim uiiiiin.ni- n.u-
were made to walk with extraordinary
each, in histurii, pulped the dose,
iiim-uhii line, nun reu.e.i u.roug.i
the back door a meeker and a purer
... ., , Smillll.. ,...,.. .i....
.1 II I . ....'.1 .1 1!. !...!. I
"' '. :1,'.!" ", ,l"T. "' . "
uiciii ere inioipin. .uiinuny unwii
en, ami souiei mug wn
s in the wind,
tilling. 'J'eie
lor i m laiiiiiui were si
. . I. .. .
was "hurrying to ami iro; tnere was
i.usiness of pressing impoit; the left
wing of the town leader was seen to
llll. Milling 10 Mill Illisic in f.'lllls;ini-s (
execute ome very suspicions maneii-
vers, mid several onieriics were dis
patched to the outside precincts to
give the wires a little preliminary pull.
To us, down on the quid bosom of this
mundane sphere, all looks lovely; but
our man up the tico declares that theic
is any amount of "sheiianegan" going
on; and as he can M-e Inrther ihau we
can, we must take his word. Our
laithful reporter is still at his post, and
at the very moment of going to press,
u...... .t.... .t... t i.... t. ... .....
.. .. . .i.i
assure them that our iiniii up the tree, I
'viir "' lc l tl tight, can be coil
M,"'ml "" ""!'""'" "''ver.
I. O. G. T.
Al.rilA I.OI.GK.NO 1. 1.0. (J T.. HOLDS
ll ri-ciilur nii-vtliiL's mi Tm-dni rvriiinc
" riCi 'h. tin H'Mrict .-cl I lion--, in
I.OIint niH-na nt Tt o'clnck
IlKCItKI! li;iTIN"f:S tlio lil Tiir.ilur nfonrli
n.mith. rdir u.Uu-trnm.i.t i.r RllOI.II.NTK
All ini-mhrrs nf I lis Order In ettnil Mainline
urecorillully luvlt-nl tn prfviil
(J. W HOOItK. W. C. T.
J. It. Waiir.. S.x"'y.
Jscki-tu.vllli-, Kill eib. IHII8. fel8 If
I iMM.ilr. lit ll On.-., win i in..,,,
il n
H- Ph-rlfT- 0-Tle n-n.ly In r.-c.lr.lHI..itinl
" All u.vr..ot ,,nl,l .lihlii I'm, will I
cllrcinl l.j IpBb1 ,.r.icV-. .l I.-....I r.-rk rlmrR.
nl l'a "I' ""'" w-''' ';;'?
tr t CI.Vior.
JcknvHls. ivi., nib. m. MHiv,
Administrator's Wotice.
rp,,,-rsp,:,!f!If;NK F,Vf; M.Pn,XTFP
.' " l,r..'..ir.nn.,rtr..r f,..,.pM...r..,n.v
"" : "f n"'Vo ' th l'r -liv of J..t-..irv
r. Jsk A.l.ntiil.i.Hi.-r ..r tl tsti- of
r'.n,, iuM.t .w,!, ,.,.c . I..r..r
'" 'nsil jvrnitivlne cli.ImneBli.i .M
.'.ml.-. In nrr.-nt il.-m In m-. villi ihrn.s-p..
.",r.,'!,iTnW,,,'t'n'-x "I"""'!""" ''j
mill nil P"r.nn nwlnp r-slil mIIh srs rcin'rii"
' nmko imimi-m In m.-. at my r.I.l.iir-. nmr
VVu''" 'Vlllvn'".'. ., ,,. .
J " " l.tuKlt, Aiimli.UlrHtiir,
Fli-iiir;.il lKr.8 f.-i.s.w
Notice of Flnnl Settlement.
J nf On-coi, for llir countv ol Jnrknn,
In tlif msll.r o tliti ralfiin of lliith Ann
J.'I.PH1lrCfll-ll :
E E Onre l.avlnjr flli-it hl tipcmint ndmln
I'trntonif i.il.l r.tiiii.. pn.vlnit forsllnal -i-
tlrmenl or llir mm.-; llnTi-iore, nnllc l h-rc
. . ... .. " .. -
i.v L-.u-n in nil vvl.nm 11 mny fniiconi. that the
KM lir.,.r .,- n..lt,.ll.. III l. I i ....i
, . .-. .-i-.-.v.. ...., .r- .ir mm
' I'rmln.il lii ll... CnunlT Court nranlil cniinlv
on TiinrMinvv tl." Stli day of March, A II..
isiii in Hiurn tims nil pcr.nna hn Ue iilji-p.
Huns In Hit- final tlmi-nt ami arcnunt, mu-t
make the same Jt order of Ilia Court.
. , ... 'W H S HYDK Clrrk.
JackwinTllle. Pel.. Tilt. leC8. rellw
AnXfthe inn. . 'JJv i"1" eTBl,ei?n
r ,n,u,v''f "lu l'a"f reliruary, 18C8. Tlie
'"nrr tiachi-rs are cputinucd
JfnlS.V.n"-!!!? .re6u'"'"'. " Ultlon, bare
- ""'MTO J
If A fin nil (rru-.t Kul uaL. at,-. ...
Ii reapoiiallile for half a nuartsr'a tuition.
it.: ".' PIP" Roei oTer half a quarter.'
,bl)!r."-t..U rwPnlule for full tuition.' "'
u. Tuition, five dollar per quarter.
3. S. HOWARD, ) H
aaa"BiSK: D,rwt-
TV woHd popl of wn.t and judgunH hnt lnJ u
Pjmmta, with lit rmptrti.i. Ifnul, ritmFlh.-.
rtmUli Up., rw.l llrntli, Sallow Con.pl, oil j, "
liciirfJl7ttiKPu!TtiosHmu. s
TliU l Ihv t MCCf.!..! tonic nf th nn rM.
tnUMItMigrd fl, wrdtllKbtrd with rtett..
The first trlil fwrfrhfM nmltNf gmi HTkx,
Nnchanm'of.llfl li-s,rjr. Kal allfoawUli nf.v.
lt nn.l nu-t ti.lllO.Ssl. ' ".
It l Hip KTMlrst mr wr known for n ot .iln.,1) .
il.trrd nUniMh, whktv S ivRirM In fvw .i,riiv
W know that wr hat D lt and mit ramattr L
Icln In tlif wurl.l. W arr m afraM lo huw ), Tl
ctiupolu. u
I'.iTticitsa a cuartntp to stontrntis rr.
TuTt. Dili haa ln rrlrlmrlrf fnpnTrrtwnliaa.
ilrtsl )aar.aiHl wai kl ihirlnir. Oip rrltn nf Umuxil
Mnirnf I'raiK, fvr thr rnnrnmn. prVr rf ll ,n ,,,(,. ;
til a.lrnr. It I. mnaikalilr fr fj'lsis. Firm, wjU.
lins Cillatluti, Ac.
Curiam. ln. For tilarilira, Col If, !,
IM atinHacl. and Umplt.
IHsnutloKfDr lnrlamatlon of th Lclm atrftm,).
l ArTpctlont.
Ciiimiiwiii Fiowtni I'or enfr.l.lr.1 .llrr.ilon.
Lirtsnra fiawtu. Ammall, atlmulant anj loaJ,.
Mglil IlltlltiirallliK In lialViil.t.Millltjr,
WiiTiauas tnr Scnifula, lilirunwtl.m, It.
AMr An aroiuslle raniilntli crratlng ftnk, aw.
cl and milk nibJi u.isl lij ruotlirn nurtlug.
AIm, cluikudt, uraugv, cuawajr, curraudir, iiiU
rot, Ac.
An-illirrworul.INI Inmsllnt. of Si-snl.li isHtii Im.
rlln Usiitr to Id r.nlrilmi and liririanct un
mind. It jrrl unknown In li riminiiirrF f Hi. wnrld. aiu
w withhold It. namr fur I hi- rtnt
VTIIh this rrl. Is-forn th. r.Hnmiinll)r, and ild.nrM
f rITfTt. mrfllng tlirlu mi all .1.1... Or. .uirMi .4 in
tlallit .land, fmndisl .i.in llir nrk nf Irnlli. Almntl
ptrrT finilljr hi. uitmMnf.urTi.rliii; which tht 114X11.
T.os llimm will allnl.lr atsl r.ir.
Tlirt nrr rrinin.rinlnl hr Ilia hl(lit niMllral imKf.
tlw, ami ar warraninl lo pn.lnrannlmniMliiipWn.ldit
ltis-l, Ttn- ar tir-nllnjljr arrraMt, wifrili f,
and lutr.ntr.
Nont-an rtin frvln.llnc tn a.l lltnutlm tn.
I.r In I'till nr I't Hi. ration I. a .wlndlrr iivl imitator
It lpntii.imli In nt.r I-kiUii l.itila. llpnfMiM'
rrflllol with Imitation ilrl.tprpox rtiilT, fir aM-d wtrnl
a-r.on Mr alnsulr In ln Sr that rtrrjr l.aili hu
our l'tiltr.1 siatp. .tamp mrr llir risk unmatiu.r) Mt4
our tlenalur on atp.1 plain iliU liUI.
Sohl l.jr rr'issrtahlr duller, throughout Ilia UWuU.
r. ii. nn.iKi:, . ro., m Xmh nt Pwp'n.
EEDIMITIIV ,. nn Nnn frmriiro.
Thatntrlt.nf thl. Mnlnifiitarp writ known. HacfTxl
nn In.tantanpiai. M.litiar. an1 wunhiriil.
Cult, hruUp., .(iraln. and wplitiir.,Mrv common, a
cartaln Imarur in r.rr) fatullv. lint a l.ittleof thl. Lit
Im.llt I. tha lat lnir.tmr.lt that rnn ta mailr
ll I. tiiofr rartalu than IIip ihtor It .avra llm fi
ndlne fur thr tl sMia1 ll hi chaa.r than tha ductur, a
huuldliMar tajili.lo.ti.rd with,
KtiAi.Tin: roi.tjowi.m
"l takaidraanrrln rrcHimiandlnr lh Mrilran Sir.
ting Mnlnirtit a. a Talualdr and lnditiat I artictr f4
Sprain. Snrrs, Scralrlir., .if Oall. nt. Il.wara. (Htr aia
j J,,",'BJj'M l,,,'i.'i.',,r!,a!.'ir' 0i,wl:iIm"'"
.. .. ... ....... ii.ii. ...... u.i t. j..
uuica anil .lira .1 rrrianiiT ... a. rrnmnr i. wr.rr-
in.irriiiair ri.Brs.iisi..rii.ti.r.i:iir. uf u
J.T.Vv t IiIm' "'' t' "' """ "
Quick and aura It rrrtalnlr a, All rrnhlnr I. r.rr-l
' An r(rts1 lia t-rrn ma-lr Ii. rnubtrrfrlt ll lil.S a iLua
j .t.H.r-l-lAlr Ul-rl la-1 rl-artv.
I Sul-1 1-jr all IiniAtliti, ami Slnrra, at S3, Ml rtt awl tl.
It I. aril l..iin that l.inn'. flrnnlna Macsrllr lslri
lll i-rrfn-tlj ilr.ln-y rirrjililm In llir liaa uf tl.,
I irk a. l-mlliuirs, nnrlita. Arj llul 11 I. -rrfrrl ..utl U
Ilia lns-t ItlU. Inil rnt.rrljr liarmlrM tu Hit kuiuaa pa
ct, att-l il.-4nr.lk animal.
Ilr-ll-tif., Ant., ItiMi-lir.. rlt, atr In rrrry Ihui TIim
IS-ailrr 1. Ilialr natural lUatli, It il.but-1 U In rirtjruf
Jiiik I Itnm, l. ii-rniilr.i.lnit i-f lli Nrw fork
Ctt l.lt, vi). i " ll U tin vn mrt arlklf
r Uair rvi r umU"
M Vote ll-rrit 1-a'rairioa. aajr- "vr tv bm-I
lit ritrrntlnatiiig Inwcli and i.milu, aitb aatlrtMtla-tUcll.-o.
Cm 'WaK A t-Trrs.iv. A'lnr 1 1 nine.
S T, Ciimkss. Atmrlruit lloirl
A Ik Mil ,t Tlirlaimi.l.u Pt Nlchola HnltL
8. t.KlaM. .V Cl. ,flllKil lull llntrl."
TMllninnr of Oil. rliaractrr nilslit t I'M"! lo
Irnctli, Wlirtrtrr II Uumlli a-lirrtlrrallMlf.
Tlir E'tinllir liaa llir .lnllirr of ' l-TOH, an-l IU
l-rtia.r lar.i- uf UM luaaia I Co, AnjMft w
nf thl. kl.rl I. an linltatliai i-r mm trrfrlt Am )!
Bl.l aill iru tit Ikr crnulur If )uu lini.l i-.ulllU'
li- i.lh.r.
N-l-l I-r all ilriimriata aial jMirr-il .l.rk-KTi la iin;
tuanau-1 lulnli-e tiii--hi tl-r l-atlltc Ciawl.
I li -a.j IJ
'PIIK I.ADir.S OK J.'K-?'WII.I.E ''
1 kIvc n U... Yiur C.illr.. lull. t '',
l.uU' Hall nu tin' i-vi'iilmr of Krliriiarv J'lJ'.
IHI18 to h l.li I. hII Ml.-a nml L-nlli-ini'M nl Jack'
niivllli- iki-.l lla- vlrlullv art- ht-r. hj kx-IuII !"
rii.il Tivk'-lr. atiim-li
I'riM'i-iili.. in i-crr nl r.'i-ni In Im api'll
In Ihr piirvliaH! i.r a Ml fr thn OUirlui fecbool
!r Hi- Comiiililri. on luvllsilon.
Jncknnifle. Jnu'y amh, I8HH. fcll-U
THo 'Vo'U.xidlz-rzxxoxi.
Cunibtrlawl am) UI-I4I. COAL auJ 110 inOX
1.000 Tout
In Blora anil Atluat, fur aala l-r
4U aud J1J l-aclnc Bt, Dan rin;'
Metice to Deliaqmeats !
X lhor who are lixltl.l.il in M lr wst'
riullliliiK. lo cutu" rurwanl ami make (ja-ftufOl.
I uiutt have money ; uiiuuImii don't J
obllgatluua. An early acltk-ntunt uiuit hcaa.
Let out) call be tuMcli-ut, . . ...
Jackaonvllle, Jan. 8th, 1668. Jatill-
pottltlvcly pay .by the Or;! ly ft J"'''
nut, A aettlcment or note U not weal
want. We want the mouey due us, o Vr
aoas owog ni taoit noslllelT pay up.
' ' Qumi(, mvu oo.
Nov, , 1867. jtPT'